Newspaper Page Text
.ipnn 1 Hionill nil ihtmuib lh« linitiHi StiiVosHV• i i-flKlli«n and who In. II situation: i mini- ,, „, r. :i !.. tmsincs ihe hot .1, I i- I of piiicT.t^, tuys mat U discharged therffrorn, ml sir** 1 r,J" The appointment ot Fank Wilder of thin city as labor insp"i loris exceedingly appropriate, for it was principally through his persistent labors that the bill was passed. He fully understand its provisions and the people have the assurance that, the law will be carried out in the Fpirit which was intended. Governor Mellette did a very successful thln^ in recognizing these facts. Mr. Wilder is the master workman of the Knights of Labor of the state and has in an eminent degree the confidence ot his as.-ociates.—Aberdeen News. An attempt was mado by the proprie tors of the Independent ashorttimo ago to force their paper upon tho people of tho county, and in support.of which they quot ed a pretended law to the olleot that no one could refuse to take the paper with out paying up for the time he had taken ,t out, of the post-ofticc. Tho following dipping from the Pioneer Press will show how much foundation thero is to thi» pre tended law: Some time ago Postmaster Ankony forwarded the usual notice to the "Hun Publishing company" of ManiRtniue, Mich., informing them that one Min neapolis 'ubscrsber had refused to take the paper from the ottice. In reply to this the publisher of the nun !orwardod n printed notice ot some length, in which was one clause utating "thai a law was in existence which punished suosenhers lor non payment by arrest and tine, the name as for thieft." As th« matter was uhsummg a serious complexiou, especial ly fori lie subscriber, J'o.-t-niater Ankney address"'? acotnmunic»tion to the po.-st. master general asking positive information upon tic subject. Yesterday a reply w received Iroui the postoflioe department at Washington, saying that there U "no juowuijj who "-rml thM-c months or «hir.»i.'iit jn lnou- ill til'' military or Korviro of Dihtrict.' 1 v huh .r who may hereafter lie hUllVriu^ from u mon'" i"y he I whs-' is, by 11n* i Uuni"»it, w jt.HHl Tihvsicnl (liHfvl)jlily ol ft pari mount vicious l,a' 'I 1 1 n their performance of uifumei lauor in Mich u degree as to reu«Vr them enable to earn n e.unport. ho I'laced upon the ]y- -alia p« State-. titU*rl i" opn. nlJ# itrui irt ii il 11 not to exceed ifl- per mo:r limn f! per month. propof inulribt.v to earn a BUppor i tocorni luring tht» exi disah. i".- Hank in the i 1)P coil-llioro'l applications 111:- 1 .'1 this- «'•!. I'rovi-II*II is made lor n ifijr at. the rate of i?: per month w sonic (irand Officrra.L Tim office™ chosen f«r the ensuing vear fit, tho recent nici-tin^ of tin ic grand iodgo at Madison are Then. H. Kanouso, O. M.: Ot Johnson, I). Ci. M. —Piper, (I. C. Mcl'allUter, J. W. H. C. ..-rp, 1\ C. T. M'-Oov, See, Win. MoOro-nly, C. J. C. Adams and li. ('!. Kdgerton, Stewards J. Knapp. Sword Rearer ('. JL. llack ett, P. Geo.R. WiPiams, ». T. l'ho Aberdeen News, whose ••.[.'••rial writer win formerly a Grant. county citizen, and therefore taken some little interest in our county affairs, has the fol lowing items in repaid to the political United States statu to concerning tho liability of a subscriber for the suuacrip lion price of a newspaper. It is a mere matter of debt between the publisher and subscriber, with which the pot master has nothing to do with, and which cjin only be collected by ordinary procos of collection of debts" i verrceeiveu. in 1 •h I liottlo i1KC.l... to miiiura and persons jioho tiie nutritive functions of the usiti'' Hall's Vegetable Sici- Improvi scalp hy lian Hair Renower, and thus keep the hair from falling and becoming gra\ The An* ill the Lion'* Skill. Plankington Standnr.l: Have yo.i i.o ll aid how the democratic, papers pity the farmer, tell him how badly he is abused, how the tariff robs him, debt weighs him down, his crops giving him but meagre returns and ends up with a reccomend ation that he go into politics through the alliance? Tho whole of il is a snivtd and utterly bogus. The papers even, continue to bewail the horrible condition «if the farmer despite the rapid, large and cn!ii union5? ndvanco of everything thet fai iner i to sell. i:iip('ik). i This is what .m ought io have,in fact.! nut in11si Vilive it, to fully enjoy Lift* Thousands are searching lor it uly, and mourning because tney find it not. I ho1 -, itets upon tlio'.iand of dollars are speni annua, fy by our pc.ipl" in the hope I Uiat the inny attain thi» bo.m An tset! 11- may iif* hao by aU. We miar inte.' thn! olectric 'Jitters, it used ai-coidm^ to di- I e-'ii'ins und tlie uso persisted in. will! bring von irtu.u.1 timostion and oust the| demon lypcj)-i. ami install ii.s eaii Upepsy. We rtM-o:umend Mb ctri !,!!i i for l\sjiepsia and nil di.-oa-i^ -i '.i Ijiver, M'-uiacii and Kuiie-'tr ic ami pi*r liot^l i -1 i. i /.( ol 11u Stone City. It. is ennj. el evi vol be lonnd bv bevto, Ho\',.\. ly the ti"st s e, of the blood ic.o.-o d: ci s b'ond. •d ti. pecMii' that f'e--!i lic.iiid tor tuw j" JliivWthat tlml-ef by oiti/eua of Mil hipped i tireir anon* ot men who m?rv6d ninety days without pro\ ing d-nth tho result of army service, and likewise granting $2 a mouth to child under sixteen year^ of at,'1 dollars is five"la* ft limit of the charged hy agents i1"1 i under this act. tii'5, pla^e i from e«se: 1 1 hi tho 1 coming intosicuted, and that tli J0 intoxicating and was drunk or. l-its. •l,,rim tho i'.jre:.'"!ii fa.' iiudf i thi' followiriii I'ouclusui'i of h. 1 list the «klonilantB as agents for mp'-rtetit could occupy the building for the i ot willing the b\*r in original iit'oti to ail jiers'int- escrpt iniuort,am. binial driiukard#, a!:d use would not constitute i 'Ugh i tho b-w\va.- drink on i by i liie pinchu: «•!•. ami Ui:il to" nr«, a! I liiiiii ili slnppcd by the case, were nates in orurimd jiaekaye-1. lb* granted n lem porarv injmn t.i'in ro-t.rainiiig dolendants from selling to minors aim ttioso in the habit nf heco^ung intoiicateil. Some u! the iii'"!iiey ot thin section are now advising the city council to im pov^ i liceiiHO en original package1-, they fdaimini't he sftme eaa In* u-me and cOl lecied i-\ i r.v "My father, ut al'i'iii Hv,lint all the hair from the i• of head. After one month's trial A ."' Hair Viitor, the hair began comin, d, three months, ho had a tine 1 -th of hair of natural color." P. •!. dlen, i Saratoga Spring.-. N. *. "'funny!' Well, 1 should sav soli Look at the one in short laco skirt to the knees, rubber boots, bare arms an im mense niufl. frti'HW hat, anl—a beard! 'What is it?" Why. 1 hat is 'A M.-larn Culmnlius' in th* biiiles^tio ol 1 P.rvt name given bv a dramntic club ot the celel ed Seventh lleyli.ient New York, and these illustration-- a^al tho account, of it .lie, as you kcp Musrazine for ,fuiy, which lias just ar rived 'I he pictures of the Wjx footers of Hie Seventh'an-K\vi( in feminine toe-. gery ure about, the funtiiest that h3 poared in any ni'iLra/ir for a long This number al-'i contains a bean' f ill'istrated article on nderful how Demoi-es-t's Family a/fne has come to the front iu the pa?t few years, and now stands in the for ward rank of the Oreal Masa'/ines. In- m(l deed, there is no other tuasriizine pub litihed that so acceptajiiy cate r-i to every member of the family, published by W Jeiinint'-I''ci!i"iv'. i" *j .New V"rk. I'roaoiinccil il»]ie!e«K, lt Sin oil, Fioiu a letter writt-n by Mr- Ad Consumption. Couc11' it a trial, took in all Freedom from the tyranny nf depraved blood by tiie use of this medicine, lor nine years I was nfilleted with a skin disease that did not yield to any remedy until a friend advised me to try Ayer's Karsa parilla. With the ii«e of this medicine the complaint disappeared. It is my belief that no other Mood medicine could have effected ro rapid and coinpb-e a cure."—Andres D. Oarcia, C. Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexii-n. "My face,for years, was covered with pim ples and humors, for which I could find no remedy till 1 begun to take Ayer's Sarsapa rilla. Three liottl s uf this great blood medi cine effected a thorough cure. I conl'niently rceomniond it to all miffi-riiic: from siniitar troubles."—M. Parker, Concord, Vt, Ayer's Sarsapariila, rniii-Ai.i:i' BY DE. 3. C. AYEK & CO., Lowell, Maes. Sold by DrUjrgUtn. $l,eis. ?•"). Wortbf'alxiUle. MOHTKI, A ltd 1 IlJNi S \, l)i'inore«t s 1' ami'y his li'irncy i i»•. for r. u w yonc ti'iink (lie Loi*:: interior ot hv- President Morton's l^mse, which is iul! ot sugirestions for modern house furnish ing. Tho article ''Stanley's Rescue of Eniin," profu.-ely illustrated, is aiso_of arreat interest at this* time and "lh© House Jjniit in American Waters"' wiil give a hint to inac.y how to si- nd i! e summer In f'U t-j-he v- iiolo niagfi7ii:e, lrom the hand-iottt*' wnVr color in fmut, to the "Spic(* Box*' in the back, is tically atul hand^unely executed. tVl'iol' Marllill ALLKY or RKVILL' crrv: 1 i i it ii' y«iu art iv nt :i1 }n w I'M nl 1 cured me and than» well ami lieartv not tree at Caspar I! v regular si/.e, Good News! No one, wlio is willing to adopt the right course, need be long ailiietud witli tolls, car buncles, iiiir.ples, ur other cutaneous erup tions. These are the results ol Nature's ef forts to expel poisonous and allele matter from the blood, and show plainly that the system i ridding itself through tiie skin of impurities which il was the Iruitiuuite work of tiie liver and kidneys to remove. To re store these organs to their proper functions, Ayt't's SarsaparlUa '.s the mediciue reiium d. That, no other 1 iood-puntier can compare with It, thousands testify who have gained !:,d fab ly 1 s Ilurd, of iroioi\ i'., \v( ii 'oti-: "Was taken with a bad told, wiii'-h settled on my Lungs, cotudi set in and flu hi y tenui natc»l in Constimption. Four iioiturs I gave me up faying 1 con lit *hort time. 1 ua\e invself ior. detorniined it I coital i my triemts on earth, 1 \m'U absent ones above. My hi) visod to i et l)r. Kini but i uv Sav will Spill .etition. !••-. i -'t '1. Pay MO reputation of Tili'j DLMnX* IT IS FAL^H and to liar i) i mi niachint Is the must Compact, Smallest, Neatest, 1 it-re T11 -1.1 I *'Goidan Rod," "Daisy," "Pink," 'Silve Twins. Bin^r Tin: XKW 1 3 i Y V A V i i Tin: !h :e And the onlv 1 larvt IK'C rs :cre bill a." s a- ard ni o| y US'^.« DEAD AND BURIED. \'\IK HKST HAUVtSTKUSandTWINK HlNDKil is! cail on us in MILBANK or our ay-itt .id sa 5 iit'i-.iii'li 1 •i 0. 1, i-1- ti you t" a i'acticH otir v i o w Tti'.dl F.'UT. I li' 11 hiTo to-day ai an*La Si 1 im!f- -V s- 'llU'Wi.' 1 iii H', w i :rr. yt's ni Ti' V\ \\ili»M' pl'ilii i ill' hi lilt Till: DHKIUNG MA- stay, illy M.irhii i a provt- n 1 I! I' I Vt 'S Ii ON i: 1 SITFUIOR glJALlTIP III "MIU'GGFI. A pi•! A i-nts \vhot:- TRASHY MAC'HINKS iin11 n'-r that theirs aro the sunn'. i 'our assertion we will oifor &1.1 ual in all partieulai' to THF Dld'.lM |I4L"WW v,^rVTv WUV '/r ,,, 'i ,V* MADE FROM THE BEST MANILA AND SISAL FIBRES. 1 guarantfiD t5 sell tfco Qest m:i: i'ili V» 2 .i i LIGHT s u n l,i 111! \\i THE RELIABLE BEERING- BINDER TWINE. n» 111 i wekrhaton TilH OFFKiN(.. This'tnepa^rdo' an 1 ^rar.iiUr dircctlv to us or our Agents '111 N il .'W in jiiuler. with a Main W'li 1 Brunei. low* :W/WifW-r^« rt V,- r*. ot it'o to Builds ItHlj '.to«wlm fh« 1 if von at W1LMOT, CORONA. ANTK- n ,••.,• ijiiie-k we will show you your 'uiH N muit tWi h5 Kfsjj ,!i"tluteins ujic y jtr. lit enmity, H.-ikuut, wi'iii V i' It Kill It! suit'l nil V, vlli »H iMttif. 'nautili ii Id npi't ttr at tliu "tlkroii M.tor, U saidn., i: i -VRI'EliTEl OTlCI Ol MATTEL JlOIti MALE. Wliur-.'i-i. II. .lacobion, dl .Mlltum i i-nnt, Suite So tit n i'u* u. M..r!j i' ad day nf SHjitfiuln r, |v», imke i. i 'iiitwi Mortgaiii- to tlir Anvancf 'ft i UattU' i.,'ri-t'k,St«!e.f -ten the J'i day of Si-pmmlwr,l^i,. i liiiwiiiK HiiU-bti'itiH'.i-, l«,»Ss. f!v,. i im no cacti dati-ii .• s jirr cctil jut a "i»T d, ji Niivemtivr l^i, l^S i -I, I*:**. Oi In lie wiii unly ft If of Uraul i-in. till' 11th fitly of he I Hlllt WtHTl-U-l, Octoti I'- 't, aua i .itld- of ttil •He i.f Sniit '—"J. I .H itn-n i ,ii iiiurtsii HldltlOIlS colitttl wit: Thnt a pi. v inaiil men l'«u« 111- Wlieic lIHTi nf mt mu! mnriKiii ium lite M«lc nt lli-rt*.-!-, Ui-'fr -aortitaire »l die i-i.t jur liumlrcij tv\ i* nin'it'hf Hint mt. -i i hen by «ivcii.» n in I tiy iirdcr nf i ri-!••«t owner thi i i' fir t»-!i tli.- I -I* liffctibed in vVdri-hoUfool K iiiidmij S i r' unl •ny tias N'i i llm I'ouuty of ltie Ii'»nr iif 'Jn i mm ii •1 PI iltiy of .1 sintr l^ln, lev ,i *r ,-J inch Ke»r Ai Ivmbi -i i 11iii* AiiHiaan iiud Tavlur N'otiro of Sal *v liert-by jjiv.'n ih*t ki ii.tjirifiil, reiiili-rutl ami .' niirt of the itnrd tiie county of tiroiii i KOlft. I'll UK' llay I .f .1 vv hub t*a!t! ««s lie tfalti '".Ui day uf 1 im A 1* Is!*i, daljrd otlicc uf tSm i l'-rk nf lie- -a ((nit! cninily nf liraiit, etatc of South 1 notion whnrrui -S Hoi ro partner* utidr! the tir I i •impany. wen.' jiluintiff mh« di-fi-liiiaii t. ill t?i\er -. 1 «i.'aiu*llbe !*cd deffiidftr did .r.y four li'dlurf in! judgment ninniig utic .. ..fthe real eMlfttKlt- itu-r* a cr.brdtci.satif-ty ith (liUTi-st tin c. i of «r hu m'Jt 1 sai* Hi'j'lkabl'? t' ftRpfViUi S illi* i'li'Tk Ol the 1 I tiiiiiityef irsin. o*nl of the Raid prup^ny pursuie lielii'diot, bie.'fitf of -«a snui state of South Dak' »ft*t^ dewribed fi-nl hi' bt'- AIM emu. i for ensh, at public surti ". th« cua'rt huiise roiiL'tv and ftns. i l."tsS*», at i-j. .. k iat dfty, to »at -'v est aiid i-oBta ttieri-oii si «o much ttiercu) •«.• n(.p..(•»).!•• thcri'to Ut!)'(• tie Roid an nf., judiHiH-iit slid thnt wrtaiii tract or put. p.'rhnpsit would i i 1 i|ieir!i'r of o'Ct.on •r tit 11M* above naiiird places, i i,,«,.-h.p miM.i.i-r.a .-a i (tlf) north, i.f rin.Ki' ti utli'inanly manner the won-l of tb. iiftbjpn Foil ai. 1 urove to voiir cii- itit--har llHteii II. lSlHl •ther niaelii who :iro I ii enough to i xliibitaii in- Y,. ,, .(i FOR UUI1 U and handsomest Binder ever put on the Market. iter with an Ad.iaM' (o*ai i)eoi'iii rs, an and 0 in wifle H' NEW U TOWNS! in I '.in i!i lo any pro v i-ments ''LILLY," "BUTTERCUP,M "ROSE." Quality and l'riee to suit e v e y w i s and pocket. IN YUCATAN. Bradas cf T*ine Lower than aay Dealer in Grant or Roberts Counties. c^ l.i'MT, and Flo: i.^ ier 1 I- refttlr a I 'i -I 11 uik IMItlUlg 1- Mow Wiil cut any r*in U\ 'Clf nr I'la^, Plate on uth*r Poir, I CSJIOCM i,nd is tin hi.'?t v*lu» md is atroue tmd dt.iftbl or tftt K*. Oil ru Hy. i.iin- Is' rife l.WWiw' or llook-. Mit j*. M- .. r- wt. fr,-..i mi'rii:'ie:it u !o: z tii" i. i itt NortLt ui Kv i North imki.taami HotiteiiSCi rau-Hati.l tin.-market^ tor iw HUNTING! FISHIN6 M.intHini proiluci- (be i»i amk'ttUlf. fri-e mti.-'- Muni", Milk hiei Min K i' and .-^weet (iru»i!^. HEALTH, WEALTH I 1 In Mont#.'-1* l'o« im. N l,01V Klltr lias the w Kttl i. Uts Vnrtint i Swe.'t i. rriHB lliii-. liner Valleys, Mi i ta1 I.v ili.- liri-ni Northers. The stork Hiuscrs' i*c The rt GOLD, GOAL. at 1 raotivr Nortliei prodii. nictiiN- bU i" liit" OT Hlni i.rot. it l'ixji ralef» and t* etn K'y I.n\e hat skill and •xperiemv ha'.t HERDS, MINES. *ver devised. Tlier l.!t Iliat" .•lit -I it. I1 *1 I'l. hlt -s!"ro»ill 111 •*ttH b.ll»i:.'t~- A Ion n the (ircat N'lH1 Line in Montana nr. fi ra.ici [msturftg", mines ot pttniotu iruii auu coiil, atut towijfi. Now i« ,ur K Surrounded ttry, GREAT lira/.iiiL' nunKiS' Mi FALLS |i-entrc. The valleys of Kcd Milk and Sun Kiv. rs ten' lR M11III Scpl Write I' I '91 WhJtiMk' PATS^d Caveats and»r^ 1'ateii' business oiidiK",' Our nflice is o]»|...sit*1 we can secure puU'titS cost thdii those rem""' lr^r, fSemt mcdel, drawmsj. script ion. We advise, tree nf charge. is secured. in f: Our lee »ot A little hook, (1 "V vC with name* ot clieu1 or town sent tree. A.n^ s v- O|powit» 1'Rtent K*cursio» for tha mou«jn For the '1)'(.rin''l'10 be Knights ol l'vthittfi waukoe July ^th to ets will be -oUl '"[.''jpo: way for the routm to 8th int lutiiviv 9th to l'.lth inchistve Good