Newspaper Page Text
ii,ra I i e te unk k'2 n|,r,S"n,»U 1 n7^ I Bri5 POsitjn 'U's«, CODSti. I «k y them I aui, LivtrP^j \i HT *Rt- uJ •ists 2jc, 'ZS yj lairr! fHE lvt) i AS. BEATS THE mind-reader. v,„nc l'lan.b«r" at Mo..* JP*I»» «»p.-,n 10 S 1 :,V 4' }l Mfco Kvpi-rt. v nnehalia County lias jyst finished court-home at Sioux Falls, S. 1)., "t cost of Sl-^OOt). Over $10,000 worth 1 uits were ordered in, and the roin- maliin? 1 the contract, A. T. Do.m ofClncajo, was notified that tho V 'could not be acc«pted. Tlio nnder "linst was that no one could open vaults unless he had tho combina Vor was an expert at safe-blowinj?. "maunders, a plumber not over It •s old. entered the county clerk's whilo er9 i» Bale", /'is miautj, ^T'O'.VS th» •h. Ii 1 oon-els, fl l\ .A tho clerk was endeavoring jen one of the new vaults. Tho 'ination had been lost, and finally jerk gave up the job. Younsr Saun wbo was standing by, said that ho open it. County Commissionor K offered to give Saunders £10 if uldopen the safe. The young lad ,d his ear at tho door, listened to ill of tho tumblers anu in a few .ents the door swung open. Naun was turned out of the room and jmbination was char jed. Another was given the young genius and the door flew open. Saunder* pened a vault in one of the lead* inks of the city as easily as if bo the combination. ROBBED A TREASURY. art Fall to Open thf Mtfiiey hest but Kwtirii 8£.S()f. robbery was attempted on iim iinsou County treasury at Olivet, Burglars made a hole through 'ickwillof the vault and secured jee. The outer door of the safe, was in the vault, had been left in account of some trouble with ouihination lock, and the inner were opened by blowing the lock -ces with powder, lie hind these was the money chest, guarded by »lock, and containing over MJ.oiM. (Torts of the burglars to open it i vithout avail and they were evi driven away 1v the approach of -lit. In a small wooden dravvei l»7 in cash and S", HiiU in warrants, were taken. The burglars had i» en captured. What Wit sky Did. Man uel Faulkner, of Rapid City. K. f., itmd from a terrible gun shot wound ir. !.i groin. He went home foil of vt'^ky and started to clean out tho li^so with a club. Frank Faulkner, ).:* n, 18 years old, took a shotgun to scare the old man and in the struggle wrp., followed the gun was discharged iiill.'-ring a wound from winch he died. 1 a.i kner was a man about 54 years old, was a hard drinker and frequently abused his family. Ho mad'- an antr iriurtem statement declaring his son in nocent. 1 ijn boy was nearly crazed with grief. No arrest would be made, Indian* Holding Kttlijy-inuH I'oh*-Wmv. A big band of .Sioux in lians is camp ing up Hal river about three rniies above l'ierre, S. 1)., and were bidding a Indian danco and pow-vvow. An (Miussary from Standing Ilock was among theni, having called them to thcr for tho purpose of instructing tiiem on tho coming of their new Messiah. Tiie Indians wi re very much fxei'ed. Scout Allison, an old (Jovern Dient scout and one of HufTalo ItH's band, was taking great part in excit ing the Indians. Will Kxtpml 111. i inal. The Uedwater Land u Canal Company of Iiutte County. S. 1).. has decided to extend tho inal to the mouth of Nino Mile creek, crossing White wood valley about five miles above the month of Whitewood creek, thus covering 7,000 acres of tine farming land lying along the Hello Fourcbe valley, 4,000 acres of which is already contracted for to bo covered with water next season. Tho Water is to be furnished to the farmerj »t one dollar per acre. South Dakota I,it nil Offl oft. The business of the South Dakota land offices during the past vear was as 1 follows: Aberdeen office, a,a entries, 1B0 M'j acres .-old *10'.fi9 Chamberlain ofiU-r. lWieiitrt's 4,| •cres^told for Ki.lWi Huron odlee, 'J.'J'J? four I Taken a Wif«. Chief Left-Iiand-Thundor of the iow- er l»rulo Sioux in South Dakota was tnarriod at tho agency to one of the plles of tho Sioux nation. The event was a proud one for the Indians and members were present from all portions of the big reservation. A white clergy man performed the ceremony. Short News Item*. The Da ad wood (S. D.) Ilaptists are Preparing to build a house of worship. A druggist named Meinhardt was ound dead in his bed at Cogswell. N. supposed to have committed •"Uicide, though no cause was assigned. In South Dakota about 75 per cent, of 'he fall plowing has been done. Nils Moen, a drunken farmer at New 'tookford, N. D., fatally shot hi- wife. South Sioux Falls, S." I).. will erect a Sbi.000 school-bouse next season. 1 he result of tho recent el#ction *nakes Pierre the permanent capital of s °uth Dakota. Centerville has a checker club which will back against the club of any other town in South Dakota. The saloon men at Sioux Falls, S. D., Ra,v thero is no money in the original package business. Hansom Leonard, of Moody County, D-, lost a pocketbook containing $2. somewhere between Madison and 1'rant lake or at tome point around tho ,:lke. He was out hunting and carried 'he pocketbook in bis inside vest pock et. In North Dakota the plowing la pretty well done and farmers will keep 0ri until the gwiund freezes up. Tho ground is now in better condition than for several years past has plenty of Moisture. Tim season has been an un usually favorable vue for nlowinur. L_T ALL tilVE THANKS. The Annual rroclamiitinii l'orinitlly |,. Klieil ly I'retiil nt Harrison- 'I'liursd:iy, tlu« 271li In*i., set Apart at AuiericV, I iy «f rrayer. Washinutox, Nov. 10.—The follow ing is the Thanksgiving proclamation by the President of the United States: "By the {.'race arid fa\or of Almighty (J,id the people or the Nation have In en led to the clou iriK'lays of the passina year, which has heen lull of the blessings of peace and the comfortn of plenty. Hountlful compensation has come to us for the work uf our minds and of our bands in every department of human industry. "Now, theretor 1 Benjamin Harrison, l'resl dent of the United States of America do here by appoint 'I'hur-.lay, 1he -JUh day the prcs ei.t month of November to iji otiT-rved as a day of prayer and Tl.a:ksftlvln#r: and (loin vile the people, upon that dav, to cease fr, their labors, to. meet in their accustomed houses of worship, and to join in rendering f?rat i nd- an:! praise to our beneiiecnt (Yeulcir for the rich ble-sink"* He has yranled us as a Nation, and lnvoUin« the continuance of His protection and ^race for the future. "I commend to my fellow citUenn the priv ilege of remembering the poor, the homeless and the sorrowful, un endeavor to merit the promised recompense of charity and the gracious acceptance of our praise. 'In testimony whereof i have hereunto set my hand and cuus' the seal of the riUed States to be affixed. "Done at the cuy of Washington hth day of November, tn the year of e.r l.ord one thousand ei^lit hundred and ninety, and of the iud'-peralcnc e of the United States the one hundred and lift,lenth, "HKX.IAMIN HAIIKIMI iff entries, 1:17acres soKl f,).-iM.KI.i. i!i-hi ol!l.'\ 1 'I WSt''*. 79,617 acres sold frirftM.li77: Pierreofllc entries, 'i.ysfi acres sold f,.r*l.t»7: Rapl.1 ntv ""ice, 1.0S4 entries. .Mil acres sold l«ir $77.-WI omce. ST-J entries, acres suKl for fx,808 Watertown office, *,6«l entries, I.U,51!) »cre» sold for »J7.4«1. I SEWED IN HCR DRESS. low Mrs. Klot/, W tin \Ya* Iiill«*ti Ijy i *t. Haul Ktrcri-Cur, Ittfrml ller Silv ini of S t,roo. Sr. Paim., Miri!':.. woman was n:n o\ N 1 'Ibursilay evening Jackson and l-'ifth recognized her, and the city hospitai condition. He:1 broken and sin' ,tired internally ."Saturday aft"rn the body for burin,, i was found at 'ie Stl I I s. Sh(' ii an i gbt orner Nobody tike,n to roixl lion of Trade. Nkw VoitK, Nov. ».- R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of trade says: The volume of business, both domestic and foreign, continues large beyond prece dent, and in character prosperous. The elections interrupted business but little, and tile resuit has no perceptible elTcel as yet upon trade, tbouyh some fear that H' extension of manufactures may b" --iiecke-l by uncertainty. The UMinetury .situation is sub^'antiall.v un cliaiiifed. The reports f: a.i parts of the country show that i-ni« -J is lar^e nd hfaltV.v C. lnf -s our I al I. lli« Vi/,r»y l1#!islrr. Ni \v Yohk. Nov. 1— Seven bodies more wern vi?covered 1' iday lrom tin* wreck of the Sp tnish stoitni.Miip Yizraya, eijfiit uiiles off llacne^ut. 'lliis ina!i s eleven of the dead thus far ln-ou-.'ht to this port. Of these not aainsjle one was a passenger. Ju(lir« IllB?'ii* Hi'-iI W til .lit l!ail. Skuai.i v, Mo.. Nov. iO. -Jud^e .lohn '. Iiiij'trins, who shot i'olonel I homas :. l'rice on Thursday, was Saturday ommitted to jdil \iiho!i nail pend ing a -preliminary 1» ann-/. THE ETS. I.IV'K STt H'lC—Cattle Sll.'rp Ilii's FU't'K Fair to f.mi \VHIvAT N'i Ii' No .'I K. il )K\ No.".',., t'iif?|-inlPil M'X' '1 OATS Wosti.-r: KVK W.-slern I'O'Mv I. K' i— Western Stvn i JU'T'J'KK-•• WcHtern Keeilers. Huti-I.i'is" SU' Bulls no'is-Livc. SIIKKP Br.TKii i-' I iiMKt to O.i I 'a-.i KiitiS l*'r »li HiiODM I 'I 'UN II- n Seif-worUin !rnek"tl POT \T 'KS Wii.tcr Faiei.t IIuh-t-' St rai'-'lits OKA IN N»r», No. V Oats. No. 'J. k\-' N" Harlev. No. LI'MHKU Si (1 Flooring 11 tA s£i 1^' W Ot 11 I'OK'li—M s LA Hi' bt.-ani. Kl, \"H •-Sjirmi.' I'uti'i 4 1 -'9 1 1 i 7', Ot w w** i »•, in (tt* (A 5 .\j 4 '.*1 4" 1 i» f($ I 0 1 "T-, 1 N' •yl 19 liK-kon* anil Fancy Fair to tiood HOGS rV*l (Kl *v m) Oeninioti Hh.ipi Fi'ticiaj.' I^utti ry HliillRlcs '•t 1 1- 0 1 0 fi r»o u :o e ir. li 50 (u. 2 IU ii ST. I.ol IS ('ATI LK Sto.-v- .? .*? ft) Ca r, (U. HOCS Fair to Choioe Hi'in\ Muted Oradw OMAHA. CATTLE- l'rlme ii 10 :n 4 u: ft :i 10 :i fii 4 r. 4 -5 FEMALEJ3ROMIOS, Twill Sut«rs In Washlii^ VVho»« Saltur* uetThem Badly Mixed. Almost any day a certain two young ladies can be seen either shopping or walking. Thov have often attracted the attention of gentlemen on account of their strong resemblance. The youn* ladies are pretty, and have a good'many admirers. Two youngmen in particular call on them royularly three a i week and pour their devotion ,, Critic. "U !u !i-epariny u in ^icertbaeks into her clothing in The body was identi 1 various pin fied as thai vf Mrs. Anna Klutz. She was over su years of a^e and of (ierman descent. As sho has no relatives in this eountry it is ret known what -will be done with the fortune 'i, .m in her clothing. I II .111 III lirrru o. N. Y N»-v. i' S. lVas»\ a prominent eiuzi'ti and an cxtfuwive tnamifaotur»*r of uiN. died hi'i'i-. Mr. 1 V.iso was born in Rochester in 1 Mi:}. His luljricaiin'j oils nvPivoii (rrand prize m«'dalH ut all tho worlds exposi tions sinco isi5:i. Mr. l'ea-e was also an inventor of homo note, his inventions covering improvements in liarvestin^f ni iehines, an app! Lvnoo for t«jtiii|7 oil hy electricity, and a printing tclee-raph instrument. tiiut WHAT unconscious lcir was so badly in :.o died :.0 ears of tho twin?. Sometimes one calls witho .i the yih er and frequently they wouldmakeawk* ward mistakes in getting hold of tho wrong girl. In order to prevent these mistakes the other evening one of the young men gave bis girl a pair of ear rings of a certain make that could not be easily duplicated. The other young man, not to be outdone, presented I,is girl with a handsome breastpin. Tho next evening they called at the house, feeling perfectly secure, and one went into tho front parlor to wait for the ob ject of his devotion, while tho other i remained in tho hall. In tho mean i time the (wins bad .v :,,,i -ei the i jrlfts they received a -u.,:: t:m- be fore. The young men did not notice the dif ference, and. consequently, each young man had the other's young lady. Dur ing the evening one of tho young men "popped" the momentous question and was accepted on behalf oT tier sister.! When her sister heard of this she said she would not have the proposer. Here the story rests. What will happen at the next meeting of the qi.nrlet Willi ed i have to be guessed. Jt is safe to say, :ar however, that some profuse explain of! in_- w i. have to be done.- asim. V' Hy the Presiden, l:i \:m., i etary of State." CURES? Editorial Difference ot Opinion on an Im portant Subject. W hat is the force that ousts disease and which is the m'st convenient apparatus for applying it? How far is the regular physi cian useful to us because wo believe in him, and how far are his pills and powders aud tonic# only the material representatives uI his personal influence on our health? The reguiar doctors cure the homoepa'.. doctors cure tho Hahnemannitea cure as.-: so do tho faith cures and the mind cu and the so called Christian scientists, n ,.j the four dollar and a half adverrising i n erants, and the patent medicine men. Th«-. all hit., and tl^y all miss, and the great difference-one great difference—in then suit iathat when the repilar doctors lose a patient no one grumbles, and when the irreg ular doctors loso one the community stands •n end aud howls.—Rochester Union and Advertiser. Nature cures, but naturo can be aided, hindered or defeated in the curaiivo pro tress. And tho Commercial s contention is that it is the part of rational beinfrs to seeli and trust the advice of men of charac tor wh.) have studied the human system and learned, as far as modern scii nee lijrhts the way, how far they can aid nature and h,v, they can best avoid obstructing her —B.if falo Commercial. I ne Hi, \',n. .\.,w Tiii* of the frreat Masonic Temple, u :iis to built in ihis city, was !aii 1 imrs day with imposing ceremony. Tho Ti'inple is beinsj erecied on the northeast corner of State and liandotph streets, having a frontapn on State street of 170 feet and on Randolph of 114 feet. The amount paid for the pround and leases was J-1.100.00X and I lie le.iiidini? is to cost not less than (lOti.ouO. It will contain eiffhlei n stories and will be -•*I leet hiirh. It is notour purpose to cons iler the i that result from employing tho uuscrupti i lous, the ignorant, charlatans and i .lacks to prescribe for the malatlies that afflict the! human family. We simply declare that the I physician who knows something' is lietter I than tho physician who knows nothing, .r very lit: le indeed about the structure and 'he conditions of the human system. Of covr-i ••he does not know it a'.i."—ltochester Mi.. ill? Herald. 1 have used Warner's Safe Cure and but for its timely use would have boen, 1 verily 0''.ieve, in my grave from what the duet, rs termed Briiiht's ])iscasc. I). F. Shrincr. s 'iior Editor Scioto Gazette, ChilJ-'othe, in ,i, in a letter dat-d June IV*, 1-vo The Tort^r'* I'laint. Mr. I'iexo•—I'a gittin' tired ob d* rail road persuasion, gonnlemi'ii. Mr. Kenders—So's I. Mr. 1 tales—W hail's v,i' :n annates a-growl in' 'bout. i Mr. 1'iexo A feller on d' train com in' down gub me a .juahn v..v ,i hole into quahter, an' tolo me t' use d' nolo t' bury noahsi'lT in.—.Indpo. At thou-"What is your opinion of my now book?" Critic (after a Ion pause' "The punctuation is flr»t-tfla»a. (jeruiuu raier. Catarrh Can't De Carel with\L aim'i.k \tio\-3. as th«-/ pan not reach tho seat of th^ disense. Catiirrh is a blood or con titutional disease, and in order to eu-e it you have to take internal reme dies. Half s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, ami acts directly on tho blo"il and mu ous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is no quiu-k medicine. It was iirescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a remilar prescription. It is composed vf the best totih*s known, com bined with the best blond purifiers, aetinff directly on the mucous surfaces. The per fect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing" catarrh. Hetid for testimoniiils free. F. J- Ciienet Vt»!lK. NnV, III. I'i ',11 »H) 'i'i CO 4 .1) 1 '.J Ut UT1« 4@ 2# OA 7*1 I ti L-r- 1-^ Olill hekves- siiiprins s Cows. St ocuri's ... & Co., r' "i -j IP. fi 15 V Ml U 3 '':i (4 I 10 IH Si A max asks u woman's love before he marries her after marriage he demands her pratitude.—Atchison Globe. s4 -j •ft-, s ,-a 1 \s The I.ndics I«'lii lite"l. The pleasant effect and the perfect safety with which the ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all ••on d'tion-i make it their favorite remedy. It is olea-niK to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet eilectual in aoiiug on the kidneys, liver And buv/uls, i Wk may di .'Vr in this world, but when we rot to the cemetery we are all on a dead .CveL lndiauu|' li* Journal^ Do tocii clothes last as they useA to? If not, ou mad be using as-i ip or Dobbins' Electric Boap, 3 !?6 4 ir &U0 3 WO MARK 3 S' THF GR[ paiN lEOYVs*"-! RKEUMATI BMC, Lmnbapo, II eaiiaclio, Too thai lie, N E U A I A Sor® Throat, Suell:n| s. Frost-bitai, S I A I A Sprains, liiiiise*, liurns, Scalds. THE CHARLES ft. VQGELEH CO.. Baltimori, IM. Habitual Costiveness d**rnni 'ii\i-rit «f ontiio ftnJ brpfi (H(iiM ftM vl)mt nn« hnjiir'driUAtollfA* J'rrsoiiM of habit ar»» -iihjt-ct to IfeaU* I I i v u o i i i y o e o d- N'crvonKDi'W, Ioern, 1 ^rowsinrfts Irri lahie and uthcr \vhl«'h lintit* tho ftuflfrcr for husiuesn or agreeable HMnWatioin. l^rj^ulur habit of l»oMy alono Can rorrtM-t t)u wnd not hi nuc- ho w«»ll in nrUU'ving thU oTidition aa 1 utt'H IMIIh. Hvthi'ir not only 1* the renovated, l»ut*jn roiii»qurnrc»f tlto ljarnu»iiin»* «-lian^r** thun *r»*atedf I)i V K 1 ii.-• 1 .» uou# jou write. YOU MISST 11KAO TUTS 40 COUPON OFFERS y' r' .. V ,ln»o I i •. 30c WORTH "MZM1 SAW DESIGNS V I 'Und M1* rt-nrud Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. It requires courage to ackt.owledjLje t- fyes .. i 5 .'i'» Q, tS iiO (-j M[niii'sotn I'ati'til !H'^ rav hairs, and that is wl\y a bravo mail but otiee --Texas Sittings. Ktriir*iin t- Florence, Ala. November 17th and lth theChicapoft Easu-rn Illinois Railroad (Kvansville R'.utei will sell tickets from Chicago and other points to Florence, Aia and return atone fare fr tho round trip, pood fifteen days Solid 1 rains nnd rullnian UufTet Sleeper to Nashville. Fur time tables and informa tion, address C. Store. Ass't Cen. Pass. & Tkt. Ag't, C. K 1 11 Chicago. It tu'eins as me l.terary worker •je.-ht to have ape i simi or an ink ua of si'iue kiud.—isinjflmciton Leader. l.eft Destitute 1 Not of worldly poods, but of all earthly comfort, is the poor wretch tormented by malaria. The fell scourge is, however, shorn of itsthons in advance uy Hosteller's Stom ach Hitters, its only sure preventive and remedy. Dyspepsia, biliousness, constipa tion. riieuuiatisiii, nervousness and kidney Complaints are also amonp the bodily afflic tions which this benericent medicine over comes with certainty. Use it systematically. SHORT CUTS IN FIGURES, sj(1^ui it, an' when 1 kicked, he look back d' uppu.-ntKanimmo ", CORRESPONDENCE s i\ in BE UP TO THE MARK w-ishiihi )ous- Jcfthat them. Try the good o i-fashioned perfect y pu. e to-day us in An old maid's house, like a motion to ad journ, is always in order At bison Uiobo. AVIhmi YOU thero pprvai)«*s a of «at i^fart i«»n lie men tal fjirultlrM perform tlieir fmn titoi* with. VJva« ity, and tlw ro in an exhilaration of tti nd a nd feod rp and pe rf*M't that the tuil enjoyment uf h«'alth. Tutt's Liver Pills Ft'GL'LATE THE BOWELS. VASELINE P'It dm: 1.1.AII s«-nt us by n.ail, we it ill ii.l charges, to ai y i-c-son in lh» l'nited States, all the (oUowihi articles carefully packed In a neat box: One two ounce hottlo of I'nre Vuocline, 19eta. (me two ounce bnttlo Vaseline I'ljaiiKti', IS Oiii* jnr of Vasolittf ('"Id Cri'»ra I!. dnn cake ot Vaseline CampluT Ic«....... 1U dm? rake ef Vaseline Soap, unscorited... In die' enkeof Vaseline Sunp, acflnted....... 2i Uiie two ounce bottle of White Vaseline 2a —11.10 for stamps any single artlole at the price. IT you have occasion to use Vaseline In any iorm be careful to accept only penuinn poods put up by us in original packages, A preat mar.y druggists »re tryin? to pur-,uade buyers to take VASEI.1NK put up by them. Never yield to Fuch persuasion, as the article is an ttr.:tatsm without value, anil w il not pive yim the result you expect. A b.ittle of iJluc S«'ul Vasetinc is sold by all dru^pists at ten cents. Cl'esehrnnph *i'f'ir. fn,, 21 State St., New York. i SCROLL li h«' l,.n i frrt +1 4 Mini' +Z s i .- k u -r y S Ki«r MA( IJ1M K\ iti ih«* 1 11 i St -t buy. mi. i III. ASTH A- s jj^?j As,hmu UkE ITUK.IW 1 1U FREE 1. 100 Iiessocs nesa. 2. Short Cuts in Fifrures. }. How to Write a Good Business Letter. st.oo of banks, praminr.nt msinutactu by Drive, t'oid leel ariMlannerous. They l»i*inet Chilblains, Couglis, (\»lds, Pneumonia, Consumption, ami Doctors' Hills. Keep your tut warm not with w arming put with brick, but with Arctics. Uppers are made of the best woollen fabrics, bottoms and foxing nf purest rubber. PT*TK7 A T?T* 'n^rinr *nld nitdrr Mhfr DXj VV ii 11 Li hrnndn, K'«i:s .a" Thev'n- tho tM'vt. St»M even whore. Mamuartuv.M hv \V K IM'lUiKK I'kovii'LV i.. li 1 Sonti tor .:.d drnf* prinU-d ir. colors, and writ! n in This* is the titl* of 32 paprs of new matter added to tht* book recontiv. 11 explains a new multiplication 'i 111.i..• 11• the country upMde down, ur rnt Durs«, this rulo df»^ not Apply to all iiumb» r^. tint it lhuinkM*r, and by t«*n minures*-tudy «»f the ex|l»na- to rili alJc to t»»Jl at a jrlmice which vhort cut* than vtni will lhi«i In any other -»eur»*i from Geriiiany and iiic entirely nt-w THE 9URH0WS BROTHERS CO., Comet Kvery mY'lTM1) 39 Address, It is an nntiiH'nt, «f which a small parti' nostrils, l'ntc, Ot*'. Sol.t by dnit"_ri-ts sent by nil. AdUrciS, K. T. JI CO., GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. "By ii thorough ki'*vl«'(|pc of tho rnturnl lawn WTiuvi ^oV'Tn th^ uf find i^u tritjon, anil by a curt'tiii upphoHtii»n of tlu» ll'ie pn'portic* of i'ocud. Mr. Kppn !»a» tm'VuU'd our hrfakin-t ta 1«»* ft It IInvuurcd l». voraj:^ whiHi may J»an* uj» ntai.y ii a» v iinrinr«' lull*. I* s br tho Jinhfious ti"« ot mo-ii r.rtu-iosot diotthut a may hosrrmiunl Iv built up until strong rnoufrh h'M-i overy tc (U-ni'v to disva.«o. HurulrrttHof pubtlo »nala»M»^ mv ft-'atniw ar«' ihI rowdy to ntta k wh»'r»vor thoro is a woak point. NNV may o«cao«* many a fatal by kr»»pHiif our^elv w»»n i«.rufioi with ptiro I1«»*-' rthI a property tiourusiiod Irauio. trii Ferries Mai" dimply *tth bojlinp water or mi'k. or !y :i h«lf |M.und tint, by ilror^rf. lfttioil»Ml thus: JAMES EPPS & CO., Kcmcsopathic Chemists, w London, England. fiivd Tirra Latest Styles L'Art Do La Mode. Ol.Olil IM.V1 IJ». AXaL TIIR I.*TKST F4RIM i.VD SKW YOUK KASIIHMS. tT Or-'-r it of *otif V-w».taftl«T A NO\T!V O Bricht Young Mon or and f'T O in oach ounty. I\ W, /IH.I MUHI,, St. in Busi-: OVER 45^ 00 0 CO PI ES SOLD N EIGHTEEN MONTHS. "j\ sfcpjit\jj- sh~n( to thousands, to send for this spJtnd work at tho rate of over lOO a day. l* a book Thr !»o«k i^ n now «t*i a jt.mmJ"n» Fifty |wr i i-iit. of th»' orders fron\ litiMTlfWf-od Men, many r»v from ihuw b-. I1 v» nil in b«- hft n-l-t -f »t h« rs T»»'book is tfiprcintty rtlnalU i. ftf'1 ombiHouA io get on in (lie world. This pub ktton will b» to many a voon^ nmn t)o-t« ppiriif t- k bii*-is r-fin'tT. It has bt.M of jrwrinf*. i l»ook of Irston* b-ssoiws. The an fr PRICE, $1.00 u' ic of itn bisons i arithmetic of th tin rount io»: roiiiii. and th« bank Tho lf««on» or and Ii?«rouTit Fa-My Illustraied Head A Z K I .7 N.„ Warrtm, Pa, every WATERPROOF COLLAR on CUFF THAT CAN BE RELIED ON Not to Split! PJot to PlswiMor! BEARS THIS MARK. ARK. NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. A STAMPEDE. Corralling a druve of horses» you '.en(y of vork for huura. Vou don't nave time to ttank what the weather is. You let everything slide, till the work is over. Hut the cowboy is never un prepared. When this picnic" happens, what ever the weathert he is not drenched and wet to the *km before it's over, because he is always provided with a Fish Hrand I'ummel Slicker." With one of these saddle coats on, you can't £et wet if you try. Your entire saddle will be inside the coat, and it will be dry, too. Did you ever try the Pommel Slicker? Just try one, they cost very little. Then no more colds, fevers, rheuma tism, and other results to exposure of weather. Every garment stamped witn "Fish Brand1' Trade Mark. Don't accent anv inferior when you can have the "Fish ftrand Slicker'* delivered without extra cost. Particulars and illustrated catalogue free. A. J. TOWER, Boston, Mass. GOLD MKDAL, FAK1S, lb73. W. BAlii-:II & CO.'S ll\ Jifld, ihta. n mrrn-r.-ial form init* il volorti, also form a iiio.-t niiartur f« atum- SHORT-CUT. Pnt down ln»th ftwruros and carry rni ry alwav f*6~-30. 3024 I'ut 'down both ur***, and you have the product 3U24. THOUSANDS OF 46 27 KXAMPIJ'S CAN J»K WOKKKD LIKE THF.Fi: Two MAUN WHICH. 1242 in Five Double Holiday Numbers. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Easter, Fourth-of-July. FREE TO THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, ltKMK.DV I'i U! VTAliKH.—r,i Ka-i-f to IH". i -1. is iiiiiiicihutc. A cuie Is curutiu. 1 1 in thr llc.-ii! il is ii il. if Is a|pllel to tM pur it i.H soluble. No Chemicals s"oi in iti pr- jmrat*•:. It ti r/im tnn-e. O es the -t a mixed Hith Stuvh, Arriwru.»t ii^ur, and tlierrfon) fur more onueftl, eo$tinq \hmn on» cnt p. It dem-iuiii, nnuruhiu^ KaKII.T l)lGE(rrhf, 'In rflliiy ftdnptid for inva.ida 1 lurpTions in health- »Kl hy fJroror* rverywlM're. W. BAKER & CO. Dorchester, Mass. PLAYS! PLAYS! PLAYS! PLAYS! "HKT- l'lny F^r Ki'ftdinj? ('lub*. for Amateur Tb ancv I 1h v I'rawiritf l'la s K* an PIh v i uh 1» I^hii(.Koom sp »'ak' Matfin-siuin l.iKbt?». not a ^tanditid .«^ il\ and tvpifil Lvuis, Mo. 1H PAfCUcrnj i)m» t«« writ to 50CCCS5 jcr ^Kousan&s c) WotiiiTUf wouJd induce (jovemment officiala. business men by tho dozbUB, erks nep »pf* IQI fk. .i i 1'ttbi Burnt Tii#»alri«'rtl Kitet* PrrpfiraiioiiM, iw» v Wm W|if«4, FirArd". '0*t:ne-* and I'ajvrS. emir. N.-w O »t .1 lojm.-H w ri REE? FREt! n( a mint man v norcJi r». 'ill de rip 11 n u-l pi 1 '©8. ttAMl Kb ltK.M ll A «ll\, lt« W. hu, ,N. V. A ROBBER OR THIEF T* tM'ttT tlmii tin- ii/mij scaly a^cat who U-Jia yoO a^ jcii.«pi tLat tin) Ot •fint H*t it '«i l*i-«t t.•,niN"f t« w.J. riibJi.brp. I 61^ .N aw V »rL Jones' $60.5 Ton Wagon Scale lo any made. For froo honk and pru-o list, addresiJ Jones of Bisghamton, Bingbamton, N Y. yov/y rnCrv^1 !l co 6o hr*v#» ro'*eWed a ropy of "Onfl Hundrefl I e- rm is BusuievK," and it i.- worth its weight //'ur- drnbrryh. Jiivd»ut. S Y. f--r b«» mid yonnif m« n Yonr hook is alcwel I would not part with it for anything, and fcHthat! nev.-r made a better invest inent A H'. L*xtrr, Albany, .V. ytiit« recently a I'hihidclphia Banker ordered dozen copies for hi* clerks. AS an evidence of mv appreciation, fend Ave dol lars. for which send t\ e !n» e copies.- ,/ J. Atwrll, S Department Agriculture, iYanhwtjton. CT. I havi* r»e*er been so well plenned with the rnent of a dollar as in thin instance d, t. Sutler, AfaiM- Your hook what I have been looking for, inj? is now made a pleasure instead of the tirc*o!nft routine it formerly was. /I. King tt Co 'hirngo 63 48 Families. 1891. T» ttny New Siiburribrr XVho I, I, (IT III n nil Nmd II tfcll adver flormrilt, Trlrli nmiio and l'om-(Hlirr uildnio anil $1.?. S. irt will srn«l The VOIIIII'H ompuiiion ll( IK to .Innuiiry 1, 1 S!l I, unit lor n lull \iiir from thai dnlr. This oflcr im ludi'. ilir FIYK Dili III.K 11(11.IDAY M'.HBEKS, mid nil ilii- II.1.1 ^TIMTIJI WI KKI.Y I'l*I.EMKNT«i. M. Cole, with Henry W. one of ihe best booksl ever paw. Would not talc# nn\thwifr tor mine if I could riot jrot aiu»ther F. f*. Iloironi. SttiTiiinrti iig Saddle Co., Jarkwn, Michigan. One «nccewvf'j| bn^inev^ ftnB UIN I A L*:lvt tor* Mn rle wrinkle. vn,i|h, in thisbookco^t $25* We lime M-fn business men pick out a hinu)« lesson here arid therf. stj injr, as they did m»» "that one lessMn is north (o me the price of the book/' I lOO Lessons! Si ,00 ri'lil.hsHhkS. Al l. 111 ViKlhs. v vw I ITWe refer to nnv Mercantile Atferwy in the U. 8L« PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS, 23-25-2? avkm i:.( Li vi:lam»,oiiio. IM n a it 'MW- M\ ,'li in#' v y JLili TftE YOUTH'S COMPANION Boston, Mass. (TifUSTAAJ ms^ii^ I I in I MEI ly MIL. ni i:.\'s «:illl.lKEN. »r y,:ii, II and •a. u in x-'*" I'K ftniu I'. S. A. ow# livf, an 1 ih -ir h' H.ih and **i* liiiU"- PM4 i4 ft,-t In In turn'jr Childhood hivtr, b*» I KOKI. By L»r-i is A i -NAME TI1IS O., I'lilmt i tnM. Pateiits-Pensions-Glainis. t'rSFND FOR INVENTORS' GUIDE. PATRICK OTARRELL,--1^1.^: ENSIGN .IIOIIIIISI, \V llkliiil i». SucccSEfu ly PROSECUTES CLAIMS. late Principal Examirfr U, S. Pension Bureau* FN rev CAVEAT8,TRADEMARKS, til I WI I.AItKI.M 1- IIDNIOIII. M.l I I..", U •, rh, .tf, I '»!i»i of IMMt III \Tt l.Y J. m» ORACLE A. CO., W*SIIINUT«X, T. CT •tnamk thi? pakvi mri fim* wilt#. FOR SALE DROPSY cta A. N. K at a Bargain. Eighty Acres LAHD it, i'l ,re ui. lv, \V|.. Jl. Ii M'liKH. .•& MAty-s r-«r partifjljir* «pplf to ivi'iith St, Kritflewoud.IU. I« a srmpton,—not a di^ Sufl^rHrs «e"ii iur»Hmple "f ii tr« auiiefi v Kn*e. Addr**#» N ]ropH-al In*titut«. Bangor, el THIS r'AI'KR th»«youwrit* G. 1317. Ck'lU'N WKITISiU T» ABVIilM ISKIW PLEAgl stale that »o« tho Ad«rtU.M.t U tM*