OCR Interpretation

The herald-advance. (Milbank, S.D.) 1890-1922, August 01, 1890, Image 2

Image and text provided by South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn00065154/1890-08-01/ed-1/seq-2/

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W. \V. IHIWNIE, H.J I' -»I |Mhi -bir
Epitome of the Week.
IN Hit Son:iti bill!) wire reported favorably
oil Ibe &M to pension the will iw. of Cci.erul
John C. Fremont uml ieuenil George B. Mr
f'lellan at the rule of I'J.uiJO per annum eaeh.
The Indian appropriation bill was di.icusNect and
cunsi li-ral ion of the first, half of it was com
plcti' I—In the Hons tin substitute for the
Kenate original package bill wan pass.'il by a
vote of I in to
It pro\i !es hat any article
Imported into a State anil sold there shall be
uim iutL.lt' to the laws of that State.
IN the Senate? the Indian appropriation bill
was further discus-i-d on tin.' :i.".l, but 110 action
taken. ...lu the House tilt? bankruptcy bill
war- coiisklerc'1. In the contested diction carte
of .lames II, Mediums vs. John H. Alderson,
from the Third district of Wwnt Virginia, the
comuiittcc reported in favor uf seating Met Jin
(lis (I Nip. i
IN th. Senate on the21th the Indian appro
pnati in bill was pun .fit and bill.-, w ere intro
iluc.ed to fix the limit of value and to pr vide
for the free coluaire of sliver, iind to pay to Dr.
Mary K. Walker $10 HOO tor her .services as as
sistant surgeon in the United States army dur
irurthe lute war In the House the Torrey
bankruptcy bill wiifc passed by a vote of UTtoKl.
THI: sessmn of the Senate on thea"th was oc
cupied iu debating th« tariff bill... In the House
the sun dry civil appropi union bill with Senate
amendments was debated, the chief discussion
iH'lii« on the subject of the appropriation for
irrigation survey.
THE Ontropolis CAR
N HIN«• Com­
pany of Ct-ni ropolis, Mo., failed on the
•ilst for £100,000.
•IOIIN SRIIINCJIMI & Co.'s saw-mill and
sash, uoor and blind factory at Itrush
Crook, ('ill., was burned en the iilst.
Loss, $100,000.
Tim enjrinoor and two unknown men
wore killed and twelve p:issenrors in
jured on the ',"Jd by a Chicago A Rock
Island train running into a creek near
liiindon, Col.
AT a small villapre in Williamson
County, Tex., a Mexican named Milena.
his wife and daughter were murdered by
unknown parties on the '.I'M.
II.I.INOIH (J. A. H. posts decided on the
5J to erect a memorial hall at Spring
field in honor of B. L". Stephenson, the
founder of the order.
Iv a collision between two freight
trains on the ~':Jd at Antifro. Wis., two
men and two brakenien were killed
and one engineer was fatally and an
other dangerously hurt.
A cvri,o.NK p.issed over Ghent. Minn.,
on the ii'id, kiiling
two persons and
doing great damage to property.
ItiiAiii.Kv it t'o.'s wooien mills at
Allegheny, Pa., were destroyed by fire
on the a .'d, causing a loss of Sloo.ooo.
Wn.t.iAM W. Coiii.KTT. aged 4s years,
a leading member of the Wyoming bar,
ami for twenty-three years a resident of
Cheyenne, died at that, place on the *..'• 1.
Ilo was a member of the Forty-sixth
A utrn-iuu!ST in Clear Creek can
yon in Colorado on the '2'.id caused great
damage to property, and r.vo women
and a (+iild were drowned.
AI.O.NZO SI:K, aged *.I years, of AS
bury Park, N. ,J was fleeced of 85,000
oy card sharpers on the :iud.
VANOIC SAI I.HV, of London, O., died
of hydrophobia at the Union station in
C'olutubus, ()., on the 2'2d.
lJv the falling of a scaffold on the Mil
at Lyons, N. Y., Lewis Pficlfor and
Fred Lombieck were fat,illy hurt.
Jiik official correspondence between
the Knglish and Tinted States Govern
ments on the Itohring sea fisheries dis
pute was presented to Congress on the
2:id. The burden of the letters of Lord
Salisbury is based on the old ''Three
mile limit" argument, while Mr. Blaine
holds that the rights of the I'nited
States to the fisheries is private and ab
NK.VIJ Adams, N. Y., William and
Aaa Morrill were drowned on the 'j: by
the cup.izing of their boat while trying
to land a pickerel.
TIIII:VI:S in Weeping Water, Neb.,
took the night-watchman of UK town to
a grove and tied him to a tree on the
2!»d and then robbed the Commercial
Bank of Si. loo.
A rvci.oNK demolished the buildings
of Ihron farmers near Marshall, Minn.,
on the Uod, and several women and
children were severely injured.
IN a yacht race at Duluth, Minn., on
the u::d two boata were capsized by a
squall and two men of one crew were
1 iik National Association of Amateur
Journalists began its annual conven
tion at Indianapolis on the 2: with
delegates from all parts of the Union
Tin-: formal celebration of Wyoming's
Admission to Statehood was observed at
Cheyenne on the 'JUd by imposing cere-j
AN incendiary fire on the 23d at Spo
kane Falls, Wash., caused a loss of
AI.I. the express companies on the23d
notified their agents at Atchison. Kan.,
and other points to take no more beer
or other liquor for Kansas points.
TIIK Illinois Legislature met in extra
Session at Springfield on tli» 2:d to con
aider world's fair matters. William G.
Cochrane, of Moultrie County, was
elected Speaker of the House. Lieu ten
a«t-(iovernor May called the Senate to
order. After transacting routine busi
ness both houses adjourned for the day.
A WATI'.nspovr formed on the 24th on
the bay oft Escanaba, Mich., lasting
fifteen minutes. It was 200 feet in
diameter at its base, extended into the
clouds and made a noise audible at a
distance of two miles.
B. B. TII.I.MA\, candidate for Gov
ernor on tne Alliance ticket in Louisi
•ina,'refused to speak at the Democratic
mass-mooting ut New Orleans on the
jS'ilh lor fear of assassination.
Till: Poorman mine at Cannon, the
largest silver mine n Colorado, togeth
er with the Hubert gold mine at Cen
tral City, was transferrel to an English
syndicate on the 2ltii for $1,500,000. A
tin deposit umbra -in :i e res at S
Jacinto, i'al.. wa- a'.s i s ,ei t« EnjjlM
men for S2.ooi,o
Mlis. .Joii,\ MKAI:.\, of fst„ Joseph,
Mo., while asleep on the 2-lth with her
twin babies, 5! months old, lay upon
them and them todeath. When
she.- found nut she had done she killed
IT was said on the tth that 8250,000
AI»VICT of the 2"th from Washing
ton say that during the past fiscal year
the merchandise exports from the
United Stales aggregated
in value, against $7-8'2,401.:S75 in the pre
ceding fiscal year. During the last
fiscal year 451,210 immigrants came to
this country, against 4:itvt i9 in the pre
ceding fiscal year,
T111 i: 1- were lot) business failures in
the United States during the seven days
ended on the aruh, against 207 the pre
vious seven da -s.
Tin: National Amateur Press Associa
tion in session on the 25tli at Indiana
polis elected William Dunlop, of Mil
waukee, as president.
A Ti,i:i iric thunder-storm occurred in
Jack's valley in Nevada on the 25th.
Hocks were upheaved, Siind thrown 100
feet in the air and trees torn up. Two
Piute Indians and several animals were
A ritosrKitoiTs condition of affairs in
the business world was reported on the
FI.AJIKS on the 25th at Urban a. la.,
caused a loss in the busines portion of
•SI 00.000.
JAY GIH'I.D on the 25th purchased the
Kansas City, Wyandot'" A Northern
road for is 1,750,000.
CI'STIS s oIT and son while crossing
the Illinois Central tracks at Clinton,
111., on the 25th were struck by a train
and killed.
IN the Illinois Senate on the 25th the
judiciary committee rej orted in favor of
both the State and city of Chicago
voting on the proposition to issue 85,
000,000 in bonds. In the House a roso- i
lution that the World's Columbian Ex
position be hold on one site was debated
at groat length and finally made the
special order for Tuesday next at 10 a. m,
Ai.i, the cloak-makers who had been
on a strike in New York since June 15
resumed work on the 25th.
Coi.nuAim Republicans will meet in
e 17
SUM, 000.
MAXHWH.I.K ARI.R, driven insano by
the death of bis child and by sickness, i
shot and killed his wife and then .s
handed himself at Centerville, O., on
the Mtnl. I
IT was reported on the 23d that the
Columbia Bar it Buffet Company, with
a cr. pi till of $1,500,000. hud boon organ- s
ized by English capitalists for the pur
chase of liquor saloons in Chicago.
Pennsylvania. di-v-ie*. Jt
Robinson (Hep
would be r'i|uirod to replace the recent Minister to liavti. arrived in New Vor
U".ic luiii on 1k 11,,MMI I .s. it .. i ii i ii
washouts on the Colorada Midland road,
TUAMI'S assaulted the crew of a Lake
Shore freight tram at Ligonier. Ind.,
on the 24th and a braKeman was fatally
shot and the conductor was badly
pounded. The tramps were repulsed.
Ni:.\it Lincoln Lake, Mich., the 7-year
old daughter of Peter Olson while pick
ing berries «-n I." .MM, was bitten
snake and died afior ten minutes uf
A.\ explosion occurred in W. J. J-iu!
lard's boarding-house at Savannah, (.a
on the 24th that laid the building in
an 1 in_i ring six
ruins, killing thr
the occupants,
Pm.siiM.N'T IIA i i:i.-u.\, aci'ompan so
by several members of his Cabinet, vis
ited the encampment of the Pennsylva
nia National Guard at Mount Grotna on
the 24tii.
Ar Pullmun. lit..
and .Miss Dora Warner
the cars on the 21th. The man lost his
life in (vying to save the woman.
TIIK paint factory of the Alston Man
ufacturing Company in Chicago was
burned on the 24th. Loss, SIOO.OOO.
TIIK house of G. W. Masters, at
Ripon. Cal., was burned on the 2."th.
and George and Warren Masters and a
baby girl perished in the names.
State convention at Denver on Soptem- |in collision with the steamer Louise, on
1'IIK Wisconsin Prohibitionists met In Beach, on the Chesapeake bay. with
State convention at Madison on the 22d 11,500 excursionists. The collision oc
and nominated the following ticket: Jcurred at 8:11 o'clock p. m. off Fort Car
For Uovornor, Charles Alexander: Lieu- roll, about five miles from Baltimore.
tenant-Governor, W. R. Nethercutt 'It is said that the
collision resulted from
Secretary of State. George C. McKerrow the efforts of the steamers to avoid a
State Treasurer, Robert Fargo Attor-|schooner in tow of a tug boat, The
nev-General. T. E. Van k'eulon: State weather was thick and rain v. The Vir
Superintendent. Henry Sumner Rail- !ginia struck the Louise on the starboard
road Commissioner. J. Q. Black In- side aft of the wheel, cutting away the
surance Commissioner, Andrew Peter- outer woodwork and crashing into the
son. 1 he platform favors State and saloon. The Virginia's stern was badly
National prohibition, a liberal educa- twisted. Many excursionists are miss
tion in the English language, woman ing. Three bodies had been recovered
suffrage, and declares the traffic in ed to 11 o'clock. It is supposed others
liquors to be the chief cause of crime, have been lost. The steamers came to
insanity, pauperism, and the greatest Baltimore under their own steam. Four
cause of danger to American institu- people are known to have been killed
lions. and seventy-five injured. Man y believe
IN the Eleventh Illinois district W. that a number were drowned. Just how
II. Gest (Rep.) was renominated for many lives wore lost cannot be positive-
itnmui^c An Hin «*-».! *l..v 1/l.l. it. i i
Congress on the 22d. and in the Eighth
Indiana district Elijah V. Brookshire
was renominated by the Democrats,
JAMKS KA vi:i{ (colored), said to have
been the oldest man in Indianapolis,
died at Marion the 23d at the age of
107 years.
(oNditKssioyAT. nominations were
made as follows on the 23.1
MINNESOTA Republicans in State con
vention on the 24th at St. Paul na lied
the following ticket For Governor,
W. R. Merriam Lieutenant-Governor,
Senator G. S. Ives State Treasurer,
.Joseph Bobleter: Secretary of Slate, J.
TIIK Xobrasna liepunncans inState
convention on the at Lincoln pom
inatedtiie following ticket: For Gov
ernor, 1). Uichards Lieut-inant-tiov
ernor, 'l'homas Majors Secretary of
'ato, J. Allen: Auditor, Thomas
Benlon: Treasu er, J. E. Hill Commis
sioner of Public Lands, G. H. Hum
phrey Attoriit'y-Goneral, Ueorge E.
Hastings Superintendent of Public In
struction, A. K. Gondy. Resolutions
were adopted indorsing the disabiiily
(.AITAIN VVM.I.IAM EU.INM'ON and his pension bill, demanding legislation to
son, the former a noted I'nion scout
during the war. were killed on the 24th
at Magazine, Ark., by a detective named
secure purity of elections, favoring re
vision of the tariff in the interests of
the pron -i ind latorer and denounc
ing trusi-
FUKIII ':H K I)OI*OI,A»S. 1 nited S'at
onthe 2"th from Port au Princo 11
said peace prevailed in HaytL
NATIIANIKI, K. LIK KK, the father of
the late I.). R. Locke, better known as
"Petroleum V. Nasby," died in Toledo,
O., on the 35th, at the age of 97 years.
He was considered the oldest Methodist
in the United States and was one of the
founders of tin? Republican party.
THF. .Massachusetts Republicans W i I
meet in State convention at Boston mi
•September 17.
A N.VTloNAl. convention of the 'ion
Labor part}', to w inch farmers' organi
zations are invited to send representa
tives, has been called to meet at St.
Louis on the ud of September.
TIIK Democratic Congressional con
volition of the Fourth Ohio dis::
after taking 600 ballots at Greenville,
adjourned on the 25th until Septembei
Cartwright 3, when they will me't at 1'ioua.
re killed
Si.o.NiM. a town in Russia, was par
tially wrecked by a hurricane on the
•-'2d and many of the inhabitants killed.
MK IIAKI, E\*i!KiiiT, an amateur oars
man. was drowned on the '."M in the
Don river near Toronto, On: while
practicing in his shell.
HA.MMKHKKST, the northernmost town
in Europe, was almost entirely de
stroyed by fire on the 22d. The inhab
itants were in a starving condition.
Rnnr.irrG. SAMKKS. the accountantol
Bank of Nova Scotia at Woodstock. N.
B., was arrested on the 221. charged
with stealing $40,000 of the bank's
WOMAX suffrage was defeated on the
22d in the French Chamber of Deputies.
TWK.NTV men were drowned on th
2od from a raft of logs in the rapids of
the Ottawa river near Pc mbroke. Can
A IUSP\TC1I of the 2"d from London
states that the old-time pussengej
steamer Egypt, of the National line,
with a valuable cargo of mi^eetlauooiM
freight, had been burned at i. Hot
crow was saved.
Tin: A morioan schooner Wi 1] iam Rico,
from ape Ann for Iceland, sunk on tin
2: d. and the crew of sixteen mon
ished with the vessel.
IT was said on the 25th that almost
the (MitJrt* w ifcat crop of Franco hue
been ruined by incessant rains. Thf
losses were eitimalt 1 a' 50,1.1! '1. t)
LOXIIO.N advices of T*j«- *:5th *.'"v i
band of Arnauts made a niaht a
upon the Montonogrin village Rogti
su:pris ng the inhabitants, mmy „f
whom were murdered. Al't' i w: the
band was attacked by Turkish troops
and sixty Arnauts were killed.
IT was officially announced on tl.c
25th that there had been seventy Catu!
eases of Asiatic cholera in Baku md
vicinity, in Russia.
1 IIK Ilor.se and Trumpeters. iublic
ol,s ln
London which had been per
mitted to soil ardent spirits for :5C
years past, hal the renewal of its li
cense refused on the 25th.
Hunk in the Ocean.
BALTIMOKK, July —The ^teamer
Virginia of the Old Bay line, which left
Baltimore at 7 o'clock this morning for
Norfolk, Va., on her regular trip, was
11( lln
ly determined.
mercy of the flames.
her way to Baltimore from Tolchester
Completely Wiped out.
SP0K45K FAI.I.S, Mont.. July
T^ast night's fire at Wallace, Idaho, in
the Bu.'tir d'Alene district, almost anni
hilated the town. The ruin is complete.
Not a business house was left standing.
Minnesota, The total loss is $412,ooo. To offset!
-a t/vrvi** 1W.-.0 isy H) IMIHI't
Second district, John Lind (Rep.) re- this loss there is only S.'!8,()i»0 insurance,
nominated Kansas, Seventh district, I The fire started in the Central hotel,
Jeremiah Simpson (People's party) and in two hours everything was gone!
Iowa, Eighth district, A. R. Anderson i The supply of water in the reservoir
(Farmers' Alliance) Wisconsin. First gave out after ton minutes' work by tho
district, Stephen Favillo (Pro.), Sixth, firemen, and the town was left ut the
G. W. Gates (Pro.).
The ArgentUie Republic
WASHINGTON, July 2rt. A telegram
was received this morning from the act
ing secretary of state by Minister Pit
kin, at Buenos Ayn-s. Argentine Repub-
P. Brown State Auditor, P. ,J. McGuire 'lie, stating: "A revolution of arms is in
Attorney-General, Moses E. Ciapp progress. The army is divided and.
oik of tne Supreme (curt, Charles siege is declared." The whole navv has
Tiolcomb. I he platform favors the declared in favor of the provisional gov
Australian ballot system, low tariffs, (eminent. The J»atagana is bombarding
reciprocity, a disability pen- the government houso and the Parana
fet-onc WW'
1 11 1 tr St 8 iUt ir iB shf llin
S w rT"
irrl rs
I iiK following po.sons wore nomi-
nate| tor engross on the 24th: Georgia,
Third district, B. F. Grad\- iDoui.)
Fourth, B. H. P.unny (Dcm.), Fifth,
.John M. Brower (Hep.) renominated.
Mississippi, Sixth district, T. 11. Si.ock
dale (1 .• m. renominated.. Indiana,
tirst district, J. S. Wii^ht
1 'resident Coleman's resi-
boats command the railways
mni h( norUl
THK Monitor Plow Works ut Minneap
olis were destroyed by fire
(mporl int AmelKlmt'nti inthn Apjiroprt'
atlon Mill Hofoie Coii){r«*s*.
lu discussing the Indian appropria
ion nil in the United States Senatf
•ecently and a paragraph having beet,
•cached in regard to the removal of thj
Northern band of Chevennes to a per
nanont settlement together upon oneot
.he existing re»er\ations in South Da
kota, Wyoming or Montana, a motion
»vas made by Mr. Pettigrew to strike out
South Dakota, lie said that there wore
already 25,000 Indians in that State and
:hat 110 more Indians w ere wanted there.
After discussion the names of tho tiireq
states were stricken out, and the para
graph was changed so as to make the
•liuise read: "For the removal of said
Not thorn band of Cheyenne Indians to
1 permanent settlement upon any of the
•xisling reservations." Among tho
Hiier amendments reported and agreed
o were (ho following: Increasing the
appropriation for the Sioux from S-S50,
)t) to W.Mi.ooi). Inserting $150,000 for
me year's interest in advance on the
fS.OOd.oOO provided for as a permanent
fund in the act of March 2, 1 SS'.t, to
liviie a portion of the Sioux reservation
in Dakota, and for the relinquishment
jf the Indian trie to the m.und- f.
The bill has 1 .!-•-• the S. 1. i:e
T'lis is Not 1 IHeult I'linii'd for the III
ilitiii to *ko.
I' is not probable that manv of 'hj
**.»u\ Indians will be en: I 'a^t
lnoir votes at the election Uus fan. In
arder to vote it would be necessary for
them to take their allotments. ronouii''0
their tribal relations and declare their
intentions of becoming citizens of th3
I'nited states. When it is considered
that as soon as they do this the Govern
ment will cease giving them rations, it
can be expected that not many of then)
will endeavor to become full-fledged
/itizons. When it comes to a choice be
tween voting and free Government feed,
:ln lnlian will take feed every time,
North llakotH Klerntor Men to Ketusc to
More (ir.iin Till* Year.
The farmers of North Dakota, 11 is
said, are to bo pinched by the elevator
mon. No elevator in the State will
store grain this year, as has been th«
custom heretofore, and hence the 40,
JOO.OJO bushels of product will have to
tje rushed on tho market. This action i*
taken because of the new law making
elevators pay an annual license of $2.50
for each 100,000 bushels' capacity. This
means great suffering to the farmers,
whose crops are generally mortgaged ti}
!-in eleva'.ir syndicate for seed wheat
lniliaiiH MtHrviiig.
Wiiiiaiu Usick, United Mates Indian
Agent at thoSi.sseton Avrency, S. I)., haj
sent a letter to the Secretary of tho In
terior at W-j-.hing:on, stating that the
Sisseton and Wahpeton Indians of the
L.ike TiMVers-• resei vation are in most
destitute condition, the drought, of last
year having almost totally destroyed
their crops, and asking that £4,0 0 be
appropriated for the pure!..
1-.• ..f provi
sions to keep the Indians starving*
T.ako Ste tnier Bunicit.
The City of Pierre, a large steamboat
on Big Stone lake, S. I)., burned at 3
o'clock the other morning. It was th«
work of an incendiary, as it had not
on "fired up" for over thirty-sis
hours. Parker A Ford, proprietors,
would rebuild the boat larger and bofc
ter. The insurance was $1,500.
Mint A newer in Court.
John Murphy, a saloon-keeper, an4
one Blu me, a brewer, of Hitchcock, S.
D., were recently served with civil pro*
cesses to abate nuisances, and were
afterward arrested on criminal charge*
for violating the prohibitory law. They
were held to the next term of the ci*
cuit court in bonds of $700 each.
Short Nfwi Item*.
Beataiee, in Beadle County, S. D., hal
a female base-ball club.
In a recent runaway at Yankton, a
D., Warren Osborn was thrown from
his buggy and seriously injured.
A petrified iish was found near Pac
ker, S. I)., the other day.
1' rorn all over South Dakota comei
word that tho supply of harvest hands
will not equal the demand, and wagoj
are expected to be inordinately high.
Tho bullion output of tho "bolt" mine.i
of the Black Hills averages $:i50,000 u
The North Dakota Press Assoeiatio
at its annual session at Devils Lake re
cently elected J. VV. Bennett, of th#
Bottineau Pioneer, President, and th®
other last year's officers were re-elected,
Attorney-General Dollard, of South
Dakota, has rendered an opinion that
under the law on civil townships thai
was passed last wir.ter, it is the duty of
county commissioners to
divide counties
into civil townships, but not to provide
thom with township governments w ith
out tho consent of a majority of the vo*
tors of the townships.
Judge Hanoy, of Chamberlain, S. D.,
has sustained his temporary injunction
closing the "original package'' houses
of that city.
It is said that more women voted at
the late school election in South Dakota
than there wore men who voted at the
school election in
A groat hail-storm struck Northern
I'owner County in the neighborhood of
S.sdney early the other morning and de
stroyed 8,000 acres of grain.
Herman Haines, aged 21 years. v\us
row nod the other dav at Huron, S. D.,
being seized with cramps.
'1 he farmers in the vicinity of Rio,
N. D-. have organized and now have it",
operation a choose factory with a ca
pacity of 5()0 pounds of cheese per day
The first output of the factory- a toad
1,000 pounds was marketed in
huufvsiown rreontly.
Tho Northern Pa. 1 tie u]
,j„. r,, ...
noon of 2Sth. Loss idy5.000.
CIIAKI.KS 'i'lioMi'SDN Of Pbiladi-lnhia
was slabbed with a dinm-r fork |,
brother Daniel on the 2*th and ki.i.-d.
ad Com-
ahas pi--sent.
before tho
wards of equalization in North Dakota
ounties wnere it owns railroad land
or the purpose ,.f getting a fair ussoss
nent. au 11 s an' iced t!.
prepa.-.iig u, ,y taxes on its !,,nds.
vc one at Houtli I »wr«iif", Ma**.. Kill*
J- i(fht I'prmiiii aiifl liljurlp* Sixty Olhnr«
M.iny llnililins «"ru!»hetl Like Kgg
BOSTON, July 28 —The flourishingcity
tf Lawrence was visited Saturday by
ano of the most sudden and destructive
:vclones known to the Eastern states,
ind eight persons were killed, sixty se
riously injured, seventy buildings were
wrecked or destroyed and 000 people
made homeless. Such is the summary
sf the catastrophe. The property loss
i will aggregate about $125,000.
L'11 fortunately, it will fall almost
'wholly upon the industrious poor, and
Un only a single case was it insured
igainst the elements. Tho path of the
storm was only about 400 feet wide, but
starting from the Boston Maine rail
road station in the southern sec
tion of the city it extended parallel with
i the Morrimac river four miles clear into
Andover. The force of it ceased as
I suddenly as it had appeared. On ono
I ?ide of a road where it ended the win
1 lows and blinds of a farm-house are
wrenched and shattered, while hist across
not as much as a vine or u i lsb is dis
I The northern boundary ol the belt of
1 destruction was but three streets sou! ,1
'of the lofty mills, with their bu^v
throngs of thousands of workers, show
ing bow narrow was the escape
from more appalling loss of life
and property. Buildings wore crushed
like eggshells. Some wore lifted
from their foundations and dashed
to pieces. Others were tipped over »c
blown from their position and more .r
loss damaged. The air was filled wi'a
fiving debris. Most of those who met
death in the wreck wore killed instant
ly. Many lay unconscious or groaning
in the ruins of their homes. Ti.«
survivors were too much terrified
I know w here or when the
,-ione ended l's course, but tho train
ruin in its path showed that it toucl
tne earth at or near the cricket ground
I crossed Kmmotl street, Broadway,
railroad and Parker street, and enti.-i. 1
Springfield street at its southwest
end, traversed its entire length,
demolishing nearly every thing in
Its course, including one house
on Foster street aud two on South I'nion
street, where they cross Springfield
street, passed from Springfield street
into Union square, leveling over 500
trees, and thence over Shaw seen river
into the town of Andover, w hero it
hausted its fury on trees and fences,
The work of devastation began at th"
cricket grounds on the southwest w
the uprooting of a number of trees. u
Emmett street the wind lifted a stow
and a half house belonging to Thomas
Evans bodily and slapped it into the
roadway a complete wreck. Mr. Evans,
his wife and baby were in the house at
the time, but escaped without injury.
House No. 19 Emmett street,
At the foot of Saunders court a
switch-house in which Michael Biggins,
a section hand, was standing was taken
up bodily by the wind and carried under
the overhead railroad bridge crossing
Salem street, where Higgins fell out
and was instantly killed. The rail
ing on this bridge was taken
off as though with a knife. Sev
eral houses were smashed hce
F. S. Carr, chief clerk in the
ton A Maine car-shops, says there w
a sudden rumbling sound and darkno s
Timbers and trees flew by the car-stn
at a terrible rate. When this bad
passed he and other occupants of tin
shops saw that the Cutler House was in
ruins, and summoned help and they be
gan at once to search tho ruins. Miss
Flossie Cutler was found in the collar
with a sprained ankle. Mrs. Cutler wae
found in the ruins hurt. Little Helen
Cutler was crossing the Salem street
bridge at the time within a stone's
throw of her home, and was buried be
neath a pile of lumber and ruins. She
was found and dug out, but has since
died from concussion of the brain.
The cyclone entered Springfield
street, where the greatest devastation
was wrought. When No. :1 fell Mr.
O'Connell, his Wife and daughter Mamie
wore carried down with it. Mr. O'Con
nell was the first to be extricated. He
suffered severe internal injuries. His
wife and daughters wore removed from
the ruins after over two hours' hard
work, both dead. Mamie's neck wis
th Lawrence is that part ot Uwrene,,
south side uf the Mtu-rima.,
nv«r. It oimtuiiis a.Oia acres. Ueiii# attrm i
lve as a home fur the employe* of the ml'N
It has, of late, grown rapidly. Although
us a
district for homes, there
are several manufacturing estabiishineut
on that side of the power furnishing Ht.eain
Along the banks are the mills or the Kurwell
boaohery. the Stedman & Smith Company
Cleg,? & mher, Hutler & Robinson. Merrlxiei.
laper Company. ",, me Taper Company an.'
the Sutton Hour concern. On the south side
too, are tho passenger station of the main
then' M"*
10 & Maine
the_ Bos.
& Maine ear shops. At the eastern
end of SpriiiKlieW street, which murks the
center of the path of the storn, is Cnion Park
a-»open pleasure Kroiind containtriK II', arrow'
i'Jfh! street extends Uu, blocks
to the Boston A Mame ear shop property.
he city of Lawrence has once before uus
.ained a disaster. On January
The t.iu, Knu.nemtor Failed to Get in
His Work «t Way lie, I»»,
I'Hir,.\nK.i,i' ij July a7. The flourish
ing town of Wayne, with its 1.500 in
habitants, was overlooked by the cent
enumerators and hens
fore has no pi
in tho official list of I'enns
0?C15 J3XJOY&
Both tho nietlioil aiKiresu' .,
Hy rtt of Figs ia taken it is'.
and refreshing to the taste,
pMJtly yet promptly ontheK
Jiivor and ltowds, cleanses
tem fiTeotually, dispels colc,".»
aches and fevers aii'lcures]
constipation, Pyrup of Fi =.
only remedy of'its kind t'
dueed, pleasing to the tagtt.
O'ptahle to the stomach, p,
its action and truly benefii
cHeets, prepared on'ly from:
healthy and agreeable su!
its 111-any excellent qtialit
mend it to all ami have
the most popular remedy I
Syrup of Kiga is for sal
and $1 bottles by all loaii
gists. Any reliable drug:
may not have it on hand
cure it promptly for any
•w ishes to try it. Do n:
any eubstitnte.
A V RAftCiiiCO, CL
A" A ,V
A, N. Kellogg Newspp
We offer to our Customers aniT":
generally the most satisfactory
lu 1-
these branches. Our facilities
turn out work very rapidly, h:.
by a family named Daley, w ,s
lifted fr«.in its foundation and dashed
down. No. (j was partly moved from Ps
foundation. In the rear of No. ii was a
ory and a half house occupied by
James Lyons and family. Hearing tne
approach of the storm Lyons rushed
lutu the house, seized his babv from his
wife's arms and tied to tho street. Both
man and child e.so ipod, but the dea-|
body of Mrs. Lyons was subsequently
taken from the ruins of her dwelling.
release your type on some large::
to us 'or either stereotyping
or v:
and it will be returned to p:
in good order.
We make a specialty of Newspare
fags and Cuts, and have the
ment in these lines to be found r«
the country from which to select,
308 3 JO OEAR5 RN ST
u & Mf
i,iruiT S'
i' rotu t'.i.i M* v\ :.(.• or
swamps deranges the liver ii"-:
dermines the system, create
headache, biliousness and
pation which can most efTe.:
be cured by the uwof the i,":
chid lira pi
druggists, and prepared o
Fleming Brothers, Pitfbur:
Get the genuine counterfeits a*
made in St. Louis.
pUinU T.urr.W*^
-/and ''rTIul
•:CoFtiven('M'1| ^0
Youth. A(t«. ifamtd or inftJf
Alaonn Kloctrlc Truss
B«B'l He, for 11 i«*• I'""* (vf,» V,
in 1
300 Kurth Br.jua»'.v
890 Broadway, MEW VOBK CIT»-
l*rtn th*
emherton mill, a fivetory buiidl,,*. tell with
K"cn^U °W theVm Tl
tuiil at the time ll-I were killed and n't 'injured!!
Tho Braid that is k.,fl
the world around-
Wayne is about fourteen miles fi on,
Broad street station
the main line
the I'CM nsyl vania railroad. It j,
two newspapers, a title and trust
company, throe handsome churches
two largo hotels,
:»nny beaut ilul nia:,
WriO' ir Icrni" 1 1 ""l-.iil
number „j
&CO.,nr '.TrL»'
•»-Nihil 1I1IH t'iinn tnrjumt j*"**

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