Newspaper Page Text
?'f 1 Ciinieii D1HKCTOH.Y. CATHOLIC—Rev. Father Herim-iinc, Priest, Ven ire at Bin Stone, December 23d. ilass at 10 (Vlo''k. Service in Milbank, December ^sth Services Jfc.(il»- ^hakop-e Flour the feed store. 'er a 1 I 4aa Mass at 10 oclock. Mrtlioili.-t.—Services in St. Charles hall evorv Sunday at W::M) a in, and at 7:dU m. Sundav sellout immediately after morning service. Class meetings immediately alter evening servire. 1'raver meetings Wednes day TaiO m. Rev. .1. II. Mnneis, pastor. (I HUM AN K V A N(iK hi(.' A L-- Rev. Ph. Laux, 'asttu. la: a. and 8 tn. ni. p. Suiwl.n'li'Mil i 111. Prayer meeting! every \Veli es iav evening at s o'ul «tk. I (IKK.VAN M1:T!KU)IST.—Sunday, July! 1st at Mia. m. in school house, and every third Sundsiv theroaitpr, Sunday school overv Sunday M.t a. m. Pntver meeting M-i'iv Thursday evening at w ]. m. Kev. Conrad KohlhasSe, Pastor. 1. O. O. F. i-:i. !.:i i. No. 34, o. o. !i.«t rejiuiaily every Tuesday evennij: at Mi'clork in'their ha!!, tt. Charles iihx:k. Visiting Inother.- cordiallv invited. .!No. A. MUXKO, y.!. ,). .I. STKVKSSOK, ^E, i»:a v. iiii-K. I', .v I. division C., M. St. Railroad. Cioinn Hast (ioinq West Passoignr :iiu 5:.'5U a ii&$eni er H:lU pin 5"i0 Market lienor:-.. No. 1 hard No.'J hard N O A S POTATOK JJUTTKI 'I'akc Notice. i .!•:, ,ndehte«l lo i s v, iii save ]n pt-r eeiit. iuli i''st for three months, by .settling bi-itn'e .Jan. 1st. After that date, ill accounts and interest on iil'l (lei. 1st. Will be c,«ilect« same at OF, UKHT.Kll & II i Kit. ilwavs .•:i liand Peek's i!ad lioy and his Pa's., ci i.iti.-., nicklo apiece, at W. DeNoyeiles. Tiio. CJrant County Headquarters v.:!: open a new stock oi Dry i'ods -i i week tor the Holiday trade. cloaks and Dolmans at per at. 10 l'- s than regular price, for cash, in order to close- out the stock. Oeliler 11 uss'T. Vnaw iiii :-]nes jtisS. r't". i\ed a'. ^IcVf.iiawii 6. Congress has adjourned ferine holi day s. Dr. Lane was atti nding biii v.- ?s in 1: burg yesterday. That spi'cial assortment of (Hold 1 .-events alDcXoyclies' is really worth i ing. W. i\ Hoar of (iariiehl renewed his ii.legiance to I line of c'hrlstm is jeweir IUJ V, DeNoeJ]es is just tin- jdaee. Lost- On or about, the mill-pond ten :,ivs ago. oue-iiall of a moss-ag.ile and j.old collar button. The ,-.ame will be thankfully received at this as js part of a valued present. Ieo. Sciiiuiii purposes siarting a •j-:vi'Miasiuin. \S'!atI fun lor tin- hoys! f- iiiging dunib-b(di. Indian clubs, turning the ar. e. i s t: •'. i. i t'Xereise that i iatrlev Tunt-VI, j4.ur laitoful mi Her, •. taken his Ibght to scenes of eai'iy to spend tiie holidays. No man .it llig Stone is more to be trusted or j.' h'e attentive to business than Char- tiazeoij i e n u:. 11 e leys na\'e i j« /e' Ci",h. ii '..t I i ea!(juari s. .: ks like id ji e =. Ii urrah Last 'i'utsdav's A? uuea]iolis daily '.•i ctu'ded th*' e.rnval at the Nicollet ut P. yjionitv and wiie. Stone v. o 4i',\ eo'ilj'-le wer-' oa j:•, i w to r-outhern Jlhiiois on a V at to parental lireshles. for thMioh riMii 4 .tun heatihg Munro & Writer's display "ad" Holiday goods which first appeared lust week and still continues, is only a fair index of the, emHcss variety of things to Uj found in that overstock?'! emporium of nice presents. Mr. "Win. Kohson, foreman of Charles Betelier's mills, lied Wing, Minn., and father of Mrs. II. .1. Me (tiverin of tins piacr, is paying Jlisj Ntnnv and vicinity his [irst visit. He is highly pleased with our surround ings and advantageous location. It will lie remembered 1ns son Charles not long since borght a farm in this adjacency. Perhaps, by way of ex cuse* the father might, come out here permanently to l-nk alter his chil dren. W. 3eNoyelles has just received a costly quantity of Christmas and New Year's gilts. Choose your presents. SEASON AliLE (lOOI)S and SER VICE ALL PliESEXTS -in great r.bundance at Charles Hetcher's hard ware store, at greatly reduced prices iv close out same. If you want to se Holiday Dry Good. son's. 80 !ed IIKI:ALI, TUP noLwith-|jliuilt .siandin^ the acconijianymg storm. I .each !i Xoek jfiniinl the public v. ith a neat, new "ad" this weei that t! ey are still to the Hunt in liie lum 1 business. ^biarterly meet i m" th" Ilv.mgel-(best '. m. c'ur.rc.h begins this evening and ii i ini:s over Saobath. Presiding 1.• KiioluT will be jiresent. Whitford's generous looking .Md.cnance was uunsuallylieaming as jse passed a: u-nd the e -.i .-. TiU'Silav -Morning. s.-uebod was a «M i.C.r ijrl sleigh-ride id tl-.e seasnw lakea iestcnlay. bciiuid e\ s. uit"e Munro's span'.'.ing bays. Tuough ^iiow is rather sparse the ride was i-xcjuiig ami thorotiyhl enjo} a fine display id' cull at Stf1 ii- Students of the t'rlcnvilic II: School. assiste%d by home talent, will I give an entertainment in Ort.on's Op era House.this evening. It is the last of a serirs with the ri ceipts id' wh'nh .t large bell, an encyclopedia and geo metric solids have been beagiii ior ,. use of the school. Presents for the Christmas tree can be. left Saturday afternoon at the hardware store, or all day Monday at the hall. Everyone who desires to give gifts to friends should feel free to bring them in. The evening pro igram will begin promptly at o o'clock introduced by a short literary treat, after winch the presents will be dis tributed. The Powers-Barnes laud confer.: Watertown the past week, has ex-1at. cised the minds, and bodie too. of some of the, people in the Kilhouru neighborhood, many of them being taken over to that city of strife as witnesses. The events connected with the beginning of this contest were of a serious nature and well known to the people of this county. Many will be ple-ived to Ivr.- t!n ??. Powers is likt-i to reeo\ i .:. lost claim. i Two thousand bushels of oats wa'it- at J. J. Stevenson's. Will pay casli or trade. The Ion established 1:: 1 u.».• ... •lumber iirui of Wood j!r.,.. oi. ut jvilie, will move their Im-diiess lo bank at an early date. Thdr fxpeii euced tinsmith. Mr. Notion, has engaged as Li.u'eniau of Ciiarle.i l»et-a i-r's i11 11oj» oi this ])iacv. and will '•move his family hither as so .: a- a^. available house can lie fonnu crowded town. Mr. N. will be a v. thv acquisition, especiaiiy to our ti e'. as he is lirst-class workman and up a large pennum-nr patrrma.',' for himself on his own ruerits as a m jchanic. No more fortun'ite --eie'-tii.a I could have been n.a o- a' .v- '.-•:i he is to occupy. v Oeliler it Ifusser.- i 1 ,:. ,v Hini-e ''-ing Machine, on- iieajK.-,. and most durable m. tai: li.e i market. v ai'i: iiiijijiji to aiiiior.'i' luai n have sccured l!i(* servi- of i„ A Norton as tinner in our sii• •. lie has been in tic.* employ ol' H'n :d I:: Ortonville for over tiir. yea 1.-, favorably known bv th* peup'.i-.n toll(** (L'a !i' a! I iC 'i i i 11" ties, both a aaa a ine.-lunnc. Caas. iiKTt .: S.its rary Etepublic.?' "Kilty millions of people, iai Cools." was Carh ic's pointed v. .tv .ii piitting it. '1 he now hililiantly lui Literary ,lte voluuiui—woad, a \v montiis ago vas supiius^.d i permanently d'.»o'H'*d .-iea, AWI.INS .N»i 1 ILL-.NKL \'AI i'rcJiidi LiieratiKi','" vniuiiii.'S, ili.»ut lr,»m ...rti u iji.i,•'!'m i..,. I The eaadnidic i Vore for those ji will take lo. eiel !. Tile 1 o.'. I Hooks 11'J i ot jdurtn. ttie jieM t' i iti.-v staieii. :a!vaui:e. Ton I ami ne n .j. noos -. I lio'ii Wjpe o\ en, l^.il\Cl.. ST tL'anite iron Tea and Coff.-e pots, Sii ver-plated knives, forks and spoons, handsome hanging, bracket, student aad table lamps, Mi's, pott's llal-irwns, skates. A-e.. ,'vc.. At JiMTCIJKi:'-. v v i o u s U o u a s i s s u e the tlu rmometer ranged from 'u to lio 'a-grees above zero and tiie air lelt as jiiiid -s springtime 1ml a change .has come over the spiritof ow/Jreams i!iis week and the mercury has fallen .»o 21 behw in one instance, Wedne. jnl with slight snow. 1-- ^lay iiKuning. Weather is dry and .k I opposite, that jicopj'a are r» loois. but that Hi1 y wanti..) b. ratlier than tra-... ..iid the ai.-i.u Hepublie" js tie- ult. 1.. ,iimi!. i?) a voter. Uaiiu'.,- the eh'cib u ate lo be east (by card], :elo: January 1, lsv4. i flefor (il cut Alolial'i.'li ICS til-. .Mnaeijt i.l.'^ii-i Woiid. "!n tia."« lai^e i .'it vnlmajs, ai.nat •J/iH i ja^es, wi'.h pr-tM"?- aid lim: ill.i-iira tJDli?!. i'rictt redll. ir-iir: t) d'taoT. t* Joji.v licsKJX. a..1: l\ajite -s'-' an 1 -S»U«u Veiih.'. in liaudsnuii' ol trjino. Vulumi.'n, :i'./• .,. .... I ',v xlii i. u.-nratiyUfi. I'l-i-.: aa.'ed i. ..i t"« i KWrrr.- ••Jfisn-ry nl i'.-s AMI trom Uie eariie-it i-i T/ansl Inmi li.e i,r.'iua.u.t.m.-r, Hi.4 'rcni. I'rm.i.syjy iliustr-'Ui:.!. iive Jiti'tje i'oia ne •, ali nU i.'iij pa ru e reduced lrniii tu a. IK •''L'j\n[i!t-te jlisf in 'Wu l.i.'^e T: .1 '''S. IVi.e ttlixcd farm Ii**. It has been the history of all wcjd ern States that the iirst crops usually raised as a specialty, has been wheat and many men have trom this alone become wealthy, and while a kota stands secontl to no wheat ing country in America, and winie )ier statistics show that she hr.s pro duced more bushels lrum the satn mimber of acres than any other state territory, we would still advocate another process ot tanning than laisc ing wheat alone. While, as stated before, many men have made large stuns of money by raising wheal, 11it class of men who have been most uni-, vcrsiilly successful arc tlio nii#ussoif- or .V ike -hould led be a.\iag. Nolle bul the In b",'. pastry. Never use fre.-a the siiiae cake. Ii is hard to whip ^•iTgs .stui in a warm n lii'th piaiiiing 'iid ca •. a."i owU as mixei a nutter and sugar ..doing the other ingie Ail kinds of eake are :tlg Llic VV«i11. and .o",.-, i iiudy. u have raised, each season, an nient of small and coarse grain in con nection with stock of every descnp tion. It is true that men cannot raise stock without a little capital, yet a: man can save what ho docs raise and it: will soon tjrow into a large held so that in the course ol ten years an) -THE man. though his means be very much limited,,can be the sole owner of large herds of horses, cuttle, swine ami sheep, and still raise all the different kinds of grain needed and some to sell. l»y such a process of larmiii}^)oti \\ill alwavs have an assortment ol produo lions to market, and while one kind may be low the other will bring a goon juice and can be sold at a huge protit and that product that may be low can be held till it can also be sold at a pro til. la this manner farmers will raise cver\thing they consume and always have something to seilai a good prolii. lly such a process 110. economical man can avoid making a lortuue a short time after being once thoroughly es tablished. such farming can be no more successtully carried on at any other place than here as we have the soil to piodiice, pasturage lo feed on and climate where any As s i egj^s ilu .. a a'. 'ii than L!ioC Wa.. l.Vid«Aiiiikc Miif',. i-:. \.cvv utting and Fitun.i 1 aujef and in me ... .1.<p></p>.MnviliS iii'V. 1 aA. o \v i ii' in rec.ive aad tore iitViiu ii1iiii!»(•' (11 IJIV iirvinj .ibraJ'\. jie, p.-i|iej-. a.j i w il bt? :e]il 1 i i Address .lolm i',. 1S Vesev St.. V- I Thorndike 1 ir*»s, iir paying2' ce jcash for oats, aL the JUevator. tmX iov 111 ii iff Ui'.i, .Ult. i iK'i [JU i i l\'u to any nppln Aldea. Puoii.^a.e!-. i d. ii i i':.. 1 !. I -K will S thrive. These fact' have all 1 a through ly tested and what is still another great advantage is. a man can have an excellent and productive farm ol this kind, without having a fortune invest ed. I,and here that is worth iron* live to eight dollars per acre will pro duce more grain and feed more stock than land the east that is worth from sixty to one hundred dollars per acre. Therefore, the proiits on wheat i.nsed and mined off, gives o wnm protit.—Gary In. Uro \Veih.-r a A. W. •'^1110 a:o al'.Mtys alive .'•a-- a...I "paru i. .... ihe- ri ,-t ui t'S'-ry artiek' n: Sf-i-aa'cU the i.^ciii'y lor tie lv:ng'r New l.nsi-uvery lur I'll!v i'« i-ifliu riiit- kiinvn •, 1., i i, iilOliCliiti i e. JToat and hue-'-. .-• i .. Will 31 -a a:ar si/f •?!. 'hiiia, ILav ifii «iS the .aiar- k 0 111 I tU o-ai-ii the MI t,iiii« .tJUd ilttiliv. f.• i o.v naj e the hr.-d ••candn.late-i"' iioiior .. tiKoB-.u: .—"ilisi.ii-y ut tin-: .v s. del:' a K U O Y O K K I !FF Ji. Tin: 1 1 '2 US. Ura:it, I11 .iu-iirf* ('«.nrl, .. Justice ol the IVa'-e. ham kb J:KTciii'i:, i'l.auti.l', Of 1.5 l'3's. 1 naraiH«t sa V1. p. AU.RK, Defpild.-tlit, iV. 1 1 ho Territory ot llaKata sea«N i \v I're-tin,--)j.- T» P. Alien, !n*t'it)idnin. 'n-u mv i l»v MOiiUinnrd 'u aj j.e:ir lichu-" iii", U an Jice, 111 Ku Molie Ity, lUfaid on" i e IMh lav n! .I.uiaaiv, A HsJ, at ei" ii 1J.icraicd-iMhdayto!). to answer tlie i-onn v lfuat ti." idi-ive jitaiati.i'. wbi.-h w,J iit 'de: my DiiicH 011 the ef NiHvtn'e", ls.«. by diaries Jietchor, v/im etuiie 1 i eovi'i' «»t vou the sum o! 1 ei:f s- la and ml',-rest Imni and aUe:-,i:iu. 1 .1. l'--s-., loi lnoney-. |i iid hy j. and lidiof done ior deiiMe'i-.e'i And you are here!y 1 a-.., Jaii to !i]pi.*ar and .'Uis\\er aw alioYe r'-auti' said jitaiiitin'M ii! take judgment a^ -t in s:ad sr,11 ot Twenty'tin-ee liniu and ullei' .laiiu:a-ydotlajs-auiih'i• 1st i 1 •1veil underlay hand this 4th duv ot i-i eiii. r, A. I). eNN J. ]t A W .Ii.stiee ut the IVace within and loW 1 "tiiily, I. T. )•. iV. pPiitifit, Attorney for i'lainmi. rant i have purchased a large stock of Lumber at pi lees which onahlc bottom iigures. 1 now have in atoek Common i. tiuLer in allr• Hiu -'e. L.ifn. siding, l-'lo.u ing. Sash, b.o,-,, 1.^1^* Cement, Stucco and Piastering Hair in Jimfc If you are going to build call and see me I will save you money. (TLEBHATEI) I'OUT UYIIOX LDIEOJli] E3 very thing Bright and I'llKSSlN(i CA-i. PKKFLML AsIi.- A!. i LuTTLJ ll .\NIKKHCiriKP A (ILoVI. I^'Xi Maaes. Hair Oiissl Poiaits, Brium s [n fact everything noc.-v.surv far i»i is t- !Vi nul- Lome i]i|iy, it C. P. "WBLcd COME AMD SEE 111 AT 0. k MUKTRO & "WELLES-' O^ll ZXIOLCI. ATTENTION! Fairbanks Settles, li-on ahd Wood I'umps for ai well, Sulky and Walkiiuj Plows, Paints arid Oil all sizes, Whlto Lead, Colored White l.eatl,wv- H. J. lie3SVER1N, Minager. Mixed Ptiiiits of every shade. Steam i\wer rJ liresher 8uj)[)lic,s. ineludinf? Oil, Machine Oi!. Axle (Urease, inp or Cans, Melting, ],ace athei, Ilubher tmd ili'iiiji Packing Machine Bolts and ST A'KS AN!) TITSJAVAl'" "Wagon Makers' and Blacksmiths Guns anil Fishing Tackle, Powder, Shot, GHA' Liiyi PIC rr UK Fit A MLS. i'Ii.1 hKiliAPll A N 1 Ar'nxiIJ.M"! ill PA PL It '.v irriTXL Dii-. -s 1:1: i ipi -. NA'II^N Toys! rp Toys WOO 111 Chess. Dominoes. Clieokers, Bcokgar Oris Cross, Blocks and Cards. INAMEJTTS ll 'i i ti, 1 i 1 Net LN \'KLi'l'i: C.W! A V KAil CI IV .. PAIIK 1| w. •n lo AX i Clil! GAMES 1 i 1 i s y Plain and Ornanteiifal Vases, least Sets, Cb asd tschc Gups. Tea Toy Sets, Itgi 11Js -irff1!