Newspaper Page Text
DUCATh r's TWO IMlvU'lAS. HISTORIC SPOT. Mo TH^T IJulUler*. In.lii anil White excavations vv» ind relics ol mo,lorn 11 ,toric men lyinw HlVI1 these still i»n :t tloi'S. IIbo.yoll JNTY ASSESSORS. It Almlistu-il tlx I'o.irt i" N'«lli f['(ii)i •1 WiirlilN Fair 1 iinmlnsl«»itt,r». -s Governor Mellette lias appointed \e 'jPillowing world's fair commissioner- lonth llakota: W. H. Mcln' ,: luwn M. II. Day. liapid Citv. lies: Colonel Hallaril, of I'lcrn liainscy, of WoonsockeU hhOiU is tho 11 •f a sh- point 110r1.11l.t*rM in ty. S. 1. on tho west bank •A river. Mounds ami oarth 11 nil mem born threo ices -are said to '". prune A.. ,-ed pood health ill'"' "f i.' has ben a Mo to v. .. ks as t)l peri jR. WIIII Tlie J: I. 5 n mound l»uii-» »i I nown tin- i n S little!. ,iit found in i-re -the little i tin' vv: .irthed, ices to tin I'iiM {r In-neat th s( re ll.-pixlti of I'rsmluni. !e deposits of u ra i ill lie I'.laek Hills in.e no elTorts have biu-n man lie mines on account of 1 a* backing. It is said tier s have reci'u' the iuatter and v. h'. .n i it in a plant, f..r v -:t:.' :u il is very \ar. i (n-:in. -nt- tl» Tin- .f..-- .am. i iiinawii i i f. 1 N cidor IT I- n 1 :.e _• i eetl li» v. or: !i id, HliSlo the blown hail troid.. Hit* hi* (I. l'. w. i'iit"i ?i I u :i uu Lu i i l. I TI" IIunib-• a u aS t.hll't\ lb. ..s JS-, 111 Ontario, o unesota. I e i iir'.ria. lwvsa, Ivi •nnsylvania. Mil •e, Wisconsin, W'K, Massachusets and the I (Soittl SI/.fil Familii- few days ago three fami -of l"iti lers settled on farms in In- :.oriti fn part of lJeadle Count v. n I' near koadland. In one of the fam. thern ^'nineteen children, in an-' ttteen, an in the third nri -i •fits ot the last family having a Iftarned but ten years. These familie frill soon be joined by four others, all ..(jplativi's, numbering fortv-six xv"j'*n. tpaking a total of ninety-,even per,oa-i jfcl seven families. Wat' r A I tern a lid S. Short Si-w« limn. The new stone and brick chapel of fie First Kaptist, Church at Ates of interost are worthless. Sol I'oserier, a railway postal clerk, i Mi jail at Deailwood, S. 1)., charged v. itii •f ''djiiig the mails. 91 The executive committee of the Mate jjl»i'publican Committoo has decided 'o all a meeting of the entire Mate com- I'litteein Fargo, X. D.June is. to de I' ide upon the date anil place for holding I1 he State convention. Complaints are made of extensive 1 actio stealing in South v Many acres of old lake beds in tho vicinity of Volga, S. I)., are being I'lowod and seeded with flax. A lime, kiln is being put in at Forest 'Ity, S. D., being ihe only one within a radius of two hundred miles. The artesian well at Woonsocket. S. will be described in Montieths "chool geography, and a picture of tho 'anions spouter will accompany the dn ^ription. Huron and Omaha parties have con tacted to erect a cracker factory at the former place, to cost The build will be 75x135 feet, three stories Kigh, of brick. Spring Valley township. Turner 'ounty, S. D., has sixteen farms watered ''.V artesian wells. The depth of the •veils ranges from 'Jft to 175 feet. The water has some iron taste, but has no alkali. The department of entomology of the Krookings (S. I).) agricultural college Hnd experimental station has issued and is distributing free to farmers a bulletin in regard to tho cutworm and tho •Beans for preventing its ravages. SPECIALS. W i n 1 wheat in the West .- :u condition. le Ll'SSep.S i- -i v Mi (oiirt. ri'i'i'ii 11 (H'ision in* sw»se im» law. section :»U, in i the otlb'e of count'. lined, .IllJjJf l- i:. I' verged. '1 In' 1 is a lerislal.i ve the si'lied tile Hi •h pruvi-les I 1 .!- ilU't ol tho ter lines n I'b-, Over 1 Oil Yi»r* Olil. innati Sullivan, of .\e ,\ •••, tlif Mack 11111 s, h! llOveur-v Shf is a native itill can America in 'n J. ccn tvv:i• in irried and is .•• ton i hildren, threu boys .and •Is, niot of wiiniii an- living, milmother of forty peoule and ultnother of twenty si in i lieved to l»t* fa .: 'thousands of admirers visited Gladstone at llawarden last week. 'I he damage from hiirVi wator a' cadia. Wis., wii, i A tut' v .1 »'l!nen will h. •,, harlen Mn: •n-ar the mi at Nee Lake Winnchittfo am .John Thomp-ion. in rom Ni I lainbui'. •-1 vein's I) ,u A i ij ni£ account ot in ne^s, and though tin speculation money e,i An unknown .n 'i• 1 i nur a slfi-po Mlie.-rs jMve i i, •,: 'b-a.t. 'I I*. j.t v made up the fur the Haptt' and has went nis approval. I)US1 ion in A (iennari steamer wili n: from Hamburg on a OVH^P armi i ,i- 1 osities, side and will stoj s in its twe this month. It ha shows, refreshments. at all the pnncipa. i"s years' journei. The lifteent n .in n .a! tie].) the In.tercolle^ i.t A i a' teur Athletes of America was held at Herkelev Oval, N. Y.. Saturday, and was enjoyed bv fullv H.U0O peoi.ile. near ei ei'y one l'i ill' teen fi, le we.) n'presenieii Mr. I'arnell, in an American Review on bill, land-purchase mea-uri' as in thoutfb o-.- li the (111 I• O Ti oil !a.d ij i.\: •ii hat the shi Ireland. I Hal lie fair as perpet Siberi i .1 iini| MAI A a day nioniin^ drowned. It sion of misfo mini. lie ii I.IKO'as. Tllr MAKKK I S. lrnin. Pro»ikiiMin, Ktc. Clili-A'.o, .)UMI' 3. in-'tiuneji'il. SpniiR I'at .•l's" }:l .Hii.'l.'ie Htralghts l'i i:n -Quit $4 ,ri@4 Jftv Wini'T i'afiir-. 3-1 .»» Clears. H. WllKAT Ku." i" .i''.''i N". OATS YIIIPT a k o a While out hunting tho other day 1.1. i- Slinde, of Logan, S. I)., had his houlder blade broken by the kick of -is gun. A Knights of I'ythias lodge has been istituted at 101k Point, S. It. ,-h. iM" Julv. •s 1' 4 No. Sprins. MHitWc. CnKN Ai'tivc ami straiiv N No. a Yellow, .'S-'iVi"'i N" No. .'1 Ye.low. V e i i o n vas dedicated on a recent Sunday. The South Dakota Supreme Court le tnjt'ded recently that notes bearing i\o I iff o. •'n-'V(5}33Hc 'j$M'*e Jul i1*i'. casti and June :t: St.'it'»c: S. pi.-mb-r. ami ieW'T. N •jrVit'-'rt,»(': •*uI-v- August. 24^41 •. Samples No, -T Vii'-'Sc. No. •j4 ^,- Si-ptrniti'r, i'l '.ifosMV gueit supply aiul lower. No. 3. VYbiti'. Nc White. '.'S 41' UVK Weali and lower. No 1 THE FARMING WORLD. a si) M'iC Vt(^55c foi .linn*. Mc: Si'piewtT. NIC. Sampl No a. ami iMii-X'i' for No. 3. HAIU.EY•••Dull and easier, ommon, Iowa Nu. 1 ami No. H, Wgoo.i to i heicc •isit4ili' Northwestern No. 3, tbfn, l-ood to choice, 1.-.,f.4Ko fancy. ftOc. Turkey,-. iUSC P'T I*r,/,4,50 per tATS Duck '".ioKs-D,^.-, 1 Spirit- turn oti tbc basil of fl.Otf for fiuialie«i goods. jCicw ,,j k. June 8. burl' v udy sfct WHKAT -More aotive advance. June. Ail(fllst.W,»«H'4,.i". Septemtie-. ceniber, Wittii ti* Way. ls»l. iliv-ni1- I'OUN Hull steady. No. ii 40UW1HJ411 -Steam pr mixed, lew40 »l". J(k Qini't, weaker. te n. PKi-visloNs Beef strong. Plat". I..-iirfS.OO, Fxtra Mess. I'orU -tra.l, 'li-iet. Mess »13.7S®JKxtra Prime. Ilia""- Lard quiet', easy steam rendered, ».:«••,• Live StoeU. CiU"AGO. June 2. CArrt.l Market fairly active prioes steady anged at ti rtoc?r..!() for choice for jffHW to Quotations u funcy ^hippin^ e o s ft»r couiinoa to fair U StetTs .&> linice do. ,t:l llXti-'l.tH) for buteiiers Stoi'kers: tot TexanH V• (•Veders Wl*«.ia'» tot Cows, jlullH. and a0i# «"»for HIH.S Market -low and 1" 10- lower. Sales raided at sliippsut,' lot"- HOG LOUSE. I1 rom Kullftiii No. 7, Intra A grit fr\|i» Slatiim l.ll llllllllll) UI. During last, Aujfn pigs trouble *100,01) Fort Worth u ^T'V "-l-i ee 1 lllam ibinif there I'l e ral vent v-one trustee versity at Chicago, Mr. I.oi'kffeller for At Hook's IV:-,. l'ur. Tex., Sunday Tom lli ovvii, a. iiulea iit^ro dim pcrado. was assassinated from ambush by unknown parlies, three WinchosU'i bullets piercing bis body. Tin treatment would be in most, cases. With the help of were crowded int. wiie re there Hal font 's Irish acterizes tin- .( .i and dishonest, broil"'lit forward for 1 i ru tho land quev v.'-.eri in r'-r- 'Iladstone, ir. •iiin by Liber that he evoi i ITair at Mitch- ille ill" I of v\ J-' lie.nj a ap'til. 1JO II ri Siberian atro- TllOligl. were 'her, he e draws i 'e own af jut ragr. ials it used re thin liujre prep i ft Ito.ti it anil Wan I rnwiind. M-- 1 Klvnn, e s. huoner Kate Foster, ol Maehiasport. when coming in sight of his home Sun ed overboard and was o'nabli.' that a succes had unbalanced liii- i in llllM liirn' I Hi: iriki- ill I'll I IMI rgli. ill, I'a.. .iune'J. ~-even hun A S 1'IT'I SIM IK dred stone cutters employed here and ii Allegheny City have struck for an ad v an e of four cents an hour in wages I'ney have been receiving per day. 'I'r'Nfo ie* Sulil* i i: n. i i. .Inne "i.- The Chroni •le savs i ia' i be mail has brought legal iocumeiiis const! in mat i n^' the sale (f the ten principal breweries of this -it\ to an Kngl ^h syndicate fo: -T.'0,01)0. comfortable While a man standing room for worked a Nixon "Little pump 1 directed the s) .• v ]igs. special pains being •. oughly wet the fore quarters an side of tilt- ears where the 1 The O.J'S !o n !." e next morning were siiflieient e\ ,.j. i, of the -(fer-tiveness of the in killing all that are wot bv r. thlr MK-S I'OMK K.itticr ijniet., at steady prices ranciii* at i :t!.i i:» for ca-h: J|:« I3.i' for jun": »t3 3-',i«,13.47h for .July «i:,.iw@l-l.7£ for September. I,Aim Ai l:' l"it priops' rannini at frt imi?i''.Hi" fur cash, i.'v.T „tit).i.O foi •Iliac, tor July, anil W A" loi Septi in r. Hl-ITKB ere ait, I ty 4 Packing stock 1 I'nri.'iiiv I.nt' tspi"i, D.i 11u)c Wtc In order to make the application Ro ne kind of a force pump is necessary, a well as a few feet of rubber tuijiv Such pumps can bo obtained at slight expense, and if a spraying no/.zle is not. at, hand thu thumb held over the end of tho tubing will be found a very good substitute -one which the writer very often uses in preference to any no/.zlc. toT and prices 5U '®4 Of. for light packing. fi A half-grown louse much magnilied is GOOD ADVICE. Ihe lmportxiioe of DPKKIII iniiu lusion wdine nii'lieu muc to most abundant. The time req make tiie application was eleven uiiti omul-don used 1 y° tites and the amount of was two gallons. The four gallons of emulsion remaining were at lied the following day to twen' --e. on pigs. Two farm hands did the .. his time and 1.ief".it:d -no at to m.i .1 :•o ..' II I a I 1 ur 1 o '11 «HS'-ne .ti nt. kern a gallon tli" soar) 1»Irectly ivllh I TIP IMISII liter. Admittini: that this is a time of atrri pression, and that coicmua Id in the ordinary way ora i market leave no profit to *. Hri'eders' (iazet'o is still room for tho-i» i v m'markets with hififi. i it tin* consumers can lea u ence and merits of such. In his topic a few weeks sinee i \as made of the enormo s it have taken ]ilace in .e ist, tirird of a century, duri e _•eities b.»ve -prunjf w •ve i.!has jici i a ted and e ti plied hou'sat: i :»at time refi rencewas ma i nuity and enterprise of ar. city worivslioyts in prov'idi: le articles of :ury and mirh which ir n wresti i who have it t• id. Win ie days, in both e CU til in if fjra-u 111 and I disi ineni clian o .seho'd is not iries. Is not tie country great i ind the city in peoji'e ,,f means is t,le"e not here roub: be occupied by many re elers".' the ci ies 1 or,, are non-a 11 is of families that 'a.'l :r..el'iy j»-..rc:iaso dairy jiroducts direct from the pro ducers, provided always that they bo fresh, of flno make, and delivered promptly at the agreed time and ill at tractive packages. Many a farmer Ihi.-J year is thanking his lucky stars that ha is getting twenty-five cents a pound tho yt*ar round for his butter, and many a city home rejoices that the butter ques tion :..i- reached a satisfactory settle mei.i I ,t acquire and retain the cus tomer.-, i., a part of the business that should receive careful attention at tho hands of the producer. Only last week we heard two fanii-"'^ discussing this subject Said one: "1 am selling forty •pounds of butter a week to Chicago "'stiiniers. for Wun u I get twenty-tivo e,ts a pound at our railroad station demand is greater than I can supply at present,, though I am increasing my herd as fa«st as my circumstances will warrant." Queried the other: "If tho call is greater than you can supply from herd why don you go out and buy good butter from meet, the demand"" the first. "be,- .u my neighbors' bn to n i 'ei risk o' Th- man Wa ties-. Hotter Tlimi a Scrap-Hook. The saving of useful items, receipts, etc., found in the papers, is almost as necessary, says the American Agricult urist,, as tutting the papers themselv nit looping them and putting them into shape for future reference has al ways been a troublesome nroblem. just tin* right book to past,) in making the paste (which is likely to sour before the work is donei the pasting, ironing down, indexing, etc., all tend to proven* tho work being done. Our illustration shows a cheap and convenient method of obviating all these inconveniences. Secure a box of live hundred cheap Manila envelopes, ]vindin V shown in accompanying cut,. At A is shown a portion of the leg of a mature louse. It o tiers from that of the half grown specimen by showinir iV-ainly a.sec ond joint in the claw. A full-grown louse is three-sixteenths of an inch *ong. The color is a dirty bluish gray. The sharp claws seen in the illustration are not used to hurt the pig, but are for the pur pose of clasping the hairs tightly, from which it is not easy to remove them. The food is taken through a sharp ros trum or beak which is thrust into the skin of the host.. Tho beak is not slwwn in the. illustration, as it is always re treated when not in use. represents three eggs. l-'roni one to a half-dozen eggs may be found in this way fastened toa single hair. They are three sixty-fourths of an inch in length, and the lower or inner end is always attached by means of a tough iv 1 uev subst'inee that usually entirely encloses the hair. The upper o- outer end of the egg is the one from which the louse makes its exit. },,, VVwVinb »x This end has official size, four by nine and a half inches then assort the boxes of scraps. Put each separate subject in an envel ope by itselt. For example, take small fruits, using one envelope for strawber ries, one for currants, etv'-, and label i each envelope on one end with the nam* somewhat darker colored cap, which of the contents generally. Below this, is pushed off by the young louse before if wanted, can be written an itemized com in" forth. The e?gis white in I list, of each scrap enclosed. Then mako color and is covered with small regular- boxes to hold the envelopes, about four lv arranged pits or punctures giving the and a half inches wide, ten inches deep surface a honey-comb appearance, At three eggs are represented nat ural size. If it is not thought best to vise kero sene emulsion a strong tobacco deooc and twelve inches long inside, using one for each distinct or separate variety, as "Poultry," "Garden," "Orchard and Small Fruit," "Cooking," "Household," etc. One of these is shown in the en- tlon, a strong soap-suds or an oiling i graving. By putting the envelopes into with kerosene and lard mixed in the these in alphabetical order, it is but a proportion of one part of kerosene to moment's work to find any desired throe or four parts of lard would prob- I scrap on any subject, or the place where ably prove effectual and would not be every scrap belongs when clipped from harmful to the auituaL teue. -Breeder's Ga- the paper This plan ismuch more con venient than a scrap-book. tJ3. PirRCES Golden V andcoi 'i- -ity was the r.. 1 all VM si-jl the nec- i of li i.i\e now accu ini.. I..- i'ld's troods tli:i a ual expense- .•! i i: necessities but Mn- country grea':y i:ie elTort to supjn v with luxuries, and an open Held that of our your neighbors and "I dare net." said I '-an not warrant and I not care ng mv customers.'' out: for the busi e. I niak' a failure second A t.. :.".0 of it. In paying :i good price for a prod uct the customer is entitled to fair, hon I est treatment al all times, and every producer will find difficulties enough n keeping his o« n [products up to a high standard without having any thing to do with goods bought from neighbors, ,o are only indirectly responsible at st. In every busine-s except common iruling reputation cuts an important ure: it is the lack of this makes a rind out. of many a farmer. I n endeavoring to reach the customer l.rectiy many are at a loss iiow to pro ceed. A suggestion may assist:. All i,ave friends and acquaintances in cit and those can be called upon for i :tleaid in furnishing names, and per haps giving a reference. Sample pack ages may be sent gratis to parties, solic it, ng custom, with a statement of what such butter will be furnished for by tho year. We have in mind a Wisconsin ia-merwho came to Chicago provided .th a business card slating bis special ty in butter. Ho took bis place on one of the residence thoroughfares one morning and gave his card to the men as they came out from their homes to take the cars for their places of busi ness, and he found no trouble whatever in securing customers for every pound of butter he could make. Jn every lina of business but farming no inconsidera ble portion of the (tost of conducting it i- in soliciting patronage: nor does thitj end with money, for the best of thought 1- expended in the same direction. Culf. I GR FIERCF5 1 pavohite FRESCRI eti on GR. I UKt if t« JCI.QEN MBDItM PI »L0VCRf .JTf ERCtiS ^QLOCH 0lCAt OK PIFRCM Ptf R&A NT I^KGATlVt !Lp?lu"T&. OR PIFRCW LI fiCio^N ENORMOUS 8111PM ENTS. Frequent shipments of ear-load lots ©f I)r. IMerce's .Medicines, to all the principal commercial centers of this country, are necessary to supply the unprecedented demand for these world famed remedies. No other medicines ever attained anything like the popu larity which they enjoy. No other medicines possess such superior and punitive curative properties as to war rant their manufacturers ill selling them, as the proprietors of I)r. Fierce s Medicines are doing, through druggists, under a positiTo guarantee of benelit ir cure in every case, on fair trial, or Muney refuiittl. There are scores of sarsapnrillas and other blood medicines advertised, but the "Golden Medical Discovery" of I)r. Tierce is the only one ever backed up by a positive guarantee from a well-known and thoroughly responsible bouse. The conditions are, that, given a fair trial, it will do all that is claimed for it, or money paid for it will be promptly re funded. A Certiticate of Guarantee wraps every bottle. To attempt the sale of an inferior, or even a fairly good, blood-purilier under such trvi -s conditions as these, would mean bankruptcy to its proprietors, the civilized world n« st 11 i_r11 hi'COTHTIM'IHH'd «»v urrs win-n' all risr fails.*' I'l' ami tast-. ("hiMn n tak* it without objection. 1 •wv Weakness, Indisposition to Work, Hcadache, Dull UL'bS, Iloav •int'ss, Lack ol Appetite, Constipation, all indicate that you need a lew doses of the genuine DrXMcLane's Collated Liver Pills. Ti.i rengthen the weak and i me pr-turnl from the p-.,. est materials and put up with the greatest care by Fleming Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa. I!e sure yiu get the genuine. Counterfeits are made in bt. Louis. For Fifty Years the Standard Blood-purifier and Tonic, Ayer'sSarsaparilla y has no equal as a Spring Medicine. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. DR. OWEN'S ELECTRIC BELT AIVU MI Sl'WVHI 11V. PATENTIU Auc. IB, 1837, iMpRDveo Jut* 30. 1889. i I BR. OWEN'S ILECTR0- i Only a medicine possessed of extraordi nary merits could sustain itself undei such a business policy. The "Golden Medical Discovery" is such a medicine, and has proven its ability to sustain Iti proprietors, even though sold on such extraordinary terms. As a remedy for all Illood, Skin and Scalp Diseases, it has won for Itself world-wide fame. Especially has II manifested its potency in curing Salt rheum, Eczema, Tetter, Pimplea, Blotches, Eruptions, old Scrofulous Sores, Fleers, and kindred ailments. As a remedy for the peculiar weak nesses, distressing irregularities, and painful derangements incident to women, Dr. l'icrcc's Favorite Pre scription stands alone as the only rem edy guaranteed to give satisfaction in every ease, or money paid for it U promptly refunded. It is but natural that the people should lie-tow their patronage upon these medicines, since none other aro sold on such fair and liberal terms. They aro manufactured by the World's Dispensary Medical Association, of Buf falo. N'. Y.. a house whose financial standing and reputation for fair dealing is well-known to every publisher, as well as to every druggist, throughout ahlr t«» I i niLTLrisls To I'IIIO 11 vencss the iiiedlclnt in ml ll« lilori. lluol u purKut it t. 'i'« be per* Hiuiieiit, it utii»l cuiituiu Tonic, ASterative and Cathartic Properties. Tlltt°* 8*11 Iw |M(s«te«ts Ihesf u 1111 vb In au imiiinul itiKrei-, uinl Speedily Restore to tho bow «.»IK lii-i amt taal lliOtion, m» t'Sfet-iitiitl lo rt*f4uiuritj Sold Everywhere. L.L MAY & CO.,N GALVANIC BODY BELT •AND SUSPENSORY »e' c- r#» Ail Rheumatic Com plfciBU, Lumbago,Genera] and Nervous Debility, Costivenets, t/MJI TO K s( -1H IK I'iBTlliHOI III D1H T«tU. dr. OWEN'S ELECTRIC INSOLES AH. Alsoan Electric Tru«» and Belt Combined. B«n4 be. po«trr* :«r riuT u Tik ».»*••». wr.ioh wi'I L« #cat tou ID .am »»*•».ed Htutloo illi* mper. Aalf OWEii ELECTRIC BEET ft APPLIANCE CO. 3o(3 Nor-, llroadway 8T. LOUIS, MO. BSe Bruuuwuy. N£W Y01U1 CITT. TRADE MARK. The Braid that is k.iown the world around. SALESMEN NOiflltl ItN u l.lvOM N i II LN. SPECIALTIES, not liei e **atry. LARGE SALARIES OR COMMISSION pio.t. t-ten,i eiu ri.|i-i"iii'«. Ail'lre»» „. i inri.i. and s^.-iismen, l., KmO I A. and MJII-.IVKMMI I lllllil'f l'i l\ a'el .Si" it i SI-I.IMIII «IIA.\«I! 1 Kilt N%W 9 I I «IO K I I' H. I IralH eil 3 I •,• I.i."•'-.( 13 1 11'.. .,-tly «... t«m«. •JI Kill O. i*:« axil I.M- «.f«! Address "SOQ" RAILWAY, Minneapolis, Minn IfN A MJfc ii IH 1'A i'LH «ry tmn you writ®. fat I iHII- 11 ir tak»'M fT it can \nx bll pul on Brit ft ii Inni) its rm'Pt** 1 n ..f |».-thi Note. .1 Ii, I N A VALE, XtB. JTKi wri t*. II l» I »KI by 1111^ OI.'KN'N III I.IIKK.V. ,,,1-HIKla of jimt.if Ut^li au4 .!»»%•: to UIF T... S A. OV« u hv** »ud tb»*ir h'siitb audi •ir U Si lK'' jr il:u y 'H-t Intuncy nod *l»il«1hoo1 'lit |i» ir .Kiflrttt, ut U lMll.ltli tl A to., I'ulmcr, UMII. YEA RUSSELL vc*n n WJ a- v I** &. CO.'S as u NOW IIKATJY Ivy -iO.'- Ir..- unprov. 1 lir«-*ht r«, I Kn|flH» ». Miw Mill* unti Maw Mill l.iiffinr*. Powvra. •iulUmarj KuiclAea^ I'lnin «»r if-, und itOl I .f". K*. A-Mr»'-« RUSSELL A. CO., r*-A.,li. MASSILLON, OHIO. I I.I1 i 4 1'K.l Itnj 1« J«.J » $75.22to$250.22 Ki dc ty DUeatta. Kervousnesa. a 11 DJ tiTN-l h« n u ri»fch a h'»r and E bauatioB, waating ol Dn Muied by Imprudence, is Y o u A e a i e o S i n e Life. ....... KI ve their whole tnii" to liir iHiKiiu-hs Spare iD'itnenfs may pr^rttai'ly ein{.loy» aL«-». A f**w varntir-i»»n in to»n«. an«i citiea. ii. V S i en HMrl* Main St, Kichauund, V'*» tf^SAHt THiB tii&« you wrm. CA!CIAM ,tinvno,ill,s ExET^iOB V/RnvHKi.itmKKi, is. «. uc^fiBBfully PROSECUTES CLAIMS. rrii.' .j'H. ExarnintT U S 1 cnHicn Bureau. »t ir..» ••Unu.t.aU'J silica. CrVtMI. TIMS VAFF.R *»tn» wrSU. Invrnt •.i*n*»th^r»» and make PATENTS! FORTUNE! Tli IB HM.K $5 ah,^ OK INSTItltCTIl.NS KKKK. ililr.-«* W Kt'I'/.liKll.M.l), W ASHINUTUN. U. O. Ad(!r»- to S8 a day. Humpies worth i|!2. IS FRKC. Li n»-M iMt fi(i«-r f«?Ct. W rWa HKtW^tKh^UT HKI.N HOUKBCO., NAM£ THIS fii'tKitw) Ini you tfta. Pi.xltivply I't'KKH without thd i h«- tin- l» ulie a. lhi» (Ol.A (-AN* ('Kit INKIKM.MiV. iOLA, Wlt. CANCERS TIMS PAtPEK da*you f.rita. A. N K.—(}• 1291. WIIKN WKITI.SU TO AU» KBI WI I" l'IJ!*»« •late that rou tmw tbm Adve»U»e»Mi»t U iU*