Newspaper Page Text
THE IIEliALlk\l)\ A.NCIi i A N K S I vr W, limvxiii, Kditor ami Piiol'i. OFFICII! PAPER OF CITY ADD CO'JflTY. FRIDAY NOV. i!l. l*ix». A {.Dnd many ]i( o|iln are ini -ic I ia knowing the timo .illmved hy law ir the enriva.iaini ol the state returns from the vario is roiintion. According to the law pasbed l»y the lust legislature the Kt ite, canvafwiiiK hoard (or tin* ^tftte oflicers is eoniposMil ot the governor, lli« presiding justice ot tho m)jreme courl, the seere t.iry of staff and the aadi'or of tho state in the presence of the attornoy general and the lieutenant governor hut no members (hereof hJI.III take PAD in cnti vnsNing the vote for any ollire for whirli he liiniMeli is ucandidate. On lie 1'htirs day Iiilinvin^ the fourth Monday after the day »f election, tho Bla'o canvas.sinu board shull open and examine the ro turns from all the counties, if they are .received Irom all the cnuiitie-j, and if not. all received they may adjourn, not. ex .cemlmg twenty daj's, for the purpose of obtaininj the returns Kioux fulls J'rcss. The American Harvester Co, is the title of the new organization of the lead iBg harvesting machine manufacturers, including the AlcCorniick, Wood, Ueering and others. Tlie directorn of thf new company will bo C. H. Mct'ormicK, Win. Dte.-mg, Walter A. Wood, Lewis Miller, Col. A. L. Conner and tlcn. A. S. IIUHII nell. The corporation nill lie one of the largest in ite line in the world, in an in terview in regard to the organization Uol. Conger said: ''The present demor alization of business nocessitaUd the for mation of a new company. I can recall ovcre'urhty different companies engaged iu business which have tailed, entailing upon the farmers, laboring men and the eiHiiut'actureri and otliers of between thirty million and forty million. While some companicH have Ineu tmcceKslul the general condition was'Jrtt it became necessary to give the farmers better ma chines at lower prices, if po«sih!c, with out disaster to the manufacturer. For several years the manufacturers have been Belling their machines at so low a price a« lo give them n» fair ompeusa ting protit. The cost of materials has been advanced so that it has become necessary to either raise the price of ma- chines to the farmer or through economy produce and dit-tribute them morecheap" ly, as is the purpose and expectation of thisnew organization to do. An Indian scare of no small magnitude baa spread ovur the couritrv we-H of the Missouri during the week, the .Simix tribes having been excited to au alarminu degree of unrest by the reported coming of an Indian Messiah, who is to sweep the country of tbe palefaces and leave it to the enjoyment ol the Indians and th-' buffalo. '1 he Indians are greatlv excited, and the whites near Ihe reservation are flying to the towns lor protection. The masking of troops n«»r the point of dang er, and the counsels of the (letter class of Indians will probably have the etl'oct of preventing an open outbreak, though the situation has been deemed extreme!v Critical by both Iudiau agentd and army oflieere. A dispatch from he Kosebud agency on the 10th nays. When the In dinns on this and 1,'ine Ridge tigencv WHKe up tomorrow morning they will find themselves surrounded bv the, itrongest body of United States troops 'h0 'i'"81 ,l l,«\ n°w^in s th«iT1.aM»,r|'tf|,I' -''T. t^ ttndetelv wjdierv, completely u key, lasi v\ M- The South Dakota Horticultural socie- abode in I'evdlo. Hin ty will hold its second annual meeting I arc residue- in MM* li I* in DeSinet, Kingsbury county, Dc 1.1 Hi and 1 '2t h. v .. Mr, 'ii. Legiree hr Hi The annual lepoit o the coiumis'-sioner ol pensions shows tli it th.t» ar** .VJT.DM pensioners on tho department ro!1-. 'nid Chat there are S4 tit (Irant countv. Tt I^ riot crediiaM" to he intelligence (if the si n." 11»'it tho aai *!jl n»nt to cuislii n lion,forhidingto Indium suop'T ed \V tlx government, Ui" i i/.'. .'iV ll •fo'lH-l, HO tl'Ut I". II' I. "f cond.tiom can vote, wui.e women a !iim sand timns nine «•in* ir- i*rii*»I the right. It is not bo.mved thai litis is a fair expression of ill ~"u'. iment of the people. HV Ilio pecub iwording ot the Indian amendment, it is certain Urn' thousands who intended to for hi I the wards of tho government, trorn voting voted otherwise. Thorn is no doubt thai subject. will be resubmitted.--Aber deen News. v •!. Diliman, the gi-ittleman v: liiirt he hoiior of 1 citig i he there an-a |. u n6xt Which has been mustered in the west Then* wi'l be u dance at Knymond's Blence the of (ieronimo. It can be i i a is \vw Mr. I' s Wheejei ,,.-.1 tin:- bride's upended i ist Thurso Miss Mamie ,1m.' spent he -i i firt Myp sola home Monda. the hoys it ml -tra athiits. Tlir iwint iliH'kmi M-iri- ,ii in John ivot'ilo K sons, Tod i have jissl telnrtiid Irom Uto, Where tlu-v have been st udee.i s A corn ari't oats wert- i '•ni ma. k"t lis Ji. !:•'.• yi'.-ir f"t"l vvhm i i i! is hm: ht ami shipped out. 1, lias ert e'od an iiddil inn t1 ::. '.i ir: were recjiic-ted to a-i-t. aL tuts ia uiirol tlit* corner stono. also ci"\aling liunche.s of gliingles to tho roof by means o a a e Bert Jonef and W. (). St««r!t» have un ported live humlreit head of *he"p. which tlu-v will divide 'ie'ween them. While ihe net ess-oy .-hedH are ntider courn«* of con-tr .'i. i I-- i.i o being herded in fhi- .! .I.:- i. !. iiabcilcHs small boys. The Rov. Totidin, j• n '.-nt of churclu'K of South I.'aUota, pit-.n-Jn-d to large and apprrciiiuve midience.-i ia the ('ongregatioiial Imrch at lf"villo. fA last vSundiiy morning and eveinni.'. Jn the course of or his sermons thegood i man compared some hihiical story to honest men who enter ihe poltti'-ai arena, tuit tire nr.ghty deneeB of uneasiness at thin Ktatement ind ho has a line assortment ot ehioken There is pretty lively tunes around "bar" once in a vhite. poo John. VII* ItKUOKS, K. Motley received word that one nflheld at Spokane Fulls, Waslnngion, his children was sick, and started for Inhere Seuaba- Squire will joii tl.eiti Wisconsin today. They are to vicit in the order named C. llankinRin started for Minm s.tu Seattle, Port, lownseml, S tn today where he will be eniphw this winter. f'yrus Young has rented his farm and will leave in a few days. month. hall Thanksgiving night. .Music by Mr. predicted that if some unfortunate act and Mrs. Raymond, 'liekets to ail w ell on the part ot the soldiers does not add i behaved danceis only to the excitement of the Indians, thej Raymond wunts :j colts, weight about •threatened upr.sing will neier occur, iow lbs. or iw« 1400 lbs., go and ice him jit .3 now plain that. Gen. Miles has i y 0 ii have any to sell. not boen idle during the past week, fori the troops now arriving come from' Irrisuimu and Nh««p. most posts in the west. Small detach-J The itrigatioii department of the I) irents Icive been moving in this direc- kota, Farmer beciues more and more tion tor the last three days und the interesting.- Tite issue of November 15, whole has been so smoothly and quietly done, that not a word of warning has leached the Indiana. This great move- ment wid be known lo history as the! tion and Alfaifti, by an old irrigation Old Settler:! i)av at the M. K. l-'air on intuterpie' e of strategic Indian warfare farmer, w il.'soon commence. The pub-I Thur dav, Nov. I tb .'it th" )pi r'a I louse "o'i dtirimr the lisher is also running a very interesting A re-i-ter will be i.roviijcd. nd all iier ^""btW-rt th (puck I department for the -hee/'men. The j, sons who eime to the countv e.p nt e ot tin arruy will entirely piiet ei« of Deeemlier 1st wid contnin p' ms .. "J( such a fever ovt the oi a sVa dipping lank. Tbe paper v.ill Imn, I 'f''' V.'c-U'k) bo iinpo-f:ih]p be sent any of our reade'-s for rfj.uti e Ini.iajis o mount ami start out. aeini-Monthly, until January 1st, lS'.rj- !',"rnintr wl!i I0 o| t»)H tWo Ul .i(„ fi'1'1 those mcntiot.i'ig this pilfer w il! n-c,. .)nMliiun)s 1M a(:,! n if UiP 1 •v-u atness witi furxii-h an xcuse to go upon ihe warpath. .1uo1,t e 10 1 at unlay night l)u:o. I i. ."•Jougeoli \*.. '-tone '1 own-top, (tin my chin! 1 i I lie deceased leaves »•!''U'n ciiiidrt !,i.-lj tin- two la«t are twins l,.»ni Ml!' Tin mimbl TWIN HUOOKH, NOV LV horo lliU.,v. C, Woodard litis gone to Wisconsin, it will take two Tickets to bring him back, We often thought Charley was not sav ing pennies for nothing. Some of our farmers are bavin* -beep. That's right, no bolter sheep country in the figure. .r Al.HER. Ni School opened 11 i i.i v a t:t s o a s e n 1 1 1 1 i IIrat diiv of hcIiooI'.-' ii!ncisco, H.Finley is preparing to leave for Th- ,ho ,1,lot mined eir„rl of .lav CouM and i'fiiita, Washington, and ex pot is to«!art fur Pr l.e l) ITieiliinstiai I.clH hii»uton. 1). C. Nov. K-crt-t :k out »t nger any my-' itic howls lo: '1 lie is no deiteu utive wiU ffum 17 U) 1 of v xvii( few, now a days, ihiit suet ced a mighty I lew." A recently elects! reprenenlative ^ni the present 1^7"--'making who was in the audienee bowed evi- th Ik, Another blossom on the bea:. Wm. lie inbio^som's, iHirn, S i .. 8th, 18:ttl. The ticw harness maker is arn and -Mr. Mloin expects to leave *oon. IVter Peterson has purclianed Uandall's ttireBhing rig. A small p.irty ga'hered a! eorge Friday's lavt week and spent tl o i.venin verj' socially. John Myers is IerkitiLr I-t Fre Hoxsey until Tommy Letts regiiiim his health. .Mr. llossey'd hennery is in full blast aiui there! iia to the reeonnt of' K 'v. I liii v houe to train tin mitliuonal meinbur I ol the lloiJ.-e. and one more vote i:t the i electoral college for the Stutin i Ni-iv Yor! T:. iv i vf. i- stall a lvobiit» o\er this recotmt t'ongre-'p will |a»s a resolution order it, ami then for the milk in lb" n! the posiponmeiit i- .• -ngros^io i l' apjiortionnient tinti.' :'.i* I-:fty-secM:.l r. Titey know thnt au itpporiionni,-[it hill such as Uepreaen- Chattol 3I«rt»afro Salo e|Vethe republic ins ,ltKh,il)n rnooern tw••! i .'id said: "I admit j]1(, pif!v.|i,-r(j Congress and au eiiual i ll Rt-prer.eUtatives the Louisiana lottery com| any t- brenk i I down his personal credit, and I am told by a banker that Mr. Waiumnkei-s I credit, is as i ood us it ever v us. '1 inn at i tempi to hi iiitf about the pns ate tinau cial ruin ot a public oiliciai because of i hia official acts is one ot the most tijs.. graceful in our history. Mr, iould dis-) likes .Mr. V\ luiamaker because of his ad- i vocacj of a postal telegrapii -ystein, »nd I the lottery lolkg regajid bun as sue i author of their mill, so they co.-utiitied for revenge. 'Ihe purpose leing }o li.rce Mr. Wanamaker into biink' nini-y. i}ut it was useje.?s, I he lottery law is on our statue books to stay, and Mr, WanaiuaKer $ will ike a laoie advanced si uid tluuC contains an illustrated article on the bi his annim! report, in fav of '"Method of A .pl\i:tg Water" as used in 11 "stnl I'olorado. A series ot arti,- es on Irn^a- I8TK HS*i A X, vvili be jvnse .\ it is di"! "r key with t:ir- i d'e-. ion. I the AI W. Hrsiisuu., Pub., Huron, S. 1. After dinner ti ilers v. lb bo iieiu, JKH-i-bes fl'td evt-ri i. il»fnuH te--. a certain 1 equal „u^ Um .|,amoral eolitt.fel lect the next i're.-i.ient, and tliey are placing a bjld game in older to apportionment al tho (•••ming short session, ami to get the apportioameiif into their own hands. {Jitt it is a decided waste of eBerfy-' The lirsi bu.s ne.-s the rcpiWfe.n house, which liieett- i ember 1st. will be to perfect and pass it tair and ju1 appo tioniueiit bill K.-ed t!]Kn the returns .•! the eleventh census. The iiiil introihict i by Dsiuui-d at the last 8 ^siort will fe*ee riiirilv have to !e .Mjine a hat changed be-, caUne ttic population of the country fe: i behe.v t!:c? estimate tip.-ai whu it w Anton based, but there i.- riot tiio slightest dmii.'* that (leriH»catic liovnIs, ,:1n ^iie. e mg the bill post.jioiii d. K very body here is talking re.-i,.roeity.' The new Spanish Minister,J^er i«r Miguel Suarez (tuanes. hns arrived here,-beet presented to the President antl hat already opened i.egotiations with Beore I tarv lilaino lookin',» towards a reeit city treaty between the United Mates I a iv-1 Spain, whicn will of coutse, include1 Cn'ia. In hisspeeeh to the President the new made it very plain that hitr government wus :nvious to hfive Some fett.v thieving litis been done i rocky, and private!-.- helms talked even L^t week some one entered pl.dner. Negotiations are al-o in pro the house of J. W. Stymest, and took j'gross with several other coBtries,nota altout 817 Irom his pockets. Wiio will jbly those ol Central and South America, you lay it to now v and it will not be surprising if the Senate Mr. P. Filbert is hack to Twin Hrooka atiulI iw* called upon to ratify tour or five again whore he has several wells to bore,-i"?w iprority treaties before the exniranon The Twin Brooks Tlire-hin,/ Co. n'e still bnisy threshing. ol ihe i'lfty-hrst congress. i The joint senate and house cotn'-.-T. e. •iu hori/ed at the session of congress to visit the Paiilie coast for the purpose of1 investigating the alleged vioialmns of the c!ii'.icse '.mmigration law. left here. Sat i uruay morning in charge of deputy Sergeant at-Arms of th" striate and u- Ciiiupanied by a clerk and a sfeno^rapher world. 20 ier cent taritl cuts no to take down tho testimony taken by the corninittte. 'I he tirst meeling is to be AuiiU'.C tss!' I1 L'cr, t«i tin Ami' lur--!«tst: MU-tl'L'lUi. Merk'J.-.".'. sin! »un) of uc I' UP 'V nl .! ,*'"K.". tt'' w!\uh (t'-'iiuU i of U|. .i.'li! t(ii v -iirt-ii fti in the ntiuim-r -jii-i- .1 ItlP HTU'-liilt lll'p ft Poit. iar. men Ijos Angles and Sandiego. .in! expect to /return to. Washington '{Christmas. ':"'.. .Postmaster .-General: W*aria:tri.aket'- h:v.-. weathered the litnincial storm in spii ,,l -1 1 i 1 re^iHsti-d to re.,•I' ll tiie date of i fir Jngiaud itvitn Mini -t eat I- i ft r,li Molt, Tli.'-ih.i of Ko.. li i-'ifiv-i,!,, Pi llar'--, Ift:. ,!.:,!1 t.:i iu-:i -. -'ihi r^'ui •N-: thcrpfur. p»s i 1 ». leri'vtii- v, of t!i*» UiiJitf* si !"i U« W U, Tut ,»w.j r-- ...... ri !lir« o i v r, Aarfiu V'-r s ... i,.* •»,{••. ,h 1 '. iiwrt aij-i*," time .- 7 rt-f Dtfi.'/i'.'i'lK'ka *'}ii-1- (-j (.ram utiie.v, j),\. i Tcirunr :tli i if i)d»it i-i Slid n'lM-O'tiv .as tn, :r. «V to", in! iit ii' unit tm» '(I th. -fivi' ami ."rii-iiKi ef Tw-.»nry t!i maid pruve' ShtU inn! rant "t iiiuury ... litui jsn ni.. «.-•! I :. I erihert itj auti four ail: 1.,IH lljrvi- "i"' (1), in Tom-H-I.II. win} ivii-issy »f tt»tii£c tin tv. fi tie-iniiHiji't diiu on runt l:e- Ni,\. IS, I•- !!*i Kv' it»i i k I n v Khiv 1 hundred ''I siitis 'it tunjeTS vt i »ir, i ,v W. li. Tb.i*j .-«sri»c. I'.r \|.r Sal''. first t'uMicmion Nov -.'I V Mortt-nuer. Al.dfrs A nr. r-nn, ,.n 11 ••, -, Kl(!j IIhIiIii 11, VCHI nu'tit Coin v "li|.„!. V o k a i n h- raw us i,r ,.f t.rout Couuty.PHkot* &. "f *"''1 On I I.'"!1 "''"'tl'fel.v UU ItH' i'rty I'-i »!ift I S l:' tlifSHKl tlx Jirior to tb-ir arri* d. jeiblic #uct I tr or lii-J fl, Hi -. li e'. let- lie:,*'. !h 1.1: oriicyy w i f,u 8 1 I i ,::d i-.-, tlie vrintor is at, hand it to call on ISSIU. t-lilfri He has a full line of BLANKETS Till: WOliJ.D FAMKD WOOD i'KKVKNTlVK "i 1 •ria Hied: fore Offered, i mVt I33in-to Borrow it to their interst to call AND of all Varieties, both cheap quality. Also everything in and Saddlery Lin N. J." BLES CZrr'Car-?. is AI.ENT GARBOLINBUM AT. !:i.'v .\I ,.x- i wear nor wash ol5, at i, i.. si cverl'i^iing nut brown t-oiiir at ot i .ukv. lioot s, leitee pc.s:- wiil npvi-r rot or never tdirink, -url or r«-{ t-11im. U» ro'1 t.-inks. cisterns :tn I celiacs will itlwass be ei" t: s imt i- ttsiul. It vvdl keeji away lliett, In cases tif dis'-ase .':mong cattlo, hoj-scs. s1 it i-. ill pies eat coata .'.ion. (Miiv wood pre IE HI —li Wnii II. i) IIUIUMW i'i Patent and Straig, Bis AN BRAND AND SHORTS Always on Hand. S!CH9 C!!y Milling Co., Big New Gc_ IX EVERY DSP AS Fall and Winter Suitings latest in Ladies' Wraps! Fine Millinery—THE ST1 Seasonable Novelties! AI! goods bought at FOR CASH, and we tee prices to be Ri G. 1, WOOD HAS .irsr SI "IT,',KI A .X.: xjoan on Grant Connty More Favorable Terms Come (fKOKCSE From How Until Chr: & LEE, thePho ,fix Life Si 1 *-2 n n a bar-° dc ,.., •, s in biw nol,, n, Bust in '0 phs, iny style, all for $i i s i s a n y e a w lin Jtanh cxc^cdin-iv h,w v-o e th,s work to he etiaf to wlni- Wit'iiHi, l!i.{ u,a||,ii N ,,^'r (".?V'' 1 11 sdi^ hica .'-,) |., s