Newspaper Page Text
s niriiCH 1)IRK('T011Y. Father Hmnrtine, Stone, January (ith. CATHOLIC—11 t*v. liest, Service at Bi V.a«S :\t 1" oVhx'k. s^en ice in Webster December 30th Mass hi 10 o'clock. Methodist.—Services in ?t. Charles hall -very Sunday ut «n, at 7:fW in. Sunday school immediately after morning service. Class meetings immediately alter evemiij£jM»rvice. Prayer meeting* Wednes day 7:*I ]I ill. Kev. j. II. Mooers, pastor. (1KEMAN BAPTIST.—Rev. G. 1. Menger, jastor Service hi school house every Sun day morning at lu:W a. m. (•HUMAN KVANGKUCAL—Rev. Ph. Laos, Pastor. Services a. m. and 8 p.m. Sunday school a in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. (HERMAN MKTIUHMST.-—Sunday, July in a. m. in school house, ami every jm(NKu, Sunday scliool .... ... hwl 1hird Sunday thereafter, every Sunday i 9 a. in. Prayer meeting ••very Thursday evening at 8 p. m. ltev. Coimid Kohlhasse, Pastor. rs.tii: tiui.r. •H. & I). division «M. St. Railroad. Going East Going Weat Ttisfiencer...' w .v 57 am a in Passenger... .13?. .8:10 j:'M .tlarket Report*. WliKAT, 'o. 1 hard H) No. 2 hard lii N». 1 73 •***»«»»&. »7 OATS .5$* .. 'is l'OTATOK* '-0 liUTTKR io JiUGS 20 T»ke Notice. All parties indebted to us will save "Tftfw'r'**'nt. interest for throe months, by settling before Jan. 1st. After that dale, all accounts and interest on 'he same from Oct. 1st. will be collect ed jut once. OKIILER & IltSSEK. -*#*. 1 LO( AV, LAfOMCS, Shakopee Flour always on hand nt the feed store. ••Peek's Bad Hoy and bin Pa's,, ci gars, nickle apiece, at VC. DeXoyelles. The Grant County Headquarters will open at new stock of Dry Goods this week for the Holiday trade. gtnoke "Mark JiowMone's choice," only Tive cents at W. DeNovelie, *. Protracted meeting has been going on lor sine time in the Evangelical church, post-office is in Roberts Osceola county. .Oscillating I'oh .1 11. Movius. _d. Stevenson and Erive*t Lupps present -••'ew Year's greetings thus week, in the form nfiiew "ads" worth reading Binds for sale by £. A. & The Ortonville Xorth star nizes up the quill-drivers of thy Milbank News .Letter in proper terms. "Mrs. Walt. Stevenson served up tl.'e .*vster supper for the dancers Cluist "ii!s five, and the boys say it was well served.too. Our Milbank friend, Fred .Stein, with hisn- Mjer. .starts this week for a visit to .relatives in Milwaukee and Waterttfwii, Wis. .L .7- Stwenson will buy fifty tons of good Hay deity,'.ped at stable or in near stack. A Special meeting of the township 1ward will be held in the Clerk's oflice .Monday. .Ian. lti. 1884. for the purpose of fixing bonds oi officers elect, and son'? .other business. A public meeting i« called tor next Wed nesday evening, in St. Charles hull, to riis v^'WSs ijie propriety oi taking the preliminary 1 s toward sctitu in#( a -r/liool ol liigh grade iiiH^iis place. I!othv*lcpiirhnenf« of onr public schools will resumtf work WedneoiSav niominp, Jan. •.'ml is 4. bet mII the voung Jolks who in tend poiiiij to school this term, be oil hand promptly. The dance held in St. •Christmas Eve proved jiffair and in numbers as a decided success. rwipa i,.,ji I i', I). M. Neill, tb.e woitliv Uetcher's busiiiess at this been }romoted to in.'igasrer liufinesw west ot IUg Stone J, P2^ bcJow» last week in that lo ality. 11 fw does that compare with 2.H- boi^.v.! .Tones A have disposed of will, no doubt m.tke a worthy itioiiSto our business circle. The editor-in-chief having borrowed -j) clean •Jivirt and a pair d' socles, has li'cen gone :iII v«-tk Muuowhere in the visnods of infjesnjjt biokiug for his *r.,fttev lufif and the responsibility of 11ds i«*ue of t! II t:a t.i devolves up- Ui trie "a^sir»vmii i*ditor'' and the •"••devil," whieli j.ict accounts for the paucity ol news and the highlv spirit ual tone of the communications. Cloaks and Dolmans at 10 per cent, less than legub.r price, for cash, in uder to close on! tlie stock. Oehler A Ilusser. Humphrey's Hon»eopathie specifics at Munro & Wtiler's. li ™iKev- nu,ulte '••euiquju-tcis in ttMn iiie.—UrtouvilJe rier- Mooers was the recipient of a hand •!lul* some Student I^amp given by his Mrs. J. W. Molm, of Morristown,11'r11"/ ^'''s P' Ht-'» Minn., formerly of this place, re-j verin. Suju'rintendent of "«urued yesterday with her daughter,! '^Ullday Sc hool, received from the Mrs. W. W. Downie. to spend a few !0,Iicers, trachers^ and larger scholars t.veeks among old acquaintances. thereof, a magnlicientlv bound volume of "Buried Cities Recovered." Many Hev. Movius. of pe«nbina. Dak., in jotlurs received substantial and cost a leecjit letter t» his brother, ouritlv presents too numerous to men •piwftmastcr here, savs that the. ther-1 tion. In every resjteet the occasion mowieter t!!g*'d as low as 40- and tlwir^tock of luniiture to Ernest abundance, at Charles Betcher's hard :Lup|?b. wh« recently moved into I ware store, at greatly: .reduced jirices i his town from Lac oui Parle coun-1 to close out same. .lames Murphy, a brakeman. whs killed at Granite Falls yesterday by a train running The wife of Mr. Gorschke, who lives oil the Becker place up the lake, died this morning and will be buried from the Evangelical Church Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. De ceased was thirty-nine years of age and leaves two children. Messrs F. A. Eldredge, F. "W. Thorr.dike and U.K. Burnell take the .evening train this afternoon for the twin cities. The former goes with the avowed intention of "making a 'mash", the others will combine busi ness and pleasure, and conduct them selves like respectable married men— we hope. Mr. O. Oehler, in-behalf of his firm pays the following poetical tribute to his debtors A Hapuy New Year, we wish to all! With no exception, great or small. Who owed, but paid not, his account, If you vant to see a fine display of Holiday lry ticods, call at Steven- Two thousand bus It els of oats want ed at J. J. Ktevecisoufs. Will pay in cash or trade. Christmas Eve was fittingly ob served in town by a bouutiful distri bution of presents from the "tree" in St. Charles hall, where 4J, crowded house witnessed the exercises aisd re |ceived. tlie good things in an apjH'ecia- uve 1 over his body length wise on the rail spiltting him two. I* w.ts bis intention to have quit rail roading when he reached Bird Island on that trip. W7ill please now come with lull amount, That we may trust you once again, When times of want and work begin. Oeblrh & IIISSKB. Last Monday evening a stranger registered at the St. Charles hotel as I. Smith of and under ordinary circumstances would have passed un noticed but Constable Taylor had re ceived information that evening from Milbank to the effect that about one hundred dollars had been feloniously abstmeied from the possesion of Ska hen & Uaird. Bob, therefore, "spot ted" the individual called Smith who soon became uneasy under surveillance and began to fumble suspiciously about tlu- upper extremity of his pan taloons. Finally, to elude observa tion. he went into the washroom where Bob followed and caught him in the act of disposing of his ill-gotten gain. The money was found intact in his possession and tlx ft '1 iw who then gave his name a.s has. Jacobson was turned over, with the wealth, to the Milbank authoritus Father HeimimgY, holidays are en livened by frequent calls to perform the marriage ceremony. Last Satur day he united in single blessedness Mr. Matt Fink and Miss Ella Wy man. both #f this place and on Christ mas Day a party of five from Appleton were awaiting, at the St, Charles, his return from Milbank. Next day the weldii,? process took place, and not withstanding the hymeneal concentra tion which ]»ad taken place »t the church, the parly were forced by the rigor of the day, on their return the hotel, to seek the warmth of the Hkk ali oflice. Being the liist time we had seen a bride since we were there ourself, the scene quite up-set us, bat be it said to our credit that we scram 'tied around among our three-legged chairs, broken-backed stools and old boxes until we got seats enough to nujee them all welcome and were grat til *d to know that I hey went away feeli.u£ more comtortnble than when they te&me. The contracting parties were Mr. Murray E. Philley and Miss (. eeiiia Maria ii iirlev, both of Minne sota. »ni»»iH'r. The literary part of the Mo"CVi- Sin'-""S Uv consisted of prayer '-y th« m. B. I choir and .Sunday school, and a Bible (reading in which many of the audience manager _of Mr. i took part. The present s were freely a chilfhcn of the place :it», Tl.ieh will i"' or were expected to lie, ftWi. Viifi iw-m« ««.! inhere to receive them. Rev. niH l«e quite extensive, will make his home and|* ierft to receive them. llev. a'id Mr. was a joyous success and great credit is due the. ladies who managed the affair. SEA SOX ABLE GOODS and SER VICEABLE PRESENTS in great Oehler it Husscr sell the Xew Home Sewing Machine, one of the cheapest, best and most durable machines in be market. Wre are happy to announce that we have, secured the services of i. A Norton as tinner in our shop. He has been in the employ of Wood Bros, at Ortonville for over three years and is favorably known bv the people of Big Stone, Grant, and Lac qui Parle conn? ties, both as a man and a mechanic. CIIAS. Bktchih:. OATS. TUorndikc Bros, are paying 25 cents I cash for oats, at the Elevator. WII^IOT. Dec. 26. 1883. a truly western 'Visis town like toWti. is progressive. On the dav be fore Christmas the sales ol our stoics jiloiu4 u^ro^titott in the ju'iglinoihooa of a thousand dollars, not including the business done by shops, elevators, attorneys and land agents. There was a considerable crowd at the Christmas tree.'and for the uceess of it much credit is due to a lew, es pecially to Sheriff Meadows and Ins estimable wife. The infant daughter of Mr. Kyse of this place died on the 23rd inst, fol lowing its mother, within a few days. A social dance will be given to-niglu at the Union House and we judue from the parties getting it up that the youngsters will have a good time. The school meeting will be held at the school house Monday evening. Dec. 31st. We need a school very badly and hope our board may be for tunate in securing the services of the very best teacher to be found. BORAX1NE. the only successful substitute for soap, 10 mts per pound package, at Munro & Yv'eller's. "WISH YOU ALL HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR, Trusting that y our 'lines may fall in pleas ant places," and that another year I may have the pleasure of giving all my present customers and many new ones a like greet ing. J. J. STEVENSON, (Successors to Caward & Stevenson.) GRANT COUNTY HEADQUARTERS. Toys! I I N I have pun based a large stock of Lumhci at prices which enable.T!10, bottom figures. I now hvvi in stock Common Lumber in i!!ltw' Shingles, Lath, Siding 1 Coring. Sash. Doors, Moulding "5 Cement, Stucco and Plastering Hair in stock If you are going to build oall end see me I will save you money. THE TI:LI:NI{ \TI:I POUT IM In Glass, 01 H. J. McGIVERItt, tiaaiger. o\ COME AND SEE THE AT MUNRO & WELLER'S, Everything Bright and New!) DRESSING .W.-. PEIU'I MK CASKS A.VII ItOTTI.ES. llAN'llKKHCIUKr A (II.OVE BOXO. l'lC'lCHK KUAMKS. l'lIOT(« UAI'H AM) ACrOf.BAI'II \!!i! I'Ai'KU ,V KSVKl.OI'K AS1. X.MAS a NKW YKAll Mil WRITIN E S K S S K K EfiCOPKS NATION U. ANII l'.VRK Vlil| Toys! Toys! WOOD, /V2S'D CH! GAMES In Chess, Dominoes, Checkers, Bftckgammo Cris Cross, Blocks and Cards. ORNAMENTS i iiia and Colored Waiv, (IXS1STIXG OF Plain and Ornamental Vases, Toilet Sets, Cups and Saucers, 1 tache Cups, Tea Toy Ssts, Mugs. In fact everything necessary for gifts friends and to mafi home lmppy, afc ,* -,v, f\, MUNRO & WELLEB'S Call and See Us. ATTENTION! Fairbanks Scales. Iron and Wool Pumps for any dep1*1.1 well, Sulky and Walking Plows, Paints and Oils. Gla^° all sizes, "White Lead, Colored White I^erwl, warranto Mixed Paints of every shade. Steam and Ilorse Power Thresher Supplies, including Cylinder Oil, Machine Oil. Axle Grease, in pails or Cans, Belting, Lace Leather, Ruhber nd llemp Packing, Machine Bolts and STOYER .A jNT 1 TINWAl?^ "Wagon Makers' and Blacksmiths' SupP^J Guns and Fishing Tackle, Powder, Shot, Shells, &c< CHARLES BETCHER, (OL. I.IMKON HI C. F. WELCal IGsnt TJ: HOT 1 API I ftlo Dc i y BI6 STONE Uft