Newspaper Page Text
i HEliALD-ADVAiNCK W» W. DOW,NIK, Kditor and Publisher. I A N K s Epitome of the Week. IN Li- PI N NEWS N. CONGRESSIONAL. TnK Senate irr -d 'n the r'titerenee report on the iiinfl iiiii on tin' :w:h uii. t-y a vote of ,11 to y7....hi the IIoum- a j'l iit resolution was passed appropriating tl'UHKl to i-nuS'!f the Postmaster Ui-iic-ul to test hi small towns and villufi ft the sy-icin tf roe ile.ltery. The Sen aiB bill was passed establishing it i-ii-iloins col lection district iu the States of North utid South Dakota, IN the Senate on the 1st, the tariff bill, m rolled wa4 received from tin.' llonxu witn ihe Hp -niter's signature, ami It was irjiHe .(lately sip-tied by the Vice I're-ident and sent to the President. Mr. Morton th-n tl.anlted the Sen ators for their uniform l:iil:i'"s to him and de clared tin.' Senate adjoiiineil n h- .. In th" Hiiii« th« r''.-ii^n.U :"n of James I., Wheat us postmaster of tht! IJou-i* was received and ac i-pted. A Semite concurrent r«—*-»!u i-.Hi w,n tt^rei 'I 1,1 reqiie-tint! the I'le-ddent to enter into licet lai :o' s with the jrovernuicnts of Great Hr.tain and Mexico for the prevention of Oil) entry of ('hiri-sc laborers into thel'tntc! Statel. Speaker Reed then declared the Ilrst *e«isfwi of the fi" Congress o-fjourueil DOMESTIC. I n a fit of jealousy (ieorrrn .1. .Tonos, living near Athens O.. shut and killed his wife ami :i little babe in her units. Thf. entire business portion of One onta, Tunn., was destroyed by lire. A comm ittkk report was submitted to the Mississippi constitutional conven tion in session at Jackson in favor of asking Congress to repeal tho fifteenth amendment to tho Federal constitution. Tim Western Association bitl:i 11 season closed on 'he :inth nit., the Kan sas City club winning tho pennant, with Minneapolis second and Milwaukee third. Thi-: Census Hureati g-ives the popula tion of the city of Detroit, Mich., at an increaso of 8i).:W. in Cue past decade. M. If. .Irsrrs, of Oakland City, Ind., was bunkoed out of $(i,()OU at Evan.sviile, Ind. Thk Census Hiireau gives the popula tion of tho State of (ieorsria at 1.KH4. increase in the past ten years, 18(5. C'haim.ks A. Kkn'son. the alleged mur derer of Mrs. Mettman at Leavenworth, Kan., last March, who was literally cut to pieces, has been arrested in Camden, N. J. Tnr: mail on the stage line between Eureka Springs and Harrison, Ark., was robbed by two masked men and every thing stolen and carried off. Tin-: steamer Wyoming arrived in New York with ISO mormon proselytes, forty of whom were young girls. There were also four Mormon elders. Ai.cyos, a 3-voar-old stallion owned by Dr. John Wilbur, of I'almer, Mass., and valued at $10,0)0, was burned to death in a barn near Iowa City, la. Chaki.ks MrKi.vais!", convicted of the murder of Christian \Y. Luca. a grocer, was sentenced at Urooklyn. N. Y., to death by electricity in Sing Sing prison during the week beginning ttio 17th of November next. Thk Supreme Court of Minnesota has decided that upper berths of sleeping ears unsold to occupants roust remain closed. Dt'invo tho past nine month'* upward of 3,000 ne^ manufacturing enterprises of all kinds have been started in the Mouth. Skvkx men wore injured, one fatally, by a collision between a gravel arid freight train near I'angor, Me. Thk Iron and Steel Institute was opened at Now York on the 1st with an address of welcome by Mr. Andrew Carnegie. Delegates were present, from all over the world. Thomas O'Connok. who had served twelve years on a life sentence in th» Stillwater (Minn.) penitentiary for kill ing bis nephew, has been pardoned on condition that ho leave the State for Rver. Thk first training school in this coun try for deaconesses of ihe Episcopal church was opened in New York on tho l3t. Jamks Herrixotos, a pettifogging lawyer, was taken from jail at Hakers* ville, Ci»l., by uiit.sked men and given a coat of tar and feathers. Thk statement of the public debt is sued on (ho 1st showed the total debt to be ?1.550,#(W.JWMI: cash in the treasury, |6~li.(iiM»,4Utt debt less cash in treasury, $H70,W7:i. l.'isS. during Septem ber, S4,.')S'_\90S. Decrease since Juno o0, 1SW), 8'J«,4»4.81» Pkksidknt Haiirisox on the 1st signed the tariff bill. Willi.k driving across the railroad track at Maskinonge, Que., Mrs. Dosta ler, Mrs. Piche and Mrs. JI erotix were Struck by an engine and killed. Tiihkk counterfeiters who had been flooding Michigan with bogus Bilver dollars have been captured at North Lansing. Thk New York Central railway has declared open war against the Knights Df Labor. Thoi sands of acres of timber, grain and buildings have been destroyed by prairie fires in the vicinity of tho lilack 11 ilis in South Dakota. Kisnkst llUMi'intKYs (coloredi was taken from jail at Princeton, Ky.. and lynched for the murder of Dicv Miller. J. J. Mitmiici.i. mistook his brother for a catamount while in a tree near Guthrie, O. T.. and shot, him dead. Thk Oklahoma Legislature has passed fc bill locating the permanent capital at Oklahoma City. K. I! a hi in Kit, a lumber dealer of tlidgeway, I'a., was jostled by several men in a train near Pittsburgh. Psv., and when he reached that city found that he had been robbed of a pocket-book con taining R10.000. Amono the Mormon immigrants who recently arrived in New York was an En glishwoman who had deserted her hus t»and to become the sixteenth wife of a oocan. JGT' WV hLli fourl 1 W. Mi'N II ... .. ,,(1 U|1' liin liiltuii, .\illU!^Ky Llt'VOlH!! I railway near Crbana, O.. tied the mes senger, ok eleven money packages and escaped. At a e e i n v it. Civil- Service Iiefo: :i. I. i !i r.oston Cleorgn \Wlliai i president. In the ten me- .••*• .i Congress Presioeuf II -.rrison St-nati* nominations, of .i.. 'i* con fit •rpool. 1. but twelve we At Eust Liv ed Haitian in a one-n for a purse of H.OUO. 1 •d Dt nver. Col., •astern A niHMllTKK reai.'b to solicit aid for settlers in ihe part of the Stare. Crops then total failure, and many fam... the necessaries of i fe. Jan-. Nk A it Saratoga. N. Y a rich fanner aged .V wife dead and I iien ki was temporarily insan* II A A N known as T. .1. Henderson died Second distr at, the house of a Mrs. Pannoll, near Birmingham, Ala. (»n his b-bed licans. he confessed to her that he was f'barles William Qiianirell, the famous Missouri outlaw, who ttas supposed to have boon Ifiiled in a tight with Federal soldiers in Kentucky near the close of the war. Thk Census ISu-eau announces the total population of 'he Sta Hampshire to l.i» i-J7 inc: --.i-'-. o. Tm: business failures in tho I'nited States during the seven davs ended on the :i-l numlieri-d HIT, against. 'M: tho preceding week and UOfi the -bond ing week last year. Sami'ki, E k's tbreo little i:.Jren were fatally burned at Tontun, I'a. 'I'hey wer 1 looked in the hou--e during their mot her's absence, and th" build ing took tire. Ml( IIA KI, Mot: i v i: i -i. in vers old, died of hydrotiii i a*. 1 i t. ,t r.o'.R Ind., after sulb:.:u c,-:i \-. isinns :oi three days. TH K Oxnard IWt ugur Cotuuuiy b". gan operations at (Jrand Island. N and in twenty-four hours turned out hi barrels of relinel scjnr ready lot market Arnxo Ixdiav i'ommi—Hi i has instructed the agents ol the various (ribes to allow no more Indians to en gage in the "Wild West" show business. AT Che walla. Tenn., fi'*e men were instantly killed by the explosion of a saw-mill boiled. t* business througliout the country is reported in a highly pros perous condit.on by a New York com mercial agt in.'y, a special feature being freedom from unhealt ny exeitt ment re sulting from speculation. Drill Mi the first nine months of 1S00 there have been J,Tsi:2 miles of new roads added to the railway mileage of the United St.a les. Is New York the grand jury indicted the board of walking delegates of the building trades which ordered thy brick boycott last July. Assistant SI I I E A I :T Hiiant, of the view of tin War Department, has written to Secre tary Huttorw'orth, of the Worl l's Co- i lumbian Exposition, authorizing in the Government's name every use and en Urgement of the ike Front requested i by the management, thus confirming absolutely the dual site of the exposi tion. AT Marlboro. Mass.. two children of Nelson Dion, aged and 4 years respect ively. were burned to death by the ex plosion of a lamp. W. I. Maliltx, aged years, was hanged at Uuieigh Court-House, Md., for the murder of his wife. It is announced that when Congress reassembles Post master-*ieneral Wana m'iker will advocate the reduction of letter postage to one nt. Thiimlkn colts broke out of an in closure in Lancaster County, Pa., ran down a railroad track and all were killed. Cha ui.ks Wit.i.f A Ms. a colored boot black of Bridgeport. Conn., has fallen heir to a fortune of over ¥.i(),t)00. CatkIiPIi.i. v its have eaten every leaf from twenty-live acres of oak trees near Kalamazou, Mich. The worms were moving westward Missouri, Eightii district. Frank M. i Sterrett (Rep.). Maryland. Second dis 'trict. John E. Wilson (R"p. I. Massa chusetts. Second dis'rict, Elijah A. Morse (Rep.) renominated: Third. John F. Andrews (Dem.) renominated: 'Seventh, William Cogswell (Rep.) ro nominated. New York, Twent.eth dis trict, A. B. Baucus (Dem.): Twenty- fourth, Frank P. Arnold Rep. i Thi -ty second, U. 11. Williams (Hop.i. on- i I nccticut, First district, Lewis sperry vDeni.) i Tiik President has nominated tJcorge S. Batcheller, of tit• w York. Minister Resident and Consul-Cieneral to l'or tugal. Is the Idaho election on the 30th ult. tho Republicans elected the entire State ticket headed by George L. Shoup for Governor. Fi!f.hki:i(-k Bii.msos, ex-president of the Northern Pacific railroad, died at his home in Woodstock, Vt., aged 07 {taint, Thk White Star steamship Teutonic years. and the City of New oik, of the In-i Ar the State election in Georgia on nn thT I the Democrats elected their i» across the entire ticket., heailed by Willi NoriUern, tor Governor, without oppo- amen-M-u, auinerij'.ing me legislature to peiiMoti ',u- widows of onteileratc veterans provided they have remained mi .married. CoMiiti-.ssK,-. \nominations wore mnde on the i- follows: MaS'tvidiU* setts. Fourth district, .Joseph II. O'Neil (I)otn.) renominated: Sixth, Henry: Cabot. Lodge illep.) renominated?! Eighth, F. T. l' e'nhalge John S. Tupp (Pro ). Ken'uclty, Sixth district. Widon D'N'-il iRep.) i. Fourth district, M. K. Cautze llVm.l Seventh, William E. Haynes (IVm.) renominated. Michigan, First district, .John L. Ciiipmau |Di:m.i. Arkansas,' 1 I sham 1' Langley iraed. by the llepuli- (I'nioii Laboi CiN i:i:ssio.vai, made on the 'id setts. Eleventh ing tlietv). New N n LATER NEWS. An Iowa Incineration. DrnrgfK. Iowa, Iowa, Oct. (»ne ,,f the most terrible accidents ever knowu in Dubuque occurred this morning. The residence of the ex-Policeman John McBee was discovered on tire. A neighbor ran across and tried to arouse the family. While knocking at tho door the window in the upper story Thk Ottninwa (la.) base-ball club has [crashed and McBee fell to the ground, won the pennant in the Illinois and I' ni :l Iowa League. jWhen he recovered he begun crying Mits. Ei.i.ts, of Chicago, found I that his family was upstairs. The in Providence, R. L, a daughter for wcrr quickly extinguished, and whom she had been searching eighteen and the firemen entered. At the top of years. the landing the mother and three chil- Tiik potato crop in Northern Miehi- jdron were found and quickly removed, gan w.'.s said to be the largest on record. [Mrs. McBee and the oldest daughter Tiif: local United States authorities Rosa, aged eighteen, were dead. The at Boston. Mass.. have begun a stringent youngest daughter Bertha, aged six enforcement of tho new lottery law. teen years, and (.'barley, five years old. were still alive. The boy died this afternoon. !p»ire to lipciproca ««. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Miss. A.n.vik (in.hoy died of old ago at her home in New York on the 0Ui ult. I She was born in Fermanagh. Ireland, in 17«:i I Thk nominations for Congress on t.he iiOth ult. were: Ohio. Fifth d.s: -jet, Lewis K. Straup (Rep.) Sevenleeuth, C. L. Poor in an tR-p.) rennessee, Tenth district, Josiah Pat ter.son iDem.l. Wisconsin, Fourth distr ct, Robert C. Spencer (Rep.). Kentucky. Tenth dis trict, R. C. Hill (Ren.). Virginia. Scc ond district. Oenrge R. Bowdeti iRep.) I renominated C'. W. Mtirdaugh iRep.). moments lie was senseless. Madrid, Oct. 5.--A rumor is ••urrent hero that the Spanish government in tends to enter into negotiations witb the ni ted States government for ro» eiprocal concessions touching Cuban and American products. It is also re ported that tho government has in structed its agents abroad to notify,the 1 home authorities of any measures that may be taken by foreign govermuents with respect to the: new United Slates 1 tfti'i if law. »w War Slitpn. AV AsinXi.Tn*.-. Oct. 4.—The Secretary of the navy this afternoon awarded to William E. Cramp X- Sons, of Philadel phia, the contract for the construction of two coast line battle ships increased in length, twelve feet over department's plans, for Simwumhi each, and the con tract for the construction of th" triple screw pro tec ten cruiser under depart ment's plans at their bid of ^'.T'.' 1 Littik Tommy O'Rourke. who was lost near Foley Station, Minn.. Sept.. "sth. was found in the woodson the 1th. For over a week he had subsisted on acorn and berries. At Hi dwood. Cal., on the ltl:. Louise Es.slinger and George Wehriin were married. AN hour or two after the cer emony the bride retired to her room and locked the door ami commit ted sui cide by poisoning. No cause is known. Bai:i.i:v to the value of ^ has been received at Oswego, N. Y., during the past month from Canadian tiels. Hox. Goitnox E. Com:, of Faribault-, Minn., died in Loudon, England on the 3rd. i 1 i a ([?ep re- nominated: Tenth, C. B. Pratt (l)"m.)j| 'i welfth, John c. Ct-oshv iDem. i: .lohn i,i'(im (Pre N'evv York. Twenty*] fourth distiii •. I nk I. Arnold Hep, s 'I'hirty-seconil. II. Williams (Hep.). Rhode Island. First district, O. Lap ham (Dom i: H. H. Richardson (Pro. a Second. Charl"S H. Pago tDem.) an "Editori.:. nominntions were as follows: Ma*sachu-| istrict. T. Spauld- York, Fifteenth lis- trict, Henry Bacon iDem.) Twee'.y sixth. (Jeorge W. Rav iReii.). Pi nn-yl vania. Eighth distri -t:. William Mut-h ler (lli'tn.i renominated. Indiana, Third district, W. J. Durham (Rep.). Ken tucky, Tentii district, R. C. Hill (R"p ). Loui-ian-i, Second district. Matthew D. Logan iDem,): Fourth. T. J. (Iiiici i Farmers' Allian"e). California, Fourth district. John T. Cutting illep.l. Ohio. Eighth distric*. W. N. l: w :i 'JVirtners' Alliance), Ex-tlovKKX'ii: I' it 11 .' i l'!:\\ noM i AS. of Maryland. uo was Secretary id the Treasury under President Biichan an. died at Baltimore. :-ged si years. (ti ont E W. Eiu t-i:r«. tl.- givat trap per and scout who was the lirst to briti" Oregon into notice, died at Portland. :tg"d S.i years. UeoH ub u '-rr. e i i s i i 'ian, cel ebrated his '.I Hill. -,e 1 U71 tin id it his home in Newport, R. I. Tin-: Ci.ngressi'inal nciini'i. tioris on the 'd were: Ketitttcky, First, disti\ct. Ed^ai i: Eleventh, John R. Franks (lie- Tin-: Count of Paris, the Dukf leans and other French dignitaric- arrived in New York. Miss. \mk.s died at her home at Easion, Conn., at the age of lit)years. FOREIGN. Tin: liitirodrome in Bordeaux. a n o was destroyed by fire, causing a loss of francs. Ciicxr.KAt, Loud Wolsf:i,i y has as sumed command of the troops in Ireland. Jx the City of Mexico the sergeant and corporal who were sentenced It" death for murdering the commander of the custom-house guard were shot in )le garrison. Ji:ax Bai'T:M i-: K .vuii, ii well-l- no a French author, died in Paris. I'm: death of a nigress whoso ag-e a 12." years is reported from An'oii o Di Los Marios, Cuba. A s'I'okm in Uermany di 1 ,! age to property in B-ilin and Han 1 and in the latter city five persons wer" drowned. A kiui: at Sydney. N. S. W.. destroyed the btiiliiings id the City Bank, ttu Atheiiii'iim t.dub an 1 many others. Loss, £1.500.(K)U: insurance, £T" i,000. Oi'Kb iAi, statistics show that there were fresh cases of cholera in Spain during September and d' aths. Since tne outbreak of the epidemic there have been 4,ST i cases and \!,olt death* I \S. E A U A U U A A N A Flue Start Mud »t l.aki- Mitdlaun, ('allton, S. I. The movement for the establishment of a South Dakota Chttulaufjua Assem bly at. Lake Mad,soil has as-muied l.»rgo jn'oportions. 'l'he temporary organiza tion has secured a sixty-acre tract-e, land at Moreno Beaeh. including th' lirand View llo'el. Nearly l!' of stock a* Each bnvvr i nitiety-iuiii assembly gv- v: a seating v erected, tie larged and The progr.i the ••"•it .„i couir .Men an rcpu: Will be 1 utaiKju Iaiokio. 'or •I'.hrlif's ..Be:- 'I'Im* «1 i« Kt*i 'Ihe I :i:ins wil. a :.t tho cii:•: 'i^'-s. . The •••..' legal i a struggle -e,' :,,: s ot ne capit:., i- ii.' on the 'e, vm:ng pieces, a rumor that the n ins'- iated into th" ullot at the elect Pennsylvania, Sixth W Pierce (Dem.) Fit nfield (Dem.). Wilson (Rep. district. Tiioma, C. W. A T-renveu1J u 5 i I'luiKiliiy the hirtfi'si rvi'r put off iu the Black Hills was discharged i on the Burlington A- Missouri grade near the. northern limits of Custer City, S. I)., bv Contractors Cable ,t Chute. Fifty-five kegs of black povvd"r and lad pounds of giant, powder were used, producing an explosion which fairly made the mountains tremble.and displaced p.any thousand uns of s,. •,£. Clear C'(is« of Arson. A vie.ti- case of attempted arson has been discovered in the alley back- of John Max's at Yankton. S. I). Mr. Max ha-5 a large barn back of Ins storft for the accommodation of his farmer i friends. 'Oil this barn had been thrown I a quantity of kerosene, but the iticn diary. whoever he was, did not succ-'e I, i for the hay was ignited and only thu boards were somewhat sc."".-:,e i. 5 l:Hmtrkabl« Siirifn v An extremely difficult case of trache otomy was performed upon a little boy years old, living with his parents nuar i Lennox. S. I). He had swallowed a I large pebble, a twenty-grain .-ton", and it had managed to in his wimi i pipe. U hen cutout it -vas near to tho bronchial passages loading to tho lungs. i ,. It was considered a Wonder that too child's -life was.saved, I Purest Pi res In tli« IMuck liillp, 1 o: 'st tires are doing great, damagd I in the southern hiiis and t,hf miners are lighting the (ires with lit i b-success. The principal damage is between Roche I Ford and Hill City, S. D., the seat of the Harney Peak tin mite s. liri-at damage 1ms been dune to timber about the Etta, tin mine. Short New the linen facLory. An election held at Huron. S. I) for members of the Board Dan West, of Mitchell. S. D., raj*^ 5'J.U!)iJ worth of pop corn this season. Last, season Lee Comstoek, of Brook ings, S. D., sowed wheat on land and plowed the grain under before irvest. Ihe same piece of ground vb 1 1 enough tjax to bring him in the m-,* sum of £i.ono tiiis year. It costs S:i-j to take out. a druggists permit to sell liquor for medical pur puses, mcuuling incidental expenses, such as publishing intention to do and county court costs. Prof. I-roe, the wei 1-known geologist of ankton (S. D.) College, Lead City. s. D., has a horse that rel ishes a t, udorloin beefsteak or enjoys a fat leg of mutton as well as his mas ter. He has developed wonderful pro ficiency in catching ai killing mice with which bis stable abounds, and which ?ais with a r«Un))t At Buxton. X. FRANCE'S CROWNLEfcS KINQ. Ni.w Yoi k. l?i V 1 share- •H'll sold, •eceivo i o.'t tie "um wit s to I atly ei :i ts made. 1 will I. •'d ltl the ami in. K siglited morning. a- National e South win Lil Taken to the* IViiiti'iii ia,-v. I' ef i tin* irmn A0 former are old offend -r, anl i.a-. ,• spent a Christmas miiu!' p. isi.n !i,» last eleven years. Ui tl Kill H" a'-r his brot J"i,uai. to part 11as raNPd th® u&euto Sioux Falls, s. I) lieces O I K .s ry amount o' 1 i 0 Education under the general school law resulted in the election of what, is known as tho straight ticket. Huron claims too largest high school in the t#o Dakotas. it Itourbon t'rine „. 1)0j]( ,r w j» e Ji« of astaha, S D„ got a pin fast in her oat and would have probaMy strangled to death but for the timely services Of a doctor. Who succeeded in extracting it. in A. Haigiit, of Tyndall, S. has invented a letter-box to be used with tne fiie denvery system. Thr, Post master-General Homo time a"o ad yertisea for h,,c», a dcvi,«, I'url.v of llintIn III .•« ill" emte l«i 1M'"if i ,uuiiimIiciI Hoy ilim** .rU-A Warm »ri*«Hii5 nil of thf Arm i or he I'.it oo liU ICvfiiHiiI t'sv'-«*i'i 1 After an ab» years the oil I to Paris ret timed to i-rica Friday on steamer Ger tiic. of the hiLe line. He was .impanied by his i, the Due d"Or tis. and bv the i i -, tho •VI V 1t&. Is lie Las- ill, Lb'' Cetute i O, sain I I lau s s o 'aptain barge i Utter ke Coll is along Diivota the In* _r of their 1 ilea il la kepi go ,:i called be over :ie with ivorshin. at do not the-( t.ey n-.e n State le.ii. i..e dians over the Messiah is incre:i,:: !.i tions and rel:---:,orgies i ing, and an i me ii.-n Rett Shirt, v. .igeiss.i: 101) years, leans tin? pre. new and startling fi-alur, They are perfectly peace,i to i w i '-s in ten o t. i ne ting-pi,.'' pir oVl"' baj tile ral Franklin, (ie ). 11 (lev., Job', v IUI t'' Danie erliel I, •ral II lies R. hn p. oiT statetl founded Old soldi" thf l.V -"e e.ty one aas had for general will be casting a ten I v. evi-r, Both tho motliod ain.1 was at mat time the lav under or Erhardt and his the ste ••:.•» At 1 tiler s i down tho n board .- Uinon to Moral Fit/ E. D. Keys. :i- p. iter, tienerai W. 1'. •ral W. Parke, H. Slo •ral il'S, •ral A. I. i '.riou K't!g»ir i boar, v e v am I.i 1.1 a lie1 ii sS' A- a. 1 *reciate tne great nonot ce ,'ii Te by the President." 'I :,• 1 ''lined to talk politics, but to a reporter he said that lie had come to America simply for pleasure and to revisit scenes with which he was familiar. He said that lie would ret .rn on the Servi i in November. Lieut' ii ant-Colonel Jyhn 1'. Nicholson, win. rept' sentcd the Lo', ai Leg.on of Ph: i de'iphia. now prcsi u'.ej the Count wit-, u button of t':i" order, which the Count im mediately placed in the lapel of his ci After going ashore the party driven to the Windsor Hotel, wh they v.:il reiua.n until Sunday evening, when they will go to Philadol. phi a. Saturday evening they will be guests of the Fnioii Club of tin* city. In Philadelphia, where 1 hey w li remain twoi.-r three davs, they will bi the guests of the Philadelphia Com* nnndery of the I.oya: Legion J''r":n Phladel\hia the part,- will go to]!a.u more, then to :bat tb-tbi.l ol Gettysburg, th- :o Washington and Richmond, i'suu, Rtchmoud they will return to t.-hmgion by water, traveling along t!ie .iaiites aud Potoii'io rivers. From Vashing*'-n 'he ent,rr part, will return to this fow d«t/s remaining of will be spent in sight- vemljer 1 they will ret ii r.» Ln. and by the steamship S.'rvi 1 MierilT Hoffman, of Beadle County. S. D., has taken three boarders to the peniltuiliury .Nioux Lulls, fill li vvinuf sfnti'ncf* of one year for burirl.irv. Their names are Charb'S Miller. ,iohn K'eiloy aud Joi n Moore. 'Ju,. an .in In* ttu-ir King w-.%. :it thuiv tho lab li-air -AI themselves to pusses, fii in .V iv York nri'oiiin s •r ami his micin, th« in the filli of lMfil. ami to Washington, w-ticri- arriin^cniem., Army of the fototnac up to June «:•. u,.f! hey n-.igi.ed au.l returae-i to.Km op, M.-t tohan aud oihct- olfu-.-rs who had an opp„r, I tumt.v of observing oou-iiH-t in the tieid I thirmu their short stay with the army hav« 61-oken lotxhly of their soldiery qualities Outside oi his American «.j, r...,,,,.^ tht teri-stlnlf tK Hini P, FlH'tll the ri'eoiftilxi'U Is'ad „r the France, hi mv, he and allot the throne of France ilfll r(1 peated and successful examinations ,f Dakota's lignite deposits says thai they ober a solution of the problem of cheap fuel for North Dakota. ltml ., forin.-r reigning w 1 W. L. $3 SHOE u ouct- iiiait" {or their entry into the arin* uiiiter certain c,.'aii il-flned con.lit ions. •)'!,, were ei)i!u and a.-siiri Mi'i-'lclian *n |t Ij,e s-.llUi'"'1 ,en 1 a"1 If"', -Y* UAUU I.. 1MU (il U «9"X4HK THIS J'APJ He»«rT !m:» "f'"'- v lis- one«1 as ('a ,-a:i,s of voiii:iti,..| ul to (tuty on ttu gtatf ot Ucs with the uadfrstHiHjing that oive no pay unci were to t« whenever th.-y chose. n,.,„ ah the battles fought t,-, the mth( eudimts trance hy the enact incut, of proh.bited from se ti,,K terrii ory. That law has rotated in tiM. •••pellea ti-, ..special law a .'Ot .'':011 l-'i ci SHjf'l' n 1 'l'tlll.|-'s lll-l' (.iwt, of steam thresher exploded, killing O ,, the Hue d'Auina e. mer (TIid hf-rvice i, splendid eontnhuituns Tlie wuii estahlished 1 coiisideratloa of j... 'he iwrniy luid 1 o the, CHUBB- of sell't). t, 1.1 --..'tin eft ion of the i, .... liiillttim' cnn !•.»» IMf'AGO, s '"""d Knutson and Charles Stein KnutOstreim was badly hurt. A little daughter of ,l Oil, 4 .-.At t!»/» im t,K Z i i v i i 01 tho world nr. ai .laghv lievc, l.e h.i, Struck do Sired 10 e "jwtincr the I.lin.ns Mate l{ep„ in it too ex-.State Senator CarnplMl a lh GRATEFUL-COMFOF f( baH h" n ,.,l U i o e i Ohio Train.,r.T~#l,ooo. ft' •tat s1-1111111 I v.' "ii ad vrhal all mv WtD*"" k pretty tii! ,1,H' Hill I resu Fy n i of Fi -8 AtoO is taken it Jg, to»o" and rt freshing to the taste, ^-'i-itlyyetpromptlyoutljeK Liver and ll .wcls, cleanser." torncliectiKil'v, tli.s]lel3Co](.V aclu's ami fevers ninlcures' constipation. Syrtip of Fi"-' only reineily of 'its kiuj .. ducod, pleasing to t!ie tasti cejdahlc to tho pfoiiiach, p its action and truly heneii. oifects, prejiared (dilvfroia healthy and agreeable sol its many excellent qI)a!it mend it to all and have the most, popular remedy 1. {syrup of Figa is for sal and $1 bottles by all lead gists. Any reliable dru may not have it 011 hanl cure it promptly for any wishes to try it Done., anv .sub-li: !iti\ id the latu sotlli'tl: flowers :fe' 5y Wi'n 1 IfUim"^-' .ike 1 i,„t with Thtuv.i I i i i E 1 1 I'll ..'St Ji: ml -1 a: 1 is wi ifjiriti I rtmi Bttiimis' I. ke all Ij-i:.u'r CALIFORNIA FIG SYhr V A I V N I S I liiuiiaciic, ini,,ncsv Hi Lacls ot", Coim all indicate ibat \,m doses ni the geptmii" They are iu-cparcd from tl t'st niatcriais and put: up w greatest care bv Fiemin^ Pittsburgh, Pa. Be sure v the genuine. Couitkirfei made in St. Lnui.s. a u i o n hilt It is ii.iiiif MrtNipri 4°|. where stay hi h« \, A»--r'r".» in th. :omt- I',- sis the fil.n that His 'I Charters, part .• in A I' IH !M Iiitlcnrs on isf i». Mcfi" I -S i- -.a -u- but .1 Tfjiat I'll IK V fdS |u' FEL I Hadth tnet' 1 lough 1 'rAvd TIp' a jTV LTU A I U- Im-.v BREAKFAST. By A thoroiifrh kri«'» N- '-j Whii'ti griv»-n» ti«» r-jH-rat tritkm. ami by a rnr»M«i J»r'{MTtif4* «'f we! 'I'CCH our fu Ich wi flavourMl whu'h insiv hills. I I hl w 10 years oj 1 aire when Ills pran.lf.It fcvr. Louis t'htilipp.. :l drn.-n from the tUrotm of France by the re-.,, he.oti of lsts. hu Wimw Uavt unpopular measures which cau- 1 volution. Brought up in exile the c„t»,t thi ^tn s Wi a i of whir a his mother was a }i, iu I'. t-'iand, w life -irire t„. J,. turne.t to Fr in ,„ H1)rt wu National A.-s,, lMll year the Chatniie-« voted the fanplv properly, f|u t. Frohsdoif, in a IS" fie Cnaiiibortt th' riiist branch of tie u.,.o, the eflect ot uiiltin^ iii,. two and securing the acVnowliMi ripci.t. to th» siiec ,j')n, HO fare n 8 I'K tl ttrtiWi'H »f thfttu f"ii" y to Hufidrt' tlOiilniu aro ml us ready i Is u weak point. We innv i--1, t»y k'^'pintr s vu'll t•«rt 111 *^1 Riui a pruptTiy nc»unsh'tl UHHie, tack Oazt-re." Ma li* simply *Uh bollirif fal)lir wl4(i wi( most popular or the nior,- r-'ent ,, had h,-n killed by a himtnia ifri-dent some years before, and many m. I. think that had he lived his cue 111 ,!,,™ tiispoMiUuri iti.d his ereat inlluence ov-'r Ij-mis Phipp^. WHter hl Onlv id IimIr-i»»uml tins, bv JAMES EPPS A CO.. Honneonathic London, tnqland. "IMPORTANT NEW ii iv art em tm lee i|- dea tin 1 ar*. tn In liKAt FORWARD 10 CEWFS IN STAMPS. s CAKK HY MAU.. I'osiaoi CHfcSKBKOUGH MANUi 24 Stnto Stroot, NEW V0» nftmnlnfeN llio forplil ""'Uinif «'I»H I In- 1 111' III'K lin''' Iiuhi In, uiiil lire 11 ih'«i«•»*"-'" I (I1" ANTI-BILIOUS MEDlCIHtj i *lrf' f»l inulurlal illnlrli ln W l«lel.v rri'iiKlli/i'il. H* 1 1?,h»»},S from Ii it |,ojsoii. ruali'il. !»•«. isiiiull- JTIIH' iean (.on, in it tee, MI1 oh".el tieorjri" P. !»a\ ix, wh rosi,r jjicW- Sold Everywhere^ Olliee, 44 Murray St., w BORE WELLS! Our U .-il M„.|to„.i ai" Hi" loa.i A 1. K 1,1 11,1,1 i 11 y 'i'lin .1, moim: oifW in muk, (,|(| it ||(«IKI I 'I I KM- I I N I S Well* III'!' mil, r» 11. Anv th U i t-OOMIS & NYMAN, TIFFIN, OHIO. WTKAW THIS PAMR in"