Newspaper Page Text
aUJ|{ Wl-N. IMr 2? ... *ifv IphiND COUNSEUOR-AT-LAW ft pi i 11 u v. ,'h -r ut Law. noTAltV Pl'IiLIC. all Colli'"1 atul }V.{«-ri»! UbHAM. i' wM'.TT, LawuT. t, ,t* -ill ill*' Courts of ji i ita ami .Minnesota. gum i-: cn v, ,m c.»rnvi.i.i.oi: i \w all court" a «(••. WM.i:ANK, I' I £j||ti«t. ot (.ruul ft., Milluuik* Dakota 1 OK ''ll- U. UonKitr-*, I'ri'.sidrnt. V'4''"U». SncretHrv. Tulfl it (Ml to The Advance nur.!c^ral notices and snli* ire licn-liy notilicd and I*J»v same to any person V. J)ownic. editor of t!ie A. Wood, treasurer, re autlKiiizi to receive :«»r Imard of director: f». A \V(»oti. rc. HAPPEN I N(iS. 'Offl:e«or-to M,(d 4'don i i I V 'i: OAK "VOlt.NKV At LAW jj^W IMstotlice JiuiU'.itv.' lnK" $ .!•"( 'TIOXS A Sl'i.i IA I V I, mmv. Lnw ,i MiUi.vMs, s 1 I.':-- i «§i K'KHART, H^tate, Farm Loan and insur ance Business City and Con n: y I i ilou^lit an«i Snlii Mr k M. ilta:i K, i-lfdi'i n i: ):mk Drav Line. .la., INtato and I'PiUCE AND COLLECTIONS. POD 'fie littlo lin] l.x'iiijj eliri.-i Frnmiti U. SHuoderH is off on a •fw^oik state, \vhi*re lii. iki'ifcf a vi^it witli friend*?, '"tiinlay scliool picnic, will iKMinildy grounds tomor- is to start from tbe II 'he nioniiny. IViiiphir's Jnwn »fcifd at "d «. wliidi announced eyooin of tim wock- luis acrouat of campju^ot 'luesday ovenini r,-e Evorybody invited. wdtMt noi^hborH are thia '•Rlifw at iiip StoHP lako, •^iiiial ini'(*!i:ip of tfi«» Big AhKMnidy is HC.SE METTITKIIHI J'T'OPLE g*t the best ,, jt ioiiuirr .- i i! jfniia* i Ifiiry. I in*? i 'r.. i -Oil'- JI muuUT -411 not 'if. U»'| I'l illU.ltli it i M| ,,f imi tlu» ::d m*t. Hi- ,n,, 'iddeli. tn«l itK tat ill teriiiin .1 1, .l.fcj K.-i.v in^, i I:,. j1(. v fiviii att'ii'iun iaht wick, ., iH'ar Suit! S!,..rofiii.l ]•:, k-tou i.i-1, TlM- I. J»" K'.. Hfi miih'uullii- i i)i ••'iifritiji ai,.: .• i, ,.j. i !..»»lit-'ttlli. i. 1 ur *. '*.*»' i. s f'.i'a'ttM'ci.i \v 'Mitli U-t Ffsilny in tuk' ii 1 t'itm 'f 11»i* f• rt ii in ri• 'x ilbank. r-' ration •:••••.! I 'lit i hl^ v, i .,'Mtnrs Hiuli!,•• ii'ciii •.. .. 'i imutiy frt'ixlsitt Ui-vi I 1*'^! e Loan* en ii»»al KIM: iinti* at L«wr»t Kat-'f Nun-resident*. Lamls S-tU?, MILHANK, ."5, r, u i *M» riTV I.O.INS, i' Hstatc Miitlcrs. In- !i Collections aii'l oy iiu*iiltr At tciidod to. !OTII'K. ih'c I'lililisliin^ rompany |illllt!ll^ Mllttit, tom'tlMT ud will, naini' ami suli to Mr. \V. W. I»iwnn'. •uliinim to print, Dm _\d ill carry out all coutnu U. ^MiicntH, h*yal.s and otlii'r 1 I i-ii tf nrt! and ot ln I i •atihlu'» 1ji:I a -mik. w •. i.-"l wiifti'ii'f I). i W 111 a I u tr i -'••t? this w -.i- work. Jim '. I.w I.H i i- I I- -'ks in Is •, stau» in i1, .! Vi aifm" \Vcn» i t'X|ie '. 'All! K I .»1.1M i »"k^• -•."da.'. .am«T, mil .:«T i Loans, I.) lei'i'' -k lia4. U. N-' "f I i Itelil. For term *r*, '4-e( r.. a I nndi-r plow, running 4ivam I ftcres pHStliro oueloHed, K 11 Kr, kota Teacher- i»(l« a few tlavs vifil to tvcol. ^rlit. houM work. the attention.of A. !. Peterson I Uurmnn, struck line whila lioriug for uat'-r a few woeks «f?o. »'ir] l'0r£n:ut'd the. nj !it o JiUHfvK'l i»v i»lt"of i. tin 1. \j U'.'I'lHi nil l.efntv t-Ht.. Jiilvcriix'iiii'j.i in tlie Ht.u.u.i'AJ.\ v.n Hti.l i],.. wlici-eai«'i iM „f {kiws Ml.' |i:. rhad u'l'inMn [•!, ail iii wliicii i,i [Tuvi' !hi ii'ivnii! «il uvivtTiisin^ in a ii\Li tii"wn|t.ijU'r. M«l if in H'j, VfMitinh iubt Saturil:»y '.'I I'lilSi-ctii'ii hi tictniv 1 i .. 4 ll»«f5r» v. .... l: '1 ,• 1 ..." "itK-ntlf «ii t: .,r.stmm iirtii-A i:r:- !.,r tui3 i timt and elevator*. Apply lo 1», U Dig.'.s. .i'ank. i«!l it l»i u*i«»n. I All persions having ueiaon "i' peuct* ti. hiiimtv, back pay, uiv oUi^r tlann ai'ii'nst ihe yvt riuiieiit. will find itfjreiir liv totl'.etr aihantn^i* to cull a«,t rilAKl.I' .). AJ.Dl.N, I tiite penmen tbtini a^'vui. and wai. v. Itornei- Do not tail to !n:i. can consnlt him free. -Mr. Aid. i i at the Bradford House, Miibank Wednesday. July »». i (»fiji^fess apjiroveil») tni** Iiml" are entitled !o :1 peiirti'HI. are in the MrMiian ltan'k, i \VriHConsin. i i J/owlatid, the madinc price whult t I ninety li^ cents, and -eh-ctmns iron i Haw'tltorne aud His Frtemls. i in" price ot which is one do-lar and l^.onts. Total cost books t«. dollars and twenty cent-. i 1 Chicago Tite lit Tbe work .-fthe »V c,r ibis U'1 i ordered dtrectlv trom the puii t-lms, th Practical Hints tiom App.ct"!! A I t:,U W'iibasit A v tnca^o the I f,,,||, Heat ll &Co. |N» v\ a.ins,t A^ KAI.h-ALVAS. I:K-nes o ea tilv co-operate the eadeav,a to enjisVtiio leiu'hors in this iriirlt, and we hope the num-ierol -ra county i.-i^'herH who are in circle w ill be larpeH- in.-rea^d w -f- 1 V. r«e r" i. Af giving f0r tbe ny\t. 'iv'^I /Is iH.-L'im September bVh. l.a b^^ who:ntemi to -^'V Ue, irU- o:i Ti 1.1"- 1,1 i u in cu "u^ 111 'a Ursjci liHt 111' liolx-l. ii ai. wtik. lit)" ttiii^ it riWrs 1 HmJ fir from a \wiU' i-i: t. ii* osiili, uliua:n, sniTld'lU' til" boated terll) :i! NeA Sait'lll, Wi. 1 \li.' a'-: f:. 'I v '. v, i-.-k, sfs wan ai^o N 11 •f Twin lJr-n'ks. To All Ol.l s(, i 1 1 1 a n i i n u u i n i e u .:i of the Urumi Arm livji.c I skota. «""«atrj j»ii»ts of Wi-b.-'er. Mili-ii \*. iluver. I-iii^'iord ti'id i nter, oiiimet«"in|{ on ti.e f. :o .» 1^ U '-villi a iiran-i elmlhic with oihm Coiiinidcs"! «•'. 1 le-M.f W i.l he ard Tank-, one I I.TKI »:REAT PRIDE ner, and who say t),,, v, up I' o! Webster, w ... i !. .-Hun free ot ex i I'.i'nl i: !#.*Xt*Htied .•! Mtlli'ij?, nielli I f!"M I if 1 lie I A !i piWetn and p:triit ipate i.. aiul the encainpiiifnt fol'.rey I'i-t. "f .MnoaiiK. i .t on tb 4 lo !*. M. train, i-y or'i, Cos,. D. 1 )'«»", t4'imnsOtdiHc: lb .n, tlll'H uako If HHti -ah it »til i.«* 'h tiD't v fed t»i i i'hr* appe,)• e of 'ill!-, 'i' tai'M ••.••lied t" iiidieati* Hood !t ol!ia .'dtn'i: i ii" of saperi i-or ^b'l'.iriMiid. wlio a hired n,an f*r a--i- ix »r bint v, ::.e farm work, au-.i u wonian "-ook a^-iM tin) matron. I'"or the benetif ato' of oar reader- .y t." think i..1 of taking U? the:-ir! l-at tln» far !., w-b'Tewsth of the Mfttution i'irnt Ti"»t all ins: for :v Poor Farm *h- o jpc to ti'.e-f"' ride.- .. tpiire'l to conform to sem.'bnntg in said I'^or f- Sola leacner- Ueadotg i.'o'e-, o. .»i .Farm shall be tr vri« n .t (Jres- to tli«» members «\a ine tourtn imnaio e-«n write, ami .. vear of !beoru.atii?.ati»n is chwing and be ^ju-n ^r,_ We would say by id I mean-, it jow'rv teacher take this tletsigm to bitild up It'it. i'ct in tiM'tr A'Uii Hi ... amount of money re-pnred is imt lar.^e and a ht tie appia atmn wnl t-rin- w iTinire lit ability and Urtfer s^lar. I mcmners are slowly but Me-idiiy ir.cre^ 1 •'•oiKv Jj»«:kliart*8 intiuit jn,r, Ku'ty leacher in houin oujlit nt »h) pursuing such i ourse. course .d reading for lhiKU is raetn a Jlmts for Teacherr ptd'hc .-choo1?. sane persi .ns the Until! Co te admitted ii. u»ritfi* Use Ktut I'tHir i-'urtn .. Thud-That ail ooinphiut: .^•i-r,a,i,\ t!ieS.:.t!i 1 '..untv Cijmmtssioi.ters by nm 0!) .iine ure prepaiod rereive tno re^uli'r ineeiiiij of tl.e plon.i Seals u id be arntu^ed s-o )•'. .tilth That ««eti and e\«*rv mill tiuwo Vfimpletitii the s- itir."u can i e ^.v en shall thorounldy ,"11' cotint Hii-h ompl -.! .• n 1 WHS:I proper credit for subsequent work. wd\vsif able so to dot npon adtniss Tins is n subject t! »t may tilly eng%. s«id and cleatuse tie J'oor Fan-., i -fore v 'thiii^r be i:ivt 'eeM, and i!' :u to do they ~i.':: rmbmil H-iniH other perxm dt wasbius: aud cl^an itn 'otiiinued cvi" s i i i i e a n o n e a i at. th« discretion of ,e i en?, subject, however, o! the county physician. ,0.:.. (o.|.i -Alien reipl. .-ted |o (io So Supennii ndent or Matron. "iixtlt Male paupers wii! r. i u i i ti'« female depa :... i, I', or I t' W. .. tilt p. ills .. profane am !•.- a :.e iai _u »l hiiidl.Ms i-ii'b lutwt'i'-- 'All: not be allow l: i e ,, peiM-tl on i_ii i\ to ina're .utfilaints, and inmate filial! teau- -siid Hoase or f-t wilhoilt V,' I'iltei. ("'fBiissioil if Miperintereh'tit. i„'hth No inma'i trov "r injure any jiroporty while on -u l'..'r Farm. 1M),I. •..vol. with the more The te^ hers of South I.!*«t.t an «DRr«...I»wlI in ha. 1 »r. r^ iii li the si'it U' 'r 1 lir:*orsit" o! uf: i'.t'S" i-lili.Lii i i I III ll' n i :. U. L. I. uv i. tiiiiirr rt i i i*i ih c, is- '. .1 fur u\ or.ti)- aii'l 1 I k i ankiiiii, f»r Lu-i.U'tiar.!. I .« i'im.ijitiatio'* mi fM i ilarditi :•.!•. •. wurk. i i i i w i n i i V I avitt, rc\mt_ timctis ..... i i -Mi hj a I. i. c. 1 11. iirtliMtl I:,: I !:••.:! M-fl't.'ia! v A l' nf Ufl '. l\ll\ itlCO) I K S. tin Ut'i'iik. •".1 hoai 1 Miii ,i t.' I I., I i: '1 tt Mi I iid.'Slnr., 11 't your i. u: kwk i '.lb- I .- i 'irrand b»o Mi i«'ir ibtti i:.. Ai i- k iM-man ck«:*'tl Iter tcru a is pbi''»*, Ft id iy Al to Milihinir. tht* homo o UVBIMIN. M- ,• !', -id 1 i.urt t.f and s (onti W eeks io win .periim the ,td' Fifth That each inmate and do anv rle-ttw thuf he -ii .til -lie 'ii Niu'is- i"m p.-nalty for violation of any ot these rules an i reL'tiiaiiOiis fihall i est in I lie sound discretion of the Hoard ol County imm l-sioivrs upon •:•,plaint beiiii,' made by tic Mtp»-! !i 1 en.if lit-- or il at rou. i'IIP wis loin of esta1'': '.ii in 11 NI I I Ju*r-hr odl walit Ii de. of anv kind z a in'.'. eft a mooted stea, oroponition was first talked ••{. if. .:n4ettled, bat tite mat .j .. i e ea a f'o rt rt a! Mr a b- ir.. "4 "I 11 |-t U i »it i'\ \i 'Wt inh |i i I 1 I J\ Now is His tii i i n-. i. "r Hi. »1 Mdi'khc, v, ere man icd fiy lant l-y K- A f^ai.-ou. I'.*' «rand«|m-t re* .':••• 1 troin theold 1 crj'niiry last v..•••k. wliern lie bad been lora. visit, to u|.| home and in'-uds. Or ier He til i iiu' Iaj fur i'roliuie of] Foreign Will. i HiirrnluK'iu. JaCii,,!-,. ,r:.r •, of UMt.t i-s s v i i n.fjr.t nun hcid tn iml i„t im- t'moit. i ..ii«l M»t« »f s»uth u, at tn-nilii-f i ubU Juflifv, ill liic !ty uf Mniiaiik in ~. ty, »ti thi- tltlHiii-. t.f JuH A i». tsi«'. Jhm. Tijoiaii." !. lliniik oanty i s:i!p it:-r if I'r.jvits, iLI- t,»st H'i.1 »ud i -ut of t.iith-r i'. Kitnti. tk' i* irodui'ttnii ami ri.'-.tisf in itii- ('nurt of u ,'Ut-iHirtiMi i- he n duly uon[.io! i e ..ffh* iiist wtii atnl t[-.-ttuiieiii oT Luilurl'. i itt I), Inti' of Floyd Oiuujy in :li.- Sfati- nf inv» '..i-i nsrii, am! ti-e tlior*«f in lii-irn't J'lompaiiyoif'ruhitc HO it (''. -ill !le_- Stnti- nf liv.o Hint .* pfti'iinlJ et M.-.iinn Caii-r i .. !(uv, ef ttn! s«'4 lattlicr I*. I'lti-h si«• irt-»'ntiii« stii'. iu" ntiivr tiui.^s that the' .*1 f'tt.Jl i:i-4 .ill tile "iUUl itay -fj 1' 1 .vc .. in the.s.t.a'.).' ty i '.HH'Ul i i ..... jjj (f.i«»i-diiiy w .d.e u- i .1 -ii t)|. i»... rij-l Itill' StHti' of •. I iisf? i* ninnM n»i4 a-! i y.n:r ttcii lit- su'-l mni lis.- 5 n.Stuit it r»'a X. ftitii i i.iiri -ink a. ?tn A MI tl«i k i tii I t- i i n £i: It' \S f. 1 t-:t10f|.-M» F. -i if] ii .-t Hi *:.• rcnlrt, n n A c-..*?' i •, .1 CK llHII.MKIitUOIl'* .• s *1. Dakow, Ci.iM-, i,. a i h. -Ik-furo• II..h I it.•- I I.t nf tin* e^'nto uf Tiioninn S.Ms.-a, jjven, ttiat Jj »rsi«itf (i an o ,i riiuniiiH i,, Bniirk, .lioli.'iM.f-.i rl( onn• linref 11 tr t.'iiiiit '.1 fiiiioWOl iJ.'i'.if U tul.y ii:nrl- Htid 1 utl thi- llj i i i a v S. 1 !•', ih«* mi.lcinlgned in it g.ii'i v.: etfe-r nf ,ri'. .ii• --i-c -c o i .- n i i i i u i i i s i ai,!: Tht- S IV of st. i! iV ai (Iran: I'ouuty, SoutU I «aiit rrnl e*!s,t- will te rfue'vM-'tty-J ::.irttr*"nr nt -ITS it On- H«lik (If! iiji-iiik, ii. tin. -it »f, in Miit «»un in ut. i niter Sainnlay, tin- I.e.... i-,ky ,,f .Injv, Hot- SHAi ail II r.j# of s fltid Oip fast IT. iAf I' N. j. BLESER, :rT^ IS A«. KM' !'(.'!{ CAitiOliiiSi'BUM AVENARIUS, 1 1 in •, (.f Everything in ths line of U1 i uvr\ 11: i i n i) v. mm J" illliUUIIli«li!t» «r poifouous. It u 'Mil' siMii nisi of !ii'i.i|i cil pai:. «»r break cIu'.mi: shin^N-H ili-^'a-i' atl!c, hiHSt»«, Sheep atld Jt will pn-vi'ii! mfu'iiuu, Ouiy .wwuiJ ]U"ow»rver kuc I I ii k i k k Will be sold at Cost, and a large assortment of Broken Suits will be sold REGARDLESS OF COST. IDtoytii »u THE BANK OF MILBANK We haw tor sab-Kntue oi tne times' lands in tli» N»att» ut prices Unit will afToial the ptirebnwr a handnoKKj aih'iince within a Kbort tinftt. V\'e retej. u :1111 11 pi rniis"!in. to I!ank of New ork. N. Ii. A New fork, or SfeHri'y- Hank, Mirnieioioiis. M-inti. 'orn-tspntidcnce HolicRi d. Doo-:-. !:R.I N:L- lit':' i tf U SARGENT & DIGGS. Wood Bros. i»i A iix ilARlJ'VJ'ARE A N AND \l:i.A\'li "iTOVJ.- AM) UAXi|. A-t)i.i\i it»vb-. Fi:\( w11 i:. \i i:,:\ THII .S w ii en i i: \. «il i- lit* leak: triMi-!,-, till alw.. and mveet win r. aw mil iaiH.fl. ha a !i Glass of Goods i AND SKK I'Dll YDUKSKIJV: ILBANK. SOUTH DAKOTA O I bikot a, 1" •peratnm under above ink- since 1KH1 I n ail lition i.f a (.-etieral Fbinkini: bi e ! money on Farm so euritie* |iay n« tli« inort^.'wc trout 1 t»h I. i er .-00.1.111, I'liui'KH lor coi V't: -ti.d leniimti!.' inirrt'-i. or look mi tr :ii i lie loan '.luring Hh iif««. 'tit Ot bundled- ot thousands ot duiiai'H loaned by u», no imcttlor linn ®ver lo-t one dodar of prmcipal or interest.. v\ e s«l! c:elian^» on all eastern eitios and on every foreign country in th» i -V t,)•:»•« ior non resident, proper!v ownet nt reasonahln rales, and i em it proi -ds U.e .- :itje d-tv. blithe largest Foe huairaM e lnihiiiesH ot any a^t-i.ey itt Ivistern Oakot Milt.ank issitna:..,! u Craitt,ty. in tne lataous Wbft-tone \'alln\, tb« :r,i'. i) spot ol ad the Dukot.'.s'. uid horderitij.' mi the NKWton Imtiiiii Keservat n n. whii will be opened t-i seWlemeiit in tne splint ot l^'.io. Jlilbi.nk will bo tim on t.t t'i ti^ pioint tor set lei's Ink iniu'nte^ on itn b'rtile acre?4. itb the commy of Htatehood bnulK will tie materially enhanced in value. South liakota r. i.- .- r.'. 11 1 i. i.ioii «iil, I'i nh ibition in her Constitution, and this will attract tho •. iinini^i' .". o Iroin the Must lo h«Jr feitilo pi ir:e.«. I K I A I:I: Y I'.\\\ IIAII-:V ii N-. TJ.Mliy, A N ST F.F.I. CooIX. bl!\ll( 11 Ait V KSTKII". I.J N'DKitS .\NI» MoWI-.US, VVACONK, I 1 1 .- I O A I A n i i N W N O I I l.nw-- A I CI' l.'i 1 A i' iHS. U Afioxs. J!l'(ji I F 1 i1»A I) CAHT, WOOD AX I) llioN LUMBER! A U MM I.IUN» :S. s''i l'M'i'.o. F.illfK. I.IMK, CF.MFVI i i .\ K i'OM'S coon