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IIKRALD-AIIVANCE W W I)OWN 1 l,: MILBANK, Epitome of the Week. INTKKliSTJ N v.w .s T'v t'if Senate conferem*-' i tn'!-fjr int lori'eiture bill, wuirli will nearly 10.0 O.iXX) :icim to tlw pubic ilorrum imre.-il to on liie nst.h to re cal the timli r-i n,lu:-» act, to sr-.uit right of way through tli» public. laml-i for irri ktion purposes, urifl Un Houst-* bill to prevent the hoiuUoj? of lottery uuvei'tj^eiiieut*,. accounts of drawini/s and MiniUr mutter through trie mails la th« Mouse bills were lntr«iiiceil for the erei'tio.i of a United Stales mint at Omaha, •Net.,., aad for thi' ereetion of a stat'ie itt the tily of Washington to tin memory of .John Kricsson at a cost of ttO.Ofll. The Kuloe reso lution disclaiming sympathy with .tu:re«s ii an Kennedy's attack oil the Meruit :imi son uior Quay was referred to the judiciary com mittee. KKIHTV private pension hills were passed in the .Senate on the 17th .d an ami iidin.-ut to the bankruptcy bill which piovi.i. s for volun tary bankruptcy only mi, ilN.'u.-.,e.|, but tin ic 11 TI wa?i taken.... In the Hoii.sfbtho f,an^- t»i enable contested election case lrom Yir: iiiiit was discussed. but no il riwi'.n was reitched. A '"int rest,.ut.ion was imnduivd providing for the election of members to the next (V n?r«« from ihp same districts in Oido in which the ri'i/res'-ntatives of the Fifiy-llrst Congress were eiocted. A IIII.I. was introduced in the Senate on the istli to the circulation U the National imriks, to issue legal lender notes in lieu there 61 nn i to reduce the interest-bearing debt. Bills were passed to revive the ^rade of lieutenant General in the army of the I'nited States: al lowing II'J a month to women who for six months rendere.t service in any regimental, camp or general hospital, and who are unable to earn their support, liesolutioim relative to the death of the late Representative Laird, of Nebraska, were pieieol,. d... .In the House lack of a quorum prevented business. Hn.r.R were passed in the Senate on the iflt.h to discontinue the coinage of the in4 $1 gold pieces and the ,'i-cetit nicke] piece, and for the protection of trees and oilier growth on the public domain from destruction by lire. A joint resolution was introduced fur the immediate Increase of .silver money by the pun hase and coinage ef 10 01*1.000 ounces o.' silver within the nexi thirty days.... In the House the absence of ac|uoruin prevented business. At the even ing .session seventy-two private pension bills Were passed. DOMESTIC. WILLIAM FHAZKR, tiring of the abuse of her drunken husband, while be lay in a drunken stupor burned bis eyes out with lime at Pittsburgh, Pa. IT is reported that the schooner Hen Brink has been wrecked on the rocks off Kagle Harbor, Lake Superior, and that the crew of five men perished. rijiKedict of the Methodist conference at Muskegon, Mich., that ministers must not mix in politics, hus cruised IIEV. VV. Gardner. Republican candidate for Secretary of State, to withdraw from the ministry. TIIK population of the State of Col orado according to the count of the Cen sus Bureau- is 410,075. This is a net in crease during the decade of 2Hi,tils. A Finn at Hanford, Cab. destroyed twelve business houses and damaged several others, causing a loss of $i",o 000. TIIK upper house of the Oklahoma Legislature has passed a bill locating the permanent Territorial -apitol at Oklahoma City. I TIIK three men, Reed. Cain and Buett, under arrest at Truv, N. Y., for wrecking a train on the Central road near Castleton, have made written con fessions of their crimes. A I'AssENUKu train on the Louisville, New Orleans & Texas road was wrecked by miscreants at Vicksburg, Miss., and the engineer and fireman were killed. IN a wreck on the St. Louis THK streets of South Norwalk. Conn., were flooded by heavy rains and busi ness was partially suspended. GAKDNKK, CUASK & Co., bankers and brokers, of Boston, have failed for #2,000,000. A STATE Farmers' Alliance has been organized at Lansing, Mith. .with A. E. Cole, of Fowlerville, as president. THK Census Bureau gives the popu lation of Connecticut as 745,Ml, an in crease of 123,1 At. AT Portsmouth, N. II., Fred IJein, a cooper, enraged over tne conduct, of his wife, who h..d deserted him, fatally shot Charles \\. Taylor, a stone-dealer next shot bis three daughters, killing two of them, and then committed suicide. AT a mooting in Chicago of the World's Columbian Exposition National Commission the salaries of three officials were fixed as follows: President, $12, 000 Secretary, $10,000 Director Gen eral, £U. 000. THK strik-e on the New York Central railway has been declared off. AT a meeting in Chicago of the trus tees of the ltaptist University of Chica go a letter was read from John D. Rock efeller. of Cleveland, O., which an nounced the gift of 81,000.000 to tho university. Prof. \V. R. Harper was elected president of the university. IHK thieves who stole S12,000 belong ing to Bookmaker Carlan from the safe in the Hotel Vendome in New York have been arrested. A STAOK was stopped by two a Andreas, Cal., and San about ».v, from the ei^hfn carried tbey off the Wofu K,r 6teel pond reservoir, six miles east of Poestenkill N"~v""\T »nd bridges Hv agreement i-t, and Ktniiio Ii• Ih'-ui lliulit- nirirri i norlh was rele ,sed and it 'ii buiidia •Ives in Xi D. At I. the era! ldi'ii 'I'm Wliit. Wu.-h'- •. kind. A n"r r* CONGRESSIONAL. A r\. i.. two p. :.„,j and near Kills were jia-ised K ,fa ro n Mountain & Southern road at Golden, Ark., fourteen passengers were injured, two fatally. SLTT AND MRS. JOHN W. GKJC. of Nor mal, 111., were found dead in their house, having been asphyxiated by gas that escaped from a gasoline stove. THK Utah commission in its report to the Secretary of the Interior savs that the practico of polygamy is rather on the increase than the decrease, and that tbo doctrine is taught in all the Mor mon churches. WILLIAM IIITT, of St Joseph. Mo., a sufferer from rheumatism, took a sponge bath in alcohol and then stood near an open stove to dry off. The alcohol took fire and llitt was fatally burned. 'I JIIC 12(H)th anniversary of the estab lishment of Boston, Mass., was cele brate! on the 17th. if tu auVKt iii utu(*rx KmiJietsburiy and at Vinton darn.'.jfo was done to property. I" IJMI PAI'I, shot Mrs. .Louts Hijolow at Long I'lairic, .Minn., and cut off her ears, and then won borne and shot him self. IIo was insane. ClIAUI.KS Did" MM. pp..of a winMiouse at S|irin{ffleld n ,t fi .,{ jfulousy shot tMH wife .ai'i I:.MI I- 11... i liis own life. A- incendiary flr s.. ,11. Haven. Mich., rostiUi'd in tne destrucMwn „f t'luvon liuHinoHs bnildin^s. CAJ. WOOD, convicted o( IWUNT'"-, has bee n sentenced to dcutli by electricity in Danncmora prison, New York, dur- I Tennessee dist. com me minx- November 3 in„* tbo week next. AN express train on the Rpadin# road was thrown down an ctnbankrn nt at Sboemakersvillo. P*., and iif: MMJ were reported .killed and *n r:. II red. TIIK business failures in the United Strat«'» during th ing week last year. HKNKI HI ttitis, a wealthy farmer near Srni thfield, ()., was swindled out of Sft,OOo by t«o sharpers. I.N a fit of melancholy .1. Medley committed suicide at Ouray, Col., by tak ing morphine. Abojt a year ago the man killed his wife. NKAKLY forty persons in Minneapolis have been indicted for participating in census frauds in that city. THIC population of Cincinnati is an nounced as 29ti,30D. an increase of 41.170. AT the meeting of tne World's Colum bian Exposition Commissioners Colonel George R. Davis, of Chicago, was elected director-general of the exposition. PitKsinKNT Harrison has signed the river and harbor and anti-lottery bills. Miss. JENNIK ROWLAND, of Chicago, has been bequeathed $63,000 by a lover whom she had not seen since lie enlist ed during tho war. BKI.LU 11-MLIN and Justina, driven by their owner, C. L. Hamlin, broke the i ISA AC RICK (colored) died at Indian apolis, lnL, on the Kith at the age of io 10rt years. line Mussachuseua IJAIJOP party on the lrtth nominated a full State ticket with Charles E. Marks for Governor. LUZON B. MOKIUS has been nominated for Governor by the Connecticut Dem ocrats. AT Concord the Republicans of New Hampshire nominated Hiram A. Tuttle for Governor. THE Republicans of Massachusetts have renominated Governor J. Q. A. Urackett and Lieutenant-Governor Will iam H. Haiie. THK Congressional nominations on the 17th were as follows: Georgia, First district, M. J. Doyle (Rep.). i il Indian i. VVatsof n di na, First district, J. S. Wright (Dem.) Fifth, J. G. Dunbar (Rep Thirteenth. 11. K. Wilson (Rep.). Mich igan, Second district. J. S. Gorman (Dem.) Fourth. (J. II. Cunningham (Pro.) Sixth, B. G, Stout (Dem.)- Obi Eighth district, Charles Foster (Rep Eleventh. J. M. Pattison (D 'm.). Mary land, Second district, H. Stump (Dem Third, II. W. Rusk (Dem.) Fourth, I. Raynes (Dem.). Mississippi, Fourth district, Clark Lewis (Dem.). Texas, Fifth district, J. W. Bailey (Dem.). Illinois, Seventeenth district. Ed ward Itoessler (F. M. B. A.). Wiscon sin, Second district, D, C. Van Brunt (Dem.). New Jersey, Fourth dis trict Samuel Fowler (Dem.). Penn sylvania. First district, H. B. Bingham (Rep.) Second. Charles O'Neill (Rep.) Fourth, J. E. Reybnrn (Rep.I Fifth, A. C. Harmon (Rep Seventh, E. N. Hal lowell (Rep). N-braska, Third district, G. W. E. Dorsey (Rep.). New Hamp shire, Second district, O. (Rep.) Wii.i.iAM B. KCS.SKI.L has been nomi nated for (iovernor by the Massachu setts Democrats. TUP: oflicial election returns from men near Maine give Hurleigh, tho Republican candidate for Governor, a plurality of and 8 940 The next House will stand 110 MRS. HACHKI.Stillwaooos. of Flush- -i i valley, destroyiug aaw-miiu^builj^ 10 1 3 i U attained her 105th year on th ,8th UN KonclrAir,T and 1 the playwright ^tor. died at New York, aged «7 years. ict, died at Knoxvilh 'J IIK Colorado Republicans have re nominated John L. Routt for I over ii or. Jioiii.ur Di'.vn.ui, the inventor of prain elevator machinery, dif-d at Huf falo, X. V., aged 78 years. CoMiiiKssM VN DKIIA VK.V, of California, has mailed bis resignation to the iov ernor of the State. Mr. Do Haven has seven days ended on been nominated to a judicial position, the Uth numbered 190. against 1»« the hence bis resignation as Congressman preceding week and 30!J the correspond- THB following were the Congressional nominations on the 19th: Illinois. Fifth district. Rev. F. F. Farmiloe (Pro.). I Wisconsin, Second district, I). a Van I Brunt (Rep.). South Carolina, Second district, George O. Tillman (I)eni.) re nominated. New York, Second district, M. Jones (Pro.) Third, F. G. Smith I (Pro.) Fourth. A. L. Martin (Pro.) FOREIGN. Tin-: anniversary of the ind.-.en i,. CiiiNf'.SK advices via San Francisco are to the effect thai -1,000,000 people have b(,( n THK principal portion of Whitehall, '"'ITY deaths a day is the cholera Mich., and about thirty dwellings have been destroyed by an incendiary fire. re SIX persons were drowned near Ev- ansville, Ark., by a cloud-burst. CHOI.KISA has become epidemic in the village of Bergholz, O. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL THE Congressional nominations on the Ifith were as follows: Alabama, l'ourth district, L. \V. 'l'urpin (Dem.) Eighth, Joseph Wheeler (l)em.) renom inated. Illinois, Eighth district, W. S. Forman (iioiii.) renominated Twen tieteih, E. A. Davis (Pro.). Indiana, Twelfth district, O. Kimmell (Rep.), Iowa, Seventh district, A. C. Ilargis (l).-m.) Tenth, I. I, Woods (Dem). Kansas. First district, Thomas Moon light (Dem.). Kentucky, Seventh dis trict, Hiram Ford (Pro.) Ninth, 1. II. l'avnter (I)em.) renominated. Michigan, Second district, Thomas F. Moore (Pro.) Third, J. \V. Fletcher (Dem.) l'ourth, U. II. Cunningham (Dem.) Seventh, J. 8. Ay res (Rep.) Ninth, Harrison Wheeler (Dem.) Tenth, T. A. E. Weadcock (IVm.) Missouri, Third district. II. J. Ellia (Union Labor) Fifth, 1). S. Twitehell (Rep.). Ohio, Sixth district, 1). 1). Don ovan (Dem.) Eleventh, II. L. Dickey' (I)em.). Louisiana, Third district, An drew Price (Dem.) California, Sixth district, \V. J. Curtis (Dem.). made homeless by the Yel low river flood- double-team trotting record at Phila delphia. The mile was made in 3:151*' best previous record, 3 l.V',t. namen were drowned. IHK bark Oneida has been lost in Alaskan waters and seventy-eight Chi °o at Massowah, Italy. lx ,0 1 .ys and girls committed suicide Vienna, Austria, through chagrin at being obliged to recurn to school after vacation. JOHN Dn.T.oy and William O'Brien have been arrested in Dublin on the charge of inspiring tenants not to pay their rents. THK Turkish man-of-war Ertogroul has foundered at sea and 500 person were drowned, including Osman Digma, the famous General. TH.WNS collided on the Mexican rail way at Rincenda, Mex., and ten person were killed and several others injured. IT is said that 40.000 persons in Ire land are threatened with starvation owing to the failure of crops. THK body of a woman named Goeda was exhumed at Szegedin, Austria, for the, purpose of an autopsy. When the colHn was opened it was found that the woman had been buried alive, and thai she bad given birth tp a child in the collin. LA"1"PR NEWS* Stopped the K-ght. LONI.ON, Sept. 23.-The much talked of prize fight between Slavin and McAu lifleof California received a set back last night. Both have been arrested. McAu'iffe was arrested at his lodgings in this city, and Slavin was arrested on bis arrival from bis trainingquarters at ver. 'I hey were arraigned in court this afternoon on the charge of conspir ing to commit a breach of the peace, ami bound over in £2,000 each to appear before tho court to-morrow. In court the police inspector, justifying the ar rests. said the match was not to be a mere boxing contest, but a genuine prize light. THK funeral of Dion Itoucicault. tbo actor, dramatist and playwright took place in the church of the Transfigura tion, I be Little Church Around the Corner," New York, on the 22d. The attendance was very large. A I'I.OT to blow up the penitentiary at Frankfort, Ky.. was discovered on the 22d. A man named Campbell, an ex-convict, was seen lurking about the place. His satchel was searched and found to contain dynamite cartridges. Di lei NO the month of August. 1890, there landed at Castle Garden, Me# 1 ork, 37.3S7 immigrants. Ihoic was no tjuorum of the lower house ot Congress on the 23d, Only two Democrats were in their seats and there were not enough Republicans ir the city to make out the (juorum. Thf rumpus is over the l.angs ton-Yen able con tested case from Virginia. AT Washington, I). C.. the first case under the new lottery law occurred on the 21st. The Sunday Chronicle a paper of limited circulation contained an ad vei isement of the Louisiana lottery and consequently was not received by tho post oliice officials. ALL of the engineers and firemen era- C. Moore ployed by the new switching associa tion at tho stock vsir-rlu-if rv, tion at tlie stock yards at (. hicago struck on the ~'M. They claim that two of the men were, scabs and that they could not work with them. A IIKAK-k.ND collision occurred on the Wabash road at St. Louis on the 22d. Charles VV'. Howard, engineer of the Denver express of St. Louis, was killed instantly, and J. S. Croslan. bis fireman badly hurt. Fourteen others were slightly injured. AMONG the bills passed by tho IT. 8. Senata on the !»2d, was one to create a UANGS 1 .uUu., iuij ii ed. I ova, 'toy (Hop.) 11 I dis- 1 .1. O'Xoill listrict, «I. I'iMllll'S III (I)." Marvl .. uj? (Dim.}. I liin'Tsl I •, ,i -•.net, J. i: W •. .i -•.rii.'t. Win tain ::i, Jvinth distr T. Mills Townsend I: Colorado, II ii--p. 1 renominated, [innoi.s. Seventh, 'M'ii't, i. \\. 1 i(?e Di'in.). New llatnp s::.rt), First district, I). A. Tacrgart (Hep.), Nevv .Ici'soy, Second dixtnet, James Huehanan (Itop.) renominated, TH-K ConiKH'tieut ltopnblScans liavo I nominated Samuel K. Merwia. "i \'pw I Haven, for tiovurnor. CiiAiii.Ks Mir,i.Kit, candidate of the 1 -liibition party for (Jovernorof JVnn vania, has declined the nomination. THE Republicans of South Carolina have deci le i i, j.u• no ticket in tbo field. COMINKI. .1 U ..IS M. TitoitMicKfiH, ex tneiiibur of Congress from the Sec '1 1 '1 e l""' V v more. s tor died resident Lily I)i of I'.ilyi. Lrer and ii. t) II'"'S F) I1C9 of Mexico was celebrated on the 10th S with great pomp. President Dia? opened Congress in the evening. AN explosion occurred in the Mav bach pit at Sanct Wendel, Rhenish Prussia, and twenty-five miners were killed. A firk at San Jomaehi, Japan, de stroyed 170 houses and caused tho death of seven persons. i.AVEL -l"M- I'ul-Il 1! AII KXI'IIRSITI'! O.U^kiriM nC i{.4 liepii- It 11 I«M! hii 1 :i I I»l tt Ml or 11 I .Ml V-Olio I III low Mavirur. Sell lo •ii 1« nti iadies v ier per? lihn ele ction O! fourtei don kt Evantre i| Ot'1 The »s\ and 1,50- A :.l: Iv E.gut, Douglas .' -:i. 1 he i: ., n. i excursion i 1 arrested a i 1 Engineer I).-, al ning too it MeAvoy, of GroVM aceimiiiiodation, Vi unsoem-ly haste. '1 Ley arre^p.,) -,'j tlie city later on. T"I:LK MI: K.TJ.KD I\ I(UV A. Coi N IL l:i,n--Ks. la., Sept. 22.—A d., astrous wreck occurred on the Waba-t. railway ^ijrlit miles southeast of this ity at 2:30 o'clock Sunday niornitiu incoming freight train from St. consisting of eighteen cars, with merchandise, ran bridge or tres engine and tbir- 1 An Louis all loaded into a burnintr tie-work and tht teen cars went through to tho ground, forty feet below. The bridir« U deep ravine. When tin l\y tiie engine vent a wreck. The killed hskridjro, the ony im fireman braketna- rim ttl'A IIINi AcrniKXT., Pa., Sept. 3a.—it until Saturday afternoon UuU "ho wreckers reported that all the bodies had been taken gineer the bodies from the Schuylkill wreck of the iiver at the scene of tin «IM day evening. Twenty-one dead and tbir- P«n KP o the train llie co:i1 8ft) u ntiun A UAI. uiii: K IN NKW v a two mil curve about ,, s U(t )f hi|( Th train \\a- completely tele scoped by the loaded it. 1 he freight crew two of tin pert and Flagman were killed. FATAL (OI.MS.ON ,V 1I,.NN, ROCK ISLAND, 111,, Sept. -J2 —Tht. uens turned out en masse' S ^ for the He»„e FOR HIS LLL T. ell on loi i' I! An r-i'.1 I --"K. HeilWc. id ntilU'u'iou of Hen-V"II iv,1-. '"elonel 'liwi-il a the station awaiting tne removal ot i st ructions at Western avenue, aho.' quarter of a mile north. The Dow (i rove express o i *.• 'ii icago. Hurl i n A-'iuinry raiiw: tueat that poi\ 7:10 oclock, and »,. four minutes It was di.e in the t. nion depot, sit and tlie er was trying to mak lost time 1 i,.. excursion train ewisi--. .i ol fifteen cars, every one tilled rn people. The express train consisted an engine, baggage-car and six pas- M ger coaches, with about ijecil ho has i coin ed two .' that irth of e 111111- ,"s del. is said, well al 0 Knirii I 11'!! 1 I to IM i e on board. The uninjured on ,• sion and all the people ,,f ij... e.vpics.s train, none of whom were .\ jured. made n wild break for the do. ami alighted on either side of the uw triins. The greater majorily, howe..-, immediatelv gathered around the wr. gave their assistance to those H.M ioned beneath the telescoped cars, an i those whose injuries were so s--r that they could not help themsep. The full force of the collision w sex e on the second and third passen-e coaches from the rear of the exi-ursi^ii train, these two being telescoped. The ar of tho third coach was crushed like an egg shell and all on 'Ve platform and in that end of i:e coach w,is doomed. The second co e-', crowded inside th- first, tearing up seats and crowding every thing int.. a muss in the front end of the car. n ni n had his throat, cut bv a piece of bad been outrigli t. of I oraee ^reoley. unvaiicd the sUlu,. ,M. Uetll'W drhviini,l .. .11 address and i he ned ie- pew delivered au liisiiop I'otter pronounced the s and train wreck at the curve. i copy of the Tribune uhie'h 1,1 a i ine cur vi Vl KK MIUDI.KTOWX, N. Y., ell.-i-I-'urjfo bound express erashed into a coal train partial V hiudcn l, his bands, would te f^ept. 22.—The train eastward A y. I ti(, s Shields, the en wa .s killed. illld his nall'y^ "P hwrt liadly injured inter- Happy Over HennrplnV tiiusiasm which has been I years was uncorked and spent it* To Die by Klectricity w (}L N Fa, ,s AVood. convicted of murder, sentotiAwrl sub-port of entry and delivery at I Uannemora^"prison," N°/w w'? I »..ce k c„„ ,. o e e e o n i e s any prominent persons, includingcity ofHcials, business and nownr,.., "tberx, were present. xpri s, on the Koadinir railroad Fri- i statue is a colossal nnn nf 1 U '''.presents Mr t.v-two injured is the ree.ord of the awful i upward to one sid •, its ears ahead of were aleip, and V I V .V V "XXKI.I.M-IU.K, Pa., Sept. as A ea-st,-bound freight train on thf more Ohio road, twelve hei bv a tast fr» An Haiti- into from -i 'im arend lit. 1 ho engine of wrecked train was sent f. and while returnin?. tbr man's carelessness, was run Tnto bv wrecking train near iitst collision, .lame He was '""jrh a flag the the scene of the ,l of confidence in it- !'sti'fy facturers of Dr. Js. tarrh Remedy. J-, that means business backed up by mor,'- Ills «::e Flut'- i ami a young III :i a:, named 1'clly. unai»h',-u,.-i,i,n with ISurrliell "limit,')'hi farm work in Caiiinla. The party Iter a short stay at New York went on liuilaln. thein'O aimost inimetliat'vv to i ,la.-ara ialis. whence Unrcheu ami •. el, STARTER I K uruary 17 /•'IL to inv.-Uiira! farm aii'L they •a aii-1 -'art.-.l to uall{. 15 iri li. 11 ii.z U nil the road, laiwiij,' lieen well known in i that section of cou'itry. lie hail lived at YVo. a -to( :c for a 'line, where he made him.-^.f knowu Lord Son The Crown win farm tieirpr a cjiosure, thai i a.k"d his vu-ii ••I I I. The Diener girls, who :he platform, were killed The police the accident later in the i. I lie Downer's into custody, and also a. rested a train man named W. 11. Seavcrs. T'l failed to secure tlie Illinois trainm Carrington and 7 iylor. at l\tg!as tion, as the meii ,t •, the swamp pretext a: ••ft* d' ..: roivi»n that K man dr- v- X*". •a «f t!i 1 that li u-obell u i ,, tne jury that detective them-elves to th a- trinity, are dev his life and tit1. to 1 h/. ti." i.,!ie rer.J fire was sighted I liobert Williamson, head is what they offer:"'§-.'1 ward for a case which they cannot c: V mean it. They're u/ take the risk—they 're medicine. By its r,. ing, cleansing and properties, it producer feet and permanent i the worst cases of (!,r tarrh in the Head. It- it every day, where w else has failed. \. how bad your case, long standing, n K ri 7 :u,,i ol k dark, polished finite on y i^ ipr Ioll ,u, a tie (.rceley. founder of thfl N i The we ijf bt or tnestuu alwoit 00() •Conductor rinirlex [.ep ^illiam II. !U)Tv po„n-|j( tUl om S i .UU wa« something like ^o.o(W).' A. Ward spent eighteen "••work. Street polie allowed to i vuHunc»v \f w, Jtid at one time, as trem-i Vl Adams Exnre«fv roHpprt AL ,V pj hunda.V, v., Sept "J. —c co "nsel f„ in"ome of 8ao,ooo a yea'r.1'1"^' YOIIK, Sept. a turdw of delegates of the '"li' comotive Fn acon v a resol U aI s to dealh sentenced i«n wi7 S ado been Mknom"^ U 18 '*d approving the you cured. You're sure of or of $500. You ir.: both, but you'll have the other. The Day!id You aro .1:1 ii 1 11 6 I money aun-.-.l ujKm \V i li Hen well saileil Uurchell I and knuw a ».J ia::. when you see T:.. the market i the I tvhce s lu is equal 1 •Gil n wr' s i: lamp read v v TL, NOT o!T at 1'IAM'UI ,I and until you li.nj 1. you do not ki. .v I'ERFECT light i S the DAYLIGHT LAMI 38 Park Place, New aad c- 'Ik- p. :::. Lam: in the n lt ,* thai WHl Vtbat the l"dy i,„re evidences „f while H-uv|,.. i ,1 fi 1 ot try to convince having eoitiwilted a'ter, uiiil ihev 'leconuiie-i that Harebell 1-iiij iheirwork in at titt-ui s-s of UIKJ.UJ.' out GREELEY. HONORS TO L'nvail us «r is over a Si j.j. 1 he l'ribun«'ai tlrooloy was statue of llorat with simple (lay. Cololonel tlio Trilwjno as Mi it was too late to p**o were Martin i Joseph Hurke. ceremonies on Satur John Hay represented I master of ceremonies abrieUe(b.ocb.y,a n o W ndau:ht Waen the I.iver is cr.nv with a matts of imtwiiu'S, hfco'jic siow and d.fir :lt. Ikadache, l'aui o Suif, Ti i- and Wr-.ttrtc: rr -ailing, ii When you have these syn»i a few doses ol the gei. Tl Utile's Vork Statup of lu Kuumlc. NK.W VoiiK DrJMaiie'sdiil I'rkc, 25 cents. Sold by all •nd prepared onlv by l'lemi: '«nva-ilfd"'j Pittbhurtrh, Pa. Jlrw.irc ui fcil^ made ia bl. rl The l^niiul TcH^I You can't tell good Rubbc:- i bv aipearanci'. Sliod'ly H1 l.» ut- v holds in noani" U[ ,iH Cost Neillptoi .1, th 'tl li s on Vi''VV »«. swift. Al.\\ ()HK, Sorjt, 4 k is thft l)t iinl and Shoe-,. «„. Ticic It. Swift who wynr Ioui been the vi',? 8, v,ral Ht tho Church the '"•si,stance .V«*ar9 gmgs sta- N just eiioii^b irnm in to hold tlf ale iinulc to look as well as. tlian, the l»ost Hubbcr Ilools :c, You must rely on the brand. «totue 1 ly f*'"V'en f( et biirt, A p.ain but handsome i,i best Kii1,i:,r: of Inferior Itntihprj,» h'lllllts. |ll?i«t..llV*« ThevYP tlio t»""-, ,» ., !'. 1 BEWARE u»«i Shoon. I IMPORTANT NEW DISCO*®] "VASELINE! KJSOAPm 0 had :ui ArH luP In,j °ntion the Hr I ,n:,,1,a J7!?? A perfectly °therhood of L„. held in this was to ure ci«.V a aTU,,u lslv ir Ht 1 ent ndng re LnT'of s^',S SCPt 22 Tl and neutral toe EMOLLIENT mid HEAUS8 VASKLINE. If your dru^-H' J--» FORWAHD 10 CENTS IN STAMPS. "s"EKc. BIZI:DCAKK JIY MAIL. I'O81*0®FUN CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURE 24 State Street, NEW Y iV-N'AMRTHiH pAI'KH«f«rytiiM y«« CANVASSERS Sf Roses. VARIETIES of Stoeh. \V..rk,.r "IIIDI. «-,irk ,|1(, I V I Oll'.-n nien. ir A1- 1 L. L. MAY & CO., ST liiis