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DAOKTA 1 MiWS 'NOTMS. i he kiri.wootl house Was it new ho tel u]»ened out month ago, al Carring ton and cost $2C»,O0(. It was entirely destroyed hv fire together with AlcUer mott ^Smith's saloon. One room of the Kirkwood house whs oecumed bv the Bank ofCarringt )n and Urouhart A At 'l estate office. ac. Ludwig Ivr u-e. a i i:i landman of some note in his own coun try, is in Mitchell to look up land for hims'df and a colony offline forty fam ilies of his icina *e, who will come whe,. he has found lands and a desirable ooijTitry and location. attachments have been issv: t." district court at Mitchell agah. i. i '-:d Co.. jobbing merchants "f Car- Dak., in favor of J. Oberfelder Kmmerson, Sherman Co.. Mey ers, ficc vV Co., J. 1'Vrnauer HP ?., the Hun/deger Tobacco company, and Pre i,!) A IviinH, The in :iil, rt Yates Correspond onde His ma re k s -me: Mr. Bacon of Poplar lliver, M. i., ..rrived at Standing Hock agency in pursuit of Black Cattish and his fol lowers, About oW Yanktonia Indian lane recently arrived from the Poplar liiver agency, many of whom are well armed and vehemently declare they will not return to their reservation. In con versation with a gentleman at the agen cy Black Cattish said the Indians were dissatisfied wit to the present administra tion at the Popular River arctic v. and that many of the Indians made several ineffectual attempts to run away before. Devil's Lake Inter-Ocean: Nineteen timber Ituie ntries w .re made at the land'ofhee, representing J.'!,040 acres of land. Deducting the live acres required to be planted in trees on each clmim, we have acres to which the prelimina ry* step to title was taken in one day, which will produce at least twenty bushels of No. 1 hard wheat to the acre —au aggregate of nearly 50,000 bushels, which at *0 cents per bushel would amount to IS,()i)0. And yet there re main from :,()( to 4.000 tree claims to be taken in this land district. Annie Dully and Maggie Nelson, two Sioux Falls hotel waitresses, had an amateur prize fight to settle a disagree ment. Miss Dully knocking out her op ponent. Bradstreets* St. Paul a*enev has re ceived advice of an assignment to Thom as W. Cansby of V. Shreck, harness dealer, Bismarck, Dak. Shreck's assets are given at $1,730, and his liabilities as The cause of his trouble is said to have been management. The "treasure coach" from Deadwood to Pierre makes two trips a month, car rying o0,000 each time at a cost of $000. The gold is in 150-pound bncks locked in a strong safe, llobbeis tould hardly get off with such heavy bri ks, if they could open the safe. The La Moure Chronicle says that a gang of thieves has had its headquarters in the Bear Creek region of that county for "some time past, and stolen horses and wheat which they concealed in ca\es and underground stables. A stolen team was not long since found in one of these. A man named McCann hus 'has been arrested charged with stealing "00 bushels of wheat more tiniH he raised, and bound over for "trial in $•"1X1 bail. New York Herald: The consecration of the Uev. William I.. Walker as mis isonary bishop to Dakota will take place in Calvary Protestant Kpiscoyal church on the L'oth inst., at 11 a.m. The ser mon will be preached by the Bight Rev. Bishop Cope of the diocese of Western New York. The Bight Rev. Bishops Henry C. Potter of this diocese, Thomas SI. Clarke of the diocese of Rhode Island, and Robert N. Clarkson of the diocese of Nebraska, will also take part in the cer emony. The musical part of the service will be given by the students of the General Theological seminary. J. McClung, one of the principal wit nesses in the Marquis de More's trial, and now engaged in the carpentry busi ness at Little Missouri, was returning to his home near what is known as the Cantonment, when he was fired at by au unknown party. A similar attempt on the life of Mr. McClung was made about nine days ago in the immediate vicinity. Rev. Isaac M.Fry, the Congregational minister who absconded from Yalley City some weeks ago, has been anpre hened in Ohio and will be returned to I akota. Mans Johnson and Chris Alsted, two of the parties accused of the murder in Pembina some time ago of the vo ng Archer, and were admitted to bail'to the next term of the district court, have skipped their bail. William Harding came yille. HI., three years ago consisted of the parents, sons and one daughter. poor, a«d iiad scarcely money enough to emigrate here, put up a shanty and buy the bare necessaries of living for a short time. They all entered land, and now the family has over ::,000 fertile acres in Hutchinson county, which is estimated to be worth in the aggregate over $40, 000. from Belle The family seven grown They were Washington Special —Hon. James M. Tyaer of Indiana, who spent the sum mer seasq^i in Dakota, is in the city. He fipeaks in the most glowing terms of Da kota, whose future lie thinks is very promising. He says emigration to that territory has been unparalleled, and will continue uninlei ruptedly until every acre of cultivated land "is taken. He thinks tiie territory should be divided before admission into the Cnion, but that the proposition to divide will be an ob stacle to admission, and that it final! v will be admitted as one state, William Bough has been arrested for Belling liquor on the Leech Lake reser vation. MAN(.} 1 THEB IBV'S ST lv I V Hang up the baby's stocking, Be sure you don't forget, Tfi« doit little dimpled darling, He never saw Christinas yet But I've to'd him nil abjut it. And he opened his big blue ey And I'm sure he nncterstan'i He looks so funny and a Dear! what a tiny stockin.' It does'nt take much to .-Id Su piuk tees as Da by's Away from irojt and co. i. Hut then, for baby's Chri:1 It will never do at all Why, Santa wouldn't toe Ioot:n:' For anything half'so sruall. know what we'll do for the ba* 1 thought of the very he-t pH: I'll borrow a M.-okimf of !iandn a The largest t!mt ever I err And we'll hang :i by tp:n«\ Right herein the corner, And write a letter to Santa. And fasten it in the toe. Write: "This is fh« baby*. That bangs in toe corner here You never have veen i i bin. ^uila For he oniy cuns t'l.s year But he's j'.ntYi:-" baby And now, before you no, Just cram his stoctm with ,*00 h:\uu soi clear dow. 1: f'h om St. Nichr/:.-! lO every gir a:. .• America, South Ami Africa and .Australia My Dear, D,»»ir l"r what a "club" K? I hear your an?wo: all the ciiiis an i hill. the sea bre-ze bring from the count "You i et ah you have a pn ndviii and i.ui so much to join, and vol.', an Yes, that is it uh" is. Now I wa.i —a (rue "tub—n She wondered if in those houses would go up that wild shout of glee, those ring ing hurrahs and joyous clapping of hands she had so often heard. And as she wondered, she shook her head ,-ad ly,saying: "They have never known these pleas ures, they never will, unless—oh! unless somebody remembers •hem. Why can't something be done? I would work, but, one peison can do so little alone. I want a hundred helpers -where shall I find them?" She thought intcntlv 1 1 want the th 1 :. i ,1. 1 .ml ir a\* eopie vou all know what a ery propei •nd thor- ougiily organized club, eleven months old and you may believe every word, 1 or it all happened right here, in Port land, Maine, less than a'year ago. On Sunday December 10, 1^82, a lady s tting in a warm, cozy room, w.bile the wind whistled about the house, rattling the windows, and piiiag the snow iiakes in deep dri.'ts across the steps and against the fences, was thinking of the houses up on The Hill and down at Gorham's Corner, and in Salem Lane, which had no steam radiators, no glowing grates, no double windows to keep out the? searching winter winds. She thought, too, of the little children in those houses ami. as it was Decem ler, of the joyou day coming so soon the day for giving gifts to al! the world over—and wondered if in those houses little bare feet would spring out of bed, and dance across the chimneys in the dim dawn of Christina* morning if numb, bhiejfingers would eagerly snatch down shabby, faded stci kings and iind that St. Nicholas had really been there: if, later on, fathers and mothers, with brothers and sisters, and babies in th:iir high-chairs. 'Tor just this one day," would come gadlv around dinner tables, where plump Christmas Turkeys lay at one end, and pltun puddings were ready for the other and huge stacks of oranges, nuts and apples rose in the middle and if, in the evening there would he great mysterios in the parlors, a fragrance of spruce, an exciting rustling of paper parcels, mothers slipping slyly i u and out of doors with hands hidden behind them, a »enerui scurrying about -md then all eyes dazzled by a hur.die I twink ling candles caught in the branches of a grace 1 ill tree laden with toys. 1 few mo ments, and then cried: I ki ovi The children will do it, tne Portland chil dren those who have happy nonies and Christmas-trees, and play rooms full of toys. They will load a Christmas-tree as one was never loaded befone they will spread a Christmas dinner which cannot be eaten in one day thev will do it—the warm-hearted,generous Portland children." The bells from all the churches were ringing for Sunday-school. That was the time—that was the place to Iind the children. A number of notes were writ ten, asking two or more girls and bovs from every Sunday-school 111 the city to meet at that house at live o'clock, on the following Thursday afternoon. Did they come? Come? They did not know what the call was for, save for a whisper about Christmas work but they came came in pairs, in trios'in quartets and quin tets—a whole squab from the Butler school big boys with big hearts, wee tots only four years old from the kin dergarten— one hundred children readv for anvthing, Oh, I wisii you could have been there at the forming of that club! A lady came forward to speak to them and their voices were hushed in expec tation. I can't tell you just what she said, but her words were beautiful. She spoke oft heir Christmas festivities every year, of their presents audtheii mends then of the unfortunate children who hud fewer, some none of these .joys. When she asked: "Does anv one here tnvthing for these others?"' that they could doanvthii ivas new' to almost nil—te "ei"v "von the 1 wish was new: but Hkt 11 rb came their answer !-v. i' I' I! I want to i r« 1 what can y ... aid thsu or anothi atnrk nnini: 1 clival of ftiino kind !».ad ol cart»Iy dv^-str aveano', whenever pr: 'K)d repair ail outgroxMi I lothing from any source. he ks-vstouo of 'hi» i i i i v e o a y e v outs, and to make .• i I .he Citv H:'! .-1 'I Men !.:!•' It!'' i 1 -o-'l uit!i the idea the cnu*f imih.- houid he grown per^Mis. Ilis ho mayor of Portland elected :dent of the Children's Chris!,1 c. Gforgn Was! Vo -:rc corohllv iuwi-cd '.'ipistinas Festival, At City Hall, Thursday, 2 [, in. 1 Other.-, ladic* and gentlem 1 ihoj-eii lor vice presidei.:, tree. letary, e\e'Utivit eouinji The children then ditj»--! a-a,n on Saturday, at .• caturday •i •. nd aim pay morning tiro-tghi to first a meetiijjF of grown per.--. oilcred thoir stroii-.-er hand heads and deeper pur-es in the work the hildren had undertaken: but agreed that all that children c..uM do slmiiht i»" It to them. And a great i o Mrm, who stuod ready 1.1 i!i* grouud to give of their strength, w)\ quietly inclosed their wihing contiihu tions to the executive commute "witlj best wishes for the Children's 1 ~i .na» Club." Instead of one hundred cnidren, three hundred came to Keception hall, eager to join the club. After addresses by tiie president and other*. hildren's committees were appoint! 1, and their work explained to them. As the children missed out in single lile, each was re gistered. and received from the secret iry a card of member ship. as f.. .vs: Card nt 3'. :,.-r hio. 1882. CHRISTMAS. "Kreel iiave received, C. 0. rtify truii Ah ltd a i,f This is liars is end tn :Mh, a? Let us skip the busy days of pi i ar aliom when the secretary of t' 'd1 dten's Christmas Club recorded twelve hundred namt-s when the Park street iiooi sent in the names of one hun dred members who brought to their teacher hooks, tovs and clothing, to h" sent, to the City Hall when comfortablv pad children eirne through the c'o'v bringing in their sleigh*, on their sled* their arms bundles of clothing and toys, baskets of urovisions, books, sloths, skates—much that was dear them, given in the spirit, of true char- One child could brin«» "only a plate of osci.its, another a dozen apple? fur the dinner one hud no toys at home, out brougnt a live-cent piecf she had treasured "to buy sornethin' for so tin '»n uttle [eller that hasn't nothinV one took all her money and brought to liei unday school teacher a pahited candy bird-ca^e, and said, "I want if to me "ll tr0C tor Eome ,hl"r P°orer']i And how were the children invited those children who were to be the quests o: the club? Six hundred invitations were printed An invitation committee was formed to MSiTimute these invitation* with th* greatest care to persons who would be responsible for every ticket that is they gave no invitation to any child without knowing the parents or some- of the recipient's history, and wilting the child s name on the front of back" UlUl name on the .,.1'!.ee ,^ys before the festival little 'guests" could come to the clothing room, and from the donations made by the "members" receive boots' snoes dresses, hoods, trousers and inck ets—whatever they needed to present festival °rlerly appearance at the Let us look into the city hall at half past one on the afternooJ of'IIolv^In nocent s day, December Thirty long tables areloaded with all that makes Christmas dinners the best in tiie vear. Ten plates are iaid at emrh 1.0^0 t'tbies. A lady is standing ii 01 c, ry table a meuii cither side as'_'vva 1:,,1' mi gu»wt !:"'ks anything i :i .terooi, Ii: reception :n sisting lii'teen hoyr fifteen gu H, O direction gentleman v 1 ii.-entt'd io chaiye o*'tl .• v.\il be arri kmgdowil the broad siair.-a^e, we se lower hall hiled with children, cage, ut.turned faces are -reward one lias enterei a a line of faces. 1. -,:d "Aith heuihb* haii sinc.oth te-da 1 scriihbi d: no nai no (h^ o'der, as ra and the qu ck cvcm lake in t'.ie heat the hristmas gailands, the tow ?n e. i.d, i'l-st (d'ali, the good will adiating from every fat" '1 ng therpreseiiH sent o ib,II, ha:ldS'i'ti"!v i was pinned till- "If there is anv ,i' this the li: nr ran lot und ig!i tl. leanii: ind e\ •e.-tau' uiusiciars 1: and"a dr Mplc* of fill After that .1 .• back to that tv. i •ighty-tvvo yeai.x ind cruel King Herod •ree^hat ever\ child •. :e( old sh mid be put to {eat and m.- i:\e c.itioners went Jorth and siaugiihtred every one: but the Mttle Chri-t-ciuld »vas haved. Save for what? To live to leach peopleihatlittlechildreiiare precious a tnesr lteavenly l-atber, and tha* every K:tle child is somethina: will live forever—the price oi abo\e rubies. lhe band then played gayly, and the guests woo had waited so patientlv and respectfully were, invited to partake yf the feast. 1 very plate had previously filled with a generous ,.p y of turkey •'ideken, and every table had an Jie boy who put aside, in a 1 i11 oes'de hi* plate, the nicest, part •ryUiing gi\en bun. When a*kei lil no: want to eat that, looke I •v. saving, "Please mav 1 ca:: v orne to iwotb-M Sh"'s sick a: mar Wheie. were the -t tagv-r lace.' •iinong the "members" in tin gallery of :he "guests" ahi.ut the bail? Which were the happier? I think there was n-. difFerence, for wneu our hearts are t'u! to the brim with joy, they can hold no more, and if •"'•reams and peals of laughter, and onick clapping of hand.-, mean joyousness, they were both as happv as thev ciuld There wa? so much to enjoy! A little j»jr] recited beautifullv "'Twas the night, before Christmas a queer bo. 1 by-horse as large as lift, curveted and pranced about the ball, taking lri-dit at, e\ej.\ t.nng, and convulsing the'iiouse with .ughter a» he waltzed in time with ne usic, some gentlemen sang funnv song* am. tmd the most amusing stories and suddenlv who „hould appear but •y.ta I laus hiinsell. He was "clothed all ill lit from his laud to his feet," and carried on 1m back a pack containing fci\ hundred bags of candy. As the sunlight faded, *a tiny ray sud denly flashed fmm the highest --ioh !.nS'ISl|!iaS tre?' ttn'1 trwitnn 1% weuVm-)U1TrU chorus b!! w,L 2sth, the'mo^t f,!11" -v ^01 children's least i he I'allety is reserved for those' mem ijew ot the club who have no work to do •hrnng that afternoon. Hut besides these, no other spectators are admitted to the hall no grown persons, extent he committees who are to assist duruU the festival in various ways. The stage suppoits a lofty tree, decorated that noming by the members, while, on hiblts behind, are heaped present fr,r ni'"11!1 ff children. Around the edw of the ha 1, settees have beeigdaced for foe guests, while the enthlcenter is conted into a (l.inoiny hall a a nU1 1 sol ImmV I®1! 0 a,rc the which Arv'alUoo'Vh,^ angesar»* slinJ, pai-lijiws *fli« their Imn'k I tins closes tho \u, JjOoking niv little later, I i PT4 ^en»!em7 u '-clous of time crln*11 'here, with a do! i ably—tight I v 1, '., r4,1 tks v,)! Ml niitl ev.-rv. SX'iud diinut, 01 chur?l the ni uinj late. i 1 u h.i'i e takes )ung con^le call, 'iniU'ii in e the gr^Ke et, l.andet Wbf at h' oiei' re:i n:y hail |,..Hrir. tak)!:g u iiiifr, !. Mr. A. ,i'i i Mr, mtui it is Ak mm .r.j i .t »Ihtiff red #,nn V.'im? it« «r i It m,'- •, iitjttl lia veur.. i uiirt, vrj if li.i,'e ..c I 'ell da! ..c says womii •I. '(it.- as !(,!'«, in u' Wiiiriii e \V'"*r did yoii mm wa'n Froi:. 1 and not bin •. wiii Ijia rhups a more extrior never heard of that i f-tirn Venice 11 out, took their observed to Si r. il-iiof dies I.ido 11 a fail ing source of ham, tongue, pickles, cake and pie, and for nearly au hour the !:i le hosts and hostesses served their guests before conducting them to the etiees awaiting them. ou can judge best whether 'be din uer was apprec'.-ifed, bv niv '. •, vou one little tnrl who, wr.eii asked if sh I ^referred chicken or turkey, replied, i I aiu never tasted chicken and of o w n :i.e: I •, and .'m 1 1. 1 ssnaat! s*AliV Tf. moth"' aie it I ••en rei Italia: i'-." ii I- 1 pile •f v if slie shy that hurrali fitriUn o{ musi(: came, S00U h',vdllI)K "Prai«» God,from whom all blessing flow v 1, 11 ,1 rwsenls rU U)is tn'e where"no'w iate- Ilie'lt In-u.d ling While the children naiiid i their seats, th di-appeur as :i bv magic, eady bunds, leaving the .,tr ,o games and amusements. ortv tables ht !'V retuit a fris waite voice cued, Ob, Bessev, see the star!" Then another and another |i,d,t he ^!'a,c'fal Ohristmns IHii fr,,"shgured, all agle.un with A pretty device had been totiearaon« he branches "sun-bo^s," as minors' n W^re'iWl1'' -an1 V10 wee one tiu a hnndr A (piiet awe had rested upon the chil dren as they watched the stars crpen out. lull as a flood of light burst npoi, time-' Uble s hi,1i l,i w each rank ot twen»v ih led by the hosts, who have so clmlVaPv Cp thf'n^YV liT'^h ,tie s eps'aMh/Jr'i f?(!M V10 1 at the expense I taring the a reixlezvoust the wi!nt-w"i. At 1^' rived, radiant witU if he badVajduredMtowii Your ilair is nnaii.'"'. in one hour v*itii tti'H' l»ace--. I had a g.».id d.-'-a get consent to thethrrf would not heiifVi! itiih lighted.'' Forfimato.y.^* Hturrel was amicably se'»{!l Lord S ickvilie, lrotber Minister at V.'a-liin^'n, o Cceiit old Imiisii .xvlioperoi acres. 1:. oari csilh'il ks eii'^ak a Mnail t«avn in mad- have of late Y'f in ball'an hour t,.r.-f..l.l see the bouse. 1 la such a nui.-Hiice u"1'1 J'" longer allow it to oe Sevenoaks hotel who have mainly lived ed its e\hibition a theirs, are fiuioiiH. -d in which the wrUtffriJ catches tire be doubts got in Sevenoaks to (Jovernor Terrazas. 0 having commi^si*'!'®^ of the foothills of ,he come for breoeli-l«adif^ thousand cartridges y oaildles e8'^, pose of crushing, •''.nVfr the Apaches and all dians of the word be sent to alM the Territories oiJ Mexico to .join the rn^J State, declaring tlift- ,*it (be pre^ium o^.^,, and the plunder ana captured amniuniti''", Wlien Kc-n..t..r Ijoint- in Kootlnnd, i'1 ling through the b*11 (schoolmate, "V"'"1" Honald?" he Paid to Donald, "1 don't kD0« I caught a six-poiin1 the frith, and ftl'lcrnoon. at,ll( k:ftof stage line dnwn ll I s at thr right, and out into the dru*. mub rooms, and then home. 1 bejame child whom we saw win.™ in, tl«*d.lUent f.? a e e a e s n n u tears can kee hack But even this is not all the V!Cy 'ne a pair o' skates1" or after titer hsS thai before somt'dn don't know .\°"rLr^" either John Mcl ljr'v0#y bi rty years ago»e- *»»mr "Now which is cried the Heiiat-01 te jj "Weel, .limnne, -J. Americans aregoii^ ,g the House ofleel& nlj along lioinw the" ad «e 1 An American lord Scotch sahiio'i Two car-loud. ofbl*„ their way to JO® jdantafion,