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HKItALD-ADVAXCE w. w. UOWNII:, I:.I. MILBANK, S. 0. 1'OPH Lro «nys America and its ftnd rote th i iffcs both opl. Stant. BHFKAI.O has, by ordinance, gotten rid Of rui 1 road grade crossing*. Hereafter fchfl tracks will hnv« to go the streets or bom-at Ii I lieni. TIIK annexation of Canada h. insf discussed again on both sides of the hue In newspapers, magazines and public •OTomblagoH, hut especially in I'IMIIJ, and there in some reason to he! it may ho one tho surprise near future. •hat tho KX-PUKSII»K\ I- I:I.A M) i admitted to practice before t,,e I mtcd Statos Supreme Court. This is p-oha bly the first time on record that a judge of this court ever bud an opportunity to vote for the admission to practice oi a man who appointed him. W'n.KK.s BOOTH is again accused of be ing alive. 'I his time it is the Morning Express of San Anlonia, Tex., that makes the accusation. Its Laredt respondent states that Booth roonie.l with him for three weeks, and that hi present whereabouts are well known to prominent parties in Victoria. Tex. TIIKICK aro seventy-five business men in Pittsburgh and Allegheny who HI worth from one to over ten million do lars. Mrs. Schonloy's estates in the two Cities aro valued at $30,000,000. Carno comes next with $35,000,000: J. N. Mc Cullough, §15.000,000 the Denny estate and Goorgo Wostinghouso, §10,000,006 each. WR are not building a new n u v v. ry rapidly, but now that American inge nuity has had a chance tooxort itself wo are turning out vessels not to be excelled in their classes. A few torpedo boats like the Cushing. which steamed fron Newport to New York inti hours 57 min utes, would annoy an enemy's lb oi dreadfully. OUSTINATK nose-bieeding is frequent ly one of the most di(limit things tc check. Several aggravated cases havf lately occurred at the hospital of tht University of Pennsylvania. As a last rosort Dr. I). Hayes Agnew tried hau fat with great result. Two large cylin ders of bacon were forced well into tlo nostril* and tho hemorrhage ceased ai once. A OOmtKSp.itsii:st of a niannfa.'turinn journal from New Iberia, La., highly recommends cotton seed oil for throat and lung troubles, and quotes an in stance where a patient who subsisted on the crude oil for several months wa* Entirely cured. It is argued that this oil can not come from diseased sources as might !M« the case with codfish, laid and other oils. Tim torpedo boat t'ushing recently made an experimental trip, proving thai It can keep up for many hours a spec: of twenty-two and a half knots an houi and pump herself dry in ten minutes. Another torpedo operated by electricity from the shore showed that she could travel a crooked course as the directina agent on shore willed at the rato ol ninoteen miles an hour. UL'JU! PitoK. NAVCK writes from Kgyptto the Academy to say that he has examined once more the letters from Southerr 1 ales tine found at Tel-el-Amarana. and has come to the conclusion that jdaco mentioned in one of the letters i. CruBalirn or Jerusalem, and thinks thai tho city already existed under that namo in the fifteenth century before Christ, when it was a garrison of the Egyptian King. AT tho close of a famin South Boston tho other evening, says the Boston Post, lh« unsold articles were offered at auc tion, and a round lot of cream pies were knocked down to a gentleman who seemed particularly anxious to get them. "My wife made these pies," he Raid, "and gave them to the fair but as Kho never makes any of this quality e* cept to give away, my only chance is to buy them." And then he sat down and consumed a couple in silence. THF. beefsteak dinner given by Sen ator Stadler to tho Senate and the Sen ate correspondents at Taylor's brewery in Albany. N. Y., recently, has been the' talk of tho town. No knives, forks, plates or spoons were used, the guests using tlieir fingers when necessary to do so. Tho meat, selected for its tender ness and juiciness, was cut in delicate and appetizing strips, which were placed on thinly-cut slices of bread, which were saturated with gravy, sea soned with pepper, butter and salt. TUB wme n no Boston papers often print very reina-kablo statements, b»t that have appeared of lato are Oiiginal than that of tho lady writer of the Boston Journal, who has discovered that tho Hub is tho only place in Amer ica whtwo unprotected women may go and como as she chooses without asking the advice of anybody, or being made tho object of disagreeable remark and becauso this can bo done lone women from all tho country flock thither, and this is the cause of the number of wom en in that city so far exceeding that of men. THE New York Sun calb att nt o i to the wonderful progress in tho South. Proper'y values have increased almost two fold since 1889. JwHtol*! 0 0 u i n o pig iron has increased from 897.301 tons in 1880, to 1,501),702 tons in 1880. The output of coal has been trebled, and the Cotton crop lias grown from 2,2W, jia bales in18.55, to 7.000.000 bales a year, the whole otton crop of the world being 0 0 0 0 0 O N I N A U S IT 1 u i 8 5 4 i' lhai V n" 1**0 to 2.0:15,208 in i*M. All crops and all industries U a u e 8 8 and indicate that the South is entering an era ol groat prosperity. HOMES IN KLINS. Seventy-Five Building's Wrecked by a Cyclone in Ohio. El*lit«n r«*r»r»ii« Madly Iiijured-Sctrr* Torninloci in I'enmvlvitniu, town. Alia* »"»fi .»n.t KtlliiM -A ?i'uiii!er of I'eaths Reported. raintaiS, wor»t which h It.'"::. th F. I N V K HON. -iO Saturday i very heavy as struck by the yond com parison, known here. The southern part of at.-i through the •«:. I Second wards, tremendous amount of dani- doing n splintered house timbers, broken furni ture, uprooted trees and leveled hams and outhouses. In a trip over the storm's path nineteen dwellings were counted that were either ripped into kindling Wood or so badly wrecked that they "an not be occupied. About seventy five persons are being sheltered by friends. Of the eighteen per«ons iivurej gl] will probably recover. CANTON, ().. May i: "I he .-vlone which wrecked Akron last .Saturday night visited Limaville, in the northern i part of this county. Six houses were unroofed and others badly wrecked. Amos Harts wife and daughter aro in danger of losing their lives from in juries received. A girl baity, aged months, was instantly kitV,! when the crash came. SKVKITAT, DKATIIS IN .VIssoriir. ST. LOUIS, May 12.—Several violent tornadoes have occurred in different parts of Northern Missouri within the last two days, and a large amount of property has been damaged and several persons killed. In Har rison County houses and barns were demolished and a sioned. top of the rear wall of St. Patrick's Cathedral was blown down. It crashed through the roof to the basement below, wrecking the I altar. Small houses all over the town leveled to the ground. Oil. CITY, PH., May 12. —A most de structive cloud-burst, and cyclone struck this section about 11 p. m. Saturday. Houses, barns, bridges, oil-well ri^s and gas lines aro in ruins. At East Sandy, about eight miles from here, the I residence of William Nunneniaker was blown down, burying the entire family in tho ruins. Mr. and Mrs. Nun no maker are seriously injured and their two children will probably die. The resi dences of Thomas Starr and. William I Lambertson were destroyed. The Valley railroad also suffered severely. Freight train No. 08 struck a landslide at. Hull's Siding, and eighteen flat, cars were I thrown into a ditch. Three hundred I feet of track was washed out at Astral, and smaller portions at Brandon. All mails were delayed twenty ho.irs. Bt TI.KII, Pa., May It!.-—News has been received here of the destruction of a dwelling house in Donegal township by the cyclone of Saturday night,. The building w '|s entirely demolished and its occupants, Jacob Kramer and wife, are fatally injured. Some of the house hold effects were carried three miles. KATAMTIKS IN KANSAS. HANI'TE, Kan., May 12.—A cyclone struck Cedar Valley, Wilson County, at 4 p. m. Friday. Joseph Wiltsey's house was demolished, his young.-st son killed and two other children in jured. Next the dwelling of Frank Glidden was destroyed. his wifo killed and two other ihildien in jured. The dwellings of Peter Pier son, Aleck Russell and w id w Starr were leveled to the ground and Mr. Pierson and wife so badly injured that they are not expected to survive. A scantling was driven completely through the body of Mr. Starr, lie is still alive, but will die. FROM larsre amount of farm property destroyed. William Wilson and his two small chil dren were blown away with bis bouse and killed and several persons were Injured. In Gentry County more than twenty buildings were destroyed and Mrs. Nathan Green was killed. Cattle and hogs were killed and a good deal of general farm property and crops greatly injured. Five or six dwellings and several outbuildings were blown away south of Memphis, Mo. Fences were carried away and orchards swept down, but nobody was killed. JKFKKHSON CITV, Mo., May 12.—A terrific hurricane, accompanied by an extraordinary fall of rain, swept over this city Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. I he wind blew at a rate of sixty-five miles an hour and the rain fell in tor rents. A large section of the roof of the State-Houso was blown off and the offices below deluged with Thf water. The roof of the penitentiary i hospital was blown away, and much in- convenience to the patients w*as occa- WASHINGTON. Dally o o s ie rear wall of St. Patrick's i 3 llnonl of Kvents of lirneral Interest to All. W'A-m\.. ION, May 10. The actu i money of a Congressman's spew •. has been fixed at last. Last winter Representative Oates, of Alabama. was thrown from a street car and hurt so badly that he was unable to appear i:i the House for several days, and conse quently w is unable t.o deliver a speech on the rules. In making his claim against tin lompany Colonel Oates de clared he would not have lost the op portunity to have delivered the speech for Si,000. Tho management of tho company thought $500 was enough for a lost speech, and finally buiii parties compromised for £750. WASHINGTON, May 10. -Speaker Ileed is quoted as expressing the belief that' a a y s who was out in the storm, calculated that it was traveling at the rate of four miles a minute, sothat its track of about a mile and a half through this city was traversed ni a little more than uvonty ..nds. It moved in almost a straight line through a well-settled part in the citv, and the ground is strewn to-day with j' i w VVASHINO ro.v, May 12. President 0 WASHINGTON, Mav ri. Wuen (ion eral .John C. Fremont was holding the Territory that is now California, his accounts got into such shape that the books indicated an indebtedness to the Government on his part of SlO.OOii. 1 he amount was never paid. !en eral Fremont, who is now a very old man [and in rather straitened circum stances, was in this i a n 8 w u s n this city the other killed. murderers. a y W a o u e a e a n a I 1 WASHINGTON, May i:. The Pres.deait lias sfnt to the Senate the following nominations: I'nited States Consuls \V. H. Abercrombie, of New Jersey, at Nag- asaki l.e:iry Ballantine. of the Dis trict of Columbia, Bombay James C. Chambers, of New York, Batoum, Russia: John S. McCoughan, of Iowa. Durango: Charles Ne"- ley. of Maryland, ilio Grande Do Sul Samuel I). Pace, of Michigan. Port Sar nia Edwin Stevens, of Pennsylvania, Pernambuco: Charles Weare, of Iowa, Vera Cruz. W'A.«HINBTOX, May l:t. -The visible supply of wheat and corn in the United States i.s, respectively. .'2,701,913 and 11,415,428 bushels. A FIERCE BATTLE. Oklahoma Furnirr* uiul Catlm.n KH B»B« in Fl«bt in Which Five Men Are Killed. OKLAHOMA CITT, O. T., May 13.- A desperate conflict took place between I Chickasaw cattlemen and Oklahoma farmers on the South Canadian river, about seventeen miles from this place, Five farmers were killed and several others badly wounded. The. farmers had i adopted a herd law among themselves and refused to fence their crops. The cattlemen drove their herds over the country and the settlers resisted. A number of the U A heavy mass of stone on the Chickasaw Turner Iieat«n lor iitfiiomirtation. KANSAS CITV, Mo., May 13.—The Ue- were demolished and much damage was publican Congressional convention of done to trees and shrubbery. In the 1 'he Sixth Kansas district, after a four- country northeast of here many barns days" fight, nominated Webb McNull, of were demolished and miles of" fences Smith County, to succeed E.J.Turner, the IX i'.NNsvi.VANTA. was before tho convention for renom rKAVKl.tx, Pa., May 12. A terrible ination, and there were five other can cyclone passed over the southern part of didates. It took two days to organize this county at 5 o'clock Saturday even- the convention and two days to reach a ing. Two people, Noah Jackson and i nomination. Eighty ballots were taken wife, were killed outright and a num- 1 ber of persons dangerously injured. The storm was general throughout the coun ty, but the track of the cyclone was only about 300 feet. wide. Every thing in its path was demolished, trees were up rooted and houses and barns destroyed. In one instance a house con taining aa invalid was struck and the bed containing the sick man lifted up bodily and carried out into tho yard, where it fetched up against a tree, the man being badly in jured. A large number of cattle wore killeu. The path of the cyclone ex tended from near the county iino to the Allegheny river. l'«P« Wm Not Caught. Dt i TH. Minn., May —The story telegraphed from hert y some corre spondents that \V. H. Pope had been captured near here was not true. Pope is known to have been here or in the vicinity, and detectives have been look ing for him. It was supposed that he took tho steamer Dixon here Thursday and that a detective overhauled the boat at. Two Harbors. Tho Dixon re turned Saturday from Port Arthur, but did not bring the man. A Big Hank Shortnge. AI.UANY, N. Y., May 12.—A defalca tion in he City National Bank amount ing to nearly has been traced to George P. Whitney, the individual book-keeper, who managed it through an overdraft system in collusion with a prominent Albany firm. An effort will be made among Whitney's friends to settle the affair. Ho had been in the bank for years and occupied a high social position. Stock speculation was tbe i'itiiso, A Horrible Uiicoyery, KAN-AS CITY. MO.. May 12. The body of a woman, mutilated beyond recognition, was found in a pine box in the I'nion depot here on Saturday. The box was checked through from M. Louis over tho W abash railroad. A Momiinnnt to Sheridan. SIMJINGf-iKi,i, III., May 12.—The Sec retary of State has issued a license to the Philip 11. Sheridan Monument As sociation, which will erect a statue to the memory of General Sheridan in I nion Park, Chicago. i .'"i National Prohibit ion C»mp-Me«tlni-. I DK. ATI II. 111., May H. Oakland Park, near here has been engaged for, the National Prohibition camp-meet ing. which will be held for eleven davs. commencing May lit. Will Kiect a Pre»i1dit of llrnzll. HIODI-: JAMaiiii, Mav its.--The first Republican Congress will elect a Presi dent of tho republic, and the Brazilian constitution will be promulgated be lore August. Death of a .Jurist. .SAN* FIIANNSCO. May (t«orge M. Sabin, I'nited State, i)j. Judge of Nevada, died here morning. lie was 5i years oi r» »sion appropriation the doc- discussed. Senator Hiscock uments were overhauled. It was then' introduced a bill authorizing discovered that, instead of owing tho Government $19,000, the Government owed General Fremont $2,800. The error was due to poor bookkeeping General Fremont has received a v.r,i her for the money. the President, to purchase the property at Mount Mefiregor on which Central Grant died, at a price not to exo-eil S150.000. for the estahlishment. there ui a botne for i •?. s from cons ,: t' :o:i or complaints. W .VSIUNUTON. May ID. ate yesterday the pens: a e a demy bills were WASHINGTON. mounded, but they fled, merce act and reads as follows not known whether any were n present incumbent. Mr. Turner the final one standing McNull, 61 Turner, 42. any were "owung contained in this act shall be Marshals are in pursuit of the construed to authorize the sale or traffic in. FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. MINOR JiEWS ITEMS. Proceedings Enacted Daily in the Senate and House. Bills Passed srut Other Mrasiins of Im flurliim-e Cuiler (tonaiderni A Kevtew of ()«n«ral lu terent to All. SKNATK. WASHING 11.\, May 7,—Funeral cere monies were held in the Senate .-ham bcr at 10 o'clock yesterday morning over the remains of the late Senator Heck, of Kentucky, after which tho body was taken to Lexington. Ky., for burial. VVA-HINO K»N. May 8.—In the Senate yesterday a bill was introduced to es- a College, Congress will adjourn by July 4. lie states under the supervision of tho De- hlish in every county of the Cu'ed th House and Senate Will be partment of Agriculture a public fariu. in shape to close up work by that time. e aii«.V bill and the military acad- e n i v Ilarrison, his Cabinet and tho Uover-! thoriscing-the istueof Treasury notes OTI nors of a number of States will be pres- deposit of silver bullion was discussed, ent at the unvailing of the (Jarlield authorizing the Secretary of War monument in Cleveland May :i(). to deliver to the State of Colorado the W'Asiii.voToy, May 12. -Secretary Aw carried by the Colorado regiments were reported, and the bill au- tor has made a second allowance of during war of the rebellion was an assault upon a white woman. $53,000 for the relief of the Mississippi flood sufferers. passed. W ASIIIN'. I "V May 9. Prc^denti.ll rison sent .•« Senu'e \i-^terday i following nominations for the now ritori- of Onlaiioma: tieorge ^V. Steele, tieoi' of Indiana, for Governor Robert Mar- killed tin. of Oklahoma, for Secretary, and Kd ward B. ir»»en. of Illinois, for Chief Jus tice of the Supremt* Court. The House bill for the classification of worsted goods as woolens was passed. The bill (807.090, ing ary an.i tiic army appropriation bill was considered. ?«0.MK). WASHINGTON, Mav 12.- The army ap- Their, propriation bill was passed by the Sen- number ate Saturday, with Senator Hale's (Me.) May 1 Hoc .SB. WASHINGTON, May 7 Kepi, uta tive Boutelle (Me.) on Tuesday intro duced in the House a bill intended to repair the damage inflicted upon the State prohibition laws by the recent de cision of the Supreme Court in the original package case. The bill is in the shape of a section which it is pro posed to add to the inter-State com* That °thing contained in this act i in intoxicating liquors in any State con trary to the laws thereof.'' WASHINGTON, May 8. In the House yesterday the time yvas occupied in dis cussing the McKinley tariff bill, the Ohio statesman speaking in favor of the measure and Mr. Mill: against it. (Tex.) W ASHINGTON. May 9.- In lhe House yesterday a resolution w as introduced to make eight hours a legal day's work. A bill was introduced imposing a duty of ten cents a pound on all sugar of milk imported, lhe tariff bill was further debated. WASHINGTON. May 10. -In the House yesterday bills were passed increasing the pension of Brigadier-General Avers to $75 per month and giving Mrs. Delia S. I ainel 1 a pension of $.i0 a month. bill was introduced declaring that any person who shall desecrate the National flag, either by printing on said Mag or attaching the same to any adve-tisp ment for public display shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof in the District Court of the I nited States shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $5u or imprisoned not less than thirty days, or both, at the discre tion of the court. Ti,e tariff bill was further discussed. W' V-HINGTON, May 1 J.-. n on Saturday the time wa discussing the tariff bill. WASH, N i TON, 1 lull SO ipied in 1 V ]... n yesterday the tariff bill was further dis cussed, the debate being limited to one minute each. Death if a J'ionppr I' urrinr. Hi- riioiT, Mich., May 13. •-Frederick Buhl, one of the pioneers in the North w st s n fur trade and a millionaire, died yesterday morning, aged ko years. Mr. Buhl had heavy fur and hardware interests, owned the Sharon. Pa., in mill and was worth several million dol lars. His sons have been managing hi-i business for several years, Mr. Buhl having practically retired from busi- •Kllill, Aisior? CITY, la.. May 12. South K Missouri and Indiana l»«'ath of n Vetfrwn. AGO, Y W i e ex -M i s e i Republic 11 nde." Piv notable commande during the ejv j] "•"eral Julius he Argentine Grant, and a v u tht'jli, ei l\ il'.l Ii i Put, ii. .1- s was jr New 11 •r-iay i tr kw For tho WruK l.iitiuit Mny l». The Iron Car Company of Hunting don. Pa., ha« failed, with liabilities of fno.otn The \\n .if (5re• n v. I!e. l'.i., w as flooded 're dei.Mi of w.« fee. ,, 11 .i' I day iiv a cloud-burst. i Half the saloons of Halt .re have been closed throug i the «m:. -ring o the high-liconse law tieorge \V. Crane ,v C,.., o( T.^.e',,a. Kan., printers and .!• ,cr,. f.i... i ,.•» Saturday «1'^0,0U.) i A flit- i'ii Sunday a' 1. .:!••. N\ Y., destroyed one-ba'f ..f the- l.t -,ni portion of the villag". Two workmen were ki:l at CM land Saturday by falling seventy feet from a scaffold to the ground. K. L. Criswell was lynched by a mob on Monday at Santa Maria, a:., f.-r murder of Constable Southar i The Montana I'nion dej.ot at. I: tte was destroye.i b\ an incendiary u Friday, the 1 s !.. ing $ 100,000. Kd Bennett icoioredl was lync:.1 ti Saturday by a mob at Ilearne, 'l'e f..r Flames on Saturday in a large Govern ment. warehouse at Willet's Point. L. 1., destroyed property.valued at $1,000,-' 000. A n i an engineer, u as at'Mi I vj. ,.. ,v h'. being caught tnc I'y.v lie.-: «.f h.-en-, gine. Warden Be-ggtvii, of ti«e Jo':, ill! i peniteir .a: .. aflirms that 'here h,. been no pb-i 'o liberate tht n:n .- m viets. During a h'in.b r--'orni in Paris on Friday the Ki-Te was k I v lightning six n:m -a' no damage done. THE P-T. of .• Sixth -A district on t.- v n-. i \\. ,, McNull tv 1-:. J. .-nor i ni gress. H. F. Webster, proprietor of he Holly •'onring mills of Minneapolis, assigned Monday. He rated himself as wich W amendment excluding the sale of liquors, bcor or wine at army posts. In dividual pension bills to the number of 1J3 were also passed. A bill was intro duced amending tho inter-State com merce law so as to permit railroads to give reduced rates to commercial trav elers. "k ai week of I--.'. J. In th" Se.-ar,. yesterday tho greater part of I he for ti.t •At Detroit, .Mich., the seventy-two hour heel-and-toe walking match was won on Saturday by Iloagland, he mak ing miles. O. H, Wilson, charged wrh fleecing ail Ashland LO. I farn.» n,irvei i ui\e "•it of $1,500, was arrested at Ma"ion,, Friday night, v was devoted to the consideration of the bill authorizing the issue of Treasury notes on deposits of silver bullion. Mr. Plumb (Kan.I introduced a bill "to de clare the unit of value in tho I'nited States and to provide free coinage for the standard silver dollar.'' A t-ycar-old son of .la i e, O'Hura, of Last Saginaw, Mich., w.-.ilo running across the street to see a .log-fight fell and broke his neck. Kev. a e s Kerr and his wife were drowned in Boy kin ••. k. s m.», ounty, Ai*., on Sunday wnne attempt ing to ford the stream. While feeding on low ground a heavy rain descended and drowned tor* . sheep of the breed belonging to Lewivu Beard, of Fulton, Mich, J- B. Howard, who swindled carpen ters' unions throughout Indiana, was sentenced Monday at Fort Wayne to two years' imprisonmen*. Mrs. Frost, of Portsne 11 ||,,, fit of insanity threw in h: .{ n TAUPERS Th«» Po' r- ,*i» 'he river and jumped in hersep'. A t.:.i i.p who saw ber rescued both. In tho Third Pennsylvania district on Monday the Democrats nominated Iliohard Vanx for Congress to fill j.he vacancy caused by Mr. Randall's death. Mervin Bennett, of Jeffersonville, MPW Their Iiln n Since the e o e o i i n a a e k a e e cision was made know n this section has been flooded with cin nois, Minnesota, distilleries. Petitions are in ircuia tion asking Congniss for e i e •ulars from llli- K Pai:is. May 13. Advices have been n ceiM,l iron, Senegal to the eib ct that he senegalese Kmg has been murdered by his subjects. He had tried to impose 'hem European ideas which he bad imbibed at the Paris Exhibition. MlnrimotaV Worlil'g lair Delegate* KT- PA. I., Minn., May it .. «i„ rriam has sent to President, Harrison the nominations of i i Th ri-i' 'I i-M in in i'ii Killiiil. M" May BS. -A 1 rt .• Kan ity Colorado road reeked yesterday near her. 'eee.yed i Mary a i o i n e s e y •r A uro House at Preset! Destroyed by Fim Ihe.r Iilv.-s Tl.PV •1 r||. nna |{,14,t6(1 1 l-lkn npft S (, Tf:r A HOItnil,: T't:. X. Y.. M: ti..n .'1 'i.i- Chennn which for fifty y« ,i rated at Preston, i Norwich. werodesiioveU Ly fl-eW day nigh about midnight artful inmates, possibly mot-p, wcrek iljty have tail s 'x tr.: '•fll The buildings destroy^ asylum, in which there we« eighty inmates, and tho pa,, a 1 w ward, a about forty inma The horrible pa: thp at... je aisajti the burning of nine i.|j„. s w I penned in their cells and w e «, alive. The fire started in i of the main building 1 5 f* k«e awakened by a pauper, and tr^ lease the idiots, but was .Irivenh i the lire. He then thi ciothes. ing thfi I i building in bis n the inmates ami of doors. Some ., took to the woods a 1 a"ge n uni ber or for them. The nu who were burned a i-wajn the islie S:\-aii Mil!-. W-I-I•. S-anih Jt.e i. Marv i A a Uened., i e idiots were loclcrd in and* beasts. Their unearthly .. aroused a pauper named E I mi-is, who slep s.i that he arou i i and by bat '. (loomed. Th ... ... for help, bti' n• •. nlace. and •. .. u ner. I' JY. D« lu'da A- was p.) s: '.e s 1 V. V ,-. offcodie, :.•.-.! :. wfi'i 1 last nding s ,.• house :i P already tr::: j.. pTtfJsSiuii irs life far exce. i •,. .. .• the blliidn. IN 4 sane men uu-l ••.. ... iiad not 1( e others who •. w ,., pable of find ai.' i e A ,• I buiidinsr i: i and exciteni ... •„». ,.j now !..•:,(•. .i a a a .. perisl.e I ti N. Y.. Mav 1 I bat at least lie burning .: i,. -, at Pre,i a i HANGMAN S DAY. Ihiafi Mui'ilerern I'ttji ih« f«uiu 1 lieir MUitcriti. 11A I: i i -i d\, S. May 10.-W i* icoioredi wa- a 1 a'' '.. Friday for the ii .: :c: nandez icolored). WAHIIKNU'W N. Ua., .May !U. Hill, a nec|- i years of ace, wast: here Friday the murder of Rogers, of 1'ii.uiak. When a up he was tried, convicted to death within two hours BiKMINGHAM, Ala.. May HJ. Jones (colored) was hanged in. t'a yard yesterday for the mt.rdtrof! a n o n a i n n a i years ago. 1 Ind-, was fatally shot Monday, while! fishing, by a huntsman in the woods nearby. The shooting was accidental. The question of taking the control of charitable institutions from the priests and placing it in the hands of the civil power is arousing bitter controversy in the Italian Parliament, Since January nine barns have been burned in Clinton. la. The la-t one w destroyed 'In.-sday night, and seven teen horses and t.wo cows were stroyed. A: 1 of the fires have incendiary origin de ll of The Louisiana s»ate l.e.r. ,],. yened at, Baton Kouge Monday. Tne Governor's message was principally voted to his views in opposition to ac renewal of the b.tterv ci arter at to the def.1a-mu of Treasurer 'l:urke." Killed Ifunlimiii ant Wife, Rortik^k.:. N. Y., May Vhomas I.ynch, one of the Rochester detective force, and a man named Samuel Stod dard had a dispute o* or a line-board fence. Friday evening the dispute •culminated in a bloody tragedy. The detective shot and killed Stoddard and bis wife. Lynch gave himself up and is now dei,ained at polic headquarters He pleads self-defense. Khol ill* Wile ami Hnnvelf. Orn^.Col., May 10. Jo| i n Ylrtaul* ut lie I.....1«. SnijKvi-:i'oi!T, i steamer New Ha\« n. w t:.? committee of citizens, ha .nianu Black and Doolev bayous. Tlift harrow ing descriptions of the people in tha' i ish. The whole sc.• •:..n is like a in I a n i washed away, fam. and f.-w escaped w i" life. Hundreds of fr'i11 'heir b-.m the co tii on of tb deserte How .- s '••ci of water. 1 W i .- I I O I i K i -I I- KANSAS CII\. MN., I women who W ere rec- •, ...." '•ers of Ldgei'Loii, ban., i, owing to the ridicule and .ti w e i o i e a a s i a v i jecled by certain of tne in.oe i-- A special election for mayor and• offices thus left vacant will he held IN- It is believed that Mu' whose adm inist ration has ..-it given sat.isfacticn, will be Deulh of tlit ilevt l'iHi'li i»S M. Win- stead. a dissolute fellow, whoso wife had supported the family by keeping a r- staurant, shot his wife dead b-cause had no money to give him for drink, 'hen committed s-. as witnessed by a I ye n-o-'i is le ft destit.u te. II ragi son. A BIISIDN. May 1.".. Reuben R of Rutland, V't., is dead, lb* oldest practicing attorney in thcl States, having been in active since 1810. He was an old-utu* & tionist and a friend and co-work William Lloyd Garrison. Me was" the station-masters of the nmlergr railroad in assisting the igittves in their flight to fro. .bmi in anad» \«l.uil)le ltacei'H (Ut BHSI-ON, May 12. -The Gxf.'rJ stables at Cambridge, Mas* i totally destroyed by fire morning. Thirty blooded horses, in mg Lookout, Fly Mack. V i .•as ami Rich- ones. engineer. Ri.-hard Sliellcraft Arnold G.n-field, fireman' •re i e.l. aid Took Three 11 U. Minr May HI a farmer livingne 1 'h i 1 1 ai I III i i ne Sehacffer ir.'.idered bi«i w if. killed him. e]f 1 *dy unknot n. nst an- earherflv 11.1 then the trug- Th. a Use of To|".V-1 Varden and Clothing Bov were h" to death and the Ktable-kectxtrnarr escaped with his life. The lossiC 000, partially insured. A Michigan Millionaire'* He®''1 BAi:s Mich., May l".- n Nestor, a millionaire Michigan son, of I »!uth, and Prof. O. V. Tonsley, u nian, died hero yesterday plexy, aged 55 years. He was •ft.ooii,oon. made' in pine him!*, started us a poor lumber-choppM %oods. o Minneapolis, as representatives of Min nesota at the Chicago world's fair. I 4 1 i i y OL I Au A. Out.. May M.-Moii'kV era! Sir Frederick Middle ton. W i 1 matider of the Canadian HIilitia, ouvictodin Parliament of bot!t? valued at, {5,000 during the N o i Mill ItvipffAoiit Mirhitff 1 1 KAI.AM\/...., Mich., May Lane, of this city, has been aP"1 0 1 out* of tho two wprosontativti^ i«'lii^an to th« wtu'ld .H Eichtnoud, of Ann Arbor, is the o«