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HERALD-ADVANCE. W. W. DOWN IE, Editor and Publisher MtLBANK, r~T~T~. S 0 Epitome of the Week. INTLIU'.STi: COM DOMESTIC. THK police census of New York shows a population of 1.710,715, an increase of 107,214 over tho Government census. THK Consolidated Ice Machine CNN pany of Chicago has failed for u-., assets, £475,001). Di iiiNfi tho eleven months ended September 30, 1890. the exports of pro visions from tho United States were Sl0H,r»s7,000, while in the corresponding period ended September 30, 18W, the total was only 101,215,000. The same increase in the exports of dairy prod ucts is reported, the total for the nine months ended September 3(J beinjj ii74,000, as ajjainst $7,754,000 during the corresponding period of the proviou-, your. OSSAH SMITH, an a^ed farmer from Split IjOf, Mo., was robbed of his pocket book containing §4,785 at Portland, Ore. A. M. MCUAK, secretary i treasurer of the Security Loan A. Savings Com pany of St. Catherines, Ont., has dis appeared. He is a defaulter to he ex tent of S'25,000. NKAISI.Y all the ranches in the val leys of the the Hart and Canon Hall rivers in North Dakota have been de vastated by prairie fires. THK Census Jtureau GIVES the popula tion of the State of Kansas at 1,4.23,4*5, an increase of 427, :w*J in the past ten yea s. PRESIDENT IfAiuusn.v and his par y returned to Washington from their Western trip on the 14th. THE railroads were carrying on a bit ter railroad war from the Northwest to Chicago, and ticket brokers were sell ing tickets for almost anything, FontTKKN cents apiece was tho avail able resources of 525 Italian immigrants who landed in New York from the steamship Alexia TICK First Presbyterian Church of i Cincinnati and the Presbyterian church of 1*1 easant liidgo celebrated the 100th I anniversary of their organization at Cincinnati. I L)it. iMoOoN'H AT,, the aged New York doctor convicted of causing the death of Annie Goodwin, the pretty cigarette girl, by malpractice, was sentenced to twelve years in the penitentiary. THK twin children of Charles Aldrich were burned to death by a fire in their home in Hrooklyn, N. Y. THK Census Kureau gives Alabama a population of 1,50S,078, an increase in i JOHAX.V MOST, the Anarchist leader, after a residence of eight years in this country, has become disgusted with American politics and will return to Europe. Miis. WILLIAM WELLII.VVSBS and her T»year-old son were drowned in a well at Marine City, Mich. The woman was trying to save her boy. who had fallen into the well. J. BAII.KY, William R. Davis and J. Fisher wore killed and two others hurt by a fall of earth in the Ludington mine near Iron Mountain, Mich. THK colored people of Richmond, Va., on the 15th celebrated the twenty seventh anniversary of the signing of the emancipation proclamation by Pres ident Lincoln. tioVKKNoii STKKI.K. of Oklahoma, has SI'I:AH"K WILKI'.S, a horso owned by J. Wilson Bury, fell dead during a heat on the Lexington Ky.) race track. He was valued at $0,000. SKNOII It. BKSOOCHEA, husband of General Barrundia's youngest daugh- THK Brew Masters' Association of the United States in session at Philadel phia elected Christian Schneider, of 'New York, president. As nit: result of domestic trouble Gador Shrowdash, of Perth Atnhov, N. J., shot and killed himself, and his wife took her own life and that of her babe with poison. i TIIK City of New York and the Teu tonic left New York for another race across the ocean. TWKNTY-FIVE persons were burned to death and many others were injured in a flro that destroyed the Leland Hotel i at Syracuse, N. Y., a few minutes past .midnight on the lfltli. The property I loss was 8500,000. THK barns of Fred Kroeger. A. B. Piper and W. F. llanche. together with eleven horses, thiiteen head of cattle, farming implements, grain and hay, at Berryvillo, Wis., were burned by in cendiaries. TIIURK miners were killed by falling rock in No. 4 colliery of the Lehigh & Wilkesbarre Coal Company at Auden- I'ensacoia. Fia.. died reid, l'a. Springs, N. Y., aged 4'. y THK Government it ashington has notitied the Government of Italy that no Italian emigrants who have been sentenced in Italian courts will bo al lowed to land in the Cnited States ports. BKV. J. N. LKXKKU, of Denver, Col., the Western secretary of the Lutheran board of church extension, says there are 50,001,280 Lutherans in the world, with 38,381 churohes and 38,400 min isters. Mas. HARBISON, wife of the President. has accepted the presidency of the re cently organized society known as the Daughters of the American Revolution. Tin: Ht»amcr Columbia madft th* trip 1 from New York to Southampton in six days, fifteen hours, twentv-three min utes. and breaking the best renin], her own. by two hours and eleven minuter THK Census ISurean gives the popula tion of the State of Tennessee at 1,7*l:t. 7-J3: increase. 221.:«»4. State of Texas, 2,2 '.2.22 i increase. 040.471. Cn\i:i.j s MM.I.KH, aged VIM"-, I rested as a vagrant in MatiiM '.ui, K n confessed that he murdered Harry IMSII baugii and [''rank Kiier^,i. who were? round dead in a freight carat Cheyenne. Wyo.. September JOHN- LICK ILumi-«\, v-ars o' wa8 accidentally »h- .m-i i-:: i:i !.,• ,s brother Douglass at Valverde. Co,., and Douglass went mad with grief. AT tho sale of the FernelifiV s' ,i 1-n New York, the property of Mr. Will iam Astor, Mr. William Uulden paid 8.10,000 for the imported stallion Galore. A vci.oNi in North Carolina wrecked bouses and other property tit llastie and Moral College, and two persons were killed and man v o: tier w or.' i. idly in jured. AN assignnooi' .a !.• i v AO B. (J. Peters Salt and Lumber Co. of Manis tee, Mich. The liabilities were plaeed at 3?:!,000,000 and the assets at 80,00o,000. Speculation caused the failure. MAI:II lire-, were raging near La Crosse, I rid., and 10,000 tons of stacked bay had been burned. THK strike of the 4,0 M,.n.-r- it Ishpeming. Mich., has en 1. the men returning to work on the old terms. THK annual meeting of ttie Pullman Palace Car Company was held in Chi cago. The tinaneial statement showed that the total revenue of the companv for the twelve months was $$,$»• i,'.M51.2(, of which ?7.47:i. i 5 ^7 was from earn ings of cars. The operating expenses were {?:!.274.01)4.S7. The company PIII ploys 1'2,367 peisons. During the year 5,):j:i.o.7 passengers were cared for. against 4,242.542 the previous year. HH HT men were injured, two of them fatally, by an explosion of hot dust in a Pittsburgh (Pa.) blastfurnace. WILLIAM ]irni, who iived near Leha- i non, lnd., dropped dead when he heard that his wife had npplied for a divorce, ASSA 15 \KKIwife of Ma I-'oo, a Chi nose lauij,dryman at St. Louis, threw lye I into the face of Walter Kelly, a 10-vear old boy, and lie was totally blinded. A BPSIVKSS agenev in Now York says that the business outlook is improving ,t®*. has arrived in New York to make a i till over the country, and that trade is demand of the Government of $100,000 I strong everywhere. damages for Barrundia's death. THE courts of Kansas and Iowa have decided that the Wilson law prohibit ing the sale of liquor in original pack ages in the States named is inoperative without new State legislation. THK first game of the series for the world's base-ball championship was played in Louisville on th 17t.h be tween the Brooklyn club, winners of tho National League pennant, and the Louisville cl ii). winners of the Ameri can Association ciianipionsnip. Score: Brooklyn, U Louisville. 0. 1\ an encounter with burglars at Ohio City. O.. Charle Hover and Will iam Place, two business'men. undone of the robbers, were shot dead. The otner four bur'/lars escaped. Dt'tust* the It st two weoksof October IN the streets of New Orleans Chief- 4SI CAST'S of cholera and Jv.) deaths from of-1 olice llennessy was fatally shot by the disease were reported in Spain, assassins. A cky of lire in St. Stanislaus' church in Chicago caused a panic among /SoO hildrcn, two of whom were crushed (Dem.). Iowa, Seventh district (Short term), E. It. Hayes (Ilep.). Illinois, Fourth district, S. W. Packard (Pro ). OWINO to ill-health Joseph Pulitzer has withdrawn entirely from the editor ship of the New York World. Jrx-risr S. "Motum.i, was on "4th re-elected United States Sen i'-:- ver ex-Minister 1'i. by :be Legislature of Vermont. Mits. An i HI. It it \/. \. Washing ton, died at the age of l'4 years. IIKV. D. C. KKI.I.V. Prohibition candi date for Governor of Tennessee, has been suspended for six months by tho Methodist Episcopal conference for leaving his post as pastor at Gallatin without permission. The nominations for on, the 15th were as follows: New ..:v. i.lev enth district. Charles A. Hammer (Itep.i Thirteenth, A. \dams Hep.) Fourteenth,,!. T. Stearns (Hep.). Penn sylvania. Thirty-sixth l:- N. K. Critchlield (Rep.). M.. lis, Fourth district, ('barb A. ..•••• and (Rep.). Missouri, KI.'M.I .-f Charles F. Joy (Rep.). SKUV'K'KS were held on in the Supreme Court chamber »t Wash ington over the remains of Justice Sam uel F. Miller, and the remains were then plaeed on the ear--, to \ii..'ti to Keokuk, la., for burial. Tut: following were ti.• i .)ii.-riw.-, .,nal nominations on the 10th: Massachu setts, Fourth district, Jonas H. French (Dem.). Pennsylvania. Ninth district. Daniel H. Wingard (Rep.) Twi'ntv- first, tleorge F. lltilT i Rep. Ninth district, Alex'tnd' tnerV Alliance). ivn.vt) F01.Z. :i jaiier of Cook COII ti: v. I, residence in Cnic i: ness, aged (4 ye,v- 1 T'AVMASI I i THK loss of life by the burning of tho Lei and Hotel at Syracuse, N. Y., was on 'he Ifith placed at ten. THK business failures in tin 1 A Fturc destroyed the works of the Cherry Morrow Manufacturing Com pany within the walls of the State pen itentiary at Nashville. Tenn. Loss, §201). ouo. .IAMKS MAXWKI.T., alias Murray, who murdered Charles Decker on the night ten years of 245,5(58. SI.NC K January 1 the total loss by fire I of June 4 last, was hanged on the in the United States has amounted to 17th at Morris. III. He died without re #07.070,000, an average loss per day of vealing his identity. $230.'.WO. Ax llurlin FtUls.- N. Li., unknown THK Carmelite nuns at Baltimore eel- fiends blew up with a dynamite bomb ebratod on the 15th tho centennial of the establishment of the Carmelite or der in this country. THK International Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers began at Pitts burgh, Pa., on the 15th its twenty-sev enth annual convention. tho house of Public Prosecutor Con nette, who tial been waging bitter war on the liquor dealers. Three children i were fatally injured. AT ai 1 ipoli.-,. (., the celebration'of) the centennial of the landing of French settlors began on the 17th. THOMAS O'CONNOH, with a life sen tence for murder in Minnesota, and who was pardoned a short time ago on con-! dition that he leave the State forever. has been sent back to prison. lie did I not leave the State TIIK Census Bureau announced the population of the State of Pennsylvania to be 5.24S.504: increase, OtJ.y lis:!, THK British ship HospoJar arrived at. I San Francisco from London after the longest trip on record, having been out 1.4 lays, owing to storms. TIIK tug James A. li irtield was run into by another tug in the buv at New York and six men on the Garlield were i ilrow ned. 1 HI:AVV gales prevailed along the north Atlantic coast. Shipping was badly damaged and two .tien were been threatened with assassination for drowned in New York harbor. A house vetoing the bill locating the Territorial Capital at Oklahoma City. was blown over in Newark. N. J. PitiVAiK FUA.VK O'NKILL. of the Tinted States army, stationed at Fort Mcpherson, Ga.. died of hydrophobia. It took seven men to hold him in his paroxysms. the Fidelity Trust Company delpnia. dropt'ed dead a: i.i that city. United Stales during tho seven days ended on tho 17tli numbered 227, against 215 the preceding week and 22!J the correspond ing week last year The sides were torn out of three coach es. No one was killed and but few were injured. A li'iKlett*. NKW OKI.KA:.S. Oct.. 18.—Joseph Macb eca and other leading Italians against whom affidavit.* were made yesterday after tho shooting and partial confes sion of Seoaide, were arrested this morning, charged with being accesso ries to the murder of Hennessy At a special meeting of the. council at noon Mayor Shakespeare's me-sage wis read denouncing the murder i Hennessy by Silicians. through hired assassins, de claring that terrible secret societies ex ist in New Orleans, and that in this in- fatally and many others were badly in- .stance the chief vf police was asvissina jured. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. CHARLKS IIrNTI\'uTON. command ant of the United States navy yard at in Saratoga years. TIIK. nominations for Con rress on the 14th wero: New York. Lighth district, T. J. Campbell (Dvtn.) renominated Ninth, John Weiss (Rep.): Tenth, C. S. Van Rensselaer (Hep Eleventh. J. J. Quinn Deni. i Thirteenth, H. C. Robinson (I! i. Pennsvlvania. Ninth district. D. II. Wingert (Hep ). .Massa chusetts, Sixth disfcrict, C. £. Kimball (Pro.). Michigan. First district, llib bard Baker (Rep.) Eleventh. John Lemer (Dem.). Kentucky. Fourth dis trict, J. W. Long (Hep,). Florida, First district. Harrison R...d iR-p). Mis souri, Fifth district, G. IL iiiffner ted for doing his duly in enforcing THK IflO D-VKOTAiS. NORTH DAKOTA'S CENSUS. Population hv «'ountl®» a» Given )y the 1 i e opulat ri., .. tne (. ,'oniprices only ,ne percentage .ban in iwv ot jountod. i i follows: OII:STII Allrctl..,. ,intern, lamerv. Mi'Ki'nxtp V\ .. •j, ti 15 I.. :. H. .:••• .'avulier. Dichey... Ktfdy tut (in,.':,'- ... Jloitingfi' Iviilder. .. Liimour,. J,« fian..., McHonry ,\h'!titi nil Mert4.ii Ki.rcinau, Mount nr.. Ke,n lucky, ''ar- !5r tho his i 11- K:ei- died THK funeral of Genor-i l• I.i e in Washington on tie Knap lot h, Arlin: remains were placcu en.eterv. i ook and rtori (i 1:1 a v." navvu disease. He Jrix.K At )i. was 40 years old. TIN ADAMS, forme Justice of the Supreme Court 1 dii'd at Dubuque, aged 04 yea' I STKPHt"x A C.\u»wi:u.. pr v t. of .ila- FOREIGN. TIIK funaral o' Mrs. !ooih, mother of the Salvation Army, took place in Lon don, and thousands followed the body to the grave. The burial set vi e .vas read by General Booth. A ritoei.AM\TION has been issued bv the Canadian Government removing ex port duties upon pine and spruce logs and shingle bolts. STATISTICS show that 100,000 persons are out of employment in Lombardv, 00.000 in Piedmont and 50,Quo in Ho rn ago a and Southern Italv. SK tiKTAi'.v BI.AINK ts been inf.. by the Minister of the Cnited Suites at St. Peter-.burg that the reports of the persecution by the Russian Government of the Hebrews living in that country are false. TIIK Sultan of Zanzibar has surren dered to Germany for 4.000.000 marks his sovereign rights over t],a*. portion of the Last African coaxt which is leased to the Gorman Ka-.t A n••an Company. A r.rii.nn: named Scbaaf. who livel in a suburb of Berlin, attacked his wife and five children with a hatchet. Throe of the children died anil the other two and their mother would die. AT a meeting in Havana attended by the wealthiest planters in Cuba it was decided to send the Minister of Colonies a petition in favor of reciprocity with America. LATER NEWS. Woixlerlut Nerve. Ei:iK,Pa.,( t. 10. —To-day through tho coolness of an engineer a horrible cat iastrophe was averted. The engineer of jthe passenger train, John Burns of Buf jfalo. was (Mining down the hill at tho |rate of fifty miles ar. nour. He saw a itruck ahead and then a freight car. He (saw no chance to stop his train but could jump and sacrifice the lives of his 150 passengers. His fireman had .left him and fi-"i»ht cars mounted one iiinother ahead. In a second Fngineer Burns resolved to stand by his post, j.vd. springing from his seat behind tho jhoiler, he put on every pound of steam, and opening his sand box so as to get a firmer hold of the rail, the monster gave a snort and sprang forward, threw tho truck and cut through the freight car and other debris. Burns with wonder ful fortitude held the lever, and tho moment he bad cleared the obstruction reversed his engine and threw on the air brake as the train entered the wreck. Bureau. North Pi,'-: Office. 1 •nsus district, increase is re nui t,!iat had 1 HI -. I-*', in iVMi tne popular.'": ii. rease 115.5lo, or p- Mu*t NaturatizeU. A year ago a resident of Jerauld O.-.ti ty, S. D., made a final proof on claim without taking out naturalization papers, thinking his having served in Vie army would answer. Recently ho was notitied by the authorities at Wash ington that his proof would be sus pended and that he would be required to furnish proof of citizenship within sixty days. His army service only taxes the place of a declaration of in tention to become a citizen and will not stand for naturalization pap.-r-. S»yg lln I* tho "\1 e»»i.ili. Ten Hands, an Indian at l!ig I-. tv' camp in South Dakota, was arrcste s ie the authorities at Cheyenne agency anc place.1 in the guard-house for posing a the looked-for Indian Messiah. He had beon going on for several days in the most strange fashion, doing tuysieric a dancing, going into trances, etc., ami asking annuities, rations, and even money and ponien from superstitious Indians who thought he was the new CI. beau is reported Ij exist am .rig sheep in the western part of N. rtli i ota, and Dr. Langdon, the State V.- ennarian. advises Oovernor Millrr ijuarantine the sheep in Kidder, vms ratm and Logan counties. It. tjrought in from Washington, and an ef fort would be made to have all shep brought into the State hereafter care fully examined, as well as those •shipped here. Pralrlo 'iro.s. It is reported that between the Heart and Cannon Hall rivers and around Kildeer mountain in North Dakota the destruction by prairie tires has i en total. The flames swept through vil lages and farmers have lost their crops and feed for the winter. The fires wero •!arted by Indians from Fort Yates reservation to drive tho game south. Slmri Now* ItKiu*. The Pierre (S. D.) city directors gi\e The Farmer's Alliance has stirted o buiiil a four-story, f^n.oo.l he .di art• .a at Huron. S. 1) The Sioux of Son lb Dakota are vud o bedying rapidly of cousuinpt.on and other throat and chest diseases. The Homes' a'ce mine at Df ad wood, S. 1)., pays its employes the 20th of e month. About OuO is ihe amount disbursed each month. Work has be-n begun by the South Dakota Oas Light Heating Company on a plant in Huron, S. I). Five thou sand leet or mam will b- nut down and the plant will be in op 'ration wit'-iin Bixty days. Charles Brown, a tin miner, was nearly killed bv a bear near the Ku tu ne at IUpid City. S. D. Peter Burrows was arreste 1 Moor head, N. I)., for passing a for: I el,,-, k for on Max Stern in payment for uit 1 American laws. Councilman Br it ton offered a resolution which was adopted, that the mayor appoint a committee of fifty or more if lie deems '..roper to thor oughly investigate these secret orders and report. The mayor to-day received a communication notifying him that he will, be the v xt victim. Mr. Shakes peare says ti this will not deter him from doing hi- duty, committee of fifty to sletta. 1 1- THK remain buried at Ki THE populii certained by IStc.. The con State 1,300.017 i tioointed the '..i tho ven- JllStiCe lo., on i e w e e k. he ISth. n of Minnesota was as ic census office on the pleto count gives the gainst 780. 773 n igso. THK official returns from Idaho show a republican maioritv of 2.372. Eagle Hawk, a Sioux Indian, was lodged in jail at Chamberlain, s •barged with attempting to confiscate the greater portion of the stock of the post trader's store at the Lower Brulo gencv. The county commissioners of Stuts. man Count ,',N. D.,have ordered separate ha.lot boxes provided that ladies may vote for Superintendent of Public AN OHEGON CAVERN. Another Rival of Kentucky'* lamoa. Mumninth Cave. The following is an account of the dis covery of a wonderful cave in Douglas County, about four miles from the farm of M. C. Ruckles, on the line of the Southern Pacific railroad, and is told as nearly as possible in the language of one of the discoverers: "A few days ago, while out hunting, one of our dogs scented a track and fol lowed it to what looked like a coyote den. Tho dog went in and remained quito awhile. Thinking ho might have been killed by some wild animal in the cave, w© went up to the hole, and while looking around the mouth of the cave, heard the dog barking vigorously in what sounded like a largo chamber or room in tho mountain. Wo afr length called the dog out, but ho immediately started back and again began to bark, Being of an exploring turn of mind, we ventured in, crawling through the aperture, which was hardly large I enough to admit the body of a human being. What was our surprise, after! proceeding about twenty feet, to iind that we were in a large room. It being very dark, we lit what matches we had, and could then see that the room was decorated with numerous largo crystals tanging from the roof, which, from the reflection of the light, looked like a mass of diamonds. While taking in all i this splendor in silent admiration, we i could hear the sound of running water, hut not having anything at hand to ex-, fdore farther, we crawled back to day light and went home. Provided with lanterns, we returned next day and pro ceeded to investigate. After leaving I the first room we went through a narrow I passageway which led to a large body of water, which appeared to come through i the top of the cave and fall into another I :ave below. Taking up a stono which lay near by we threw it down the pas sageway where the water was falling, and when it reached the depth of about twenty-fiveor thirty fortit struck against what appeared to be the side of the -ave, making a noise like the report of ^annon. When on the verge of retrac ing our steps we saw a small hole in the lace of the cave, which, on closer in spection, proved to be a continuation of I the passageway. W'e were now in. and ventured on. After proceeding about i fifty feet we came to some stone steps. I After reaching the top of the steps we were in what appeared to bo a sacred hall, for on the walls we could discern hieroglyphics of tho sun. and also people who all appeared to h« traveling in one direction. Some were on foot, while others were mounted on what looked like camels, llight under the sun was a book which lay as if open, and, hardly discernible, were some ciiar I actors or writing of some extinct race, i i I car AiimiiLT slwi'p. these were twelve persons in a i ffoup, while a little way in the lead was I another person, who, from the position of his extended arms, looked as if he was urging them on. After looking i around wo wero led to believe that tho people who inhabited this cave at some past age wero sun-worshipers. On the floor was some pottery, also some hpears and darts, lhey looked as if the wood wurk had been destroyed by age. As we wore starting on in search of further knowledge, wo were all at once bur rounded by bats, who made it so un pieasant for us that we were forced to boat a hasty rotreat and leave all fur ther researches to a future dnv." Rose burg iOr®.) Plaindealer. A LEVEL HEAD. The Advantage «f rrenence of Blind In an Knierj-wiioy. During the lute strike on the New York Central liai.roud, tho militia wero ordered to he in readiness in case of a riot, but they were not called out. In an interview, Uov. Hill said the troops were not to be called upon except in case of iii emergency. The emergency had not at tscn therefore they would not be ordered sut. Ho remarked that this was the first ^icat strike with which he had had ex penenee, and he did not propose to lose his heat. tho only point at which there had been serums trouble was at Syracuse, and t.iure a deputy-sheriff had lost his head and li ipitated an encounter. i population of 11,500 on a multiple of At .-sioux Falls. S. 1)., Nate Kahn. piano player, shot and killed himself accidentally while out hunting. The strike continue.! several weeks, and thei e was riotous action at various points er^n'Y but tlie riv 1 PJC m?!iffa irw™° Why does this man s^r. is simply listening to th( n cures effected by Dr. Pi en Medical Discovery. authorities C0PC Wllh 11 K a a i a ni^ri "b ca£i, fortune. The ledge is located about ihrec from Hot Spiings, S. I). Smith it llo^s, of Pierre, S. n. re ceived a consignment of hardware on the Abnor O'Neal from Sioux Citv Tho freight rates by railroad on th,. con signment would nave been but by the water route tb yonly paid S3.H0. i Ihe Methodist Conference of South Dakota in sc^ion at Mitchell passed resolutions indorsing equal suffrage prohibition and peace arbitration be tween nations. last! The following case il! ra. on a man S rr a1 a,) *.v ''°nies when an em, igenc.r arises win. makes a hasty Die !1 j. u,| e ,neul 1111111 und discretion. "'ho retains his presence of mind tna.ntains his equipoise and exercises sound •nscretion at such crith-al junctures is to \?n °,h nd 11 be lmt t0 lll u 1 level a of clothes. He was thought to bo a professional. Clark Stratton has discovered and located a Ifilfrc of lithograph Stone, from wii ch he hopes to rc.aliXt, heads have the stavine I was feeling very ill. I consulted a doctor a n e s a i I a i i s e a s e i e S and lhut hc W0illd not stand in my shoes lor the state of Ohio u,,. i i not lose courage or give up• he saw the testimonial uf Mr John v 100 Gregory St.. New Haven V'' wrote to him. In ue 1110 'T CUr a Very SUCCessful to tho class that do a lng a bel w-ben emergeneicH arise a '"i(?s 1096 U,eip head i M»ilfn Intioceiict'. 4it.'^ ahout you last night. plendld Mabel (entliusiasticallvl ni j-i you wouidh-t ask such fool- *efo"re midnight foM? fehore. for threo years.-West fchore. 1C( John K: 'Rcraep, last time you were brought 1 warned you that if 1 fine him hcavv, Liglit. IT is one of he~T^ n amotion this fall. Several other i-n-n! ties have already taken similar action. Fcbni1.- WORLD'S DISPEN'SAUY MIDI TION. IluITalo, N. y. 1 Gentlemen -A remarkable ea« in our territory. J. N. n,.rrv thirty years of aire, was i t,itiK He tried physician after ph. medicines, home receipts -ia {, He went to a noted sanitarian no better. We all thougnt i1P ,, consumption, and onij- a tew were left for hurl. He commenced "Onlrlon .V ery," and at the same time" mend. He has used about twi and is still USUIK it. He hasp color and strength, ami is a1 work. It. i* just sueii a cast 3 have listened to rat(i.-r siippion we see it «*.' niu^f believe it It has trebled our sales ,,f '••., Diaoovery." JOHN HACF 1'ruggistf. i. In all bronchial, thro .• a e i o n s i n e i n o u of blood, weak lungs w 1 i ailments, the Discov :i.c tie it. r. .. ous cm 1 ro:u li.i.i •. ir- t-w.unps deranges the liv oerniitK-s the vstem, cr' ii ..scasesanderuptions,pr. .• headache, bot- isncss a p.ition vv:.'. '.i c.m most i be cutt.\l In tlie :.. DR. C. McLANE'S raps i TRICE, 25 CEXTS. SO'.J druggists, and prepared Fleming Brothers, Pittou: Get the genuine counter: w| mnde in St, Louis. CAUTION ^rrVn.VW^ Uu-t 1 jn.inir and prit o »tau)prtiuiiM W. L. DOUCU $3 SHOE FOR CENTlEM I :f uetui *i-1-i 1 \V. I.. .l V Hr «rlfAWE THW !JA!" DR. OWEN'S ELECTRIC Bfl /v rv 1 ''V 1 PATEKTtLi Auc. 16, 1887, ASD V c?SIiitSA H^fl1 AU KhfusisJ •7| plaint.-. -. .' Krnoul bausuon, Qy Marrifd or• 1. v\ gi* DAT*1 ELECTRIC IISOlB«jfl Also tin Electric Tru«« nnd B^'t 00 ,,l Sfh.l f, i'h*K 1 ''I I• 1 n-A •t'Lt ou n a I .'I.' Ti'vAvJ OWEN EI.F.CTRIC T3ELT A 300 North iliuailwuv 6T_ "I 820 Bi-oudWity. :,'L« l'Oliii CIIV MOID WOKK +x aw. .. I f»ieol li lM-y b't M-ll V\, |U hP. nthrr* f- 11 LOOMIS & NYMAN. TIFFIN. -OHIO. u,ln i*'1(1 answer, stating that the 'f an noTtaken'aiiy 1 iTN.WIh J»AI U ••cry This Tra«J Mark UtJI CANVASSERS ™am CHOICE NEW VARIETIES of MUOOOi etn.'^ sto.-k. VV k. .1' 11 ItK- I' "iitfU \v«.-k iilt. v.-:ir I'-Miml. the V o.i e!,.: 1 me, 1 here you a severe sen here, to fault. hope you coming —n. Y: K'' wive I., -,,,„e„. Sn 1 lj n bed L. L. i jarApi:i:K«iEK'iijivl MAY & CO., ST. PA^I" Dr.Bull'a Cough Syrupvou^'^ A FASHfQH JOURNftlS, i^Tuow (-ijtilinli utir Kr^ricJj Tb1 to intf"'1»n"' m. ±•'1 ele&U> EVER offered TBF* SkAiar.n»:. K'-e lt)^ Wrinkle® Oa!, pet oiily In thr»ru WJJc&j prof©#. N«UJ only Cl ._a .Mr