Newspaper Page Text
a, OU'hN. '1 I'll.-'tj rfik :\\t Attorney iit liiiw, LB^ ni.rATTouM^ fAIi N W HKLL. STAIJ Lme* AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW AN1 NOTARY 1TUL1C. tiff HKNNKTT, ''i rillSj swin^ How [S Lawyer, pr ic Id STONE CITY, 1'AK IN BOlH'K. '.rrORSKY AT LAW I" iOl PS V, )RNEV AM' 1 \i a N 1 nuri hera 91. No. Hflr Mr 11 .-in' DtK i .\ "Ml k Oflic.' in Rostoflice Building. .... DAKOTA. lANh, CObLKCTK NS A SPECIALI s, UK KII ART, Attorney' at 1-jHtv 8s ctionnafp" MlhHANK, s 1 B. SMl'flli'U, i. "i't niiKs tho bull, by the athletic club iay even inn. master Mid.llobrook tinished tbrenh ":i his farm south of town last week, client iroinj 13 basladsto tlie acre. I In* Odd Fellows of Sylvan ldi:e are about organizing KeU'kah le n connection with Ih© order in "i.ujk. I |"'. Helen Put man will lectunein the ipgationa' idiureh Thursday even Aug. 28, on equal suffrage. Every 1' invited. Last Tuesday was moving day for R. Mortell and Charley Davenpeck, the former moving into the Ed. Johnson liousrf and the latter into trie Merril Krf-ker house in the third ward. A watering trough has been placed at, the hydrant near the IJpidford kotel, Convenience tliat has been long needed, an which will be appreciated by tho.** hiving tenuis on the street. Mr. Lincoln Lee, of Minneapolis, who lias been in ihe employ for some lime of M°e & j,eP( |1)ls i)(en given charge tlifir gallery in Ort.onville- Ho went to his new position last Monday. Last Saturday evening Ke at that place I (Hi tlit". permai at II ui uii, the advisal I. F.- I' i i i euus.-i liny 11 in all Courts -State and Federal. .M SI. i A N K S. I». 11 N- i: i. 1 '1! t.W. Mll.lJANK. I' N 1, I.oCKHART, Milbank Dray Line. I (ilBrjON, k |F" Mortumre Loans mi Ileal Kstate .»: Chattel .Security iit I,'iwest Kates jlii'' I'.ii.l lur Noll-resident*. Land? f»r San*. MILHANK, S. I» N A IT, HUM AX»«ITY l,(Us. U Real Estate Matters, In irance, Collections am? (OnveyaneiiiK At tended to. hv F. KL'S'l", Matchmaker and Jeweler, Milliauk, u. til Ilex I nil Ipswich, w i-lent pr!•*-* and I', 'lit. li made an -i baud to ing in fin month an There's Ion run ia getti tiling S'jIMU keeping istv1, ii,'tf in all the Court* of Dakota and Minm-sota. Frank Zal township, Squire I'j. charging dofe.a i• peat', i: .. cuu conn, ing for liii' ami Dod^e Mi-- i- lIKIM Pf'g' ill Hit'"I plan Estate, Farm Loan and Insur ance Business wo»d floor Bank or Milbauk. V Ks K I Kit, S. 1). u attention iiveu to watches that h:iv •••wn badly retiaiml by incoiuptteut workmen. U.-- ol.i jmstoflire buildiii^. IIOMK HAIM'KNINGS. i li. A' on Kev. wted- City n..»l i ..iiitLry 1 r-p''r.y Bought anil Sold. v the.'."" gem-ii and i'. ui II. mak- .' d:i\s la, riioru iriuK .i AGENT FOR STANDARD OIL CO. :.r I'.aiio-.or.-aii-, t' tturc Ktc. gl*«ft teal Estate and Loans, INSURANCE AND COLLECTIONS, Ayr.-. city Cornuu, i one of tli neighbothu UlACIl i the 1 i pine i can r-, to k:.' 1 A vest. of!l. •!«ok.h. CSS' of tant u frei.• gem" 11 .. 11*.-' hax wye i this with work •. ing i .i. from i' place i larp' WHtel the li each si .'in The plans drawn find that 'A"! 1 Jurr.o! i ilenc- a The party icturned *tan early hour, and report tlie very b^t of times. Arrangements have been made to have S- R. Norton, the editor of the Chicago Sentinel, o n c,, a ter As will be seen in another column the re Hr |j e of the most radical inde pendent writers and speaker*) i" the untry, address the poople here on the evening of the 88th and at Wilmot on the 20th. i: i and not these hoti w at- 1 there was «, and youtnr. ice t-reaiu. served M: have. great en-... coudiH U d. lire in work. hand pla\. was duly 'i the hands.) '.- w.,\ were 1 reate !. iuvitati' a ^©rai .ited as :Wor.l r.«-eO .-I by 11m the elder broilier llei.rv davs iiii" while br'.'a railroad. The paiIu:iiiars ed them are that a train to (urn a sw parly J"'ing people, of the (iood T«smplai s rn ^, an ll( -. ider, ar Pub!icHn county committee has issued •he call lora convention to place in nom ination county anil legislative officers. "l to floe*, delegates to the senatorial '"'•mention. The convention i* ctfJJed V"' the 10th. being 'aki lied in Brainerd, as cal'ed and the e (Jooch boys M* luviug been on some time, -but a,dent rn-ar ...ii .Ni\ori loaf his time of friends in Illinois. .i where his brothoi l.t burial took place. both well known for C. M. & (jllitat the u n e 1 Andovcr by k!l1, at life, being on the.- train the accident, and escaping as terji hie \p jp With that fresh thcr :n:ii':. their s'to :i-'- i i in a- i Ilenrv fail-i I met the sa^ 1 a!ter 1 1 is dreau! i.l 11 ..... Mr. I. A V.- its..I v\', !,!!«. •. \V"f?sing' 'i:. .. i d-:,. haiCf i,. u' i Tv. u. li: »ks. It a i IroaU I. iir^iou Hal". p.,r ti.e an i-'U Ht Mit-i. "tie wav 1 •in r..i i: -Mi- M'V -A Minneapo. t i ind tn|' a .1 li ur 1" s ex.-iii .- i n .'iiner »t. I'fti', »ll« W'fiN for t! Ills n.ld. f"i i .i 1' I liuur .•'fi -I-. -\ciirsn 1 1 i 1 i' us uhi sh.twii a i'- ..I,,• A,., I" mi: A. i• i"rti uc ue I a a i Mon I a i have leai n ,i (he iruin pased ~'p, went up to Corona to visit the The unfoi'tnn-iie 'f I! iver I oUllg round trip '.nd on Tuesi., s.i* '.rdays during !iie I-X 11« !l. »l-o »|,e 'I., ia} f-.ii'-w JltiT ll ,-KWeai i Are \. u.i in'-r i.ew and styli-h neck pened the very lie a, i taosl fa-tidiou- dr."-seiM in tne i^l. lii^l I would be plea-ed to have you look them I over. Drop in next door south of post ofli' e New Vork Clothing H"a^'-. was his Prirem UMIt |«. Hon. A. 1'illsbiiry. ia has return .•d from lin!"pe, :uh.-.v- nonhwest peti fiirmers to hold their wheat tor still higher prices. About the only Europe ,n '-country ilrit has any good wheat is II n arv, and fliers will want, all th.i* i.e Anier-ai fin spare and more ae Cljicajzos. 'dperssav O t8 prieA^ .. •a ivs go down whty M'. 1' v ,i wi'li a bull interview. i ..n it 'I""- In the same as used iu ha \vik1 and tj.«t,, .1,1 :-:i- ili'' 1,1a! r«u:. ri -. now h.' 'tcr the Ht It W! e i i i e i e i i i e e ..k f,.r \eiy ii.a''Ii ii'-ip ir-m -'at'' L'Matuier or congress will be Uisn i-. unted, but those who looli closely after :eir own farms will bo sure of a fair Aard. Hj iti-n to Au„', 2V, I. O. '. 1. tle.lrli iiillero. T.m- i ii. •(-1 a i i a I -1 i'. i1'11. All i» v 11 ,'t i llleclrn: Hitters sing the S'liue Si'Mt of' praise.- A purer- tuedieine dues not exist and it. is iMiaraiitced to do all that is iahii'-d. Elec'iie. Hitters i11 cure all i-eases 'f h'' Liver find Kidney", will a-iiiovi' Pimples. Boils, ?vilt Kiieum and ilier all'ect ion-1 .him by impure blood i A ill dri\e Malaria ::otn the system and revent as w. ', a cure all .vialarial levers. For cure of Headac'ie, (*fuj«ii pation and lndigH-t.i"ii try Electric Hit •rs -Entire saM-ta-tion tiuaranteed. or money refunded S':iee an [ier botile at (a p'i Ha'/, lira.. Moie of I ii _r Stone Cifv 1*%.W children in V 1 i A 1.UII|| i w i :ier lid talk o w.tli r- ij I a tnS *!iirkri. wool 't'tl.e cut 1 .,: a .1 nr down these i:..'.. throw all tin ::iarket. and ex N. -A li a n *?i a y.-nr p-n tiff, mil n dollars f..r wesi^rn beet, ^lel reve-j le lef'TinersH'ty we have no home uiark •. That it is delusive and a snare. Hut r-.e Soiind. sl of Si-use .vestern A^- T.. i"in if lligent )st:, tilt' iioaari crime do all THE BANK M1LBAXK, •r» I. as!ie~ n, a:id lie ng i- n i un» farm t:ov- jiraine AV" the o'i U'e SoC tin. !. y .-..j, -iMc'! -we tin.:' -Vi the fa:'iii buvafti-r a,I, i.r..$t work i'sowiihtlvi i"Heti! ..I, earth rau i il .i i' of ii,.. iinre. .uiless lie !.••», fani.ini: they ti !w. It ail ightto look of pi- per men to-ofllcip, I,,i' -i to tr•:-1 them to pay l»e Hid .ced to take J.hvsic Without a »ti«.c-'!e. arid no won der most drugs are nauseating. Ayer's Pills, ou the contraiy, being susjar-coate l. are eager I v swu'lowfd t.y the little ones, and are, therefore, the favorite faintly medicine. Not ire to Creditors. IV the .Mailer of the IC.Hnti'of l.mhur I'. 1 ».• p*r»«0« havotg claims RKslnst I.' "'a I* Kitc-h, #re rcqilirrtl in fSli a with the •iu*«'e«?wry votn'bt*r«. to .1,-au K: n|'!, the atreot "f ttie tinderniKWHl cxwrnrj!! I .a! :'.''a »i Irs "ttict" n tie-' t.Uy cf Mi!!»usi n 111--(a.Mnfr «f tiraut ftii.t Stute of kmil'i lilut llllit S'X month*. hHVe •inn. far i.-'iilcrs to |,rvi-- i SFARLEY .Z:zd-- .-RIB t. a. .. It. lie I OKU' K'iljiids V\ n i i a s s a S e a f1 —i «mLM ML» W .1 1-,-III lie v. pniiunj. Tiieje jium |-s i. ,m ,i tee.I to i\e th i .tislai-iion. A tiili line of .t K pen s-aiii, I. Minn. JH litilES. m' Itlaite.i .* tin A ti, a an ai-tt 1, aiiid . .l thii 'JUd titty of Ai...'n 1* a it tii a I ... I. !.v a'r V W u IJ v 52 Will be sold at Cost, and a large assortment of Broken Suits will be sold REGARDLESS OF COST. Now is ills tins to toy tiiis Glass of Ms! co.iiK ami st:i: i-oit vol i(si w\ OF 1 \i "i ork. N. H. A .• Soliciti 'I. i»i: i.i:i!- IN \i( i UN" AND AIM. AND TOVI.- AND 11ANJJ. GASOI.INF. M'uVI, FF.N( I. WIRE. CAKDi:N HhiLN WA^II F.K-s.-i TiriiN. U K AM Ell V CAN'S, DAIRY COODS 11 "N, (111.FRY, AND TEEI. liODIK Ml uli.MK K lIARYi:sTEH. HINDERS AND MoWEllS, WAfJONS, n ROAD CAUT I O O U N v A N Bril.DlNG 'S. 'im: .s repa: n i i C'-. .n\- 1 ain(1 to Kst Trvi'lc. Everything in the line of w ,. r( m: 1 i v.\!. ii i:i- •i 1 i! IVIILBANK SOUTH DAKOTA I' i operat.i.^ This in' the Hunk in lvastt the alii\e Mil' JSHI ad.lit ion of 1 general Hank'! •.. s "ii J'^nrin 1^' the 111(11 ftragee Iro s per (.fill, per annum, li" eliurjle [I/I •••uiittmg iiHer«-si.or 1- after the loan during its life. ot tlioi.-iindf :htrs loaned by Us, no investor has e\i-r iy !a\. s lor.non-resilient proprrtv owners, dlect at reasonal.le rates, and lemi' proet»eils tlr- -an.e Jay, hit in* largest Fin* Int-urane.. Iiusines^ any a j. i. .s'ei n I :,I.• .M ill'ank is sit iiaied in (riant "imty, the faiii.iOM i.el-i 'l.e garden spot of ad the DaUotas, and bordering on lite Nisf-eton Indian l!eservati'*n, whii'li wilt be opened to settlement in toe sprine of 1 XiiU. Milbi,nk will lie l.e mil !il intf point tor settlers taUinj home! on it^ lertile neies, ith Hie coinuvg of sUitehood hinds will lie lnatei mil\ enhanced in value. mtli Dakoia has entered the l.'mon with I'rohibition in her Constitution, in: I .11 alliiiet tlK vei v best lass of iinuiiiTi fit it'll Iroiu the East to her fei'Ta. ..f ti, ate a« itt\ in tii prn-e that will .ir.T'i New V. SARGENT & DIGGS. e I BINDINC TWINE, JOHN O W S A N U I V A O S W A O N S U I E S ROAD CARTS. WOOD AND IRON I'l'Ml'S. LUMBSRI MOl I N S I A I i K DEEltE LIME, CEMENT, ETC- i i.'ots, ic.