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HERALD-ADVANCE. W« W. DOWN IE, Editor and Vulilishof. MlLBANK, s. D. Epitome of the Week. INTERESTING NEWS COMPILATION. CONGRESSIONAL. A Bil l, was reported iti the Senate on the Wth to establish a limited telegraph ami postal i .service. The turift bill was further iMsousseit In the Hoiiitt' n bill «HH introduced to create a commission to bo kuown as the United States Commission of the World's n^ of LUmr to consist, of nine members to be appointed by the President, whose duty it shall be to dis cuss labor in ul) its phases. The sundry civil appropriation bill was further considered. IN the Senate an amendment was ottered on the HOth ult. to the deficiency appropriation bill to appropriate InO.-ViT for the relocation of the frontier line between the ITniteU States and Mexico A favoralilo report was made on the bill to incorporate the Society of tile itcil Oros^. The. tariff wan further discussed ..In the House the conference report on the District of Columbia appropriation bill was agreed to. Tlii' Speaker announced the follow msr as a committee to ImestiKate the ciiar-- s against Commissioner RHIIW Messrs. Morrill, Saw yer, Hinyser, Goodnight, and Martin. Font pages of the tariff 14 i wen disposed of in the Senate on ttie ult. The conference report on the District of Columbia appropria tion hiU was agreed to In the House the day was devote,i to discussing the sundry civil ap propriat ion bill. THK time of the Senate on the 1st \.as passed in discussing the tariff hi I The House de- I voted the entire day to the discussion of the Striate, amendments to the sundry civil appro priation M,|. At the evening session two pri vate pi MMon lulls were passed. DOMESTIC. HKNBY BIVIN (colored) WAS bunged at Scran ton, Miss., on the 2!tli for the murder of a white sailor named Henry Feig in April last. I'HKSIDK.NT LLAITNISON sent. a message to Gongress on the 'J!th calling atten tion to the lottery evil and the neces sity for legislation to prevent the use of the United States mails. TJIK constitutional amendment to aid the world's fair was passed by the Illi nois .Senate on the 2i)th. In the House resolution declaring it to be the sense of that body that tho world's fair should be held on one site was defeat ed, and a resolution was adopted declar ing that it was beyond the province of the Legislature to dictate to the directo ry on the question of site. RKV. DAVID I'I.VMH,his wife and three Children, lost thoir lives by the burning of their home at Cale, Ind., on the Stttb. Incendiaries were said to have started the fire. THK fertilizer manufacturing firm of J. 15. Tygert & Co., of Philadelphia, failed on the 29th with assets of S348, 000 and liabilities of $317,00 us. On A UI.KS YOKK and her aged mother, living at Bengies, Md., were murdered oa the 29th. A man named Meeks was accused of the crime. Tine business part of Travers, Cal., was practically wiped out by fire on the 20th. THE world's fair bill was passed by the Illinois Senate on the Suth ult. and the House adopted the resolution for a constitutional amendment to raise funds. TIIE Commercial Gazette A I,ocai, paper at Johnst of Pitts burgh, Pa., celebrated its 104th anni versary on the 29th. The paper was es tabl ished by John Seull.July 21), 17NtS, and printed on the first press brought west of the Alleghany mountains. AT Cleveland. (X, on the 29th Anton Nowak, a tnoldcr, shot and killed his wife and then blew his brains out. IK Chicago on the 30th ult. there were forty-six fire alarms. FLAMES ADVUI.S of the 30th ult. say that all through New Mexico, Arizona and some parts of Colorado, and also in old Mex ico, no rain had fallen for months, thou sands upon thousands of range cattle were lying dead in the parched valleys 29th. aged 73 years, and thousands more were dying for want of water and grass. HAII.-STONKH in the vicinity A ToitNAno swept across New Hamp shire frotn the northeast on the31st ult. and wrought havoc in many places. No lives were lost. TIIIUTKKX book-makers were fined $600 each by Justice Prindiville in Chicago on the 31st ult. for maintaining pool rooms contrary to law. A k THK Omaha (Net.) Republican, the oldest paper in the city, suspended pub lication on the 30ih ult. TIIK business portion of Walnut, 111., was destroyed by fire on tho 31st ult. Loss, $125,000 insurance, f40,0(M. IN a jealous rage on the 31st ult. Jer emiah Miller, living near Mechanics burg, Pa., shot and killed his wife and then took his own life. Nine children were left orphans. RKI'OHT.S of the lilst ult. from Western Kaunas say that the hot winds of the past few days had burned up the corn and that many fields would not yield a single ear. TIIK 31st ult was the hottest day in Boston since 1885, the thermometer registering »5 degrees in the shade. New York also suffered severely from the heat. TIIK constitutional amendment grant ing the city of Chicago the right to dington for Treasure issue 85,000,000 in bonds in aid of the for Attorney-General world's fair was passed by the Illinois Legislature on the 31st ult, provided the people voted in favor of the bond ftsue. I 1 i., on the 31st ult. printed what it ciaif.-d to be the first correct list of the vic tims of the great flood, givinj the num ber of the dead at 2.1S7, which loaves over 200 bodies not yet recovei-ed. Ir was reported on the 1st thai an En plish syndicate had purchased for 83, 300,00:) thirty-three tableware gla-.s factories in this country. MILLIONS of cotton caterpillars had on the 1st invaded the fields in the vicinity of Austin, Tex., and were do ing great damage. A msr bli/./.ard struck Aber•:•- u v D., on the 1st and lasted live .-• '.i n minutes. When the wind subsided tiie mercury stood at 105 degrees. TIIK statement of the public debt is sued on the 1st showed the total debt to be $1..*.S4 ."32,Ot"41 cash in the treasury, 870S, I4.*i.!'."»i} debt less cash in treasury, $S7ii, 3sji, 113. Decreaso durin -i Mils. UKKSAU and her sister, Miss Anderson, were drowned on the 1st while bathing in the Niagara a Youngs tow II. N. Y. Tin. weather report on the Is* .if Prof. Snow, of the State l'n versity of Kansas, shows that but two Julys in the past twenty-three years were warmer than the one just closed. 1 ANIIKKW I):I I.I:\SKN entered the room of Kmnia Anderson at New Mil ford, Conn., on the 1st and cut her throat, nearly severing her ht ad from tier body, Her refusal to marry him was t,lit-cause. Tin:census returns on the 1st gave the population of Arizona (not includ ing Indians) at 57,000. Tin-: homing pigeon Dusky, owned bv Fred Bowers, of Fall River, Mass., reached the hitter place from Owo-so, Mich., on the 1st, 050 miles, in two and three-quarter days, beating all previous records. THK Illinois Legislature adjourned tine die on the 1st after passing the world's fair bill by a vote of 131 to Mi. The section providing for an eight-hour day was stricken out, but a resolution wrs adopted requesting the directors to observe the eight-hour law. An amend ment was also inserted in the bill pro viding that, in case submerged lands re claimed for fair purposes should ever cease to be maintained as a public park, then they shall revert to the State of Illinois. A ii aii. and wind-storm on the 1st at Columbus, Ind.. unroofed houses and destroyed many trees. JrixiK KAKKK, of Chicago, ruled on the 1st that the act of the Illinois Leg islature authorizing pool-selling on race tracks was illegal. Tin- UK. were l!i9 business failures in thes United States during the seven days ended on the 1st, against 19U the pre vious seven days. WHILE walking on the railway track near Magnolia, X. J., on the 1st Mr. and Mrs. Charles 11. Toi-gue were strncK I by a freight train and instantlv killed, i They were from England and were spending the season at a hotel in Mug nolia. A KiiiK among business houses on the 1st at Memphis, Tenn., caused a loss of 8300.00.), A WIND-STORM on the 1st at Newport. Kv.. wrecked several nouses and did other damage. DCIUM, A storm on the 1st at War I wick. it. a house was blown out to sea and a child killed. THK stallion Duquesne, Philip 11 icke, of New York. at 850.00D, died on the 1st farm near Paris, K.v. 1 estate. of Cassel- ton and Walburg, N. D., on tho 30th ult. almost totally destroyed the crops over large areas. on the 30th ult. in E. E. Ayer's lumber yard in Chicago caused a loss of $ 150,001). A KIKK originating in the Pew build ing at Seneca Falls, N. Y., at 3 o'clock on the morning of the 30th ult. burned over an area of nearly three acres, and many of the best business buildings in that village were wiped out, including tho three newspaper offices. Loss, §700, 000. ownid by and valued at a stock PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. S.vMi Ki, WINTXKY, one of tho founders of the immense gla^s industries and the town of Olassboro. N. Y., died on the Ho leaves a vast JOHN II. POWEKB, president of the State Farmers' Alliance, was nominated for (lovernor of Nebraska on the 21th by the Independent People's State on vrntion at Lincoln. THK Alliance Union Labor party of tho Second district of Nebraska nom| inated W. A. McKeigham for Congress on the 29th. In the Tenth Missouri district the Democrats nominated Sam uel Hums in the Thirteenth Pennsyl vania district James H. Keilly (Deru.) was renominated, and in the Sixteenth Ohio di-trict the Prohibitionists nom inated J. J. Ashenhurst. THK Republicans of North Dakota in State convention on the 30th ult. at Grand Forks nominated Captain IJurke of Fargo for Governor, Roger Allen for Lieutenant-Governor, and M. It John son for Congress. TUK following Congressional nomina tions were made on the 30th ult.: Ne braska, First district, W illiam J. Mrvan (Dem.) C. II. Van Wyck (Ind.) Sec ond, H. V. Harlan (Rep.). Arkansas. Second district, Ii. Breckinridge (Dem.) renominated Ohio, Nineteenth district, E. 15. Taylor (Rep.) renomi nated Missouri, Fourteenth district\ Robert II. Whitelaw (Dem ), to fill the unexpired term of James P. Walker, deceased, and Marshall Arnold for the next regular term Fourth, K. P. Wilson (l)eiu.) renominated. In Maryland the Prohibitionists made the following nominations: First district, G. W. Covington Second, Edward llig gins Third, W. J. H. Ulock Sixth, Mr. Moulton. Tin Tennessee Republicans met at Nashville on the 30th ult. and nomi nated Lewis T. Baxter for Governor and W. M-^iith for Supreme Judge. The 1 platf.Vii indorses President Harrison's ONK IHT.NDRKD years ago on the 31st Administration and the Federal elee ult. the first mechanical patent was is- tion bill. ftued by the Government. It wasgranted to Samuel Hopkins for making pot and peurl ashos. The total number of pat ents issued during the century was 433, 432. AT Lansing on the 30th ult the Mich igan Prohibitionists nominated A. S. Partridge for Governor. Henry A. Allen for Lieutenant-Governor, E. S. Par menter for Secretary of State. S. Ives for Auditor-General. A. P. Cod- James D. Aiisit David ilov\ell fot Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Noah W. Cheevc* for Supreme Judge. Mns. SAU.Y BROWN, aged 105 years, AT tit. Louis on the 31st ult the ther- died at Colchester, N. H., on the Sis', mometer registered 100 degree*, the hot- ult She was the oldest person in tm of the season. State. HK Industrial party of Michigan, composed of 'Union Lubur p,_'up.e, i Jreenliackers. Knightsof Labor and the Farmers' Alliance, met at Lansing on 1 the 31st ult. and nominated the follow I ing ticket: For Governor, Eugene 11. Itelden Lieutenant-Governor. John Me Gregor: Secretary of State. William E. Adams State Treasurer. H. E. Black man Auditor. William W. (iraham At torney-iieneral, A. A. Ellis Superin tendent of Public Instruction. Charles A. Lvtler Supreme Court Judge, O. J. A' kinson. Tin-: U"pub)ic in 1 igue clubs of New Y.irk will hold State convention at Saratoga on the 4th of September, NOMINATIONS for Congress were mado on the '.'.1st, ult. as follows: Illinois, Tenth district, Joseph H. Itarnum (La bor) Alihtma, Second district, H. A. H"iberr. (l)em.) renominated: (reorgia, i Second district, II Turner (Doin. i nominated. y, 257. Decrease since Jem? -SO, IN90. $21,0iH.K22. TIIK Union Cattle Company's feeding plant at (iilmore. Neb., the largest plant of tho kind in the world, was burned on ttie 1st. Loss, S2UO.OOO. lie publican S a: Kaleigh THK North C.v. I ('.(invention wil. gust 2s. NATFIAS CIU'MI W!, F-' -GHT in IH i Mexican war and who carried a mii- i- during the 151 cknank struggle, diid Greensburg. Ind., on the :ilst. ult., .u 'lie v'-ar his age. FOREIGN. I was reported on the -jitli tnat tin Go\ernm- lit in the Argentine republic, had suppressed the mutineers and that they hud deposited their arms in arsenal at Buenos Ayres. Peace id been restored in that- city. Tin- steamer Mischief which arrived at Victoria. 11 C., on the \.".)th with over i 13.(1(10 seal skins reported that, tho catch this year was the best ever known. A R\III.KOIT of tiie 3iith ult. from Buenos A res stated that quiet was re 'stored then? and that the leai' is ..•" I revolution had accepted the G.j\.-rn i merit's terms. A I'li.vsK issued on the :'0'h ult St Petersburg forbids further work .Protestant missionaries, especially :I Western Russia. i GI:K\T damage t.a 1 Buenos Ayres indicated iiat had i been re-cstaHished in the Argen'ine i republic. During the insurrection tho fleet bombarded the city. One thou sand men were said to have been killed and ft.000 injured during the progress of the hostilities. 1 AN American named Hargan shot anu 1 killed three persons in London on the 31st ult. and w s afterward fatally in jured by an excited mob. I AIIVK KS of the 1st say that people i were dying of starvation in the Sou.Ian at the rate of 100 dailv. AnvirK* of the 1st say ih.v the -vol| in San Salvador had a -I by the Government troops under General I Ezeta, and that General Ilivas. tiie lead er of the revolt, had been captured and publicly shot AT a crossing in Toronto, Ont., Pat. rick D"„nev and two Lo. a LATER NEWS. SK.VATOII PLI'MII offered a resolution in the United States Senate on tho 2d for the removal of General Grant's body i to Arlington National Cemetery at Washington. The credentials of Ed I ward D. White as Senator *rom the State of Louisiana for a full term be ginning March 4, I MM (to succeed Sena tor Eustis), were presented. The tariff bill was furtherdiscussed. In the House the consideration oT the. Senate amend ment to the sundry civil appropriation bill was resumed. ANDTIIKIC plot against the life of the Czar of Russia was unearthed at St. Petersburg on the 2d. Many arrests were made, and two officers of hi^h rank in the Russian army who were implicated committed suicide rather than face the cousequeneus of dis covery. FIHK broke out in a hotel at Farina, 111., on the 3d, and before tho flamos could be extinguished two business blocks were destroyed. Loss. SOi.OOO. MRS. WAI.KKII, wife ol a fanner living near Benton, 111., took carbolic acid on the 2d and died almost instantly. De spondency and poverty were the causes. WHII.K the friends of Martha Davis, of Brooklyn. N. Y., were preparing her body for burial on the 2.1 she showed signs of life and in a few hours after was in a fair way to recovery. Two I'ASSI-:X(.KUS were killed and a numberof others seriously injured by the collision of two passenger trains near Redmond, Ind., on the 3d. STARVATION and pr de caused the death of Spencer F. Pritchard. author and actor, at New York on the 2d. JOHN I). PUI.SK, one of the oldest and best-known residents of Warren, Ind., died on tho 3d, aged 81. He had been a resident of tho county for tif ty-three years. W. A. BOONK, a colored preacher of Gordon County, Ga., put rat poison in the food of a colored family of ten per sons named Lai ley on the 3d, and suc ceeded in killing three of its members. ENUINKKU SAM MOOUK and Fireman Charles Lanahan wore instantly killed near Oakdaie, Ky.. on the 4th by a train falling do,vn an embankment. Foil the week ended on the 2d the percentages of the base-ball clubs in tiie Players' League were: Boston, Brooklyn, .573 New York. 5.V.) Phila delphia. .558 Chicago, .53tt Pittsburgh, 4-"0 Clevelan I, .425 Buffalo, .204). The clubs in the National League huik1: Philadelphia, .liftt Brooklyn, .H5H Bos ton. .«J32 Cincinnati. -5'5 Chicago, .518 New York, .425 Cleveland, .2S'J Pittsburgh, .217 Till-: TWO DAKOT.VS. ORIGINAL PACKAGES. & N«'w Om-stiou Wliii-li, if Sustained, Will Hn Great I fit iiiii'lmiof. Judge Ilanev, of the Chamberlain (S. D.) district, has sustained bis tcni porary injunction closing original pack uge leiust's in that" city. Tie- grounds riven are that, the enabling act ad mitring South Dakota to State hood authorized the enactment of the prohibition clause in the State .••institution. Such enabling act hav ing been passed by Congress stibse '.{Uent to the passage of the inter Slate commerce law. therefore the pro hihition amen Intent has received the sanction of Congress and the Supri me Court decision does not, therefore, ap ply to South Dakota. This brings up a new question, which will be carried up, i and which, if sustained, will be of great importan ,- -n caused "'i i the 301h ult. by the owrllo.* of tiie Sai zach river in France, and many persons along the line of the river had been drowned and their houses destroyed, i Tin Russian Government on the soth I ult, ordered the application of edicts against the .Tews which would drive 1,000,0:10 of that race from the country. I TIIK post-office authorities in Paris on the 30th ult. discovered that over 125. 000 francs hau been stolen from a reg istered mail-bag, which had been cul in transit. HI 8 of the "1st from e to ail of the new S*a'.es which have adopted prohibition. 1 CENSUS IN SOUTH DAKOTA. OtHcial Kelunis Give tlir Stat* a I'opu latiiin ol ::.-0,00i). Tie- oiVicial census returns of South Da kota give the State about people. The population in round numbers of i each of the principal cities, with that of the county in wnich each is located, is as folloAs: Sioux Falls. 12,ooo. Min •lehaiia Coiintv, 22.0ii): Yankton. 3.7-tO, Yankton County, lo.ftoti: I'ierre, 3,200. Hughes Count v. ft.iiiiu A berdi-en, 3,1 so. •Brown Count \. 17.000: Huron. 3,100, Bea-lli 1 Coun".. o,o00: Watertown, 2.7oo roiling!.in i .Mintv, 7,ou) Mi' -h e!i. .'.3)0, Davidson Coiinty. 5.500. A Town ui tho Tramp. i The Sherman (S. D.) town site boom ers are again in hot w iter. '1 his towi: was the first, to he located on the Sioux •eservation. boomers located on Indian land and were driven off by I'nited States troops. They removed their buildings a short distance avvav* 'o what they suppused was imbiic land, hut a pan./ of Government surveyors. who are engaged in surveying tin- land in that vicinity, find that, the i uihling* were not moved far enough away, and are s ill on Inlianlarid. It was proh able that the town would bo compelled to move more. i llnrve.t Tlina. From all points in South Dakota comes the cry of an abundant and boun tif ul harvest. Wheat, is excellent, ha d. I dump and of a No. 1 qua.ity. Oats! runs in the placs seventy to eight v bushels to the acre, with a high grade and a stand of five feet in many fields. I Corn is king, towering up ten feet in some instancs. The tassels are out i and the crop is far beyond what it was last, year, or tiu'ee years bick for t' at matter There is general rejoici-ig over the condition of crops and ,i:-i:iess is picking up everywhere. t'liiirscl wli.i named Mc- Laughlin and McNeil were kiiiei i.y a train on the 1st. NINK I IIOI"S.\NJ acres of rice and cot ton land in the province of Gerbieh. Egypt, were covered with an inih.w of salt water on the 1st, and the a rowing «rop.S tliei'eon were destroyed. L. K. L'»e, proiirietor of the Vallev Springs roller mills at Sioux Falls. D.I was recently Itoun I over for embe/zU- I ment. Lee had b. en for years doing a wholesale business in the way «»f storing grain i. ml giving for the same teceipts. i he grain in some cases had been de m.itide.l but had not been forth'-omm -. Instance after instan.-e was coning t. the .surface whet'. he had sold the grain re-'ei ved and poi'keted the receipts Sp. isuion on the board of trade was san.i in fie lie ii[,i I.h-vul.irs ill smith ikiti The prospect., for large crops thr' i i out South D.kota has pro.-nju.-'d !, r.iilroal commissioners of le state t.o give attention to elevator privileges. A number of elevator privileges have been asked and t'"adily granted hv railroad anil elevator c.ompatiies. par ticularly aloig the Chicago & North western lines. The commission has also taken steps for the building of switches and tracks at p,nts where connections with the Gr»:it Nortm-rn lino and other roads are de.sirable. Kctiirn,-.| I'art or tho Muni?, Governor Mellette has returned the i Chicago subscribers 10 pi cent, of li.e money sent, him a few tm nths airo from June, and its use for thill, purpose was I found to be unnecessary, '-the certain tv of an abundant crop''enabling the I farmers of tiiat State to help them- i selves. Found I-Ii* Ml 1,- Vilvcrt sin Miss Belle Ross, of Pittsburgh, Pa., i arrived at Jamestown. N. !»., the other! morning and w s i tried to Samuel: i McDowttll, tif New Rock ford. Neither had seen the other before. Tho union i was eflee.ted through a Chicago matri- I monial journal in which McDowell in-I sorted a personal to which Miss Ross replied. This is McDowell s six mat-! rimonial venture. Moo Pii'w* ItciiK. 1 he assessed railroad property in South Dakota a.nou its to Sl-),ou) ooo. i A local branch of the enforcement I league organ zed at Yankton. S. I)., 1 with only a few charter in embers. Tne crop outlook in Brookings Countj 1 promises a yiehl of percent, in wheat and flax and 100 per cent, in corn, oats and potatoes. Messrs. Hutchinson, Herndon A* Joy, of Lakota, N, D., recently pure.based in Montana 7.0)0 sheep and will engage in sheep raising on a large scale. They have secured several large tracts of land for pasturage purposes. Brule ount.v (S, 1).) citizens are cir culating a petition asking Congress to appropriate a sum of money sufficient to bore artesian wells for the purpose oi irrigation in that county. Neil Johnson, a l.r)-year old Dell Rap. ids boy, challenges any boy under Hi years of age in South Dakota to run a 100-yard foot race for ,*25 a side and the I championship of the State. Corporal I'r ncis of Company B, Tweitth regiment, while bathing in the Missouri river at l"o Pierre? S. D.. Sunday evening, got beyond his depth I and was drowned before tho eyes of his brother soldiers. Francis was from liopp Ind i DEATH ON THE RAIL. Awlilent* I" Imliann, Missouri ami K«n tHvky. Involvein a Total lam* N« v«.n lavi's, ami liijiiri«» to a Mmuber of I'er »oim. BKPKOISD. Ind.. Aug I Passenger t-ain No. 3, that left Chu a-o Saturday night in charge of Cimductor Peter Mc Donald, and passenger train No. ii, that left Louisville Sunday morning, col lided seven miles north of hero at 10:25. killing the engineer and fireman on tiie south-bound train. Both engines are a total wreck, and the postal-car and express car on No. 3 telescoped the baggage-car and parlor-car of No. li. Fortunately the pas.sengevs were not injured. The following were killed: Arthur Hurries, engineer No. 3, residence New Albany, and tit urge Cole, his fireman, residence New Albany. Tiie injured are: Hob Muir, enclnccr train No. IV residence New Albany: (i -iirsic Smith. Ii is lircoiun, resi lience l.ntaycttc Frank MhicUwei). express inessciiiter train No. James Ti'for.i, pe tal clerk, residence New Albany, ie^' broken. skull fractured. crushed in breast, can nut live, his father and mother live at lit'dford K. F. tteni. of the Motion, cut in forehead Frar.k Suanks. buck hurt: K.ri Mnir. sen of the en^inee.-,. head and face cut: ,1. IV Smlie. p, Mai clerk on train No. IV leji in nisei: .1. W Jciiuin^s. poiter par.or car. leg and hip crushed. 1' is one of the worst wrecks that ever --.rred here. Train No. was in ci .ige of Conductor John Bills, and passed hero on time, while the train from the north was six hours late when they struck. Conductor McDonald said he and his engineer agreed to side track at Guthrie, a small station three miles north of where the collision oc curred, for the north-bound train. Ho then fell asleep, n is said, and did not awake until they struck. All the in jured were brought here. John Tilford ordered the she.-ilf to arrest McDonald, t-hf» excitement was so great here for a time. I III:I I l.os I in 11: ini Qi ixi lii., Aug. 4 I ue excursion train which started from Gtlmore, eighty miles southeast of Hannibal, on th' Hannibal A St. Louis Short line, early Friday morning met with a ter rible accident at the Hannibal 1'nion depot shortly before noon. Tho train comprised four coaches which were well tilled with ex'-nrs'ioni-Ms gathered along tiie route, and all were bound for Hannibal to see the Sells Barrett circus. The yardnuster had not been advised of the arrival of tho special, and just as the train was rounding the curve at the south end of the depot, a switch-engine came from the yards on the north at a fast rate of speed. The two trains met in tho depot with a great crash. When the engines came together the old baggage-car folded up as if made of card-board, instantly kill ing Frank Porter, J. E. Sommers and Ilanev Loehter (coloredj, of New London, and breaking both legs of Hrakeman Robert Rrother. of Hannibal. The four men were standin? on the platform of u.-cach nev. t-. !,•• bag gage-ear. i STHI'i l\ II* A I.A li-s 1.1 UK. OAKDAI.K, Ky.. Aug. -i. -A train on the Cincinnati Southern while coming around a curve two miles north of here, struck a land-slide and the engine and three coaches were thrown down an em bankment and are now in Lmery river. Lnginoer Sam Moore and Fireman Charles Lanahan wore instantly killed. THE STORM-KING. It*' *H't. li» II s Work In th«» Norltinpiit Miieli LMIUHX* Caused liy Wind and Halt. CHICAOO, Aug. 4. -Several localities in the North v. est. \wie v: -1 by vio lent wind-storms, accompanied by hail, yesterday, the greatest damage be in reported from N\.w Richland. Minn., where the loss is estimated at from £75.000 to ?150,0u0. A section of country forty miles long and ten miles wide was di vastated. All the uncut grain was destnuod by hail. Tiie windows on th» west and north sides of every building in the village were shattered. Hogs and hundreds ol chickens were killed. In some in stances the pieces of ice were driven with such force as to pierce the roofs of buildings. 1 that city for the relief of drought suf-j ft-rers in South Dakota. He says that per centage was reserved to relieve pressing wants during the month ol At Moux Falls. S. D., the wind at tained a velocity of sixty-five miles an hour, and hail-stones eight inches in circumference weighing two pounds fell wilh tremendous force. Thousands of panes of glass were destroyed and many buildings were injured. Trees and shrubbery suffered severely. A son of Banker Avery was struck by a hailstone and rendered unconscious, but he was not dangerously hurt,. The loss in Sioux Falls is estimated at.,. 0 i0. I he .storm in this region was con fined to a smal 1 area, and the damage to crops is inconsiderable. At Hammond, Ind., the damage was great. Huge trees were torn up by the roots and carried away, fences wero swept out of existence, orchards oblit erated and every thing in the path of the tempest destroyed. The rotary ve locity of the wind was terrific and it progressed forward at the rate of sixty miles an hour. The west wing of the building leased by the Chicago Axe Company was blown over and is com pletely destroyed. The roofof the Luth eran church was badly damaged by a falling chimney. The ice house at Wolf Lake, owned by the G. H. Hammond Company, two miles from here, was lifted from its foundation and destroyed, anil it is reported that several people who Bought shelter there were killed and in jured. A man named Fisher was struck by the il.ving timber and had hia leg broken and is internally injured. SWEPT BY FLAMES. The Town I»f Fariin, m.. Has a Narrow Kscupe froui Total Instruction by 1*AI£IXA. 111., Aug. 4.—Fire broko out, in the Farina Hotel Friday night, and before getting it under con trol destroyed two blocks of the busi ness center of the town, including the Farina Hotel, Broom's Hotel, Swiuer's Opera House, Masonic Hall and twelve stores, with most of tho stocks. Loss between $40,000 and SOo, 000 insurance about $7,000. A heavy rain alone made it possible to save tho town MISCELLANEOUS —Sixty thousand blue .rums, been planted this year on Mk wns year on om rap Los Angeles County, Calir ornia A prisoner who esc :iwi Tattnall County, Fla., jail rp.-c,,!? a note for the sheriff, saying innocent, but that he would October to stand trial, and 'fill ¥'tisoi. ow acquitted. —-New Orleans brokers have te -A PTold pieces frozen into cakesof ice and then brought around to the change by a boy. The e i k,. s a e in the sun, and the last eold'n^ melt out takes all the others it'- quite il)4 1 exciting as a horse ra.-c C!" beats penny-ante way into u,c' woods. Detroit Free l'i'eSS. 1 lhe Hartford 'limes says that piece of pine woods, in an unfrH]W-.. part of the rocky eastern hill u.*. Union, on the northern border of a' State, in Tolland County, i« ii\«iU5rt Indians left it but that single a,-*,, two is said to bo the only piece of o'. inal woods now left in onnei iicu't I --The unique barometer lm-jrovia by a Belfast sea captain—and held)' him to be as accurate as the snnstetne sive instrument- -consist, ltf a of white pine with a number 0f Jo, i pieces upon lU This is hun 7 a u the wall of a building, and the .•nnV.'i the strip bulges out when dun-pwM: is approaching and sinks in during weather. —According to the Oolognn (iaiw tho German doctor Alarms, n"t.,rio':s'' his advocacy of vegeterian diet, has: come a pervert, and has returned to mixed diet of flesh and M-gntahle f* He owns that one fact overturn,d hs theoretical preaching, that a!: i having been a vegetarian for a nuT.'r of years he suddenly observed tha arteries began to show signs of dcgeni ation. I While one trape/.e performer holding another with his teeth faswn into a belt at San Antonia hismuis gave way at tho roots and his panion fell a distance of twentr-J feet to the tloor and was badly in urc Hereafter councils will not permiti-j exhibitions unless the roots of tlwt pe/.ist's teeth protrude through ba of his neck and are securely clinched. Norristown Herald. —Gentlemen whose wives are out town should carefully inspect the "p sona!" columns of tieivspapu rs hoy s. to their better halves. The W.i^hingt Star recently contained a "[.ersotu. Btating that a gentleman whose w was away for the summer wished meet a discreet. lively voun? lady accompany him to places of aintiseme The result was the sudden return of least five Washington la lies wfuse bands bad been left, behind. "Talk about men not heinir ham fiends," said a bright woman in ados town otlico. "Why. a man started a si: store in Nassau street ia-t jear. a business was so poor tho iirst ft months that he got discouraged. Hut filled his windows with si^ns sayi that he was soiling our at an t-r-i'-o aocount of going out fe^iae^. a his doors with placards, "Tais store let,,'and then he put the prices,f i. his stock up ten per (tent, higher th they liad been before and waited. 1 side of two weeks he was doing the pest business of any man in his tine tho street, and at the end of thr months, w lien ho took down 'hesijt he had made enough extra profit to his goods down, too, to regular pne again. Ho is there yet. and has a p* nianentlv established business All I customer* were men. Vou couldn't cat women that way." N. V. Sun. —The West hester, I'a.. News te of a fierce battle between two bll blooded stallions at Milfeid Mil owned by Michael Murphy. They i loose from their attendant and at ou began a tight. They kicked, tore ea other with their teeth and pawed o another at a terrible rate. Mr. .Murpt i with tho assistance of several men. unable to part hem. They were driv from the ra'o course into the tiel Is a from there into the public, roads, a i went in the direction of Glen Moore ai continued fighting each other like i couple of bulldogs. They were follow by several men with whips, forks. et I but with all thoir efforts they could n part them. Finally one pot the but' of the other by pawing him down at they were parted, but, not until d" i wero nearly exhausted and had intlt 't' serious wounds in their flesh. 'H( fought for a distance of three miles. hundreds of people turned out to wi tless the bloody encounter. Tim F«vorltf) Nnwupupiir IUIHN The word "Gazette'' seems to liai been a favorite name for newspaper from tho earliest times down. The 8^ newspaper in the world, printed at N' •rein burp in 1457, was given this nam' In our own country the name was ver. common in connection with the earl history of journalism. The first perma nent newspaper in tho colonies was t-br Hoston News Letter, the second heif tho Boston Ga/.ette, which appiare December'Jl, 1711). Six years later York's first paper, called the New V"*" (iazette, was established. This saO' name was also given *o the first p»Pe,s started in the following States land, in 17'iS Rhode Island, in t":i Soutli arolina. in Virginia. i' 1711(5 1T57 North aroliti6 in 1755 and New Hampshire, in I Printer's Ink. I faitig- Meat In Hummer. Tho following is an extract from lecture by J. 11. Kellogg. M. D.. of tie Creek Sanitarum: The use of beef steak or any other kind of meat in b° weather is much to be deplored, am: thousands of people make i tlien,5t''ve" sick in consequence. Meat decoiiiiH,-*e very readily outside or inside the boaf i and it is ditlicult to secure that whitfb i1" in tho best possible condition. At tbis I season of the year we have an abtindaIjCH of fresh fruits and succulent vegetables and these together with grains and n»_ make up a diet more wholesome-* onaiUtti 0#aii foods from 51 I less heating than one in whh'h n s food enters. Meat-eating also promote^ nervousness, and I am convinced fro® tb»" i long experience and observation tho majority of people would be a S"" deal bettor off in hot weather if tbey their lii****?'