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••'S-i'te/, •. VOL. Sil IVOL. A to the vL 1 'jit* lU'nr^^ l,y rs^'iK^i] 'if,'ii*ra M,, {.'it®, r.: ii rp'er 'ii!! •WA* 1 r^n tlx-ia«t i l!U- n U ii3 IV Tf 1*.* iTHEl ON!, NO. N1» i AI' I &i s i i i VI \ijJiOA I 'I IM 1 A tabic 51. A s. A s i V U u a i fJS| ,, I i u |»li v llllllcv, «J«,lC. gllt-nu. Wt! M' I Ml' I'PDt Iftl 1') Liu IMI'.nkai'O Ml I i' \i fcsijjui, 1: fw .'ii a" ifltltjht 'o: l-'Ol V Oi'l'SV J'.tSV ,. I"- !Ot 1 l»»E ..i'llili I Oi-d., Ii'lui -i .! Ills!., Will. .li-'I.i i ^oiun.i-si.. Aihiitor ci |jtpr .'I i t*+• t.4s I. '1 -1 imiitv aud I'rul'iti' .fmi^•• I I. i. I'rensurei -J S. Katley. ^lipri li .) Kt'U- iH't rk ni t'mat —.!. I. I'• •illllt I "»1 W 1'" i» rK'" "l 1 11 11 !«ruwr— I 'i 1 I'.! •1 .ourrty iMit I «3'F: I!V lo 1 11" lefk- J. U r-Hsmier- oiklV.'i 1 itV Jmtl" •tr Att.ii lllf'IIIIMi srd i\li*i'« |i K W I', li\ M' I In- I w 1) LT1* I"1 iho Vltl r|p«i. nil lii'«fr r.o C',5 t,: :r,i3 :airl |!3C3* I -VI.V \N N. Mwts \'ii Tnisdiiy CVCIIMM. 'h Hall. i-iii114 liretlirtjn cm.:. I Ki. Lit AM i I. I.'" M.Uf. S«»«. 1 iiAMJ All.UV oi' 'i 111-: kh!". JiU' iVlnus* «*very mutiul ami lourlli -sS-i'i.. a ji. in. stiat'ji, at tli« I'uiirl li ctiiiirutU'S vis.titi^ mir nity- art? nivil' i... with us. ii \V. iil'i"1 i'HuS. Kill n, AitjlltiUlt. ». VV.- Metis first sunt tliUNi 'M tlav «'vrnhii4s tit t'iiili lliolitll ill fialt. Visiting tu'etlirt'ii a' a ,,«'nti 1'. in. All ni«'iiil«*rs til tli(Jtuilt'l' III'1i it !.v invited, H. A. .IdiiNHnv, 'k!'! i nn i •I"K 11 oem:, (nut TKMS. 1"i»g 0. O. li. —Mwtrt every Friilajf at .Vlasonii' liull, aiiii extPU'l-. :i tl"ilial invitation to visituu nn-i.iti-rr! YYM. Ito. «KttS, C. T. UI-smk Thomjls, Hec. rs»*:. ATHOLK Service Lawrence hui'ch every Siiixiav and Imiv lia.y tit :-'0 h. m. HKV. Fatlior Sle|ih!iut l'rifnt. at ill I^IUST M. fi. hurcli. —I'roaching pv«*ry Sunday at lil:t.ia. m. aud 7:4."i p. in. Jdwortli League t.:H0 p. m. Song service il' 1». ui. Himday school t'2 in. 1'rayer \i»mnu: Wednesilays 7:J0 I. UI. UKV. W. K. tiiKKoMD. 1'iistor. I l'THUR,AN—Service oocanioii*I—in tli# Norwegian language &t the church Hit 't.30p. tu. KKV. J. H. STOKUB, Miiiistur. pPISCOPAI,—Service in Library Hall first Suuday ot eaoli month at 10:45 a. m. ai "lp. tii. K«v.J M.McUumii uiiiciat ''Bg. fsrii I'm !,'|. For tin For tin Fur tin For liie For t!i. IK.'W A m-a! U.-r ditnjui' tasks. to do. ait .in' tpl- I, »1 I"' i \V:...» V. I ,1 \V.,.i i I .in W'.l, b»ri«v tit. i i 11:::n s i:: IIOVA!, Aii»-it MA".r.- *t: 1 hap'. \,, U. .-Mi!!'-1 i''i" ti .. •foml ami i.'iiriii -TIIIIWHUIV «»l i-.tnh lit' i:'ni 11. in V ,-itnii! «'4iiii p:mi"ii t'• f' 'itp I. A. .1. lu.tisi:!'. U l*i I" IdiiN 1'i.l-ULA* mm !£S IJ'-.V A MM.UANK L' VV x» Stitifd tuoptniuc »t II-1' ril TIIUIN.Ihv cvciiiii^ il mt.'li un 'Miog briAlirmi arerinilixlly m' 1 nl. J. iKNAI'I-, W •i. Tiros. L. IJOOCK, S«HT»'t:irv. San tli'.ir i w:!1! I III 'A'!, !,. Ai til. Mill I '. i burn.s. an ir. far (li/wii iii tin* {'ielur.'Mi ever^r i !••'. •1. touch!iii: ir HI her li i years I) iiiotlifrly swci uii'ss 'ruin \"L' ai i ii!.. ijio tt-r i U-i.r as i I'm I'-i -i. li a 1 «iI this lit I.I. I. fii'lil* tain^! 1 l-i' lui «l!' fir lind J.i '...'' ~i'i1 till* 1. '. 111 11". ead tacod and ir i... t-arefrdly iir. i I vitit's. tlit'ii iaiti a n i i't U!v iiivi:.':. "... JuSlis, Ivctoi'dt'l', C. Ii- UUoVEU, Al. W t»K 1j. K.._ SKI»I VVK'K DlVlSHiN N -1 jt.'j. .McHsiii Si tiiiici'' Hall, Milti.u I. 'T 'II a. HI. Hit* lisMT amt tliirii SIIHILIIY «it F.N-i •JlHTltli. i ATTIII'.Wfi, li .' i-i'!STA i£ Kosb, SPP \RUKR OH P.AII,\VAJ' (.'OMK' I 'roKs MIIII.'LIIIC I II v lsi MI .No. Hi*. Mi-i-Is lit \f i 8.mi. Hull cvi-rv sviui toiirtli r~.u11• 1 i\ y -1C "I v. JAfK. I-.r i:i I i 1 t.ik- i av.liv Hta !•.!.• Wiillia i i She MI i n: v .! :dlv l!i lei! li aw a oil to their ml o.i lierrv 1 nt a Maall A-rai' in Oat not i person was in .sijrlit. Lvery body ext-ejit i^rl-.a s the indiff-n-nt monntaiii!': rs i) id dtuibtli'ss foiln .ved ihf esanipleof Peter rlumpliiiis Her steps did not falter, however, as She upproaehed tho traek, waving her i Rliawl as a signal lor them to stop. The conductor saw her. slopped tin' train and helped her aboard. He could -not avoid noticing how neat she was, and though she must have been over 70 years old how sprightly she \VUK. "Whereto?" he asked kindly, ha\ing I seated her comfortably in the train, i "Ter Pittsburg." she replied, taking cut an old fashioned reticule. Opening i it she disclosed her knitting and a clean, M11. .\ NK. I i)A Y. ,\ t\ '"1" I I Ill t!l* ].• sr. ii led i:i .h 'ar- ,I I A" I. I I I :l I' 1 I -.v fro!ii p. (ii-i'i. i 111 ll.T llic M't and la 1 VVl'll. whicli ami i nt -1 with mint. il"r, fli HTM !l rilU" a?. i.i.t i ,. tu:' a li'. I :i' i!i I.: i-i'.. I w i •, i -Ui. •. t. s .'i a i•. •. i r' 11 I ,• i her j.*: I -.1 it .a' aw a i has jrii jnly wa." happiuos i. an* laoiiii .a wr. I'm 1. 1.! i -i bfiitcii path that. finiti!) ,' tik' hcrnitiftil wi 1 foot the niomitaiiix. Thru picking iuT wav Hrrons ji limpid trout, stri'am filic rt':ii'Il-*l cl'ii-si'i'. uli. 'i lii.- Maui often stopped lo pn-k up r,.: ii -v pn fien^r"rs. ••I r.-i'ki.-ii Peter an' his wif'e'd sur' swear :s i l.e cra.:y if they'd fciteli me." she said, glaiic ti)^ Hpiirelit-nsively alxm. her, as if uln- rs^rtf.l see a ptivsn.-r. il I in ci\ ii/. "Well fllll 1 1 1 i. .1. i i i v -I I li.'. .1 -v i 11' hi* wa i. Si] ts Carrick f:. 1 k"t for hi- hi..', aiivl h»s lam- ilv, and pjne to liijxoiiier »o the "doings. •She had not waited morij tlui:i a Iialf hour when a heavy, rumbling soi. ..d fell on her wr-, Tiie train comimi! How her poor old heart leaped as the phrill whistle resounded aruon ,' those laurel enameled hills! i 1 "Then thcr i ifh I w ii 11 i: ir .1 '.Vr.l t. iiid i'i 1: .i th.'v i i ••,•!••.- on ii Hut" s'k::i]»i4 i out as i'l better ry runnin' erway ei 1 wanted ter irit my ii up in th.'f inhane lioti-" fur add!•• 1 •-!d wo!:n".i "i"n ii IVter an' her tillk.-d MIIV!I 'i• 11I me tin w iy 1 i .ipiaii)i"! .. .. i.i that I jest li"M ii: '.' I I 's w.iitin' my tim •. wii- li t\,'V '.VIIall gone fritm ther farm a d-.i'i'- 1 r- n off with a t' v.* ?..!•• a. tar :'i-r w. -t an'...ark:" and i h.-r i!• r.vital }ie :id ii'TVtuMv in i i i. y i N o cotton hii:idk cliief whieh vi. Mrs. 'i oaipk.v.-' lv: «ila- i.-l: ir H- 'isi.,1. WI rvii, r- k o I s answered iiopft'uily. "T11• iiiit* 1 athei aii: that s't i bright. i" ^tar ter guide tiiem three men the desert in th -fur i i-! stiil v.-aii-in's iiv.'i' this strayin'nhi-( p. aii' will :ui lead m- 111V Jill'ii." i AV ell. mot.ier, ef ver 11 let nn- I lie "i i -. i -i Peter i ompkuis." .'oin ter help ver hud Jack, s,-ml Silas. .... ,, I I I As .»U.IN (..tri'iek re i She carried his big. toil worn hand to 1 1 Silits V'iirrii'k wa- like a son to the lone old woman. When they arrived at Den ver he placed her under tho care ol a •4 Pr tfo I -I in 'i..k 1.1' I- 1 i 1 -i got i*.e:.ipt ,d"'p of a" of Jack's hand and 1 her lace and pressed Iter litis to it. And ,. „, ,, 1 1 1 1 u e e y e s i i a e v e a e a k i n v n a u e tiie pro:uo' was accepted and sealed. .. ,* 'U Hit the be felt salislK"! that ttia mother would never lack for 1 ve an 1 tiv.' St aft 'iition ironi lj:?r Jack. A t.'r 'I'., ii onb 11 help i !.::!! I u.'ider i'.' iMe st. ii,- ML- !. i.i.- 1 I Good 1 1 lerj sa 11 hall buy ii \'iii mid (iiii'lly buy ^•"Id gt.ntlenian i esehewn f..t t'll I :.,i -.elf with a lie, i hand in her boii 1 !ur tsearrh- v.* aring a long ai'r.'-.ii'-.eriient of .: -"ii ribbon on her in on to the turkeys the crov.d. As she fjv'table stall, under her gorgeous head luesque face form a the forest of green ta ti Mriki: itr.-i behind her, aud a painter who could utilize till.' sccno ought to make a small foi .ime out r.f t. Ij-.isv i.- tlj^ i:!:. i'.r. during th« day they are tell i:io:x: busy dttr iti'r the e\ening. Along the gat.lit aisles of Wiisliingtou market passes a great throng of mrin a: v. omc:i, their eyes fixed on tho long lines of decorated ttir keys chickens, ducks !inl geese, and their car.'. apiKirently deaf to the honeyed invitations of the blue shifted plethoric dealers, who are neier tired of expatiat ing on tho succulence, freshness und general beauty of their goods. Now i tu key of her tu! at o •nt or and 1 fowl -a! l.s- i:...- itt is dis where- .ma i' i.-o not is so 1-f •y pro c-leer turkey in. but v.- th:\t i iiw.ay i ". go.ui ui hasei-s i ie spirit .1' ithered i selfish '.it on tiie t'il'l oil good i iriveiy i:iil hearts I well fed II town or .•• isity to thiiuk p.- -^yerity -t d- .e true Hot of thank 8o ail day forth l"il« u 1 II .mica s.^h «•. tl e wo' •INSuit Han uplu., Cii's. i' ever i -. iitid powi lei oi 11 etl. It ^at i»f:n't ion. i-en is I'er of Tii- e w s us to aimjit the right Uhcu"! v»: 'i lioiJs, car 'Jlt.'.T tu* '.IIetlib C1'U[ ivsiilts ol .Nature's et inis and clicii' iiiiiuer show jiii-niuy that the li Itirau^li Ui. skin of is tlio lctiii inate work t'VH to remove. To re iiicir proper iunotions, i- tiie nu'iiit iin.' requireu. '•..-t hiiin'f can compare -'.ilj' WHO have gaiued Freedom iv ot (K-jnavi-it blood ty ttie '•lite. u s 1 was i-fflic!-tl with a skill I not j.i-rlil to nay remedy Hit- t.'trj Ayer's Narsa i of tins liieiiictne tho !. It is iiiv I'clicf that Imve eflected Mire." Andres i -t litp.K. Mexico. .. i eie! with pim i could lind no vycr's fSnrsapa -'vlt Mood HH'tli i-iu'-. i'.ir ti(H-ut|y safti'itu- ii.iiu similar Joncor1. i. Ciii ,T. C, /.* .% CO., Lowell, Maaa. i J.'.. Wu:lii$."n bottle. .Milbiiiik .Meat Uliirket. kin-i- i »iul Halt Moats 1 u:i 1 it v to be I I ii!'etI, alvKyfT 11 !. Ti v iiiv sausages, t1"' l.'iiea. M2W BLAOKSMITKSIIOP Open for Business vpei iii! iiit.-nhoii givn to Horse Shoeing and Piou- Ri pairing General Blacksmithing of all kiudsaone oa ahort notice I ALL WORK WMRANTED. FRED RUSSELL Prop, Fourth Aveutio North M-F. Church.