Newspaper Page Text
i, v, Willi. Attorney at I INK, '"AIN «'t wber^ •"«'«. etc. SW IOR n 'S uv TT!)EKSy A 5 LA'A Av ,r,iW)DO0», j. :f S'. 'It.. COuNSELLQR-AT-LAW A)\-H.10TAKY ,u i LT*. ,a courto-SUte an ivleral. HILHANK, ?•. H. 2.1' bh.N.vktt, Law)t r, prifiire in *H tll° Courl" UK' kit ART, Attc: .'.t a' l.«3\v |t:#M tpMliity. Mil.BA^K. y I- COl.LROTIONS A SPE 1 UT |K of'KH ART, City soj'i 1 yuatry "iiBSON, J*., ha.::' IT: y*f ir at 33] ft) EHtute »ni Loans, INSURANCE AND COLLECTIONS, Mortgage Loftuft an .Rt*ai K*'at» nil# hatt*l rtfcuntv *t Loweat I'iH tor N'n-rfS'dent«. Lunda lor Sklflr ILPANK, r» I' 5 APf K Rl.-T, Mr. CJut Finlwy, w ln hus Seattle ami Tucoma, Wash.. fow months i-' hnck n parent.-, and ti: till? Ili'VB. l» \K. VI V iTTOR*fcY :i A N V "f luketa and MiniH'Sota. Rjo S ot^ tfMiTHKK,' DAK IHEY aSDi'OCN'E' i •!. Ill PBOrt* l.wdOIlt" .«•••(«,• I The breaking of a freight car briktnnff apparatus Wednesday just we«-t Hit depot caused the tearing up of consider ab!«? "1 tiio track mi the main ii no one was iupirod aud thc'darni omou repaired The ladies !'. hold a ^rund Ibt/ at the upora nou*" on Wednesday and Thmsday, Nov. ..'ij am i!T. They will 'ihivh a line display of goudt- suitable for 1 '-... ».••• marked very low to Tliumlay tIt will bo serve i I Jo|i» Pi'lll'I.IHH, I date on oi:l of the tn-i. -.: reach for th«* i shi11, coming !_'..! .. . HUcCBsf 111 s :••.•••• .V i' ciiar^'ev that there was a nimiur: I road men voted in it 1i,wn wiT' ,1'1 entitled tn, .Miid (hat !!',• el.n, .. i u i i: ':. 1 him. i ii, i i l'r- P'lUght *f)(t Sold. floor Hawk ot Miihank 1SRK, ri"rn im [liin.tnk Dray Line. km FOR STA'ISARD OIL CO, 'arBil»ire i Tl..- lEslitt, Farm Less ind Ir.sur ans« Busiest Vn-K N»M 1 rtltn A^l MTV K»'hI K-itatc Matters, lit i i i u i e a n rinivoyanrir..^ At- Itnitlt'd 1*. itu hmiikcr and Jewt'ler, Miltmute, H. I. «u! ^wi'ii to .*»: W»u iuil.» rnuMni t^ inrwTn p'Ji'-!-that work an-'ti. jK^totli^e building. H«»MK HAPPENINGS. fMr. ,ll Marten-* and wif« attended »t:.f)!ic fair at lii^ Ston# City last avemiif. |Mi**. Hertha I'urkhuvat went to Alwr nl Sat'trdnv. and »p«»nt Smalay* litli fn.-nds in that city. Craiy, of the firm of t'lai^and pith Hii{ Stunw, wan in our c'ytiiej »t of ih» week. leaked quite likp \»inter yeuterii^y Hoona^' to »e« the ^tihiihI covered With oat of the "boautiful." McLoan, of Wilmot, parsed Ibroi.^fi the city Wednesday on hia way f° ^a»t for a sliort stay. F. A Johnson and little Bossie, uneaj,ol:e, were Hhakinx hands i.'.oir many fiieuda ia this city last ^'Suriilay. The (.3otigr»i atioual society wiii hold a in* Kooial at til© residence of,Jutn«w Friday evening, to which lab tie Invited. Irving IJatli starts for l'iorre to-day, j^aerf he inteudn to locate and go into |tli« real estate buainesa. Mr. Bath ex |Pp(-t* 'o move his family to the captiaj (cay iu a ghort time. Ilii* Social at th# residence o( Mr.and ^r*. Harry Iloiiuin lust Friday evening a very pleasant utTair. Mr. uml Mrs Hikmiu lire m«'d entertainers, and have th*' aack of makiHjf a coinj»any foe I at I'eter Coryman who has, for some past has bern working in the Imle P*n lent rind Review ollicefi, went to Hig ^'"iic on Wednesday, to take u positioa in the Wave oflic.e. f^ast Fciilay evening, beini HaHoweeii. 'bp boy« were ouL in force cutting up the ''"'lal (iranks, and having a general uood t'.riu, especially when Marshal fcjutclill K''* after them, scattering tl.e cn- \ti to four winds. I'Vhuk Lee, Miibank's popular photo P^pher, went 15i^ Stone City Monday •'^'I'niDj.f to take tmne tka h-lmht picture.-. nt which he is a capital ha: d. If y n nt lo k!'(nv wins' V| llaiI,asU A:VAN«'K»-t«llt i trip him and perbaj ic mny tcb Jott. .... fart thai ljut iitt. e it no. m-i-ity was huhis«k! h wll ii'il ilHS f: pent-. mt tiori® In ami firoijfit ti mdeh is l.i'i n i:.ifii-e. irauK witli f'trs-ji i^ti, toijii""'! wiiiiin |rnj.«r jjiomnit-. :o The otMcial vote in d«t.-i: nest week. ,I hh offl-vi' 'oi n i» oplmsitH.H ticket rWHUt"1., liad (o ho overcome, in iakeu 1 eiation. the revolt fii'Oiid bo I fy iug to these jL*ei(:.-ii:•:» .i. :.•••• 'iho linal B'Jiu.1" .• i aj-. a:. ,1 ,-l Week'* i-i.'. il'.', atn: jir-'-~- ..i i jirixtin^ tnaforja. o* ice VNa^ SMijijiod li:n k t"i. e typ* d.-yfr-eai wiii'h it trcha-.^' I'.Htt'-y «r«v» if iiath to i u:rr i 1 UIMiWiji a e..«, line iiK paoi.c.«i e Ii. i' A .1 I ii. uiulertftaiiiiifisi tb »'. 1.j a— I art of tbo oid lo'un v% t)i tli« intent.o:i i.f ti':spe!i- i ii'.iblica'ifjij imaiwl.ate v af'.rr e .. i ij.» li.iK III id** iWaj^'iui'i'i'* vvr i: ,t ,-dttor "f tiiii" paper t-.» lh^ l-'-*-'• to l.i» lmiependent wlio ura uoi a*iaatly ti'- oin voluntary, an *rraiH.'eiiients to protect iiis paid up i»ibtt i ibe'S wheu h* up ilia pi.iii!ication uf the paper. Tiie county otlicers elected «re low#: Sheriflf -If. J. Henet^' Auditor K. Hen.'y 'I'rea!«urer--J. S. Farh-j ('ierk of (.JourU •••..'•n Ssates Attor .'ey--K. M. Li-.•i-'." jjepisier of I leeils 0. W Marti t'oiinty Judf- '1. L. B'liii k. Supt. of Solif-iiis i. \V Surveyor- -W. S. t'row] (J-inmer A. A.S'nry. t.'omiiH»«i"n''i' to..! d: Mitchell. The Ladies Aid io- iety wi.i no-et, w.tli ^..o Mrs.L. L"i.'kii'»rt 'I'hursdav Nov. i tti at p. m. Kvwry lady that is intere.-.i-| y^.ojj^j ed in the church vhei:..'t 1 k lllt,!u" atieet »here it wa fiuady ."ai.g!.:. nat little was left of tbe bi.gK v. At- iwdlv demoraii^ed, lo"kiriguim ifacycl hnd struck it. The Ladie-i ^f the have on s' tli'-ii' an House, IS.:-..ami 27. ar i a'i well f'ii ornamental day j»re-, tis, whe w low to air.t the ii.-m1 dinnci* will bo which ail are in* o ut iiciea both u-.eful uitahle lor hob •i" :iiarive-i A li:!'»k-g'\ MADI-ON, NOV. '.i.l^p- lil- _The ropuldi--nn and con^re^i'.r. i! ticket it4 stfo. Ono hundred and reveii meiiib^rri. are i", ,i.. Ke. pr,, doinocrst''?' .- I II!: HK«I rt it.K' 1 liie rot out HI le past •alio apit feM, Li:avitt uu'.nr I'ro/t. •jjiffieDlfttiVfts 1 Kb! (tl or :u.i. Itstoiu 1 i'or St:.: -i A v 1 A «1) tjtili. ii-,or -4su|-". i1:'" i :ijhvleil (i i-'or Si .• i Crowi lisw. r'-ir Co: iSt n }, Ho 1'tio vyl :j ate oftic^iti \1 ii govern"!. v '. i':e it cifit! i Stn»« v. «i i•! Mai\sn. .".he Inlen: part: Mr. i. I I [(H'UIU, M' a'l t»rp«eiit, uar i u v •fwuittt'.i in a -Ij.o tnantier. i i ho sp'eoilni 1 i. on tirt.ijijre' i. !iin ickct i'ri"ioer.ioiy. J'lie returns of il.e *o!h on •nt- \nrv inciimplete. I. «ve be»i. 1 n 1 .rd.y oveoiiig last, tisdovt uii^ ]f ^PODS 'iik i M^ i V' i .V k.- n: .. iamaietii •i millii i: .»!nr:..:i.c i.t fea't-d. fti b!si 'lie aiiiein-ituviiL ad til* iiiiiit "t iudel^'edue^s. whilt Tr».Mltihnir ItitH'uw v..: 'c tiie ca te i tin* lei J'ifiTe, •!. .! The ful M- ii govern-: i uf J. 1 i«- a l5'.eai -.. e s! '. KlC. -tiWB 1 1 liar. ^npennb'Du'erv I- V---^ .UlLTi-H* The it- ii'ao tieKet, Ui ,ljii* peud«,!:t,» 1 ier.di"!ita lone 1 .vej i a well titfHerred '. .'•• pet.-»,i,.», popularity an i k v tact»rv en i ai- when tl.e .e i. ••fdi tiireeue of live, and i to* i.cVie: 0 \c,'ia. though Vtie el*i i: ^'e'.iO' id y i:l and waters, W MIIIIU 1 tbin pjijiev, ami Vlm»e w ho liafe p.od in .i.Ivjiace for tli* iiuiep'-ndeiii and aie .=• i ma tiikin^t tl.e Ut-KAi.t) Ato .iN tvi'l l«* anv i»ntli ciedited *iiii oiuoHUt «a. hook* d'»y rei-apn lb^rd to-ui^ht he aaiu: i-t fur tile t') "••iierab/.e at HiHtwaieBt iTiieernins: Tue 11,? very I 'litiriuf. .. wny .ti. Tins ttii.''ii: -inwit, i« bmh a.-'ie* aie unable elHgeui judiriaeo a.- to if the lit'er papi-r. »:i the pit:t of Mr. iJ ttli i. b»eu wii Mr. tirfiftf niavb* n.», Un one tl.nn: I am d. and the hileif-.ts tlu* repubbc.m-J wej# d-rt*at«d by a:«ta w Ht-hmu» »ot». 1 n Dai#: isouiity alo over 1,300 reptibhcaiiB did not vofa^ 'it-vi M^rriam's plurality The vote for abiance caudidatej is consiileiably nb'-'VP di. tjo The horse "f A. lennx v. :, to a bu^v"' i» fr""t"! tho Farmers linuK. beiaine fujjbtened at. tbe whi»t ««l 'M imotive, br"ko a»» and plunged, the sidewalk, fb^ bind v.i-.eelsj striking tlio bank, lipping the buguy"ver| on its side. The norsp drew the bu^-j vrv tbroimh the ahey to !h lor a(4r(u j4 i "t). In ilalvor- •e itiveri i tilth congressi'mai |fi}tiam!«, jieems to have been electedov«i i Cmiistoek and Wlr.teman, while in the nl i,trii iaker now claims the de (j, jj|lul ,iniJ ],iH OWn election. Thifl' Vllj1(, llUt tin, republican delega- ii *onme-w cnuipletoly. Sutli'-ieiit i,(,r of the Hociet'. '-1'u rei i to i«'.e Uaker's claim havt i,t. yet b*« i roe.ved, but 1h» vote] Mr.. W for coogresfctuan in the ond Ointrict ied 1 will bo very cio-,.». A democrat who was elected sheriff in Eau t'lairo c.»uuty, Wiscojmii, died the next uiortiin? iroui p\,- tei.iei.t I '.ured by l-.e au c^ss o' is party Congressman Jwepli ('at.-ii'm. of lib Mam) nois, speakingwf theieci ut pu..tica. Jan 'iho Mck n art,on (iitam-fi'/ii was i appl'jved 1 ti repuli.'ii.Mli-', but the 'campaign was sn shoil tili i-nuld not tie reached. Ueiu'-ciatic and men-a 'in.j •b wdi' o :,re! icseutaiii us as to its pr.' i iiinl fc'tb-'ct, wi lbo'-o othi forces, \v-r i Millb lent wrk defeat. Ti e tarilT law it", is th c*arc f.~ 11, will tie u tov.i-i ,,f .«t renal'a iustfead of a w«-aku&^. Ho jiuii'icatie-po-'iaby farmers. lH»lieve in the Aiiieri'-au ^ysver-i ut prn'ection. 'i tie rep'^'-icau parw will cb ai tiie deck f.-r act'.'-n and- carry 'he country. Til'* llvUlOenit-. ll'Iiilt iilU.- e- 'i lime hv Iraud nti'i fal-ei,oi. I I mai lie 1 1 pendcTi'.- novict:. oil1-, yv'trlii i:-'iHe an •):i!: ijre, o'vvi-i unkniwt,. o- .ine by paying cimrge- E. ViMinr-uoRT irt Mill and '.Lire.* ril. #11 polity !i. as New Ni'li K.n «!11 jf m-d 'Un ^oi'ld i .-ace eii 11ji- iy. rii'a, tin LIF« Ah lie policy -1••-..imal dues it'Uh. I king a ttai of i-J nie vu lav or of Kr and i i I ,' vtM I 'Aii.'ti t.J11Vi a."t accoiiiplisjlipd •any ucicii in a v«rv prom a Oli w i.tti. VKm%\ «U for i\«iioisii or i).p*ru utriiliip, on l.e :ir:a fr^in and iter tli" iiiutiially di«8o]vt*5.' efs pufiewliii)? thereto 'ibiliii(-s and w !h a!fin -'s due! KwliPr.'r l.'iihday mid Laure K. 1 said Rnu am 'lid i '.* i.. ,y and «lio as-bunieti ai! tie! obligations tiip e ii[uo\* .• been said firr i- 1 L.»i )u K. Ltvi. .ire u? ikei tl.p I'isPaao comitinn the i lie h' iii. !i fur !i I'ttin.i't: i, toiif: 1 in A viif's Sar»'ipa Tr'pllt'lV.: n of w sttoe v\ide, harititf itru J•»-!'' liiond ineiiii i: »'.a u»e A I'oai-eteetintt Mory. i'mu I'ress nil i D.ikntan: 1' cei liilea epub- and h, ri't tie-it Iii-Oi ba\o btv ti ime.i n work !r either lfnrin or I'icrre in thi.1 caitipnyrt atid have ln-wn p'ud per ii:*11m for it. About thro" week j.'.jto'tt! i. i! ropr»'en,atne ofonenf riiiijjn*' towi a to a Yank oouiity lamer ind bini io v-erk Hi In.** puo'iiiCt. bun $1U to t.itti I burse him for the tune lo-t frmn his farm i wiirk. Ye^'enm tic nian c.'.me iut I"ii, went to t!:p repr tentative f'i i i he to a ii in* bad been'iK'ed to kiber hr iino' said that he and kin uons ha been aik intf o\«-r a. alter and had/ I dei ut» i that it wrii •. i:' u lo take :r lii^ v,«itk 'iti .-i.a .. :i:it:er. '1'bat .• I hh- a |ii»-4i rtho ji •i! to decide ami n- "!,e lie pasd for endeavor uij to iol] ,ei his neighbor f*«r or 'a/, io)-". i 'it'll !if il -ew ii '1{|l»«nk Meat Marfeef. VroHh and SsiH Moats 1 the caaw- was laigely ho till o«er the st i!«. d«nioi rain? vi»ta is nut incre:,i i i i ii..: i.f wyears ago."' XiiiMffcOtm. I I S.. i' Nov. tl. -Kiectiivi i C'::: have been (liming in sh'wb to-day am i to night toth committees stiii claim the tickets, the dem'tcrat.t, by -md republicans by 3,000. OtHfial retari,.sj and cart-ful e-tiiuate.-.i From ait but Be-, i-:: counties in tbe i»ta'e jjirw Merriam tvi,- "?t quality io e it Itined. hiwtkys nUic.k, 'Iryuir -ni.t,-.» ar p&id tor hide*. Ab»c(ute!y f»uro* Cough-Cures Ar» aiiiirnJaii! )ut Uip on^ "Vn«»rn for U.s t-*ii.vidjii.iry aacdjin- ainl e*t*-clr»ia qualities Ayer's Ctu-rry Pectoral, for in .oij- half a century this preparation tiaj ii hi i:r,'ai,-r demaniJ than any other rem edy for entity, cnuglis, hionchiUs, anil pul monary rornplaUHs in general. I sullertid for mole than eight month* from a sovere cough aei-ompaule't with b«n» orrtiagu of tin? luacs and the expectoration of matter. The physieiatis gave mo up, but lu) diugyi.ft prevaileit oa nic to try Cherry Pectoral. I ,]j.| .in-J %'«n i» nr. U-i my hunts liiMiled, tin •'"tivjt tfikv.J. aad I l»' camp- stimh-r and heaitiuer than 1 have ever heeu !,cf',rt. I would suggest that tbo Baton of Ayer's rherry Pectoral he changed lo Elixir of I.ife. for it certainly saved my life.'* _I\ oli.teii, Salto, Buennrs Ayres. A few years ago I took a very bad cold, which set!l"d on my tunjfS. I had lUKtiC sweats, a ne-kl'tK roujrh, and great snr»iuess. My fluetor's medii'iue did nuj no Rood. 1 trii il many ri-nndi'.-. t.ut rei'ej.ed no tu in' flt everyiiedy despaired of my n-covery. was advt.-ii'd to line AVer's cherry I ecTi.r.-ii, and. as a la-st resert. did sn. S Cook &• •W •.!!.ItANh.. reet-iwd trov.i I lie liand.1* i.-t. fi.r thf Mil un.l {.?'• iciati»n of policy .No. ^iVJul, to nrj, wish 15. LaiMUi as wnru uf fJ.'XHJ. the full Vprrr a ^:iiibl fruni I ino hi.-niied it u the i npi'al 1 Yankion iis tanner tn on» ol biikion! £^EnrI' 1 MK BA Proswietin-(tl the Vr mi the Hi-* ( I Ohtalu-d reiii-f, aad, after i sinp lw,. tottles of It. was ci'inptet. ly restored health."— .Vdiiins, New liretaa. N. J. ctoral, i (fi J'KKPABKO BY Dr. JT. C. AVER & CO., IiOwetl, Mass. Ko!d l.y alt liruggint#. ?!, «ii tuitn.t, $6. FA OrARANTKKl.- chiro cieiit a: AEDWiLSE i lie Cedar Kajmls W^.. Prif aat a 1 %. .U. Everything in the line of CBPIl'l! II gTHRf .%% f., ii IS' «i ti *i-i8 w u w liij {if] lo liiiF iii3 Cl^i of rOMK AN!) SKI: roi vol HSS:i.K. N K O SAIi Doesa General Banking Business Sells Exchange on Eastern Cities and all Foreign Countries. Colleetions a Specialty. Remittances Promptly Made. DEALERS JMT ACOKN AND (JABI.AN'M STOVK- AND RANbF. (iASOLlNE SIUYFS, FKNCE \YIKE. (i AKD£N It Kif.s, WASHKKS, CfH'RN'S. HKAMKHV AN, DAIRY' GOODIi (.I N'S, Cf'TI.KW Y, A ND .sTFKf. iO[)S. s imu Mt'CORMlCK IIAKYK.VlEKs. LINbFllv ,\M) Mi i WE US, WAfiOVS, liTGGIES. K0AL) C.VUTS, TWINE, .loHN' DEE IiK FLOWS AXI) CCLTIVATOIIS. WACON.s, l'l'(r01 F*«», ROAD CAKTS, WOOD AND IKON TUMI'S. SASH, DOORS, ULINIbS AM) M0lT.I)L\(}S. Iil/ILDINX* PK1CK, I.JM E. CEMENT, ETC. I KEN^T iTr-'s'S, x»:. II. N TART tilth an* i iinip, Bras.- alve Sea its printing. TIipb# 1. hev are prepared to tlo ad kiat»t j«*i^ w»r-U «ut-h repniring storfft. t:r vr^rk "r uj,v!iiing itithf luirdw,ir# line. Tli*-* a f'a! I 1 Dp CENKKAL HAl :i WAHK. »V!tf. f-iieli linea nioation .' ve, and .win* to jell ibem *t »i:i (i pumps nr? ti-tac!ion, A Full linp of 3?TJ^C2PS I -t illish Trade. i rii Will be soM at Cost, and a large assortment of Broken Suits will .:. be 3old REGARDLESS OF COST. MILBANK, i .\T & WHJ«S. Bankers Fire Insurance. Lands for Sale. Wood Bros. -4