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VOL. XI.. N'• VUL- 1X NU 1 il lSlNl. UA'I'l". 1 iXI I VI 3.10j 4.5U I.1.W •J.imi 4.00 0 ~~i sol VK) 7..0•« "i |.(HI K 1*1 i H.lKlj Itffil UU i To HO! ».00i .W HO. UO.m ,,r fur littii'l nI I 11 MI-: VII .K. Til 1 I*. tth'iniUH HtiilWttl. tj \«r 1 A Mu* e.vcpl —li.ifly «x tfill.Nit WKST :ui:v ity Ol*TV OFFH K««*. i)is',J!« hii iiKf :.i nitf' ,rt I. L-i' ,..i i »V |'"evr V' i-nPV —.1. II W r_i»t r'v: inn"- 1 '-nrtN.,1- W. IT «t 1 -lli-wy S. VuUn ar. ,i. \v. I *H •IT \tl|(. l!telst,«'dt f-JlUUI'S litTI'V -S. W Pasco, Alton.-v- 1 W IWdl. riii'-ii tst Wart -•1, K't i Moitfil, .'il Ward W I n.inii. it vvin'-i- a V HOARD or i•''• 1 MI ,s' W llo", S Jones. .1 K 1 i i o 1 I i i n i rlw lliu lmt-i*ii "YAI. A:. CllUfltu N ..rtniiU tnurtn 'i Imi'fc'J.iv isitiog c«N4{.'. itfj. .1 Llr "s DviniLAR-s F.\- A ,.U NK lAti'iil Statedine-at at .Sclialer i Tli11r^iiay 14 1 j iting lirc'-livpu ui't .•onli'.'l Iviiivitrii 1, KAi'i'. W M. TlldS. I.. H111 1 ri-t it*. O.O.K.-SV Mcflta ever I Hull. Visi. i5. LtSBKt!" BAND AU\1 Meets evt ,at |. in. I'uturadi .-i \i,~ ft with us. It IW8, I'll*.II, A.' 0. u. \v. ursi -.11 I t'-ir ilav PvetiuiLri ui «i«ii viu'uUi'» nil. ViMitin^ lnvtlireii uirliuli v 111 v n'•'*« \JOXKS. lWoru. r, t.. v .IK.IVI.K, OK L. K. -SKI).,Wit.K n, VISioN N«'t Meets in S liuUtr' Hull, MIIIMII** ui. tli« lirst and tjuril Suinl'».v "i C. Mattiibwk, 1 In'1!- S k o S e o JHDKlt UK 11A11, WAV CONnL't 'TOlt^ MillviiiK Division .No. )K». Mrets nt M:i lull evi'rv lei-iiiid x.nil liiurlti Suml'iV" I'-ui. All iiicuilirrK ui tlif imler oorlii»l "v'it«-i|. A .lonsfoy, Cluel olid'r. I,! iloiiSK, few. mid Trens. 0. (J. X.—Meets fvi-iy I'1 i'i ,1:1 r.'ll W lis II" (M'lV'tSl' 'l! 1 1 I i..rUvl. "Wnll. 1 li insuriiimintniily Kiid lr. j,'. frifinl of von •lilIK'l?" '•V^r '1 Ill I -.vr'l'1 -"u 1. —Uui.y YVim HK ASCII. K "»IG at MIISUIII.' HAIL, AMI XT«*TNI« .T IllVlUtUlll ti k'IM'l 11 Wm RO. GBKS, C. T. Cis,K THOMAS, RPO sV. Uil'llCllKS. t] y,)l'l,'.--8ervic«f in St. Law rem '"ii'i'li pvprj. Stni'iny a.n«i lotiv l*y «U. UEV JitllN llEKMKI.IXH, RN«'ST. M. E. UMN-LI.-RRRWLIIIM' FVCRV auuiiav at iii:«r, u 111. :mi 7::«i 'ul» LeuKuo (i: i) J,. Ill Siiii'tny l'r*yri Wrim«l.iH at ^KV.J. SIIKI.I-AM', I'iiMliT. H( ItAN Survirp o»H-asiniial 111 l"1' "rw'sinn lun^uttgf at the Huin U 1 111 Ui i tbl M't in "i 111s 'k\ 1 a iii a in a in lu-l 1 1:1 I -I K i 1 1 ...'v.!.]." I'M*- lletiui i .It'lllUI .1 li-i titirn -tu iri ui 'iM'urreu. thoui Elvira fu. dialli n'i| i inicrl II i-idcnt ha.i M-nt tuTiiurn.. Hill. "It is ill.v a prent eml.nrra^stiierit," she la putm', viur MK'ntcd \Vi:u, Au»it I'iti... 1 -,,i 1 now." "It i^n't i 111:1. ('.ipt. Fli-ti'lit-r )i. .ui iniptitII-IU i^' "Ttiut is trut\" font* of ivlii-f. Mis-i l..» "\\\i 1, holer it Tliis vn 1 to Mr. lie lifXt i: ri* Si-Hi ]lt. t'loi ri |]i.*tfd, MptM'iont Mrs. Ti N w Tin•». Marshal,Street (.""' i --, 1 s• •!.| !cr alht l'ire 'V e iriuitu—rliarle- ~'i '. i i 1 n u i 1 .i I. .lit •,-i V. i.jt lii-i uiothwr's ealic llu tA Bcauhf^ V7cir^Tlme Story SlZ^.BLTfl YTm'kAMV 11 'M* can mv fi-r Kitn ~he- a ^.'nih'niuii. Of" i-ourse." t^aid Wimlrod. crisply. Mv Aunt VVinitrcd'u fnoml must be a p.-ntiomar." If it had not l»wn for the war! Mr#, s 11 xi'taiai"'!. with a l.ittiT M^h. "As v v husteii:.! suya. rapt. M-tcht'i' ht. t.wbtrf.Ttlir* 1.1.1 tiin.-f, anil too fv "»,i lor tin* lit^.'. Mr. iSf.'tt, y ou Lisow, wear Mi.« Llvira. i» mcli a «.uff.-rc-r from that wound liert--"'1!*- '''Irsjulv^li ,.v..rlo.ivoi tli^h-•.»- nn.l tlu-.-ai-tai" p:r .'h-ss villi him. Of ruinwu av... 1 all -list-ussi.'"- "i war, :uiJ««' I t,tl Ut Miss Winifrfl." ..| no wish t'» ilw'"-^ a v s u Winifr.-ii rrplicl .-nMly. J' with exc-pt my brother Nintula,, CHAl'l i) I -XXV11. I K K I I A N K S -w VKWi Vi •k, ),f 1 :lt :it UEV. J. 11, c.'rnii.iK, Miiii-ii«*r. IS(.OPAL— Service 111 Lilirurv llall tii"'i' 7.'i,? .v "l **iw*h mouth »t lit: w MLkJ y'oit do. ...... ,i xs rrr ». UKv.J.M.McilmittJ' olti"'"1 Juiiii Fl«" hei After 1^. I,,, ajipe.-ini'"''' .,u. i..'.- four Ofe" Toirii ^°anns\'"' Ere. (CopjTif !ite1. Alt Rights RewrrH. PuMlslwl brftpedil wUb Uu- iicliurd Conirjuuv New Yurk.) "'"'i li anl Wimfrt-d hoart in !«••. '.iimatat 1 ,f him. lit- wiut tilone, siml hlionaw tliiil iniv, was her op|»ortiiniiy tospvak Uj l!i .im.n'ill. Liiu of Nicliul.'w !\inl yct siu»approiu'Vn1 liiiu tint M'ithout einlmrra^xiiifiit, for s|i. 1 u i i i n u v i n i l- a i i v u- i- i I jK-ak to Nrith. under Mrs. lv»rr liner's 1 1 J'.lin ri. trh.-r forget iiis ..tin^ la.iy had u ami K i ir.-.l t. li.* pi.'si an iiin.Avard ".• t" i 1 a\ .* ,.i r.- i. *.v it 1, asrreed. in indeed. Mil .vulentiuL w.'i* :ilti,'_'i.tlt A .f --Ilu k1h' rej»eat- v. ho ealled V- TI:. i l- i n llebowr-l 1,1- w ... :a, -..nm what slif'lv when sin- said, witn an ellorl l» ovrn-oin." a r.'rtain *hy ue-.: "I am HO la.l that you are able to be out hurt v hcii, on a smiil -n iu\pu!s. and with a .ie.-p.-riing, r-hi. htretrlird out her aiui. In' smiled us hi* took it ami the of tla past vva* forgotten. He been interested in Wmifred'H stiiry, i'Ut hill., wrw la. king to interest him in \v"iiiii're.l herself. Shu looked at hini with a'! iter uoul In iter ('U'S for the Hpurc of «e» r».l -»w»e« tn'fori' she found words, and then tin-v rame ail most in a whisper. "You do re.t know how ruurh U means iue," (-he said, "io -.hake h*rul* witR .ou, who have shaken hands with Jlrer in.- .. 11T Tfii me all irholuN the Ca].!, him!" -lor 1 .ore 1 li Ti..- captain .••••!- t«» .11- titict Kentinietiti.earing n.-r t-xjn (icrself lit this \*a' .ai irresistible irrita lion that, she sh-i.i.i use tlie llergro t.-rm ••Brer" for "!' and ane.jually n r. -istihie irritati. -. '.id nnn feeim. ,ould 1 ,e l.t v i.-l In .'II Nicholas Thorm-. •Jtlll 1 i. back F-'Ilic blesHrd i ,•, 1. i!i«l at la»t oaiix* Mi-. Srou'H rhair slift I impulse 1 am a Houiii'-tti'ii. mimi-iits of a -''iitlici': -'VI|X I",.?itiiiuoii. with soiiio .1 iiviit, as ,„t. Fl-'fli-r km,AS: lai I IF«-eive him n s 1 w i a s u e n hiUig" "I t"ii... "ii will come hack. and Paddy (iilbert w ith him! Poor old Daddv lilbt ri! ilovv it must havu grieved him to forego liis little ponses moiis here but he .lid it at my bidding. 1 did not know thai it would be for no long. I w-as but a child, and it seemed I an easy thing t'r to have my..wu wav. Bui I inn n tire you." she in terrupted herself. "I wih go novr. Fletcher was glad ,-hc had npar.-d him thanks. "U her hatred is p-oportloned to her love," lie n-iid to himself, gtusing after her, "with \\iiat Intensity MH- must hate a Yankee!' -"I he laughed aloud. In tlie dusk, tiiai evening, Winifred went. mt to i ilory-.'.nn's house and en treated the old woman t- make the waffles for nipper and Muni Bee grumbled. "llukkoni 'lianey can't cook u-r sun von liere lately. Missy." 1 eais ter n* vou mighty notion.-.'.•• tul of a su.i.liri "('hari.'V can'i. never could n,al.e allies eipial to .i .doia Bee, coax.-d Misv. And l'iet.-her i- d'.w n -inir's today for th, -i time don't \«.u I IKIW LI(. will IK U.' 1 "You is done put y o' vah fei'lillM inter vo" pocket, is you:'" r-ai-i lilory-Anii, Glory-Ann was Ue.^ing h. vigilant evt-'tf verv wide open at this time. In deed. Miss Winifred Thome's probable attitude toward the Yankee captain pro voked surmise on ad sides. lie situa tion was freely discussed by Mr». Leon ard Thonie, who. of course, avoided T!i-,rne Hill, but who wa» therefore the oftener at Mrs. lierry ft. "It's a dreadful RtAte of things,"^she aid, with romplai'cjicy. "B that \an kce 'stiould lose hi.s heart to Missy, that wouldn't so i.-iu.-h matter serve him right I'm thinking but suppose Aliafljr Bl 'iild take fancy to liim? •*lt iKii't supposnble!" cried Be1"-,liotly. "Yes. it is Siipnosal/le," Mrs. Leonanl insisted, with ob.itinat» calm, "liieroia no saving w hat Vvmnred Tb .rue may or ixiav "not do. She nJ.vays was hea.l bli'ong. vou knov." a nl nhe wouldn care for "her fa'.iici'. insunt. "lam no so -s to mat. Mrs. Herrv* objeet -1. .-••riritahly. "She al ,vav.i" payri her f.uii liie most respect "ul ,i .fcrence." ••I'm glad you it the right name! iid Mrs. Thorne, with a chilly little ia!I"h. "We can't say KIIC loves her father, an voa've seen for yours-If, ('otiiin Myi". ilia Mrs. ll-rry hat s --n i: a rl M.rn.wd over it. When n-*\l \»itii.r-l lilt''I MIU5ANK. S. I).. I'RIDAV. AlGl'ST 15, I8!). r»iisoliliilr(l t.'U!, v i-.s" ,|" trrinM, si aiiI. n !n atT' i-ti. -iiali ciitM-niv -n i.«, it tiint youd» not love your latle rV ''But I do," said the ^irL reddening. "At li'Mt, I love hint, 1 Hiip)*.si\ just a.-J most girls love their fathers." She had no mind to eotifess that she had awakened to a Htran^i self knovrl- dye of Into, 'I'ime had been when she was sure that «he could never love any one a.s Khe loved her brothel her very lameness, the witness of the strength anil di-voteduesH of that alTection, had lend her alo.»f from tin love that enters so largely int.* th«» dream-* of girlhood hut now, her dismay and confusion, Mie jiereeived that she was ra[able of a seiiumtMii dillereui altogether from that whirh she churisht'd for her brother. The discovery lilled her with impatience imkI indignation against her.s.'lf and if her lijnij rebellious heart did not yet throb with a damrluei 'S tender love, HIIC had at least bc^un understand tioth her father's nemi of «y mpathy and hi.-» shrinkiUK therefrom. Ihn "t' all this Winilied could not ajx-ui., and Mrs. llerry forUvrc to urge her. John rieteher's position at this time vvas by no means .entirely to his liUini So loii^ as his life hun^ truiublin^ in the balunec, io lon^ as he reniaine i coulined to hi, room, he felt tio euib.irnusiiient in being the guest of .'ol. Thorny in mis lortune he was "a man and brother," and no shadow chilled the hospitulity hearti ly accorded him but now that he was 011 his feet again there was an irksome con sciousness of the chasm across which no cordial hand rl.-wsp yet was jo.-,silde. In a ihoiitnnd indefinable-ways John i'letch cr realised the truth of Mr. Seou la iiient, that lie had ronie too late for th»j dil times, too soon for tin new. The very care with which hi.s host ignored all topics that could lead to heated di»-- cussion gnve him ail irritating sense «tl being superfluous, Christmas was drawing near, the flr*t ChristuuiH i.lter the xwir, and the north erner si wank instinctively from sj.en.Ln.' this festival with the Thorncs. Dr. Lore however, insisted that his patient e oil Id iif.t yet. bear th-' journey to town, and ("til. Tiiorne, IIIIII.- i.-i«--np!..rv than vhe doctor himself, w u i i o». i,.-..r ot 111 ^neMt'H departure. "I have plediied myself to niy aunt ami your old friend," lie said, "lor your perfect reeovery. Ym must allmv me th -.t.i.-faction -f 1JL-- *\..i*l.'' S'« .1 ihlt l'letchvr |.--i .!.• 1 liiii .- elf to Tiiorne JJiil v. 1- 1. -t ii-v.I of in l.TOhfcfor an ob-er\SM ised to stiidv th.' transitu..', i. 1 s. iiithern hf. The ,M.-« V Ci\ ir •. Mom Bee thsit Jilti .y too, wii.s I ijv_r sMh that -i lilt!.' did Join. ju! tar t" '.i i-. to give any sign of his i..r nir.'red, in a way as mi ?j)jsja:, .jle a 11 indefinable, had given liLu to u.ider., that there was an in.suriMouia.i i.arrier between them. \rn:ii V I I I tin: J!.©.vMi\o L^ .^ J, A At I K 1 (.'hrislmas Fletcher, v. In-fore t!-.i a|u»ea raiie. .I and bungiy. \h —•,r .* to l'l.Uvi The day was .at in -rkeil by theold time hilarity tkat v.-as over forever. There w as IIO supply of eggnog and gin ger jumping of lire crackers, and the shout of "('hris'iuus «if!" was feeble and infreqin lit. Missy dispensed a few pre.-ents urivate'yto such of tho old familv negroes as remained in her father'* service, as well as to HOIIH' few d.-x-rters, who had taken advantage of tint day 's holiday to visit Thorne I till. The colonel shut himself up in his ollice all the mornin », and Miss Klvira and Winifred went alone to church. John Fletcher remained in his own room it was hi.s purinso remain there all day, but in the afternoon (. ..v -A nn brought hi a a lit i 1-- i,..te from I know why you s:.v I awav from 1 fast." slie wrote "it kindly ID- but you are our gu and you .i i dine with us. It will not ^ay. but you will know how to pardon the ab-eiici" of ...'aycty." John 1'1' trher wa«i three and thirty he th.-light he had outgrown all nti'liental fc.oiishnifi.-., tut he put Winifred's notd carefully awav it w.v: his nnly C!in-,tuia.s presetitl And of eovrsf- he accepted the ui v it at ion. The dinner wa.i i ol. gay an inevitable soi" u of Cinii-l'raint brooded o'er the com pany and u:a Hie rival a nice, and each •. ..-• lao to ,II. ii,e table When the sun had gone down Wini fred left Miss Elvira making up her a.• count ith Bi-.hop Iv.-u, ami went out f. ,r a walk. The air win chill and IL ht cloud 'ibscured the sky, hut Winifred fear neither the night air nor th" l-t "idh.-i ing gliKJin. 1 John Fletcher saw her asshe v -n: a-i osa the yard, under the lcaiicss i hma tie.-^, and an impulse lor which he did not seek to account urged hir.i to follow. Where fore should lie. because of a war that w as over, be l'orever an alien? She had seat him the invitation t» dinner rather would he hate usted but because ahe had asked it he did violence to his feelings it wait too much to expect him to do vio lence ti his feelings ii seqpmd time in oa a y a n e o o w e e W i S W I strides he overtook her just as she reaele ,I tin- gatr* that led i'.to i he l.u. Mlow me," In- sni'l, a- ill- 11 li f, ,r wtu'd t» oiH'll it sl.e turti' aid io..!,,-d at liiin u i-utl deii blush \. |'t i.w'i his fac-' ... he tiiai'ke.l hin "Mav I O I i a I a-!.el. I K .I iy. "It i loo iat oil be out aione," ie ur^c.l, iag !,• i :t• i -W i-lifj ilarii. ... "1 a,ii i ot al'rui s, sh-' -.. 1 1. "lam gutng no farther t'a.iii i'. i iv i .abeit Old cabin 1 i 1- no: a ]ii.,c ,u in terest y on" "But 1 may go ah yon-' lie reiter ated. Winifred smil 'd. arid tiiey walked on in silence, lie had never yet been abl«» to conquer the constraint that oppressed him in her presence, and she had in. ver learned the art of "making talk." Sim did not speak until they reached the fence inclosing old (iilhert's deserted dwelling. "This is the place," she -.ti 1, and pushed open the sagging LMI* be,ore llle captain could olTer to assist her. "', o i will never see nil that 1 sea iti thi i .: s|)ot." she added but she held I :i.» ja!- i -1 •. crow li II a: I.I I. t*',. I Ic .• i-il. .11 ll t. A. I.I vv i i, i.- I i: :i.iL ne a-, la a 1 i-»r father and ii'-aii -he jikit:d_ her ii- isolated life but. lie .•! tie ---I -ov. a i ..!:. i. I I i i i I e 1 i a o". II V. it a 1 kl.l.t el-, -. .- e a a i a a o u an 1 ..bailloi.. 1 b'.tle l.-.l a niM ic- e,,lv -I !ae fa -f ri a: u. n:i" -a t': i- 1 I i- lia act "out i i., :-ie, it \l!il ai'i l-i V. e I 11 l'l -t' her i.s'.ed,,ilu|fl.: IV. I.'. .1 !v mp.. thy Ulilll lie am- 1 to ij-iv. iHrtt«-ntpacihW follow, t!-.» *i M: -y said, to a In hi tone, as a she would iliMi: l- I sub jec't l'l.,-]-. i Iio Tea-1'III w by I uu!d In \er ga_. just lio'.i 11. i il-.l cudul .liiee, he|- pi oil. A I l'l- r\". toiielied Juiin I i tehel' twre 'ban any e.-imjilaiiiin- An iulinite trie 'i'tiii -, t'Mik pi'S:,u:,.i!iii of him, a.i- he coat. ni i'ii ed this eh.Id in- was more than i. i ars her si-ni ethereal, y oiing to be ilieu ovoryhadow by por ro-A and inn: mt'v, 'Justlio he r. «-at,i .|, wi'li a pas -ionate w isii 1. i imitoi iiei. "But thin v. id not! Vo,i me t.o young life is only beginninv. Tin-re is happiness in store for you lam K-ure of it!" Uven while lie f'poke lie jii-i i i ed, with a thrill of glad wonder, thai Wini fred made a slight involuntary move ment. as if she would draw nearer to him, anil on the lie was by her side. But she had not heard a uor.l lie paid. She was gazing intenthy int the depths of the plum thicket, witii panting breath and ((uick beating Imnrt. "What is that?" she ga-js-d, in a ti'irili.-d whisper, and clutched the eaplain'ii arm. "Do not be frightened." lie said, as he laid his hand on hers, which was cold and trembliic.:. "There is nothing h-re to harm y oa There! Do you not bee?'' she whi.s pcied fearfully, "or ani going mail'' And wiili a stilled scream Winifred Thorne hid her eyes against the Yankee captain's arm. i i s o n y a n o n e o e a n s w e e as what hao m.-d a shadow i-pje'ged from the thicket and assumed Ihr.te -form. "An old negro," Missy repeated, and shivered from head to foot. "An- there, indeed, such things as ghosts?" But she did not look up until she heard tho old, familiar greeting: "Why, Missy! Missy! huh you do?" The voice, the words, clcctrilied her. Bhe abandoned fear she sprang forward uhe seemed to fly to inert the apparition coming along the grass grown path, and. stretching out her hands, she clasjied them over old iilhert's toil hardened lin gers. while her crutch fell forgotten on the ground. "At last! Oh, at last!"' ller voi.e rang out Ufsin the twilight stillness, full of an infillili. pathos of thankngiv ing. Somehow, John Fletcher w as not as pleased as lie should have been he felt himself deserted. lie picked tip the crutch and stoxl irresolute., loth to leav e, yet uncertain whether it became hini to stay. "'fubbc sbo!" old Gilbert responded, with n chuckle u£ supreme satisfaction, "ilil's iue! F.n' you is dat growed. Missv. en' prutty ez a pink! L.ivvd love ilcchil. "Brer Nicholas? Where is Brer Nic'i olas?" "Missy, ain't Slav, ., Nicholas lu re at ii'.nec?" asked old o! a t.','!- '.v. 4 .\pril II. ,*. |. 1 Ali 'v, a 'l I Hi. wliv i. ?.lissy, i -. I tluniio wh.-y Is .u icttolas. .,1 t,,.• -I I man, i-low 1. .a,.: sorrowful ,.. Missy's head drooped her slight form, s-waved like a reed. ('apt. Fletcher* sprang forw rd ::",l kit. l-i i- from fall- itlg' "Why. I iovve.l y. at vv t:z. inavvtr,'' •Bid old idliert, IK'V. II.lered "en prais.J Is* ter glory—1 do bullievc—you slio'ly is—Mawsc (iin'ral Fletcher, in le Fud'ral army!"' "That's my name, hut not my rank," the captain replied, as lie pla, ,-d Wini fred on the doorstep. "Thank you I wasn't going to fall," said she. with averted b'ad. John Fletcher fc'f snubbed decidedly yi he did not like to leave Winifred, though she ignored his presence—or rather she was oblivious oi hini. "It was on this very top step," she said to old Gilbert, reproachfully, "that you pro!hi-.,i 1,,-,-p Unci of Brer Nicholas, an. lion ,n ,lo not know tvhere lie i "Honey ." o-oiriiei? old Gilbert, mildly, 'what kin a po t»l» no'count nigger do in de Mir 'h Million. don' mv top I. ter I. .-|. Maw out. II lie wall, it be -.V u. I ii a• 1 y go he vv oil id "Of com M't 1 M:--y proudly. "I tol' lillo lie vv il/ i A .ill git his- ,. shutter Jileces. I-. lie' long o' dat wall, but be ain't pay tention en" I lol lered him. en' I c. ii up wid him when lie wuz faerly riddled wid bullets." Missv covered her face with her handa and turned away from (.'apt. Fletcher with a shudder. The movement might have been in voluntary, but il imp ,ssii,l" to mis understand it. John Fletcher gave the crutch to old (iiInert and went uwa but he could not go fast enough to av I no hearing old (ilih. ommeiii "Missy. dat a iin'ral i. quality is no'. liUcti t. be one o de Tliorn.- g. net a t.oii. Is yon knowin'h.a i,ewu/]i-iv ful fncuTv ter Mawse Nic "Never mind hini." mi- i rupt.-d, -harplv. "IIov^ did y.-u i,pr- n to l'.rer Nicholas?" "Missy, hit w'u/, di di v.-r way: 1 dudno liiikkoiu Mawse tSiu'iai i u-tuher bad '•inng hit ter pans bir en' Maw-.. Nick, wew U7. turned ,iiitfn Nash Vllle, whey we nv i -i pte-'n. en' 1 brung Jlawm* \i i *|. !,ou. i i di Windy Valley, •/. o .-.»ii i,u, wiie. v.e w ite livin' euduriu of de v. ah en'iue n Mis.s l.'osia rii !. I% White we aus.-.ed hini well agin en' uetl 1 wu/ tie. fiat wid de ri'oiiiati.:, so ez hit wu/. oi. posserliu! ter look atter M.iuii- Nick, en' 1 imino whicherwav he wen: s. •.•.. dat. "He don,- l, Mi-,', Do.-i.l .•.:' ci .il, ii' Mi.-s IJo\y, en' tuk tip hi- in ii i iiunt de army Tubbe sho, de wtwu-say in' how .Ic vvarn't no mo' army but all 1 know, Mawse Nick he went, en' boui bve de I'oiue a letter t( i "a Do-iia vv h.ii he wuzitik mighty h.ei -vvheron it. road en' she fullered to,a. 'aid.lent en" ien, pres-ntly, Mis-. Bo.\y she parked up en' tuk de chile en' fust I kuovved di re u uz I iloutcn nobody. *ce|4iu' det. buffo' he lef, Mawse Nick e,, 111 en' tell ui. 'Daddy, de-,e is migh o, aitin ti::n.-, en' 1 nioughi'ii ,a no u»o', en' h.-re a I. iter fur de col. .a t. li give it to me!" er. -1 Mis-.y "1 o:t him safe. Mi-- lad hit v. uz fur yo paw det hit wtiz intrusted ier me, cn hit's mavvster I'm gwanp..^^ hit tor, sho'lv." "Then come, come at on.-e to mv fa ther!" "Tnbbe sho! dishy er uigiil air is chilly, en'mv roomatiz is a catilioii. Woner is Missle-virey got an v mo' dat liuiiu-at, Missy? You see I done de lies' vvha! I could." "And I i" 1 yo-i!'.-,ii "\1 i -..--y, fer vently. "Vou shall Miner io. u it liui" so long as we have atiyl.hin .-. v'-nii. I Come quid and tell my fatin-i i I. I I e\t M.e,-' New -at -,-.,!.. to ill 1 i.'.• 1.". ,\M I e o e I lie pi i 11,1,, f-1.-: O Pe I e|e||.'-ni el. id o| j. jlniy e n e i i e WHEN THE HAIR ti.'.A gi.» III raiilliK, l»'g»« at lie- !.-• of Ayer's Hair Vigor. This preparation strcugUieiis the scalp, promote* the growtli ol ucw hair, reslori's tlie iiatiuai color to gray and hair, and leaders il sufl, jiiiant, anil glossy. We have no hesitation in pronouncing Ayer's llalr Vigor uuequalecl for itti-sslug Ul: hair, and wc do tlas after loiii experi ence in its use. This preparation preserves the hair, eures (laii.triilt ami all diseases of tli..' scalp, makes rough ami brittle hair soft and pliant, and prevents baldness. Willie it is not a dye, those who have used the Vigor say it will stimulate the roots and color glands of faded, jrray, li ht, uad red iiair, changing the color to A Rich Brown or even blaek. It will not soil tlie pillow case nor a pocket-liandkerehi. f, and is al ways apreealile. All the illrtv. gummy hair preparations should he displaced at once by Ay.-r's flair Vigor, and thousands who go around with heads looking like 'the fretful porcupine' should hurry to the nearest drug store and purchase a bottle of the Vigor."— The Sunny Smith. Atlanta, C,a. "Ayer's Hair Vigor is excellent for tho hair. It stimulates the growtli, cures bald ness. restores the natural color, cleanses the scalp, prevents dandruff, and Is a good dress ing. We KIIOW that Ayer's Hair Vigor differs from most hair tonics and similar prepara tions, It being perfectly harmless." —From firnnomiril ftu*el-erj iny, by Flii'ii T! Parker. Ayer's Hair Vigor l'l:KI'VUKr BV DE. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by Druggists and I'erfumers.