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11 fill A LI)-A DVANCE. W. W, IMJWNIK, Editor ton] I'utilistaer MILBANK, S. D. Wm. W'ai.hoick Astoii's income is esti mated at $27,000 a day. Onk hundred districts in Victoria, Australia, will soon take simultaneous action towards the destruction of the rabbit plague, Poisoned grain will bo used and it in hoped that seventy tho percent, of the rabbits will be kill'd. In the lastdajsof tho recent session tho Iowa Legislatures passed a bill giv ing physicians tho right to dispense liquors without oven the permit re quired of drurrjrists. As tboro are some 6,000 doctors in tho State, tho temper ance peoplo are nervous. Nkaui.v all the otlicials of the Gain's ville, Jefferson & .Southern road wero more or less injured in a wreck near Augusta, Ga.. the other night. It is safe to predict that that road-nod will bo put into such shape that it will cause no more "unaccountable" ac,-dents. Ukdf.k a new law in New York, can didates who are voted for at any elec tion must file a statement in detail of tho money they have expended, of tho money and other valuable considera tions paid or used by them in an elec tion, within ten days after the election. A rnoJKCT is now on foot to connect 8t. Petersburg with Archangel, a dis tance of f00 miles, by an electric rail way. The enterprise, with which tho name of Siemens is connected, is backed by Archangel interests, and the estima ted cost of the road, including rolling stock, will bo $15,000 per mile. The rat plague in Lincolnshire, Kngland, continues in spite of the enor mous destruction of the animals by tho farmers during the past few months. One farmer who scattered poisoned bar ley about his yards every night gathered a crop of 1,:J00 rats in one day. Where they came from seems to be a mystery. A KAVoisani.v situated lot of ground in New York has been sold at auctinn for $1 It) per square foot. In size it was no larger than two good-sized lots, and it brought &M0.441. The lot has two fronts on New York's principal thor oughfares, liroadway and Fifth avenue, and is situated in a busy part of the town. Twf.i.vk million five hundred thou sand dollars is the sum which the Lou isiana Lottery Company oilers that State for the renewal of its charter. Tie money is to be divided into three lots, one to be devoted to educational pur poses, another to charities and another to the work of repairing the Mississippi levees. Aocoiiimng to in format ion received in Ilrussels, the agents of the Congo State have explored in their navigable parts tbe rivers Chiloango, Loubousi and Soukouka, tributaries of the Congo. They found the regions along these riv( rs rich in palm trees, and believe that factories would succeed very well there. Four new p.sts have been estab lished between Homa and X'Zobe. Wyoming, which will probably be the forty-third State in the Union, is not a baby in size at least. It is nearly twice the size of Iowa, and it has rich and varied resources. It is estimated that tbe population at this time is about 115,000. One-sixth of the land is cov ered with timber. It has a coal area double that of Pennsylvania. Its min eral resources are its greatest source ol wealth. i A oiiAND organ is being built at Crema for tho Sanctuary at Valle di Pompei. It is called a polyphonic organ, and is to be ready to be put in its place on the 8th of May next. Tho chief character istic of this organ is the perfect imita tion which it can produce of almost the whole orchestra, especially of the •trings and the wood wind. It has three keyboards, each with 61 notes, 34 pod als, and 2,000 pipes, divided into 40 reg isters. In I8I55 the Chicago post-office was a log building. The' postoftice was on one Side of tho room and a grocery and bar on the other. A justice of the peace held court upstairs. One day a penny dropped from the ceiling of the post-of fice to the floor. Two or threo fellows rushed for it. Tho postmaster, John S. C. llogan, rushed out and said: "Let it Alone don't touch it. The jury upstairs Uas flipped for heads or tails to see w hat shall be done with the man on trial." The next minute the foreman came down tho ladder looking for the penny. A "banana tkain is a new thing in railroad nomenclature, which illustrates the steady development of transporta tion facilities. it has been found that bananas can not be carried from the Gulf of Mexico to the Northwest by ordinary freight train without serious damage, and a special fast train has therefore been put on one of the routes to Chicago, which takes the fruit from Port Tampa, Fla.. in about ninety hours, ventilated cars being used, in which the temperature is as perfectly under con trol as in a stove. The train runs from Atlanta to Chicago in about forty-eight hours. At Newmarket, Pa., the other day, Mrs. Sea ton hanged herself on her bed room door. The citizens of this quaint IV»insylvania village are still dominat ed by the religious ideas of a century •go, and believing that behind tho sui stalks Satan, the coroner's jury render their verdict. They said "that IS a/.a be th Seaton, not having God be fore her eyes, but, being seduced and Moved by the nstigation of the devil, did with two certain handkerchiefs ol the value of twenty cents, feloniously •kill, strangle and murder herself, •gainst the peace and dignity of the common wealth,'' vM»K IN THK so| III. THO Desolation Wrought by Great Floods. a „, the Tarribie Srenea of Suffering—Hundred* of RcIncfi'S Hen upd nail lakmi to High Grauml lie ln-tiu-tliio in 1'olute Coupee I'ariith Complete. WIDK-SPKIiAIJ I!' IV. rival was a godsend to the people whose in plantation is left above water, Not not of families are homeless. Thousands of cattle have been drowned, and from re ports received from tbe interior it is quite probable human life has been sac rificed to the flood. a levee unbroken, while hundreds i "YJ J'V mi lie* are Th, „f ,V Standing on the deck of the relief steamer Dacotah as she passed down the full extent of the disaster could be seen. Grouped together on little knolls between broken levees, through which the water rushed with ungovernable fury, were scores of people, both white and black, some with babies in their arms. Many of them had nothing left in the world except the clothes they wore on their backs. Whenever the Dacotah discovered a scene like this the stage was swung out and the stricken ones taken aboard. Equally as sad a "scene I'®*!* poor dumb cattle stand ing in the water and actually starving. Many of them had not tasted food in days. Raton Rouge, La., April 20. —The steamer Dacotah, Captain Mitchell, ar rived Friday from the overflowed dis trict and put off 500 or 000 people and a large quantity of stock. The people were mostly negroes. The Dacotah on Thursday went up as far as New Texas Landing, rescuing poople and stock along the route*. The boat trans ported about 1,500 people to this side, and could have brought many more, but the people said that tho river was fall ing and they preferred to stay and take the chances. Captain Mitchell said that the break in the Old Morganza was •500 feet wide, while the break in Grand levee, just below, was 1,000 feet wide and washing rapidly, the soil being of a sandy nature. As these levees are threw miles in length only a small por tion of them have yet been destroyed. Vh KsBviiG, Miss.. April 28.—The saw-mill and gin houses of Christ Law rence, situated three and one-half miles from Rolling Fork, Sharkey Coun ty, burned Saturday night Fifty or more negroes having taken refuse in the buildings from the floods, seven were drowned in attempting to escape. Dai.las Tex., April -2o.—The most destructive flood ever known in the history of Northern Texas is now pass ing through the Trinity river. Tho great rain on Friday raised every tribu tary far out of the banks and the river rose rapidly, and at 10 o'clock Sunday morning passed the highest water mark in fifty years. In front of this city it is two miles wide, extending to the foot of Flanders heights west, and to Oak cliff south of the city. On the north all residences from 100 yards below Cochran street are submerged, some to tho socond floor and others to the attic. Hack water extends tV ., i far tip tbe north side of the city, while on tho south houses are submerged as far as Ward street. South and in front Sr. Maktixsvii.i.k, La., April 29.— The water in this parish is rising at the rate of eight inches every twenty-four hours, and those who reside in the low land sections near the woods were compelled to leave their homes and move to the bayou banks. The crops in tho overflowed sections are lost Cattle are being driven through here to the west bank of the bayou for pasture. Twenty-five hundred peoplo will suffer in this parish. Tho Hayou Chene peo ple are asking for relief boats to save their live stock. Every inch of ground in that section is under water. Guosse, La., April 29.—The little town of Orosse Tete presents a pitiful sight from a distance. It looks like a tug in the Atlantic Ocean. The protection levee in front and opposite tho Texas & Pacific depot gave way Monday morning, letting tfce angry waters directly in upon tho already in undated and helpless town. The peo ple have their stock on the platforms and Indian mounds and are in need of immediate assistance. The situation is distressing. The Toronto University, recently de stroyed by fire, is to be restored cost of §900,000. at a A Dally Record o( Event* of General Internt to All. Washington, April 2(5, Secretary Windora has instructed tho colloctor of customs at Port Townsend to ship back to China nineteen celestials held for entering the United States in violation of the exclusion act. The men entered this country from British Columbia. Washington April ad.—The House committee on commerce will report ad versely on tho amendment to the in terstate-commerce law granting special rates to commercial travelers. B.« roc S.vba, La., April -T .e re lief steamer Dacotah reached tho Bayou Sara landing Wednesday eveninar. She had made a trip to Pointe Coupee and has come back to Bayou Sara. Her ar- ont printing office has completed the printing of JO,000,000 census blanks, the lues are in jeopardy.^ for .-die has not largest order for printing ever given in tho world. Washini. i o\. April 2*. Mrs. .James only already saved a large aim. .i.t of property but a number of lives. The real condition of things n 'ho overflowed districts is just coinitig to light. No pen is equal to the task of picturing the devastation of the coun try or the desol.' in of -he peo ple. The entire :r of Pointe Coupee is under w,u .Most of the levees have gone. The water back of the levees is so deep now Sandershave that hundreds of lives art? in jeopardy. The small stretches of levee still stand ing are crowded with men, and children, side by side with horses, mules and cows. In an old raised gin house 500 negroes were found huddled together. The condition of the unfort unate1 blacks was pitiable. The Texas «fe Pacific boat K. Wheelock succeed in saving 200 peoplo from the back country around Mor gans. Ruin and desolation meet the A. Garfield, accompanied by her daugn ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley Hrown, visited the White House Saturday for the first time since the death of President, Garfield. Washington April 28.—The disor ders in Florida of late and particularly the assassination of Deputy-Marshal uised the President to instruct the Attorney-General to order the execution of writs at any cost W ashin T').n% April *28.—President Harrison sent his first veto to the House Saturday in bis message returning with out approval the bill 'complete, establishing slaughtering and shipping hm[se8 that app tooouipv with the ni tw ln Illinois-First district, Frank Gilbert, of Chicago Srcirul, Cash (.'. Jen.--, of Knrkford: rhinl, John YV. Bailey, of l-'rincetou Fourth, Oscar F. Avery, or Pmitia •, FimIi. .le.ui \V. Fish er, of Paris Sixth, Jacub Wae.'lrr, of Spring* tt-1,1 Seventh, Kmil S-hnmlt, of Nashville Kiitbtb. Norman II. Moss, of Mount Vernon. Indiana-First district. Frederick J. Sholz. of Evalisviilu Second. Ambrose E. Novvliii!», of Lawrenceburjf Third, Siilai-.v Conin r. of Flat Reck: Fourth. Wilson H. Soale, of Terre Haute Fifth, Charley Harley, of Delphi Sixth, Sam uel B. Heshore. Iowa—First district, John \V. Kawley, of Kt-osauqua Sec, rid, David VV. Iteed, of Waukon Third. Hr.nlbury W. Hi ,'lit, of Coun cil Bluffs Fourth. John W. Near, of Madrid. Wisconsin-First district. YVUiam I. Ram busch. ot Juneau Second, John C. Metcalf, of. Ji:n,.'sville Third, Andrew J, Turner, of Portage Fourth, Luther B. Noyes, of Mar inette Filth, James I,. Lindernian. ot (-sco. Michigan—Frst district. Join, C. Sharp, of Jackson Second. Charles H. Wisner, of Flint: Third. James McHride, ot Fourth, Donald C. Henderson, of Allegan F.fth, James Watson, of K 'scommioa Sixth, Goorge A. Ncwelt, of Ishpctning. CANT BE CONFISCATED. Liquor Iirou»lit Into a Prohibition Stat* May Not lie Ke,z«d By Ilia Authorities. Washington, April •»'».—The I'nited States Supreme Court has pronounced unconstitutional State laws provid- in for of the city thero is one vast ocean of commerce act. The State mav regulate water from thirty to forty feet deep. Washouts are reported on all the rail- roads, and no trains are leaving the city. I'Aitts, Tex., April 39.—Reports from Red river are to tbo effect that it is higher than it has been for forty years. There was thirty-four feet of water at Arthur City Monday morning. All the lowlands are inundated, several houses are reported to have been swept away, and the occupants of others have had to move out in boats. The loss can not bo estimated now, but it will be very great. FROM WASHINGTON. »J/S I NA 1J NEWS. I Washington April 28.—The Govern- 44to authorize the city of Ogdoti, U. T., to assume in creased indebtedness." W ashington April 20. The Depart ment of Agriculture has been advised by Consul Fay, stationed at Stettin.Ger- i ... i many, that the Russian Government is eye on every side in I'ointe (.ounce •, re, A ,i I about to assist, certain capitalists in 1 "™t»h ing dre-ssed meats to the German and Lnghsh markets, Washington. April 29. The Presi dent has appointed ex-Governor David 11. Jerome, of Saginaw, Mich., to be chairman of the Cherokee Commission, vice Angus Cameron, resigned. The members of the commission will meet at Tahlequah, Ind. T.. May 12, and im mediately proceed to the work in hand. Washington, April 20.— Representa tives of ten of the seventeen nations participating in the International American conference have signed the agreement drawn up by the conference for the settlement by arbitration of dif I ferences and disputes between them. I I Washington, April 29.- Edward O. l)lrector of th Min in was that of the poor dumb cattle stand- "^1 statement says hat the gmd prod uct of the United States in 1880 was' M» an- f:«.S00,000, aguinst in 1888 i silver product, $04.64(1.4H4, against $43, O'JO.OOO the previous year. The total metallic stock of the United States on .January 1, 18fla, was estimated at 81,- THE CENSUS^ A Llwt of ^npervlsor* Appointed Tor Illi nois, IikIihm.t, (own stnl Wiscm-iln. Wasiiingtox, April -JO. —Census Super intendent Porter has issued a full list of the 175 supervisors of census ap pointed to oversee the work of the enumerators in the taking of tho next census. Following are i!,e supervisors for four Western States- the- seuuie of liouor brought into aSut ln it9 01 aff08 .^ iua k The court holds such laws to bo an interference with tho inter-State or prohibit thp Halp of th(! ca n but not prohibit its transportation from another State and delivery to the im porter. i The case in which the decision I was made was that of Gus Leidy &. Co., plaintiffs in error, vs. A. J. Hardin. It was brought here on appeal from i the Supreme Court of Iowa, and this court reverses tbe decision of the State i i court. Justices Gray, Harlan and Brew er dissented. 1 ho case is unc uf great I importance to prohibitionists and liquor dealers. Mayor Grant 1'iuler Kirn. I New ouiv, April 28. -Patrick H. Mo Gann gave sensational testimony be fore the Senate investigating commit tee in this city Saturday to the effect that Mayor (,rant had paid large sums of money in 18S4 for aldermanic votes and that also while sheriff he gave 825, 000 to a child of Richard Crokor, the chief of Tammany, Tho mayor denies the charges. A Kor(t«r anrl an Kmlii'iiUr,, Mass., April 2ft. George B. Ives, ex-assistant district attorney, was imprisoned here Friday on a charge of forgery, the amount' being placed at £20.000. Ho has also embezzled funds of the Hlaney estate and of his wife ag gregating about £70.000. A Coming K«|f»tta. Dfi.t'TH, Minn., April 20.—Arrange ments were practically completed Mon day for the international regatta next duly. There will be single and double scull and two, four, six and eight-oar shell races for acriateurs and ptHfes sionals. i He Will lie Lord Stanley of Congo. I London, April 29.—-It is reported that the Queen will confer a tit!«• on Stanley, i making him Lord Stanley of Cong* A Daily Summary of Evonts in tho Senate and House. l*ilU Ps»*s«h1 »tirl Other Men*,ire* oi Im portnnce I'mlur Con»iil«'ri»Tiiii A He view of Ut'i'Mul la* terrat to All. st: v \tk- TYa-hivi,'|,.\. April In the Sen ate yesterday Senator Mitchell (Ore.) advocated an amendment to the con stitution providing for the elec tion of United States Senators by the direct vote of the people. A bill was introduced to prevent, the adulteration and misbranding of drugs and for the prevention of poisonous of injurious adulterations. \Ya»:ung'ion. Ap -.i \M liills were passed in the Senate ••rday to pro vide Territorial govern:!.i nt lor Okla homa: to create a customs district in Arizona, arid to give to South Dakota and ?il.07G to Washington for constitutional convention expenses. A bill was introduced to give to the State of Washington a see' on nf pnblie land I for a soldiers' home. Washington April In the Sen ate yesterday bill- were reported (avoid ably for the compulsory education of Indian children: to prevent desertions from the army, and the pon-ion appro priation bill, liills were introduced for the free coinage of silver and to place Congressional elections under Federal control upon petition of 100 voters. Washington April 2t. A joint reso lution uppfopriating $150,000 for the re lief of sufferers bv the floods in Louisi ana was passed in the Senate yesterday. A bill was passed making Gladstone, Mich., a port of delivery, petitions wero presented for the free coinage of silver, and the bill authorizing the sale of cer tain lands reserved for the use of tho Menominee Indians in Wisconsin was favorably reported. Washington April \:s. in -he Semite on Saturday bills were pased lor ti.e sale of a portion of the Sioux reserva tion in South Dakota and to pay A. 11. Emery %!000 for the use of ^\:n pat ents by the Government. Washington April 29.- T-.e bill to incorporate Society of the Nun of tho American Revolution was diseussed in tho Senate yesterday, and a bill for the admission of A. :. :i.t as a State was in troduced. Washington. April I In the House O'Wonovan I:, i yesterday the time was :,-d in dis- criminal libel N, cussing the legislative ap)iropriat ion bill, f, The Senate bill providing for an in-ipee- and publish u_, -j,,, tion of meats for exportation and pro hibiting trie ii 11••,•' ii• e.ti of adulterated articles of f.„,d or dnnk was reported fa vorabi y. W hini.iiin. A]itil 1!» the House yesterday the bill to prohibit the trans- priation bill was further considered, and I long discussion for and against the civil-service system took place. Waxhing-ion, April 2»j.-In the House yesterday a joint resolution appropriat ing 150,000 for the relief of the flood sufferers in Louisiana was passed. The Senate anti-trust bill was favorably re ported. A bill was introduced to estab lish naval militia training-school ships at the principal seacoast and lake ports of the United States the evening session thirty private pension bills were passed. Washington April 28. The House Spent, all of S itur,say's session in dis cussing the legislative appropriation bill, and it went over without definite action being taken. Washington April 29.—In the House yesterday the legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill was passed. 1 he S:-nate bi 11 pros*iding for an inspec tion of meats for exportation, prohih lting the i iti yorta ti on of adulterated articles of drugs, food and drink, was re )r!»l favorabi Mr. Hall, of Minne sota, introduced a bill providing for an income tax. Alter an A*v.i*nin. Pitt-, rosr, Pa., April 2(5.—.lohn Mavn zo, an Austrian detective, is scouring the coal regions in search of a man named Gorg Zapolski, for whoso anprehension 4,000 marks will be paid, lie is wanted at arano, Austria, on the charge of mur dering a wealthy German named Thud, his wife, two daughters and two ser vants. A Iturglar Killed. Arnrr.N. Neb., April 2.S.—For several months past IId.iww 15ros. have kept a gun attached by a wire to the money drawer, so that any attempt to open the drawer would discharge t'ie Weapon. Saturday morning when the store was opened a dead man was found behind the drawer. California and the Fair. Sackamknto. Cal., April 29.—Gov ernor Waterman has issued an address to the people of this state urging all to unite to make California's contribution to the world's fair at Chicago commensu tate with the greatness of her industries and resources. A Train Wrecked. SrAi, s roN, Va., Apri 1 29. -A passenger train was wrecked yesterday at the de pot here, and seven members of the Pearl of Pekin" company were in jured and Miss Myrtle Knox, one of the company, was killed. "Onr .Mary" to Marry. Lorisviij.K. Ky.. April 2ft. —Mary Anderson in a letter to a friend here confirmed the report of her engage ment to Mr. Navarro and declares that she will never again appear on the stage. THioMiiiriU'Iti Stilt H«. Ci.kvf.i.and, ()., April 28. -The Gar field statue was placed i MI OIt KEWS IT EMS. Kor tlin Wffk Kniliii' April »©. The Ohio Legislatures adjourned on Monday till next .January. A large portion of the town of Sierra ville, Cal.. was burned on Monday. About twenty well-known pedestrians betran a six-days' ualk on Monday at New Haven, Conn. A child born on Saturday a! White hall, 111., had a full Set of teeth. It died soon after birth. Tho bonded warehouse of Dick ins, Bros. A King, in Chicago. »vas burnedoti Monday. Loss. 810J.('00. San Francisco port oflle:.i is are a-.. tnff for new laws to bar out i.uu 1. -fir ing existing ones to be ineffectual. At Kind lay. O., William Kiannerv struck his wife on the head with a bee: I n Not- tiled a e-l, e io o{ Hs hi| n .' !'l. It was retorted on Mon.liv that a movement was on foot have the capi tal of Misso:!'i moved from .Jefferson City t.0 Seda la. August Koenig shot and killed H. Merger on a ranch at Fresno. Cal.. on Monday. Koenig was pursued by otli cers and fatally shot. It was announced on Monday that all the starch works in the country, with two exceptions, had united in a lrust, with a capital of $1 t.ouo.noo. Disappointed in love Mios Mihine M.- Call. of Hamilton. Mo., shot herself (J o'clock Saturday night, the bulh passing entirely through her body. The Illinois Steel Company of .(oliet, 111., Saturday night submitted titsJ Washington, April In the House employes a proposition for prolit-shar yesterday the Senate amendments to ing through Vice-President Sterling, the world's fair bill were concurred in Philip Vassen, a plumber of Fort by a vote of'J,! to VJL. '1 he legislative Wayne, Ind., upset a pot of molten appropriation bill was diseussed and solder on Saturday, some of which pat the consular and diplomatic appropria- tered in his face and burned out tion bill was reported. his eves. w )r Irishman. Mrs. (iratr a cluster of tomb at Riv, un t[l o a i o n o i n o i a i n i i u o s i n o any State or Territory contrary to the i "1K-ih law of such State or Territory was favor- ''""'f1'1-1 ably reported. Tho l"gislativo appro- Once SKiNED Till'] mi City, Ho Garden Saturday. irrand jury on 111111 U) 11, 1i nt (,f Josep |:.i .Hi. who brutal! v abi sing her t'hai'ired bun wit hi Id. At the meeting Friday in Iowa City of the board of regents of tho Iowa State University Carroll C.Wright,'of to St. Louis. More, l-iirewelf. Nkw Viiiik, April -j\ „. Adelina Patti-Nicolini left tb,-„. shores Satur day never as she put* it to return ii^ain. She is going to her castle in '"c an most of her couijiany started ncries tiie sea with her. She uas a pas senger on the Cunarder Htruria. Some White Cap* After si in c„ Intm lV y vn ai-oms, Ind., April 28.-Sim Coy, the notorious election conspirator who has been conducting a road-house two miles east of Indianapolis, has been served with a notice signed "Ile«ni a tors that he must move by May 5 or suffer the consequences. The place has I become a resort for the disreputables of both s\vfis. ISii ine*» latlares. Nkw VoitK, April 2«.~ -There were 218 business failures in the I nited States during the seven days ended yesterday against 214 tbe previous seVen davj Stat, failur( in tll(l tro,n against 4,245 in isso. Death of p, position in the monument Friday. It is of Italian tnarble and is ten feet high. The dedi cation occurs on Decoration Day. °V nn, n ln suffrage movement, died suddenly i Nkw (Vitri, O i e n e e u i a n e a e o e or !, R°MH)Y diHtri, the bureau of electi,»n" President Harrison x,' World's Fair Meaau^^1 He Will Appoint Men of ...... itiv,.ion, April 36. —Th* The Hoard of Police of Hoston has ordered the removal of all public bars S#u tat ion as i ah M. calling P. s. la-.-Mv a Hi l"1' »r, .Hwlnp »m 'JIJ-SH 4 lltt IS Now A UW Wa- ls nmv a u iriiin in,.111 v ta( bed riidav Afternoon eel's Kr- within twenty days. Tourgee, author of "Tl rand." has been given l-.epensions amoiinting to Jf2.."il'.i.20. law. The of r, s 'dent Henjatnin Harris,,. uf, the '"^ting of the Cabin, act now goes into the eustodT now State Department, whirl, original in parchment of all *,'! Senator Cullom, of Illinois, the day had a brief runv^C', the President about the appo:-' com miss i o n e rs-a t-1 argo. said he intended to selcctthe1' p.e be could find-broad-jir,WitMT* "••u :e«n, who would t-Rgj* and kt mm and intea I tic in experience of affairs aihi lidence and av-..:, se.'tions of the tt,ey should rio several great i New Vo"lc North we.- '. o n -i I! Illack fe, whitt t) try. He only rep® -.w 1, South and t'» dtau Mates-b-a- ti.ey should jlieat spn uous representativi's of #**^ll,, industries upon which the we "M1** prosperity of the country arcbi had no particular individuals and named no names, butspoi most geneilil manner. ,,: 'y. Satin da Ho .. Mel) of Marshal McDon 1 was killed Saturday falling on him. t)n Monday Chief of Police .lanssen issued an order that all the gambling houses and poed-rooms in Milwaukee must be clos d. son tel., hay uv Senator Cullom indorsed th' dent's views, and said that al' i :"JL interested in the o' would commend them licarulv. For coriimissioneis-at-liirj,. hftt teresting to note tLat t'bi 1 w's name is already ment.., (ioshorn, of Cincinnati, and e: nor McCormick, of (^nti-nnu tion fame, have also been .' The next step will be thflfo.- ,,r IJiainflto ficalion b\ ernors of ritories re.j cntjunissi, 'in President .National States i icm to i S An respeeuvely si appoint in.-rnbe: thtl sision. All ttiii TN, I Inn tnu tv days. li r, »1« lit the A CLOUD-BURST. Mha Tha City of riatoc^vilU, Tel.. 1 Annui DclotfPThree Keet of Hiti What S« reel* Gainf.svii.t.k, Te been raining alu i.i.,t Monday .. Thursday nisrht. a city, lasting fo •ruvn to the w a e a n eetS, in tr.ntv ueop. A smaii and Mvept a-.. dv\ i/llings. The a 11 o'el ith vv is eon\ i.-, ,} v. tn# i v- P.,1'1 1 i an n i i Sunday. It was jberl April icial a lit* It she lbsne ontinuos mid at 1-bursts urs. deist II ha iaan *h feme Kit* isedi *. brai ten e 1 ndreus ol j• n po'i in res t! o lowlands ahour to property wi.i sands. Tho wl:. o and crops an- cer-.i lothe lui ir,»h. *Be si The storm w. known in this s, outs have occurred this ieinitv, and it will w beforo trains can run. The lo-t. was that of a woman who the arms of a man who waif»r: from her home, which v\us Si. l)es Moines, was elected to succeed his y water several feet deep. brother. Thomas S. Wright, who has moved to Chicago. THE TEMPERANCE CON• Ifefr Th* Meeting of tho National Cool A Sad Affair In Milwaukee. Mii.w*n,iApril 29. --Fire yester day morning destroyed a small'frame building in this city, occupied by Robert Virtel as a grocery and dwelling, «,of m*ni i esp MM all ra. 1 -Why ai irtin tall tarn New York Font polled to .1 line 11 •Nkw VniiK, April \!S. -lEf' ance Congress announced for this city has been post potted :c and 12. Tho indications an? will be the largest and t:ir»'. Temperance Congress ever h™ country. All teuiperancc i tions, all churches, all rs irtel jumped from an upper story with one of her three children in her arms, the other two being rescued by lircmen. All, however, were terribly burned, the younger, aged probably school and all Farmers' I V' Mr. Virtel is absent on a visit and other labor clubs or o:hnr tions that are opposed to the invited to send representative aim of the congre-is is 'iie dis-u all subjects bearing on thtt mot ions and Legislative a^pf'ts o. ance reform, and .neludes thf'1 subiects: 1. Kelif/lous Th, i!ut\ punl triupiTJinfe w» the young p**r^nnul of her company left on "tho^^an'Jhip l'& Champagne for Havre. i a. Moral -The coil- e tavern i active to tho saloon improved iw Two \onnif l.aille. Killed. large cities. 8. I.e^islatlvR -Knforcfmi'nt ot W sale. 1o minors, intoxlcat'il perwa' Lima, O., April 20.- While returning home from a pleasure trio late Thurs day night a party of young people was dashed against the stone abutment of bridge near here by a runaway team oth the horses and Minnie and Gertie lerce wore killed, and Ella and Will Hawkins and Clif Church received prob-'f W ably fatal injuries. be cbuft' eHpedii S u n a y s o a o i o n a i i U hlbitlon, National an I Stat,' chool" a political pur'y whose iininant i prohibition of th liipior tralli*' i*#ot" The Women'* Oili t'on Nkw Yokk. April 20 At the clubs FridayM" Ivnerson Hrown, of OWl lotte was elected President Mrs. M»! Sewell, of Indianapolis. lnl.. dent Mrs. .1. C. Crolv Recording Secretary Mis.sM»J pie, of Knoxville. Tenn.. Corre' Secretary Mrs. Phu'he llcar^ Senator Hearst., of California,Ti' •Hilt' In Memory of PlTTSIU'KGlI. Pa., Apt'1 I fourth annual dinner of the i Republican Club of this city-, memoration of the Osth hi (ieneral l.r. S. Grant, was day night at the Seventh Av'e!l" Speaker Thomas 15. Reed reP® the toast "Tbe Republican i lion. J. S. Clarkson "'1 I'nited January 1 to date is 4,005 a Press. Noted Woman. oston. April 2».~Mrs Susan '•'eaiivii.i.k A I ivii.i.k, Col.. Apr Vogl, business manager of ihe''wonuuCs e e 1 atnl K*plu»i"n' 1 oror Journal and prominent in railway near here was „.„. u Baeder's Hotel, Coney island 'at'--o Bw LK Col.. April the Ial .' employed by the woman stlv n this cuy yesterday. She formerly ed lU.d the. \\estern Spy at Sumner, Kan and was the founder of that town. Jonh J. O'Brien I»ead. April John J. thro*' ,o*-der wbic®1 stl( ks of ian po^f an explosion occurred several men some disi the works. One was can not live, and several sligh'ly injured. Inwa'a iood Finn"' I)i:s Moinks, la., Apr ly statement of the eiiief of the bureau of elections I ilaodt i °a{ 1 of several months. St« i- 7'"' staU'tuent of the UPy S WS only r,:! 0()0 out clock Sunday morning 't» n rants, with over £200.000 uf several tnnntw *»ter an illness an fJ[ this after oaving and this after paying the General Assembly.