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OWEN. Attorney ut Law, 10*** Hfi W. BKLL. a lB OAK. ATTUHNF.V (I KANT C'OVNTY milEY AND COUHSELLO B-AT-LAW AND NOTARY l'UliLiC. jl Coui U-St'ite and Federal. Hlcea M&BANK S 1. |0» #OD«B. ATTORNKY AT LAW Office In Postolflce Huilding, DAKOTA. Co!.LKCT10NS A 8PECE\LTY y. SMITHKK, OHSBY ASH COONSKLLOB AT UW „or,c.tri'lnBll conru. ConteaU V, s UudOfflce«sp^"' v MtLBASK, 8. I' Jl. BENNETT, Lawyer. iH practice Ui all tho Courts of Dakota and Minnesota STOXK CITY. OHN L. LOCKHART, at Estate, Farm Loan and Insur ance Business leiecond floor 15ank ol Mil bank iMKHKKUR, put)iit IETOli Mill):ink Dr.iv Line. KENT FOR STANDARD OIL CO. XorlnjPianoe,Orgaue, Kurta'.niv I'.t-- tmpt Attention. F. GIBSON, Ju., eal Estate and Loans, INSURANCE AND COLLECTIONS, j»t Mortgage Loans on Real Kstate and Chattel Security at Lowest Rates Paid for Non-residents. Land* t'.r Sale. MILBANK, S D. f. KS.UT, HK.M AX CITY I.OASS, 11 Rful Kstate MatUTH, In- s u a i o i o n s a i i o n v o y a i i i n K A tended to. y p. UUST, Watchmaker and Jevvt lor, Miltiank, S. D. l*ei»! aUPiiii.Ki givMi watches that hav beeiilmdly reuatred by iucompelfiit workmen. tieold postoffice buihliug. HOME IIA E N U S. Republicac Thursday eoatity convention next An Infant CUili of Henry l)iets died knight. Step itr.o N. i. t'deeer's and start your •gar by the electric light. David Craig aud editor Nelson of Big vD8 were in tha city Wednesday. Billy Marble theatre company three 'giita. commend tig Mos'lay, Sept 1')- V S. C. Jones hits lwM'ii appoint-''' atrent for the Minnesota Thro-: punv. located at Stillw.iier. »».! ... the Monda II field of ..|.cr:iti".h will ,ti .! riv-r country and Low Clark, Win rn. also ilown there. Mr. K. A, Fit. Philip T'nt. .if .-\ii:-\ a an auction sale 11u.• a- •, a mile north ot li-v- !..ri DAK •Btteted. t-ity a:»-i ouutry l'r-.put* Bought aud Sold. ii.encin^ Se|)iemiier, it .. tl.inti for him in break liiin-t i.ii"jit of p'iyiim lor it in adv«i. K v 'r-i 1 HM The ladies of tho JId. EL cliurch will A OB Harvest dinner i8w. Tburwlay, Sept. Mra Johc. Liundterg .atvi davi^hters, 'ft Monday for a few week viHit to •yenta and frier.du in MinneajK^Li. J('lin iS'iellaud in jtrenitri'-ii trt no to rookir.^H next week, Vi altea^.i tlr ^ate gricultura! college Lightning struck feaau Joiia kwood 'luetday nigbt, ripping of a. "w boards, LMI{tloicg no otaer /iaiiaaga Charley Scbuls, of Supi» ior, Rpent a or two with his Milhank tvi.oni.iH this ttnd returned thie moralng. ^oodard, the jewelry inaa has Iffwed lot adjoining Farley's hardwane store, Ql' will j)ut uj» a building J8x24 upcai it, his jewelry businese. The S( andiRaviar,s of f.'he county, tru® 'heir principles, are organising •Scandinavian rej)iililii'au club, and in iftid this year to do seine gtod Jive work or party of progress. JS John Madera has lieeri layi*g fro® Us work at the depot this week on ac- l,«t of the illnoHs .of hifl lin\e boy. '^ill Hodgern in trorkiaj in his place. Mrs. E, I)IEon, the woman who was tally burnel last Friday wh^ti her boDe *'as de8troy€fl, is in a very precarious ""Edition, and ho|iea ot her recovery -live boen given up. ^i' K Mortal I, the machine man, i ®&king [ireparations for a grand display machinery at the county fair, and n Dick starts in to do a thing he K^Dera]ly guts there. N J. Behafer, a former Grant county 'Wident, drop|ed ftf between trains this ®°'niug while on his way east. He had out at Longford, mijerintending 'bfeahing on his farm near that place. :ro s I it -liM'jr •!d ahue were among tim railroad went down to Minneapolis to at thf exposition this week. V. .- a stand the line repairer. and tit In w- a'.- ,i. a •, v 1 M.'-r I Fitch find Mm I aril.-,- n ... short visit w it Mr. Fitch a an evp.-: i i a-,, Machine Company, anu IS ON hi V home to Flandmtu from North I at where lie has been engaged since bun commenced. t. \mong the things to tin (iispot-. i horses, yattle, farm machinery a acres of standing. corn. Mr. I1 le'tiii'.i !r- I-ir'ii The Mises Ur.'iilloi ii. gave tho entertainment a ,. huso Fri-H* M-IitC'd Ifi- .. arifll 11, ... a.i' remlereil ami heo (. i I .':ptH, hciwover. vxpeii^s. i rif'L nin'i.rr provide ti njy lain- .• •. MicijiseH 'miiint! John Ml'. , -'int M"niii'. I- 'in Utitf his n* 'S" ot jianiKi tlii coming yeai. Jlr. Mart' iie 6d this trick uputi t.s twe,\o 1 i.-iht i •. i: -, -i.' .',••• snioihc ilUoilH "lit,.] reation iind 'omnoi-. kTief," "Prophecies of Daniel l)evin .ut ii, o i a i a i i s is in the selling h-. I prof»w«»r.will ,. u--' deliver a lcctui' 1 IIIKI M- a I evening n.'Xt we- ». t! subjecta, or uj»o:: 1• I anv t'ountrv tro I a State ''I 1 1 1 Ifnmc of s'.d- p.-i. anxi.oiH to hu.\e a i'oul i'S ranged for the time of b'Dged the rei'iiblic-H' ^leaker. I! I. pendent- o l.oucks, ft'.d ".iilieans .liid.'tf to aii^v.-r l-m-. independents so.'ii ean." 1 mini thai Lie v didn't wi'.it *.: .--."a. slid rein-.''1, t" .mow ti• *-i -''a Conklin. I tn'y wanteii t- nam i. publican speaker as w.Mi t:• The whole ilumr was a grand The Miibank IndejH-ndt n' leased l-r the campaig'i ai,a liuring the liine as a st 1 paper, with Mr. living Uatn i' There lias tn-ni |uite« strong on the part of tlie local deuiO''!.i. _•. lfnst that part of it wh.- i.- lr: loyal to party principh be bamboo,/.led into the in.icpriiul,-i.i wild-goose ehase, that the party should not be allowed lo sink into uior.toiiH desuetude," bocause a few of the loaders had forsaken it for a temporary advant- I" age. The securinu of the Independent 11 a democratic pap«r is the outcome of this leoling on the part ol tho loyal democrats. Mr. Hath is an •'.•! :.a::: .n the newspaper business one wb w. a mighty reckless pencil at V and lie fore the campaign .s '-v^r !.•• will pmbablv stir up 'he ,l around in good •:.! Jacksonian tyle. The ladies of Congregational 1', e.vwillgiTe a social ,,dav evenu*. Si'pt l-th at the home of Mr. .lam.. Wat-"". A cordial inutatioii is extern. ?d to ab. ...... The Indies b.-nevoi-nt society wil! with Mrs. J. C- Hall Thursday afteu.« f.iit. 11, for special W"! K. ni v. I KYK L'iv e ol best l'"i MWH. A. 1- \S"' h:I.1 W tinted. Ago.)d girl, to do L-eneral —i.j loiiunence anout Uctot ply at Hank of Milbank Foi-sn-A small bovVcat, near Ha residence of John K. Eastni in, 1 ar.j .•AO hav.? same by proving propeitv ana jmyiag tor his ni'Uce. Tl I IV'a,. 1 ear the he grown i l'rn A,. V \v n DIKW. OoHmto.**- U. Mr West by wishes us to p.d lit 0 Lu.... .i.. BO i (irant eniintj Pren i 1 1 t,,rtv th-r Prof- script!' be-t di: ('. an'y *„i„»uu„iu,.a...,.iiy.i."i»«"'»' of his .leceased cbild.^ Ai»n»ii MCeitt,cu«. n Y SchweigeL tho mere hant tai.or. ,„k ui.«»A«l at Orioi^i'de with an mi-: name a .. guaranteed.: one-half railroad linnt I sati-tftctwn guaranut fare paid. j« |rM' 5 r- Willie Cleveland lett this week for MmneipoliB Exposition, where he I i "iianeintbe sighte and visit 'n™"" ir-lAat city before Jaklng up his studie® tbi delegate* to township ^1 the 1 Cwlton College. Northfield, Minn Clo county -«-n.a n ciotning .loan W. 1! (,t 1 •a I lai-tma" 11 81 i N.. i ..11 woriii f'J f. Su.caaA gli-bre my 1... of Hifl- irid lima pig (J rant county he bt*M speci al- ..a she fan a S low lsluri).. ol. No. worth#!, a prize i 1 1 eal ojfers.-a and l»at worth I n 11 n,y of (irant county vvitiniug a 1X) yard a i a .- a i u r- a .- 1 a in. s'uiw oifers $•» I:I I -1 HI extilliltill: ned tiy an Wl ,tiiii{ til counU 3 S 1 i. i K ft. mi. i yiiiir. .1 liaiu I .. toi I .1.-hi 1 1 UlK'j J'Oli Kllf'.R .1 I ibe M' lark on other. 1 with ai.-l w d! gi\ e Levi Sehnahel wjll 1 worth, $1, bi!' band- 1 w?wlnp n t" soine-t chair t»iy made in (irant CVmnty. rrein. No. Thos. JJouck offer- be held in Mi a n k a i s w o 2 a s a i z e o 'm t. -forknif,"- lv ion- ladv in Graa y any I any ^o .ai Lite ]i. a: a!'.'. .• id. nt. p. ii• v in \u i-b'i.: amount a- an a a u a 'liM.'.eipilia Ma Ill tor the Ii.'!(•• will is.- a mp"tiio tiie ol a!. 1'ohc repl e.-" .'a i'.d I m.. oi. .-aa \'s .tin oiupetit a 11: .ro'. Lf• ot the e- a.iiviibiat v\ bo ex i. raticv policy in -t,awri Ii. t'. Eno veeii tl,.* In'U i ay. hept. 2ti, at ie fair gioiind a om'Um» i. v di-1 urtie.b- J..,- v. ii en', y a- i fee w i be in -id the ia •ards w:.i ,iy of i i. '"i ..nor :t -a rj. 1 !. a I en l.-i.a.' p. ia. on i 1. a. in oi: A.J. Hi.I -1 K. S'.''y. Illltes. the Sioux (hty Corn I'ahn e, ticket. e S e O 1 o a n 8 for t'-n days after date of sale, rate !ure for the round ti ip. the State Fair at Aberdeen ex, ur? Mckets will be tiold Sept. l'dt1 a, p.!t h. id i.r.tii r-i- i,'. U'.'nd. ire oia- v A I K Look i icatnii"' Moves. i lie 1. okir La])i(i Wo.mI Hi 'Inig With ti Soul Ii I a,: I: a!.-: '. a- I'm- a i' a will all I .«• .- i in-t of ,u,.aa aa.-a ones.. We ha.'e for sale some of t!ie finest lands the YV\W\K inu-s HlTllp '1'lit He rrii'.'slhat irc i jour-d to kstatalish I ra 1 ri^ n Everything in tho lino of FLFVP :J W. I. o,. ...• j.i ipal Of Will be sold at Cost, and a large assortment of Broken Suits will be sold REGARDLESS OF COST. (oin: AMI SKK MRon I nrcliitser a hur.dsomo advance within a short tir We rider, with"ut permisMon, to Hank of N. I IT 1 'li. Minn. a I i. A A« i i I N A N 11 A I t, A N I laa-iin v aivc Sc 1 rill u y rPa ska Foi! \oi'iist:i.t. THE BANK OF MILBANK MILBANK. SOUT11 DAKOTA. oul M.lbaiik tryinnasiiuu. '!'o "0 'lie fair L'l"1!'!.:!- dor- Ji"* I'his is tlie oldest ilanl. u: l/ot.-M. I f«. ai iiibed Ih'Ttt, and operat n o i u i i e a v e s i n e S i s M. T'jif va In addition of doii:i agener-i, !' n-ir o-^ in.-r--, 1.«-III iiioncy .m Fanu ?o o! .liiter J- 11.1 It— na\ in.' be inoi t^iiLTi''' ll i .!" s mail, id rg« !or col .. :P a ai a. ":n»J inter-.-', -r k i ti i* in mm it i d- o! tl i i a-, ii.. 11. •. i. a lias ta rr lobt i« r. -i tillable rates, Him ret. a .. j--- Fire 1 MSlinince lilis I riled in 'irant ('oiin* -1,- a 11 ,* 111 .kotas. and Ii o ill be ope: I i setlleMient ii. int lor t'l-rsi takinsr-hom. entVvh. .(Htoboo-i (and ,, Ct'OllS iu* SHItH* iMV i any auei.icy in Ivistern Dakota. lie" fauio!,n Whe!?ton« Yallej, 'he oi, iiie ^iM-etoii Indian Lieseriat jori. I'.iU ierfih MilbtuiU will he cho acres. i.'dh fiilinneed in value. n 1 .-r CofiMstiitton, and -. i.i fan- t.. her i'ei 11hv I'I .Ii H* I A i li A Nil. t.A-ni.INi: ^loV i-. I I.M i: V.'IKi:. CAliltl.N TOOL-, WA-lIKi:-. TH'KN-. CUKA.M Lit V CAN-. CoOD.S (il -, l"l Ll.iiV. AND -11.LL hooDS. Haft if Mi (111 11 k ii a i! v i:- 1. i -. uiNDi.1 and mowers wagons. Hi !!•. l!oA A 1! 1'-. HINDI N(i TWINK, JOHN DF.EHE 1'l.oW- AND I'L'i I\"AToi -, WA(.ON-. Hl'(inF, i o A A 1 1 .- W O O A N I i o N I S ASH, DOOltS. HI.IXD- AND MOl'LPINGS, nriLDiNf i i 1 lliatwill afford N. A \i w York, or p. .adence Soltci d. SARGENT & DIGGS. !•:it. fi:ick. lime, cement, etc. i \. i'o-T, l:.