Newspaper Page Text
KMING WUKI.D. A B0UI HAY. r»-inti'-w* on •ui when pivxsin? out of the always vvuit' until tho dew V3 a contributor to the ,1 lsirinnr. «'i:—• -intil Uip to rau!n. tIk !i '•••'k it of barn. Tlie^r-n point in is n.t liiiv -ui.. ilamp in contact, wit.ii i Ilii.v of 1 pa-i through to it. a«'i win kft-p it.s should bu cut whi'n in 1Tvl part of the first blos iniun.: t.o*turn brown. Al \til tli'* ili'w is "tf «r ii.sp tli* 11 turn i'. anil £t. all (lamp •. i" hay evaporated. the color and ipial ,m i is liable to produce pt out •'t 'i barn, would laiy i I have had n putti'i S({ 1 n I i III.:: ve »ndn of the roof trained he roof to slide upordown "i tho posts. Holes were •ost to put in pitis to hold When it is time to begin n the roof at the top of begin the stack between uihl to a finish, or in case enough hay cut, put in -topping work on the length of time, lake out .ower the roof down upon ng the hav level, or near o stack settles the roof 0 hay down and protect it wind. If I were going to oiild build it for ricks in s it would be cheaper In n cost of lumber and the i,v. Then when not in use hay they could be used for in tools, wagons, or any Juld be housed from sun or 1 to 1 It- 1 PUMPKINS. Their iiup «»o,i f,P v| More ..* 1 111 ill- any thing isj qualities of the hay. impness. and the closer it to exclude ihe air after it letter, and more perfect it have known some farmer* in instead of salt, claim thrrt* was any damp ly it would remove it. I uw much benefit the hav it, however. The quality Is on the ctirinsf. Wild or v N asily oureil, but is from spoiling after '.von Id probably keep ,n a Darn, but. as a general blue-stem grows and is lay. thpro are very few necessary consequence is, he stacked out of doors, iun.i the art of stacking so i not get into tho center, •tnv to keeping with seed a' Seed should this contain the when s.a: i. I them ral days before weaning, mixed with milk, which wed to stand I'rovido a .'lace where the pigs can "Ives, and eat without bo then they will soon learn accustomed to the changed -c at which they should 1m ds greatly oil their condi havo been well fed, and 1 II, they can, as a rule, be they are eight weeks old. -ot doing so well allow an eeks' nursing. A good very best place for grow here is a good supply of ,l quantity of bran and them in good order. It made too sudden a change er s milk to grass. 1 'ger of the pigs getting -s time, and it ia almont correct the mischief. As every precaution should •void such. When there is We difference in the size 'f the pigs, which often 1 'Ws have largo farrows, a wf, an the best pigs first smaller and weaker ones Jays longer. At this sea the growth of the pigs 1 be tj)0 profit, find the 'w onwards, until real hot n. is the very best time to Ithy growth. The ex and cold weather are both ning growth, whilst the "°1 weather in the early ln under proper condi- Dlor favorable for rapid young pigs, if they have "J green clover, there is 'I* °*er-feeding but it is !|je to give pigs or stock of than they can clear up Oraiice Judd Farmer. 1 farmers whosi .. pumpkin has ht will yield When would bo surprisi -., can be grown win-, a liberal appln-at tin re best adaptf Cutting, tie :m. niigl. ii.,l priced forn. yet w lie re p., vrv cheap a lairv it ri::i ricks seven in I lino is, and cov i. |v boards bat etied favorable seasons .• .j,. uiik- coimnenoe 1 of hay ii locia 11v in Kansas. Many mer gets his hay anil graki food condition and along ot wind and all of his labor a tar as the kfrpm^ a :. 1 1 i merit 1 «d *, with id of ma les J. II. in New nl of mn 1 not tho pumpkin 1 Cregory. Marble .. \i i Ktiirland I'iirm.'r, i mire .., kind w til.- t.... crop, i ., ti r,.,., ...... phorie at: in ti i o beine i found TV •••!1 loaO-s i.-' tons. .- t,. .... •hou i: !iea\ 'I'll is grad- HOOF Knit HAY-STA' K. v »,ack is i-• 11i «uste ev r. i." :ay for huttb.." -. year* atro. -1 ••••.-i with three-eigli lling. They them as --"lid as I make -i then n i -aoo foil i\# inch -:,e gro i !l P. -'OS at the i "11 and then moved, -icher n VVir«« Fmrp Hr." .1. umiay. send turn (f poMS inchi ANING PIGS. Soiiip I'r«ciu- Shoutii lit* ObHf*rvp(l. 1)3 is aKvays an important should be taken to see ntion is given as will pro lintain a steady growth, usually is to commence next 11-' 'i I 'a i, I arm and Fireside a ite-crip •ace for a wire fence. The eight feet, apart.. The cross* ,\t 'eet f.ur (..MxffWniiii .mil Jt* l'nra»lt«. Tr,.• :r-a I'laildeereav -t the imported cabbage-worm i Picris rap-e i 'ing tho last several years, change i a-' year to an eno'iiious increase at .• a in cn tral Iowa, savs the American Agricult urist. The decrease was attributed to its many insect enemies. Last year tho butterflies hovered over tho cabbago patches in swarms and were so plenti ful that eggs were deposited on many allied plants, as turnip, radish, wild mustard, etc! Hand-picking the worms and trapping the butterflies, which havo been practicable during the last few years, were out of the question whero the patches were large. In our patch, containing only about, half a hundred plants, we picked V00 worms and ogL-», and then gave up in despair. In a few davs after resigning the cabbages to their fate, we noticed that the jong* looked-for parasites had arrived, and. as if to make up Tor their tardiness, they appeared in great numbers. Scarcely a worn, escaped. We killed several which were literally filled with tho larva, of the parasite. Thirty were counted in a single worm. We did not kill many of ,he worms, as it would only destroy the, parasites, and the worms were already doomed. We attributed the unu-^ia amount of cabbage-worms to the mild winter of isns-h'.i and the small number —caused by some unknown reason ^of the parasitic IIvmenopterous flies ,Mi crogaster glomeratus,. The present year the cabbage-worms will pro.ja.dy be few. unless some disease bas alts' k"d our friendly parages, whose rlustersof small yellow ocoons can now e fully seen ail er the u'a:-i- n. leaves, etc. As a H" ar .of when a good vanity supplied. Corn is both heating a stipating. two conditions that it wui -i Itfund desirable to avoid at this time. iESIDE 1',-:AGWIEN l'""t sli UV1 lie- with iht) 0 what "itg corn crop that ly ana fn -Karly Krnish iin i lie:' and but a sinal. i vine class. and melon-. loam that -i nitrogen, nni is al:i.. i-1 *i ity Of nitropi ll P. at 1 fill i n 0 pay 1 olf 'a I ist sprin I t., of air loam tnat ai•"ut the equival -'f"•*'• for the four ••. ii 'lied I* I four .*,.• rath' well mixed. I t)iec- .- planti May toward the igan matnn vines being ti1 each hill. Tl.e though at growth I ho weeds there had to be soro the fall, after tho had mostly died down, ered with its huge fruit, twenty to .forty no und#. rniist color, -a i sight T," -a i e i 1 he Mi- mpkin- ilslJx!.' reduced wa ad three a period ,'ir got tho start, and hard pulling. Ja leaves of the vinos fipld, cov ing from and al -t oranga striking "iod, and tie loads ight, wo •Ung two ring ten Id om* lice of a mix '. lent I ,:. ritnend' i '1 as an v cunnei .-i'i.: is svno'iA'- Hhaj.i- and *c "v but while direction a.::-, i un*- 1 1 1 o n s 1 I 1 at the i 1 acre r• r- i, 1 ... a vera.-" w.l n poitn 'I'll ia^ the ft" ... s. sever-'.. tr.• :.--i .- a farmer i A'lth si ,i art e, v.-u—1 A a-, VI 1 •, .,t tile V ., -. 'I". uiii.ii v are. eiean, tii* fin-' old wu 1 .a in a towel. "i"g uir vly dry pull i-. .i lark roi a •i t'l:'. rtlb in |. 'ft ttan' i Don't ir"r f'.ev are pertei'tiy I -para to honey fr.e:. the coi: !.. pu: i v-comb and a a tin i njion a in••• relv war':, ve, adding a tahh-.sp of wale: each itound of honey. v .• .fi-asion.i a ith a piece of '. :, e:its of the pan are in a i i •-.!! .-I. i o not allow boil •ng "i the pan from the tfr i The cake of A ... A will i hole !!. iV »p io 1 i ca". y lifted i knife. :-toak is v.- a-.,. p-.!. i a I ".. :d: not h. r. -i-m.-'r :-e .d v to serve. It i i i i i n o l! fa'. »!,e M' liroWIl ill. ». t- and turii' s i i ,• I. .- kled w i .'"''ii i' e-\ ,| (tied W. •, THE PERFECT HOME. irv.iilt(l by at) V tih)H|ili'ie a .• po!.-lii ,•* 11. '.ii" i Cil and 'i. "liyo l':.e i' 'Sphere ..f a i.-'ino :i.-:i i fo" "harm on. hi.iurr. I- Ii- .1 lia:' liony and tfu •. M.le prn :. I V a i n o lav lie a ipoiutments, lie eaulii.--- ild arrallge:n( lie acii :e i. The ciieerf! drit that can ostite mishaps at their tr i thy any lingering r« i- i i a i i i e e a u y o .,'i-l i handling. t-.. n well and done in '{•l':e:,-'o and good fee i- N.i'!,:: io:erly fatal '." e •.: .e r. Noth •I s -.o 'iseless and so ive in its on ill tiie gold of The story irly life of -Huroiil I'nulerick, who is now in ikiu^r such a name in l.c tion, is fully suggestive. The moth' r, in jieculiarly hard and limited circum si-uices. still held fast to hope and be lief. and trut in better days to come. The future novelist. a- a child of seven, was obliged to vise by daylight, attend to the cows for nis mother's dairy, feed aud drive them pasture, and carry tho milk to tho fac.torv. He wore shab clothes, and had scant time for stucy. lint the wise mother made the most .f every hour. The frugal meals were made to the children a beautiful time, in the fund of stimulating thought and information upon which she drew for h"i' con versa ion: the essentials of tha home life, in sunny sweetness, in eour a_re and cheerfulness, wero kept even in all their barren poverty. And so the atmosphere was favorable to the intel lectual development of the boy, devoid as it was of all luxury, and even of most of the ordinary comforts of life. Ono i reads the lesson between the lines, and i realizes anew that the atmosphere of a home is its uiost potent ciiarm. Boston Budget. An Import a ii I Invention, An invention has been perfected in the glass industry which, it is sta'f 'l. will accomplish a complete.revoluti "i in that branch of manufacture. Until Vie present it has been possible to pro duce sheet glass only by blowing a hollow cylinder, which was then off a-parated and polished. An American maiMifai't :irer has now succeeded in pro ducing glass plates of great breadth a: i of any desired length by means of ro. , im". lilass Ihus produced is said possess a far greater flmine-is and trans parency. The rollers seize the stick/. li'|illd irlass which incotldueted 'O thev from the bottom of a melMncr tub, wit'. out. the intervention of anv other ap paratus whatever. N. V do .ruai. WOES OF THE DENTIST. I ontiiliiiL' Alniii.|il llt» Telia 4-t* «t' His Ofllcp. ClTARI,F Of Uitt le a hangman ••vpecting any a iked an •lappreciated "d for hours i an's mouth, ate m\ neck ...:.j a bow-knot, •nt ii red to straight relief. I have been as far ratitude "ggrievi l'e eSsio! ver a b.i hero 1 I., nd tie nd at n up w:':. w s e- i i s v i n i ung in iiearl\ I.on". i rapid -v bod]1v I rom th- ..4, .!.lie 1 II 1 II tiuct of ••. ng her:- .• v.e -.efct ad- I antage coiitlii .• I A ubher am or a -•••e« (i 1 '.o u.s u •opacity r: e to per "!i o eauty, a uin wil id the ti* ui rage. haa a funnv e. .j„, '-'-r d:t\ -III .11-1 uai-K v ,v :.•• n a :i -i I lis face 'A i- ., tlannel e -, !iJaiUli I "I- ibodini' i he tool .[ one to t. it. i 1 1st as I .i ,: I la Ilill yiil'o, le ie i pro longeu nowi a 1 a '.»! 1 y silot '.«lf through the open u .i. iow out ..n-.. i e s e o o e n e a i e o e lis roof r. and finally "••'d froii: i ground all do :e.i like a er ball. All .a,ste a o u i n i s e v e o e i-. case, for he picked himself up and aalked otf apparently sound in wind and ::mb and quite rega- i a tuat he had not paid me. "I had a man once e :pe iron, i i, A m.k.vion is t- i often transformed into a u'tivvay over whu-lj a parson parades hi* .iterury attainuienis Atchison tilobo Sit Xvri* Frrr, will be sent by t'ragin & o., I'lnhnhi.. J'a to any one in thel'.S. or "A RACE WITH DEATH!" Among the iiamele- heroes, none are tiioio worthy of martyrdom than he who rode down the valley of the Coneinaugh, warning the people "ahead of the Johns town llood. Mounted on a powerful horse, faster and faster went the rider, but the llood was swiftly gaining, uiiti it caught tin* unlucky horseman ami swept on. grinding, crushing, annihila ting both weak and strong. Ill the same way is disease lurking near, like unto the sword of Damocles, ready to fall, without warning, on its victim, who allows his system to he come clogged up, and his blood poi soned, and thereby his health endan gered. To eradicate these poisons from the system, no matter what their name or nature, and save yourself a spell of malarial, typhoid or bilious fever, or eruptions, swellings, tumors and kin dred disfigurements, keep the liver and kidneys healthy and vigorous, bv the use of Dr. Pierce's (Johlcn Medical Dis covery. It's the only plood-piirilicr sold in 1 wanted for pulling his tooth. He was i a big. strajiping fellow, and I thought i ue tooth would never come. The for- i •ps slipped- otf three times, but the I 'ourth timo I clinched it, T1K never moved or made a sound until the tooth cairn out. when he doubled up his I fist and landed a blow on my ehest that shipped me up against the wall as flatas ii lump of putty. Then he took his hat i und stalked out without waiting to see I whether I ever got my breath again or not.- Boston O lobe. i I.ike a Circuit of Ktix-trle Wires. The human sensiH-ium ret-embles a en ,'t elcrtric wires, tlie various sets of nerves ruling links in the circle of continuity. When OlL'tslieii grows Weak Hie epigastric "i-ye suffers, anil the whole Hvsti-m is af- I Ic'ted. lt«i ii force it with Hosteller s Stv.nai-h I'.rti rs. und the nervous ortranism (.•rows tranquil and re|»oseiul. Fever und i iitf'ie, const,ipatj. n. kidney tronhle^ and i. 'or com: .'s retreat before this remedy, i on trial. man humor Tif^v^r nhows a ••is hut, then, f^hari^s hrirl 1-^ honk kfWlJft* Tali l-ai ii liililrpri I-lnJoy •si fai.-ii t'.ensant Havor. yentle action etfci t-- i.f Sjnip of J-'iL's, vvlr a laxative and if the fatlu er e or bil .• k :llw Its i.s,.. v.. t., "(l.v knov. a i v i bottto. I'llk sil outh H1 .-•eluiinsf tuer is one who keep a !e his active partu uey, N. U 1'icayuue. s l'.MiKKit. Predonia, N. Y., says: 11 ail i.uyoa fort he ^luOreward.'fo" Hail s t'utarrh Cure will cure any eatarrh. Was very bad." Write i'.irticulars. .Sola by Druggists, Tjc. 1 I anada, pustau'O jnnd, upon receipt, of iio II ihlnns' Kiectric Soap wrappers. See list oi novels on circulars aroumi each bar. The differoiiee hetivccn a suitor and an I office seeker is that one payn court and tho other courts pay -WashniKton Post Pain from indureetion, ilvspepsia and too lieartv eat i!i:jr i.s relieved at once hy taking lie of Carter's lattic Liver Pilis mime uiately alter dinner. iJon't forget this. Thk dearest spot en earth is the sottrier I resort, ill comparison, there is n.. piuce use home. Hioux iu Journa 1 PiMn.ns are ini-xpresHibly mortifying. Remedy (Jlenn's Sulphur Soap Hill s Hair und W lusitcr l),ve. ."nieents. Am Austin stioe-maker is wr mr a »oi.k. 'l ucre v\ i!l probably he a great nuny tout n ite». 'I exas Sittings. To UKiin.^TK the Kto'iiach,liver and bn-v i'lai pi----*- le digestuai. take one of Cartel lattle l.iver Pills every night. Try then.. Prod i: who wait for what i.s offered l" d prully tia\e long sjiells between meals. Milwaukee Journal Hivst, t'l.KitoYMEN are in e railway brakerii'vn in one particular. They do a great deal of coupling. Rain's Horn "Hp. a pillar of the church? Why, he's a perfect traud." "Sort of a pillar sham." N. Y. Herald. DEPENDENT PENSION BILL ha-1-. 12 I'd JNTli dJncharK^1 s-ildieps und of th*' wur. who are incapacitated li'bin Hrninsf a Widows the without n-trard of »l*-ath. $60 Beam Bo* Tare Beam "o for ««THK IIFST IS THE HEAP?-ST." THRESHERS SAW MILLS I'or P-itnji hlels write to TKC AULTHM A ImYLOR COMPANY. Your money is returned if it doesn't do exactly as "recommended. A concentrated vegetable extract. ^Sohl by druggists, in large bottles, at $1.00. 15 AK I Mi & O. S OF THE HIGHEST GRADE PROMPTLY EXECUTED BY Kellogg Newspaper Co. A. N. We offer to our Customers and The 'OR 'S easiest to use and cheapest. J'isn Remedy lor Catarrh. Hy druggists. 25e. in these DELIGHTFUL VACATION TOURS Tou»i»t liciifK, both single ami round trip, are now on sale i via the I LAKE SHORE ROUTE pure and uiuhh. usod in its pr«-par«l n. It hits rAro tiiTie (he $rreng?h «f th M-u h. Arrow r«n»t dt. 1 ir rftan trnt {hiding, fcANd.Y 1IUEHT»|», g'hrmhiy adapted for inv«,itli i .1 a« fur P' J.8 ii1 1v Ciro«' rs »*v*ry\vhkr^ W. BAKER & CO.. Dorchester. Mass. cent* per tjiiia. T, 17, 70: I'hoto-gTaviire, 'u i sue ot this plciura for KSSSINC Trade generally the most satisfactory work possible in these branches. Our facilities enable us to turn out work very rapidly, If you desire to release your type on some large job, send it to us either stereotyping or electrotyp- ing, and it will be returned lines lpp*knd- pii! VarrntH ind Minor ThiMrf-n ulso int iv-p in nli of th»« count r* No i iiiii if un-'n•('»««!'uI WnU-fit om for 'M'.'ity «f I.»w hlrtnks a»ul fuM in^tm« tji»n« am, krer to H.* Ml' U.I.I*Ti:U a t'O. iSu r^Mirs N-WiHIam Coini'i A' I' 4*. Ilo* 715, U'Mbiu(toBt D. C. N AM TH14 PAPF1R tint* fou writ*. JONES BINGHAMTONI TON SCALES to be the r.i -Tit i: vnt kkh'kus are always ready to steaii a man when he has money. S. (J. Picavuno. country EVERY ENGINES CLOVER HULLERS found anywhere in from which to select. A. N. KELLOGG NEWSPAPER CO., i "i L)( A"»H UN S' O ml' A ,0, L-L. B24 A 220 WALNUT STRtfcT. ST. LOU13, MO. 1 71 73 ONTARIO STREET, LEVELAND, OHIO. 177 ft 179 ELM STREET, CINCINNATI. OHIO 401 WYANDOTTE STREET, KANSAS CITY. MO. 88 40 JEFFERSON ST.. MEMPHIS, TENN. 74 TO 80 EAST 8TH STREET, ST. PAUL, MINN. THE MARK MiriCLO 0. tn the I' S A. h* ir !ivM( thfif a (id h» ir happihena to Kid/« (In v Jl. itt Inf und ChiidhiHMl tar i•» i mi i mihn'i h'ou in 3ft »«»i i irn il.L M»ilL !s. I MEM. PENSIONS Now LAW CLAIMS. ATI'IY MILOB, Steveits & Co.,! At^ w Washititrton. D. O. I BKA\ Mi'Lb Clcvelaiid. 2«u uit, Ch cu^Oi 1 lL\ .1 \l I{|. TO 11 VI Ml oi \. MMiXIU I \t I N. TUUOMO.' I HI. ST. l.*W Ui K UIM It, THOI SAM* IM »MS. MO.MUKAL, THK WHITE M01NTAIS, 1'Olt tt 1MI, lllll 1IW1HOK, Ctr., Hi. 1ST A !l tnurist tli kit* via this route admit, of stop over ut THE MOST UNIQUE SUMMER RESORT IK THE WORJLD, CHAUTAUQUA! Tow !. S)„ HI- W.': ,, run .luring the s. i i- i.-i K WILBKR, W. Pass. Agent, CHICAGO. Ojy.s OU. Tili^ i' \i I Ii «tei7 i:an you «r t«. For Old and YOTMG. ThM'h JAwr tMMn n« i us kindly on t'te ciiihl. tiie dv Jirati' rinalc t»r lullrui oll uki, u« I lie man. Rive fono to t»»c noak nfniimcli, to#» cIm. utwi l»luhlrr. Io tliiM ornun* tiipir r«'i»^ I li«ui i«4j qnallti#* mre uoiail« rfiil, (lifin to form I l»«*l IiiikI Sold Everywhere.tli*on)inusion* CXlli i-, *11 "Murray SI., Now York* TREATED FREE. POSITIVELY Hl-U willi r^rtubtf KemfdlN. patu'nt? Kr mi'toins rftpiliv tli-ut.juww .ami t«-n l»*yi» at lptt«t u Hunts of i ar#» f»o)v«Ml .s#ri(t for KKKK 'K t«*«! 11111 •tnttKn of intra«'Uiu« T^n dftvH tr*-,'itni»nt f)irni}o-il fr*»n In mnii If rou oru^r M-ik-t lOi-' iit* In to p« llt. GOLD MEDAL, FA&1S, 1878. VUU No Chemicals Duurr pi II Oil-1IV V' ••',!. i:- I Ill' III It |].vs i I i CATARRH II i a:i 111- Hii :sT. v. I,| i,._•! t.. tljr iM-tn)s. i'l ire, .'nil liy er si'iilliv in Ml, At.II* II. 'I'. Il.'./I I s NV i it I'll, I'll. WKm WATERPROOF COLLAR Not BE UP TO NOT to LAISTA, 4 II. II. lilJFKN A WINw. ULAN iiA* RUSSELL VC I1Nn & co.'s 30K TtfiiVu now :a:-y I hrr#h« m, I hr •kiitf lutftio *. M*H« iiihI Mili I ngiiH ||..r*« I'diM ri, ^lulioiiHrt iigliien, 11« 1 ti t»r Aiitoiiimlct iiO I I. K a. RUSSELL &. CO., MASSILLON, OHIO. ilU- IA.1M' «»erj fling juu wi ite. AII o«n't ^at« ti^h won w»tk»oiit wth nt I' i 11- 111 k 11 eh niriiU. Ilvlt a "nil 111 .1 u «-r nk- n Inrin* a Mukor artriicts *\\, your Jp v L0N6SHAW & BALLARD i-an bo t". off. Ihiniir^ds will testify toil* moriift ilor^i p«»nt. hv mail on of S. rent*. N"to Adlr.-M M. I.KSII K, l\ WALK, XEB. CT*NAMt THIS PAVKK tira*y« wfii*. PENSIONS!A DOYOUWA,«Pension! Ml IM. I ON, O.C. PENSION PENSIONS Bill NEW PENSION LAW tMMMfrO 4 tV'f .-s to 1,0 u 1 10 th- nut. K \f.\ aril WriiUi'.l i a .- 1 ii.,HT) 'J it!i:-i uli t'. -W !|.o «-ot. i I :uit! u( 1. -1 •. I'M 1 k II'F.\I I I.].L, ^/•NAV i. TH S I'AP! tr+rj tu:»« you write. $75.22to$250.22 t*-r!•*•'• wii. :»1 iri hirm- Hi«i k 1 vt* th^jf w!»..!© Umr to ih« in'-m^ntM may profit*' iy ^inplo\fi| ol^o. A ft w vacancies in townn Mid cities It. h- in A •(».. loot* St.. Htcbmuiid, V*. «V-NAJd£ Tii la PAPCK«T«T7 tim« vou writ*. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER lfh«»irs Si* i-Mii pu el 11 it nil iri9* s -k t' wa.j« t*j? «i uitai'-Hta. i•! s K1 s i»un cn».. VnrujeapoiiH, Mtnn. s ".•]" I' A I'Hi «»«ry tins* you writ* iirrpiimnilfncp INSTITI'TK of Lunifuaece anl MM'inini'rit STUDENTS' .}(•••, k, Latin, AhtfioSuxon, St iiil\ I'hilntior^iV. i-tr H,I.|S, I'h. !».. IVin., I'latUburjf, M-j. PENSION to you promptly and in good order. We make a specialty of Newspaper Head ings and Cuts, and have the largest assort ment Th uaanda ENTITLE© mi the NEW LAW. Wnte immediately for I A N K S A W.NAMfc nu: O WuAhlnfflon, !».€ U i U I i Ai'hil •«ery ».I»bhw. k II O I V ll 11 hillni:toII. It. &ucoe#Bfuliy PROSFCUTES CLAIMS. IMIXH PBCWKnTRD rXDKR MKW ov, Ciri'uJur showing WJIO it lf«l »«nt I'RKfc. xn. Mh« i w i-o jitiDiin^. A 14 I" I 4 liifur«'. I-'1 v^anLiri| iuo, IK i,, 9\rTJ litU« fOU «r. ©. Ij vof,i MHfJ ruakrt I. FORTUNE! OK i S "111 s FUKK. KK A LI), VV AJiUINUTu.V. ii. C. fl DO HA til Vv Wire Ma:. AbsoHitfiv flex It. nt "rx«-i i ijy i'u si ami I cru men J. i1 i r»•.« J1AL1MASMM. n llr&\ or i^U WSASM TLU8 t'Ai'&K«rary timi you writ*. 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