Newspaper Page Text
UEKALD-ADVANOE. W. W, IM.WNIK, Alitor HndPuhUbet. MILBANK, Epitome of the Week. I NTKIK I NEW DOMESTIC. TUK Census HUMAN announce* the population of the following Stales: Iowa, Iincrease, 114. West Vircinia, 7K.44» inert- .so, U1.U91. Ohio, !i,Wir,71!) increase. 4t,s,iJ57. Tin: trotting marc Naiad Pm:MMI NT II AIUUSON was entertained A TKAILI, found In tho Pocatonica river near Oalcna, III., sold for $5,0 TIIKKK men were fatally hurt by the Collapse of a flue in a boiler in a rod mill at Newcastle, Pa. NATHAN WHI.KT, a farmer living near Norwalk, Col., was arrested on tho Charge of murdering B. 15. Woodward In Anderson County, Tex., seventeen years ago. G. C. SCANTMCHUHV, of Brazil, ind., on returning home from the funeral of Fred Nance, who had dropped dead of paralysis, was stricken witii the s.mio disease and died almost instantly. TIIK visible supply of coffee in the United States is figured at 2.".14,544 bags, against 193,47a bags on tho 1st of September. TIIK annual report of the Western Union Telegraph Company presented at the yearly meeting of the directors showed an increase of $1.001,08:5 in net profits The company now has 087 1107 miles of wire, 10,38*3 ollices, and handled 55,S78.(J0a messages during the year, RI HE National camp of tho Patriotic Sons of America was opened at lioscon. The order has l.TMO lodges in tho coun tny and over 350,ooO members. RI HK lirititow.s, tim noted Southern outlaw w ho was captured by otll ials, was shot dead at Linden. Ala., i,y one of bis captors while trying to esonpn. Itoulder, Col., by tho explosion of some sacks of giant powder. AN assignment was made by Forestal Itros., contractors, of St. Paul, Minn., wi^h liabilities of (200,000. WII.I.IAM SIH MM, a printer at Muncle, Ind.. laid his neck across a rail and was decapitated bv a train. He w is driven insane by setting up tho description of a murder case. NKI.SON, the pfreat ,Maino stallion, trotted a mile on tho Terrn Haute track in 2:ll'.i, breaking the world s stallion record paced A S. 0. Till', ihipont powder worics near Wil- trai-k ::i »inftoii, Del., wci'M partial !y destroyed i record by explosions on the, ami sixteen! Tin-: v persons wore killed and many othors of Deeatur v/ero injured. Over fifty houses were wrecked, and the property loss was esti mated at SiiUO.OQl). i i -en broke her leg t,o pantur. ut her owner, (Jeorge O. White. in ban County, Ky. She was vu: „t $5,000. I'HVIKIK flros in Morton Conner, N. I)., desLros e I proper!,/ valued AT, O'JO. A herd of 500 fat latt.lo was burned. Many farmers were rendoned destitute. IN his annual report tiovernor l'nn:M», of New Mexico, ostimates tho popula tion of tho Territory at 185,000. Tho financial condition of the Territory wa Rkv. 1*. J. MI'l.noo.v, chaiieello- of the Chicago diocese, says there i-. no foundation in the report that Catholics will be allowed to join any secret so ciety except tho Masons. TIIK defalcation of Fitzpatri.-lc, city the kind in ih treasurer of Terr© Haute, Ind., was for £600,000. Stated to be i i i N w i r. I i ears of freight wer.- i i i, v CL,AVT(.N I.UIHI, of \'i., I poisoned his wifo and tour One of tho children 1 I Ti., :t .• escaped. He was srl •. !i .t ,i r: m-r wife in Georgia. C. ,). 11AMLI.S'S team. Belle Hamlin and Justin a, driven by J. \V. Andrews, trotted a mile on tho Torre llaut, (Ind !•». beating the won i\ n a a ••old son of N Ind., fatally s 1 STICVK JACKS, criminal and desperado. at C«ale8burg, 111., on tho 8th and the at Luinberton, N. C., for the murdf^r of Otty was full of strangers to get a view of the chief magistrate. He laid tho corner-stone of the alumni hall of lvno\ College and attended the reunion of his old brigade. HI. TIIK steamer City of New York reached Sandy Hook on the'8th in live days twenty-ono hours and nineteen minutes from Queenstown, beating tho Teutonic one hour and lowering her record forty-eight minuto hii.y hro lier with a revolver a, u ••«(.! fellow lav asleep. WII.I.IAM A. Nrnt:ir,m:it, who robbed tho First National ISank of Columbus, Ind., of S3-0,000, sentenced to twelve years in the pi-n i entiary 1 to pay a fine of S50 ». Till", business fail..res in the I'm ted States during the seven davs funded on tho loth numbered 215, asraimt KIT tho preceding' week and 214 the corr-sp-ntd inir vveek last year. FUCK at Hrainerd, Minn.. d-»,» 1 fifteen business b'tUdln::^, i-ai.^ing a loss of Si0",000. I'ltK.SilJK.NT l'AI.MMi, of til" World's excellent. Tho total output of gold, i Columbian Kxposit,on. ha-. decided nor. Silver, lead and copper was valued at $$,0W,K8l. The Governor strongly urges the admission of New Mexico as a State. ESTIMATES place the heat yiol I of Minnesota and the Dakota-, at W0,00i', .o bushels. LYM IM E. KNAI'P.(Jovornorof Alaska, into is annual report says that fourteen Government day schools are in session, eievon ol' which were attended wholly by natives. to accept lhe salary of JM3.O00 per an num a'tached to his olJico. All he asks is the payment of his expenses •. h' en(raped in transacting busines- c-i:i nectcd wit.h the fair. TUK (lend bodies of Alexander liartte son and his 11 year oi son were found in the woods thirty miles southwest of l!"puhiic. Wis. They had been mur dered. TIIK Patriot!,- Sons of Ameri-an in session at Jtoston amended their consti tution, making only white native-born citizens of the United States eligible to membership. 1 TIIK Indianapolis i'ar inn .-hiring Company, one of tho !-ir e.i nrns of I'uue.l Suites, has failed irioua negro was executed three women near there several months I ago. TIIK United States District Court at I Seat tle, Wash., ordered the return to ictoria. It. C.. of twenty-ono Chinoso who were rece:r! y smuggled into the country. TUK census office gives the popnla tion of the State of Ne-.v York at 5,OS]. IW-b an increase of 800.003 in tho past ten voars. FI.AMKS at Fairfield. Neb., destroyed several business blocks, including the i I post-ollice and News printing ollice. PUKSIIkni' H.\u::is(( iiut witn hearty recept.ons on the 10th at St Joseph, I Mo., and at Atchison and Topeka, in i I Kansas. I I TIIK best authorities «:y California will.this year pack full,- 1.3)0,000 boxes I of raisins. WII.I.I A PKTKHH. of Sumner, 111., some time ago predicted his own death hour and notified an undertaker to pre pi re a coflln of sufficient dimensions, Ills weight wai -10 pounds. He died on the loth at (i p. ni., within twenty min utes of the time predicted. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. FROF. IIKWHT, of Kaitiniore, Md., known as the father of the American ballad, di-'d, a: 1)J years. i ISAAC FUA/IKI:. a ne^ro 10(5 years old, died in Montgo'nery, Ala. He was mar- ri(, THKICE miners were instantly killed after havin? passed his 05th year. TIIK nominations for Congress on the 7th were: New York, Seventh district, William Morgan (Hep.) Fif teenth, Clarence F. Lexow (Hep.) Six teenth, John 11. Ketcham (Hep.) re nominated Twent,-second, S. T. Wool worth (Dem.) Twenty-fifth, James J. llclden (Hep.) renominated Twent.v- ^nd another was seriously wounded at sixth, Thomas H. Iteal (Dem.) Thirty *ond, Daniel N. Lock wood (Dem.). 3SIassachus-tts, Eleventh district, F. S. Coolidge (Dem.). Rhode Island, First district, Henry J. Spooner (Hep.) re nominate.! Second, Warren O. Arnold (Hep.) renominated. Mississippi, Third d.strict, James Hill (Hep.) renominat ed. Ohio. Eighteenth district, J. II. Wallace (Dem.) South Carolina, Fifth district. (J. (J. Alexander (Hep.). Vir ginia. Second district, J. W. Lawson (Farmers' Alliance). Wisconsin,Seventh district,Sylvanus Holmes (Pro.). Iowa, Hal Pointer, on the samt* track, [Seventh district, J. II. lia nutt (Dom.). tha three fastest consecu'ivc Tut: People's partv of Indiana has so hoats ever made time, 2:0D%, 2:\ lected Martin 15. Kindle, of Johnson and 2:13. County, as a candidate for Secretary of Mils. DAVIM, a-jed 71, was found raur- State place of Leroy Templeton, of dp red in her house at Leavenworth, Denton County, who declined. Kan. 'l'u following nominations for Con- TIIE Census Bureau gives the popula- gress were mado In the Sth: ton tlon of the-Stnto of New Jersey at 1,- necticut. First district, S. 15. Fort es 411,017 increase, 3i'..!0|. State of Rob-ask a, 1,050,703 incre se. Ce7,131, Tine weekly ed.tion of the Atlanta (CL.) Constitution was seized by the postal authorities for viol ting tho anti lottery law recently passed. (Pro.) Third, David A. Wells (Dem.) H. J. Croc ier (Pro.) Fourth, Frederick Miles (Hep.) reuo'iiinitcd. Massachu setts, First district. Charles H. Co lman (Dem.) Ninth, John W. Candler (Hep.) renominated (i. F. Williams (Dem.), •A MAN named Dandy, who lives in I'lentli, II. M. Sm ill (Pro.). New York, Tecumseh, Aia., killed his wife and brutally beat his daughters, one fatal- Firt district, James W. Covert (Dun.) renominated John L. Child (Hep.) ly, because they had discovered him in Seventh, \\. T. Crosdale (I)em.) Ed oriminal acts. JOSKI'II T. CAI'PBM. and his three Itrothers, all poor men of Trenton, N. J., received information that they were heirs to an estate in England worth 580.000.000. PUKSIKI.NT HARRISON was on the flth win J. Dunphy (l)em. Eighth, T. J. Campbell (Il.un.) Ninth. Amos J. Cum ings (D-m.) renominated Tenth, Frank B. Spinola (D renominated Elev enth. J. I). Warner (Dem.): Twelfth, Roswell P. Flowe-fDem renominated 1 th® guest of Ottumwa, la., visiting the coal palace and reviewing a biy parade. Thirteenth, Asel P. Fitz (Dem Four teenth, W. U. Stahlneekm- (Dem.) re nomintted John G. Cockroft Uep.) II® '.eft for 'iopuka, Kan., in tho oven- Seventeenth. T. C. Teale (Hep.) Twen ing. ty-fifth, William Stitt (Dem Thirty- AT LoulsvilleJohn Schmidtconfessed iit'st, M. J. Shea (Dem.) Thirty-third, .that he had counterfeited #2 silver cer tificates to the amount of 84.000. TIIK United Slates dynamite crusier Vesuvius attained a speed of twenty knots per hour in a trial trip. AT the annual se-sion of the Union Veteran Legion in Fort Wayne, Ind., Q. J. Miller, of Philadelphia, was elect ed National Commander. A Ft IIK destroyed the business portion Of Fickroil. Neb. F. L. Hunting (Dem.) Thirty-fourth. J. D. Rogers (Pro.). Kentucky, Second district. H. R. Bourland (Dem.) Mis sissippi, Seventh district, Meredith tthews (Hep.). Michigan, Eleventh district, S. M. Stephenson (Hep.) re nominated. Ohio. Fourth district, W. P. Orr (Rep.). Sou:h Carolina, Fourth district. (5. W. Shell (Fanners' Al- i i-1 I 'i i i i ttut ol 1--' member of the 1. A. R., died at Mount l'le-.-aTit, la., ajjed years. .j. lision on tho Realm.,' r..,» I at I\M1 lSroo'.c. I'a. A UKIIMAV farmer named Nicholas lioswein while plowing in his field near I Portsmouth, (,, turned up a houvv rust eaten iron lid, b' ruath which wasa\es sol containing &3,<'00 north of Spanish gold coin, most of winch bore dates of over a hundred years ago. A COSVKM'IO.V of Democrats opposed to 15. It. Tillman for (Jovernor of South Carolina met in Columbia and nomina: cd a full State ticket, led by A. C. llas kell for (Jovernor. TIIK Congressional nominations on the 0th were: New York, Second dis trict,, .lames ("Ireshani (Hep.) Third. I William C. Wallace (Hep.) renominated Fourth. Andrew .J. Perry (Uep,) Fifth, I John It. Smith Ulep. i Nineteeth, Ud ward A. Durant (ltep.) Twent v-thiril, i James S. Sherman (Hep.) renominated Twenty-seventh, E. K. But-nham (D -rn.) Dr. Mary E. Walker (Ind.) Twenty eighth. Isaac It. Andrews (Pro. Massa chu 1:1 jjhth district, N. A. (Jliddcn (Pro •. onnecticut. Second district. J. M. ll ard (Hep. I: W. T. Wilcox (Dem. Tnird.Charles A. Hussell (Hep.). Tennessee, Eighth district, (ieor^re T. McCall (Hop.). Missouri, Ninth district, Stth W. Co lib (Dom.). North Carolina, Sixth district. 11. M. Norment (Ind.). Utah, John T. Cain (Mormon i. Tin-: People's Municipal Le le, the Republicans and the Cuuntv Democracy have combined and nominal Francis M. S:-oU for mayor of New York. Tho Tammany Democrats have renominated Mayor Grant. Jr.vrici-: SAMT*. I. 1-'. Mtr.i.rit of tin' United Stat-'s Si.: :, r. Court -.s !,» '"..'ed l).r an attacii ol paralysis in the ets of Washinsfton on the 10th, and condition excited the cravest fears, i IIK Congressional nominations on the 10th were New York, Seventh dis tr, t, D. A. Itoody (Dem. i Tliii'd, W.J. (Dem.) Fourth, John M. Ckin (Dem. renominate I: Fifth, Thomas I '. Manner Dem.) renominated: Ninth, Cornelius Donovan (Hep Seventeenth, Isaac N. Cox (Dem.) Eighteenth. Mich ael F. (.'oilins (Dem.) i'wnty-tirst, .). 15 Ross (Dem.). Ohio, Seieir.n dts :-. James Mi Ashley ilv-p. i. FOREIGN. NIXKTKKN HI MKKI emigrants from Russia have for New York from Bremen. Tuy house of Mathia.s Gagon was pushed into tho river by a land-slide iieur St. Pierre, Quo., and three persons were killed and eight injured. FAMINE continues to prevail in the Soudan, and Su-akin was thronged with the orphans of those who had porished through war and privations, HOKKIHI.E accounts come from the Red Sea of the condition of the chole victims. In the interior of Arabia the victims were numbered by thousands, i THK Canadian Government has de cided to ex pend K50,00') in promoting emigration from Europe Mil. u.Kot ii, Chief Secretary for Ire land. said that the report that there would be a general famine in Ireland was ibsurd. THE centenary anniversary of the birth of Father Matthew was celebrated in Cork, Ireland, on the 9th. DOCTOR ROUKUI'U SACASA has been re elected President of Nicaragua for term of four years. Bv an explosion in the Roeario gol mine in Mexico ton men were blown to atoms. NKAR Cumberland, Ont, Mary and Eliza, aged 14 and 12 years respectively, daughters of James Mctionnigle, were criminally assaulted and murdered. A man named Narcisse L&roquo had been arrested for the crime. 1 A COMMKHCI.vI, agency in New York reports improvement in all branches of I business throughout the country. WII.I.IAM U'BKM and John Dillon, on trial at Dublin, Ireland, for con spiracy, forfeited their bail bond of S^.OOO each on the 10th, and it was said they were on their way to America. TKN persons were killed and many injured bv an explosion in the pyrotech nic school at Bourges, Franco. LATER NEWS. JuKtloo Miller in Dead. WASHINGTON. I). C. Oct. 13- .Tr.^'ice Miller, who was stricken by paralysis on the morning of the 11th. died to i night- at 10:42 without struggle or pain. Judge Millar was born in Kentucky in April. 1810. He studied medicine and was graduated from t.he Transylva nia rniversity of Kentucky. While a practicing physician he made tip his mind that medicine WHS not his bent, and while still practicing he studied law and was admitted to the bar. With his sensitive, sympathetic n-iturn ho suffered more than lie could bear. •Judnre Miller had the will and courage of a lion with the heart of a child. Judge Miller is a statesman as well ns a jurist. In ISIS he was a delecate to a convention with Ca«sius M. Clay •ind a number of other such men. the object b-dng to suggest some plan for the gradual cmnncipation of slaves. The effort, never came to anything, and in lS.'O he removed to Iowa and soon obtained a large practice. He was an emancipationist and was the early friend of Lincoln, Chase. (Jiddings and Thad Stevens. The first and only "fiice he ever held was on the supreme bencti to which Lincoln appointed him in 1«r,2. He is the oldest. jusMce on tho supreme ben-h in point of sej-vlcp. Ho has lectured very successfully before the hiw school at Washington anrl the bar associations of New York and Inwi, and has been given the title of L. L. 1). and D. C. L. by A number of lit'-rary eolleg'-s. C»*n* llplknnp Pftiid, WASHINGTON. Oct. n. .-C,e n William Belknap, ex-secretary of war. was found dead in bed this morning in the Evans building In this city. The room where he was found joined his office rooms and was only occupied by the (Jeneral during his wife's ab sence from the city. Con. Belknap was last seen alive on Saturday night about midnight, when he was on his way to his rooms. The autopsy disclosed the fact the immediate cause of death was inflam mation of the inner lining of the heart. For some years past. Gen. Belknap has been an almost, constant sufferer from gout, and in February last he had so severe an attack that he hardly left his room for three months or more. Dur ing that time he lost in flesh between thirty and forty pounds, and since then he has been in li mr-fM. I tab, Charles C. Good win i has suffered and this had worried him ILibetal) at times. Tin- nvo iuivhi'as. i: iy i 1. Ue 15. I by UltJ f-i'llii. l'-i of Mo-t of trie i, tho James rivi come from tin i.ley this year has 1 rveyors in WJ— eighteen 'I his shows the pond-, were dr.i. 'i as now. But for six or seven vears following the survey in 1K72 the lakes b. gan filling up and every sign now shows ttiey will shortly do so again. This means eutry thing to the North Dakota farmer, and lo tao State as well, in years of good crops. Supreme Coinl I -.nm. T:.e sup#me Court -i' t. declined to entertain original jurisdic tion in the matter of a writ of certiorari against the board of county commis sioners of Hugbes Co :.»• eata: limn ing voting precinct- i unorganized counties west of tie ."! .-.souri river, basing the refusal on 'be sole ground that the application should have been made to the circuit, court of Hughes ('ountv in tue li-st instance, or re.t.-ons assigned why such application was not so uoide. Tiiedeei on in no way alleots 'Le in rits of the que .o.i. North Dakota a. T. IT. The first annua 1 State convention of the Woman's Christian Tc iiper, neo Union was held at Jamestown with about 150 delegates present. The re port of Mrs. V\ ooi, corresponding sec retary. showed that the Slate luid ]0'J unions and societies in a llounshing condition. The original paeKngo and opi*n saloon matter caused much dis cussion. '1 here were reported 110 saloons in Sargent County, and until re cently none in Trail. .Miss Anthony titado'a long sU.:r.ige a hirers t. a meeting. l'.ciiiled i.uilty. In i tie circuit court at Deudwood, S. I) Joi.ii M. Wood, who was being tried for tho murder of John McLeod, a ranchman near Whitewood, pleaded guilty to the charge of tnanslaugiitcr. and was sentenced to four years in the State prison. Wood was said to havo killed McLeod out of jealousy towards his wife, and burned up his body in the building in which the murder was com mitted in April, 18»0. This was the third trial, the jury having disagreed iq both previous trials. Formal Opening of a Tunnel. The tunnel of '.lie Fremont., Klichorn & Missouri Valley railroad, a.o'y feet in length, including approaches, was at noon the other day in the present ot an enthusiastic crowd of Deadwood (S. D.) citizens practically opened. No vember 1 will witness the first train in Deadwood over that road, at which time a largo excursion of railway olllcials of the mid prominent citizens of the country will enter the city. FMruling IatiU Humeri Over. Small farmers and stockmen in Stark Count--. N. D., have sustained much damage by raging prairie tires. Sevral farmers lose hay, grain, sheds, all but their dwellings. The little town of Gladstone was barely saved from the llames. Men, women mid children were out fighting to S-ivo their homes. Shep herds moved their flocks quickly. The Enforcement I.t-Hijue. The South Dakota Enforcement League closed a two days' convention at Huron. William I1 ielder continues president of tho league. R. S. Wells, of Sioux Falls, was chosen treasurer, and S. J. Mercer, of Chamberlain, sec retary. The league was s iid to be do ing much toward tho enforcement of the State's prohibition law. A ltttld on ftloux Ft I In A general raid was male on all sa loons in Sioux Falls, S. D., sheriffs and deputies searching tho places. tvenry-one of them beer and whisky were found. The others seemed to have had a pointer, and nothing of a crim inal nature was found. Tfiis move was at the instigation of the Enforcement Ai(M£UO. Mice una Money, Steve Zerega, a grocery merchant at Lead City, S. D„ who has been in the habit of storing tho profits of his busi ness for the last seven or eight years ia a nail keg down the cellar, has discov ered that mice have, mado a nest in the keg and almost wholly destroyed its con-outs, supposed to bo nearly iio.ouo. Prairi# Fire. Started by India,,*. The settlers west of the Missouri r.yer in South Dakota are complaining lvterly because the Indians along the White river havo started prairie fires and burned tho grass oH The Indians want to drive the river bottoms, where it more easily during the wins Short ,N.m Item*. Chamberlain prairie fl ro ably 1 burned through the "-J graveyard and spoiled several grave-stones. ,Jt nl On C0UlU f's (8 vote, poor health. In conse- exhibits at the Siate fair tooij first prize. A small herd of buffalo is said to be eding in the red desert of Wyoming. A party of buffalo hunters has left Chamberlain. S. D. to lasso the animals and domesticate them. hoso the National flower, -th-guidon rod as their emblem, the language of which is faith and courage. JI he fight between Huron and I'ierro D„ as to whether tho settlers on the Sioux lands should be allowed to this fail was thrown outof the State S i U Tb6 St5 ieri Wil1 The Brule Indians of South Dakota thoir j° inin,r U,e quen.-e of his long illness his busings t'"dr winter rations" wuhonf ^sjeucy building hi order to receive their winter rations witho it ,M travel i They'd'" el any rPa I ,i dns Hill ho loner and THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. svnoml- Ot the of tiroir. tl..' oaucra. ml ^Nr.r ly Ai ri'4 TNKEII Ip ''y B"' llrrn Duriiijj tin- V--ar. Judge Lewis of the Oene ait ted to tho ,o annu:il ro s bureau for 11, 1MI0. The viral domain has during •d ltb-rs W AStltM'i I ON, Oct. A (iroff, the I'ommissi ral Land Oliice, lia^ Secretary of the Inte port of the operation. ended',' vt an i 1 UOtl, 0i)0 i i S beds of lakes and ponds. In several instances there havo been found, in these now natural meadows, the mounds and section stages placed tijere ,. •, o lie 111 ,. ,i, i' u i i. land In en greatly increa.v fiscal year ended .1 u area puteutcd to lb grants CatioiKi. ..t provetn• i.t area i 'd has {'osi^s ceti- 1 "C cias- it ,i cultu'.al" includes i on final and cotui •utries, on pro-, mp t. pnv i nes cm' non-til Ill, .si iri,:.uii,i, l,i, and others id a miscellaneous cha leaking an aggregat' 1 of 9, In lian 1 -.'i ls deposed of air.* :i t."i, v...!:itig a grand «. i .. T'.is,: ., •, *I"ln» total cas:, Iheoflbe Irtilll virions SOI,:-,-. -, the fiscal year was jiT.TsO.fil I'pon the subject of the ..•' '[., pulilic domain 'he Commissioner sav that he Muds that the most va'.u tble timber on the iMiblic lauds is tjeing rap idly exhausted, and that tl... -everal laws relating to the subject Ht ^'tin. T. w tin ranges, game into *n be f.junj uas siiK'e died. C0#VRlt,HT LSJo mat. I. 1 S9, 'I .. es und he iuti rnal im .n-rea-ed :!0i ieiit.s k now ti "I tents hotoe imber 11 .i ill. tow bind char, •ultura, nod nibr ki ui 11, '•, ••howing -in Of coa. i i: an lhe r,:o 'ids :l of the I of dut by pn\ ir.- v 11 i one man 1 of another turns out te t. .it Solon Bo i.lir..i ,i' acting as policem fair, had John Sw• from Clovehin i, in oepot ulat form. Sw" the crowd and mad* 'lhe latter stepped SWltcll et! \V.U Uoydst. n ji, front of was t« .- ,! -y mangh .1, and 'tied instantly. He retalueii Sweeney as he wi-nt and «as also run ove:-. hein-r ville I itmrtii 1' Orrv: saw a -ign to badly Injured. He ai: probably di/«, e "'an who uid ,e pushin was caught, by the t-'dy. Me (1 (l[ld ls nnv in u lih* "H'AMI. Oct Hi. -A lamp exph.ded t.ielourth (loor hallway of the Put nam Luropean Motel at I(i Adams street Sunday morning at o csock. 'lhe ignited oil wau Jirown in every direction, and imme. •ir'tl y fr:iil I'' i' 1" sttl V ,„,T •SA N SAL.VA IN.H. IO I», i At the school election in Huron. S. the woman suffragists castas of tho 714 votes polled. u The araouat allotted by the Govern ment for surveying pill ic North Dakota is $40,000, and the samo amount is allotted to South Dakota. The South Dakota W. C. T. U. ,£*?• '""»i '. »-Htl, in fs| .' rAl Minn., Oct m-At •t»Mon, i„ the suburbs of St i"'" »reat «P occurred Sunday nitrh A trjiin. loaded with" live sn,e^\, n'f with an Eastern Minn,,. uW(l' That's tho way vou feei two of Dr. Pierce's Ple, havo done their work, well, instead of bilious patod your sick heat Hess and indigestion ar, done mildly ami easily, don't have to feel worsi feel better. That is with tho huge, oM-fa These are small, sujar iest to take. One litt laxative, throe to four s. They regulate and deai stomach and bowels— thoroughly. They're pill, sold by druggists, only pay for the goc: They're guaranteed to faction, every time, or is returned. That's plan all Dr. IV roe's n sold on. Can you a-k more? Of Pure Cod Liver Oil Hypophosphites Of Lime and Soda. Thrre ttrr nnulsin,,* k utlorlv inadeiiuate prop•• rly to pr..'. either the public forests from unlawful a:.- :i« 1 riatton or the iutcit of hl ... PUSHED EtFORE A TRAIN. A Cnriiiiuhle Kitl»-.| ami HiH riis.mpr Hurt in TIN A11 III (j I to Ki-^rue tli«« l.ittfr. AKIU'\. O.. (.-!. -j'l ,. a*ti and Owe #.« still tnurh trhirh tnis{ui rths a§ rr thrif tvtll tti'tnff fnanuftiftut' diSijui** their c»t liver o it pnUititbl* to nt-HMfivf stm i:tnui.%ion of i*t ju: soiim I. I I.IC iH l,t tnnlnn* jthift-«a ahmst tin jutlatu: for thiM rtanutl an ivrtl a* Of thr xthnui'ittnfj qualitir* lho tpii n* s, I'litfHirittn# frc{ Scrihr it iti ca*r* of CONSUMPTION Si l:n/ lit, Itli'iM li:•, CHliO.SJC f,H uu or i All Ih-urji/ist.i Ki ll it, hut br the y nuhf at thrrr are pm Tho Oystorman's ln An Oysti Imtiioi: wears them Summer and V water, tho rucks aiul shells ot test the quality. Oysterman to buy the hu-i taught him Woonsockets K out of every lO Oystcinv n coast wear YVoonsoeket Hi would wear no other. I i ..!• shore hamlets ket no Kubb. night irotier ,\ IIO W'i» have rip on isonei v ,. ry They can srl. :her- A Boots are uiauu 1 samo i. samn workmen, the sain'"1 |'roc as tho wear is concern, d, t. Oysterman's Hoot. Y* u ma experience of the Oystcrmat Uoot which gives hisn best i yon best service. ,- pive his n i|n( here is great e.wjtcincnt at Orrvllb where rMiy.Jsti.Mi wus a prosnijuMit z(?n and n DEATH IN THE FLAMES. 111'.-,. Alcn Hint Wnnitii, j.ll(t4l hi a iloti-l I BEWARE .'.ml s ,M-». 1li.n-r- e .'*t ill i'trtl: ri'it tin- WOl'SSOtK I'aovilil I, I. 1 iin 10iV. seji- luting the apartm..„ts were in a bla/,e i bef!,-e spread rapidly, und within moments i4 tll( lH 1Jintr WJw 11,111 sulfo- w o n i i T- o n *j, others groped their way to the i'dwarlV' 1 fr "aged°CO rU Ul, 1maid leytoti, years w-is l».n,,a i, l,!s M/1 ^Ims. of AHl hii a n t( uliandise. Th«» tfai rner top speed and both' 3 wen' wreclied. 11 n to the kin uj fatally injur.'l wounded. 'Foriv I"" killed a„d' ,7 disistiw-«« coming win:or I "r I Jim V USD L'Art De La* 7 roLdii'^" '.L *IT, THK UP 1 V O K 1 OrierH' vi.'T moi.'-I t, i.ui imi' "l-" GRATEFUL COMFOR^' URLAKFAST. '•Byatborrmtrh Whic i gov rn lie tntiun, nnd by a ran»tui uppi* '|*rl i«»M of ^. j»rvitl«-d our bn'Hkui^t IJavoun'it which muy «!.«•».TS' I.lilt. l" !. II7 the ,. urtl.-lfH of diet Hint a constm :. ly limit, up until urm't l'n'""!,111r i i i y o i s a- e i .- i fl'iHimv HTI. tui u' roiety a weak p./mt. We rim? V 1 v ki'ppinjr ourselv w.Ol i»r^ H/f! a crepe.iy jn.jurlsheu i.dui1 wati* Only i nlmplr It ti i tins, JAMcS EPPS& CO., HomffiOalhlS London, EnglanO- PATTERN l!v 0 Northern line fJ", '"lU at Cl »mph'lol s ri Thirty• flve freb'htoar sr«'icIAt*MM',.. I il- MOliKS ZINK, tii- ir wrar,',nil'"''-' our lad''^'2», Cute il rv two nt ataU'P v((• n aIld S lSh 'Hidcd ,.ir ii..i«« Now i n (worth 2* r!= t.v tU de&iri-d. ptjsf ttt not tnltni. l."9S,.., V I, 34 n#, .18. or 4° "'tmV- a h''ixli',«ti fi'MV WWJ., i nl,n.ii l)ci,iirrifci-i:l. «»sly iUtl -V 1} re bo, en, Ill"' v U font [.'•rt.'ct. V„u r-aJiv e-t tvprv IT :II ti, r-'r ir»tm THIS I'AI'IK ....J kill, ,1 Ono V*'.,.vTOBs1 it i if i rm i niiid- PATRICK O'FARRr.LL,