Newspaper Page Text
sv l| tiling Rolld\? HR-VC Jy I'01 ll'« ikirf* V*' ,'•Hf* »«d t.» 1,11 «wir, w «f «u. •. •••". rfy*. 't Mond,, ft d»T .',•.. „». t'tmi.t, w U btn ei urt'J s,!!,*1. imrr. A 1,1 N0-NO. rANCB VOL. VLU, u nulla wt ADfKKTIslM. RATES i, llWHiir U^* .23CT ?»V»«'-.**TT7~ it ail i wo '»kou.. atnuht .'••-?••• I-M X. 9f •J INI 1.501 8.UU' ,- of ilt. tore*' ikll'ifV'"" Oft,-u- JrlAll.ltOAl 'J1MK TABl.K or pr-ov il ilMrir^f a morignj. has btfsai •ewrtwi:' tuortgu'ij •r. land. lefe^iu: QMBBli^ Doth tiiiM- (nidi, r^ffuJc:. nude II »rt hu 1 !i»K IS.Ml I a.ooi •i.wn l*.(Ki 5.0tl! a. so feijjl't—lJaily es Sunday.. KOINU •H i Author 4.00| 8.00j 12.IK) SP IX) i .0.- ia.w w.oo! .ib.oo •o ill.OOi HO.Onl 90.0 10 '••tP per line r«t the first and fi-. IlllSi'.ltUMlt mc.Ttui* |«ll. &• »l OlvUlWH •V St. P. Kail way. tlOl.NC! K A !*T. Daily Daily except Sunday nte1»lm» 'HIp -1 nundr"' linger !'r« rr, WKST. Daily .. Daily except Sunday t—Daily ex Sunday.. XM ner, «.,• VVIHII'T 1KANCH iailv fx Stni'fv mk ua 1. C» ot— •it i:l »ttee :i arc- of rPD«iv* Wi.. "wvrl"' n.f. St Coi 'tlUM IB Slid. •. k ourtfH-1 _____ tion tt i lepm* IP a tn a in ft it in 10-1 1 II I,(M v i I MK 1 l.r A 1 KEVi 1.1*0 1AK «'OlNi EAi-I ^V'ed. aiici Kridny OOINU WKT-T •lily.., ••diiv. Tiii.!' .u.i of lit i )rty ami .xmth i —-—idMteu '"•"""•JETX: A i, I 11: i'. i »H Sr M. I 'i ro I i. ar.Hs^ urM'"''IVfWtIK .Arthur C. Mellette, rinrro. -.1. H. Fh'ti her. Santa ('iara. 4State K :igsiu.l, Pierre tor 1' IUUT I -v lor. Pierre. -uroi A i' Sunth. J'ierr* uienl I V 1 1 usl ior r-'-frt: 1'ieTt iit-ntten' 'Hi' slO|l. i .a,. I-. «troet itier of e(i.'oi aii'i 1». 1 t'i.i I. 1ti*'1! v the «!J H. I'ai heir, Brtiok^n si 1'IIKMK COI UT Oam r-. A i» K Uii .1. O. AfkJreu ^s. •(iui.t liichard llaiiev ii lit A. W. f' "i: vdge. J.:' g*' 1 '. iii) 1 Io«ani 1 i F'l'dfr. rci.-t John W N "l!i ctjit i.:Jaaa. M. Thoniim u .l^e, Aberdeen laiuiner I', .: Coiumisitoiieib J lUirmai: .loliti 11. King, Uapul 11. Ghuse, Watertown Secretary, biuaoa. WHUU ti'Wii. i: s. of !-'j."lAt. id Mates District Judge- A n,M i chedl. ties ifii| net Attorney ling. Huron. ed -s' at,os Marshal--Cyrus »iU 'ij. J. la I U m. B. Frye lf 'leneral B. H.SulJiiiuj, Huron. Bdj^T ILOH Sen at' ira -G. L, Mood\,of i, and IL F, IVttigrevv.uf .Sioux litivtssi ii' ("otiirre^«--0. S. Gif iflltOIl. lllltl J. Fickl'tj. ill kl"r' STATU JJt,t»lsi"iri UK. '.1st Dietrict—J. tor lllmvw fepe,.:utives lk. W. D. Law rent Pa'riJi' l'rov. -oi vrv otm i ff. aUuo.Hers—Irt Bi»t,J'iliu Martens. •Jd Diftt.. .bih11 llediium. kl JJiist., WIU. J«uiinga,Cbui. \U»— John IJHWglass. (ter ut i iH'dk-l,'. Mortens. Ity an I Probate t|.lt e—1 ho»'. UoucK Hirer S. Farlev. Fitf— II .) ben ilict. •k ot iiirt buokhart Sola'list- l'i'i*vey •ict Aitorti«-» M. Oweu.. #ner-- Dr. K Daniels. iy burveyor —W. S. Crowl. CtTV ^or—ll.'iiry S V.tJkmar. rk—J. VV. Hell. surer- Aug. Mittelstaedt ssor--.!iuiies lterrv- Justice—.S. M. I'lsco Attorney--.1. W Helt. Ierineu--I#t \Vfcrd \l Kaer«her, p. .1 riiiri''J'. rt ti^'l of' aw'i da .1 Morteil. Ward-W Paundeiv, Itieen Huirii A Ward—C A Krlaiidseu, W I'heleu. M»rsha 17Street ("ommiMloBM, HiiiltinK Kaspector aiut Kire Warden— K Sinuutiit* pieeuiau•— hart•*« -u ''i f|*- inWB pradtord, rvn »rleg tiocliuintu. B. hiiri'HKiv. A't i" tl". a t'' pi prKtlf' 11.- a w: d" )i i)' )L i By ELIZABETH W. BELLAMY, ("KAMH\ TIltHU'K."i fhtks, "Little Joan hi I Ltr. [Copyrighted. All rljflits reservist Hjxx-ini urraOKfineul» itli the Bel.' New i.rk hj t'!Uf V HAPTElt I. l.ilTLK MISSY. V 1! S,%V? i.v£. 1'raise nydarn!' latrtl Il, Hit* i .Inn Miss Thoriic. or, more faimiiari\. Miss l'.ivira, a gentle, faded beauu, attirenl according to the height of the style in the year of grace eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, was going, this warm May morning, "up to town." as they laid on i the plantations around Tallahassee ill I the days before the war and the entire i domestic retinue of Thorne Hill were as- i semliled to wpeetl her depart tire. Her brottier. the colontd. had preceded her on borsei«j(-k for he was a luau of *oo many inciH S i»ndur« a. arriage in a i drive 'f mile 3"iig miles. It may have V« n tec uiM-' \4 iie e xtra. inc'ues that wa« called Inu hi.- wrl i i knowledgeil the Kille wilhciiit incjuii The 1-oloiuI s '.mli n e 1 a i n o i a s s o a i tloomed this d*r «.*» be left it ie-nn tn charge of IIKII*-AIIII. the R.nndv ur-e. whose na-im* Mi-s V. .• i:: i I 'ransformed inu '"Mom lice that ij C',IH'S Hoi tun IN iiie .-an. Mi-s ita sai'i. as she sank back against the cushions and opened a little i well worn uir.e of Bishop Iveu'si De otions. -s 111\ ica sp.-ut her ilay, for me mo?i j' tihe had iiriti !K)' reatlii I he Wouldu'is'prise me ef Missy HE it. iiKhivr sun tiow 3is minul^/* grumbleii !!»rv-Ann i(i (lie :M.rriag«- rolled arji. islte luouglit I" i pojjiu -om«-M hers 'itill/, dc house. -iii- .'iOiettill d. a- —tit- i !al«.irwusB w-v jioib the,»ta i.. Th»-house at ltf nte J11 iI had a i'irt3 storv nnth'r the roof, lighted by a iviu- of Immigration II. i dow in each gable, and deep, high peaked i dornieis. iiacli and front. The Mair land- K fJiaifdiard, i ing divided thin storv into long counts, which were used ehielly for tUn~ K 1 i1 ing oilds and cutis. In the -ool north room wat Wiinfre»)*4 chosen den, and 1 here, in an ohi «liscarded arm ciiair bt le the gat lit 'VII.UO'A, (il r_* A Jt 11 f. II. lid A wild looking child she was. very .i&iall firlirt- J1 Jears. with »\aiit promise, vif beauty. .She JiiiJ lariji*..i' ex of a iar.k. uncertain color, a inoutii for winch iinr teeth seemed lot many, arid an insig nificant nose. Streaks ot sunburnt yellow marred th- lieautv of her curling and abundant reddish brown hair more- wiute tee de'-awn lak vo* skin tain, ft. .-r set i: .mi/, ba^ i want tt I ain't g\". •, .ft, wit1 i i Could 1 i her disiijipor thetic. eagi-ii fuiu Mawse Th. *l:iUgiiif-r Mi-. ir, 'hi I^e, U].?ir WitherSi-ott's ii li«w ii.Jig :i^i» nob 1 'time, lioilt lb u.-ll.-i over, iier face was frecd»led. She wore i5ill».rt, iinpatienli a, faded green gingham dress, which markt'tl her growth br two liatida of ieeper color in tlie skirt, where the provi- deiii tucki had been let ouf. Her arm? ajid shoulders were bare, but pantalettes i of a piece witb her dress hung nearly to J'roetor, jjer ankles, aud fibscuretl her white *U»ek- ings. Her «lires. Mil every war too iarge, i lactl up the front. "I'jaise lit- kingdotn!*1 Glory-Ann ejaculated, pausing in the doorway, her arm* akimbo. Vou deh, Honey?" "V,u 'way! Leinmc 'lone!'' wild Honey "u ri*sjxinsi3. But Gior\T-Anii Biibtjidetl to the fltKir beside the arm chair, slowly and with a aigh, md there idie crourhed. her hands clasping her knees. She foresaw that the exhortation to duty «he felt bound to deliver would occupy a jjortion of time distiiK'tlv appreciable by her stiff and 1 elderly joints. "Whyn't you mind yo" book, missy?" she began. 1 "I'm tired 'if this ohi plantation. Missy declared, irrelevantly. "I want to flo ever an' ever so far awav:*' This wai the burden of the young lady's lament whenever her aunt went up to town with out her. '•You'd be tuk wid a mighty hontn ter git back," said Glory-Ann. "You ter talk 'bou i tpiiitiu' here, when you cant §o much :u dross yo bef. she concluded, half in pit v. half in reproachful pride. '•I can!" retorted Missy, indiguantly, as idie tuggi'd at the i-u'iugy and inade blI"* ribbon that was wupposttJ to in .sjiije 'iioii her rebellious hair. ••'l)eii huklaim .vou don't nuver do it?" 1 u ai.tcitufcii demanded /•Her lit I.HM Glory-A no. with sly humor. To this thrust Missy made no reply, and the old liuivsi..' began anew to exhort her to "ruind her book." "Do, now, i .! a ,-ood chile, jes" as Missle i J" ti c-w.ui mek de nicest it'UC. tuiiljx. ,i IK id 1 KB) It lieu she }»av«.i 0o!*.d\ ll.M'tt' dtl, it M-iis a i.» t,, 1-.. praoH'i- thai cBabied her '.tget iitte Miss Winifriil. wlw a Lidv e\a.spera.ljng dericea#. iv bil Nicii MILBANK, S. 1)m FIJI DAY. APRIL •_:,, |s)0. IVmj.ted b. i In J'!-.1« .-i. i i 'A'iv 'sr. 1.11(1 cliir- i_ IKT -mail Min l.r..n .••••! iianiis on tin! tj ot' liur iicad. sit- "I n fr-mplatiriK, with lazy iiidiffiTC'ii" •, old IJUIW'H struggling afliicM'tn'M ,.f thrt jicrjieiulicular. When at last Mmn ilw, with a gnint of tliauksRiving, stool upon her feet, Missy's eyes had found an attraction in the llonn.' Fu*ld. hpond tiio parden fonre, whert* the rorn in lh" furrows was making a promising sliow of prt-en. In an instar.t iter languor and indiffprcncc vanished. "ilom Bee! Mom Beo!' shp rri^d citedly. ••Tli'!' Daddy I: i in Home Field *...i reckon it.' llie hraiudi:" "Jes* li»'n a ,.•! •. '-'...ry Ann in a di-• "i: i ii'-. --W n-. y o u i n i n i i i IKXIK. i i' K let" He gl el In i i!ito fuller atter dem i Thornen ijualiiy l. iiifss \v I I T'u i.i. "VoU a i ',• m.'.' bt innily. :l: remonstrance. "Jos' look tit her tiuw!" lamflited Glory-Aim. as the child slipped through a gap in the garden paling, and made i wild haste across the furrow^, r^'-kle^ of damage to the growing coin. "She is je«' as heady aw Mawse Nick heself: an' inawster ain' got no room ter eomplain wheti hi*, cliilli'ti lek di-y own wa\ d' ii lnaile alter his own petterun jilum!'" I'm a goin' with yon!'7 jianted Missy, •»«'.u aj« hhi? was within hearing dis- 'i'of her father's mucli i:i' c, who, being slight i 1 considerate of the •i: his way leisurely. iwster above!" «rxeia.: i' ti with a grin that disp,a it I -ee Ih'i 'i lioliroti Stel, ct .ildv hill drofs i i r- ills lc*'. Ol'ituii v .inject' Tout y.i uj't. iitalc i ihev "OHI" I' rh *ir liii •un i' n i a Hi t-' i a 11 IL if N I N ain't G. ai.' TO chin'd. "No. you ''".ti. i n i o i i i i tur. You j"s' gret house." "I'm tired a hoginning to cry iii "Now a in' dat a 'ii. I.r. I'.m: •Hit Glory-Ann ietlin" yo'\ run loose in disii yer sun. You jt-." go 'long back. Mis-' en' I'm gwan ketch v mi a Mollv cott/ a tail, or inebtx" a wjuirl." Missy panned, glowerimr from in ii her puckered brows. Tlie. bousti had ii" attractions for her while the sun vv.a fchining warm and bright, and the wooo, wnre waving hough- tf green. But su i tlenlv tlie frown relaxed: Missy was in sjiireil bv a brilliant purpose. She per (•eiv-d that it might be jossible to steal of! tti that dingy little dwelling iu the' midst.of the j.hini thicket. the other jside of the road, beyond the condiel." where slit* ho|»'tl to tind Dosia Ftirnival. a girl eight cars her senjor, for whom she entertained an immense resjiect. 1' matierctl notliing to tins daughter of- tie* blue blooded Tliorues that losia's falle was a cat penter, and that her int.tlier made dresses for the Indict, of Tallahas see Missy found her altogether admira lii". J'or liosia Mas gentle and patient. ,-i assiimi«l none of those airs ot sup 11 oiity 1 hat, renticred Mora Thorne, loncl's beautiful niece, so ibiu.xious u» hei little cousin. .Missy hail heard, a few davs Ix'fore, that Dosia was riot in lalia- i hassei* it occurred to her that she might be found with the carpenter kinsfolk, who inhabited the sorry little house a l' the tjendof the Thorne Hill road. With the C/donel antl Miss Elvira on the road to town, with Glory-Ann busy in tlie house, and Daddy (iilliert wending hb solitary way to the woods, Mwsy decideii that she might venture to steul off for an hour or so. without riak of discovery. She turned her face tuivartia home, but she had gone only a few yardi*. wIh-ii she abruptly-changed her course, alb.gan to walk rapidly across the, field til the .'.i rection of the road. But just as she took this turn, old Qn bert wat minded to l'xr»k back, and he on ijol I I'lte tr.i III' got I un' gwau st .. iatm' wid dem K 11 iiiiK-rl. immoveo V I'.u k ter de gret i. i Visslo-virey. mmi Misv. after a 1 v. i- i n dat ole ni g'] u"in'sV "I'm a gen' itli 1(111:1 'Ii-- ,.'i. ijotiru «»d. as sho rtis'.- ii- i" and went tearing d"v. n-: or- ,i. i .f .- •lull" O Hi.iWMi nivals," Haiti u totK vo'iscf 1 i:. -Lirt of h*r went rt-.ii.'in ganleii peil till in in the •lien :m I I'.i! t#l, n11 toil' l»TV he' u inldinv. -lint: iKith liife .i.-ing died tlio. act ami in in i .. hi liano. w !•:. i crimp \i.« I.iv-ra tijirn:!- lay foi(iei a ij:« stool ut her side. !S:ie ]aus:-d of lifting the apron from the k look I'd o\» her sjici'tacles wit grave reloike at the llu-hed f.i. child coming up the Nteps. "I'm T«:L: I 1 O'L A ILL' it |e I.I vu' trip hnr tw.. ».v. fill-' a i s e For ans •ilged old ime, an ?*ip, wa Mi sy floor, ihre'. i:tle pil V. de 'II 'IT. r. HI tome tr ich pusley, an i. Whv'nt vol m[iiin, t'it tin' satis- h.'ild olc lore tl I pi Ise with hi '.IT .1 know I hi I- ll-v 1 it HISll! ". 'J'horii. I i!'rtM^ bi)i .. ... .1 1--r .. iph$t'i' |i Hi It'll .illllllllll. i in h.-r i 'ed 11(1 \mitv! Miss I •. ir no n:i" a,.. ii.huHAI" .'cc-viu Mom I- ie I ace and carp i'iin' ''Ollll I S clliit S shoe. Amity, A gii 1 IW .idfred's I. training .t 'ated in h l.-e, 1W' :',.: in milling i^\ ioaitl, a IT if the 'iiinab iiin- tetiium *F R«w aiding sand artcd guihilji over her feet. She he heart! h'Mself 1 leti. tuic,M i.ii il,e upturned ci.-tt- ii tsket th at '.rvetl her for a stool a'.I ..arUnl to I .tilery, w-here site Rt-t h. t .f at otc-e •t»'-v Ci- r\nn's -t Missy oif'-re 1 n r- -i-laia but as -i.e. ..: I not ch". i" .a ti It. position, tl .'IS It vva I i. am- .leMerity .'Ulll n» :11t! lime fin ie shtjos and lact* im up: ti la an" I ill. however "time v u n y a s i i 1 1 KT U S J- o K I .. .i Amity was in n- mind to hurry. 'I'm gwan on 02 vear,"' pursued Mom l'. e, boastfully, ". i, i uas dl(-rs b'longi-.i i de Thorne fan i' I wuz bawn in I'tin'lv.l wuz i' .:/c') in de fam'l n', arai-c .)• Lawtl. I "spccts ter die in tn 1 i n i V o u i s o u n e a y o s e i.i\ 'vordft, Misb.v, fur you en' Maw si s' ick ain" vie only OIK-S I has foich up. 1 had a hau' in Missk-vircv "s raisin n i. re ain' nobody k u fault her man .' i J-'.n' Missej virev. eili" knows what a norne doau b'long 'long of a Fuin:\ui. eu' a Furnival doan b'long "long a Th a i.e. Hukkoiu you ain" patteniin* atter Mi- 4 virey?"* And (iiorv A un looked at if i charge over her sp.-cTac!"- w ii -t m, re aiking eves. Missy, freeing 1 n a j. rk t!a» bands of Amity, whoelfo "ter, uml i' bli! ujtright, inspired a -ud J. 'i ti.d eornfort ing r'0iiiiee.tion. "Mom Bee! whey is thai ginger [tone?" she demanded. SBSi?2R2SB£23 £ESfSEE0S D. M.FERRY 4 CO. U Largest Secdsrricn -i. M_ I'm kv.N o SEED AXrfUAL i i •aii' J.nt% -Titi if l.ttt season's .I« r... It l.' tt' Ci.ttt (v. -11 prr«:n iivir.K Garden. Klowrr a: Kifitl SKKDSh,iu:.lvi I a. u riHRaco. OtTBOr, MICH. he axk M1L11ANK. We I it-, -ale the urt Wc •Ii lie bonne! i! Iter sin .-s. II I dorv I'.-M all" d.-,. 1 «"d ['iillii. Ann's fe t. dis trapw-i d-i- "H. 1 u ies i ut i• ii t-\ Misy put. up i i it lc and meditative^ ,-iiii sui!I'Irnci hali' »d h. check My cousin Fl •. ... st nue," idle said. None ter lui't' i i And Dosia Furniv V pr-'ttit (."nan my i v," Missy jirotdaim^i1 Horv-.\ I .jipeu o ends rhu-ne. itching die she •\ork. and lap i* it Hp. panal tt 'A'.\ Hb MISS 1' strap J.-: t*- tr i- W, V 11 aving purchased the c. pat'lic solin'intra sliare ci- ,i ii, the market, and I'lautity and quality. Consolidiitrd April II. ofMilbank, SOl'TI I DAKOTA. ZiT I'll is: is the nllent Hank in nder lli» above lilie since 1*81. In addition of doirg a general Bunk'w iii siu'^, w® loan lnoncy on Farm uritios payinu the moitgagee Iroin 7 tof percent, per annum, no charge lor coi ecting iiiitl remiiliiig inieresi.or lookiim alter the loan during it* life. i Out Ol liuiidit iln oi iiioh» uidn of tlnllaiM loaned by Us, no investor ham ever lo«t 'inMiiolhti of i 11. or ml ere I W» wii e\ i.angf .!. v«t »"-*tern cities aiui 11 every foreiau country in th« vorld. taxes lor non-vsii'vpnt jropert\' owners. lleet »t ie i-.on '!ile r.iieH, mid remit proceeds thesftiiip day. i the I ngest File liiHtvriiriee lusui«ss of any agency in Knftern Ottkot«. MiihanU if*situattsil (iii^nt County, in the famous Whetstone Vnllev, lh» trarden spot id'ail th»- Dakota^, and bordering on the isseton Indian Keservatiou, wliitdi will be opened setiifinent in the spring of MilbnuU will he the point lor -t (tiers taKrnu hoiiimn on its tortile acres. itli I lie coming ol sialelio-**! Iiuidn will tie materially enhnneed in value, South Dakota Iimh entered the I'm™ with I*r«hibititri in her Constitution, and this «ill attract lie veiy bent fia.-'K of iHI *"L'rntion trom the East to her fertile i prairieM i -ai" s"Mi. of the finest hn.i thq Stnti u i: .is-'tiiiliance witliiti a ""I'ttime it! i" it pei ni" ."ii. a' I in iik of *w »rk. N, B. A .i.i.eapolifc. .M.nn. -a re«' »n Solicited. SARGENT aiavs itj si". 1. :l! lit, K'lll i Mil imj i n -tublished undo{*pr.*ltiiig IbAN TJ" Ll ST A N 1 A ft! ts i'b an v smv« in the mnrket. The Cedar Kapitls Wood rump, Brass \'alve Scat il the t, an M-'Ver reed to tlive the be I'l ices that will &ffonl New York, or & DIGGS. S FARLEY, 1 ti standard and time tested k is u .iiiiiig. Tlip«e pumps are gnaton. -tatislaction. A full line of "CTlv£3PS work niicli is rejiairint stoves, tin work carry fii'! LINK ot (.KNEKAL HAHD above, and .ire going to Bell them at iVk'.s thtit arr Bound to Establish Trade. Patent and Straight Flour AND BRAN AND SHORTS A iwavs ot Hand. Stone City Milling Go., Big Stone City, Tin: MILBANk JKWELRY STORK Tl WOODWARD, Proprietor, S.i "3S «r to I, WOOD RI'ST, Manager. y Dak. mmmmmmm COAL FIRM. iv i M! intorest of Mr J. A Riekert we come before the our 'patronage. Wtj carry the liest quality of all gt a.i-s at reasonable pricen. Wo guaranne iu OllDKBS TAKEN \T OFFICE OR ON TIIE STHEETS FITCH & HILTS, PROPRII-:TORS. jiiiS