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HERALD-ADVANCE W. W. DOWKIE, Editor and Publ.^her. MILBANK, s. o. Epitome of the Week. INTERESTING NEWS C'JMi ILA'I u j, DOMESTIC. Iff his ani.ual report Acting Adjutant general MoKeover says that the aver ige number of pupils over li years of life attending military schools during sho year was, of which 8,005 re ceived military instruction. .JOHN T. WAI.KEH, SON & Co. of Now Vork, silk importers, failed for S'.JUO,000. HKNUY M. STANI.KV, the Africm ex plorer, was greeted by an immense au lionce on the llth at tho Metropolitan Jpera-Ilouso in Xew York, it being his first lecture in this country. DK. KOSHKI.I. ioKM AN, A prominent physician and farmer and a veteran of the Confederate army, was shot and killed by a colored employe at his homo near Lexington, Ky. THK general assembly of the Knights Labor met at Denver. Col., and Grand Master Powderly in his report said the late Now York Central strike had al most brought the organization to finan cial ruin, and it developed the fact that the press of the country was not friend ly to the Knights. ClUKK SHiNAI. OFKICKR OltKKt.Y in his annual report says there has been a Jocided improvement in the condition and efficiency of the army as regards signal practice. At the end of the year l.Ii.TT miles of military telegraph lines and 021 miles of seacoast lines were in operation. There were only fourteen occasions during the year on which severe cold waves were not predicted, W per cent, of all the important cold waves being noted In advance. In speaking of tornadoes (Jeneral Greely said that they were not so destructive to life as thunder-storms. HKK KI.'IIANKS, of Mitchell, Ind., was arrested on the charge of murdering his sister while he was drunk. 'I UK panic in stocks in Wall street. New York, caused tho failures of the following brokers: Decker, Howell & Co., for $lo,000.000 C. M. Whitney & r* 1 Co„ for S.-JOO.OOO, and Daniel Richmond for $200,000. IT was believed that the reccyn explo sion of the Dupont powder works near Wilmington, Del., in which ten work men were killed outright, was caused by a gang of fire-bugs. JACK HIM KINO HAM (colored) com mitted suicide at Noble Lake, Ark., by taking morphine. This was the first negro suicide that ever occurred in Arkansas. FIKTKKX persons were injured in a railroad collision near Yarmouth. Miss. ATTOKNKY-GENKKAI, MIIXKR gaye an opinion that the anti-lottery law does not prohibit the "guessing contests" now much in vogue among newspapers as a means of advertising. TIIE fourth annual session of the Na tional Fraternal congress, comprising nearly all tho beneficial organizations in the country, began on tho llth at Pittsburgh, Pa. IN a fire in George W. Burnside's livery at Sioux Falls, 8. II., thirty-four horses were burned to death. A LIST of losses from the Gloucester (Mass.) fishing fleet this year show that of eighty-six lives lost eighty-five were Canadians. A. F. ANDERSON, at onetime the "lead ing attorney at Tiflln, ()., was sent to tho workhouse in default of a #20 fine for drunkenness. THK Knickerbocker Fire Insurance Company of New York announced its intention of going into voluntary liquid ation. It was probably tho oldest fire insurance company doing business on this continent. It was founded in 1787 and had just completed tho 103d year of its existence. TIIK financial crisis in Wall street. New York, camo to an end on the lath, tho prompt action of the clearing house in assisting the banks restoring confi dence. THK remains of General George Crook were taken from Oakland, Md., on the l'ith and interred in the National Ceme tery at Arlington with military honors. A I'ASSKXUKR train going west on the Reading road jumped tho track near Annville, Pa., was thrown down an em bankment, and seven porsons were bad ly injured. THK amount of gold coin and bullion in the United States Treasury on the l'ith was SI57.550.331. AN unfinished house at Marion, Ind., was blown to atoms by natural gas which had escaped from pipes and accu mulated between the foundation walls. THK board of managers of the Adams Express Company decided at a meeting in New York to boycott lotteries. EVERY house in the town of Cape Uracios, La., was blown down by a hur ricane. A SPECIAL census agent finds that there are 5,500 Indians in the State of Washington. MARY and Ann Meyers, two old maids who lived at Hartford, Conn., were found dead. Neglect and old age was the probable cause of their deaths. A MEAT market at Middleport, NT. Y., was burned and Joseph Spalding, who lived on an upper floor, perished in the flames. AT the depth of twenty feet a well digger a4 La Harpe, 111., found some curious woodon and clay images of quaint design. JOHN HECK was burned to death in a fire which destroyed the Hamilton Hotel and other buildings at Higgs, Cal. D. G. GAMI'UKI.L, OF Merriam, Kan., was struck by a train at a crossing and instantly killed. He was 70 years of age and a prominent temperance lect urer. JAMES B. MCSLOY andS. Benson were killed by an engine at Erie. Pa., and Ilenry Sutter, on learning of tho death Of McSloy, who had been a warm friend, •hot himself fatally. Ar Orange, N. J.. Robert Kerr, aged 85 years, shot and fatally wounded Mrs. K noble, aged 30, because she refused to marry him, and then blew out his own brains. M. 8TA.ti.KV loft Now Vot i. for bis lecture tour through' '•'j. v.. i. !IKN the the 1*9 v on A A k11:i :i*„ n. destroyed .. dozen 'jf the prinr stores and hou-rs. '1 UK tue ci, hi of John Lanahan, of WesleyviiIPa., was burned to death, and the mother was .so ,•» 'ly burned us fo be cr u,iiI'd for lit Ili.'jtti SMI'I II, one of t:. 1! rrows gang Of train robbers, was sentenced at Jack son, Miss., to life-imprisonment. VVII.UAM Osnou.v, an aged man, was killed by the cars at .FelTersonville, I while carrying home some medicine for a dying daugh tor. A SOUTHKU.N PACIFIC passenger train broke through a trestle near Salem, Ore., and five persons were killed and nearly 100 injured. TIIK Knox County Savings Hank at Mt. Vernon, O., snsjenJed. THK base-bail war is practically over, the Players' League having virtually gone out of existence. JRIHIK DAVID MCLKAM, ex-president of the Savannah (Mo.) National Hank, was sentenced to two years in the peni tentiary for defrauding depositors out of SI 00.000. .JACOB STROKIJKI., a farmer living near Saginaw, Mich., drank a pint of whisky on a wag--r and dropped dead a few min utes after. COMMODORK GF.OKOK IH.WF.R, chief of the naval bureau of equipment, in his annual report says that during tho year sixty-five vessels were either wholly or partially equipped at an expenditure of fcC'lKi. Its*!. A (.AlUiB deposit .if copper om was found near Mellen, Wis. THE Wertheimer buiiding in Nan Francisco was burned, causing a ii-sof &!50,000. IHFI Kansas City Packing Company at Armourdale, Kan., failed for J?."5.iM)0U. GoVKit.Nou FIFKK decided not to pardon Oscar \V. Neebe, who was con victed in Chicago in 1880 of participa tion in the Haymarket riot with the other Anarchists. THK National convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance I'nion met in Atlanta, Ga., on tho 14th, Miss Frances E. Willard presiding. THK excitement among the Standing arrival of their long-looked for Messiah has subsided and no trouble was antici- THE business failures in the United States during tho seven days ended on the 14th numbered 260, against 215 the preceding week and the correspond ing week last your. THREE workmen were blown to pieces by a premature explosion of dynamite in a stone quarry at Omaha, Nob. TRAINS col 1 ided on the Pennsylvania road at New Florence, Pa., and tho wreck took fire and one Pullman car was burned. Two persons were killed and eighteen injured. THK business portion of the town of Burton, O,, was destroyed by fire. CONSUL CONNOI.LV in a report on tho wool-growing industry of New Zealand says that the number of sheep exported last year with and without wool amounted to 1.UK4.-.131. The value of imports from tho United States during 1S8K was SI 712.ISO. and tho exports were valued at $1.7o0,8rt0. TIIK report of a Now York commercial agency showed that tho legitimate busi ness of tho country was the largest ever known and that trade had not. been af fected by the flurry in Wall street They said that the demand for money was largely due to the unprecedented volume of business thus far COMMISSARY GENERAL DI: BARRY states in his annual report that 52 50fi, 01(5 was expended for the needs of the subsistence department of the army during tho fiscal year. IN a collision between gravel trains on the Lackawanna & Western road at East Buffalo, N. Y., John Swombosky was instantly killed and nine others were injured, three of them »tally. MA.IOR-GKNKRAL SCHOKIKI.D, com manding the army, in his report to the Secretary of War recommends the in crease of tho military force of tho coun try to 30,000 men. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. JOHN MEYERS, one of the wealthy cit izens of Lugansport, Ind., died from the effects of a rat bite. MRS. WACIITER, the Whitehall (Pa.) faster, had on the llth gone 221 days without tasting food. OFFICIAL returns from tho Iowa elec tion show the success of the entire Re publican ticket by pluralities ranging from 300 for Railroad Commissioner to 2,800 for Secretary .of State. OFFICIAL returns from the recent elec tion in California give the Republicans four of the six Congressmen, making the delegation the same as he previous one. TIIK Alabama Legislature convened on the 12th. WYOMING'S first State Legislature met at Cheyenne on the l'ith. There wore forty-nine members, nine of whom were Democrats. W. R. Schnitger, of Cheyenne, was elected president of the Seriate, and O. P. Kellogg, of Cook County, was chosen speaker of the IlAuse. THE golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Fisher, of Elkhart, Ind., was celebrated on the l'ith. TIIE returns from all the counties in Indiana give tho following as the result of tfre recent election: Matthews (Dem.), for Secretary of Stute, 283,881 Truster (Rep.), 214,302 Blount (Pro.), 11.934 Pr indie (Peoplo's), 17,851 Matthews' plurality, 19,579. OFFICIAL returns from the recent elec tions show that the Democrats elected the entire fourteen Congressmen in Missouri and eleven of the thirteen in Indiana. In Pennsylvania the Con gressional delegation stands eighteen Republicans and ten Democrats. EDWIN BOOTH, the great actor, was 57 years old on the 13th. TIIK 77th birthday of Allen O. Thur man was celebrated in Columbus, ()., on the 12th, prominent persons from all over the country being present. Mr. Thurman has lived in Ohio seventy-one years. I-IIACUCS 1 IIONO, a Pres- !'i n minister of Jackson, Mich., tic.-ci on the street of heart, :1 ure at Hatcln Creek, Mich He was 07 years d'i and had been in tho ministry forty years THE Prolub:'."!: par.v M: i having faile.1 i ti:e poll the per cent, vote requisite un der tho Australian law to preserve tho party's official standing, have deter mined to adopt the name i National party and to embody addii.-u. i. issues in their platform. THK ollicial returns show that Patti •on (Dem.) was elected Governor of Pennsylvania by 10,554 plurality. Tho Republicans elected the remainder of the State ticket by pluralities ranging from 22,.865 to 25,401. DA.NIKT, S. APIM.KTON, head of tho publishing firm of I). Apple ton & Co., died at his home in New York, aged GtJ years. IT was estimated that '26,000 b:illota were th'own out fm alleged defects in tiie recent election in Indiana. FOREIGN. A i.vitoit tobacco factory valued at $200,000 was burned at Madrid, and 10, 000 men wore thrown out of employ ment. A FKRKT no i capsized in the river Wagg, near Hi/.ince, Austria, and fifty five passengers were drowned OVKIS 300 Jews expelled from Russia sailed from Bremen for tho United States. TKN persons wnrekil'.rd in a cop between a passenger tram and a fr train near Taunton, Eng. GHKAT damage lias been done Welsh and Irish coasts by violent, gaies, and shipping has suffered severely. KINO 11 R*I UF.UT, of Italy, has refused to ask the usual appropriai heir to the throne, saying tl try is too poor. PUKSIDKN Hon RAX. of Honduras, was forced by Sanchez to evacuate Tegucig alpa. the capital, and temporarily se up his government at Taniara. FIVK MII,i,ION dollars' worth of new' discovered pine timlx*r is the res the Candadian (iovernmont expeditioi of exploration that has returned from tbe Rock Indians in South Dakota over the i Quebec. northern portion of tho Province of THF. British torpedo cruiser Serpent foundered off the coast of Spain, and out of a total of 270 souls on board only three wero saved. QIIKKN EMM V has boon appointed regent to govern Holland during the illness of King William. SINCK Mr. Balfour returned to En gland from his Irish tour his guard of defectives has been,increased. II. M. WAXZKR Co., sewing-machine and lamp manufacturers at Hamilton Ont., failed for 5200,() )0, and J. Gendron, Hour merchant at Sherbrooke Que., failed for $125,000. THE rebellion in Honduras, headed by General Longinos Sanchez, was practically ended, the revolutionary forces having boon utterly routed 1. the army which President Itogran had gathered from all portions of the coun i tiy. I ADVICES from Zanzibar say that t.ho i Sultan's decree ahoiishing the siav trade was almost a dead letter, tho Arabs persisiing in the traffic under the very eyes of the authorities. I RKOI.NVLD BIRCH ALL, who decoyed Frederick. C. Heuwall, a fellow count man. from England on a pretense i helping him to learn farming in Canada and murdered him on February 17 last in a swamp near Woodstock, Ont., was hanged in tho jail-yard at that placc on the nth. MR. JOHN D. DKLLII.e, tho Ameri?an Consul at Bristol, Eng., died in tha city. LATER NEWS, The Dally Railway Wreck. KANSAS CITY, NOV. 17.—Early this morning a freight train of six cars and an engine of the Kansas City, Wyan dotte and Northwestern, just entering the city from Beatrice, Neb., plunged through a bridge and down into the muddy depths of the Kaw river near its m'juth in Kansas City, Kan. No one knows yet how many persons were on board, but there may have been anywhere from a dozen up to thir ty, and so far as the names are known of those rescued the list of saved com prise only four members of the train crew and one or two colored men who were riding across the bridge. The list of killed so far as known is as follows: Fred Allen, iireman, Lawrence, Kan., Henry Coleman, Will Crawford, llenrv Williams. Call For Arm*. CASSF.LTON, N. D., NOV. 17.-GOV. Miller is here and is keeping the wires hot between here and Bismarck. He is receiving dispatches from the capita] which are somewhat alarming. People of Mandan call for arms and ammuni tiou, and say that an attack by the In I dians may be looked for at any moment, Roving bands of armed and painted i warriors are roaming the prairies, and settlers are leaving farms and ranches, It is very likely that tho state militia will be called out. I he governor leaves on the early morning train for Bis marck. There is much excitement and alarm all along tho line of the Northern i Pacific. I THE panicky feeling of the stock markets has been arrested and on the lTth a general firmer feeling was estab lished and as a consequence there was a general advance in the price of stocks. THE British courts on the nth grant ed a decree of divorce to Capt. O'Shea against his wife, it being considered that tho charges made against Mr. Par nell and Mrs. O Shea were proven, TH,: pay car of the International & I Great Northern road, while running at high speed, dashed into the rear of a passenger train on the main track near Kyle. Tex., on the 17th. Some twenty or more passengers were injured, but 1 REV. DR. H. M. DKXTKR, editor of tho onsregationalist, of Boston, died sud denly at his home in Now Bedford, aged 00 years no one was killed. A NEC:no named Sandy Wallace was lynched near Como. Miss., on the 17th, for criminal assault upon Mrs. Frank Houston. ON the 17th at San Salvador, a treaty of peace was definitely signed between Guatemala and Salvador. is binding from date. 1HL TWO DAKOTAS. A CHURCH ON WHEELS. for the lilshop Walbpr'n Cut lie«lral North IH. There has just b''on completed at tho works of the Pullman Palace Car Com pany in Chicago a novel creation tho only church on wheels in tiie world. It is constructed according to the ideas if Rt.- Rev. Wiliiain D. Walker. Epis copal bishop of the diocese of North Dakota, and is intended for use in tho small villages along the railroads in that section of tho country. In appear ance the exterior of the church differs but little from the ordinary Pullman. '1 he car is sixty feet long and ten feet wide. Its interior is finished in oak after the Gothic style. At one end is a room devoted to tho bishop's use. Tho main body of tho car-church contains a chancel, altar, lectern, baptismal font, a's chair and a cabinet- organ. There ar» sen's for about seven ty peo- )-omul a I'etrilled l!ilv. Some railroad workmen while exca vating in the neighborhood of Commis sioner Ray Smith's ranch, about one mile from Tigerville, in the Black Hills, S. I), unearthed a coffin contain ing the remains of a miner named Pat rick Fitzgerald, butied about seven years ago. The cotlin was accidentally broken open, when the body was found to be in a petrified condition. It was again luirii dja few hundred yards from its original location, and a few days after it \\a* ^:s.-,.vn i thai ti.e crave had teen .Med. A Ulu Per Cent. Prof, r'hephard of the agricultural college a* Brookings, S. D., has been ai.alyzmg sugar beets raised on the col letre farm. From six varieties of beets he gets an average of 15 per cent, of Mijtr From two varieties ho secured lt.N percent., and from a variety, the sed of which was sent from the Oxnard farm at Grand Island. Neb., he ex tracted 20 per cent. As 12 to 14 per cent, is the usual product, it will be seen that the beets store more sugar in this climate and soil than anywhere else in the world. Great Or© HerN. Sumples of red and brown hematite, from thallis, S. D., the new town site upon the White river near the mouth ol Corn creek, are said to assay from 0C per cent, to nearly pure iron. It was hoped that the great beds of ore. from six to twelve feet in depth, which lie exposed along the White river would fur nish the iron required for ail the uses of tho Hills mines and the production of tin plates in abundance. The or« beds were staked out for a distance o. eighteen miles along the course of th river. Th'rty-Four Ilorae* Ito-intm! Fire broke out in George W. Burn side's transfer and livery barn atSiou^ Kalis, S. I)., and twenty-five horses it the lower basement were burned, b» sides many valuable vehicles The fire spread, consuming the Electric Railwaj Company's car shed and the Riverside loarding stable. In the Riverside barn nine horses wero burned. The total lo^s to the various proprietors was mated at 525,000. Engineer ifrown'* Great Feat. Engineer Jacob Brown, of Huron, whe started from Forest City with a corps oi men to run a preliminary railway sup vey from there to Black Hills, has rived in Pierre, S. 1). He performed one of the most remarkable feats of rail road engineering on record. He set stakes along about 175 miles of survej and returned a distance of 150 miles it seven days' time, making fifty miles each day. ICUHII by a Ilojr. Gust Cartright, with his wife and child, lived in a cabin near Rockford, N. I)., where the husband worked s claim. During tho absence of the fathei and mother a large Newfoundland dog attacked the child and ate its head off The father came in soon after killed tho dog with an axe. Th had beco'ne insane. Short New* Itonn. Atamect service offl" The United States signal at Huron. S. D. weather map. will publish a dailj I he I, nited S'atei Government is Srn1i:r?nns a?t:o ,raphici4l9ur 01 A party of thirty-eight Menr.onites om Russia have arrived at Yankton O. I), Wiid geese are plentiful on the Peoria bottoms near Pierre, S. IJ-uel County, N. I., bitter feud, the result of a county-'a! and th VOt" WaS c" /.:.}lnUy Property moved from Gary to Uear Lake, a hamlet geographical center of the For: i 1^ or to Pierre S T» V"® or^ini/V^Tf The treaty 011 FATAL SMASH-UPS. B.v.ral Hallway Collisions In Which a Xmiitnr ut laves Ar. Lo»t anU Many Person* Hurt. Pinsiii U«.H. Pa.. Not 15.-Tho third section of tho western express on the Pennsylvania railroad ran into the second section near New Florence, causing the death of two persoics and the serious injury of eighteen others. The dead are: Henry M. Minott. iitf Court sU've'. P- -ton. Mas* Mr^. S. II. Angel, sua 1 v. i nty-Iirst street. Wash ington. The collision occurred about 6 o'clock during a dense fog. '1 he second sec tion was being held for orders on ac count of a freight wreck, when the third section came thundering along at a high rate of -veed and crashed into thi rear car of the second sec tion. Th:s c, was the "Bis cay," the Washington sleeper, and was well filled with passengers. All of the killed and injured were in this car. A special engine and car, with several physicians on board, weru sent from this city to the scene of the wreck immediately after the report reached the city. The fireman the engine that crashed in the rear of the second No. 9 says that the operator in the Nineveh Block tower is reponsiblo for tho dis aster. The fireman claims that their tr.tin entered the block on a white, or clear track signal, while second No. 'J had not yet left the wesl i n end of ae block at New Florence. TIlllKK KM.I.K.I) IN M:n N! A Driii'yt'K, la.. Nov. 15— A rear-end collision occurred on the Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City road at Eliton, Minn., Friday moinivg. A sowth Iniuud freight-train was standing on the main tr ick while tho engine ran ahead for water. Another freight came alon and ran into the caboose of the first train. Two cars and the engine were badly damaged. Conductor Pen niman, Fireman Rolf and Hrakeman Callahan of the second train we-e in itantly killed. COLLISION LV VIRi.lM A. anc mothoj Gold In Hear Gulch. Dave Mills and Charlie Finch bav struck it rich at Mineral Hill, S. about three miles west of Bear Gulch.' Iheir mine is called the Gold Hank, and some of the ore assays over 5:i 00 per ton. '1 he vein is a fissure runnina down through the porphyry, and carriej free jrold. The find had created erea excitement. Ru'HMO.VK, Va., Nov. 15. A collision af freight-trains occurred Friday morn ing near Ford's Depot, Dinwiddie Coun t.\ on the Norfolk & Western road. The engines came head-end together, totally destroying both, derailing and piling sixteen cars on top of one anoth er. The engineers and firemen of both Bngines jumped. One train hand was killed and five severely injured. WHAT THE FIGURES SHOW. Official .Majorities of the .Successful Can didates in Illinois. SrnixoFiicLi". 111., Nov. 15.—Official returns have now been received by the Secretary of State from all the counties except Cook. As tabulated these give the vote on the Slate ticket as follows: For State Treasurer -Wilson, 2.V!,:S27 Amberg, 2.0 210. Wilson's majority outside of Cook County is 3,UX7. For Superintendent of Public Instrue "Raa'n, TOO Edwards. 2 I".T2.'5 Raal/s major!!v outside of Cook i y lh.'.77. Complete ufiieial returns from all the counties in the Northern Grand di vision except Cook County show that A. H. 'laylor (Rep.) received 97,2411 votes for Clerk of the Supreme Court for that division that E. Stoskopf (Dem.) received 70,(520. and thai II. A. Uaines (Pro.) received 0,221. In the Central Grand division c..Tn. pl«.»te returns for Clerk of the Su preme Court give E. A. Sniveiy (Dem.) 107,'J52 James J. Finn (Rep.), 8t»,5*ll, and George C. McFadden (Pro.), 7. Jlrt. Sniveiy s majority over Finn is 1\371. In the Southern Grand division the vote for lerk of the Supremo Court was: 1 heodore Trombley (Rep.) 59,65*: Prank W. Havill (I)em.), 00.242 T. S Marshall (Pro. i,205. HavilPs majJr Ity over Tromlev, 5S4. THE KEYSTONE"STATE. Paulson's Plurality Tor Governor Over 16.001* The Kett of the htaLe Ticket t-Ie ted Uy tue i:«|,.il.licans Ollicial Congressional Majorities. ILiKKisiH Ho, Pa., Nov. 15.—The offi cial returns show that Pattison (Dem.) was elected Governor of Pennsylvania by Hi,554 plurality. The Republicans elected the remainder of tho State ticket by pluralities ranging from 2" to 25.4^1. Following are the official majorities of Congressmen in this State .,lii1Kham/ 7 QTX 1". Wrtjrht u-x, 6.r,w m. Hopkins, It].": Tf '19 1,VV!v"rton- O'Neill, .. Ii. McAk'or, I).. 4 Kcytmrn, 11 6. HariiH-r, K 6 Kubinson, K. 7. Allowei). K Muteiili r.I) 8. Hruner. I) 1'J. Biusius, it 11 Amernian, K .JIM IS. Atkins* 11. It «(,u 11.4IK1 rj. Meitzhoovcr, 7J0) 4,105.31. Si-ull, K '-'i Uurr. u I'aizcU. K... 11 I» St.ank. K .. la. Keilly. I) 14 Kite. It.... i i j.s. Knbbs, 1)... thIeNi1^NAi,",I''S' is} enjoying '-anv issod near thi county. formation that s,5oo Norwegians wil' co„e over and settle in western Soutli Dakota next spring. huU Xov" th0lr the directors „f th( Duluth Pierre & Black Hills Con,pan! it was decided to push the work at Lth ends of the line, with the object of »m- fr In ALor!loeB .. Parly tho spring. .ilas Burton, a Yankton County (S IM farmer, has raise 1 a Hubba that weighs flfty-four pounds. squash halt and coroPan.YHuron, Of dynamite broke i ce rushed down has been or.anued, headquarters in tc houth Dakota. It wil known as the Valley Land and IrrLa .V York City, president. argo finally, when tha and bout, of thepontomTrSj main chan swept away four e in tU« DAI ''-Among the instructions issued to United States supervisors before th« recent elec tion was one requiring them hrown°P rCCOrd °f aU s reports show that the number of ballots thrown out av eraged seven to the precinct making a total of about 20,000. This tssrist4""*"•«•* b»n„, to Iho u Birchall hangec I xactttloi, of the M,^ rer the Woodstock, Ont., j.,, Death t'aln ly. M""-4I.. WOOLS I'.H K, Ont., Noy ,. lUr«'hall who decoyed Frtl(le well, a follow countryman f. land on a pretense of helnir learn farming in Canada and him in a swamp near here w in tho jail-yard at this pla'COi.t Friday. His death,so far,., ...,id be was painless. Six minutes after' weight jerked his body into th." physicians pronouueed hi ode." post-mortem discovered thatd been caused by strangulaiK usual s 'atutory terdict vu* the coroner's jury. The hanging was first set & o'clock, 1 it by Bin-halls own was done half an hour earlic he had breakfasted he sat .smoking cigars and chatting Sheriff Perry. The latter w* Hirehall was net. He. wemt amusement in the fact of ts' ill's sorrow for him. Birchall was dres- i flannel shirt, dark striped trot slippers. At his throa he tasty black tie. The enmina eompanied to the scntfold Wade, who has been constant tendance on the prisoner since Other members of the proces George Perry, Hirehall",s gU Prison InspectorChaniherlain. was perfectly cahn and clic luted each member of the pari entered his cell. Atnen? 1 tators v. n Arthur heel Montreal, a friend of Bi Oxford. :ium sal 11 tod oner, who advauced ana on tho lips, the tears runn1 Lee tha Ill 's cheeks, whfi" li i not change a muscle of Ins co» lSirchuli mounted tha steps of fold with an unfaltering trca the religious exercises wti Hirehall joined heartily, bein larly emphatic in his "am, the surrounding buildings ov the jail yard were hundred* who were thus enabled to tho last act of the Ucnw edy. Hirehall repeated tht prayer after liev. Wade while w as being put around his neck mitted to the hangman in 1 matter-of-faot way. There wa ly wearied look in his eyes, V doomed man's legs were beii with a strap Hirehall «tc his head erect, looking before him, and offering jection to the hanging erations. Toward the conclus. Lord's prayer He v. Dr. Wad was filled with deepest ang broke. He stepped forward a Hirehall, saying: "May Gdln. on you," and retired a few i supreme moment was at hand. When Kadcl.ffc, the 'l'oror man, pulled the black .tap 0 all's face the latter said. Ion for every one to hear: "\W1I. shake hands before 1 go',1" Tl dumbfounded KadchtTe for a Then he thrust forth h:( shook Hircliall's hand. Then stepping ba' ii the cord connecting with tin tho weight above. John IVr of the sherilT, and acting for was standing three or fuur the left. He gave the si] tho bolt was drawn out '1 was jerked in an uhliijt tiou. It moved around for a onds with itn own momentum ly hung straight down. A shudder ran through the fram a blood-curdling sight was The hands clasped and uneia vulsively, the nails entering and causing the bioud the legs drew up and straight There was every indication tha was being slowly stratified. was not broken. Two minutes bolt was withdrawn HirchaliV sixty stroke* per minute. At) six minutes bo was pronoun IBlrchall's crime was tbe kiiil Henwell February IT last iu a swaiu. County, Canada. Hirehall came early in the summer of isssto bt-ron but. Uniting the work hanicr an smaller than he lead been U'J to stuyed In Wmulstock. Birdiall Kreut deal about uristoi'iats n wllh whom he claimeil 10 be or connected. His wife seemed 8 in what he did. These two U^appi'i' fall as Quickly as they liad IHIM', 1 tain unpaid bills. When a man in February last for the murder oft: whose body was fnuml in the SL'rt l.l'.'S i i Stone. It .. 7,H0"i .. 1'.'0 3, mi a W.Iimji. Slewart. it (iuicNpi,.. d! I.AM •»•. Stone. K l-4M -T 1 JII-wold. It! it. Sum 4,&tt REJECTED 26,000 VOTES Effect of the Australian Hallot at ltecent Kle. oi. i., Imlia,,*. the ^1™ thrown out arid wild ttl6 CIIUHPH board! tbt ref0P the election appointed in and thf l"'r'cinets in the State. r..t„r„„d to the circuit clerks and which are known to number about 6.000. These ficrures indicate that 26,000 votes were lost in the frlwrtion. The New Fi*K. A v e a y TraeV has issued an order increasing the number of stars on the National ensign and Union Jack to forty a"" IMVO new stirs are added, one each Nouh Dakota, South Dakota, Mon Washington and Idaho. The stars arranged in six rows, the top row taming eight stars and the other rows containing seven stars each Fatally Injured. PKM\ Ind.,NOV. 15.- George C.Trowveil, a prominent and wealthy rosiden this clt was thrown from hhl 8 Princeton the people were made aw Ur.-t time that liircball had return''1' Against Hirehall there were HCM 4et,c« which, while not makinf? ere all consistent one witt and together were certainly strung cipai witness was a young 1 named IXm-las K. Pelly. who l", out on the Briiauuic with Mr._ Hirehall and Henwell. Pelly ami made arranxeuientH in England interest in a horse ranch or farm wb claimed he owned in Canada. A Pelly, Hirehall had represented thi- 1 a mile and a half from Niagara Weil's father, a retired Hritisli pay 4S5U) for an interest in thl" soon as his son should Canada that he was satisllod with Young Pelly also had paid Hirehall on condition that he was to have e on the farm with a small share in 1 Monday, February 17, Henwell a: had taken tho Grand Trunk 9 :j vision train to go to the alleged That night Birchall returned plaining that Henwell had ther, probably intending to call n Out. The two men, however, were off at Kantwoed station and go acr»" in a direction which would tane swamp. Birchall was subsequent!} turn alone. Two days later Henwell found In tbe swam p. I The Official Vote In ladl*'"1, INKIANAPOI.IS, Ind., i official returns of the Indian wero finally received by for of Friday and reqeivod fatal injuries. buKlry lh of State Friday, and the V' pluralities as they record officially itana, are con five Br° s- lows: Trusler, Secretary (1 ,1||t 10,57!) Henderson, Auditor. C»all, Treasurer, 20,501 of the Supreme Court, 2b" Attorney-lieneral, 20,2'J6 Clerk of tho Supremo Vories, Superintendent '*islici® struction, 20,814 Peelle. at), 87a.