Newspaper Page Text
oBH H. OWEN. Attorney vt Law, giL BA*K DWT IO.N irnt-prsf'. Gkast^ukty t, i' N K.Y VI I. AW u i lh a OHN \V. BKLt. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW ANi N(»I AKY 1THLU:. in ail 1'oiirts State an F.Aor., MILHANK, S. D. E. M. lil-l.NMiTT. Lawyer, Will i'1-.fUi'" i'1 a11 t,1P lli,s Dakota mid Mm:. TON K CITY, y li. S1 iTIIKU, K. s i.and utlicea 1 1 M1I.1S.ANK v ],u( KUART, Law Attorney .'it Ml I. ISA s k, s i1 v'OLLKCTlONS JOHN J. L'H'KilAliT, deal Estate, Fara Loan Tr*-:«a.-ted. City ami I'oimtrv 1'| rr •. limit: lit wti'l Sold. (4ce woond floor ot Milbank JAMMHiltK, J.Rol.KIt,.,UK. Milhank Dray Lin*. AGEHT FOR STANDARD OIL GO, Jk»?tiijrlH»BO»,Or :iii-. I .iriiiiurc !.:• Prompt Attention, F. GIlfcSON, Ju.. Real Estate anl Loans, INSURANCE AND COLLEGTIONS, First Mertcacp Loans on Ileal K-dat-- .v, I Chattel Security at Lowest K»te« fax*? lUid lur Non-resi.letiN. i..r MILHANK, S I' J.r Sl' FAUn AMJt V \V, -T' Watchmaker iind Jcwi lrr, Miliaiik, S. D. "•ppcial att"nr.i niv.-n wuii-lic^ tliit li e e n u i y e i i a i y u u u i workmen otheold ]MMtiffire building. ^tMon hotel, JOHM MM»tti:UU, I'rop'r. "t-elnwis board at rcaKonahU' and ^ui»t stabilUij uj cuunvctiun with tin: tiouHo. HOME HAPPKNINCiS. Sup!. IV ^*'V wpnt t'HW iimut S it urilny. ^wdili i^nlies Concert Tu .i iy fbt. Henrv Scliafpr cliipped tlirof i :ir loads liogs (o Minnenjiolis last Tuosuay. Ciodfrpy Johnson and John Hor«|ii ij-t "ill to Mimicapolis Wednesday inortiiiiir. I'urc I ix -kwiiffit Hour at llollaiulH \N jniimil 1. Tryasacru. Huy your Christmas prcsoDt- at the M, lair. Ailtiiission freo. J"p Sievoiis, one of the round liouso is taking a "lay oil" and visiting his :,rent« in Paw Iaw, Mich. '11 ^1's 'wane will l« found the tabulat U),p "I tlu'county canvaBSfcU by tne lr3 county coimnistiioners. (*. Afihton, of Wilinot, was ahflkin^ m's his many friends in this city "•ursdny. Kllpfson and rod Frank roturnod l'»eir liomo in Montirello, Miun lawt ^•ndaj. tev. cJifTord was made happy •Saturday by the arrival of Ins wife ni ^liicago. ^r"- ^\in. Mayo left last week for An- er win-re Mr. Mayo is otnploycU, to "s® that pla'-e her future home. ^•b. A. C, Dod^p started for St. Paul j.'"1. Inor,»inu-, wliero phe will remain "r'nS tlu winter mouths' lh»nry Srliafer, of Aberdeen, is '^R tlio family of her broiher-in- Mr- Henry Schafor of lliis city. •^r'0. A. Wood lfft f„r Ilodlield Wod ,^."R 1-,Usi"t'8« ai'.1 relative to t.lio Con- -Ttttioriiil ollege at that place. Uieodoro Weber and son William, ®s '"'riday for the east. Mr. \V«ber *le'1 liin old home and other points 'er**Kt, and leturn in about four1 ,8| illiftm will slay in Chicago, tipriny hefotv tur11ji)ir. Thanksgiving dinner a! houf-' I irkey, chicken i--. Mi' i i Montgnmerx. aee.iiupauu 1 n :,i 1 :. I l- s e S i Secur* your heats oar• I is!I JjUdlCH Concert, if tie ". A wiij attract ("•r'wdfd iiuLioi 1 liui tli!..I w\. ttio ind^pen*! i partie.i to i o 1 All Rt-jil Kstatr Mi»ttn-s, In iiVUH.V. ('oll.'Ctioll^ aul ouvryaiit iitsj: At ti'lidctl 1 ihtj S* •ft -111^ Noveuiln.*. Wednesday will be tic-vi K. I-'..! A 1.1 III ,: i tlx- iii!tiri-n The idles' lit': it meet v,itli Mrs. A |l»c 4*h Author- uii.'t. -vl to bo preseo' ViKn, ill a l'. lit. John Jim I- I' W. E. Van.'. I- u. ii V aiuicr voor f..L liuikhaidt... i,. a .1 •. i'1'iuiii ihy u- I I i i Corona. i,AK ATTOHnI'" \M' NbU Frank El. ,'i n.. i fnruu S i ...... ',1 !l J. Imtuc. i. .-:i i iriem. Vl NU t'i.a-. Hi ,.i t)l S!r ttitll ,! before 4}tiM' I'.-' \v iiii a i_. 'i •.•, Dill. i fI '!.• Mr«- il a ihi,' 1-. A Sl']: i ALT\ DllltT i i. i !l!! i 1 it cntiiji .' i i 1 •. MiIIM' and Insur ance Business M:. i. I ^(1,. I' i .! .•! 'I lie .. I ftVl,r 'I V Mr. mi 1 Kr...udng« y lo tlx' i lliiitn- h!' livi .« iTfl IW.i Klltt(it). was lurpt-ly a: Mjniint) iy lln» mnv pas'nr wa*. int*,r«*slinv ami "m* t!. i i uiaj», •t hfl »jiiibr! .-id,. ..fUiel*. i At a meeting of in-- 'vin M.U th. tlwi good i.i i prevail. The coal an:i -v -od hat-- i al)lt to rtocni*" 1» i 1:'r f-'! u e s i e n n i 1 1 lii 1 li,.' -r ,, 1 ,-n ibie to them tuakmg the demand f'St fuel quite ,hl for this ti(!S« of an alarming sea yenr, or re it v would Irtve heen the I re-nit The.e ir ri, itie, I .-v' r. is --i i-i 1T lie at an• 1 n-i m. i iS antieipl1ed('here:if' n. 1 apolis last week xvhere slie will visit her iieiee, Mrs. Aggii-('ook, after which nhe will go to the l'acilie coast. She ih ac companied by her nephews Koli and Toinmie Armstrong. Miss Armstroti.L'' was one ot the settlers in Milbank anil has lieen engaged in the millin iryi butjinef:'.s for several years. Her manv friends iu Milbank wish her ail prot perity in the future, One of the h's-ons to be drawn fion, the DoiiLdas Ilealy election contest i- the is pnssed by and lie pract ice lei o.nes ii a cii'-toni, but. the re Hilar end "Ud mo e if making returns should bo a «d aod strictly adhered to in the future H»| [iuni uiie u«: vert* h! e HiOHt -poKitii mpatiif fr.- I nneat" Att' rr- tM .tl i II 11 t! i s I:«1 s j('T ^••tel in in 11 an .'i*. id :u,l. i" liftjj ,iiiii .toiiu.son ft night trail: the hodv u' hither .th»nty i• i-". !""k Un.iv .i.e ti.UUi. :. •. i' 1 and art,ri:ed th'1 iiiiin issioners, Mr. 1 )'iiij|:c«ami Mr Mi. n lapjica' -'i- 1 li*a i! 1 k«• I .: i..'St judiriiK'tit and with i, i. •.••ntioiirt intention-, in thi matter, we ditTer wilh them in judgment i and IhiJik they hive made a grave -take in not brushnm a-ide mute pp iuMau' "r y!:'. Healy, nunili ring from ju lo (lu cit i/.eiif from dilfereti* part- "I ihe county wliii li was ln-ld in ihe eeurt house hi.-t Monday, eonsiderahh' indignation wasexpi essed at the action of the commUsioners in (ailing to cunvitHs the Twin iirook^ \ote, and fund- were raised to carry the mattor into the court-'. The general expre—ii n uf the meeting w.i.. ihala great tnjn.-tne liml been done Mr. Healy in this matter, and that after having received a plurality, of votes he should have been declared! elected. The following resolution wa-i i uiianiiniously passed: liiisoi.vM), That n- citi.'i• t!- V! i t.a\ payers of (irant oiinty, in puui.c i nieeiiiiir asseiiibled lo hereby protest agaiiiHt the illeiral way the county can vasring board ot thin county canv.''.'d the returns rl the la-f eh'ciion, in not c.mva-sin- the vote Twin Urook-, i thereby utt ei ly ignoring th( Liw iti Sr. ll^il Ke\ isod Htatuto^ ot this State. i'iiiirs i 'u' u da. 'id m*o I hik .r eii'p!"1 X'Vt'liiber ihank-gix it 11 let id that -the iin on (-hat '1 ments and assemble at their usual placet* of Divine won hip, there to give thanks lo ,1 p:a\ A lh» luii-'iity od for the bles-iiigs vouch ^.if,.d our ommonwea dining th« ir-t xe ir ..f in existence, a-. Aell aB for tiie abundant measure u» health i*. material prosp. rity. and for t!nj opp tuniliesof inellp.. tual and spiritual p:'. gross iin al-" i n..| !'iv i i- I and I,one-", of p* d.- !.a-e of-tlie weight uut i«— and h:v!i t'-pon sibililies dexolx inu upon n- a- At'i"ian citizens. l.--t deeds of charitv to the poor, w'v ,\! ii are iilxxay^ pre.-ent, and of syuip^t!.'. to tiie afllicte i. enrich 1 be cti1" e-en! people on that -day and itn ii'.w their growth in Christian graia -. Done at the Capital in the ... i f* i. "i J'jerre, tins thirteenth da) of No\. u MihhJ. I' Armstromr left for nne i A. I». i [j,. s.) A i in a: (M i 1 :i i:. "A, Him si:i n. Joxene 8ec retary of S i' e. "A Mi'.krv CiiHisiM.xs!" is tin' dior reeting bhiuin^' from every page nftlu ideal monthly, Di-moukst's, r.\.Mir.Y M.-x« AxixK, the Deceuiber liuuiber of Whjcli- a genuiufi .holiday. iiunibei'---3s just at. hand. What one -will not^ know about prepariiag lor 'hri. tabout the .'tree a and -u 'ao,.- atld :good nece.-Mty of jud:'es and clerks of election cheer and hoxv to hi-.viiiy enjoy the merry to strictly adhere to the law in tho per-, Cltrwlma»-tid«, after reading this eharm formanoo of their iliitieft and avoid ing Magazine, is not worth knowinir tho irreirularities in their work "Liirhting the Way for Santa Clans" is the xvhirh orcur at nearly every election, very appropriate introductory wfiter-''olor, One of the irrignlarities almo-t univer- the rich humor of winch will be highly Kallv practiced thin county consist- in appelated by the little oiioh and "chil the manner of miking the returns to the dreu of a larger growth" as well: and projier olTicers. The huv pn-hcribes that the page engraving that followh, "Haph the ballot box and one poll book should aol painting the Virgin and Child" i be de| outed with the 'hainii:in of t},e trom a noted i'liinting, find will be appro board of county eonimittHotiers ainJ tin- cia e 1 tor its historic value a- well an i other poi' book willi the auditor, but il is beanty. ISesides these, there are at lea pmvin on is rarely complied xvith. \VIku two hundred a', i''t iher Inimlfone no contest is instituted he ii roguku i y iHuslratione, h-r i lii- representntiM- for th Family jVIagi.'o.e in holed f•1r and good quality of i'- pict u-i 'In tho Sl rue'.s of Puns" I Ins. ri,* 'd affie. uj i ".d::'X want fnkno i" lre»t~. i.f t! id! !n con-inoi ton s ii,?:. few liali-brc i he *1 ii* uul Fut •iaMon of N'.'vv York hav. '"iill tlit* amount of tlit* noli T"'hni I.e.- and cativa.ssimr the eir t*. arity. thus yiving thever. ... ,r- ••. Huw»n, ii i-.v li. i .irts 1 V If Itf i the a- the dica ft-judict- Hf'nr to it it wil I n \!i! i areruti -dow n, can't eat.: can't sh'ep, can't. th,-,\ om't do utiy-j tliiiig to your HHtisfa n. and you xxon-1 der what ail- xoii. •:.ould heed 1 he •warning, you ere-taking the Mrst step m t'o Net\i'us 1'rostiH*urn. You need n Nerxe Ionic and in the El»et,rie Uittvfs •, you will find tta* rvi i retjiedy for festor ug your nervo,. -, tu to its normal eon.. •iit'iM. H\lpris a Atits- f»Uiv\V'th© use thu 'treat Xt-s i'onic Alterative. ,,:ipetiU» Miini*,. digeiitiij.U i- re ittd tin- Liver and Ki lnexs n.-^ume action. Try a liottle. Pi ie» if V H'iu!jie!id»*d iri buini I "t )ur t.iivV \v i i b, tW '-t A: .\\ I-.. i lilllcieTj reason With which the pump 1 is I ion ,w •':*B of"iv-' A. A -aot and h..m onlv i few mon'li- pre\iou- to the ac-: and the pax incuts on the policy! .'. i iiumi-.-ion fee of ^ri,annua! duen U e a--. 1 ec., Feb. and I 1 i .. :.e Vote upon lie rjui-s-' Mr'f'.-n- vvtfA for --i otal of $12U 10 1 lie pi:ii'y xxa- luad-e tavor o! Krni-t B. l,:ir.-on, infant won of deceased, and the appointment ol a trunrdian delayed! ".a'li o| ,:,! h.t.g proof for some '.x n :ti- v. .- iicisottiplished i i i a x.-rx .srornpt .lowing a '.Nii. Sept. *J7, ]SN. 1 .• i\eil llotn the hiUld.S 1 i o e u tlUll lie.-el'Ve Fun I ijlf.' ie «0!'i it Ion (if i New York, on policy No. issued to Ne 1- A, Lart-oii, xvidi Ernsi 1. Ijais' ii as i L« i .:•. -..m of #2.1 «K», ti.- ,i' an, a,!. e ,.ie for ii s iid policy. E.xnt, Joii-i in, 'i !ie Cirxt r.• •. at '.v-j'f:i »r.:, of Hig Stone Citx. II U$^ i HE Shows signs of failing, begin at once the use of Ajii's iiair V ij-'uf. tins I'li-paiatiuti strengthens the .sc U], I'roiinites Hi*.* growth of tn-w iiair. restores tlio naluritl color to pray and fad'-d liair, and readers it suit, |iliant, and glossy. "We have no hesitation in jirnneuncing Ayer's llair Vigor tmeiju.tieii i.r dressing the hair, and xxe do Uiis ailer lnii experi ence in its use. This preparation po-servos) the hair, cures li.indrutl and all diseases of the seaip, makes roiiKh and brittle hair soft situ! pliant, and prevents baldness. While it is not a d\e, Uin-e Ayer's Hair Vigor 1 I"!• FII |:y rU. J. G. AY Eft & CO., Lowell, Mass. ..'d lirug^ists and Perfumers. lSells wiio have used the Vigor say it xxiil stimulate the roots and eolur ^i.uid.s ol fadeii. Kiay, light, and led hair, changing the color to A Rich Brown or even bkwk. It xviil not soil the pillow case nor a pocket-handkerchief, and is at waxs airreoahle, All thedirtx, ^'iniiiiy hair preparations should be dfcploeud at once by Ayer's Hair Vipr, and thousands who p) around xxiih heads l.«ikin.' like '(he fretful poreuiiine" should hurry to the nearest drug More and purchase a l.ottle of the Vigor."— The Sunny Smith. Atlanta, Ca. "Aver'- Hair Vit'or is i-xeellent for tlio hair It stinuil.'ite-, the L'r.'X'.t'l. cures bahl i i ss, restores the natural color, cleanses tho si'alp. tire vents daudi utT. and Is a pood dress ing. Wi! know that Ayer's Hair Vijior differs from most hair tonies and similar prepara tions. it being perfectly harmless." From A\ 'HwmU ul Houttkn] ing, |.y I'll/a 1{. Parker. .» .'.* and i .11 (d !H.V ir.ilMM U{ liM'IIW ID lilt' W-rlti. i#»M eiass of \V«HMi Knt'-ftir t'Cklv. Svntl l^r Ji'iillv iHiistrateil. liitf-! I'ni.lishi'.t e-M'v. I'i" i' 1-'. wi'y ir. KHir njnnt iis'i rial, I. Mt N.N ii CO., 1'CHI.ISUKHS, Stil Hriiadwaj-. N.T. ARCHITECTS & BUIIDERC Eiiition of Scientific American. W A Kach is^up o»ntiiins« C4il«-r©I 1Uho» rHpliir plat»'8"f cnuntrv nnd cmt v n*ixlen public buihiink's. NunifmiiH i-nkfravingj full piartH and •pi'citlcn! i"H« for the une Ol pin-ii :icofitfTupluf tiinUlsrik'. I'ncv f- ft v*»aj% .\ 1 ns a 'rr aiusiikhs. .riUein:'! i 11 W ii ny he fpenr I I'V I'l'i'iy K tl. Ml NK Co., wfio l: ivn tmd nrer fli.-l.'e i-ver .m :un1 I- »r- .i,tlt. "orr«j- 1 TRADE MARKS. In PftA© your 'hi.:, in '."i nvi -ifu .! inthf* lat i ... i., ,«!i ,v i ... .1 j.r.. ure iuiiiH -tuiie ir.iiei fi III. t't'iKl for lldfiiliiiioli. M)I' V 14 l! I ITS f.- (iiiirti", mai», Bi'i|i.i i\.v i1 r• ci '. AsiJu-ss Jll'NM •Ai CO., Pturnt Solicitor*. 0*ii «. IV, N. S FARLEY, hl" •CJolil Coin and t'u- Pcniasuhlr M"'M Cook & Heatnw Stoves. in J.ISO. '1 it-» ''re J't mi to do nil 1, u: . or anything in Uu v.ire lin- 1 With .-ii. is tiuefca- n.ei,: WAHE. AT Everything in] the line of THE BANK OF MILBANK, SAIMJJJXT & !)1««S, Bankers. Does a General Banking Business. Collections a Specialty. i. ii and time tested With finy stove in the market. lie Cedar Rapids W ood 1'umj), Brass Valve Sea Uf*\cr leak it tuinntur. lhese [iittnps are '.''uaran- ted to gi\i» tlii' ix»st rfutisf ii'linn. A fill! line of vutk Kuril Ms rf'jutiriniy stovi s, tin work 11 LINK OF i£NEHAL IIAKD i .Hid are jjnin- to sell them at ..Prices that ar»- Bourd to Establish Track. inn kM I I 3 Will be sold at Cost, and a large assortment of Broken Suits will be sold REGARDLESS OF COST. COMK AM) SHE 10Ii VOUJiSKLF. e K Exchange on Eastern Cities and all Foreign Countries. Remittances Promptly Made. Fire Insurance. Lands for Sale. Wood Bros. DI-:ali:H IX Xjt'* ACORX AND (J A 1! I. A I) Sl'OVKS AND HAXGES. (JASOLINK STDVKS. FKSCK WIRE, GARDEN TOOLS, A S IEIIS, C111•R S. [5! CREAMERY CANS, DAIRY (Jl'XS, CI TLEUY, AND STEEL GOODS. McCORMICK HARVESTERS, HINDERS AND MOWERS, WAGOSTfi^ M'GGIES ROAD CARTS, RINDING TWINE, JOHN DEERE PLOWS AND Cl'L'JT YATORs, WAGONS. HL'GGIES, ROAD CARTS, WOOD AND IKON PUMPS. ZLaUJ^ZBEIR,! SASH, DOORS, HLINDS AND MOULDINGS, DUiLDING FAl'LR. RRICK. LIML, KM EXT, ETC.. FEXCE I'OSTS, 4c. ii ?3 IB GOOD^