Newspaper Page Text
vUi)£: Answer I.Nti i»A k'!' to Clen. J. n. Baker'i Sixth aud ScTtnlh Paperi. ft'.Mir Press in those two papers Mr. Baker seetnti to sum up the object of the entire series —"the larrnsr is^Uepriveil of the becefitN of his labor by varied combination* and conditions, ot which he is powerless to louitdy. The greatest of these is the robber tariff, which lias been so arranged &B to especially burden the tanner.' Then he goen on to tell ua that the "farmer does not want or expect any leg illation that will aid him to secure bet t»r prices. All he wants is "tree trade," •O he can buy cheapoi goods. We are *11 agreed that the class of farmers whr arc Buffering the most from the general 4»pres8ion of prices are those who are in debt. Any change in the business ol the Country that would embarrass or de moralize one branch ol industry would be felt by all others. Any considerable lowering of priceB on account of a re duction of the tariff would drive labor out of manufacturing into farming, in creasing the competition and still farther lowering the price &f larm products such a change would work most harm to the man who had debts and mortgages to piy. That the tarilf schedule is not per fect we agree. As the benefit accruing to the farmer is indirect or secondary, it is generally admitied that there should be a readjustment with a view to the better iuterests and rights of the farmer this ia n®t disputed. In doing this the wishes of a Vermont larmer have the same right to consideration as those of Minnesota and Ohio. The Minnesota farmer did not ask for a tmiff of 82 per ton on straw, but the Vermont, Connecti cut aud New York farmers did, and will h« greatly benefited thereby. Even the 15 cents tariff on potatoes. With a tariff of tiO cents, it is doubtful if we ever see •ny more 15-cent potatoes in this state. Tp say that the tariff on such agricul tural products as we are importing does not help the producer, does not increase the price, then turn around and say that the farmer pays a higher price for every thing he buys because of the tariff, is in JOB»i»tant and contradictory. We believe that all productions of farm, shop, mine or factory that can be produced in this country should be pro tected'by a tariff on such article high enough to stimulat? and encourage such industry to produce all we need. Tlii." will tend to diversify the products, stim ulate invention and devolop resources The application of this principal has been very satisfactory in its results,taken as a wholo in special instances it ma not only havo fpjled to accomplish the desired result, but may have prpvod a burden rather ,ha» a benefit, aa in the matte of '•ugar. Jn such oasen the tariff should he removed. With our diverritj of inriustrv end interests, wide extent of country and varied needs it not retnarlmbl* that there should be a clashing of interacts. Any and all changes in mattrrs affecting the prosper ity of the people should be made in the interests of the whole people after a care ful consideration of all thecircumstancefa and conditions. We are not at present working under a "war tariff,'" it is not true that everything the farmer buys he must pay "war prices'* for. We can gain nothing by that kind of argument. Congress is heeding all demands of farm era and giving them!attenijon. If by re moving the tariff from binding twine the farmer can get it a few cents a pound cheaper it may be a good thine, but it we can make a still cheaper article out of material grown in our own state that will be much better. Ifihe mission of Messrs. Hall and Lathrop shall be suc cessful and twine from flax straw can be successfully and cheaply made at Still water it will be worth to th« farmers of Minnesota a hundred times more than the tariff on twiue has ever cost them. The attempt to prove that ^.the ''de gression on agriculture is due to tariff" u a failure. The suggestion that the abolition of the tariff would be of any material advantage to agriculture is not warranted by the facts of history. The inequalities of the tariff schedule should be corrected. The most serious obstacle In the way of such correction and ad justment ia Uie unreasonable demand, obstruction and misrepresentations of tree traders who, under the guise of tariff reformers, seek to destroy the sya te.m'rather than to correct those things which are wrong. To accomplish their purpose lJUey charge Jlie tariff as res[Hjn All this, and more too, ia promised as result of free Fortunately for HI a people the first picnire in over drawn: unfortunately for the'apostle ot free trade the second picture exists ouly in his imagination. The oommon Rennft and husiueas interests of the people will prevail. The good results of the protec tive system are BO well understood and appreciated that its substance will not be exchanged for the free trade shadow. ANSWER—Lord, C. L. SMITH. W. C. T. U. Department. "For (Juu and Horns and Native Land." Mas. M. W. LYON, Editor. It it matter for devout thanksgiving that the great efforts put forth by the politicians and friends of license general ly, for the resubmission ol the prohibi tion question in Kansas and Iowa have proved failures. Instead of giving pres tige for the Nebraska campaign, they have awakened new interest in the (jues tion among the better class of people every time and shown more clearly than ever before that all good and true citizens are truly and heartily in tairor of legislating license out of existence. The hand writing on the wall,*' shall be plainly bgible to all unscrupulous poli ticians. The public conscience is not nly being awakened, but being baptized by the spirit of "od, and many who a few months ago even bad hardly given the subject a thought now feel them selves responsible beings in this matter. It is encouraging to send the report of the initial effort of the suflragists in Grunt county. Our environments as women are complete, and it is hardly a matter of choice with UB4 but rather a mattter of conscience. The dyties of citizenship are likely to be thrust upon us, and it stands ue in hand to use everv help available to a thorough understand ing of our position. The work of the W. C. U. has demnpstrated that women only need to know their duty, in order to doit. We see in the daily press this item, in some local election, "two classes of women voted, one being the most in telligent and best class in the town, the other being tho demi monde." In reply to this we wish that all elections two classes of men vote: Little things like that will not frighten good women when the home Is in danger. WHERE ABK THK HOTS AND OIBLS OAVS TUKK? Thousand?, of mothers ari so over burdened that the actual demands of life from day to day would seem to consume all their time and strength. Dear moth er. of tv o evils, choosc- the least and which would you call the lenst.a neglect boy, or dust oa a picture frame! Ruffled and embroidered clothing, or a neglected girl? Cobwebs ic the corner, or a child over whose soul a crust haa formed so etrcngthat you despair of melting it with your bot tears and forvent prayers. We have seen mothers absolutely ignorant of their children's habits, who cou'd not spare a half hour to rea-1 or feach them, spond hours in doing fancy work. When the mother, a good ortho dox woman, shall atand before the Great White Throne to be judged for the deeds done ia the bxly, and to answer for the jewels committed to her care, the Judge wili ask, Where are the boys and girla I gave theef wliiU I waa busy keeping my house clean and Ip order,my i children wandered away. Where wert thou when thy girls and boys were learning lessons of dishonesty, malice, Sabbath breaking and impurity* Lord, I gave them a good example, but I had no time to teach them Thy Word or lead them in prayer. 1 wns a busy mother my house was kept in perfect order, and they were always carefully fed and clothed. Again the Judge asks, Where are the boys and girls I gave thee to train for Me? Lord, I know not. I waa anxious, about them. I Bent them to Sabbath School and to church, I trusted to the mi ni ter and Sunday School teacher to train them for Thee. My lime was hpent in beautifying my home, in gratifying my artistic tastes and in cultivating a love for the beautiful" In my children,and having them fitted for society. These, with house cares und society demands took all my time. 1 was never idle My neighbors called "me a busy woman." Where, on where are the children Thou gavest me? I know not where they have wandered. Oh these children! These boys and girls! T^e restless boy-Baud girls whom we love more than our ow n lives! Shall we devote our time and strength to that which perishetb, while the rich garden of the dear child's soul lies neglected, with aible for nearly or quite all the ills ol toul weedscrowding outall worthy, beau humanity. They exaggerate and multi -i tifui growths? ply wrongs, manufacture statistics and «iiiote flgures|w ithout end to proye that everybody except manufacturers are be ing robbed by the tariff, the country is go ing into bankruptcy, the farmer drifting into wtdoin, the laborer into slivery, all due to the "'kiug of robbers," the tariff, 'fjhon over against this they hand n picture where every spindle isjhumming. •very furnace lire is burning, the sails of our commerce whiten every sea, well paid labor rests in pleasant homes, en joying the good things »f every clime bought oheap in the world's markets the.farmet selling hjs'products in an un restricted market gets |good prices, and being able to sell high and buy low ii kappy and contented Fleeting, oh mother, are the days ot childhood. Spoiless windows, snowy lin en, beautiful embroideries and the con sciousness thai every thing about the '.iouse is faultlessly white and clean, w:ll be a poor comfort jn that day wherein ye shall discover that the boys and girls eo trusted to th^e have chosen the Oroad way that leadeth to destruction. Will not the judge SHY, "Inasmuch as ye did it not unto these, thy children, ye did it not untu Me. Ye were not faithful to the trust committed to th^e ye cannot ent«r in. "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not Clean fins I'opiie'i. de part from it." -Prov. xxii. t). For Mothers Work, Pennsylvania State W. C. T. Alliance, for Med, »l F. W. A. i I\ B. ROBERTS, Banker. ITHE:FARMERS::BANK§ OIF Does a General Banking Business. Accounts of BusineS Men Solicited. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. H: aee Foreign Exchange Sold. Collections Given Special Attention. Choicc Real Estate for Sale and Taxes Paid foi non residents, JS FARLEY, Have alwaya in stock a full line of the ola standard and time tested HGold Coin and the Peninsular Cook & Heating Stoves. GUARANTEED to be up to STANDARD wiih any stove in the market. The Cedar Rapids Wood Pump, Brass Valve Seat witli which th*1 pump ran npvrr l^sik its priming. pumps lire guaran teed to give the b«st anthfaciion. A full line of IIBOIN" They are prepared do all kinds of Job work such as repnirinp stoves, tin work ^r anything in the hardware line. Thvy carry a full LINE OF GENERAL HARD WARE. With such lines ss mentioned above, and are going to sell them at Prices that are Bound to Establish Trade. AT COST! Everything in the line of Will be sold at Cost, and a large assortment of Broken Suits will be sold REGARDLESS OF COST. low is tie lime to My His Class of Goods! CttME AND SEE FOR 10HSELF. ERLANDSON & JOHNSON. Wood Bros. DEALERS IN hardwarE ACORN AND OAKLAND STOVES ANI) RANGER GASOLINE STOVES, FENCE WIRE. GARDEN TOOLS, WASHERS, CHURNS, CREAMERY CANS, DAIRY GOODS, GUNS, CUTLERY, AND STEEL GOODS. FARM MACHINERY! McCORMICK HARVESTERS, BINDERS AND M^vv'EPS, WAGONS, IRTGGIES, ROAD CARTS, RINDING TWIN* JOHN DEERE PLOWS AND CULTIVATORS, WAGON^ I I GGIES, ROAD CARTS, WOOD AND IRON I'UMPS. LUMBER! (S.\SH, D0OHS, UL1XDS AM) Mol\ s, HUILD1NG PAl'EIt. IJliiC."IC. Li ME, CEMENT, I.Tv, FENCE I'O^TS. &f. NO i I'ICK l,and Office at WatortowuM. V. April ifth, ln« Noiir iahorrbv triv.'n tliiii till- follow Ultr llHIIIt'd SM'ltitT flHn tiled OOtlCC Of h!n iijlculiuu to miiki- tiual i'ru cmption proof ia (tuoport of loa claim, nud lhat stud proof will fco mudw iiofori* Clerk Circuit Coun utMilbabk, J? D. oa uu« iStb, 1SH0, viz Kr. ii KittlHimlt', 1* D. !v No. 1T5W fur tin* !?VVl4section S?. town ihip IT.', liaiiiTi- 47. Ho nanu s tke following tvn iii-si-i'H to prove liis commons rcsi'li BCC upou and culliTSiion of, »nil land, vi/.: Amauml O. Wold, Anton .\l*on, Aiilln S. Haudall and Lawttiuce Meahan, all of Alnce, S I t». \V 11,1 IA MS, IS "K i et« l.iiud t'Hit ti at Walcrtown S. 1) 1*H0. Nonce i* hi r.-t-y ^ncn lltiii the following-untried sM-itli-r h«a tiled notice of his intention to make Until proof in support of his laim, and that i»aid proof mil tie made before the UesjUter and Receiver al Watertowu, «. Dak., on July 17th 1890, V t'Tli'K A April H, i z IVicr Johnson, 1 app. No l't'U') for the SK '.t ec«!ton 'JO,town ih',p 1 111. rnliu'e 17 He tinmen lilt* followinc wit !K-t*se« to pro\e bin continuous residente upon and i iiliUHtion of. paid land, viz: Alel tmrson, A ntlrew (.llsi n, JuSelih Ulsoti, A .S YouiiKi »l! of A I bee, S. Dak NUTlC'K— C. (J. WII.MAMi, Roister. I,and nfBce at Watertown, South Ilakota, A pr:I iWd, Nonce is hereliv l'ien thai the fullowinir imtiied #i-ttlt linn tiled notice of hi" intention to make final Hve-ypiir--old proof in support of hn» claim, and tbsiisaid proot w ill he made before the jin!^.-,or HI hi» ahneini\ the clerk of circuit i-ourt hi Mllbmik, Soutli l»u kota, on .June lttli, Ihj.O, VIZ: l.ndwur Maripiart, lid \o I3t :t for ho SR. nr.of Si r. 1 IK. t* H»'namea the foilowititr iltiet»«eii to prove h'e con'initoti* residence ti| on ant! culltvalion ot mu! lain!, .-1: Win HUMIIIL'. of Alhce, 1) t.lliiwii 'I'm hollke, of lievillo, X. II Tholna ChriMtiaiinon, of Albee, S.l. Knudt Moon, of lievillo, S. 1. C. (J. Wi..i.iAWB, llcjiiatfr N«»ticc» to Vot«»r«. Not:ce is hereby eiven to the qualified :o-cr« Of the City of MilWk that the Hoard of li.-s (ration will meet nt the nlHei- ..f Uu- citv eierk ii aid city oil SHtnuiav. the v'-lth day of'Mav, atH on Monday, the 2d day of .lip-c, Irtu). for the pur pope of reeiMcrin'/ Ti^ero for th» ?cho«l on to 1 held on Tuesday, the 3d duv of .Jun* A 1. lM.1t. Iho ooard will le in m-Kuiuniio each ofaai:ld»y« from a, HI until A)! per».iM rniiii' il to vote .-t «aid rleetioti herein- notified to uttund and mumtr.r on one of »aid iin.\ lated at «nid eity of M-Shark or. the 1Mb dav May, A. 1). lesni. lltMlV \. It KM Notice. Nnf-ce her.-by eiveti that all scheol i.o et iu'i«i*,t wot b- offere 1 ir Ifasr at |iutlie «ne. Hon, Saturday. May '.'4 Sslefwill i inmnence tti one o'cl-iek p. m. No bids' ieita than on.- cent jiei acre will be arreptcil f.p-ns-( for the foltovin tr*et^ have he i, (ii-Mpnroi n| hy the Commi(.«!ou. of i'utihc. T.and* a'td will be oflVntl lean attain on he above ite See. Id town 1.0 rantu 51. of Matrppa, 1# 1IN 41J, if Keorani 1# 11M Bof Stockholm. W 119 N) o* iai f«', of Twin Itrnolis 1^1 (io, of Osceola 118 60, of Troy. 0. W t'Mtvsr, D^red a' 1 to amend Section "2 of ordinance An ord.::at. No. 9. The f:tv Cdtinrt! nf the City of Milbant do or- Gain as follows: Se-t:nn 1 That aeetion 2 of ordinance No W. entitled: "An nrdinnnce for tn« prevtvmon and ahateieent of run-mcea," ajiprove.l ,Ju:\ -j, ]8H5. he Htjd the aann i« h-reny amended to read b'h il Iowa: Sec. 1. That no per»on ehall keep or inaiDtnit, in mid eitv, any barn, atabie, vnrd or in. !o*uic for horaes. "beep or c.ttle, nor'any pi^ lell HENBrS.Vot.KMAK, Att. JolIM \v. BKI.L, .SKAI..J City Clerk HKl,i,,n i '-"niiet K. Brown nM, HnnuumtbeUst Uy ol April. A. 1' 1 levied I1JKVII the followii.K de- Berlbed real property of sMi.i .jetei, »iu„ to-wiftbe ti In'1- wo K"utt"-'H'il quarter ol TI jon thirty-two (.,») in township one hundred and i%en -u hrt\-niue 09j. hikI (hur aba 1 on Monr ny, ihe Jf.tli day o! Mav. A. D. ]S90 .l of s.ii.1 dav. at the fiont loor the court bouse in the cltv ot Mil- bank, in said couniy and state, pro.-eed to nil Ihe right- title mid inlcrc-t of the above named Kmmet K. Krown and Sylvia D. lirown iti and to the above deserilied (iropertv to satisfy said judgment, and eoxts. aiiiotintniK to seventy two dollars end tifty-iive cents, t-Htether^ with all at i runiK costs of aale and intetesi on the name irom the '21st rinv oi April, l-,„ ,'IV,!I" 'Tr Hl tj.. e '\llt Himurn, at public aucUoa to the bmiien btdiler for cash. J-uoa BlOM A. 1»0IWK, Flaintitra Attorney. CI J- Bt.MKDICT, ii»telatMtlha.,k.K,„ti, iw^, Ap?! Is iw. Order to Klioiv I auiti iliu^ !»«". anion tit Ni.|| l,ihmi. publication May 8 1 STATE OI MJI'TH DAKOTA I Cot NTV or (iiiANt, 111 Couniy Court, May term. h«ld Mav 1890 dec railed "l,Ut'r "f 'IhulJ"'a Ni.s.n, a"rt fi""s t,ie I"'1 it ion of I) W ptiTBs. adm.n.Mrator of «»,! estate, .ett uc fonh he uinotuu of personal ,.sltlt,. U) „t ,m# V,?,, ,!"?, hie bund*, and the amount thereof undnnoien of Hie iiiiioiint, of del)ig outstanding a^ra d'THUftod, hlmI prMvniii ihut b, i„ s ,j| tl „, ,4 ()f B( ship Uu ot raiiL'e 5 i in soil county hih! slat U appenriiii by sun! petition, Hon ther 8.nili rfit »-Htmt- iii lin* iiHMth «»r'.T "I'd thai it is re» eM „t, 11 Mortgage Sale, Wboreas. default basbe.n met,! of the money secured k» il.'/4i. Co Sin.t 1 and, Vnv 1i\ 1 •••**(. City Election. Notice is h.-pein lti\t u Hint a animal election "f the ay of i Ihflnk will be heid tin the tir». ilea! ay in .Ju: e, H| |, th(. of the following offleer" tire to be elected Mem In rII i I th" li eird of Kd'n ation a* In!. Iowa: (i,,e member II the l«t Ward in t)o placeOtl i.nry VV Ur-idford one niemt-er ftn the v,d vs «rd in t,ii" j.iaee of Samuel .lonea: on« m.'uibiT for th*' W«ird in the place oi hnrU ockmnih. Th- p.-lliug places of said election are ae roliuw*: Ut Ward-Tha furniture ttoreof Levi Schna be I v:d W'ard-The Fns.'lTi" Ho,.ae !nl srd The Draku Building, corner Main ant5 litt'lsv»v Hii* ii»• 11 rjection will hp o*f»n it o cl(»r k in the foirhooij «ni mii!n oputi QDtil •J o 'Ck ii! \Ufi nf !h«« GftV Daiwl ut the ru\ yf .Mubank, 8. 1) "ihit Ifth of May, A D. 180. alOHM M\ R*Lt City 41* the tilth day ot Ketnuniy i o by l.-orge Kuasell ku,1 Navtll. w, s of tbe COUUIY ot Urant an 1L uov state of South U«k,,u to rk'"- '1 »l the county of Wabasha neai ta.aud which uiortM,,, s'"'' olbte of th« HeKister wt Dtedintl Grant and Territory of Dtkuu Sotttb Dakota, lu bo«k U of u, ii,,i 0-iti. oti tiie itTrh day of pat,n o'clock p. .and bru,rI. VV licreaa, no uctlou or prooB»,»|. utlu rwlse have beet- lnstln^ ,'1 debt secured by (aid mortMg* or ot, und K "*orMjk VVberea*. default hat been mer.t of the (axes auesned on ,2?La agreed by the said wort,^ i VVhi rea*. the »mouut cl»l»eJ stud inort«aKe,at the date 0, ,hi_ sum ot seventeen hundred iph dollars and twenty.three ,-ents Sl.-lliJ.tu priii. ipaf and W-,- i'r date, besides ihe mm of ui,^,, ,'•* sixty six cents for taxea !iece »r'"V'' inonifagee, and lu it rest ihtrM,,',', 1 dollarn attorney, fee, .upuUted said luortKaKP. M« therefore, notice U her*t,v,,, 1 virtue of the power of sate i,BiiU« 1 Moruraife, and duiv recorded », «f,' 4P pursuance of the statute- in i V'/c provided the mu.1 mortua^- „i| Z by a stile.-r the niort*,,ge.i p„-JilM -cribed at ptibli.- auction, bv the" h, ..rant county ,r hi, deputy ",m the^ tbo court house iu the ell v o ty otOiant. state of .SinthDaitu,, „«r: Jluy, ivjrt. at two o'eUn-k iniheaft^l day. Ihe morticed prfmi.», lilt: couuty of (ii ant, in the State* ta. aud are described a folK,w, south half of the north-ean Nf «n 1 the east half (K^, „f n,.. IO UhcM' i section (l'j.) township oW ba twenty (I2t). ra, .J K e fortyeiKht (in, I tamtr.rf '1 res Dated at Milt.ank, eouth Dakou,lhi,,:. uf April. A. i'i OIAKi.KS R'Him.XoJ I0BK n. baaL. Atloruey lur Murtnitt'1 FEB. |The St. P.tul, Minne«poln i| l«»0. I tuba Railway and bntnchaj 1 HK A JOIINW Biti.t Mavur jSKAt City l'i«r*. 4" 1 lth 3,3ou tnilea ol ateel track ilruji i 62 cuuntie* in Minnesota, South Dakota and Moiit»ii»,rwJ rlti«-!|*4i iioluta from Pt. Paul, »H», Wilt Stij*rior and DulutL ft tiirniahea ttrough clot«e comiscv I* at and rheup-at route to ill Idaliv, I'tah, Cttlilornia, Orego ington, Hritiah t'oliiuiln*,AiMk., nadian Northern and Mtnitnta. it I* the only Anierican line we»t o having a track laid with T.S pu. raiiiatid owning its entire nil,i e^uiiiitient ol elegaut I»iniii(( i-,| lliK I ar*, Haiuiaoine Day tli*: Free olmuBt Slee]eri. m-. censor,- it is the o ur line running ILnojlt^ Milk Kiver hi tivati,.fi, ami» without change to litniM.k.Bu vj Fall*, Helena and llutle. It haa three ltnea iu the lied Kiver the only line to the turtle ». three line* iu South Dakota. It reaches the largest area oilreegi' land of agricultural valuenuw?« ui the country- It ia the principal line to lake Mi-r and the Measure, tialiing aii£ report", ol the Park Ke((ii/U ol k. ltia the direct rte between V' and M. Paul, Anoka, St. Clout: V, u ihhcHtmn May 9.) Ordinance 38. W est Superior i-'ergur Kali^.f Mcairliea.l, Kargo, (.'rand Forkl, Winnipeg, Devils Laks, 1 Aberdeen, Huron, \Vatert«: Falls and Sioux City. For rate*, ticheta, maps Jand gun» or write to I. WHITNKY, ''Hi. Ticket Ageut, U*aaT K*''-''] Paul, Miun. BtJ or enclofttire of hoea, contiguous to any etreet. atdewtilk,private lot .bunine** houae or rf^Hlence iinlegH the aatne ia kept clean, fre,- front ordtiri! nlth, at-te li. tin pi eMHfi n or iit.wholftome odor». find •-•ffttnatve s.-.tld or liquid mult. r. ai,d" rrotn n.i ott, tisivu or unpleaiant noise* tendirw to I.IB iir' the rest and que of person*, residing or doitiK biiBitieaa in the v ntti thereof See 3 This ordinal ce ihkll take effect and b* in force from and "fter it. p.iaaafjo at.d publica. Approved MayS, IffflO. Mayor. Slieri ft'Sale, STATK OF SOUTH DAKOTA, County ot i.runt. (M Aubrey M. Knif-'bt, v§ Krnmet K. Brow n and Sylvia n. Brovn. Notice U hereby Eiven.tbat by virtue of «n imw'i'n'm, i" 'V "1Kl deltveied, and 1 ?i 111 ',!1k: lasiiefl out nt the clerk otUee i.A circuit eotirt, slate i.'e'onth Dakota in m.-l tor the county of t.rant. upon a {o^nicnt rendered in said court in lavor of Au i'lil^lvtw,1"!'' ni town And is not It is therefore ordered, that all persons inter Th Ii T'iU\ jnrl^-o! i *i, at in o cloi k a in., at the court house in M,I, M,(1. tlien and there to show i-ran ted to sV,iH''rT "V Why "hotilrt not he irfr" riler prior to »h!I day of hpariri^, the Inat of which nut ,d 0^"h" WeeJ T' N. M..V I !.-AiWa N, ta4Ully» Au.'.i:eCon,t: J7iT pcrrtoiiftlly rvi-d ill all persons interest,,.t," 'V'',.'' ofhe-i :^!-^',1''^' f"»,rte rid *.y'1"(! a i ae oifliug to law"'"'" "U"'r '"•r,OUI' "'treated Ibiie- „i *i.|, -,-outh Tia'.oti. this -th day J"u:* L-'-r,rKnaKT, ii'rk"l 'MuwAom FAST MAIL LINK with Kieetrle and Hteam Heated VentibuM tween Chicago, Milwaukee, 8t.•* Minneapolis. TRANS-CONTINKNTAL R'H'TR trie lighted and Steam Heated trains between Chic:tt(, t'oiinci Omaha and the pacific Coast. ORKAT NATIONAL ROl'TK betweJJ cago, Kansas City, and St. Joseph,« •S.700 MILKS OF ROAD reaching »j pal points In Illinois, Wisconsin,* ta, Iowa, Missouri and Dakota For maps, time tables, rates ol J1***1 'reight, etc., apply to the near"1 agent of th* HICA.JO, MTLWATI" Pan. RAH.war, or to any railroad wherein the World. ROSWKLL MILLKR, General MwMfl A. V. H. UARPKNTER,(J«u 4 tWVor information in relerenf» ami Towns owned hr the Cnican*1. & ST. PACL RA»LW*» to H. »Aooa», Land waukee, Wla ir* tho«c put up D. M. FERRY CO. Who are ih* Lar«**' leidimtl in the woild I f«aaT A Co'* Beautifully lllu.trst^, D»»cfir and J'fired SEKD tor 1190 will b* mailed FR* I applicants, mai to laal .f,I Inmm. Ii i» bailer lh»o I try r*r*on tuing Oae^**- I ot riald 8KKDS aHould an id i in D. DKT«aiT. Mid ad- Ult 10 8L*n «f "Hid AtiUNTS WAiNTKU KR\L TKRUS our new hook. will he K'TP!I to "'1 hiism: bkilma" ".'"'BIBLE STW K K.r, i'ai"' P'lblishr-,1 hi M,J 111 hHl The greatest nucoess ol the T,,»r' thing entirely now in the '.111,, H. 1 Quurto 11 3-4: arge type 820 illustration*, of* tht i riti'cl u. ''''f.^'tfi price only i'2.fi0, THlH-'SAiNI SOLD f„r Holiday PreaeiH"- e t'*e field w ill trap a rich harvest or you w ill tni«s it. I'OliSUKK MoMAKiS^ DiK""1*