Newspaper Page Text
EXPERT PICKPOCKETS. LONDON SEEMS TO BE THE TRAIN ING SCHOOL FOR THEM. There Arc 100,000 In the Big City—Paris n»» Pretty Large Crowd «f Them Also- Tlmy Rolong to C1a!« aril Have 8»*ing* ltanki of Their Own. Alxitrt a century a^o Paris had only about fifty piokpokets, now the police reports show that their number has reached four thousand in the metropolis alone, find iboat ten thousand in the rest of France. Thew futures are nearly doubled at tim»!s of reviews, races, popular fetes, and exhibitions by re cruits from abroad. lint, sinfjularly enough, they all come or have Iteen trained in Great Britain. England is tho cradle and hotbed of pickpockets. It is a profession as firmly established as carpentering or bricklaying it hn,s its apprentices, graduates, professors, ex perts, and ertmrnereial agents. Novices are taught to distiri/niish a Frenchman from a native, a Russian from a Ger man, a South American from an Italian they are made acquainted with the slight but all important differences in each nationality in tho cut of the clothes, the place of tho iockets, the mode of earning jewelry, watches, purses, or loose cash. When the pupils are snpposed to haTO profited sulficiently by their education, they are dispatched at Christmas time to a certain suburb of Loudon, where they arc farmed out. The agent, who has c*mo to select a trio, puts them through their paces, and if they acquit them selves creditably lie engages them, gives them clothes, Itoard and special instruc tions, and takes them abroad to ply their trade uniler Ins management. As soon, however, as their jiersonality has become inconveniently familiar to the police of the locality, they are returned and ex changed for a fresh set, under the same conditions. The community numbers 100,000 in London, including women and children: their headquarters are in the obscure purlieus of St. Giles, Whitechajiel, the Minories and tho low lying wharves of tho Thames. It is there that they hold their meetings, organize their detach ments, deliberate on future movements, bavo their savings banks and clut»s. and settle on tho way of jussisting those of their pals who are ill, shadowed or in prison. They form a regular associa tion, like the housebreakers and shop lifters, from whom, however, they are quite distinct. AT WORK IN PARIS. Dnring their visits in Paris, although operating in common, they do not dwell together, but are watt*-rod all over the city, meeting only to share tho spoils at certain specified moments, in dark or borgne taverns and wine shops situated in tho iieighborhtKxl of tho Champa Elysees and tho Grand Opera. The foreign, as well as the French, operators havo their receiving houses, called in Paris meumers (millers), where they dis pose of their gleanings, and it, is a re markable feature of these transactions that, they aro carried on on both sides with scrupulous fairness and honesty. A sharp and observant person might detect the j)iclc[x«-Jot who shadows him with evil intent by tho i«eeuliar roving restlessness of the eye, of which even tho most experienced ones cannot en tirely divest themselves. Tho habit is contracted at tho onset of their careers imperative then, it liecoines inveterate. Tho pickpocket embraces at a gl.inw the particular article in a shop window cal culated to attract the passerby, tho con formation of the victim's pockets, tho foot passengers around him and tho quarter from which his bugbear, tho "Bobby," is likely to The En glish pickpocket rarely offers any oppo Bition if caught in tho act ho submits silently to be led off by his captor only the women howl, thrash, sob, scratch and fight. It is tho characteristic na tional coolness mid lack of emotional irritability that contribute more than any physical aptitude to make the Brit ish pickpocket facile princejis in his art, and an object of envy and admiration to members of the professions in other countries. THE FRENCH WAT. In each country the profession retains its own particular methods. The Span iard, like the South American, does not attempt to operate save in a tolerably thick crowd the Italian works generally only on ladies, and badly, because be in too precipitate tho Turk is fearless, awkward, audacious, and even in tho clutches of the police, with one hand pinioned, attempts to steal with tho pther. Tho French make a specialty of "recognition," which is effected by one pal affecting to recognize in some inno cent, rustic looking individual a relation Or old friend, effusively falling on his Or her neck while the error is explained and apologies offered tho de«*d is done by an associate. Tho most dangerous of that species is tlie liecotcuse, usually a young and very pretty girl, who rushes into the arms of a benevolent «Jd man, kisses liini on Ixjtli checks and calls him "uncle," a relationship ho will have good -cause to remember, as it has cost him all his portable property. The utter carelessness of the public facilitates the operations of the pick pockets to a degree which lias often •elicited from them expressions of wither ing contempt. To supplement the legend Which bids people beware of them, the authorities would do well to affix a few simple rules, the observance of which would be an effective protection.—Lon don Cor. New York Sun. IaentM In Imports. Th« customs import lists show that import duty was paid on about $120,000, 000 worth of cut diamonds in the last twenty-foar years, of wliieh $90,000,000 worth were imported daring the last twelve years. In 1868 $1,000,000 worth were imported, and about $1,200,000 worth in 1887, bnt about $11,000,000 in coistv «'inissioNcits. Official I'roceciliiic of the Bouro of (.'oililly CuminthoiniM-r* tn (•rant onin j, s I*. aIilbask, Friday, .Wii. J4 IbiH). I Boaid met pursuant to adjournment.! Present: W. Jennings, Chairman, •John M'trlens, John lleiiinaii and 'he auditor as clerk. On motion, hoard proceeded to i and cum ass the returns of the ekv'. held on Nov. 1th, having convened tor that purpo.-f pursuant to cull of the eountv auditor. and tlie result of the uan va^s showed that the :tug officers were elected, to-wii. L. M. KaTi her, Jatin^ I '. Street, Rep resentatives. Thos. L, Houck. Coi.nty John Douglass, (,'oun'j A. -r. C, W. Martens, Keyisier ot I .1. S. Farley, County I reasurcr, 11. J. Bem-du t, Sheriff. J. L. Lockhart, Clerk ol Conns. K. M. Bennett, Slates Attorney. G. W. Prevey, Count v Supt W. 8. 'rowl, County Surve\r. Asa A. Story, County Coroner. Geo. Mik'le i, Counlv Gonniii-mi ni r, First District. On nioiion, the board issued eertitieates of election to tho above named officers elect. On motion, board adjourned tofcSfiti:r day, Nov. loth. 1890. (Attest) Wm. ,11 N'NINGS, JO N 1 o i i i i i i i o a n (.'. Audit s-. Hi ii,HANK,Saturday, Kov, 15, IS!)". Board met pursuant to adjournment 1'iom.mi! \V. Jenuiiig-., Chairman John Gartens, John Hodman and the auditor as clerk. Gn motion, the following hills were audited and allowed: U. Stunt*, Judge «»f ... fa oo A. W. (.'olcord, Clerk W. ,J. Bitxicr, Hilar A. J. Hill-. Henry lliulfiiidH. ,hnl I.cvi Mlniali"l,.ludm.' Win. Dull. Ueik Thus. Fitch, rk H. A KnhUr, Clerk •I VV. la-jiit-tt, I lerk :nn, lieu Moxrr, VKltti A (J. Stnnh, Jml^e Heury llaeke, ,)tuli •vii. Se iirns, ltrk A. Dt'hilva, Clerk U.S. I(nr(: I -11, .1 lliltre W. Msynaul, .Juilj.'! K. T. Itiidu'iTS. L. V onWalil, iiflire A, Huwhi.T, Jutl^e John Itu/./.k'll, iid^e K.J. Ku'pkey, Clerk I.'. MHiifo'rd, Clerk ...... C. S. A insden, i lerk W '1' if ii ma ii, 'lerk K. .1 Tweilt, .Jtidgu Sherman ilnxter, dinlirn I'liilip si liroeder, tiilge Fritz, Judge W, liailey, Clerk Henry Martens, Clerk W Jeniiiny?, t'lvrk Jacob Sarll. I'lerK 3* 00 S IK) I HI 2 no a oo a K 2 on i! no Si i 1 nn 2 (Ki •i i.o S 00 •z no •i oo a no 1 ou •i CO a on 00 a iki 2 00 S 00 a oo a oo a oo a oo a oo a oo a oo a oo a ao a oo a oo a on a oo a oo a oo a on a oo 3 00 a so a oo a oo a oo a oo 3 20 2 00 a oo Im-j Brxnil, iid^e of election Ilonry 1 leriiafer, Judse 1'llHt, ,1 lldj{C Henry Ku-, Clerk S. K. K.'vlrlitT, Clerk niulr'Muni tieo Mneri', Cli-rk of election ('. J. M. hrutban lerk S. limiueil, Judue li. A. Morrill, .1 nd^i* Chd4. Wiieitms, «l mtjre U'«. itcllell, tHh u H. i'. Pew, Judge und retur/iH.. S. Walker, udsjc Jae. Mcl'rea. Jud^e J. K i\l( Ki inia, Jndjro A. Slay, .) udgn i'. l. Bern, ml ire II. I). Bcr^', Juiljje an,J return- K. Dickenson, Clerk Mike Mittw«r, Clerk J. McDowell, John Mevei, Jud«e N'. \V. lJmery, Jad'414 ». Teiincy, Jud^e H. !•". Wilson, o ik 11 I'. Arctier, Clerk Adoltih Jobnaon, Jnd Utto h'odinau, Judue I'. Kckl erji, Judge (. P. Johnson, Clerk Jooepli Heilmall, I lerk K. ISeriJuuif!, J'li'.L'e I'eter Kiii 'iiiid, Jinl./a Frank A. Jobuson, Judged Axel Dahlberi Clerk JoiinO. 'Nelnon, Clerk a on "Mr. King's returns 1 (Jo and fi'turji-i 4 no a oo a on a ui a on a oi a a oo 3 U) a (X) a oo a oo a oo a oo ami ntiiruB. I. avanaa U, mnkiiljt tetariiH It L. 1'ryor. Jinl^e I bos. Liiulalil, .1 iiilvro John JohiiPon. Jlol^u Thos. Ma.-a. ieik N i'rvor Clerk II V. Tetli, cieik K.J. Clark, Clerk A.L l'alridue. Jnd^e Jn*. Coolii1-an, Jud -'e Wm. VojjelBati", Jnilge Jotin Meyer, mm, ins returns Win. ltetlike, eame, Johnson it Larued, coal for poor farm... Joliu I.mnlbert:, board of pauper Aug. Bor^ersou, i anil returns Ou motion, board adjourned sine die (Attest) W. JKNKINGS, JOHN Doi'C.i.ASS, Chairman. County Auditor. The l\cw IliKCOvery, You have hoard your friends and neigh bors talk about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know trom person al experience just how good a thing it is It vou have ever tried it, you are one of its staunch friends, because the woider fnl thing about it is, that when once giv en n trial. Dr. King's New Discovery ever aft«i holds a place in the house. If you have never tried it and should be utl'iict ed with a cough, cold or and Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fmr trail. It is guar anteed every time or money refunded Trial Bottle Free at Oaspbk IIatz, ol Hi Stone City. Notice of Dissolution of Fo-Part* nemliip. Notice is hereby given thftt the tirm of Fisher and Levers i» from and alter the 15thday of October mutually dissolved, and Laure E. Levers succeeding thereto and rt ho assumes all debts, liabilities and obligations of saiil tirui and who is also empowered to collect all accotiuts due said firm. Dated, Oct. 15,1890. Lavina Fishkr. Lal'BA E. Lkvkks. Not ice. Hdving closed out my business those who are indebted to me are requested to *»ll and pay the amounts due to Geo, 1888 and the same amount in 1889, or Kgernieyer at the hardware M're who in t«n times as many in the latter year authorized to collect and receipt tor the twenty years previous.—Exchange. same. H. A. Seidk, 1 Twin Brooks, S. P„ Oct. 1, --1 z:?. z 'P i s 5 j- .- .. "*3* 'i fWtct- rc i-JSSSSSs OP -O MI It' t*5'SS52i ,'~%s*CN* :.J j£ fs: 1 50 2 oe a oo a oo a oo ao 3 tSo a on a on a oo a on a oo so .10 40 1 75 7 50 6 00 ,ar so 1 5o 3 fin 4 an OI.:.-I for poor house Newell A. Kmery, couwiabie feee ico. I) Barnard A Co hooka Chun. Williams, witness fees illiui° A Smith, witncsi" fees J. Darst, wil nese fees Johnson & Lamed, eoai for couuty W. W Mollm, work for county C. (). Nelson. County priiitmi} I.ettsJt Cannon, blackanut ina for poor farm 4 fio i 1 i Mi .is ia W Autei nan. (iod» for p««r farm 6 80 VV. JmniiiL'*, com, per diem and uiilea) t-. Jubn Martens, came W Jot.ti Hedmuti, #ame 7 JO On motion, the contract to furnish the county with coal was awarded t» John son A: Lamed, at. the following prices: Hard coal $8.85 per ton, soft coal ler ton. 0 13 11 »—I 0 I— N 0 ii. !.. I tR 0 (,. H. 11. 0 21 J. K. Low. I. A. We 2 -3 0 0 W, 1. i z i i• i ffij tugeneA 1.( VV. A. Buxtoii a kcmii CortreSalmon I x' S S S 2 S i ,o !i •?. =. i. F. F. Meyer a E. H. Kv«nnon s ~zt. --y l1. It. Kr' W L. J..!,! cn- SIS" S lj -w |j i 1 SI I 3: i 3» tC «C i Zl' V 2 iui •U V* 2" **u (n 0 a f. K*nnelly a j- It. A. Smith i i c* f'relr'k Zl1''' E ,^04,. F. A. Ijt)av(11 if.H.Oar-fe W.i Qui. N K N-l' 1 w "C I. A. i'ici. T. R. (in. 1.1, 0 A. 1).K«.- Ii. M. I,. 2'• $z' ^L£Ii Will give one 18x22 Life T~^2 From Now 5 J. 0 !t«ury 1-. .11 T. L. Hoi: W |g ,- -folin Do'.la Sftf t* k-tf 1- A. Eriekson 5 ti_'c in cc ».*!•' 4 -1 w *. 3-.- n 8. Farley SIS: ^mil Johnson |5 1 tu 0 1 i k e ?V!2: '1L f| g: is— ff 4^—^-1 tc Z Ben0(lict I w to 5J John Holstein I S.-S' is-'vs w -tc so- i J- L. Lockhort ci" jp I i- t'l -x: ~i i If U 5 r* ifc N -a rc 1 ftiS 1 te- .. 1»- %.c(.•5 8. 'Arih.1I-!! Ct. W. I'ri vi'j- W. H. Surv'r B. .i K. .Mi-t nil Until Christmas, MOB & LEE, the Photographers, Bust in Size Cabinet Photographs, any style, all for $12." The Crayon alone is sold by apents for r. Crayon, will Now ilont think this is any cheap work because we oiler you a bargain ?.t nn exceedingly low Price, for it is not. We guarantee this work to be eual to what you can i,\-t an\ \vhere Cabinet Photos without the Crayon at usual priri's. k: r,u and ^4.(10 per dozen. Our gallery is open every day in the week. We also have, the latest fc-tyle frames tt) fit above pictures for sale at Chicago prices. one tlo/.en ROYA'. i-.m P/fF. Absoluto?'/ Pure* Notico. hi-Mtum, i a nrc In (U »ti tls•• '1«.V I '•"loUer A i i foiJuwii):• rtn-d or |«r- .. I -liiti", IK.-.' tin.'j ttf St.-ngi'ii ami pittiati'ii in thi'( null-1 (-runt, siaif ol" Sum Ii li.-ikulii, 11s fuliowf:] Vnrtli halt "if tlii* North-wi'^! Quiini-r und outti-« i ^t (^imrh-r of 1 lie Noitlm K^uurliT !.. \. e»nr Ituixtrei) Tttf«t.v-out, inn U'., tf Ire, Hen *«ld for .'lui(|tlelit tor viir 1H7, I 1 i itsnriT t»f ftaut County tut. ihhI, lm is now the. lawful holder of the limle 1 if Jlilrcl-UM'. 'I'll..I Mllll then 1' imitli'hiKjiieut amounted to fr.', ami that •--equeiit taxi"4 to the pmontit of have 1 I 'i.ii.«i niM'reft. jiei iillv ami »'^l.i.", niakuu' total iimoiint tieeeBxnry t» •in $S4 1!" und 111 ai'iiitiou ilu'reto. the cost of r\ ii*e of this notice, together with fUch inter .s may tievr-ie after this date, mast lie |aiil. thai iherijiht of reiU-iii|ttH)ii will expire iukI *d (or said laini he nuiije within mi.MJ" tiays the comsileUnl serva-e ofthl# noott*. ice I usi- f'lt a 1., \. •. I ANsoN ar- !. ret'V jml.: .-it r.i--' nvof I). l«Sv ,!• -aliieii or |.«reel of l,i-:il K-i«te. taxed lu tie- iiwnie li'iiii'oii tiiid sii ii tiled 111 the our.iy of i't, state of oiuh l»iilioin. ii" fnllow!": "The ar-i i:nrler of s. 1 tioii I. .-lio-en, Town One I'n ml red iiineleeii, liau^e fifty, i •es rii'tit of way to tlie Kftitri«(l« otti|m«ir,rosi b« Hit m-ri'w, was -for taxes then due ami injiieiit lor the year tfr', at la.v ?aie hy tlie ,-0r. ui r'I CniiiiH- lot". I.. Wood, wllii is the ir.wliii hoaier of the eertlileate of pur -e, Thflt ia.'iiii taM's tlieii due and delimineut initerl to Jta.M, and that ciitweijiieiittiive-* to unoiint of f^.ss Isaie been jiaitl, with inter tn-i.alty and eostH urenieJ, -JIT ol, iiiakilij aiMoiiiii iiei^^rtarv to redeem I and ill •turn thereto, the •««.! ofsi rv ire of d'lt iidtn-e lh. u ii cm inteiif*! iiim.v in eriie after ilaie. tnii"t lie paid, aistl lliHt the riuht, ol n lit!.in w ill e\[tiie and a deed forsiuil land he w ifhit: sixty .lays In-.w the cm[sletec) n-r ot 1 hm iiuiii'K V t'l !C i ti.-reity li i." nam ed Piio cograpliers, i I BANK, iood wte-i a I in Cniynn. li ,]j 2 1'• VV. Marteno 0 ,,, H. A. Ssiiie «5fi I J. DO YOU HEAD The Cosmoi'oi itan is literally what 1 I-'AKT MAIL LINK win, and Steam Ileuto,! v'"»P?lr mZSSff" trains Ite.u-,-,, r,, »'"aha and the 'iiiKAT NATIONAL Koutk I eago, Kansas City, an.j V let .tt, j-.. o. 11 liini thi' foiiowililil- tlU h»i* I'h it not ifil Ins mti n- dot! to make final proof in »i,jj ort ofhH'laiin, and 1 tint Mile jiro,.f *|)1 ion!,. 1 1 '. e of the Uirivm I'onri, or in hi" i-' th«. I li of til,- I. ire:i,t r.ijilt (l Milhan mt inhfi'i't.i, it-iii, vi/: AI.H-:I K'iEl.'MAYI'lt, fttTthe SK'. Ulll.L'e. H) j- He name« t! I eoiit.nuoiiH f- Wn.t.iAMs. liciristi.'!-. S( '..Too MILKS OF Roaii pal points Illinois Wi-?' 1 or maps, tune laities ».„ ti einht, ete,, apply "rl •1 tent of tho Ciih:aoo, i\nvirl I at 1, Kaii.wav, or to any ra iU*w Wherein the World. KOSWKLL^nMf A.V.Il.L-AUniN'l-IyiS. Ilf'For Information in rp'i'rprp and Towns ovrnod 11 KKK ,v St. I'AI-J 1 V •,•4, t..lMi.HAruASl L.i. waukee, is. '•iJii.% Home seekers the (.'iiI1 (.toman: ami -.'ra/iiit: value I W—T1 'I"1lastof 1 -rfeuitamS (•reat lid Miiia., NEW TOWNS I 1' 1 "io~t'tbee eni Kv. i.u.e i GREAT FALLS -i. I. ,^'fctUit 111 i itor ('lor a "I Alhuins and i specialty. A tine i iVi'tiife Frainet!. 1 1'K'tti!0^ I.ikt'n 1.23^""' 'i 'til', ii Mfitiili.v iui'1 Tuesday jol .1 tte-k. (i tilery h. r.. ..penaU the CGsmopoiiian. I -I K,.I IS'. y..| That Vl York Tunes ealls it, "At its 1 i tho brightest, nmst varied anu best 1 '.'iliU'd jf tlie .vLttni/ines." AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY) oh M:\v FlIIKI Nt KAII IIM.V TIms CoHinojiolilHii. I'. Vi-nr, W will furnlsli l»,»tU for onlv This offer is only to new Bubs,Tiber's to 1 IIK COSMOPOLITAN-, and only :or AT A Plllci: 11 ITIlKliTO DeKMF.D iMI'OSfilUl.K TKY lTFOtt A VEAK. It will l,i a liberal educator to every member of the houwhohi. It will make the night* pans pleaGiuitlv. Tt will give you more for the money than you can obtain in anyjother form. £?rDo you want a first-class Maoazink, J-'nimr annually lSk) jiayes by tlie •dih'-t writers, with more than 1S(K) llluslrations hytheclev«re»tartists—as readable a MaR.mii© as money can make—a Magazine that makeH specialty of live subjects:' -Tlie marvel is how the publishers ran Jfive so milch for the tnoney."- Philndelphia Evening Call Bend 83.25 to this ()ftj(!e. vance iim u -!)e. W ntr I. luliu'y,hi.i for liitoks, M«|h, it. settlers on free Government lan4i alonu' the 'ireat N..rth-rU hy |.lte„ 1. •North i'akntrt ami Montana eetlos'i"t rates ami ilne mark-t- j.r 1.1 tit*. "i| Fiin rt ts in Ara a Ky. I.11 F|SKiN1 i 1 "1 l^ota~ h:i Miiniiag. 1 ,,3nU1 I mi'ie for hen.tli rW i,e„ M' !it. ti {troihieeo the fluent |)|J«-1 lire \'T U'1 Mi.i'V, MHk and 1, Vallfjsh ami eet linws II- 1 Jyfl EAI.THi 1 Kwl WEALTH!:. nt. New Kaiiv.iivf, itat'i- & ntflaiiii. swe-t (irun« Hi 1-, Mult mill ^m., \er nlK n, .Mi, rt-ni .'.e'lri ,v' till' Northern ue. 1 in st- Uaiet'i'ii itaiin'.ne. EOLO, COAL. The tribtttai Niirtherii Hallway Line l'rttl !'i [.r-clnas me 111- \. ,v !o\»rn»ni t«o I., th" (Jr. lit 1 "ll'l J. I •, ..-Ollfl f. rut' mnl I'lee Siei ji ern l: y Line. (.. tiiiu, (",) Tnwii«hi|., (l'.*!',) inir witiie-»e* t« prove h:« lij-t-n and 1 ultivalii :i of ry Katlia, Miirire "i-r: -.. in, Samuel Harper, nil I'lMwii I HEROS, MIMES. I The 0{ njt ta ill I I itrin.w .so« is ti ion-/ the (ireitt 'if Mulitiuia :r -ttira/e, mines II...first' ni j.t at II lUUtik: I fcurroe era/ii .,A/. I3iiitm 1 Si u S i- itetitec J.ov. M't|.Uu The vii'ileynonte 1 dLuii].huit ISivei- I't.'iei ,1 Ky, I,me i! I' .VKd'l ,\ ••cpTfri A. UH \bJ Iff' 1 f\J p«— rr. n i EL Mi IL y FOR THE LADIES! S ,, The fieaj ,'H| I iu-i.riit/'ti jVlont tily in t':.- World. 115"«Jts. A N UMBER. "2.4O I Year. (KnI Mi, ]-, |-JS i'lii i/ilM SENT FREE To «Terr p-rMAn f.ilnrriMnj t'1 t1""' XKK* I'bm for OK- y.'»r i Full dir»£tionj go In# w"11 STILL TN0THE PROPOSITION' We will acnrl frt-a to «»ery je»T'7 JJ thf Wkkki rrnvith.* i*8Kik, ||.30, a sut of tlio WORKS OF CHARLES DiGKEN In Twelve Largo Number The twel»« numbers c^nt i faw.m, works, .wh 0118 of "b',"UTHa ciiuri.n!', aM r.Ugj, D«TI1 oppprflcM. Onr M" 4 0 IIrulit Ailv iru'», Tlu- pri... or llu- t«o pul»li« atioiis. Mclioln* Mrkclby, I'.""1'',,'!. „irk IV Jlarli- hjiFlrinI. rl Hard Tlir.M and th« SI5"tpit''* 40 utj..1 Olltrr Tnlut and VJ-uib* lin^'' 1, A T.lo ur Two '"iT'c *le Old Cnrloaity Shup 0IU year. "It has nn.rr nrticl.-B In .n.-h „ntlI|)(.r TU* ONCE M0R ti „lt nr.( r.-ft.!ul.l.- ami fcw.T iminlor.-.tmR png. 1 him any olii8coutHm|i(wrie»." Itofton .Imirnui "Tho COSMOPOLITAN" furnM.e8 fur the first time in MnKiizine Literature. A s I'IjENDID IjjLi STKA'I'KD PERIODICA1. T'. cf.'rv pt-rvn wlio wi.1 Montlih' Milwrii'li"" to l!"' wn will iii-t UI-' "The Horse »a'r ,.Er, 20*34 By Rosa IVniht ur, Tb«~e ere tbe grent*t nffors e«' Bc.WH]iaptr. Address lie Weekly Pioneer fr ST. PAUL. M2NN. PATENTS Caveats and Trade -Marks 1'atent business coii'hM'teii ,.teI)t Our office is opposite I .'.jnie*" we can secure {..tteiits in a l'"'\ ',..!1n| 1 COSt tli.tii tlnis.- remote 'ro" 1 ltll ., Send model, drawing or 11 ula lile seription. We advise, it on *If Iree ui charge. Our tee noi "u is secured. A little (wok, "How to with names ot clients In or town sent tree. Adrtr^ i 8ecure Co8luoPolitaa t«nd Herald-Ad- 1 Opposite Patent Oiii» t.