Newspaper Page Text
The Hit* failel ":tn tUvalcl, DOWNHi & NKILU l'nhlibhers. i», .STONE CITY, DAKOTA (Aij:iAk. 1 5 :t V 4: 3' 1-1 I I i u i:. ifi n i (VI :fj -J -i "'.'is .*»«•:. i 1 ..t 1 2! «i *1 li *. y v IH "u v: i I *. If, IT SS:1«' si I i 4 r, HI J-.' i:I n !..• I: IS |t» :.'II -M s ::i in n i:.' i i N L* I *I:.*I nil I-. Hi IT is tt 12 i w jr. in --n» .*- n .»,[ .iv -J I Tlitrr r«*.»«.:i.. i-:x ir.-o.'.ilioii in the i iouis\ hi .nan y, fir i i.-fusing to rtv •i^t American ho^» proJuctt The res iiuticti projvmes t» prohibit tins im[vr :-ili n I1 uiy (lenuiin pro.l'i: which ttu i r^sivlcnt, by tho a ivi -o «f experts, -Mail injiirinuM t-i health., it is -•.jppowd Lh'it \vint:s, u'^. i't from Wmauv n:ay bi* brought t!a, i h^y amount to vast s u'ht nioro than -lt fxport^f i i.. i. J- .1.. •.. 8i J£ I i- iv 4, if II !.i I 13 l« tIT.lw H»»i 2t:2Vi1|.:J7 2V4!8»:3tt 1 sj V. w-it ii'ia-iaj !. 11 WlS/Sl i Klgggg'Jt f»*4 i' .1 'L -j V & 1 I -j» a. -,ti a. »'nv it •l Ma in.', Ifi'lTls I •ifl A2i:±.»Ai:t'i.:r», :gfigP'?s 'St KI II j. g': 4} r» tt} v r. •T? -:s 2»» jfMJK '«i i f" -. s: a 6, i M.11 I i !.'••,•' •."• :k i.'i i'i is'i'. -.*i \m *.T :II :$L ?j.-v President akt s, w ho is now in regon reports as the result of mosL! inspection, that ti.e Northern lachic i- in first rate condition and fdi* .'-pupped ftr doing fjfty ju:r o»,n'. ti.orv than it« pri'sent bu.-iness, whu in tf prt*vious «sti:natos. tiie ajj^re^atrt of \vu ich less tiian T.'mmijmVk Tho rt'W.rkal.-ie ffil runntfts ui- i sun rNincrttLat iirtVt can-'.Mi st murli won •i' rins? in America, were seen in Kn^ian1 e ir!y «i (he '.'tli or Hch of last, iscmth. /nil they were, seen in Sun Francisco as !rjy a.** th* I'oth. (.'vau vuya^crs nov.- ..U'riviniT rtjport the san-e unparalleled z»henonier.a both at sunset and eunris* .all the w:)v ver. Wiiatcver the eau«. (A tiie Hiivjular appeurancf it i?. yviiient ly wide-vpreiid. in the course of a dis wsionat the meotinRof the American Aslronoaiical .siv^uuv, Packer ii*.-»titn!•-, Uri..»klyn, la-it M-.-n'luy ni^lu, the iiea TO given out that the "jrreeii sun" rc |nrtt-(i Irom ^ou'.h America, a while aao, wai dne to the same eatine, w!):ite% er that ni:iy be. And as that, tlterc WE.« th. ory that there might be a cloud of meteoric du a outride our atmo*- i)her" and thr.m^h which w»- are pasn in^. At u!l events, and wh:itever the tsuise, the siuiit is oiiv* of the most re mar!:aiile and fincRt ever afrmtad. anJ U ia sometiinitt to be Ions* romtmbered. B-eprawnt itive Wisl.buvn's bil! to repeal the laws allowing pre-emption* of the pnblie 1 anl» and ameniling the homestead and timber cnliuie Ituv.j, in in eorne re«pect.s niiidlar, to the amend ment to the sundry civil appropriation bill by Mr. Washburn la-t ^es.sion anri Hdopt« by tiic? Uo'i*o, hilt stricken out (0 Henfite Mnd"r the rule, i ifi* Miijeadnient is .so modi tied by Mr. Vi'iish iMirn'H biil this wesson ns1 to overcome an important objection hoi ctofore uracil a^ain.-t the repeal of the preemption Javrs. This objection is that the pre emption laws enabled a jv^on who 1.^ to prefect hi= title under ti"1 t.'.me^tead laws to obtain a piece of land in^cr tile pre-eiupLion LAW P. The bill allows a nernon to make affee-ead liome si'ead entry in her. of the prtj-emptinr: prpviiiling repealed. Mr. Waahieinr.* '•li. is important to wouid-be ctlb'r :. i will no vlonht r^eeive a ureal dea! •1 attention in con /re?.s btji there i. some 'ilouot of its passage on account, of •ne intfncncc that prev-dic' 'i:-\i ist the n-ea.sure last vt-ir. CHH SMiurz has dissolved his connec tion with the New Vorh Kw-niug "in lOiiM^ueiuc of yerioup. tiiiiert^uee^ ol wpinion b«-lweon himself and as-ociates ••nc«r:iin^ the treatment impoitant public uuoslions in the editorial eoi uuins." --those dillerenc^s, as ,\Ir. •"dun? hu« .l'ail, "in '.he mutter of the i• iiiti''Us betuei-n corpi.rations and their employes," which Mr. Se! .:ry regards of eons'antlv increasing impor tance." The ai ve being somewhat Mind t» a major it v oi i- \ders, MJ. iod. Win, the piej-ci.i -djtcu--in-*-iii» ol the 1 oM i'\j,ains in thi« way. Mr Sciiiir/, .syrupatiii/cd with the 9ti.n. (tdegniple'is last s im ner and the other owneis of the pape ud iiit rid'H-s- the strike, and liok positf. gr'-MieN. r. S^hur/ at once fi-.iscd eoiLosial wrk, Imt. u*tu:ue..l Id1 irstereiit until now. t.'nder Mr. I^ejg^tt, n«i l»i^ nueeoMOr. Wiliiam (.'n'Sen r-. ul. the IV-tt \V.p a Krave dtdender oppression oT every kind: now it i f-nda to the big corporation?an I let i!»e peop e i igltt lin*mselv°s a:* thev ')uy,, without its t^vuipaliiv oi Mipp'Wt. orjK»ratioTj i and capital neeni tobehav un! their mn wav as never be e WILL it U'MMVS HA GO? FDI^LL WE. El'ITOME OF THE SEWS. Washington Senator Hamson ot ladirna and Ills Wife «nd daughter Sflt washinuton last for Indianapolis. They will go to Omaha to be present at the wedding, on the'Jinfc inst., of th fr son and ex Senator yae.nders' daughter. They will give the young couple an HitertairniHnt in he iaiiapoH" before retnrning, and then Mr. Iiuasell Harrison *ill bring his: bride to Wdiingt-jn btfore fpkmt.' tier tc. his home in U'iu, Mont., wiere he ia superintendent of the assay office. l'ostoffi'-ea eMablifhee Dakota, Wyl wiU:i-, Turner county. POB1inciters com inissnned Abe Wilkins. leosau^ua, I' W6 George. Knopt, WLeeiir.g, Mntn, The terms ol twenly-live United States senatois will expire in 1885 of whom four teen are t*niocrats i nd eleven Ilrpublicans of 52' freeholders, worth froiu $HMM) to $20,000 in Washington, 1'JiOare women. The surgeon general wants sick leave of tie«j«? re-exaininetl. Kjiilroad News, I'robably the wealthiest railroad cond -.c tor in Amerea i- impltyed in ihe Kast Temfss-ee, Virginia & Georgia road. lie .a eaid to be worth SJVO.WJU. Crimes and Criminals. ilr ?na. Mont., Herald: Gov. t'rosSy vrai recently notified by U'iegraphic nus sa^e from the department of justic-', Miat on t)e intt rcesaion of P-mators Kabiu and Mc Millan the president had granted to Frank Young, the slayer of McO irty, a reprieve for j-'s'v days trcm Dec. -7. Th.e Jamily and friends ot YotU'ir wer^i able to ecmv, the Minnesota sen&iort tn Wash ington, what here, Gov C.os-by. w tb 'u'.l knowledge of thecal 0 iVlt constrained to deny. The executio o." Yuung was set. for the x'"th inst., the s«me day as thac ap[oin ii (or the hanging of Clark, end itv.-«ju:d certainly have ken ^iace at that date, but (or the "president's reprieval. J)an ard Mary Oicisin wen found gm!ty of clisturbing worship in a ralholic church n Brooklyn, New York. They accused the pastor, K v. Florence llcrarthy. with hav ing »U8td a prifcet'a delh r-y starvation, ami enticinx away theii dai.v !jter. "Win n the n ve end gent let an prot- ted his mrc: cprce they called him u liar. The defence fiiMn ttcd the chcrges, and at-ked the court to look into the matter in mitigation of the •otntenoe. The sentence was withheld pend ing the result of a civil aedon brought by th« Croniii.5 againsit the priest Mrs. Judith Fifzpatr.^tr. a widow aged seventy, living at Leeumpton, Kant was murdered at her home theo'lur irght, and an attempt was made to burn the i:c.use, with die evident por -ce of conce"Ung rhe crime The motive is supposed to have heen bhtry, as the old Jartv was known to liuve several hundred .-'oilars. The negro, Big Ike, who, while attempt ing to burglarize the bank of Dnrdngo, N. M., last week,shot dead lhnoe Hunt, son of ex Gov. Bnnr. dii-d the other mghtinjai! at Dur-ngo, from irjuries pt.rt-o^f'y ii ed on himself in jumping headlong from a forty-foot embankment to avoid being cap tured e' ve. Thomas Drewes. who WKS sentenced to eleven years in the Manitoba penitentiary for the murder of Pat Maloney in Hat I'ortage in March last, committed suicide -n the l8!h inst by hanging himself in his cell. The po?t' thce at Perryvilh", Kans., was robbed of $8:X), the burg ars jsoing east on the Vnion Pacific. The sheriff and chief o: police of Lawrer.(ve went to hanope and cap'ured one of the men. Wdllie Whitley, the "('.licago Kid," wa arrested at Lawrence, Kan., recently, for stealing a thoimud dollars worth of drafts from a trunk, Ker, the $55.COO Chicago d"f r.:lter. fku-j down his 'ools in the Juliet prison and re fused io make barrels. He was changed lo Mone cutting. Porsoiial Oossip. 'i lie!i en !i. Springer has giwn the Cin cinnati art nmseum a lot ol vaiuible p:c .res. and the coi TC oi music $IY,00F. The wife of Adirondack Murray ha^ se cured a dij luma as a physVi on from th Vienmi Medical col tge. Gen. Martin, the new mayor of Boston, wa* a drayman not thirty years ago. Jessie McGee died at Kappa, 111 i are old, Smj^ay.the 2'trd. 9-- Foreign Items oi London Cable: The Fenian scare is sub ••idicg, owing to the reported otlicia! con tradictici s of sensational rumors which are chit tl v traceal'leto Use (Vntra! News agency. Tlie 1 rdte'i lri^hii:en demar'ds t' the legislature should stej) in and check the or ganized iircu'ri»:on f»J tht+e fale!i.)rds, whidi, it SHVS. h^ljud o fan the Kngiish era?.-? about «i nami*ards and 3nvinci!-le», and''through ihtne lie» the lOngiish mind becomes in?lanictl into the passing of co!*r cion bills." Casualty Ke»orl A fearful storm swep! over tl»e llleck i-eu on the 17thi inM., raueit great destruction fif "ife tmJ dsn-«ge to prop^-rty. It i yet miKjssibie to ajr*rtu:n the fn'd extent of tn« ddni9ge. Humlreds of hr-u.ics in th^ v! latrea along tl.e northern coast were iutt-r.'y •lemohffhid, and nmriy persoi 8 killed in tlie fniling stri.cturts. In lh*j town ot Atai/.i tjic ftt'iiiated dtwiiHi/e to property reacfiet -iHI.'XH) rouhh s. Atcea liie renilt of the nu:.ibs-r of huniRri live? lost .s even more harrowir.g and dreadhil t!i in on hind. H:x iargi» ship-, with more than H* peoph- on bom* 1, :i fifiet 'i coasting ve.-.-e.'i, mannrd tv, al'O'A 150 sailors, were pitilessly Jnjrled againnt the reeky sbore,: and rniiierohiy wr.t'ked. At Cleveland, the. family nf Henry Hage was found Jam, a cirpsnter suffocated from cod gas which ^^p^l from com .non bs3° bemer. mm, dom and youaR daughter were found dead. The baby who 1^ beside its dead mother and sister, and Hugedom and his hith- son, who were in another bed were barely alive. At Iliooniington, Hi., a German family named Goit at:d six boarder*| are -.llfcrinu from a mahguanl case'of tri.-hmu-!^, caused by eating raw pork sausage. 1 ne hogs irom whi' tbe sausage was n^.de wert raised bv Golt at his home, itt a ing horribc agony and ill will probably die. Several ol tne board*.* are in a precarious condition. John I'.urk, tirenuin in the ntiue rccm, of the Fuller Electric Light company, ti Arcade court, Chicago, w».u caught in the betting this noon and whirled sgiurst the stone wall. His arms ami let's were vortt otl and he wai diiciubowletl. His remains were scattered ail over the room. JUcnchnrd's lumber mill at Winterbuni. Pa., wak entirely destroyed by tire. _T oss, $ 00.r fully insured, origin. e:.plo-ionof a lamp. le ri," ,«'.lV -'a- Two mw hiiildings m?" :m tion Hi Helena. Mont., were !. re« «-nt I,. Loss, ifi.OOO, MisoePiincons Ncv^ iU'.ir.s. Advices trenn Itj- Vegas, N. :ndn great escitmient among citi?.-'is with narr" toihe'iate gold d^doveiies. Goid is aid to have betn sound in payi.'-g 'p.uiiit: tieGnalot at llo' Sp'irg-owned by a prom inent resilient of Topeka. a few days ago. by two miners empiovrd ti as-:st in excu vat ng ground for a new court house. The nt-st morning they were up wiiis the lark stiikict out a mining claim the court van!, and now the hil's and va'leys rouut. Irs Yeuas are all swarmirg with excised i^old seekers, many of whom nie?t with s ic- Kirkpatrick lSros. oi ihllioii, Mont., who recently made an assignment, say I heir "as fit-is are cleurly over and 'dub. i!,rs about .{'50,111 O: Our Montana creditor." are tirs' preferred, and !aL'est Ka-ttrn creditors ticoi.d, while fin' 'ifFStr Kasurn creditors ted.hy ltto '.ome Jast. There it !e ity -:nder management to pay pa vaiue i-n cur it'. leb cd :e.-i and have a srco'i fclake ieh. business wii be c.os-ed our as ixy. mutvul interests of ourieivt ami re i u ire. The follow :'.- priest .\ e the Catht\,rju »n Bauimor' Keane of Richmond: J' Dermis O. rowle3*, •••oi'ped at the Paxlon hotel. He was H' man of striking appearance and evident I wen:th, and said he wmiid niakt tfia? city his home, build a fine re-.iuenc and bring hi« family there. He had been drinking hcav.iy «ver since he had bten there, ami i died on the 'Jllst It is believed that his fa:her 1 ives at Sidney, )hio. At a meeting of the Kingston. -V. Fre&ideot 1: we:. t.,» tMu^&iiona^ arisociation, waists congress to use rxK). Cm'.1 a year o' the snrplui revenue for pn »ii scuooi -, Kitk]atr:ck Hrotherr of Diiion, Montane, wtiti i.-itely fail id had i 'ab.lities 'o Ihe mount of {To.GOO, with asset of .^1^,00) I'. W. 1'iUttn of the saini- iov.n nl.-o ru-oW ent, owed about unu hhd $1 UI.H.». The Wetfern Fnh n ha3faid the i-'ia'e of Penrsyvalnia $] I7,'J»7. beiiiir the amount of unpaid faxes and ~t of payinem NCWN. The reman s rf Pe Long am! mraOts of the Jeannette expedition anivid at Pus truck,Sberia. The were borne in procession throTiglj the streets en the 21st escorted by a detiicnnuiit of troops. A multitude of people joined tbe conege. ^tany were placed upon the ofth. and printed cofdes of l-oems descrmiug the ex ploits and nnhaf py en«l of the party were distributed among the crowd. The remain" will be taken to America. P. Made* A t*o., l.tirdware dfillers, Celina. Ohio, have been closed by Ihr f-htr i'l. hi Abilities $2o,ii00, assets -fl WW. John tJ. A. New-omc, real felate dtaler. Columbus, Jiid.. h:ts asnigittd. L:«! i! ti(s, $27,liOO assets unknown. Minnie Urooks, the woman who held ri-ivah in her bagnio, has gun.-back to iier old iiie. T!IP son of the l):miniou Premier .-says that the Manitohans are not so dissatisfied as reported. John Abraham, a prior Rockford. tailor, has received a $ii'),two legacy. Ky., havt a groom a sixteen and thiriet n years old. A Paul tailor prophesies knet-hretches in -tyle. II'ISSPS Villai (1 Stocks. A W s e k w i o s i e s from personal experience, sud the»,in,j day fiiat th.e following amounts hid it-vn lo.^t in Yiilard stocks during the la' two month!5: D. o. Mills, 'iW.m.otXi Drexei. Morgan .t Co between vfjOJAMK) nnd $H'X),O0l.e Horace Porter, :j) U.ooti K. Higyinson .V J1 '),t)oe. Win iow. Lnnier k Co.. helween' i\,(Hi R0.1 iPl '.O'ilj ex Pn-suh nt liiliin-s, ti: 1 tickler, do well A, Huniufi liob.-oct J.'iCn.otKj VVui 1-., Sirorg'.% Co., A gamst the-e li.jurt Among th-irte whom AIatth«- ,l \i-ifed in x-Uon was the wi i' ONliKKSSlONAL ii .. iterrtuhcr iP «ere hitroJncid to.- a commission to investigate railway transpor tation, consolidating the bureau of military in*'ice and the corps o tdg.-'s advocate of the army. The new rum were comiHered, and the clause, in the tirst limiting to three days the period for which the c« president mi-? desinua'J asenal lo jre-ide o\ "r the satiate hi- at'Senc.- was rt j- cted. Various ythe: clause and rules were voted upon, some being rejected ami othei. adioted. The sena'e agreed to tlx* Motive resolui'.on for a holidav recess, after SJ amending it as to ft.v Jau. 7 as the oate of rea—emhhng. Another long list of recess :ip,.oH.tments went to the senate v P.hl inst., the ma jurity of them postmast. is. Tlie foI.owing nonunatiomi were confirmed: \V ilter Kv.uis, eommNsioner of internal rev.mie: Albert W. Wymtn. tresixirer ol the I'.iited Atos: K Iws .1 O. «J raves, as* siv'ant treasurer oi me United S :«tt liich a-d Gilo.«. New York. minis:rr resident and i mud kvneral, Hd vi•* C'mrles I'. Frail, .sM.-re:arv of leg-nion. lra/" Williatu T. S'romr. -iKTe'-ary of h'gatio i, Vienna Jacob F. Wal'iier, coili'CLor of internal ri-veiiue, Xinetee.'jtli district of Peniivlva:iia Mith ew U. Hiirr. l. ie, Pa., and Henry V»*ard, I.eaiviile. Colo., Indian msp-.-c'.ors Indian agents, Denny VVa!era, ("onntcJcut, Cd vi:!-• a^" ncv, Wa«h.: .bime1* F. (ii.rdrtr 'd ite orado, *.ira\' a^^ncy, 1 tah 1' isha W. Ha re- VM. Colora io T. dah ng-ney, I'tuh: *». \ir War:'., ohi". Ncal lay Bgencv, Wo-h.- lieu 11nin \V. :otnp--o!i. Wft Virginia, Sigse ton ageacy, I'«R S mderson U. tr*"" I'enrsy!vania, S'.oshone agency, Wyo. i! i Ahera long debate, in wli i Mr. ISedord Ut-p spoke in favor of Skinnct Ulem.'i whose election as rfprvsentatiye irom the t* rst disfict of N'orib t'nroliun was conttsieil by Pool «. io'p Skinner wa1 giv en the seat and swor.« in. A conc rreijt solution providing or a reoeis from *»tl v-iay, 2Ph itirt. until Tneytliy. .l.muijry 3, WAS adopted. T'le rommutef, on ml® reported a rtsolmioii tor -e creation o' severai new committees after an amendown'. for a e-nimii!» e on the aU.oholic I-juor tratlic h.^d been bdop- s s. !!.'• th' creditors nibhoi Moody ifilian. Ko^tor,- J. P. Mirr, Waslung'oc, D, U F. Moore, Con\inir'oi', Kv C. Io: ahur ll'cbmond. Va Joseph Lawler, Tremon. N. J.: K. O'Reiliey, j. J. Green, Chicago: i William i!:erty, Provithnee, 1 James I i Deirnan, Conm-i i:c g. 5i u'h: de-scons and eight sub-dtac.oii^ were also ordsu.ed. i Tlie 5ivrh annua: meefinL" of the Wfstern I Commerciai Trav^]pr&" association v,-as held i at St. Louis with lirae attendauce. Tnu I rej»ortd of the presi'{em and otm--r tdlici i'.-? I s o w e a s s o e o i o n o e i n a v e y e perous rondititm. The 1. !tewii-g V-thee's were elected: Pre-.:.lent, Uaac 11, Fra^b stcre-tarv and treasurer, John G.imore. with i six vice presidents and a board of director?, i .Several lav^ a^o Wi-'i^ni ("onklinu* -am* to aha from Minnrota a-id uu t»ibers!:ip of tw»mty-thr e standin 11 i'o (.*•, inu eleven to thirteen n. each, w.e-i adot'U'd, A re oi ion frc.'.t tl.e con tsiittee on riv hartiors. The senate amendm n» .1 .••'.tuU 'ion was cou fim: ii rf 1 /Vf !!•'./ 'JO. uiler-i-M! ami *•. d.v'Idat' n o ..• i» fed •'Ii lot.lf ii torur rif.-n e, t» -•net on «:a'i:n- '--n the •••.-•n .ary of the tirior for !n:«,.-rnaiion cor ivrrii' iiiit*d to r:. i ,ais wa r•dn*-'et:. The c.'»n-.i«iera'ien of tin den eonj-umed the r.^! of'he-day, «nd cr, iive si s si'iii ill J. jo n'i hfi'.ir ilir s a ii mriud M''.'rjisy. I b:r:ii.. f!n i v«! :-.*-s*ion-: ill*. t-t rate nijfrmed a iot'g ii-' of ap .»:nt n-e is i.n tin* a:j.iurun,! r,t r! -»riy all ot whicii ht. n. en It:' le'-olution i:,' several comi a reset! n kc hurhors. 1 pres- bytery, Rev. Mr. Chambei- hargeci Kev. man to Ihk dee"asel wife's v^fer, end gave notice that he would movea^ainsi Gallagher for a ,v:o'ati'jn of c^uTh discii line tier o! Gallagher with marrying a :t.-..?, .11 i M- ai! H' w N •y, I"a '-o'l. NV.iv Im •. 'i 'mi. fttii, ll,i t'a-,!i..-. .111. A: •Til ji At 'lu. cr. 11 ,r Jl.jjliott, l!r--a lb. »a 1. h--r U-..L ?l- K i- p.- I- I .!•! i 1 per cent, fine for default i! -jr. i Iv.'-r. IPi:,-. v. i lit, t' W. .. Hardy, Kiclei,^, jM-r* 1 ,n:e-.,-, i I'M-toiti.-s at i/. T*-t 1* v Wi, ,. Kv ride Hull' ,l'-nr U U'-n -M V IT 11 u i, U I! P.ttrn'-v litis 1'otlwm t.f II ft. u. i r- 'J "... H. ni-v, Pr'.-Wr' CHI... ::, 'I I. /na O'ly, 'I'urrif ov rii, i li.t •. A 3 t'.-nim»*r.- —1 ("{.j "'NVilVf-...'! }s,i' if"k« Wnoi •IS, 1 1 art, V- •1-wort.), Lo:i.'. I fa it e Jv K'anchar.J, i.. t'o: Wii, \M, hiiti." \!J: Hilt, i A,. I Mirgaii, i Ndv.d A'! i -1. i t.anft',. i*t i Va. lv'--ua»i 'in i. N.. 1, !fl •r-\ .1 "1 iVitswa.P -. Ar*., tnu'!i .m. P» ili.te.l.1,), \|,-( U.o w avsi Pa 'i'*'!i:ic,.:. I''»! I.i!: U'-Miley, Van '', Jill--: IiiUiai Mr. I' T, 1 r,r. IWt. but.,,. fl re7r.e amo'ints whicli accr:iu to tlie Woer f-notle,1 A «, jMn i.ttO HtrirvC't^ws A. •'/». i'»i»i),txxi Hajunurger fc Co.. *)(«o,mi Vvij' b'Oti I raver-:, There are ol her !eoj ie, myself included, who look o- Pt tli' Sh U:S out for the Yiilard riv, »iii rt? arc prohaniy a Iinmiled other pet,pb who have lonine* in Mr, Vn^ro's s-.cck.s whos-' 8tor. will never be in-ard. Np W M:. i )4!!»1S MP'i. V.() N li r»r*. N r'.v. (j Hi !, I'ld, t, \P.'- ii' v. Ilef W,n,l. 'l.i/l' Ti'oii 1". S *:. 1) !, f" i N t:-l fRi .i', Jlj., ,.Ih,!I i Hoi. ,., [j ij.lir-M liy, "j'nrn#r, Kv I*"-1 A'! »ti«'.:n, Han U, Mm'Ii. S. .1., r,0.u...-.Sl .,w. I41.W1K. w'v' -^"rauu, \\.'.ti'rt:, «»K •.. .-Vf.'tn, 1":.f! 1,-. u ski.iriHi, N. .- niUi, P.-r.r, t'm.iv. ii.ii r..j.»!i. s p,,,,, Ai-^rvl. I. (.ltr:.-:o',. t',jr»ri, .1, i.mnii', 1 ,rnvrc:jf« '•.'rji, ,. ry. 'i, Mi: el Ma-k M: A: -a '.•a-mp-. .f. I, -. iidwiil, t.'riNp, [Jji),. I, i 1 1 1 1 -W a n e wi ,, C. e I Milk-, Ky. 'l' t'lli an.l li{!(,rnviriiit]b mvj-r K-.iin, I'-.K..,. .,u:,y. T., ,, M.'.'P, 1 •S-'V. V. O'hilfre Pltl- M: t'ttnu'l*. V,».: Till! 1. n, i -. I .I\. N ,:r i'i, r-if r, V i.T. 'ir.pliill. -•'.'iarf ^:ir tl '"•", n-'.uu,- ,r fl luwr. Vn.jH lixfi't.Uitsir-^ „i u- i''" v-iu, .lr Ft'rr" :, -j ... J'" Jfliuvtii, JhuitMck. IIi-ri: N.-w sV1'11 n I I Kxu-m.'i'.if- "i|" IJ.-i „t v IliHvcr, ....'* 1-'- lIxtM-Mlmm-H .n moot. W'i'.kifK, Sui..v 1 Wcav. i, O'llara. •-4—:st K\ I'Mi i ,tf M•••-!-. rain, 'fa V i N i i I'.i pi riiji! tc V. tisw, t'lar«i P.I V(IO. 15^^ y.oria, E 1 tU«! durc. 11 111 ISC: I. Ior ii •ii!•! A tc» Ariioi. ", Uu ,rr -.1,1 •'\'K M'ii'.i. ll\ .. Yc.: ItlVJ i'l 1. *1 »*'!-.» Wif M:.-b H'itui. r, 11 vui,. -. fi r«t, ll Y s 1 1 1.1 1!1. t.'jti, vv lll'llil' I wa Km «nh'.u •fi. Mi iU 1. 1 -11. 11 .= ii. i! i'i Mar!., Jn Pi hB. I'Mva*. I,. e i tr i',,-r M:.V e, V ISO.- H- 1 1 i. it I,..-.-, Ii Pi V i: A resnluiior. imveasing tilt A i-.^ 'issioB t. ok plci e over 8 n, to grant a month'! exi«a pty tfi-.chari:e«l empi^yt^, v. iich was i.naiiy h'rred to the cornmitiw on acconnfs. A 'lie t,. 'ler-Ul'p :-i w«S nd )p'ed, as wu.- f- C'ljumifipp tin rtv )-., tji A rcscli :. ic,r a won,an "iu..e •wa." rej cu. ,! to i e^o.' t'.'jti w.i.u ask in b/ prtK'iam.-iiioii «o recomm-i1 H!H.v by the pt, of ti.e I'i I'-oth annivt r-arv f.d Wuslnim fii^ tr.i:uido::. ^•df OLre -:i. A p.o 1 tlie j.i -aoic 'irned 1 1 Mr. Ch'dsey, fifty ye.\:s old. p,-r .i.s'ed in paying h:a suit to Mis? Jchmion, who clerk in a New Haven saloon. Her eye lig' tin? on a isket ggs, she began a homhcrdnietit that did not cire-e till coverci with {ilbtimeo. i 'nit: com j. iJt! !-,«• I i i still HaaminK .\rilmr \Va .oiit ufnn Si'T!,-. i'-ts: sit to NcA 'i k on the oC'Ji Uftf OH flav i-r.'CHir n.t wgf W ant *ca* if. iht the 1 t-io.-raen at i he A ve:: he-it., kept ijiiiei. imd i-vn *!. irc«.t intorriied :ill re.'-'utiy that hit in jeipird\. e.niie o io he was Nvw V r.'« deeuitd bevt (o cliari.v iiii ,• F. A v i-nue, an i io ••*.•' s: the re-son. (iei.f-cfives n-' iv !a:nis v aiif-r-t-d i e a I i o preMwen:, tii. c, a vouched lor wa-- ailoK-ii aCCf ecutive. .No \m'e:it d tempted t.y the ir-K vno w nrrt .ol as u pf ci: :t '.r h.11• at me johe'- hea-. •:..sru' kni:e mid loade-.i tonivt* vt hip pocket. d-i i«rt-.i im: ceived u.str'K i:ot,-« io -frv.-' A:1' j.redec»Hsor !.a 1 '«en n-es'.^. CiOti* of a g-T-t of the in:. wa i,mi alit conv ncing hit: -e.rt:.» WK-* an i n! ruder whi infant at formed the r.i.r-t w»l. ,iind„. & employes prevailed oi lit' sassui acco'npany h*i:: Jo*: he wa.« hnbx-ipie'i'l" iiKt- N»*,v i'i rren- :e ivfoMba piarieis. The is umiiietiiouab vtv* st: 11 I ridignaflt W' llobhrry '. Specia' Toe tional co.i ur- re-*eiiiiy# fed delegates to the cwn o V a u y i 9 nl li-- rict i- ahowd mgh i, ti- f'^"' the IHstrici oM'.i'.umbU#' ^. Mur:»1'. oi Marylati wrf? of tfit- notional i"tiuiii/tt-e. on the F:evdn '-t tais« maw por.. me nor.n"', :n". •iti,:r?si.1 the th po^iters, ami act ot ftmgfet'S i. i,iK:t» ea.-h to ltuiom In report, ... I1® lis r' was th.e th I ever The rami each v. curcft.1,-.. end tht-r. fU)TH s ittlfl -U'-'iM and, InrfheritM"-'. lit'Mte thf eorm the same c:sri»s.i. li« '.V'litftt", •I'-. iivena c0.''^' V( to meet in Cluca-go JUDC»^ |'iMiiii nee \Viil- US W* «. i. t'.ktSdll, lift «-«•, Tfia curriag- uianub»"''Urer 2d. His wii y tiu'' teil ih»- irrand j"ryJ-'y I id'io Siec. 1 un~- 'laifuei**. int. irr*. l-.U,,,!*. Mi-.V'l'j'i, linrtiio,-. i ,J who in Kingston. V i ted a heavy* ft»r.v"rV thre* hiidrem C'Hie'm .A and matriod Mrs. J1^''^, to Kingston i'« l".i'fh». ill: S M' lit'i 'i1'. 8 forgery "Ah'- onMaww hi-- tii si wife to "I' lowetl hie.' a few .y. im.' t-- p.»:-m-e K'»se 'y1'1 son .mowing ign'! r,','V.' Florida, K se wife w.ts only his !Mlstr 1 time iutlin im: icr t-» a* .', in J'he t^c.y i- tiov. iT fbth' r'b win reab'-u*«n- M.I A Tv pical l'*'T'al McDade Sjerial Mchemore, Bml'f hv-' :rf)in a falo-ti here masked men, rarrkdn N. ,t 1 and hanged I under atrent at tlie tm'.r. e«r-.v in the t-venmg on by X. J. W».lk,r. Hk ti be jiiesent WIh-' Ph-id was um'er MeaPic." in this comi 3 relatives o( tfese at.d picked hi.-,: aiul O'.oj.VjW shot ,uns and of the hix. «i'ti' Miied, ^nd e A. wounded, \N .id,s C,WS!:P. l,r ,, nlu',-1 of aIM ui imp d* thr .u.'h ih' r,w i fl i .ie.v. Five more*, foe t-vo iving ui Hto/'t. i -'•y. W i ,h "V.'i' ire)"1 l! w tnoiigfft trmi'd'1 i-« ilf wi