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,, XI., M- K VUU. VIII, NO. 47. ^VfiUTIKlNU KATE'S .'*1.00 "i.UOi 3.UU I l.So| S4'| lit.Ni i i.»w: o! m.»*- •.'.."itfi 5.w 7. o 34. 4.00! N.util 1-J.iX) 'Ki. ti.lKl! IS.00' IS.lluj 50. tu.tio! an.twl :«).*! w .uw ,,,rlin.'foHhftSrM«iulflv. lasex-im-m iti»«rtio* n.liOAl) 'I IME TAUU:. „bl.» M. ». l»ivi»l«H Ml. P. llfiluHt. UOINO K AST. uil *, I ill V except SUtldn -liiily ex SumUy .. .. OOlNli WIST. t'liiy •.•••. !uiy except MinUaV -I laity ex Sunday ... 1: !5 in 3.Via a in O i n i :ti WI1.M"T KKANCIt si k—dally rx Sunday a in s a in U'ol.lsxM. I.OUIS riMK Uil.K AT KKVIl.Ui I»AK- tiol Mi lAfT. Wei .ami f'rulay UOIKO W*ST ,.i i I* i 1 I i u v i S i i rorstV orricKK*. Hswiu-rS-l't Dist.l'hn Marten*. Vrl I list.. John Hednnvi. 3d [list., Win. Jennings, dim Ji.liil Di'lljihoM. i v*' Martens. a,i.| probate Judge—I'hoS. 1- liouck .[ .1 S. Farley. !1 i Helled let. i I I.. hockh »rt (i,W i'revey A'.' riey J. II. Own -lr I'. Daniels. ,-ur\ yur— W. S. Crow I. ITI* OFI'ICIllll. -Hrnrv S. Volkmar. .1 itftl. iit lug. MittelsUwU lames Hrrry S. M. I'a*en. iv— .1 \V H-ii. I* Ward f. Ktrrehw, Ili-h W.Hi. i. vd Ward -W 11 Saunders, liuiiii. ad Ward- -C A Krlaiid«oii. I'iicii»n-. Street ('omiiu*siou«r, Uuildmg .•t.'.r miii Fire Warden —.t K Simmons, man harle* Su'clitr*. *11* RD UK EPl'CATIrtK V n-li,«(- Jones, K II li.r1, Irving I5»tli, OJ W Autelmtn llN lllllllttl. 1 UA I EiiNITU. i .. '1 "A?, ARCH ASONS, MII.HANK i liaj.t» Nn. 1.". MMrd c.iiivii. iitiini* sii'i I 'Urtli Tlmr»'l»v ii«»iith, J1'. iii. YIMMIU ror«iial!y A. J. Cwt«Kii, lligli I'rient. .V UDI QLIIW, S«*O. I .V A M- MII.HANK N«. V»t. Stutr.l lin-rtiliK" at rlia!er'« Hall. Thiir'lav rvrniii^ ol fn'li limntll. nii I'rcUireu nit c»»rli.-«l Iv invited to at- j. C. Ksait, W. M. iuw. h. BtWCK, Secretary. 0 K. —SYLVAN l.OIMJH Nn. ^»4. t-very Tu'lay ••vfiiing j'fH* Hull. Visiln^ liretlirfii ("iiiullv IIIVI- Ki'. hMAMH.. N- U. 8. LI .NIIEIUJ, SSec. IANH ARMY TUli RKI'UlUJi every feeoiil aii'l lnurtii Mitur *1« p. in. sliiirp, «t tin: I'mirt llnusc. niiiraiii.t viK.tiuK tir eity ^re invited t" Willi lid. I) \V I OUUllHllilei o*. Kuril, Adjutant. I'. W Meet!* firft K«d »lnr.! M"» ilav e i'!i!ng« i| each IIKHUII in II. Visiting tiretlireii »r«lntHV invited, .JuMif. Recorder, K tiKu^KK, M. OK L. K.-SK1»tiWH K lIV[5l«N N". 313. Meet* in S'kmlei-'.« Hull, Milbiink. i. ui. tlie firsit wild tbird Sunday »»l eaidi tli. C. MATTIIEWH, Inel. '»T*i E Koins, See. Uli:R (iK RAILWAY CO.Nl»Ul TORS •Vi.l'anK Iivipi11 .Nn. '.I'l. .Meet* at Ma 'llall every neeoiid and fourth Sundiiys r. in. Al! iiiemliers the order e.ntdlal ivited. |/, A. JuiiN*!^, (..'liiet i'olld'r. lidliNK, Kee and 0. (I. a, —Meet* every Friday eve win^ at Masmiii' Hall, wild extendi* a »1 invitation tu visitmn uiemlinr*- WM. llo. UKBK, C. T. ®*»t8Tu,)MA*, Rec Sec. ClIl'ltCUES. •UHiU.ICServiee tn St. Uwrrnre liuirli every Muidav and li«lV day at °:Uta. M. UKV. .IOIIX (IEIIMKI IX'. I'RIEKT. "^T M. E. linreli. —l'reacliin« every Sunday at 1ii 4.S w. in. and p. "tth League 6 :W J. IN. :3U V V- SUST, 1 Sunday *CIIH»1 in. I'rayer meeting Wednertdavs Wt T:iO HkV. J. MiKM.iMi, I'.iStor. L'TIU:RA_X(—'•frviee nocasional I'"" •N"r*(yui, language ut the ehfircli at I' l(w J."|[., Minister. PIS( OI'AL -Service in Library Hall first ....^inday ol earh month at a ni. Milt-aid., S T» 'HAPTEIl XV I'K'JTLsr iij' TUB Ihit when Flora came, two days later, to sav that hhe had promised to marry Al.nii Ciage'in D.cem'orr, the colonel, perforce, residue I himself to her el»«.ic.» with dignified philosophy. "I had allowed myself to expect a dif ferent marriage for you, Fl-ra. as you know." he could i»"t ref.i-.t hay ing, nor could he fay it ithoul a Mgh hut he did not say it harshly It was the first expression he had ever given to his difcappninted hi Fl ra, eager to consi.le him. with the indiscreet enthusiasm of youth: -Aleck hasn't a fault in the world, I'ncle J:uspew he will le the tiost of SOUS to vou, if you will only let him. eA B«urif^'VVarj-Time Hfoty S.IZAEETH vfiiO-bAMr fi'jrher^f "fsur ©ak$ Tsirrle *eJ°ann&" El"c. i/if/y it lilt stood I mioU" lie bpoien anviy frt'in hrr u tiiokmy out of till It was the lull Tliorne rt'turnod. him with :i gentle and di.-nilied M'lf re straint. hum partly of tiim liiv and partly of her iiotiun nf perfin-t ladvh'Hid, mnl the rnluiie] I'sjx'eUil nothing mure frmu hi* iiiiileiuini»U'ative hisicr hut-there was a [h'i"fiini.-tinnes in Missy's un i-tii.^ tlmt tiiaiTu liini at last aware of her estraiiKt' fnent, and strneii a chill to his heart, lit* had brought t]i« ehild Mimi1 extrava K»«'t pieces jewelry, but KIK- *\infill no plea.Hun* in hii u't/ls. iui-1 Inr fallu*r noted, without eunmu'lll, tilUt hhi.- ieft thorn lyin^C iho ti.ble. Octot»er when Col. Mi.vt Klvira welcomed Tim nejct tnoriui)^ ho n^h* over to his fiftier-in-law's phve. ll** hoped toreceiw from Flora, i\ Nveleome thai should make fctuend* foir what lie lniv^ed in his own Ilolll", HOT w w he diH.ippointitl. Hist pretty niev» met him with an affectioiialfi dlu.siveness that aluii*-t did away with tfie eilei itif la* liCtle daughter eoidnesa but il did not escape his ob^ervatiou Liter that Ahfk iaire «'«s in the wk jjrourid, dejtortiui liim.iL'lf with a confi dent air. Mrs. Ix'onard talked garrulously of various tilings of the improvetiK-nts she wished t'linako, of the saleuf hercultoii, the im.ebiiuent of b- Mirplu* fumls, the purchase of inolcH, even of her poultry but never a word of AU'i-k (la^o. Tho colonel deemed toi.t reticence. si« iiificant. and ho rode home vexed. lie ha«l thought to order his small world ac cording to his o»'n will and pleasure, and now he found it fa»t f.lippin- from his grasp his sou an alien, the niece whom he had hoped to make his daughter ready fco marrv ^ine w houi he hail not cluwn, and iiis own little daughter indifferent to him. (Copyrighted. All Kcserwd. pobttshcsl '.• Special Arnuiutmcut with tlw Ucliuni Cooitiuitv. K»-w Vurk.) MUd :-lr., lierry, when she heard of the»- great pieoaratiotis. "why doenn't alie put«in a good word for Nicholas*? The arrant little coward, hhe kn.nvh very will that il :ts to save lier finiu I'liihar rassment, while [j]ID was the Colo iel's gue^t, that I he boydclaycil his coiife.s sli.n, and sa made matt worse. The Coiom is pining for ft n coiieiliation with his KUII, though lie won't own it, and Flora miyht do nomelhin^ lo bring it aitout. As lor uie, I've only meddled to tflur, HO there's an end of my eilmtji.'' Mia. Thorne was very angry with Cousin llyrtilla fur this ^pee-h. "1 don't RCO how you can talk of a tec* Olieiliution witli Nicholas!" taid ihe. "I am hurjirised at you! As if we Thorucs .•ve.r could consurt with a Furnisal!" To which Mi.s. lierry made the exas perating retort, that Nick'u wife was every bit an much a and •xclaimi'd. The colonel did not t«ay that he desir" to claim Aleck (iage for a son. lie broke »wav from her abruptly and «to»d U.king out "f the wirfdow some little time, struggling for commnnd of himself. lie was Mill pale when he re turned but he spoke with a courtly di^ nitv: ... •1 claim the privilege of giving the bride away." ••That is what 1 wanted, cried Flora, and with a mfrlvn impulse, .of gratitude, afl.vtion and sympatlj threw her arms around hit* neck kissed him ami cried a little. she and The news of Flora's engagement throw Miss Klvira into a great flutt-T Sho de- ,-Iir.-«l that it was just what she had al- in w i P. in. UKV.J.M..MciiumiK oftciwt ^utcljnvikrr Hiifl Ji'U'olor, "V!*1':'- I" «..•••« t.i iV,:e-. S i V *"'1 badiy repiorrd by :nieiui«*t«'iit workmen. W.old jiMtoflWe t-ui'ding ,i that the was never wavs expected more surprised in her life, and t.ien she I looked helplessly at her brother, i -Flora will be married in her mot tier s boiiM of cour.M'," said'the colonel "but Thorn" Uill must honor the «K'ca«ion I with merry making, and all our friends m".y,!T a sigh Of relief. Ilcr l-rother s dis „vul of the mate would have been jlirc eiuliarrassnient: »h-en.«f«nmjnt the colonel wislenl U» give, was a trifle wiH'ks of tnc^.-'Jtit w. u Wore Thorne as Mrs. Lomb ard her.self. For all this, however, Mrs. lierry was lmt iimittiHi in the li*t of im italions. cither to the wedding or to the merry liiaking at Thorwe Hill for the colonel had announced that every connection of ihe family, far and near, should Ui in vited to the entertainment he mfantto give in honor of his niece's marriage. "Aud ain't Hn Nieiiolas and hi-i wife kiflfolk-.?" asked Miss with Udd ngniii Cancu. She did not fear her father, and yet her poor little heart fluttered wildly' w hen she put this daring question. The colonel's only inswer was a dark, forbidding Prow i. ami Mi- betook her self to a Tiler. "J)on'i you fret 'l*'iit »t, homy," whispeml Morn 15ee, "now don't you fur de is guan lie uo tiddlers en' de dancin'. en' plum cake a-plenty.M "liiin't want none!" KIHI Missy, who hadgi*en lierself an indigesUon hy.tho Burri«ptitious goriiiandizingof raisins and citron. "Iln' lirsides all dat,'' prm'eeded iilory Aiui lo her overw hehniug elimai, "vou Kwaii l»e ilressiti t» sj.ruce en' gay y•' cousins. Mism l.ot^ v en' Miss I{e.*vs. in pink, en' you in a heheidy blue." r«Kir lilt I#- Missy, who was fond of dried her tears and reeonsiderfl cr d«termin:ition to abstain from tho wiil.iing lesiivities for her abhent broth er's (vike. CI IA IT Kit XVI. n'\A.NS\ nt:u_\T!tiS. The rnlnnrl lifted his hat. A few days after these wedding festiv ities Miss F.ivlra sent old iill»ert to ci^rry a basket of cake to some friends four or live miles distant. Gilbert could easily hftVO ri,i,|eii a mule and carried the ba.s- )(lit |, 0 „x cart enabled htm to con- late in joiirnevei Mi^Klvira r-ivwlM. mournful wa rabes but those buiden^ bv (Jlorv-Ann an* Grif aiid frosting to be borne i-ban-y and Dic-y, T- n Un Jim "Aud a favorite, or w brtMims and shuck rev a 'load of 1/irch mats, for which he hoped to find a mar ket bv the way. The most.of the day was consumed in this jaunt, and it was th« wintry afternoon when ho homeward. ,\s he turned ihe comer of the brier field, where the innumerable denuded stalks of mjinv growths were making a! rustiing in the evening w ind, he was surprised to see a woman trudg ing along in ihe narrow, sandy road that skirted the wood. She was going in the same direction as himself, and her back towards him, but there waasome-: thing in her tall, gaunt figure, clad in russet brown, and wrapped iri a scant'1 Shawl of red and green plaid, snniethini/ in the determined manner of her gait. that had a strangely iauijliarj^ ^old MILBANK, S. H„ FRIDAY, .Jl'LY 4. I SIM. Consolidated April II, h'!W Gillerl s eyes, lie ur^eii the bluck ui to an unwilling trot, and presently over took thi.s holitary v.av farer, who turne.i her head a-t she bfi'pped aside, and old Gilbert recognized Iioxanna White. "Why, tubbe sho!" h" multered to himself. "Whoa, lhandy!" (iilU-rt had long ago decided that this woman wa.s no common "po' liukra." She cornmatidod his involuntary resjtect by the subtle magnetism of charaet^ r, and niortsncr she had the advantage, in his eyes, of belonging, in a way. Mttwi* Niek wherefore he felt that it b'. hooM'd him to do his best maiincr.s. "TVhy, howilyi, inisii*?" he wiij, w itli s broal grin, as ho snatched off his hat. •'Huh you do?" "I'm middlin' well, thankee," said Miss White, who was not above disjdaying proper mariners herself w hen occasion served. "You're Colonel Thori:u'n man, iItM-rt. onleast Vmmighty mistaken." Old (iiibcrt grinned w itli gratified vani ty, TUIIIk- sho!" he answeii d, dipping with alacrity from his seat on tho oxcart. "F.f you iiiought l.ik a lift, misiis. en' w ouldn' mind ridin' in d- vo: ev art, 1 kin waik,'' "I'm oiilecged ter \er," said I White, promptly, "Jfon't kisr if I do' hyM. myself for a bit o' the way. 1 ain't I never one o' the kind to spite ••ccasum.'' The cart was lo\* and Iioxanna was) active, ho the "hysting" was not diLlicult i of accomplishment. She sat llat down in the lmtlom of the cart, and l[tiuiedial* ly took ujx'ii her.-elf tin* burden of con versation. while old Gilbert trudged along U'side the ox. "I'm bound fur tJol, Thome," she an noitnced. I'm fair sef to tackl** the colom 'bout iii»8on Nick, what married out of hand my cousin 'Mandy 'a ilaugh ter." The start with which Gilbert heard this i^ive a Ji*rk to t:ie r- ins that bruught old Hrandy to a dead halt. Tho ox stood still, while ihe old man gaped with amazement at the woman who would dan* name the colonel'^ son in the colo nel's prenence and yet ho It that if anyone could ventui-.! Mice '^fully upon such mention it might be Uiis masterful woman 'iut he gasped out tlie words Ye ain't —riho'l v/" "Ain't 1,11 longlh'" retorted MissWhito. "Tell you what, thar ain tlicit son u' Adam stalkin'this yclh what I'm loo I peeked to lo Bfrot in the face an" i speak my mind Utf. I ain't never wronged nobody, an" 1 ain't Ruin' to see liolxxly w r- tiged, ef .-jw-eeh o' mine kill set 'em sijuar. Tlie L«.rd give me n tongue, an' it kin wa^. Come, drive up. oh'man! It won't L» the fu*t time a woman's tongue ha-s^vagged at n «tiff neeki-d dinner." "Gee! llrandy!" nhottted old Gilliert, and staggered on, drunk.^.o to say. with "the wine of astonishment." "Pretty doiti's," conlinueil Miss White. "Big iot in the little jxit, an' all l«\in county dariciri' to tin- tunc o* tiddh^ In the ivilonel's luiuse. an' feastin,' ail' the colonel's son scuftlin' for brisul vonder lint ru even the companionship of dress of I»'i'i'^- Not but what he doex the U'st he kin. liut Furnival ain't uo I.ottie 4ini liess, not even th "helM-nly blue," nor tho sound of tho music, nor the sight of tlje, mazy dance, could shut out the memory of Nicholas. •Oh, Ivottie. ain't them fiddles dreadful?" S)K lamented. "They're al wavs sayiti'. '"Nicholas, Nicholas, whey's Jlrcr Nicholas?' matter what the cliune they play." "Whv. Missy, what a funny child you are!" said l/uie, with a giggle but prescntlv Hess decdared tjiat the fiddlesi did say just what Missy thought and if the truth w are confess**!, they said very nearlv the same thing to the colonel and F,l\ira the name that no guest dared fiiention rang in their ears, no matter what tune the fiddles played, mo" in condition to work with the Tallin' of fj sill onto his backbone laid up hclp le.-is he is fur the rest o' his dav.s. An whyo't the colonel do soiiH-thiu fur his own flesh an' blood, Ix'fo' ihe lsy kills hissidf try in' to niek a livin"?" "Is Maw so Nick adin' agin?" old Gil bert faltered, with a sudden appalling memory of the vow Missy h:ul exacted, concerning which he had not felt called upon to take action as yet. "Well, he ai:Wl nevingoin* to lc e*try strong, 1 don't reckon," said Miss White ooiniosodly. "I/.', ho ain't the kind to git a livin' thoutcu niggers an' Ian'. Nick lliorno ain't. "Now mmd you set me down to the corner, old man, MI'S Ikfn git in roun'Wy the front. I ain't a speck ushamed o'my errand, an' I ain't the ktini to go creepin' in l»y nolsnly's back »io'." But Mis* Iioxanna White woa saved tho trouble of "goiu' in round by tho front for just as they came to the cor ner where .she had wished to bo "net down a buggy was seen approaching ahvig the prirate road that led from Mrs. Inward Thome's place. "Deli mawster, now," sai4 old GillnTt, with mingled satisfaction and uneasiness. He had a burning curionity to know what the colonel would say to this Uild inter ceder for M:iw^e Nick.aml yetlie quaked in prosjiect of the storm that WJIS likely to follow. "Hit's mawster, slio's you live, en' Misslc-viivy. iJo Iwen over ter de sister-in-law's place." Hoxnnna White .called a halt, and Hcrainbled out of liio cart to take her poshioii by tlx- road side, like an army draw n up for battle. .She raised her hand as the buggy drew ar, a signal for it to stop, and the colonel reined in Ids horsey. "GiHid evenin' to you. Col. Thorne," eaid she, in the high Jk\v of excitement. Tin- colonel lifte'd his hat with stately politem v ami l«»wed, but did not hpeak. "You don't 'pear to know me. but I know you." said 5Mss White, th'i un tcrrilled. "llow do. Miss Thorne?" she nodded fainiliawy, even a little conde scendingly, for she regarded Miss Elvira as "l ulher a po' weakly inimlvd critiur." Mis Klvira Imwed very riiglitly in re turn it was riot in her power to adapt herself to such people as It ixanna White lull the colonel made amends by a sec ond l*w. more gr ioious than tiie firat for Col. Thorne knew well enough how to obscure the odi profanum vulguiujwu .occasion, and ho was inclined to lc vex ed with himself that he could not re mcmlH.r hav ing ever met this woman. "I'll tell you who am," Mis White prw.eiied sturdily. "My name's Iiox anna While, second cousin to Auxandy Jurvis, what !U'.t "."1 JvL Furnival, y r.i Jjol to mind. The blood ilhed ta the eoioii, I n^, ai.d the tu.'Xl instant left u pi! Mian Klvira gave :4 !'l i h:: ed all s.tid le rv ously "l'erhap- we'd bei*i i!ri\e on Kut the colonel sat rigid, lie deemed it inconsistent with his dignity to niiini »»i any s»:iisit iveu-si ai the name of I'lirnival and Miss While, ignoring Mi~ L.!\ira's stitrgebtioii, jirot'eedi-d "1 ain't minded lo waste time innl.i pi v in* of words, colonel. It'.- vo -on Niek Thorue what I come to tall. a.-«nt lb vo' own flesh an' blood, an il a .'uiteiiul question V.'li.-.t 'Oil oia' to i|.. lo -et ililil Up." .Mi.'vs White made i.irel pause, but seeing the roi l!l take advantage of l-'el'Ci-p! i.ile SO SLM'. to roniptly ii'- t» t.i.e snmed "I ain't KI\ in' no! bin' though 1 IIIOII:!,1. I. :i Nicholas 'I hoi u I'm a 11 It i i v i doe." •ut Iosi.I' ll along of up of nn The colom 1 in'e: rnpted Inr: "Who sent you on till-ell.iliu. he iiMit-d. Coli i I No one could nave div ined, I'loni voice or lisdi or mantier. the ho[»e that Mtrug gjetl in the ilepi liiif his heart the hope that Nicholas, even through this uncouth woman, this relative of the girl he had married, might he iking overtures for pardon and ri^'onciiiation far. indeed. was Itoxauna White from suspecting the rue state of tlie cas*. She vv.xs cifTelld. 1 at the question. "Who sent in*•?" she eri'd. shrilly. '•Why, the I/inl A'm.ghty. 1 reckin! Sint ut*- to warn yod beginst jedgment dnv. Nick Thorne u arn't raised to git a livm" oiTten anythin' but land and nig gers, an' sence you've made him what he is, all mankiml an'the Lord in heaven ll hold you bounded to .-i I him up— somehow." This w-as tijo intw for t'* t-o'.onei'i scant patience if he relented towards his son. it certainly would not lie at, the dictation of this virago, u tioin he strong ly SUSTM cUtd of iii-ing instigated to this demand for property by Job Furnival ami his daughter. "You transcend your province, ma dam, he r-aid, haughtily. "I ha vo noth ing to say to you lvgardin'g the misguided young man who married your rvjativu aial I bid on good evening.'' The ue: thing lloxanna White knew* the colonel had driven away, ami she wua.lcfi, defeai"d. And defeat was ver' bitter to Iioxanna White it was an ex perience she had never heretofore km»wn', her strength uf purp' se and her vchctu* ence of tongue had invariable served ing of victory a.s in this instance. It had liecii a grievance that Nicholasand liusiu dul not confide in iier, hut none the l:«u did she sy riipaihize with them, and do sire, unselfishly, to serv,» them. Thi-i woman, who had missed i he great»bli"us ing of lovo in her own youth, had still a soft s^tot in her heart for foolish yoimg k\ eriT. w heM once their folly had become an accepted fact. T'.iere w as something exalting in the sufiiciency those Iwo yotfng j* uple found in each other, ren dering them Bogayly indifferent to pov erty ami hardship, and there was Home thing appalling as well. Iioxanna, who knew the storms and struggles of life, trwiiibleij at the prosject before them. She had followed them to Tampa, when sho heard of Job l'urnival's accident,and she had returned to i/mti county of her own accord, aud without "onsuiUn^ any one, ful" the express purpose of softening i Dried, 1 resll and Salt Colonel Thome's heart. Sho had exjiect cd to find this an undertaking demand ing all her jowors of jiersmndon, but sho had not counted upon failure, and she i-at dow n on the roaduideand c-ried like achild.witJi rage ivainst the colonel, and witlrjiity for Nicholas and lkisia an' fat, an' his son, iJosia's hurband, a wiijtiti' fur starvation, mobl* I'm got tor-look after Nick 'I horim an' his wife, an' I'm goin' back to Tampa." And Miss White strode away und w-as lost in the shadow of tho WIMJ«1S. "Well, tubbe sho," old Gilbert felghed,, "Maw-se Niok ain't gw an lack help in tirely, ef she gwari look alter itiiu. J)e Lawd reward ht-jr!" ((!ontinued next week.| New Huhisciibers to the HKHAI»I AHVAM J:ran scenic the previous num bers to the commencement of this story tr* e upon request. Al!KYI'S W'ANTEH KR\1. T1KMS otu new hook, usually hilJ- wi'.l le xiv«-11 to introduce! HI ISLE BIMLLI ANTS: BIBLE STORIES MOTHER'S HOME The frreaN"! ?ncce«- I .»• v ear. and tli mi entirely n«j\v t!ie book inje. l!ov:o Quarte, size 'J.'Mx U in of paper large type illiistratioi,-- »s lull -1 ac» twa ol" th'in jriiil'd in nine colors n tiai 'price only [.|,?t. THOUSANDS WI hi, UK Mil holiday presents 'I tii«"l i I e Held will reap u. rich vest. Act m.i. k ev vou will mis' ii. WJpSin.K MiMAK N, t'iiu ii.iaiti, uh.e Good News! Mo one, who is willing lo adopt the right cournt.nemt be long ulUicted with IHWIS, car buiii li s, |u»|U's, or oilier cuuuii'ims erui Uoiis. 1' art- tlii! results ol Nature's ef torts to i ijs'l jMiisoiious and wlli te liiatter Iruiii Uie lilooif. and show plainly that the system is rnMing itself Uiroii} li tlie skill ot mi I 'in ilies wliii'li n was the legitimati: work of the liver atMl kidneys to remove. To ro nton." these organs to their proper functions, Ayer's .SarsnparUta is the medicine reijuireil. Tiuit n otlu'i hiooil-piinfirr eau coiuparo with it, Uious&uds tcsUlj' who have gained Freedom from the tyranny ef pravod Mood by the use of this rneilieinp. For nine years was nffili-ted witli a skin disease that did not ylidd to nny remedy until a frleml ndvised me lotry AVer's Sar*a parilla. Willi the use of tfiis meii-ilie the complaint disappeared. It is my belief that no other t'looil medicine could have effected so rapid and complete a rtirt-."— Andres I). areia. Victoria, Tanmulipas, Mexico "My fiu-e, for years, was covered wiUi.pim pies and humors, fur which I could find no remedy till I benan to Like Ayer's Sarsapa rilla. Three bottles of this great lilond medi ciue effected a thorough fiire. I confidently recommend ft to nil sufteriiiK from similai troubles."—M. l'arker, Concord, VL Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PRirsnKn »Y DR. 3. C. ATSB & CO., Lowell, Mail, 8old by I'riiKglaU. $t,«ix$V Worth Jl a bottle. PATENTS, t'«vents and Trade-Mark* obtained, Mid all i'liten' business condueted lor moderate lees. I'll'- otliee is opposite I'. S. Patent Mtice and We enii secure patent" III le-^s I'lll'* an i at less cost those remote Washing'tm. Senii Inod*-I, draw itn or photo with de scription W»* advise, il pitlentldile or llof, Irir el charge, liur lee not due until JKitent is secured. A little liook, "How to Ohtnili Patents," with names oI cli»nis in your state, couulv, or town r.ent tree. Aditres". A. NOW CO. iiesite pnt-tii t)tH*e, Wasiii nut on, t» C. KNNKSIITA K A ii NI I:J:S ,i VK K ASM A I.A or KI'.lUit'H K VI.). :, Mi.vy.. U|ital ft 100,MMlj I- woibt. w. mum. In«iires iior-e», milieu, catfle, «d all kinds, for fu value, lroui six montliH o'd to vey»HiH, and for three fourib.s v{ilu«.« Irom to 12 years old, ami two. thiols full value when from l'J Hi 1" e:ii.-old. Sisllions insured up togl,lHH. Foaling and t'nsirniiou uiMirnnto «t lea-onaule riitos. T. PLOTNER ill cat fitarkt. lli'jhi fl l'l tct I ill \Hiti. 11 iiit. Fresh and Salt Fi.-li, Gnine and I'oiiiuy i ll lieu season "Duilaw, misti.s! Iltillaw, misU.s!" said Old Gilbert, with plaintive, iuqsitent hv inpathy. "lje.mme 'lone!" crieil Iioxanna, vi ciously. '•'Kf you'll git back inte/ doyo* cyart, mistis," old GilU'rt nevertheless ventured to suggest, "do beus' ain't dat tied but I moiight niek out ter drive ye ex fur"—« "No you don't iiuther!" Sliss Wliite «le clared. Iiouncing up. "I kin walk, I tliaukfiil. l»o you s'posen I'm goin' to he 1 Hi /-I 'cin n i ridin' iti ('ol. Thome's ox cart, drivel* hv iC. J-iitlCKSillJlJUn hht ole ni"ger, which both on 'em is sleek NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP Open lor Business -peci .1 atfeniit^) jii-vt^i to Horse Shoeijig ami Plow Kepan ing thi^s done on pliort notici ALL WORK WARRANTED. FRED RUSSE1.L. Pi op. F«w^tli A\ enic .North of M. K. Church II KNU'/ JlAKKR. i'leprietor e| the Milbank Aleut Market. /til kinds 11 l^i'4'wli ii lid Salt Meals io th/" cloikert ipiality '.o he obtained, »lw»y in stiifk. Try in v sansati -l. i/'Cusli jiaid lor hide!". Huekleii^a rulrii Rnlvf, The 1 ti.»Hi Sdve in tho world tor ('uts, Ili'Jise^. Sores. »"leers, ^«lt Itln-u '.,F«ver isotes.'l'.'tler, Implied I'IIIIIIM, hilbhtlMS, i)iiis, Mid all Skin Kruptionr, and posi lively cure# Pilos. or no tay required. It is guar intend lo gi\o pcrh-cl satisfaction, i or mom y icfnudeit. Price J5 c«nt 4 per box. I"' ,r sa'e by C'lBpar Hulz, of biij SluUB I it V.