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XI- NO. n .. VIII, NO. A ,v r.KTISlXt ,K)j 4.50j W.50 iu| Oj I 18,(IC 'Kl| T. e' I*)! 12.l*^ 30.0(1 is.onj riO.(H)' Htl.(H): 0 1 i i !'. W) 'IIME TAliLf: & ». Biviiion .. I, |. Hail win I.oir.'i KA*T A S except Slinda. 1 illv .-•unlay. .i i' i •OlNii W KfT. T.IV .. .0 |i 111 iU a HI 1 .,%i" i.ui i- ii ii. '.l.iJ-'. Ai a I •1 I' K i«*iiY i\ i. mi i1 Mi'lloi1 i' i i her, si i O Hi ml, 1 i• I'.iylor, i'lerre. •i r\ Smith. I'ici i L„f i't.i.i,. i i s Ml .111, PltM'T'" I illteiule',' of I'll!'':' 1111 i I u K I i u i i K i i i .'KlvMK I'OI KT, lire Supreme i S i u I r. A U-T.-. .!. ). -I!- 1 !!•''. A. V.. ... i 1 1 .lllllll s -It. i !.irir. .11 ii li 11 h. i n- 1 inaee, Wutertown Wati iiowii. I s. OFFH'l Al.s Mute- 1 ricl .1 ud Lre A. iri..'n„rnl !{. 11. Sullivur., Huron. S' ih -i Senators (1. 1.', Aloody, 1 tind li. F. Fettigrew, of Sioux nt:itives,iu Oon^re'-H S. il iaiun, and .). A. o: a. KI'ATF. !. O I I" Hist Hucric!. ,1. S i'roct'.r, 11K. C. ii ir., i-iiliate uJgf—T ie s. b'iu lcv. iieui ilict. 11. .1 iiiii-i »..•! Alt,.,-! -br. feurvi i. \V 'a !l ur J1 ,, A. w Fa' rid e. Mil' •V. i I.,, .. •. Troy ana A CHATTER VII. CONFKHSULN. V-1 »y v i 1 our trife?" Flont rpixjied. The (lavs went In n .• moon thai had lighted old (Hillx rt spy Eiicn had v and tic ip- i.ii jmndeI i nights of wiih jjerfume and in^ bird's raplurous* r, l!.a.-fc. I. b. I,»r*khart li, VV Pn-vey iwy J. Owen. '.K. Ilaniel« yor -W. S. I'l'-.w!. CITY OFflCEIia. Hfni-y S Volkiwar. 1 i*n—1st Ward —Ii Kat'foher, I?i it hM-tnll. Ward-W Saund-rs, fi ," 1 Ward-C A Krlandwai, i'M.-n. irsliii!, Street Cnmtn«!«ioner, BuiidiaR I'I'T and Fire Wnnlen—J K lan—t'|iarle« Su'cliire. -V GIZAEEII i vfBEitftm he jila^ed tin and vuiushed, The^r w re ev'1-'-! to lose, and A. take advanta is wii^ he a viM*.. .t' i colonel lit*. Nicholas and 1 i tea, ai ..f. join ti ertetv i J". IVl'IC. llkloil, ral- Tion-rt I ollard. Si II w 1 '•u:l Nicho tude, Hist net 1 i»• A. ii. lveiica, •I. K Benne". i '. uk •v I Ami!-. 1. kiii ii' n Flora -i i- ill t.i" :,I .and i :.r mud hi-. i' h'e.j lie tll'ew her pp-ttv 5.-i.i 1 wi.urn hi. arm, and htirelv there wa- abundant njiporlinutj for hiiu to -p.-.o. in tiie long wali." half way around the ^i-ouiiiF. But Niholas talked only of indinerent thiiign* in a half h.arted fashion, and when they reached tin «a«e where usu allv the\ met Aleck (ia.ue just dismount ... i i ..a. ..,ir -See 1 Fav,. 1 UIJV llirv ii»» ing he would laugh an I w hinpei i. ring he:• ling. the Flora It %vi take Mir••••I-m 1': t.I i 'ni--' M'tiif-d t. ha ,-,a n-oth..'- J*— 1st I lis' ,,'kiIi !i .Vtai'leli Qd 1'ist., John llf Inia.i o) Di^t., Win. J«nnii" Aleck and Flora had indulged the lux i urv of fl- nuarr^'L i -aw the angry lover ptridxn,, i ,K„ .,i: a ad did nut hail him for i him g''!" li" sanl. ••l-.jr twiJ. i-i. li 1 \ud heroic up.iuieklv from the bench I under the mimosa tree aud almost ran to S°Flo'ra 1 BOARn.OV EIH'CAII-'N ill, Aiin-!u: 'ii.. i..jtirt*. '.I,IU-IB UI TM* I aid ©ffloe a epec'nln aim. one 'O' A] ,|n -i .. .a a a i it w u i _-,''j^ wasTii' the old fashioned eum- roer house, screened at the back by many min-din- vines the nioonhglit streaming wide archway in front re- Waled her. seated, with her head towed low her face hidden in her hands.. "Flora! Flora! My cousin!" cried Nich olas. "What is the matter?" A terrible fear seized upon him. Could i U' th..t Flora did not care for Aleck i Or was she BO dominated BV Mr Vi:v ^CopTTisrht^l. A1! Rights Reserved. fitHtehed1 rtrraniu-rnaui will the Uelilird Cotuoaav. New V^ik-1 unclo will that she dared not allow her heart f:iir play? But no—Flora ul u will of her own, What if her uncle's wiali were her wish, too: All thi. ru-l.ed through Nii'h.ihifi' brain as Flora sprang up aud domainl^'d haughtily 1 low dare you come .«py ing upon me?" "1 tm not HJtying upon you, Flora," •••.•( Nicholas, as he staggered hack against the wall of the Hummer house. "I wish to be, your friend," he added, rallying hii i««*ll" by u supreme (Tort. 1 le rmiiu-1 to assuun.* that hid L-.ri's :Tein"' was fur Aleck (ia^o. !)r. you meat: say,'" i-ria l'i. ra, with tuddeii illuiniiiation. an Bhewcntto liiia and laid her hand on his arm, '"do yoii mean to Ra}', -Ni in.' 1" inarry y -T 1 .w i. ask vou •las: .d T».| a i.i ,'i •..'••• •..." .- .d a li/,: tliat vou—-won't «i:iiT i 1 l':- .a. h" her eousil. lid In- the h:uii f'.tr vou as ii i ner iiiiinlsi in e—and ymili jy part, yiiti v ui- •Mv. ,lii that hi cousin luv-d her hopo hut .-he found ii evjiiisitoly inter rlu feel herself thus, beloved. i :iot know how it is-—I cannot] i.i'a it be^an," Kiil Nicholas, w itii a soli iii )iis voice, "but—I love .i is .mi 3i ar and beautiful and He dropped Hora s hands and .-I own with intensity of feel- m^. r. i! f-he can nenr i\-e her! "i i:cre i- my bitv i- J. -a fathei tr. ..ilile. 11 seemed i Flora i rds di'.-ain i»i.-iTantly uniiers'. hnherio had nnd' i ively sin* recoiled ill the natun a i: -ii. heard these .. v. -in fully and i 11itu a* frh« never •. ..1 him. IiiMtinct ai him it was not ca ie that sh'1 -hould 1 of tin not feel resentment at this unexpected discoverv that, after all, Nicholas had never bt.'en in lm e pighf and his eadia for her. •1 hope. Ni'-ln little air of virtu" I,..oe you have 11-t li' ail Koine one lv a •11 said she., will -uperiorin proudly "I have one intlnitely ah o v e y a n o y with a bitter la-.i, with all the stri'iij :,,. i.- i. refused. V'Tr^f num. rmi.-beL.r.. h- ..u tliat de lavs are dangerous: but w.i.-ii once In. be"aii to feel thi it wan not jK^uile lor him to hesitate longer. He was .sure that ho could count upon Flora. ni|.atli\, at least, even if frhe could do nothing to aid him. and it seemed like an omen of good fortune that, at Uie very moment when he began to fe.-l ,o m.iKLtien o tell hi.-i consul all, A Km'-k ('.ig' fr make his visit so very much than UMial. the causu for which wa.- that •I 1 your aSl'i-cti a n you'.'" I lil'iin i ii. y a lie me—in all tliat is 11 port," he added, ii. "And I love her th that Ahvk Gage No," Ha id Na I )o ia— Furni val?" cried Flora, clasp ing her hands nnd drawing away'from him by a sudden, almost violent move ment. "Cousin Mynillii's protege? And yon expect u» o countenance her? Oh, 'Nicholas! Nicholas! you cannot bo in earnest? You must break away, aud at once, from all this." "I am in earnest," Nicholas answered. Ills face was paie his voice shook he was Hie better. very angry. "And as to breaking away—bosia is my wife, Flora respect her." "Y'our wife?" Flora gasped, and sank upon the bench. "Oh, my uncle! It will break his heart!' "It ought not to break his heart," said Nicholas, coldly. "She has saved his son." "How will you ever toll him? will he ever be able to bear it?'' I asked, bitterly. "Oh, Flora!" my study by night cried Nichol.:i?t to him. I love all but Doeia is my very so his vi MILBAXK, S. ])., FRIDAY. MAY :So. ilidaie ar do fro winh to ha\" my fatln-r and v Aunt Elvira—all of you, welcome ho.i. "Tliey never will nt'vprcan." •... i 1"!- ra, burning i:-t i.u- KU.i.- t•,s• t.f i!i.-'ress and frigl.i. -N'icholas Hat li. :i ...I. i put, i hand n herH. ,t inu, Flo ra.' he naid he Migly, n who I,: )W wlv.t i* I., I hf iy f-d" Flora w:-i !i-d, "What 1 d.. Ni liola.-:" Kiie iaitered. "Uii, u is dre i i I.I.!'' she whhed. "How could vou"'- •Oh, Flora!" Nicholas hroku in. vou would trv to make thern uuderMaml they might listen to you. She has heen tiio saving of mo. I was RoiiiK on in my had course-s, ret. Uless and di fiant in e. lonely exile I fell into had com|a: \, over there at Sunrise and there wa a quarrel, in which I got a had cut. My father knows nothing of it hut I should have died had it not been for the Furni vals—ami losia. Ah, if you really knew her. She i* far superior to tliose other FnrnivalK sho is «'dueatod, arid ftlle i- i... tiu tiow i. i i i i Flora, wi:. could »or •. i i i• v r. entirely v., !, :r "I will y- Ii. nettled, 1 t: st a 'No su "Vo itil tin-, nrise, -ia i f. mv i ied Nicholas, hot the trutli. Flora. I camo up from uglit of marrying ig to 1115 father me andlai 1 down his cousin i «d to u,k hi I.J l.. ..j in^ss," said F! -r .. S das sijrhed: I. I ••And 1 d. '.'Iiolas. Oh, i." tmhapjiy for i in i.- wav t.n 1- i i I'l i Uli.. hat ioiii.w* i v. omnn are you? Undo it? Never, while: live! My father must bear it, all of you must bear it. as such thiugs inny be lviriie. I am m-ilher sorry nor ash -a- i thut Iofiia is my wife understand 1 1 will nlwu\s bo on for all. And 1 shall tell nn failier .\ t.ncle inav sav." uow, as soon as I can." "Oil, Nicliolas, you mi^lit wait until ma and I -are at home, again," Flora en treated. "Wo could do no good—and it would he so—so- uncomfortable for us. I a. exulting in the I •lit tdiow sii consideration for •t reply for not no mo was to Ni' las did ments when at l.i be spok Bay coldly: "I will wait*, y in ^hall not be called upon to take my part." Flora felt the reproach, br' ae felt it us a wrong. You cannot exp. maand me to In willing to be subjected to un pleasant KcenPa." she maid "end what i could I do? Married to l)osia Furnival! Oh, Nicliolas! it is as if you were dead!" With ono consent the cousins wen* i the, each conscious of carrying a tell face, uinl each shrinking in upon i stinetivcly from tho scrutiny that they knew awaited tliem ujion their entrain •. head loveu you, if that is any criterion," he continued, fast losing his self control. "And, thank Cod, 1 o-ia loveu me."' i "1 dare say it will result in my being as good as dead to all my kindred," re turned Nicholas, gloomily "but that cannot make mo regret that Iosia is my i wife nothing can make mo isorry for ihat." And lie I .• he had said hi- !.. -I 1 word. Flora rose, too she felt that there wa nothiii mote to le said. i I'ut just as they came in a act-no was I enacting upon the back gallery that.di verted attention from I jura and Nich- I Oias. i [('ontinued next week.) Nv'-v subscribers to the HKI A.: AI\ .N can pecu re the previous nuui bers to the coiin iree upon reijU '.. :eruen' tti'.s stor* acknts wanted to wliem ini usual ly Lilt to introduce Klt\I. TKIiMS will 1"' ^ivei lUULK HKILLIANTS: MOTHER'S HOME gyg.1. v TIIP trre.itest suoae--: nt tlif venr, and toir.»'- thing entirely in^the l.« nk line. Key a I Quarto: M/e y a 1 11 3-4 linfst of paper large type :"'.2ti il 1 mstrations «8 Itill-fiSKe two ot' tlitm lTinted in nine color* ntitvl How I I"»!y S.'aMi. 'J'HOl'SANDS WILL Hli I S1JLD tor Holiday l'reseutt. Those fir** i:i rtora t, w jj| r, ftp a i,ivrvcst. Act piick or yam w HI nnsi u. o father in npito of "it is I FOIiFHKE & McMAKIN, Cincinnati, Ohio. to break I life! 1 dread his wrath upon her ia any flax beed, at F. W. wSkmfi DRUGGIST Has a Complete Line of tlie LION BRAND of Mixed House and Floor Paints. if u i 1 i 1 t.1 ('..t ,iny iV. i tiiii.' it w'ti! [. iy yoi: to ill an.l iJh'.-i' Paint-. m**- u s i w 1 IN Elegant Lacc CXirtains, 1 itififtU I iVilLLkKLi! 1 i Choice Sslfcticns in Seasonable Dress Goods and Trininiiiijs Plain and Em&roidarsd SHiiinier Wraps and Jackets. a L. WOOD, n n s I' v-p.-' it frit u ii i s 15 19 i y Milbank, S. D. Office over Old Post Qfticc,