Newspaper Page Text
ru» vr% iiir.iissiin: ji .. ,1 v. i .1 :i SmrteuH, «!'!•'i as clerk. Da motion. i .• audited and .. J-i. i'.i John A rtui.'iii. \V W. V. V. I :rni\nn Henry Horsinn Oeo ".I |i:h Juijll lii't't. '-iiiii -jmnv .. Frank Huiley, ... Win. :hrii'"il. r. ciij-h man (.iil in ho»p T. M'-hm-iaud, f»i«rv i U cash iwii 1 do ltinl fur 'I''"'- L. Roilck. KMil. li c. |{u«e, «xtieii •. \iina 1* i i I tit .n: K 1-. nimitiel, r-nrtaui ourl Mii irti! I K Diiinel". il i i John |)(III_'1IIKH. s.'tiiny M«I Co J.JL c)«-rs of cn'ifi W". v\" Duttiiii*, Co printnm Woo I'.ms u'liuls f..r poor i n O. NeNoii, o. pru AHIIH Brt-R/ui-, work i Atjdruw (tiihr, witness i i- A. Mi'Hri'li". i W. I'ri'v.'v, stamp* A umr-itii liihr, \v11n. s» fm MAIM'- J. K.IUIIKI!. work on TU' Wlifa flMT MdH'k' I n i i I Jofa.l l1"' IT'*-"*. Willi On motion hoftcu flay Oct. TMi, IS'JiJ. Wearnf, work Trias II. S. Volkniar, piri Drivinif Mfrwk. J. S. Proctor, Maro. 2 J-huv-.. Wm. Uickri, ilo. No CIBBB. Koadster Pn"(ls. Buckinx Alof Aiwli'rwon, Horse Colt. J. T. Hniith, do. U..p Mi A1 r- f«• I (Attest i Jon I 'I SL\SS, i. Audi: 4 W m. .1 v. TB^rinv, pursuant. i- JilMI Present I •. ..'j 'iii'iimeat. 'liiurituin, an :tnd the .. W. Jenning John M.-irtens, John Iff* auditor its clerk. On tii'iii in Liir» f«di 'A i.j .il ditfil .m allowed: John II. Owt-ii. wniiiry i! V. T.' -lUr M- HOWL-I A K ui^iiiiiry, hlitukn.... (i W J'ri vt-v, Hiihirr tirt'Siifii, n ... H". Martvns, witin?»« Im Matuie L. Kauila.i, work K i 'I'. 1'iotinT. meal foi' ixi.if lni4St .. 1st l:mt 1.It J. B. Proctor, Marc Colt, Uust ii* Horso Colls. JMM|h Olsen, ium. tSchiifer, CAUGHT BV /A VIL III nt 15 i W. Marii ii«,.-...nrt n~ of Jivt Druuoker. UJOIIS! for poor lionxo Juhiifon i.ariii-il, wood for coiuiiy... H. W'iilinma. tiouil-t foi iiiil.jcut pom Kriandsoii A •inhi~on, for p.. hotme J. E. fiiinmoi'H, w .: on UUL'PS ir e A. AiiUiflmifuiii, Koni!i«for poor tn r.=-. H.J. Bcueilict, hIii rifT f«c» V Ko«i., u D. Bttrioira 1 10 •i: i Ml i mln for roti 11 o., lilau'^s 1 Id HI i K. Hurkf, wifjHiss fcrs llenry S, Volkninr, co uitv prim i.*, II. J. IteuriHet, shurifi tuee ... -.i I io r. IO (ilomatnil Kros t'oodn for ptrnr hoiist'.. .. 11 Mi I iVlUi 1U fi .•••:-li I hit It-11 in lie lit i»' list W. •TenniiiL's, coin. pi--diem ni.rt nnii-uK*1. 'i Jotiii Mariituo, Kami' ii ro Jol«n Heiinmn, sume .... 7 JO "ii motion the application of J. A. KieUert for abatement ol personul prop ('rtv taxes in H.eeiiy ui' Aiillianu l'-r (n»! year 1HS9, wns granted in Iho sum of i $1.1(5. Un motion tho npplicatioti of II. David son of Osc3oia Twp. for refundinir ot i roud tax was granted in (he MUM of the same bavins' le«-n j':i twice. On mo:iin th apj)lication ot' Wm. O-'hler lor abatement on N hE'i, and Sff'4, SK'4, Se Ii 121 4(5! was rejected. On motion th'1 npiilica'ion ot A. \V,! Colcord for abat'-ninnl on personal pro-1 peitv t.'ixes in the Twp. of Osceola HUH rejected. On motion tlio •Ti.isiic^ qujirt^rly rojiort S. M. F.'Wio for t!io «|u»trifr»r 7 I". I«i' On motion board adjourned to (I ay N o vem be 1 1,1890. VAttest) w. JKSNIWI.s Jo UN Dona.Ass, Chuiinati, County Auaitor. I'RKMII'H LIST. DIVISION A.-HOHSi C. A. ARIXIIPII. IbiKixturiil fSt 111.• 11. Normnns. Ijoc A iiwlen, N. i^kiuui', 1st ^lid $r,.oo (iraiirs. Normnns. N. M. Bnmrj. (ii iy S'lftv 2 do. Mack do. (inuio iyilci. I.-. ('. I'nnnn S I i o n 2 i John MnrtoiM, ilo. Joseph lliiliuan. Ma1-© J. Ji.*i, i!o. *l.i« t-( :inI I si Zv.l $1 o I ,'t 1st L'li.t Draft- Itri-eiit. DIVISION U.-t'ATTI.!-: (irailpx. ItecoH,, Poll.-I ATI- IS HULL, Dipl.,MA. I.I J. W tlnilii-s, 1 cow unit tier twin ce.l vi •. Dii lumu (ne. ]Hvi». Hull ('alf. I.'iplouiii. A. M. lLi^on, I ti illoway ii *i 1*.T, Oiylum'I. Cliis- 25 Hlu»r(.!iorn.s. 1st Jail K. II. K ir«o, Hull, I jejirK, do. Cow. years, do. Heiter, 2 ye:ir»,Dip!oi drf. Cow, 11 ears, d«- Heifer, 1 jeijr, Diploma lvirw, Cow 1ft V alf, Diploma. DIVISION K. I'OLLTiiV. CIIISH Is. I Ij. enri)rht, 1'itir I'lyiioath Hoek. i I tern i Crowl. I'air I'lyviouth Uock Cliiel .. 1. L. -onruitit, I'nir While Lejrlionis, 1st UO. do. Hrow tl do. ,f (No Competition.) L. L. Conrijflit, \op Wjnadot«. fc'.OO ». ''^jr Hnntams, Dij.len.a, I'I. R. IUIIIIUUK», lit.l iumiw, 2,U' Class tl,. i I'rank (toiler, Tiinothv K,..: i tanr Keli, IMun Htau 'Wli.-a», i 4ieo. Jiviwer, j',, Clsvss fi2. •f. H«eve, irsni[)«, .1 U. KltlL'. Vegetable ()y. t Hower, ('nrrot.i do. li..,-ts. A. M. Itxuion. iiariy OliiuPi. 1-4 Jst. ]st is! isl Clii™t::. ii*t. Hower, flnbhurd Koiinsi,. K io. Fi»H 1'iiii pkius, i^i Uo. ls DJiViMO.N 11. Mif. H. T. Itiiwuiri. i! Co]l(M-t:(,n i'rtiit in Glufiw Jurs, 11 i„-.,-kiv|i t'ltltlK'iC .1'!-. If. T. R«.. ,.1, He-: FI ?tr. Anderson's yue#r l^ijjoru n .• nlih Mlmy ('ruiturp of tho i :i. II. Anderson had a thrilling periuncu with a devil llsh in i m mencemoot buy the otb.-iP evnnir:.. says tho Taconia News. He had hoon crui.iitio about in tho litth: -toam launch Dai^/ with a pl-as'.iro onriv, and when opposite tho coa. on tho way into port, some o blocked tho propidlur sen. boat was givuu a toi't-ihle wi. the screw l.etran t" thump thump against tho hi:.l of tl, lmagin'nir that n pieeo of 1: become ontanjrl"i In the si i Anderson, •stopping' the eng-ine, calm ly rolled up his sloovo and thrust his arm down at tho stern and grasped tho wriggling mass, the outlines of which were only indistinctly discerna ble in the gathering dusk. As he grasped tho slimy drew himself upward the tonta- claxed its hold and fell back into A mass of twenty-inch U- :ta lr». with a body about the size of a wat bucket, would make a very formida ble monster, notwithstanding his pro testations to the contrary. Iho serow of tho propeller was wrenched nearly or! the rod by the Sept. !!», 1HU0, was iiccpteil und approved animal, and its blades show tho abra- ii?1. (Jn m»)tlrui luwiro i(»!I J'lti.iJ fit S-,t nr. i ,.i 1 i IilM sions niado bv thumping tho vessel's l,,v 1 «i -i- ,. bottom. Around Mr' Anderson's arm! $?" J' "l in an advancing circle, are a series of' little spots, which were very sore, tontacies lad fastened themselves. Mr. Ander n sUI poses his encounter END OF A CLIFF TOWN. ailing women, were in the valloy be-! low, working together, according to their custom on such occasions. A cloudburst, as the sudden rain floods of tho country are called, oc curred up tho valloy, and a great wave swept down, undermining tho I reached. When tho people returned I in a heap in the valley Leiow, leaving the summit absolutely inaccessible. I 1 tut l«t IIIHI Cstlf, Dijiinma. V. m. t'jje. }!n!t. 2 year: J. W. I! ni'lU'M, i'oiled Alit,'ii« I'll!!, year* A. H. tSine.i!(.y, Jr., I!. i! 1 ii• 1 Half The three Women could' be seen abovo wandering around the edges waving i summit where still are ttio walls of' I'lie w DUroi t-ry, Vou have hour.i your fri' tnlH and n»igh its ilk aiiout it. Vou tn iy yourself be one of the many who know Ironi person a) experience just how good tidnirit is If vou have ever tried it. yon an* one of it* staunch friends, Ijec.-nise the wot der Jul tlrng about it is, that w hen once iji\. a tri.-d. Dr. King's New Disc-ov. i aftei hoids a oliice in the lionsc. It em have never irie-.l it and shc-uld be a'l'.n t eii witl. -I nigh, e.ild or am! Throfit,1 Lung ii i nest, trouble, secitre n bottle at onee and give it a ftur trail. It is gunr anteeil every'time or money refunded Tri-il Mot:)., af S'.e-.- it I Fanii'-r-. mwrjai. i .'ss tnd pr« ife«.-ioii' that the (iiii-hi.iiim uf Nierelv sons li\ ,,l. matter tlu -, adding pluyiIl"TltS (4 to pos.-.'v til'""' -tl"!l ol n the t1 -tli It i- that \v -niidim the t' time ti f'ara.Ht.i nrued. I was f-.. i e Willi t- t. pt.irt" ass to loosen from tho screw he felt a crawling sen sation and knew that his arm was being encircled ov some reptilt* ii 1- 1 in ran bui »n fere:.. ila^.-. The (,nn,^ll:,. that on this mesa was anciently the. 3 K tri('s t!l,° tion of the town—men. women and Etialund and might be made children- -with tho exception of three I t!m thev found whore the stairs had been tiou tVrtlieni v-ros.s the lines of trade the whole side of the mesa had fallen at t-\ r.--Kr v/, of Big *-s~ a tuert lirn flac- than der tLe saino sfeiguee Well. maritime rin-j" is 1 •i'-' cumi decline in •V.. This v cers tion Tho and mp, i'-'h. had Mr. lore the Mor^l Tarif lu addition to the repeal of the restric tion clauses of oror n irigutio:i lawa, giv ing Knglish ships, with their cheaper capital n:»d lal»r, as access as our own vi it Then foilcnved a sensation as of a hundred leeches sucking, and the strength of a man being exerted to a raw him overboard. Mr. Andoiaon nerved himself for a final effort, and tho tontaclo wrapped about his arm parted from the body of iho monster A s elo re the watei ••I might have held' on to it." said Mr. Anderson, "had I not been n:ore Intent in holding on to my own arm." "How large was it?" "Only a little one." said he. "How big is that?" asked the re porter, and Mr. Ande:on indicated the si/e of the tcntaele .hat had en wrapped his arm bv holding h's hands eighteen or twenty iridic* ai:ir\ ir) Dun. Ilavls, for poor ffinn frj S. i 8. Farley, uubiry k« (. Trnis 4(i I1-* I do exp-!isi- i 'i, Mav F. ..i :iad, all dies were withdraw n• Am bteaiiier lines by tho act of.Inn 1 ,7. It u 1 od had continwl' ttii 1 material availabli- for sMpbmldi .^ \vu might, have sufficiently recovered our position after the war to again have laws pass"d favorable to American slii[i pim,', but from ISiO England had been trying to perfect iron ^upbuilding, Bv* important in-lnstry tlu-re. »!. and at the close ot tho w?ir the lmsine** was fully est.ibiit.iied. At tliat time we I Were in no position to compete England in the manufacture of an} .: from iron. Our position is now changed. We have yard.-, which show by tli -speed uf the vessels they construct that they huve not only appliances, but that Americans retain their old time skill in all branches jf t::anii.' architecture, and, what is And the pri.-e ,,f pi-. iron, v.-hicli tor the two years 1Si3 and l^.Yl averaged l»e twern $ }fi c.nd $37, is avrr-• E-khh, |1h showing where the suckers of the can-vim- our' fr'V ,,ut tl to have been with a devil fish '1 Ti be tries, a London paper, says th it in 1K Cloudbarat Tliut Carried Away the Only Stairway Leading I'p to It. About a mile from Aroma is La" id l^a t.ecimical i "is "nt! which involves the is nt! homo of the people of Aeonia. on„ welfare of almost all the other iadus day in harvest tim-j the whole popula- which involves the) It will be asserted that :r tariff would lire ventour selling ship 4 to for eigners. no part of the average of over nine million dollars' worth of vetoela an nually sold to foreigners by Brit ain hnould 1 io counte among our possi ble gains from shipbr.illin- but wo have tor the past -n or twelve years sold on an aurage .,\vr o*\-» million dol worth 1 sand upon which rested the narrow 1 i staircase of notched rock by whieii alone the top of the mesa could be 'lars'' ,'1"ra Wurr'1 I,rest::t to s-dl thetn tin plate*. We the old city, but nobody has ascended manufacture of an the Mesa Kncantuda since the day of xo the disastrous Hood. Porters. I U wo could again control all tho no Affi"n si !i i.• had a subsidy 1 Im conseijU'•ne.ein .' :n paratively f:ist co:nmuincaiii: Hshed. iithi-r lines, after tl».- rui: (\)llins line, sprang up iii-sc a-s .* line-* and then i \p,.ndi into passer: i li.'.e,-. Th-- Fr, :ich. (I-.-rinans and Li tri'tns now hold, with l.tVL-e e init.-d an the backing •%.!.: positions oi ii,.,. 1 i-. , Bremen line- vder •withdrawal i 0 11 v ... All of tin t. w th t.e- n ere--.' i 011 w-»at. un!i,,rt ni-• "nr 1-r 'porti the iron made the two countm- United States and 5rent Hritaii. in stead 'oein^ less than 1 "5 per 't.r ..r oiie-scventh, as it \v,ts in l«» i and I will 1 iii,- year nver ,r) 11 1' cf^nl .. in other words, wo ar ••.. sing or: r--l 1 ative positions as iri• ,. lacer:',. 'V 1 are making more tlun v.,-eat, I!,.,,ui,. 1 ,r I-lift and ^17.?r for l.s .1. There is now-nothiii.,' in o-ir j-i. .n its iron produo TS that hmiiers our n taking the fh\st rank as shi]i!i iil leiv It is to estimate our I. of 'moipy, eni])loymcnt and of pr.:!Itable .markets through the policy whieii lias driven us from the oc.-an. I7iria.-r tho fiscal year fori.'ignerR, int-toad of do- 1 fK.* tu ..Ji,,,.,*..,] v',t- "V- U 11 we mc,re than '•I?1 i'l .W In th liK.OOO passeii!^irs were taken from Brit ish ports in American ships to this eoun I try, and only Im.OOO in British .- hi s. But neglecting the passenger business, profit able as it is. wo ought to earn at- least ialt'"f Mesa Lncautada (the Knchanted hill), i with perpendicular wall rising iOi')1 feet high from the plain. There is a weird tradition of this lofty cliff re- mn \', k lated by James W. Steele, who states ?u"t« ^oui oue of the English tecliniea: that on this mesa was anciently the. 3,,,,n,''l dently Geor^i who April •'Tin. very i ipor valuaole to u.s. Uior locarnotivcs, in spire of •If'ienlty of securing tram porta- osra1''!-i:i1'l fl,r ,Urtn'.of nies. by our rival. tr.i 1 havo wl t'o:j3to th .vnu un 1 .! .'i hich th .. i' I •-. t.ei tiier to .. ti.e [lassa :-ul eiui ie i.iiK. 1 vcnr.1 luitn con ill be e take a retainer, an-! sinict ddat.'ry mo*:"i- and untriendly amend liieiit? th"seriou eniiiarra^in- nts wi. .-" woul fall 011 l\..rei^:i interests if liiei ii! passed. Every .bgant ti:-- I'l:!' i S a e v n i i a inte-rests, or dues not li. money, is directly inleiv.v ... r' ivtmont into laws ot' th t. tlvn- pr.-sent 'i ... .nly practicable bv v.'htcli :i n-aeipjire «»s. j. tions the ,1. They imply betn ,.. building and tdiip sailing. The 1 undoubt j.lly bring a l.'.r.-c rev the con 1:try, but shipbuM' i"\r i\i rectly -ne.K maa i wherever ho I:ve-. intt-rei. or tra'i^p-1" .i4 t,\i,'d or iivm, all t! other tit* in them. gress: IKV TO AOOUT tarill' at the poll? and the dut Free-tradersi.f A: doai and display acti\ bring 1-Y"--trader ,. dat.-s, au-.l in 1: -Ipin-r they are nominated." British itoovo slionld, after establishing business f"r lll Nt'lvts- their arms and shouting, but no help *r,'at IWt-iin. But until we again could reach thera. Tho skeletons of these women lie somewhere on the s' llmore ship as before, lor par.-sclvc-j we ar.. no more likely Kl,iiw to foreigners than we are deal in it as e\- sources of income presented to us by our f^ c.arr\*i?i"* if ...1.1 "W carrjitig trade, it would doubtless add fully sjl.' to our annual income. The influence of this large sum on our money market mav be partly seen from the fact that betwi«.n I -t 1(5 and 187." the bal me..- of our foreign trade was against us to the amount of one thousand and five hundred million dollars, and in the twelve nucceeditig years we recovered the same sum. About the clo»e of the first mentioned period interest on money lower than at u:v other time, it h.iving fallen, according to Mr. Edward Atkin son, to aiiout one-half of what it was. There is also another aspect of this case. The 1-iO.OoO or loO.iMJO persons who found employment in and around British ship yards, with those dependent JUS \.-li 10 fell or furnish use I in iini.-ain'r i'i oiiiy if -i:tlv ti.- i,s are cvid form," and have decided 1 y i i n a e s a n thu wo SIUN^-RCI. (|u it til ioii from M. D. llart,. -, nominated crat. ol tiie rifteentli Ohio taken as a ter.elv men: **i v.* i .r -,., in this laud, i v.i :j! 1 i-, .'-..tablishment of an in. t.itntio:i to spr'-ad r,f) '^freight or $73,000,- 000 a year. With sailing our eliije .••}.. ild gobaiM ing them, which would imply building I lor i'tiier nations. ''This industry," to ca'^.ciT, o tin agate e!:i,: :M. teach vice ai protective ta, field in a ol leii to i:: wh iy fcia. Th. se yen applau I heartil-.- ne'i-,- rest.- UpOTl Ufj—t!JV! -t')e :erci.-«' in ti.sf istini Well, ti:i\i io what s:p:aie fight. Let Pi*ote i i tins United 5'. dat who u i-romisingly i ••ystem i'rol-ect relied upon to vote a •*!..-• 'i a: ""hav»U^ ji'J uornar them or of The issue is plain and imol, tlio Fifty-second congr,-,, (1",'ro5?Ml fr',:n U) -'0w«000 acres. Whit a contra-\ this olTers to the United States, where the average number of iveres ju ,vh(„,t cultivation during the ten wars is,0 to in?!) WJW Out of the tiy.071.1fn w,- as high, if not higher, than at any Grea lirit r'1™ *""M other tune in our hUorv. Now ir jg last e:ir as mme., lower than at u:v other time, it li.ivir,-r s 1,u'Tr laVSt' 1 1 icc ('t'.'ui i Ji i12 I I x. H. PLOTNEIt fiivai frlatiicf, 11 ia only ellu,}j. Ullf-., Ives a. '"ri -:.n can be bhilil i major- it\ of Free-traders or Pritectiii iisth Agriculture In K.iBla,„| i41jU AnM .ri(, i Twenty years ago England had in .y]. ti\atiin upward of seventeen millions of acres hi com and green crops, while last year tins acreage had decreased to fourteen and one-half millions, the wheat rent -,,i.s:,lil acr-.s, and, had increased by the year lS$9to:5s K,i» acres, the wheat produce havin'/ grown during the same period iv 5112,000,000 to •!£.1,000,00') bushels. The liii/isU Tm iflT Sjstem. «"T.r' K" fl:'vr '"vri 'v.: ipwjoa 'nKru|,in, aim full 1- i lt work- .mn \ork- mgman paid no loss than £'u 4ir npon only four article -t -a, c..ff .,7* t( bacco and dri.-d fruit—while the British anst icrat paid but C.l.TlS.T-^up,^ ,.v, r. thing "lso dutiable, including -.tne-^j" epirits, wines, etc. Tiiis is a woniii-j-r--.] adubit of the British tariff system wmiain* Hi'tl ii y rvxuSvit- ,.r '•'111"! tjllllfllin. "H-1-nii-nti..ns i nucli« •'Ueiinfijup 1 1 in lis Iruir.s i ("I'-ilia £». I ,! i v,. NEW TOWNS iS!!!r FALTfi i!' n mi, i ::rds, i-iIflES. I FALLS 1 8 twluxLJ-.i: i. Geographers, •rail Wy A N O 1» ^si r^n f* \x fc a i'i'11 li LJ Llt's Ln FOil T"i£ LAOS err' T'» every pi-rsiit rsiIt I "ui- -s I .r «.!»• yi'ar 1 i i Y i u u o i- o t-'.V i i e 'S .h Gli als 1 STILL ANC «i.3J. 1 i 'V.I PROFOSIT.' 7CHK8 Or I 'j-"" CHARLES In Twe've La'B® "'J Tlx* twp]Tn nurnbnrs oouta^ii mutk:-, iMiU on® v 1 Kp .»vJi nun.'.i i»* IhlVM (opporftrM,Oor Mclimu'. ii-Ui»tb_i, I J' llar'io i-TN. nit. I I'.ll-Rt II.U" 11,1 Harit TtmfH mid tie* 0ii?« rtTi'J i iim i'i Ki. 'c e" •t' 'iinl I'.,] iliy A I Ji"o i'l I i Tl» OM Cnrl'votr h«.V suJ ONCE MCa Ti cTorv fwrnon wh« will n flloolHs- mihwripli"" I0,M I'm....... X. C: wi.l l-I 1 the use y„ar I'-V- MIAS ""SIlJEllS afe-r^ i o r!, "'"I -r- vIS,ijPF W^RKS. Mi I'-il t»s.. p,,. oi'Mnciri .s u", I'O'-kly iir.«uri.,' Mr\ & ro ,, Cat:,.,, 1 1 ul'auii' a Lw Address v/csay Pi it'll tiT. PAUL, W""''' PATENT0' 11• i Tiiide-Mitrk?| w i o 1 I'all ,f II* i'i I!11'' 'dice I.- Jh.-lte I". li il si-eiire p.^eii' i'1 '*s' remote lrn:» 11 raw u ik,' "'il advise, it li!«|i.*or- m,Hj„ ,.Vi I I I I •''•I lnoiiel Mini W I'lnux'e ii red. Our iwjM IS Ittle in,,. 11nines ui v.-11 W 11 I ""lii'iti, |OTV TH |,'S III VI* \.liII'fS^ I i *V.-