Newspaper Page Text
TIIE HERALD-ADVANCE. MILBANK, r. W. \V. DOWNIK, Editor un.l OFFICIAL PAPER OF CITY AKD COUNTY, Fill WAV. WAV J, Stftt* Republican Central Commit* ler. HkaIx^'.VK'I KUH Itiil'l'llUCAJ? i i \TE CoMMMlTTEE, AHKHDKEN, April 25.! Notice is hereby given that thorn vvol be a meeting or the Republican State Committee of South Dakota, to be begun and held in the city of Huron, South Dakota, on Thursday, tlio 8lh day of May, 1890, at 4 o'clock p. m. at the Opera Hons", lor the purpose if fixing upon the time, plane and repersentatiun for a state convention, and insuing a -all thorc, Verv Respectfully, MCCOY, Chairman. Hon. M. J. Gordon, of Aif-ri about to leave that city for tL "f Washington. A call for the .sixth lulei na', day Bchool convention has h-1 meet at Pittsburg, Pu., fr»• i•. to 27th. An effort is being n. executive committee to ublam one fare for tho round trip. As was predicted, the doors of the sa loons were tightly soaled up Thursday morning, and the bibulously inclined who had failed to lay in a supply against the years of famine, had to come down to water straight and slalce their thirst at the town puuip just the same as horses, oxea, mules, editors and other .animals have had to do heretofore—and it isn't a bad drink either as many of the boys who are giving the beverage a fair trial have already confessed. Prohibi tion prohibits so far, and with a fair at tempt at enforcement it will continue to do so. A strict enforcement of the law is the only thing left us, and we believe that the great majority of the people of the state, including those who opposed the enactment of the law as well as those who approved it, view the matter in this light, and will aid to their utmost a due observance of the prohibitory statute as long as It stands on tho books. This is the true spirit of American citizenship the rule of the majority—and we can act with honor only while we uphold this principle. Here's to prohibition and its faithful enforcement. Engineers should remember that it is necessary for them to procure a license threshers must also remember that they are responsible for any and all damages caused by fire set by their machines while in transit from place to pla?.e. You must also extinguish the fire in your engine be fore leaving it for any purpose. If the buildings, grain, hay, implements, fencing, timber or any other property is injured or destroyed by tire, caused by any steam tnreshing machine the per son or persons owning or operating the same, shall be responsible to the person or persons injured thereby for all dam age or injury caused or sustained by reason of such fire. In a suit for dam ages it will be necessary to prove that the machine w as tho cause or means of setting such fire and that it was through i the carelessness or negligence of the per son or persons operating the machine, or that the machine was imperfect and un safe in its construction. Section 5 of the present law reads It shall Vie unlawful for aay person to sum of hve hundred dollars, payable to ,plu(J Week s isue, wnelc ui uUe j..»• that it is sending out a large mi sample copies, for whiih it dot- 1'ubi I- pect pav, and in another law that all who take th* the po.-tofflco are liabh* Tins game they art) t: '.tiled to ine iM'h by the :i rate of Tl»f house committee on term.Ties re ported favorable the bill reimbursing South Dakota tor expense of the Sioux Falls constitutional convention of IS'Ci. The sum of $15.1)00 is granted. Th" bill has already panned the senate. Attomel General Dullard says that all county officers are eligible to a re-elec tion, no matter how long they may have served previously under the territorial law. Tho terms of their service can only date from their election under the etute law. Chairman McCoy, of tho republican state committee, has issued a call for a meeting of the committee at Huron en tho 8th. inst.. for the purpose of fixing upon the place, time and representation for the state convention and issuing a call therefor. Sioux Falls Press: Judge Andrews lias decided that the copy of a chattel mortgage filed with the register of deeds must be duly and formally authenticated in order to make it acceptable under the law as evidence of a lien upon the prop erty. Copies which have been filed have in thousands of instances been without any authentication whatever. mi tin* farmers of the eo ticularly thesub-fTi.ers of the Ad vane Hut it doesn't work and their P-ipeis II be'm* hurled hack bv the doy/T- e\. day, We wish to state that th can never force payment for the except from subscribed pursue is to it poht'illice. The al people is an outn.. i its utter hi''A of II It i s-:r The editor of the Hi -i»r.?» A.\ owes an apologv to its ri ad-. rs -r hut ing taken up BO much space the last few weeks with dissecting some of our do mestlc animals. Our only excuse is thai an editor iB liable to get tired at times, and should be allowed to indulge in any little recreation that may help to tone him up and give him that relaxation which all hard workers so much enjoy. However, we're had our fun with the animals and feel as if we could settle down to a good business gait very soon, and we're going to do it. We have come to this, conclusion trrst. because our friends have threatened to proe. ute us for cruelty to animals if we longer con tinue to drive the critters around the whipping post and again, because we don't like to tight a corpse, and t!ie thing is so near dead that we haven't the heart to give it a last kick, which would 1-md it .tbii1) in the open grave it has dug for itself. The thought of parting with these dear dumb friends who have afforded us all so much amusement the past few week«. worked }))Wjr us up into high poetic frenzy with the -on1|f following result. 1 which should in a low, melancholy tone, and 1 light, bree/.y tone in whieti the bn been in tho habit of referrir,, mules): W«"v lovcil yon lontc, we've Good bv«, doar jack, bye You cannot write, anil *varc cut Oood-l've. deiir jftok, g.i i »e. Bye, jackto, bye bye, jsckte, t\ 11 Uood-bye, doar jack, good-bye. To you, dear mule, a long farewHt. Oood-bye, dear mule, good-bye You're in "tlio sou i," if easy to 1 -1!, Good-bTe,dcar nii/n.. i ood bye Byo, mulie, Ac. With ear* BO LONG, and liua t« to thi 'K, liood bye, old milieu, good-liye, You're out of trumps, mid huvi a't 111 Good-bve, old mules, gned bye. B'«, mulies, & c. And see theiu going, two by-two. liood bye, old fraud*, irood-bve. The government mule, ttud the uckv-r Uood-byu, o frtc '!-, good bye 00 fur a!enit the state, said bond to be approved by round trip, ami it is confidently believed and filed with the Clerk of the Circuit I that ali connecting lines in th* Kasr, Court of the County where he resides, in a"'1 W.\U oaso hd is a resident of th© Stiito, atul it rut^s of fi*re for this occasion. a non resident, with the State Auditor, To the Knights of Pythias Biennial conditioned to pay all damages arising1 Conclave wiiit hwiii lie held at Mil fromany fire caused by 1dm in violation ^kee -July 8th to 12th. the rates wo! e o n e i s a s s a s s a e a e o i of tue provisions of this act. round trip (i e. half rate). Tickets will If you own a threshing machine look i be sold from July ^to tUls matter before you start in. Ueturn good to July Uth. u Ai rom tlM" Uiijnr Siifnlrv II ITALIC E a s .• i: en er 1 ,»t, pi" .of |.Lit smi. or 1 with its claim that i the Advance, when fused to allow it to i. 1 1': fault I times afflicted in tl stance, early ht«t winds co!iiiiv ",'iv1 the north ii.i n prietora of fa y t-r wanted some nt" 1 hou-e, arid uccordi i. er of the building. .i.. i" ..e buy the windows and aski theow er apply the utnount paiii i them rent. This was agreed to. and the owner a receipt! hav V.'Tvh'W v. ar app»*ab, lidit that .wi .Id le to of the building repiestel tint of the money paid for th»* w forwarded him but th*' v.: away and no receipt and riving answer u i i» fr. the owner of the Luildin. the best thing: he could d-j .w muko a trip from jS'orth liave a personal investigation of the bus iness methods of the great Xorthwstei u Imagine Ids siiriirim1 up*n ariivinghi last week to find that thu v,iudo-As 1, simply beeu rented for the winter, :r that they had already been returned the parties from w hom they wer»* leap"'l. The great Northwestern wsif probably laboring under the same h'Uiueination regard to ttie windows that he W wl he attempted to steal the Advance n I'O Wil li! ihibitot y efleet tlii: b"et •li it i w hi ma. an' tiv is. ^O! hil wl Dakota and paper- -that by virtue of his lease he .o souiehow come into full and compl' t. possesion of the thing. It was a link mistake, of course. ',hut treat in.siitu tion*, like the Northwestern are liable to I make, but it was a lucky thing that tlie owner of the building came d»wn when he did. Another six months atul tho Northwestern would pr bab!y have had a warranty deed of the whole property. vi«ion :u pie^t thf 'iti/.' n l• i give w •h will it m10 1 Ad\nn in any form wtiatc oarelac falsitiv.* n ««.v» I' ti tion. K' n'ttl Hi '»I or reccptac :IH shall keep. paper. maferi .' Vllllhli: \i ]\ib!ir '.Jjr (iruuntl N- 1 is hereby given that anew iic uuTn'ping grrimu 11n 'ifstaH on lot'.j, block G4. on il.i" 'et nejir i.:ro'-k two bloc'"s nor'li i! llan-l's mill. Ai... m'inure,. -i' -o V '_ I A I WJ.: i: o _• is Jiive llr.Ni Dated MUhfiuk. ubbish. 11 I'r' S I)., May To Reimburse Suutli S i W \SIIINITIN, Ajiril committer (.m territories tod •. fatorably tiie bill reimbur-in. kota for expenses of the Sioux siitutional convention of Ih^o. o S I o I U i s a n e I n I ready passed the senat". .mo!1,tr -uTiir 'r. the 11 u\ the i!: C.« 31, 4 St. V. Kicursion, For the meeting of the Nat ional Edu cational Association which convenes 111 St. Paul in July, the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Hail way company will sell excursion tickets to St. Paul and ret. in jise a Steam Threshing Machine in this I trom points on its 5,71*) miles of road in Btate until he shall first enter into a bond I Illinois, Wisconsin. Minnesota. Iowa,' these are hopeful indications ot a sm with good and sufficient security in the I Missouri, South Dakota Ha- ful issue. auction I k o t- o n e a s i s o o n e i s a s a i e i S o u a k o i a t- e o e o a v o e ,ership feeitorthe' jui,? .l,hft ChU si*" .J Milwaukee & St. Paul ll'iilwny in niak- fith to 11th, inclusive. May -use Soutii I)a Knlls con The sum Tiic iluvotTrial. Aberdeen News While thi.-* iti ,)nsof paIr|( ,tlsm i the event will have a marked influence on th© Career of the commonwealth am! be worthy of a place in the calendsr a one ot the notable days in our history. This is true whether prohibition meets the expectations of reformers or confirms i the prophecy of oppo netits whetbeF its adoption is regarded as an attempt toes i fim kmHntal Ill()rill pri ncip:e or 3 measure of of doubtful utility and vicious tendency. It is at least acourageoiis effort to applv the ()J .., ,, ovil As sm .h bitioii will claim the respect cf all sincere men of good principles, whether they or diappro\K the lai.\. '!'!.• pi-i ie have declared in favor of .1111 I'ti.c most advanced idea for the 4'ra.:ic.ii ion of the debauching *aloon atul its e\il«. 1' oh i hit ion never bad a fairer field for t'.ie display of it- reforming than ,-i prestuitovl by South Ibiko' 1. IJeing chiefly Hirricult'ind auu !rei from very large cities, there lire ut lew hid mg phiees for evil. .No stront co.nbina ions of lawless men ca.i l»» form. I to resist the law. The tciopet of the pco I'le is tuvornble t'i.: ic f-er.timeut be lunil tlie law so 1 ii '1 the eiiforce iiieiit ol any stai'r", 1- "'long etiouL'h o uphold tlie -s in its execM •!,. The Ihjtior int-v,!t-=elf, so far fe. t!.e more promitx 1 i 1: 1 en-ie .lion *i 'he bu-ie.e.. •oii»'t»rned, hav.- .. Position to sub.u' •... n evitahle. The dehlieration and —.i n by the friends of the 1. i ure in giving ample time to those .1,levi ed by the law to adjust tlo-ir business affairs to the new situation, have contri buted in 110 small degree to Sliioo 1 ,. waj lor the new order of thing*. ,\':i a very conspicuous position, no! only be fore bet istor .-lates, but before the civi lized world She is working out. a tiro!. 'em which has never beeu satisfy nn v xlved. Her people are doing s. for mankind. The more truly they re alize the lespons'ibility which they have taken upon themselves, as demonsirator# of the ellieacy of a prohibition law, the stronger will be their determination to lifted, a lack gen antici- every have ainion- !i i •itaiy ii 1' lLot'i thai M» i ::t-. ill i! law iv'\. ). .11 attend the I held hereon aatauisu t" e la^t term of ved to Orion- »pe:iil ii If'A Whiter tick, 'ting f' Interest ait ijiii cted to •mfeict oreucL ters the i) ion of e'j at fir- -.e Cit hi/ member^ Moii'hn. on Tufsd r, i th" Couf.T. I'ontinue over to ported ur •ruing's traiu. Hes.-iioii, which a y n y 11. ^ry evening a* will especially services. Th" t'IF• Will be p! ai l, MIL' I" "•"o. Confer"h :.-i lie devoted to religious bishop will pit-ach on haps oiie or two (C.-ffut -f a y was not ushered with tioomirig of cannon li( Sunday anl "sol'thi* Wei per City Wave. Asmcj TO .Tsoriirus. M'- WHIHJUW'S SOTITLIIM^C SYRU}I IP-RN I. :!.•• lieM for TT'IIDR«II t» I-ILOI'A i.n, AllU wrtift It rcln-ve« Un- nlti" BliUiTcr at eiH't'. jirmhK-'s linturnl. 4un?t cie cp ('•••11... tie- !i 1 frm iisiii, una ttu- Iiti1« ii« uvc'" us ••liriulu tf 11 btitton." ll ii) v.-ry ph-a* ttnt to IYUOTHF'H TIN' 1 to 1(1, SOFTIOIS the KUUIP, pfiiH, r(-U««''K w nd, reiruiutos the liowclt*, ainl is Jin- -t k:mwii ri-ui«dy f«ir diiif hu a, wlii tlier Hri-iiiu: frurn ti'dliing or other caum" fnei i.'i utn.tiie. A Great Event I11 one'.-, life is tlio discovery of a remedy for some loUi-'-stiiiiUin^ malady. The poison of Kerotlula ii in your blood. Y011 inherited it from your aiiecsltns. Will you transmit it to your tdfsprmj la die grunt majority of cases, ixitli Consumption irtd Catarrh orig inate 111 Scrofula. It. is «upposed to lie tlie primary sonrcc of many oiiier ileran^ements ul the. Iio'ly. llenin at once to cleanse jour blood Willi tlie xtali'laiil uUcraliVe, Ayer's Sars N' apariSla "For several montlis 1 w:is troutiled with scrotnlom erupt mm over the whole body. My aiiieiite vv.ii bad, and my system so prostrated that I!. to work. After trying several remedies in vain. I resolved to lake Aji s Kar^aparilla, mid did so with such jvio'l e^'ct that less than one bottle Restored IV3y Health and s'c :if. '!i. Tie..- uf ll»u curu tonislied m-e, as I expt cled the ploee-s to b.) loiiK and t-diou:-i." Prederieo Marlz Fer Uaiides, Villa Nov,tile (Jaya, l'ortii^al. "Fir iiiv y.-ais I was a sulTeo rrom scrofula, until about three years a^o, when I began Use u e ,,1 Ayer's Harsapaiiila. sineo wfiieti til-- (!-eiv has eiitio !y di^.ipp. ared. A little eliilil of mine, who was troubled witli the same complaint, has also been cured by this medicine."—H. Jirandt, Avoca, Ne!,r. Ayer'sSarsaparilla DE. J. C. AYEIt Sc CO., Lowell, HaiB. Sold by llrug^'iiiU. Worth $5 a bottle. 1 .. ni V» fltertowij, Smiih K 1 N o i e 1 0 e -r e i a iitti ii," loiiowiiitr ii8ia.d uler ha« filed if hi* 11.leiilloh |,i ri,iik" fi i::ii t'i ve yi-ftr-rt pport of hi^ rliiiin, ami Ui„t HH'HI ,r tie- ju'ls e.or !(j hit abserjc rt al MUbaiiif, South i)u irj.'tile ,1 rk of r: i r 11 June J4th, 1 " lid N. I.udwiit Miinniart MUM fur 1 |.e si',, iir.of s,-,- He imiMi th rot, to,e,n* r, #anl Inud, /it: l.udwii' Tin li I'hnetittijMjn, ItvTilln, S. t). p. lis, 1 4», I prove hlM '-(."Ji nut! -ii|!. iuten, nf, Iftintoiy, of Albee, S. I) He%il'o, S. 1 ThoiniiH ft Ii Kiiijilt Moon, (if follnwOitf witunHn W i n WILLIAM*, JP-gnter N. J. BLESER, Has a Complete Line of the LION BBSf*®0"8* of Mixed House and Floor Paints, i/J,, -i :niv Vaintinir it will ai ii i these Paint: i i n n i i s Dc i:s i (jcneral Banking lkisiness. Accounts of HusincS Paid on 1 ori'iun the Milbank Office over Old Post Office. lime Deposits, P.NChan_o-e Col lectin Sol MIS i iwn St new styles and learn the low Prices. MILBANK, SOUTH BAEC# G. L. WOOD, fha ARC lOYAi. i Ci»Pt, *v lourt P. V inr-fsy bretlnf L. BO o. o. Men Solicited. v ||Mt8 ever v isii S,14nheik s 9 u n e AHN lliets ,v,. irs VI tfjMfs. He ort k I, Sit Mee «k. A. the Ii •th. boss, •cia -t.11lot' S i!( .Mtul ELLIOTS Latest Designs Colorings. Everybody can afford Fresh and Clean. Call and i& speet 1 Atte: MB*!"' a 0. at lial upvitutio IfliOMJ ATH01-11' Chirr i. PBCQl'Al to paper II H, hk: W MA if MlInn »L l. btati