Newspaper Page Text
for s m.ii by i star er fotves And i ami ek'"" 'itig K ail nic 't ion and mil "fan* Kjual i»:]u I ifiurnf"' no K-jl inf'.to fr of 1 "ppf 1 cburnitij-' 11Sfl rint. ••after lici ni.'iit of if flavors WORLD. [.•\KMlXr. SALTING BUTTER w»k« 1 ed an? if the N, vv rk trail'1 Kir tho K t-a are ea UCli\ uttd Bt'lec' inipro\ 1 K 1' !y lax" ••ea»y. inot so i and n tssihneii lisd wlip' gatm:.' fo»nd tii lit-d in thi jONCtHNINu CUCUMUf. |w t*i i (1 11» 11111 I' il»' 111 Miikf1 Mnih'V. trr: \-w i it i i '"Mi'n:-. Sing- 0-i! li- _Wd be Oil- lAtnlji- made with an iiisi.le Itlirci'n,i*h»'H, «-ither wooi iF'OrofUmnls nailed t.^e!},. •, up. in .' I.,-| i .ilrl a p*wl ill the 'ii ti tail itu- tule. i 11• loy*'d bt away uf hi 1.) 6h SWEfc cut I's.ei I t, In i H'" 1 -Cyll to .. USI» itl .... •.'cilrt-t in ^K. prc^'tit po. It says jn„ ,.ur( 1 '"r attain- fur emu ,ld ll'StUIC, |ia, !)u ItTH pimUtee and invent .. ininrovement j... at notion- .IH) II' .-.(•I'Viitimi of rned, ami thi i vl TIM'." 1 K'salt f"r a)!) 1 s 1 iliai^' th" in-ri.d lo witliiu .fi )f th-- '.up with Irt'ine, n .I'HiiJ n.-x li«» pushed dmvn :i n ,, M"''d tu eomo up ?ic trly to the surt ft'hi- li-ini\ lie prejml'ed »y bi' f.ii'i'cd down and held in )i Voiie or vi nails or seri'ws. llu\ ptked th« eui-mubers they are pu^'.i fn"n tin' iuln by a pluii'/er or l*n!h Intil they reach the open pi we a! vttotti. wheti they sail in thr'ii'rh of tbi» barrel and ,. '.*•: w pivpared head. This litdn.: u .tn-e.- ,,, |Me allows them to rearii ae Phe barrel head ran 1 t,timed 1 ,, l^ountl ia-the barrol oei-a^iwiialiv. PUs the hurrel will he nenrlr ti S'-i ,, "with the crop whkh is Immhit 1 |r-lar!n »nd Homo. i LIVE-STOCK NOTES. 1'ti He. is a man in Knrland who have a miovv |*t th.. \Vuria-H Columbian Inhibition jfcoulil s,,. to it that his legislator sits I N'i l|ti the Luke Kront as a site for pefair. ^'i \or permit an in^'nn'e'ent. or |Pfpj':d ,•»(] man to jiuljfo tin- live sloek pffior. A man who knows what {rood 'VPM,"'k is, and who is honest and has ||°t'i)f backbone, is tin* only man lit to judge. i i .i i:e: if ic 1 jtahor-M-H buttermilk every day. a»el r!iinl'-i every thintr of t.ho praetiee. U pin ail easily test its value. ^ki:v stdckman who wisln•• iie'live •^'K- interests tiu "ui: ,yt)u a good stallion in your I'-iffiihorhood? No? Then buy one. n" 1'"i tlT.,rd it? Well, then club together a,)d h'jy am 'ln There is too much inoiiev g0lJ,lhoraos to continue UveeJing poor oai-s. Ari- y()l,r )lorsos pood ones, stronp, actl\i*, vsi!lii,r i0ss Uj jukI fjontle? If not, did Juiii-vcr think that your team is one of "leaks on the farm," Unit are often :"f"rN-d to? A poor team is an actual the farmer. tiif tiorne In's good pon-tttutioniil Tj?,r and ir,Md digestion, tin* proper "f food and eare will be all that is "f,niwi I,, mak,, ),im v (rood horse. Bn' tin* former, food and oare would aiake him a good horsu. I I! '•. 11 (. :i, S{! »'k .lib !•, of pi i .fit able U tin* an quire ion and "'i !f»y lire a- "ii rowin.g of -the, yett.i'» the wa.rwth 1 j,vtr t» f-.r. off the moa, hi,' .n they are aided by th' and when beim r:j' „f fhe .Slimmer ail building up t'.e frame an i :fo /goes t«" foi'tna wihter of meat, wuercas ... ,K)I\ '".f the food, and the :..o %ai-iu !71" i i. uenb'd ... keep up tho blf. poitton. iments hiivo I r\l t,'i.» whole of the food, wbtch W- 1 v mai/.e jnaturiilly a beat- «a- ,,i V|.»p the mil former i was rei) furni the beat rfi- chinery jfoinjr. o. aJ .0 'V^"\ ^Z'Zrr^r made by the proved that t_ a ,,i?S W!lf ,il!,°n ,,ltil)II he .-on- v md and thorot.^ ... is possible to prod a pound of dry matter ir he.os .t-, eo notntcaily as it can be done ,u e,i:»i j, not yet delinitely s"ltled, out :'.e j.ioea- „,nn i i I. AM' MCl.K.v a i:i rou W 1! I I. In an experiment made in tin North I'arolina Hxperiment Station, a series of plots was laid out irt such manner that one end of each lot should boon land on which cow peas bad been previously plowed under, and :.he other end on land without peas. The whole wai sown to wheat, and kainit, acid phosphate and cotton seed meal were applied to tho S :\:^t uU'hcre as regards the ce iluess. Is it no! M.rpris- dejrrees of eoU WP l"- 1L:" fiiui pork ,y?rv dea" in Au-nst and- arce- and U1') 1 ,-n pIt- •n pro ill ei.i-»t, •esiilt, a a'itutnn jfijiluca. u'.m'bi'r when 'it '-""i-l ha ituced at a comf.ra' ^e. jrusr on the marKe ,n ..« wV H',. it has cost, m -llreeder'a az' tto. e\.'-al plots, singly and in -nbination, t,\., plots lieintr left wiany f*»r il'/er. The. result was that on the land which had bad no fertiii/.er the hijrbe-tincrvaso of any of the fertili/.ed viver the -At fertiliyed plots was four bushels fat i£re (for ::0) pound-cotton seed moiii, while on the tfref-n manured land increase from the p«a virtrs «.-t, 'om 1 »ix bushels at be least to lifted. .* 1 por acre, avera^'in ,' tun busi.«r.a. [H-dv U» Miivv ("fx) tiiifl .1 with the jifii' an ml re ojrn. if conn rv arit ausod by lit' in .mhlinf of tho a hundred ilif 'cniiciifV of the ii.i--k ,r" am r. a kii' ,i "-tail. i •. lit' it 'iif li\ ti ll'! lull i •1 v1 »:i i y ru'sn liistnry. 'f"i It Unit call he o i u i}« w ti« -.sliarp-. aiiil t»t» I'avurUc 1 ii'rf* ri„lit. iht ii ji" (nit to'linur. i tiiiMil A!»«y lie in! vtiu I'umiot 1 .. ]J ill! K i i i .1 ..t th« i "1 he .liltIi Su]»Tlnr- iiiiii -•. I 1«,S» 11 '.I:!'- i.\ I (tl'l. 111 n if*nt w In 1 h«* Nouili. ,i i.r Ut.fTr"' will s-'H tickets lid i. rtat.enson its hues, f.\ iil.d U'-t. H. at rute e! iv'md trip, to }"ints in AUi •r.'-u, litorir.a, Loiiisi pi. Tt'r.rje«ni-o and Texas. V'1'"' I'.-r reiiirn passojre -m liaff of s»i«. HuSsd trains are run ,-a^o t-rc-.u-U to, wbrre a n a i i n e I i e i o I'Minsiur to every city of ,« naiu-e iti t:..» Houtii. imphyt ties.-riptive the South or ith-n t« rates or tieket*. a«ldrw •t Jin i„ (icii I aud Tickt I I. H. 11.. Chicii^o. vi ei!ai« are all right bi.t if w s .«h with ti/o many ut» v.. be lnU-rlered with.-'Itjxaa Til*1 ft114ulis »F11 1'oliiPH Of the A«e Are cuiwrciis ,t of the latter none Is more rjiticulous tlian the prLiuisefums a::d ra-idi'iu use laxative puis and otljer tlruMie catiiurtu'S Tln'M' wr"inii, i'i-rvu'im' ar-i weaKeu Imtti the gtomsu'h and tin' how "Is. If He-Seller'^ Stomaeti HiHcrs be used iustead of these tio reille.iies, the result I). HC\*iiiip!tsheU wittiout p»m and w tn tsn-ril hecieiit Jj) the bowels, the sti.maril and tin liver. Us this rc'jm ii.\ when cuiis ipiituii luaud'ests itse'.f niidthereby prevent itfrou. biK'omiuir ehroioe. U'IIKN" mamiiiH petsv.pas .ei-Kbpp'''' sin' is p"e*t ,to jll tl*e hon -Turouto It.. -•urhnnca rummenilablc. All claims not eonsis'ent with the hifh ch.iracler ef S rup of K u-. are pi:i pose'.v avoided by the -ai. If men wore their hair as Ion# as the Wi 'C.'i'.'i it v.'ouhi not iast a week after t! I WfdOtng.- Dalh.'s Tex i News. .MoiiB are produced by usingr '.mi and rfnu.ed sonus ban hy any i ui" e'.-e. Why run sucii terribie risks ,"Ji )»a kionv liohhins'Klectric Hoap is i '-e and perfect, lioubnis' prevents hands i r--m ehappinir. Mfnr.s tSii* pf,be_-. ff v. hales the urchin* it is but nat'ira thut they tihouid blubber. Biohmond Recorder. Mt friend, lool, here vi:i iuinw !.-nr weak ami nervousonr that's tnole y the pro of Dr. Sn L.r-"s Catarrh lii'tn'-'l. It's sOun ivw:irl for an iwiir.-iMo case of Catarrh, 110 mat* lor ln\v" hail, or hw h'tit? slainl iti^. Thev mean what they say thev'ro responsible, atul the oiler has been male for yours. It's all ijn'tr sole—vmi lose your catarrh, v you're paid i«r ke i11*_c it. 1'. it it's sale for them, to"—they, i mw you'll l»o run 1. Dr. Sa ire's Romel. v• "I• i s p«T i". .-t :niil permanent euros ut I iironio 1'itarrh in tho Head, as thou-aiola in testify. "CoM in tin* Head" 'M.n-d Villi a few applications, ("lfarrhal Il.-adache is relieved and iri'd as if lv inairio. It removes -Tensive breath, l"ss or impairment the sense of taste, pmeil or liear- ::•!, "\vaterint or weak eyes, and ipairvd memory, "M Ikti caused ly tiiu violenee of Catarih, as they all ffvipjciitly are. Ii-n.eily '.J hy Jru^i.-ts. oO cents. 'When the Liv^r U crowded or cloheil with si mass of 'impurities, its action I^cosmps and diflinilt. i'leurisy^ hi\ in iatur, i rf ed Ing- an»l tioncral Weakness CUS\jct» TCaulU: ^, if liSfChetkiM, NOTICE AUTOGRAPH Kite S rup t'oiiipaoy. It acts trentl'v en the k:ili»e\s, I'.ver amlho\v e!s, eleansii.^ tie sysT^in effei tually, hut it is not a cure a!: and makes no pretensions thiitvvery buttle will not substantiate. EVERY %vite is. and »u know that Carter's 11'.i i 1'il'ts will relieve her. Now why not be fair about it and buy her a bcx DBruiii.sTs, l.owevf prospcrons, always dn business on a stuaii scale.- Lawrence American- V~. H. ORipri*. Jaekson, Mich., writes ••Suffered with Catarrti for fifteen years, Hall's Catarrh Cure eurcd U:e." Sold by Druirtfists, 75e. TnF.p.F. is thunJtr till around the Hkye, when tho little terrier runs mad.—1Texan Biftuiea Kjhp the pores open i a essential to health. Glenn's Hulphur h".tp'loos this. Hal's Hair and \VLivr Lje. 50 cent«. Yf.r rnav find hens :r, u h"iim*ry. butrton*! loolt for bats iu a lottery.- 'i'crre Haute Ex presa _____ Ark un'.ikea'.i et,,er pills. No purgtrip or pain Act speeiuu ,' nn ho hver and bile. Carter's Little Liver Fills. One pill a dose. JONES 5 TON SCALES $60 r.c» BINGHAMTON Beam Bv TV- ALL bUAS y tor «•w BE UP TO THE MARK CAMP LIFE. HLRL S THE SUCKED 'i'he inu'U a'w .is y. .d v., i tv row. l-ov% tcM: ^Juu'he ti *h' isa i R.rar.'i free SSiiVBTpillS uri. P£E »**rjr tim* y«u «rue. CURE CONSTIPATION. Tu «'li )«.» I one she ii Ii! lia\c rrif lllur f\ulie::'mill mil en ri «n«i» y lour Emu I'm. 1 lie iiili. ii iiiiillui uikI jiln kk ill. esil II11lie I nun HABITUAL G3::STiPATiGN are nmriv himI n'liiin*. I «»r (lie rnrc Of Ii IS I 11111111)11 I run I.U I nil s J.l 11' I'lll~ li»\ ua 1 u |h»|hilurit.v iiEi[iur Hllblctl. I le^andi su^ur «!i£ 1. SOLD EVERYWHERE. 1 to inave :lf-acting SHADE ROLLERS iVt aut'l hut] at. TJ *v mako iht nt::v l'v rl* r. ctl, and tmc c.T K *, )t\ng RENSiONS THIS TO YOU #.n«l K1i r~' LA EL "THE GENUINE HARTSHORN I PATENTS WATERPROOF COLLAR 3J*Ot bt.xcll f-f 'OV.' Thwy proieci ie v.! Fi« rider's K .! fro it ai th« maAc tht- ir. IKI!, A tJf'.V to a ret rid the uU icie c4 eiubf. When se\! a a v\a k r-.& r. t!.1P fxtt't,!, y t..ip y-m \'UK rat '.i etc u her, with a dwih e rnntv SVVhtMt the Uitumg, Im.e, iT port'imel cmtle, a?' i ihe t: U*r »i en- va ve-y t^ut oi 4* 1 biH$\ S '-t These ex* r.i y- 1 :.iu rverv •. Mark" i«lih, IT akr fine Tea: ".? JU-wjif •. newt stamped with on*t iucept auv :\.r Kfsh Hmei'j ,,ajrS rs-T t.'.it when you uustrateii cauk-gu* 'sh Brand S:,/ cist. 1'artJCuUrs %u»d A. J. TOWER, Boston, Mass. -5. GOLD MLrjAL, PARIS, 1878. u i i- S' !il bv all (trMCirists, v 1 •%,, I 1 tuui.lcr it. JUui-Ui. I' 'isburir .. U .is muie i. %p^ i'x:vr Tjrr: i" Latest Styles HAtiHK 4.V ctvs .5^1)1Otolllf1 di/p/r. .Y»- Vhvmivatis 1 in itt preparation. It lni« Jf rA.m three it 45 I i ft ike ttrengrh -f lnU i ocoa tuixed W.% Matt Arr»wr«ol h' 9ur%«ins*•.« 4 I V IK U'a'' tt,+ihtt:l.xs'.hm*ar lf S75.££to$250.22 !»'i rt'il «|nn'im furnish L'Art Do L.i Nloi^e. 7 m.i'ia i*l. v i i -. All 1HI I i! 1 -*l I'll:is i[ SKW TIIMK fAWIIOMl. .f U-t t' -l \-".ir Nrif4w1»4lrjr -r I *•:'»!/. v J. MOI^K. I'utilUher, n»t m* ctnt •J-- I 'Mm r'-n It is'Oup, ruuri*!miR, KA#*{rir Djiif.wTkn, rolwy fur imft'idl i tor in health. i It I !»v »*vrrvM lirri*. W. BAKER & CO.. Dorchester, Mass. MO. 2PJ i FARM the heart «t .• i« i n I i"i W» S tl lo 1.1 HI A 1" pi'o\v1 im-msUM* T"«»At.vr.-.iTi». \V hy nit s ,.»r• itt« on it r«• i:t«•.} jut in II..'.r Hntl map m-m yn I'E Uj v i r« OwiM-:«rvi*bs no Men K'-. i\ fti. lUlHtt, 4HE.HU, IOWA. MrNAMKTKlH I" A iLK you will* IllfMlHf Kii«t lio»ii HOOI.KHU PENSIONS0LD CUIMS I'ml.-r W 1.4W. hi |i»r HI.ANK .ap- i ', i n I* I ItICK Wa,sH:fu:r*ri. LADIES ir*t impwonoy inHkiii* *. i in III- I {-'1 -i' 1 1 'Hi* til it mints Frt'i ties. Molfs.frtf. Illl\ (I'-'O. I IIIHI.II, (I I S. Ii II K IV YOUR FEET ca^ilv Hrnl i«.*ritui- i* li F.Mm'et! iff M' m' I'»i Kai.c l»r t.i.lNK Hv II.« I. 'will 1- I •'. |l i- i'o sr.* !ii. a.ina ., N. Ui&« wilt*. h-ii lUfir 1 ht' h{.,»t I,t Ui« n* nta M- pr-tith fliliitHt'.j A f.'W H'fr? in ah:! s'J J, r. J"11SSmN' «».. liwm Main ittrbuiuoa. PlHt»- E N S S.I' I 'V PViOSt CUTES CLAIMS. r.iM.r*] E*.'intnr U Vr.ntwn Buh-hm. Ih• i v- a i H-5 I'iauns, Jitly.faf.-i I'&i'ER 9"9tf tim* feu [f (,Kn Jf TCI I Kl.l, ..r of I'Hrti PEN'"1I lyii* fti-fc., TJ«rte f»r 1h*t. He t-» lluv, K liAVJ.s, ClJiVir?: t'Ai LH«*«rf tarn* y&uWttl* i l^NTI'i'LKD .U tK* NKW AW. W ritfl IHHlMHhuUli V* i iANKH t» 1 ttuhiiitftun, IKC. PENSIONS Now LAW CLAIMS. A?*'ly tt!L00,SlTWKS AM r- &ix< hii.\ TRADE tit% ii'....,,.. l). o, Cmcago. ijeti ii i«. i-.H cio\ «!•, M-U tW ifui UVh iv IIH i ''A 1.1 Uk\n.y A D| I MAfM.f., to. LI.. V) n-eoire ti ri«jrv»y*»t by attune iwn, U.t« WHO ARE SICK s.« i-.fui't', HK«| i"CM "f ha UP-i lH.»2-rrnt Kftmpl 'Iihjuj'.Mw 7J"T runrii in in i 1 r. N H. !'IEki k. Ahu Arbur^ «arNAMK J'A/'KK«»ery U®j« ASTHIVIA-Sw#ar,,e,h A**hmn curb CUBED cDcrer llti I IV1* in |il(l i.«'» -1 SHi IV. Hu f% Wmm EDUCATIONAL. MOS OJ.I.I.I.J I.OV.' A. N. K.—G. rHI'L A 1 wsg raid. AttnrR" .UasUlu^iOtt I-• C. HHi'.N \V 5j I tiH'llKO. 18(17. HI I J« MIU.MiiM liN I'M •tuw iUat |ttM m»w Ibe AdvertUiuvul In tbU piiiicr CUFF OR THAT CAN BE RELIED ON 3NTOt to Split! to Dlscolorf LFLARS THIS MARK. MARK. NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. E O N Y I N E N -L I N E W A E O O COLLAR IN THE MARKET. XSSTABIJISIZBD 1079. WOODWARD & CO 406 AND 408 CORN EXCHANGE, MINIVKAPOIiia. of th tyHwmI for eif T^egrmphCTnber. OPTION OROIIM S01ICITEI»