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HEllALD-ADVANCE. W, W. DOWNIh, Elinor Mini Publisher MILBANK, S. D. THK Church of Kngland Bible Society sas just celebrated its eighty-sixth Mrthda.v, and issued a French version the New Testament in which there ire exactly eighty-six errors. IT is rumored in Europet hat Bismarck IK resolved upon actiopposition to the government, of his successor, in the in erest of the Germany which he created, ind by way of revenging himself for his lownfall. TEN million young white fish from he Government hatchory have been alaced in Lake Superior this season ind 15,01)0,000 more are to follow. About 1,000,000 of the whole deposit will prob tbly survive, maturing in four years. THK gold product, of the United States in 1889 was of the value of S^.'.S'iO.OOO, ind the silver product $40,750,000, or to gether about $70,000,000. During1 thft latno year the net loss of {fold and silver the United States by excess of ex ports over imports of the precious metals *'&8 $53,675,11'.). CIIICAOO, Cincinnati and half a dozen »ther northern cities are setting up in tho manufacture of artificial ice, and it is predicted that within five years more than half the ice used in the north will be made that way. The artificial is surer, better, easier handled and can bo xiado at loss cost. COUNT AIMK, of Yeddo, a young Ja panese of noble birth, was recently baptized at Ellsdorf, Germany, and re aounced his name, title and nationality. Ho will now assume the title of Herr ,"!urt. The reason assigned for this is hat he was in love with a young wom »n, who induced him to make the ihango. THK average weight, of the mala adult Is 1150 pounds of women about 110 pounds. The average height of the American is about 5 feet 9 inches. The tverago bight of all English speaking nations is about the same as above of women, 5 feet 4 inches. One inch of height adds two poundsof weight on the iverage, especially from 5 feet 2 up to the general average. GOVKUNOK Bn KM I of Kentucky, luggests a remedy for the lawlessness which threatens the courts of justices in two counties of the State, lie says the presence of State troops would afford jnly temporary relief, and recommends legislative authority for the local organ ization of law-abiding citizens. There is assurance that good citizens would act if empowered to do so. I* a letter to the Independence Beige, Stanley describes the dwarf tribe of the forest. He says they are the oldest ar istocracy in the world, with institutions iating back fifty centuries. They are ruled by a Queen, a beautiful, charming little woman, who was exceptionally kind to Stanley and his comrades. The dwarfs are of olive complexion, remark ably intelligent, ingenious artificers in iron and ivory, and probably the only monogamous race in Africa. THK case of Mrs. Bloomer is a singu lar example of persistency and false hood. That, lady has several times written to the newspapers declaring that she did not invent the female trousers that bear her name. Yet the Celebration of her golden wedding causes the old statement to be repeated from one end of the land to another. It is always to be the case that a lie will travel seven leagues while tbe truth is putting on its bo.ds. PHOK. TVM.AI.1, has described various ways of producing artificial rainbows by means of electric light and artificial mist, the bows themselves being almost, If not wholly, circular in form. l)r. Fleming and others recently witnessed a natural rainbow of circular form from the summit of Glydr-Vach, Wales. Standing on the pinnacle and looking Into the valley where lies tho lakelet, Idyn Idwal, the spectators saw their shadows projected on the mist, and sur rounding the head of oach were two con Centric rainbows, completely circular. ATTENTION has recently been called to or.e of the greatest novelties in the con struction of street railroads. Glass Jluckill leepers, introduced by Mr. Lindsay and Mr. W. Siemen, of Dresden, have been tried with such satisfaction that it is now proposed to make broad, longitudinal sleepers of glass, having a groove in the upper surface, and so com bining in themselves the functions of both sleepers and rails. This would do away with the necessity for separate iron rails, with their fastenings and other complication#. i "4(L THK credit of originating the idea ol Arbor Day is due to Hon. ,1. Sterling Morton, who introduced it when he was Governor of Nebraska, nineteen years ago. Since then it has become anestab lished institution in that State, and millions of trees are now flourishing in w hat was once a treeless region. Thirty eight other States and Territories are said to have adopted the idea and put it into practice, to a greater or less extent, some by means of legal enactment and others through individual and local en terprises, and the idea is still slowly growing. EDITOR COWI.ES, late of the leveland Ijeader, was the victim of a singular in firmity of hearing. For example, he never heard the song of a bird in his life. A whole room full of canaries might be in full song, and yet he could rot hear a note, but the rustle of each wing would be plainly audible to him. He could hear all tbe vowels, but there were many consonants which he never beard. He could hear a man whisper, but could fiot hear him whistle. The upper notes of a musical instrument were as nothing to him, but the lower notes could be heard without diffi culty THE LIVI'OR JAWS. The Supremo Court Decision and tho Future of Prohibition. A l.n.i|i-lloic ThouRlit «n Ilean |«r llu» Coni|il«-t*i .Siillilt'-a lion of I'rotiililtory statute* in CAN'T UK MM W VV I I retZB TOI'KK.v, Kan., May 5.—The Prohibi tionists have decided to fight "original package' dealers, despite the decision Of the United Stales Supreme Court, SNOW-STORMS IN MAY. WiHMljg, AlliirieHOti and the North weat Vliitml on (Sunday. ASHLAND, Wis., May 5.—A violent snow-storm raged here Sunday and the weather is down to the freezing point. Vessels in the bay are wind-bouud and unable to clear from port. ST. 1'AI L, Minn., May 5.—Snow fell here Sunday to the depth of an inch or more, but soon melted. Reports indi cate that the snow-storm was very general throughout the Northwest. The storm extended from La Crosse, Wis., to .Jamestown, N. 1)., and reached to the lake on the jiorth. At Fergus tails. Minn., it snowed for four hours. At Mankato six inches of snow fell. At Albert Lee, St Cloud, Bird Island. St. .lames, Redwood Falls, Lumberton and Faribault it snowed all day. At Jamestown, N. I)., snow fell for twelve hours, the depth being estimated at four inches. This snowfall is generally regarded as favorable to biu crops. ENTOMBED/" Final Interment of the ItenmifM of ©r. Cronin in a Chicago Cemetery. CHICAGO, May 5.—All that is mortal of Dr. Patrick Henry Cronin, who a year *n Sunday afternoon in grave in Calvary Cemetery. Over 1,000 men and women who had known him in life braved the bleak wind and pelting rain to witness tbe final ob sequies. The Sheridan (Guards acted guard of honor and the Illinois Drum Corps with niuilled drums, tho Ancient Order of Hibernians in their green regalia and the Catholic forester®' turned out in large numbers. A»*orlHlloi)« tonnoliilutav I SI'KINOFIKI.D, 111.. May :s.—TTO State I Grange, Farmers' Mutual Henefit Asso ciation, Farmers' Alliance and Knights of Labor of Illinois consolidated yester-1 day, with J. M. Thompson, of 4®liet, as i president. The resolutions ask for' the free coinage of silver, the election of United States Senators by the- people and a graduated income tax. Death of llUliop iiorgMt. KAT.AMA7.oo, Mich., May 3.—IMshop Borgess, who was stricken with par alysis while visiting Rev. Mr. O'Brien at Kalamazoo last Sunday, died at 1:10 o'clock this morning. He remained conscious almost to the last. A Itnltrond fettle. NEW YOKK, May I is announced that the "Big Four"—the Cleveland. Chicago, Cincinnati & St. Louis Rail road Company—is to purchase the Alton & Terra llauto railroad at the rumored price of S10.000,000. A Chlne*« Sunday-school l'tptr. NK.W YOKK, May H.—Yan Plion Lee, a Yale graduate, has started a paper in this city for Chinese Sunday-school scholars, it is called the Chinese Ad vocate. FROM WASHINGTON. A Iaily lUword of Kveiit* of tiuuural Intcrpit to All. '.VASHISOTOV, May 2.—The state ment of the public debt issued yesterday shows the total debt to be 81,.W5.84*i, '2[.M: cash in tho Treasury, $J5.o: n,ii-H debt less cash in Treasury, $1,015,530. 771. Decrease during April. S7.0M, 901. Decrease since June HO, 1S89, ftl 1,1*25, *51. WASHINGTON, May 2.— President Har rison has accepted the invitation to take part in the dedication of the Garfield memorial at Cleveland on May :0. Near ly all the members of the Cabinet, N I U Y OIIK, May 1 u. .-.ion of the United States Supreme Court in the suit known as the "original package" case seems likely to exert an important influent on the future of prohibition, eluding Mr. Blaine, will accompany the The decision affirms that an inhabitant president. of any State may under the opera tions of the Inter-State Commerce laws ar.d without license or super vision of any public authority carry or send into and sell in the other States any intoxicating liquors in cases or kegs or even in single bottles or flasks, despite any legislation of those States on the subject and although his own State should be the only one which had not enacted similar laws. This will have a bearing not only on States where prohibition prevails, but throughout the country. DES MOINES, la.. May -Asa result of the recent decision of the United States Supreme Court relative to inter State shipments of liquors arrange ments are being perfected for opening in Des Moines a number of depots or agencies for the sale of liquors in the original packages, as imported from other States. Each of the larger brew eries will be represented as well as for eign wholesalers of distilled and fer mented liquors. The same is true of other cities and towns in the State, and if some new method of restricting the tralttc is not devised it will be but a short time until the prohibitory law is com plctely nu11ifled. WASHINGTON, May 2.—The receipts of the I'nited States during April last from customs, internal revenue and other resources amounted to over 834, 000,000. an increase of about $.'1,000,000 over those of the corresponding month of last year. WASHINGTON, May '2.- The United States Treasury Thursday issued a state ment showing the assets and liabilities of the Treasury. The aggregate assets amount to considerably over $71'.\000. 000, against liabilities of about $050. 000,000, leaving a balance in favor of the Treasury of about SO-],000,000. WASHINGTON. May In a letter to the Speaker of the House of Representa tives the Secretary of the Interior esti mates that it will require $s:i,b0ti.752an nually to give a service pension to every survivor of the late war not now on the rolls $f,(543,*17 annually to in crease the pensions of those now on the rolls to $8 a month, and $9,77t!,76s to the widows of deceased soldiers a total an annual expenditure of $100.:J20..'5H7. WASHINGTON, May 2.— Ex-President Cleveland appeared in Washington Thursday morning for the first time since he left the White House, and upon the motion of ex-Attorncy-General Gar land was admitted to practice in the ATCHISON, Kan., May 3.—After the passage of the Kansas prohibition law .supreme Court. He appeared in the u a"** C.reen- afternoon as an attorney in what are hnt& Co., wholesale liquor dealers of known as the drainage cases of New tnis city, removed their headquarters across the river to Wintluop, Mo., but continued to sell Atchison people all kinds of liquors, taking orders by telegraph and delivering them in wagons. They were brought up under the law several times and heavily fined. Since the "original package" decision of the Supreme Court it is understood that they will estab lish branch houses in Atchison and sell original packages in order to ascertain just how far they can go under the decision. If the test proves successful they will institute proceedings against tho coun ty for the recovery of several thousand dollars paid as fines under the prohibi tion law during the last four years. Orleans I WASHINGTON. May 8.—-The President yesterday approved the bill providing I for the establishment of a temporary government in tbe Torritory of Okla-! horn a. WASHINGTON*. May 5.--Acting Secre-' tary Ramsey has issued orders for the squadron of evolution, last reported at Malta, to proceed to Rrazil for duty on the South Atlantic station. While no explanation of the transfer is given, it i IS generally accepted to mean a desire on the part of the Administration to foster and cement friendly relations I with the South American republics. I WASHINGTON. May 5.—Senator .lames B. Heck, of Kentucky, dropped dead in I the Haiti more & Potomac railway depot in this city at 4 o'clock Saturday after I noon from heart disease. Mr. Deck was a Representative in Congress from 18oo po 187rt, when ho was elected United States Senator. He was.*8 years of age. i WASHINGTON. May 0. The U nited States Supreme Court denied the appli cation of Roger M. .Sherman for a writ a ago Saturday night was in red to the overdrawn, and laffge numbers of den of death, now known to history as apparently worthless notes being he4, the Carlson cottage, wa» laid to rest FATE viy they do not blame the United States for re siricting Chinese emigration, as HO per i cent, of the emigrants are vagabonds and i criminals of whom the borne (iovern i ment is glad to be rid. A WISCONSIN BANK FAILS. Charle* A. Mwth«-r & to., of Bevllo, Close 1 lieir Doom. MIMVAUKKK, WSS... Ma.v 0. —A special to the livening Wisconsin from Berlin (Wis.) says the priiate bank of Charles A. Mather & Co. closed its doors I v e s e a y o n i n e i a v i n a e i an assignment to .Joseph Yates, .tames M. Hawlf.y, the junior member of tho i house, has disappeared. The a wets are placed at SilOUKJO. and the lia bilities at Si00, ooo. The news of tflie failure created intense excitement throughout the city. The business of the bank seirnis to havf been carried on reckless manner. Many accounts t.e- as collateral. Of TWO SISTERS. Amtto and Brmie I'arli i buflbrated by! Oilji in Chirngo. CHICAGO, May tt.-- Annie and Bessie I'arlie, aged Hand 16 years, employed SenfiviMHMl lor ife. DKTKOIT, Much., May 5. -"Buck" Mur riray was on Saturday convicted of tho i murder of Patrolman Schumaker on the I )iight of Marn-h 4 last and sentenced to e a v y e i e I n e v o e n A s o i a y o n i n e e n o i e i n o CI.KVKI.ANI, O., May 5. -The clothing State prison at Jackson. Murray, to a n u a o y o e a n i i a n a e e w i I a e e a n a e -i Nos. HO and *8 Water street,, was closed Cormick. was* cracking a safe when dis Saturday by th6 National Bank of Com merce and tho First National Bank, to which chattel mortgages bad been given of $10,000 and $14,000 rospectivc-ly. The liabilities are abou". .*100,000, and tho assets may equal the debts. rovered by he patrol mat. In the chase Murray turned and fatally shot the ottv cer. U»ck»(l I'p fur 1-ifa. JACKSON. Mich.. May s.— Charles T. Wright, tke Benzie County murderer, arrived at the prison at 4 o'clock Friday morning. He has been put in shop £0, the Webster wagon contract, and placed in the lumber room. Tho Oldest i ommaiMlery. BAI.TIMOKI M'JL. May fl. Maryland Commandery N\v 1, Knights Templar, the oldest commanderv of the order in America, celebrated its 100th anniver sary in this eity yesterday. Three Men Drowned. SAN FUANCISCO, May ti.—Three men named Martin By an, Con Downey and Will Cosgrove, were drowned yesterday by the capsizing of a boat in tiie bay. For Congrtft4. LANCASTER Pa., May 5.—Marriot Brosius was on Saturday renominated for Congress by the Republicans of the Tenth district. W.WKES810XAL NEW* IMIXOB XKW8 IT Km A Daily Summary of Event. in the Senate and House. Bills Pa»»ed and Other M««H«irm of Im port mire I'nder ("omi'li'iat ion-A of (Hirr«l In n-rest to All. SKNATK. TON. April :50.—In the Sen- ate yehtt nUy the land forfeiture bin was passed and the bill granting a pension of i!K,.V)0 a year to the widow of General George H. McClellnn was re ferred. WASHING I O N May 1. In the Senate yesterday Mr. Doipn reported a concur rent resolution providing for negotia tions with the Goveinnn ills of Mexico and Great Ilritain with a view of pre venting the entry of hinamen into American territory from Mexico and Canada. WASHING mv May Mr. Yc-t, fivm the select cmiin. r'ee on meat product, made a report to the Senate yesterday which proposed measures to repeal ex isting quarantine laws and prohibit mo nopoly and unjust divr.imnatma b\ railways. WASHINGTON, May 3.- In the Sena'e yesterday Mr. Vest (Mo. i introduced a bill to place express companies under the provisions of the inter-State com merce act. The administrative customs bill was passed. The nomination of Daniel Dustin to be Assistant Treasurer of the United States at Chicago was con firmed. WASHINGTON. May 5. Hills were passed in the Senate on Saturday pro viding for sundry light-houses and other aids to navigation on the great lakes, and to amend the pre-emption and homestead laws. A bill was reported appropriating $3,500,000 to place the American merchant marine engaged in foreign trade on an equality with that of other nations. WASII!N TON. May 8.—In the Sena'e yesterday Senator Blackburn announced the death of his coll'-ague. Senator Beck, ana offered a series of resolutions of respect to the dead statesm an which were unanimously adopted, and the Senate adj nirned un'il U} o'clock to y WASHINGTON, May I.—In the Hoi.e yesterday the bill for the classification of worsted cloths as woolen cloths w as passed, as was also the Morrill service pension bill which plai e- on the pension roll any officer or enlisted man of tie years of age or over, or w ho shall here after reach that age. who served ninety days or more in tho army, at the rate of SS per month, and also provides for a pension of t. the widow .,f any sol dier when s.• ie Oiall arriw- the age of tiu years. 1 of habeas corpus in the Kemtnier mur tier case, but decided to hear a motion for a writ of error on May 19. WA SJIIXGTON. May 0.—Members of i the Chinese diplomatic service WASHINGTON, May'2.—Mr. Biggs (Cal.l introduced a bill in the House yester day to repeal the civil-service act. The Senate anti-trust bill was passed. A resolution was adopted for the immedi ate consideration of h.lls relat ngto trusts, copyright, and bankruptcy. A resolution was presented by Mr. Rei'ily (I'a.) declaring that eight hours should bo made a legal day's work throughout the country. WASHINGTON, May 8.—In the House yesterday the international eopyright, bill was defeated by a vote of 1 vi to 9s. At tbe evening- session seventeen private pension hilts were passed. WASHINGTON. May 5.—In the House on Saturday the diplomatic and consular bill was passed, also a joint resolution appropriating $l.0(h*r,000 for improve ment of tie Mississippi river from tho mouth of the Ohio river. Mr. Mo Comas' bill to prevem gerrymandering of Congressional districts was reported favorably. O WASHINGTON, May 0L—In the Il«use yesterday the death of Senator TV ck was reported, and an adjournment tor the day was taken. MURDEHS AT BALTIMORE. Ad Ajfi'IL \Yi«£Iw ami Hor Uin 'lit«r SI.'tin in Their Iterfo, BAI.TIMOHP. May .Y -Mrs. Sarah Rlaney, a wiiow, aged 77 years, and her daughter Ca,r*line, residing at UUS.", Wreenmount, avenue, wt-w» found mur dered in their beds. Their skalls had been crushed with a blunt instru ment. Willium Blaney, a grandsoi. of She old lady, has been ar/rsted, and the polite are hard at work ferreting out Stae facts of *he case. Robbery is sup posed to hav* been the Jiotive for the ari me. 1 as domestic!* at a boarding-house at No. 'iliS youth IIilstcd street. were found dead in their bed. having been suffocated by escaping gas from a jot their room which they had accidentally loft turrwd on Sunday Bight after extinguishing the flame. "1 lie girls weri unaccustomed to modern improvements and had frequently ex pressed their ar of the gj» with which She house was lighted. An Illinois Farmer Kubhrd. MONMOCTJI. 111., May tt. -One o? the boldest robberies ever perpetrawd in Warren Couiiy occurred Sunday after-' noon. As K J. Adoek, a wealthy farm- i er who liv** alone, was going to the For the Wcfk KndUiif May ti. The business portion of Gilboa, N. Y., was destroyed by fire on Sunday. Loss, Si75.000. A thousand drinking places in Balti more. Md., were closed on Saturday by the new liquor law. I Charles F.bers, ex-auditor of Henry ountv. O., was on Friday found to be short SJ 1.S07 in his accounts. C. M. Miles, the attorney who killed Dr. Pritchard at Cold water, Kan., waa captured on Monday an I lynched. The result of the elections in France mi Sunday was as follows: Republicans, Monarchists, l.'i Boulangists, John Oates and Gregory Squires, two minors at Butte, Mont., fell down the shaft of a mine Friday and wore killed. The 100th anniversary of the granting of Polish liberty was celebrated by tho Poles of Minnesota at Winona Monday. A monument to James W. Marshall, •he first discoverer of gold in California, uas unvailed on Saturday at C.dotna. ,il. Three 11.• near nyville, Mo., died on Motui.iv ir::i i ydrophobia, having n 'en i v been bitten by a rabid dog. Dr. Ryl in i T. Br.ovno, aged vi years, a distinguished cheii:i-.t md physiolo gist. died at Indiana]"!R Ind., on Fri day. Ida Warren, aged 'J-1 years, of Sulli van, III., was sentenced on Friday to fourteen years in prison for killing her child. The great strike of railroad employes in Ireland ended mi Saturday, the men returning to work at the company's terms. In a general row on Monday among the negroes at the Champion mines near Birmingham. Ala., six were shot, throe fat ail v. William W'aldorf Astor has given a check for $5.0(10 to the New York Press Club to be used for benevolent purposes of HOl'sK. WASHINGTON, April 30. In the House ye^teraay. the po-tt-oflice appro priation iS71.Si.rO.OS-j) was reported. A message was received from President Harrison vetoing the bill to provide for the erection of a public building at Dallas, Tex. the club. Michael Lowe a Crawfordsville t'lnd.) farmer, was struck by the cars Friday while driving across the track and in stantly killed. The Secon.l l'resbyterian Church con gregation of Lafayette. Ind., celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of its organiza tion on Friday. The Baptist and Catholic churches and the Catholic parsonage were burned to the ground Friday morning at West Boyliton, Mass. It was reported on Monday that the o'licers of of the Stale Farmers* Alliance Tevtts had swindled t' i organization o l! of -i .tilJO.UOO. J. Iv Murray. treasurer of Aiken i ountv, S. on Saturday found short in his cash to ihe amount of $17,000 or ¥IS, 000. Albert Cook, aired 10. of Sautrus, Mnss., was killed by a playmate, Willie Sim onds, who accidentally shot him while playing with a gun. The carpenters'stride in Ch:ra n -.\a ended on Monday by arb. rat :i. t)i.• strikers securing an eigh' -hour d.iv an I an increase in w ages. The furniture warehouse of the Mat toon Manufacturing Company in Chica go was burned by an incendiary on Sat urday. Loss. ,«1 -jo, ooo. Willie and Clara Fitzpa'-ri-k were killed in a runaway accident at West Chester. Pa.. Monday, ami th:*i»r mother is now insane from grief. Resolutions were passed on isuturday evening at a Gentile Democratic mass meeting in Salt Lake City against dis franchisement of Mormons. John M. Bradley, an Atlanta (Ha. I grocer, was shot and killed by Charles Unburn, a commission mi reliant, during a dispute over a small account. At Lathrwp, Mrx, seventy-eight per sons who took part in the recent whisky crusade were* arrested on Saturday for willful destruction of property. Willie Leaphant. an lx-vear-old negro under senteuw of death at Lexington, S. C.v for assaulting a white girl, was shot death on Monday bv a mob. Abel Bergeron, w ho eloped from Que bec witfi a French gi-1. committed sui cide on Saturday at Spragueville. X. Y., after having killed bis two children. Shel'enberwcr, the Doylestown (Pa.) lawyer who ran away several weeks ago after swindling »iients out of 8150. 000, teas returned and given himself up. A large meteor is reported to have passed through the heavens Friday aft ernoon over Iowa cities, making in its progress a noise resembling reports of cannon. Dan l.oughljn bas been taken from the marble shop in Joliet prison and given one of the best places-that, of book-keeper. Burke has. also been given an easy plaeo. rrs. 1 barn to perJorm his e *ening chows he was struck front behind. The robber tied him aad searched, his clothes, tak- i ing gtioo aad his keys to the*. The Cattle Killed by Cyclone. KYI,F,„ lex.. May 5.—Information I from liacine, Tex... is to the effect that 150 cuttle belonging to the Toy ah Land and Cattle Company were Veil led hy CHICAGO, May 5.—The purchase of the Chicago A, Great Wostern and Calu met Terminal railways, with their do pots, lands, etc., in this city, by the Northern Pacific for $i0,U()0,000, is an nounced. Appo.nted World'* F»!r ConuiiiMltmer. INIMAN A I'OI.IS, Ind.. May a. -.Judge E. B. Martindale, of this city, has been appointed worlds fair commissioner by the Governor. Seventy Nejcroes Drowned. NEW OHI.KAN*, May 8. Dispatches say that seventy-eight negroes lost their lives in the recent floods in this State. Monday was eeicbrated in Mexico by processions and fireworks, it being the National independence day set apart in commemoration of the victory over tho Fronck. at Pueblo. 1 thief then.searched" tbe building, secur- I ing SI.00(* more. The burglar is sup-j posed to Ix? a tramp who worked for Adock lust week. FriJay, at ToledovO.. Mme. De Vere a clairvoyant, was found guilty of for gery to the extent of Sas,ooo, the name of a wealthy iron manufacturer of Yoong&town bcin^ uspti. Tb* Francis Scott Key National ba zaar opened in Baltimore Monday even ing. The object is to raise a fund fur theerectio,, of a statue in honor of tbe author of "Tho Star Spangled Banner." a cycloao a week ago. Many others *ere injured. SA'E of a KHIIVTSJ. Justice Barrett, of the New York Su preme Court, in an interview on the pro posed abolition of capital punishment said he had no doubt that it would re sult in a great increase in the number of homicides. Jose ph Carr and wife, of Butler, Mo. quarreled Sunday over some trivial affair. His son Charles, aged 13 veam threw a stone at his father through the open door, hitting him on the forehead with fatal results. Tho boy waa ar rested. I' Hi lure*. New "loiiK. May 3.—There were #11 business failures in the I nited States during the s.-ven days ended yesterday agauist -'I* the prey.,us scveu days. A TEXAS Fearful Work 0 Lone Star 1* Iftnen I'MrAriim Ktlte i Kecui ve SeruitiD |njt to I'm-i es a,l(| Kali.,, HEATH is Wiuoroivr, To* cane struck here at every house in toy damaged. Tv\opera right and several i are Mrs. Bowen, ca wall and crushed to 14 years old, dau jht The injured are Jac lv, dangerous a sc arm broken in t.wop (colored), mother Mrs. Freeman's rt over, the family jus to escape injury. Tl and public 'building while other churcl their foundations stores and reside down. '1 he hurr Mesquote, Thorntoi points, doing great -2. GllA.Mil y, 'IVx. p. m. Sunday a dest ited Salt Creek, in of Hood County. Mr. Ree Rhodes, that place, twenty bled when the cyclt ing. The killed wi michael, aged 17 1 aged 1 year, and a Four persons were At Fall Creek, a John Mauley's hous he was seriously inj ton's house was Rushing hurt Mrs. i blown away Mrs. A us destroyed and! pieces Mr. McChin down and his wifu Mr. Ruheri-on'i ho and Mrs. Payne wrecked were tnose McPherson. J. Wo ley and Mr. Brool outhouses, fences, i very great. At the lit" :c tow line of Parker ,u.d i: people were killed ously injured. Ma molished in that Creek. n lb»». persons whom belonged Dr. ieorge Iritlln. fell throughout tlii mense damage to Graham, in Young hi'jivy hail-storin Tho hail complete vegetation, wheat, com pie to iv beaten The frill t" IT"!' -n .1 A«'KSHN. MISS., wind'Hioiin visited Monday. The tin-r i nd of till- Ma'e-lb b-aving the Kepre the auditor's oltice N'AMIIKZ. Miss., passed over thiscit* Monday room inn, i fences an4 ctiimnt damage. The ron building. three carried away and tli roofs of other build aged. In VidaSia was wrecked. BLOWN FROM Munrl-storm* .Sn»rp went, CitiiAitiK trmi' ST. PAI*I„ Mini Hand-storms raged Sa urday. nccompa1 the ne wly-plante'l stories were a Ada. Minn. Fw iiristtd, S. I' was, whirled abc. jiouds that i' v 1 s'e Mary McMonnan. *ho lived near Lovetfs Station, I\y., was torn to pu-res by hogs which sJws was lecding. While giving them sorrecorn she stumbled and tell arnoag them. three rods ah"!ii. drilled wheat v\a« ground aud will ha1 'Makisa, Herman Minn., experiences jhough less v fects were 1 S4ate. The cmv" wheat belt in and unless relief o the crops will be gr only northwestern won' reported were lain. S. I). W'KltSTKIt, S. D. w.ind-storm raged Si seed in the wheat and like an ash needed. Tbe situn Tlicrf \V»* No F* SAN ANTONIO, TS^ tendent Murray, charge of the Well- Southern l'acific b" and New Orleans. that any robbery Lake or at anv ^1'' a-s reported in Fruit nii'4 I'"-"!' Coi:.N( 11, Bi frost'prevailed liert Monday morning u was found on the "A that the fruit trees damaged. ,, lie W»« SARIIA.MI, ro. Cal Waterman has gra!1 P. Gipson. who w«»s to San ljuenlin pi sentence, be havii cont. A Lift" SAN Ft A' is"'- N lams, convicted of 1 l)ow nieville. Cul. mails some montl" tenced to imprison11 A t»».rir«' LAITRKI. I''O!''• Scvate. ugoil I'd enee, a^ed day. The (.• i-ooiii'-' bridemaid