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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
o 1 ry, o kets, •its, Yarns, •H 0 o 0 roar, 0 £jj i# •rt -imere Mitts |j£J acoos, .mid Luck, iTea DllSt, hr, iOc I» u* Head, 4iO( Hammer f»0 0 ami Sun !!1 St OI1I Clired ocai'hif*. I! colored Japs. EACH & NOCK, PROPRIETORS OF AND I)KALI US IN OEAI.ERS IN TEA specialty. Also a large supply iS, AHUM AMD Next Door to Post Office AELES BETCHER, -DEALER IN-- Lath, Sash, Doors, Lime Stucco and all kinds Building Material |Ik 8 U U S I O i I V Buffalo Coats, Dog Skin Coats, Buffalo and Goat Robes, Duck Coats. Ulsters, Overcoats, Clothing, Eoots and Shoes, AMI A 1-VL1. LINK OF Groceries. TEAS, i Hard, ,• Japans, 35,40. 50, nay & Navy oo- and 7 0 cents. Oolong, TI, Jf u i TO 25c 60 60c JapaiKlun-j^^lopesof ft Umber, Mohlfims, Doors & Window lid Fancy Groceries. H, 3 It I ,i| TATTLISun I'nss bakwUiau: All ol tht* Huron laiwl district is now in market, one township *hu i is not yet surveyed all of the ill to hell district is in market all in the Aberdeen district that Lssurvcved except six townships, is in the mar ket and all oi tin* \Vatertowrc district I'IU a lew fractional pieces near the adsworth military reservation. .1 he newspapers are printing an item stating that every connty in south ern Dakota is organized. This is a ureal mistake. Several counties east of the river are vet unorganized, though commisions have beei, issued um This gives a total of 4.300 school sec I tions acres. Sold at Slo per i acre, the minimum price allowed by the constitution, these lands would •pii iluce a fund of Sr'27.77f.(HNi. It is I'H'Vided in the constitution that only I one-eight ot the land In sold immed I lately, leaving the balance to increase in value. From the sale of this one eighth. S'3,4s2.tMM would he realized, I which placed at interest at four per cent, would create an annual income jof S1.S80. This is a sum suilicient to relieve every farmer from the bur den of school taxation, as it would support the country schools and keep them in good working condition dur iing eight months in 1 lie year. Ilere is one ol the economical features of Statehood. A perpetual school fund is secured without cost to the proper tv owners. How Stamps UTT BP received a copy of the new order of the department in regard to exe'nang jing stamps. Stamps and stamped A the :Und rt-ecnt deno DAK., FRIDAY. DEC. 28, 1883. i recorded to commissioners, and west of the. Mis souri river there are but lour organ ized counties out of thirty or forty. The proposal state of Dakota will l»e .j'jii miles long east and west, and 310 miles wide north and south. It will contain over 2,17o townships. -LiU'h township posspssfN iiJS*) sot apart hy the general government for school purposes to become the prop erty, ot the state upon admission, Exchanged. The St. Paul postoilice vesterdajr n 1 mat ion will he received, and ex change stamps, envelopes and postal (cards will be {jiven. Stumps will be received at their face value, and stamped envelopes, whether bearing a printed card or not, at full current ",ates. No limitation as to numbers I is presciibed, but stamps will not be jexehnged that are mutilated, canceled (defaced, or from which the gum has been removed. Stamped envelopes spoiled in directing, at face or postage value only. Post masters are in structed to exercise special care not to redeem postage stamps issued I prior to 1801, as such stamps were I long since declared valueless for |postages, No (.Went stamps were issued prior to 1871. The 3-eent stamp issued before that time bears the head of Washington, and is print ed in red, In a straight line at the top are the words, "U.S. Postage." and at the bottom, the words '-Three Cents,*5 Stamps of thisdeseripton will hot be exchanged. Pioneer Press, Die 2Lv Superintendent Kelhe. of the II. & i D. Division was in town a short time i Mondav evening. In reply to an in I quirv from Review reporter he stated that it was the firm belief of the company that the road between here and Aberdeen could be kept 'open all winter that no money or i labor had been spared to protect the cuts with improved snow fences iand everv effort would be made to I keep trains running regularly.—Mil bank Review. new line of Shoes just received i at Stevenson's. FOLT SALE. I A choice quarter section of as lully stilii itini,' new trade. i All d.'M.ns arc requested to pay thefr obli gatious to 131- uiulci-signed at maturity J. STEVENSON* liig Btone City, D. T. Kov 28th, 18*3. Buffalo Overcoats and Robes sold for thirtv days, 1" i*r cent, belowreg ular prices, at Odder Htor s Three 10-cent cakes of highly per fumed toilet soap and a silk {"""Jker- DAK0T4 chief Cor cents at Muuio & W ellei s. Cornell Avenue, Big Stone City, Dak. BK STOXI CITY, DAK. PAINTS, OILS, A. fine i land as there is in Grant county, two miles from Rig Stone City, for sale at jjj-rtUO—-one-third cash, balance live years time, by jv IIA WES & GIBSON. Business Notice. I letf leave to inform the trade and pnbHc general I v that having purchased tlie stock ot tlie tirm oi Guvard & Stevenson, I will still continue at tne old stand, and will be pleased to see all of our old cu toraers, while respect- C. L. HOLMES & BRO., DEALERS IN Groceries and Provisions, Dry Goods and Clothiif, Boots and Shoes. BOOT AND SHOE HEADQUARTERS AT JACKSON BTJHLERS tour different kinds of Ladies' and Children's Custom Shoes' and Men's in endless quantity and styles also a big stock of Ready-Made Clothing for the Fall trade. .Hats, Caps, Mits, &c., all at very Low XJrice». DRUGS AND STATIONERY. DYE STUFFS SPICES, TOYS, FANCY ARTICLES, COMBS, AND TOILET ARTICLES, LOWEST PRICES. NO. J!» VARNISH, Call and Examine TIIE IMMENSE STOCK OF NOBBY CLOTHS FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE AT J. J. Stevenson's Tailor Dmariut.