Newspaper Page Text
jW 7$ V 4 11 KHALI)-ADVANCE. W. W. DOWiNIK, Editor hik! Publisher. MILBANK, 7 s Di Epitome of the Week. INTERESTING NEWS COMF1! \T:GN. DOMESTIC. The suspension 1'. \V. Gallaudet fc JV*., Wall street brokers, was announced on the New York Stock Exchange. Tho liabilities wero estimated at .*1.000,(WO. iik Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis railway recorded a 375,000, (W0 mortgage at I'eru, Ind., in favor of tho Now Y'ork Trust Company on all its leased and operated lines west of Pitts burgh. Tiik citizens of Mandan, N. I)., were provided with arms and ammunition, and wero in readiness for any outbreak that might occur among the Indian*. Tnic Michigan Masonic Homo at (irand Itapids has been completed. It cost #~x,000 and has accommodations for 100 inmates. A Klin in a suburti of «t. Augustine, Fla., destroyed lumber of the East 1'lorida Land & Produce Company, an English syndicate, valued at Slot),00). Comi'amics of troops from Fort Omaha and Fort McKinney left on the 18th for the scene of tho Indian trouble in North Dakota, and it was said that soldiers from Fort Niobrara and Fort Robinson would join them. iik attempt to remove the capital of Oklahoma Territory from Guthrie to KJ ngfisher failed. 1' 1.amks destroyed a large sugar re finery on the Ponto Palms plantation at Hon ma. La. Loss, Sioo.oou. 14. T. Meadows, of Itiedsoe, Tenn., Bold his farm and all his possessions, and intended to make his future home in Texas, but while silling by the fire counting his wealth a door opened and blew his all into the (ireand it was con sumed. Tun gablo end of the new St. Mark's Episcopal church at Cleveland, O col lapsed, and Herrit Morton was instantly killed and two other men were fatally injured. In Izard County, Ark., .Tack Brans COtlib and two .young ladies, aged 15 and 17, respectively, daughters of I)r. Ham- inr. mm ui Jtagsaan llton, were diowned by the upsetting of Oklahoma Citv, O who boat. .1. a boat. Tiik Waterbury (Conn.) Button Com pany have advanced the wages of ivory button-lurnors 10 per cent. At the meeting in Chicago or ihe Na tional commissioners of the world's fair it was decided that tho exposition should bo located on the Lake Front and at Jackson Park. 1st a runaway accident at Wichita, Kan., Gus Uomerio and John Kimmorlo sustained fatal injuries. John, a Chicago real-estate dealer, was robbed of $100,000 worth of deeds, notes and mortgages, tho thief taking them from a box under a seat in bis buggy. Fisaxk Vokky, a cabinet-maker re siding at Pullman, III., shot and killed his wife and himself. Jealousy was the cause. At Springfield. 111., the National As sembly. F. M. It A., elected W. J. Still well, of Fort Hranch, Intl., as pres ident. The secretary reported the total number of lodges in the United States as 4,047, with a membership of 107.785. Captain Francis L. Noiiton'.h fifty eight-foot steam yacht with ten persons on board left New York on the I9th for Toulon, France. Joseph Boyd, of Kansas City, Mo., fatally shot his wife and child and then killed himself. Poverty caused the deed. A fihk at Evanston, 111., destroyed Turner's livery stable, and seventeen horses were burned to death. Tiik first annual meeting of the Na tional Non-Partisan Women's Christian Temperance Union commenced at Pitts burgh, Pa., on tho mh. Abb tho leading manufacturers of harvesting machinery in tho country met in Chicago and consolidated under the name of the American Harvester Company, with a capital of $35,000,000. At a meeting in Cleveland the Nickel plate railway managers decided to ad vance the wages of conductors, baggage men and brakemen. TIIK members of the firm of Tong Yoong & Co., an extensive Chinese mer cantile house in San Francisco, fled to China with JUO.OOO. the wages of "4) Chinese fishermen who recently re turned from Alaska, leaving the fisher men penniless. At tho sale of horses owned by ex Congressman Scott at New York Bolero, a 2-year-old, was sold to Philip Dwyer for 000. St iidEojf Oknkkai, Hamilton in his annual report takes a decided ground against tho existing immigration law and makes a strong argument for the restriction of immigration. Fifteen in sane persons and eleven idiots were re ported by the medical officer among the immigrants arriving at New Yorit dur ing the year. THE jury in tbe Rev. W. F. Pettit wife-poisoning case at Crawfordsville, Ind.. returned a verdict of guilty, fix ing the punishment at imprisonment for life. E. Skaoi.d, of Charlotte, Mich., at tempted to kill his wife and then com mitted suicide. Domestic trouble was the cause. A. M. Loftus shot and killed his father, B. C. Loftus, near Gainesboro, lenn., in a personal difficulty, accident ally killing his brother at the same time. Iiik International Law and Order League met in annual session at Pitts burgh, Pa., on the 20th. Haknkv's Hotel and eight dwellings at Nanticoke, Pa., were burned. Ihk board of lady managers of the World's Columbian Exposition effected a permanent organization by tbe election of Mrs. Potter Palmer, of Chicago, as president, and Miss Phoebe Couzins, of 8t. Louis, secretary. At tho session of the Non-Partisan Woman's Christian Temperance Union s S. ,• 'f!!-r .a ih« I iMiu' Cuy lianic at Rochester, N. V., secured $20.0u0 in money sent to tho bank by express and made his escape. JOHN F. I'J.A K I :, mayor of Canton, O., a leading miller, made an assignment, with liabilities of {?"o,ooa TIIK, business failures in the United States during the seven days ended on the 21st numbered *i~4, against 2(i(5 the preceding week and 277 tho correspond ing week last year. '111 k death of Maria L. Perry at Whit man, Mass., disclosed the fact that for twenty years she and Lucy A. Lobdell had been living together as man and wife. Hkivman- ISkckkuts one of the richest and best known distillers in Kentucky, dropped dead from heart disease at Louisville. A.v Eastern commercial agency re ported that notwithstanding the tlnan cial troubles in New York the general business of the country continued large. 1)k. CHAIU.E8C. Annoi r, of tho Uni versity of Pennsylvania, in a lecture in Chicago gave many instances that had come under his observation of the abil ity of animals to think and even reason. Emm- freight cars were hurled over a trestle on the Meriden railroad near Meriden, Conn., throe men being fatal ly hurt AT Webster, Fla., Deputy United States Samuel Le Strange was shot to death by 14. E. ISurford, whom he sought to arrest for violation of tho postal laws. I DISI'A T* m:s of the 21st from the Pine Ilidgo agency in South Dakota reported an extremely critical condition of af- fairs. Tho Indians continued their crazy dances, and several chiefs had ut- I tered threats against the whites. The I few hundred troops that had reached the agency were said to anticipate n attack from fi,u00 to 8,000 well-armed redskins at any moment. IT was reported that Jay Gould had secured contiol all the great rail ways west of the Mississippi river. •Tark Mai-i.ivs (colored was hanged at Knoxville, lenn., for criminal as sault. and Dorsr-y Edwards (colored) was executed at Ymzoo City, Miss., for the murder of his v. ife September."* lust. TIIK Treasury Department at Wash ington has decided that grain taken to Canada to be ground can not be re turned to the United States without payment of duty. TIIK firm of Ragsdale & Co., of have banks at Guthrie, Norman, Kingfisher and El Reno, in that Territory, failed to open their doors, and announced that all pay ments were suspended. In a battle with horse-thieves near Cairo, Ivan., two of the robbers were shot dead by the officers. A PicffMAis and fatal disease was raging among cattle and horses in Ore gon and adjoining counties in Missouri. Over 10(1 horses had died, and tho dis ease baffled the skill of the veterinary surgeons. A1 New Orleans the grand jury re ported finding true bills against, th6 seventeen men under arrest charged with the murder of Chief of Police David C. Hennessv on October 15. Commoioi i Im»i.wkh, of the ordnance 5 bureau of the Navy Department, re ports that tests of nickel-steel have !"'ov"d successful, and that it may l.o confidently anticipated that nickel--"(eel will enter into the composition of pro jeet.ilos. I'MTF.n Status Maksiiai. Wihtk and bis deputies returned to Charleston, S. C*, from a big raid on tho moonshiners of the interior mountain counties and brought in forty-three prisoners. 1 hi*, boiler in Lupton s sa»v-mill near i Catlettsburjf, Ky., exploded and killed .lames Lupton, W. E. Morg and Smith Hosmer. In a drunken row at Eagle Rock, Idaho, Jasper Yarber completely tramped the eyes out of John Bayliss, an old citizen. Tiik Twenty-sixth Ward Bank in Brooklyn, N. Y., was robbed of $5,000 in broad daylight by the old trick of calling the cashier outside on the plea that a customer had a nervous horse which he could not leave. Thk base-ball losses during the past season were: Plajers' League, 9135,000 National League, 8:231,000. Nkaisi.y a million dollars in Aus tralian gold sovereigns were deposited and melted down at the San Francisco mint. Tiik Census Bureau at Washington has paid 2,i,000of the 4\000 enumerators. They have received £:i.450.000. at which rate the pay of the enumerators alone will amount to $7,000,0)0. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Tiik Wyoming Legislature on the 18th elected their second United States Senator, the fortunate candidate being Governor Francis E. Warren (Rep.), Joiin IlrssKi.i, Yoi'N who is one of the best-known newspaper men in America, was married in New York to Mrs. Mary D. Davids, of Philadelphia. Tiik Georgia Legislature 011 the 18th elected Governor John B. Gordon Dem.) to the United States Senate to succeed Joseph G. Brown. Tiik official vote of Kansas at tho re cent election, for Governor, was as fol lows: Humphrey (Rep.), U5.l-„4 Willi.t« (Alliance). lOO.lMH Robinson (Dem.), 71,208 Richardson (Pro.), 1,147. Humphrey's plurality, 8.1«1. Tiik official count of the votes cast in Cook County, 111., in the last election show the election of Gilbert (Rep.) for sheriff over Lawler (Dem.) by a ma jority of 817. Chicago will bo repre sented in the next House by three Dem ocratic Congressmen and one Repub lican. Chicago's oldest citizen, Michael Kel ly, was buried on tho lsth at the ex treme old age of 103 years. Tiik official vote of the State of Mis souri at the recent election gives (Jaunt (Dem.) for Supreme Judge a majority of 85,094. Gknkhal Thomas S. Mathkk died at Springfield, 111. He was Adjutant General of Illinois during the war and signed General Grant's first commision. Mits. Ei.i-zaukth Fikiikk, an actress, and an aunt of Joseph Jefferson, died at waa Nelv,y,or!t' r0"el«Jted ®Ked 80 u V ^Kiun •"•«., aifca »u years. Mie sup* at ituburgh, I a., Mrs. h. J. Phinney, ported Edwin Forrest as Pauline in the dant *Clil yoa™- She sup- presi* 1 Aral production in this country of "Tbe 1 L*dy of Lyons." ill Ml AliMllMI, 1.1 VI a S. i I. I s~ United States navy (retired), died at Philadelphia, aged 81 years. Tiik official canvass of the vote at tho recent election in South Carolina shows that R. Tillman (Dam.) was elected Governor by a majority of 44,ii.'?l over A C. Haskell. tho Independent Democratic candidate. Democrats also elected the six Congressmen by majorities ranging from :i,500 to 9,00o. (inVKUNon-Kt.Kf'T Horn, of Nebraska, has received oflicial notico that hiselec tion is to be contested by tho Farmers and Independents. Coi.onki. Hkvkui.v Ken von, of Wash ington, tho inventor of tho circular fort adopted by tho Governmert at tho last session uf Congress, died in the streets of Brooklyn, N. Y., from hem orrhage. FOREIGN. A woman of Thann, Alsace, fearing that her live children would starve to death, cut their throats and then killed herself. A fioiit occurred at lona and Lunda, which arrived in En rope from Canada, lost a total of 1.3+3 cattle overboard during tho voyago on account of storms. The brother LATER NEWS. Tbe Ciazy Rtxtakiitft. Washington, Nov. 23.—Tho war de partment has authorized the number of Indians scouts in tho Department of the Dakota to be increased to 5()0 men. 1 hey will be selected from among the Indian police and other disciplined In dians in the department. The law lim its the number of Indian scouts to and the result of this order will be to place most of them at the seat of threat ened trouble. The latest reports from Pino Ridge, Neb., are to the effect that the trouble up there has passed its most serious phase. Many of the least frenzied of dancers have ceased their orgeries and only tl." most vigorous persist in the exercise. 'l'hoj still danco with arms in hands or close by. Specials to tho Bismarck Tribune from Standing Rock agency are to this effect: to-day, tho a^'d, was ration day at the agency, and all but about fifteen or twenty of the male Indians accredited to the reservation were present to re ceive their share of Uncle Sam's good things. The squaws to about that number came alone, but were refused rations unless accompanied by the other half of tbe (Household. The telegrams say that the Indians aro all quiet, and accept rations as usual. A scout named William McGaa ar rived at I':ne Ridge agency on the 23d, and claims that he overheard some In lians talkrng of a scheme to entrap the soldiers. It is where the White Horse creek empties into the Wounded Knee, and lies in something of an amphithea tre sh-ape. The only practical way of leading to the spot, is by a road that fol.ows along the bank of White Horse creek. Upon either side of this road and creek are dense clumps of trees, so many as to almost form a wall on either side of the approach. The plot is to have a ghost dance in this amphithea tre, and have the woods on either side of the road full of Indians, when the military comes up to stop tiro il-ince ar.d they would be easily shot down by tho Indians in ambush on either side. Tin: King of Holland, William III, died on the 33rd. For many weeks he has been insane. He ascended tbe throne in 1849. and was 73 years «ld at bis death. He leares one child a daughter about ten years of age. The cause of his death was softening of the brain. At Berlin, Germany, Emperor Wil Ikivn on the 22d conferred tho grand cross of tho Red Eagle upgn Prof. Koch for tho discovery of the consumption cure. i Bistriz, Transyl vania, between the opposing members of one of the churches there, and six persons were killed and sixteen injured PisiNTKss Victoria, of Prussia, sister of Emperor William, was married at Berlin to Prince Adolph, of Sehaum burg-Lippe. A pack of wolves in India killed and devoured forty persons who were en I gaged in watching cattle. The victims i were mostly children. 1 iik court a Clonmel, Ireland, sen tenced Messrs. 1 O'Brien and Dillon who aro now in this country, to one year's imprisonment each. l'liicsiDKNT Bocsban, of Honduras, in a general order thanks American vol unteers for their assistance quelling the Sanchez revolution. Ihk cattle ships e i e i of the King of Corea, who was arrested as the leader recent conspiracy to Bulgaria ,ve received u 1 ,rcc, Esea- of the murder tho Kin„. was put to death and his head exposed 1 on the chief gate of Seoul. Gi:\i. w. Boom is stumping England in the interest of his scheme for the ro lief of eat Britain's poor. At Brad ford $15,000 was contributed. I Dispati iiks received from the Congo State say that the Baptise mission's steamboat Peace, which was Physicians stationed on the upper Congo river, had been con fiscated by the officers of the Congo I State. in Berlin agree a Dr. Koch's tuberculosis remedy for con sumption proves effective only in the I tieatmcnt, of mild caies of the disease. Louis Cyit broke the dumb-bell record at Montreal by putting up 100 pounds with ono hand from the shoulder twenty-seven times, against 100 pounds twenty times, the previous rneord. Tiik Governments of Turkey and a The two cashiers notification that the United Slates will, create a diplomatic agency at Sophia. Tiik German Government, has decided to provide a hospital for the reception of Dr. Koch's consumptive patients. Tiik Government has issu»d a prod a mation forbidding demonstrations in any part of Ireland on the anniversary of the execution of Allen. Lirkin and O Lrien, the "Manchester martyrs." of a Warsaw nk were murdered and robbed (J r,:..ou(J rubies on a Vienna train. Fifty seamen and firemen ..n o o k Packet o a n y s v e s s e s i a n mire and Cormorant were sentenced to imprisonment for one month for break ing the articles of agreement In joining in a strike. v FOR JAUKbUN PARK. for the World's Fair Exhibit en That Portion i)f Ihe Site. iiii'Aoo, Nov. 2:2.— Plans and specifi cations for the world's fair buildings will be presented to tho National com mission to-day. The local directory adopted them Friday. Their approval is the last act necessary to be taken by tbe commission to secure the Presi dent's proclamation to tho world an nouncing that the world's fair is on. Tho report of the directors ttte Na tional commission says: V an of builtltii vrhi-ii pos.Hib.e, the park com From the la?oon above mentioned a canal will continue the waterway southward along the main liuild.ns* and into the lar^e basin whim is to form the renter of a great court aioiit which the principal buildiinrs of tlie ex position are to be grouped. The banks of these land locked bodies of water are to bo finished in ways appropriate to the vai ions localities through which they pass, llroad terrae-s and landings win be needed wh -re the lagoon opens in»n the lake from both the tlsheries and the ioverr.nient erliinits, whilM the shores of the is.and have informal ouliim-s maslieu with foliage. The bord-Ts of the canal and the ba in of the court are to be treated, formally with embankments of stone or brick, surmuuntod by parapets or balustrades of -lone, iron, brick or terra rut!a. ami opi ning upon -top- and laudiu.'- hero and there where boa: inp parties may land. According to instructions we have ... ,i the agricultural, and live-stock exhibits in . Southwestern portion of the park, wlier t', a a U v y i a n w e e litttre a main biit 1( jnig is to be and arrangement adapted to 1 nis artm.-iu and having an pendent heating plant. or li\e Mod tin- buildings are to h" a'. 1 ed to the needs as sh ili xpjivs ., having this department in ir/e j., tlierewUl be housing tor a-. 1 1' te-idants and hospitals lo tv- a .'.1. the importance of the agricultural live-Mock exhibits, it is the "intention of t' •doners to make tl-ese «lep U carr-'-n .Hiul detail to irt:.rm !nX ,on nu,,uun an,j "The adininiM'-ation building is to c-.v. man\ fuuctions. among them that of a station foi ah transportation lines ent.-ri,,., the a -ratio!' tm re extensive than anv"t,ow This group of buiklinss—nampiv tho .»-t ministration, the nuiehincry, ihf nnnr i-t rtio bxhtiriR ready to fight. MartHng Kimioi s Iroin urions Points lit Hie Drtkotn Kesprvntion- l»l«|:itehes Nut HeasiiirniK Hccelvcil »t H'usliinjjton. W ysiiiNoTo.N, Nov. 36-—The follow* [tie* telegram bearing upon tbe situa* at Pine Hidgo Agency has been ved at the War Department: 1 qiftco. 111. Nov :.1. .1 1 It is intended to u»o all ef Ja I 'ark tor purposes of the fair. le »virtj the imiirove.l earts much as possible in th• 1 present condition. Thf unnnproved part is to bo laid out hi a nrttn ner appropriate to tlie wli and at the s un" limp to fi Hie lines uiready laid dei missioners. "Iu Kenera! the .pres.,, be further extended and to ti'V"inf an interior lagoon. Inclosed in this lagoon is an island covered with an extensive I tody of native wood. It is an essential point of tlie feaeral dedfrn that it shrll be preserved and made the ba.sis of natural landscape to supply an episode of scenery in refreshing relief to the grauduur uf the buildings. 1 VsiV," ins' it will contain the hi a iminlstra ti,.n foic.'S, for hie.rmation, tor pola-e fire transportation, public comf rt. exoerditnre IUs^bere'o^nheaiKjuartersrfn!llarri hHT ther 1'^i oses. Ills tn« 11 .ore whe visitors will arrive, au fl ,| lo lllv they may 1 ave and depart, ami where a.! f.. and employes report aud take their orders lire machinery hall, which will be hir -er Chme'ryli th.1"'' ""l '"'U' ™v,r c.ilm rj in the ordinary sense, but will furnish a gieat central open stjaco spanned with wide trusses. Where there shall be the t'I .-'j possible for the display of the dilj, portation exi.ibits, '"'S" "The main building for manufacturers is to be arranged in plan to cover many func- iool In it cither on the K ui.d-tlo. 1 canal ami'™ theiai-e' to 'boVl, ar. to be special, isolated rooms for judges or or special societies or committees. HereVre 1 r0om, towarU th( Hie ono for electricity is to lx» -1.,., 1 not only for povve house i,! but to be especially for all displays and' ,.„n tt sts for tntiuufiieiurin* utui uf t»i «»r u i n h" by daytr"iS of the exposition will be bv to be made under foundation's ,,nd and p„ssn„y uml llH lakfi Until it IS determined how much Ivol U be used on the hake Km,,,. r'aced on the i^^., Illinois Oitdl''ell(«rs' Orphan H„me HPni«FiKi.r». 111., Nov. 23.-The tr„» 11"™ a meeting Friday for the pur pose oi organizing, fifteen of tho sev,.nteea trustees being nnx{'8'ba':,i' "'««minRton: 1 reasurer, Mrs. Jennie Tickner, of Rock ford. 1 be trustees decided to com mcnicH the erection of the home early noxt spring and adjourned to meet at the call of the president. iljutint Om-ral K liulile information •ecened that the Yanktot.s anddrosven -in Upper Missouri, a Wo thosi llelknap I llelknap. Inni Messiah cra/.e, and the latter art ugly that Siuftu Hull bus sent sartes to these tribes and the forty eight lodges north of the Hritish line, exciting them to get arms and ammunition and join the other war riers near the Black Hills in the spring effort is being made to allay and restrain the turbulent, but the violent, overt act of any 1 mihftrn in lot is to smalt party of the desperate ones may cause a i general uprising. The latest reports from the Noi tlwrn I'hryennes is that they have to aban u .'. the reservation. There has been a delay, however, in putting other tro ps than those in these two departments In proper equipment for the field. Mu ms, i "Major-General Commanding." 'Chicago. Nov. 21. -A'JJuta-ita-n ril of A* Army, li. The number of In 1 dians goin, from Rosebud agency to Pine Iiidge ag' iicy is increasing. Reliable advices show that this Messiah craze is extending to our In dians near the mountain border and between the Sioux nati a and the Canadian border. Secretary Proctor says that the sugges tion made bv lieneral 1 Wheu.ed chairs are to be always kept in attend ame liore. The buildings will be impre-sne in i" when v.eweii from this court. 1 Oppox.te the great open court a pier, to be I of such form and direction as may be hi reafter determined, wdl proj ct Into the lake about I..**! f-rt. It is to be constructed as to form a harbor for the landing of lake craft aud fori their tier safety. There is to be a large restaurant and resting-place at the outer end of this pier, with a band-stand and dancing fl or in rentier lion. The pier is iiueuded to be a most noted feature of the exposition. "Without destr. ying the improved pn-t Jackson Park on the north, the I10rt. ru e\h!bit is to be placed ihero upon the ,.J meadow. The buil. ting will be largely of i'oii aud*. and furni,hed with a pian't for pur poses of healing aud Ventilation. Tlie large op.-n green in front of the build.tig will be used for ti:e out-ot door horticulture- -eslii'- •. Miles i( iv, "•"""""i? -Teir.'d iplo rim«.tH intere in plan and appearance by all the arts at command, Ti.e Oovernme:.: furnish n,. ,, w buildings and exhit eri«j the of battleship fullv .-i.i.ipea, A campus will be left• near this point i.. Drm and Uipiay. -Aero-s the inlet, from the Gove r.ibit will Ik the buildings for the u building here as beautiful as p.,,mi.. aacewbl M} erected of durable material.- and A- U'll-detlnel rumor that take rr.o war-path to Of 11 tll Ilar rison and llushville. sending a supply of ntiskets and imt..uiiiti„„ for use in case «in Indian uprising in that locality. I I «»'K Kivkk AliKxrv. S. I)., Nov. «•._ i -eneral Hr.ioks is anxiously awaiting 1 i'».nietioms froM1 tllt, dep trtmi«nt ai Washington, which w,ro due before he he s, n"1 y'BUfiUng bll lil Zl k whether or not :t1, th.. -host dance ln* U":"r e dancing at Wounded Mne announce openly that, if the sol hack p'V'T-i 'V tUk Littl there have been thou.^u !oS 1!lff tho th ve] 7n or ,th ,n,li ins oS the soldiers' ears and othe, wiseniaim them. Every offloer on the i tho'nTy in au verv crit I** 'T" lh y, Ihe officers consider St nort .0 probable that «,«00 ans mav r' or *,cm s^eep down upon the agency at an y moment "o,y atany moment. S0 !"U a In»raclo could save us from (.usters fate" «.,i^ officer "mil 1 -V^^Tt"!:" ^ct Of 1 a an 1 1 beau: v Pro,n"tent he added "tint "i orcements will arrive before ti', '"ed devils make their break °MMIV. Neb., Nov »•'. a from Sprin" View vii "P'^ial w U to )n «„»!.. lor their visits to Jackson Park," V14 Ainsworih savs that word was reenit-o.i »i 11 ivnu thrrc th »r tlw Indians were b.uidin na creek, abou tliero, twen,*°geM,IOr or ltl0 n an ,)ln.piJS(1 ()f nillns_j,. settlements alon-r the reservation n 'own is fuii of se, i,: »^ed with household good. A?fT View. aiCd by tbe Work of th« Kltini»« at Ie« nt„r in Dkcatuh, m. s freight depot, with'itt in*- I^oss, Si:,,odd Thl p" prPSPnt Ihe board elected officers as follows' 1 restden,. Mrs. Li/.zio Morrison, of Chi cago, Nice-President, Mrs Willi. Funk, of Kloomington Secretary mI-s Treasun Knocked fruiii Train. Mkiudr.v, Conn., Nov 2-« were knocked off a tr:»f,T den, Waterburv HtAVY AILU Kan. "Mll.Es, Commander" 1 Acting Indian Commissioner Itch Fri day afternoon received the following telegram from Special Agent, Cooper at tho Pine Ridge agency: I "Newspaper reports false. Agent Itoyer is at his p- st. Indians still dancing. lY-lice re port that thirty Kos 'bud Indians have arrived at this reservation and till or 7u0 more are en route to the agency. We hope to settle this Indian craze without bloodshed." i All passenger railways, whether steam. Cable, electric or horse, will deliver passengers le the auumi 1st ration building. From this place an intramural electric elevated road will pass out through the grounds, entering buildings where deemed advisable and having coiivei.i 'lit st.Uioni wherever Le'cessaiv. It will connect with the station at Milway Plais ance and pass back to tho administration i b:iitd na by another route, thus forming a com lete ciicuit and making it easy to ^o from one piace to another without walking. Visitors in the fair wuJ collie out of the ad ui in is tration station npoti the great square, where all tl.e -paces are very broad. a.'Tordir.g an.pie om for the gathering or dispersing of lurgo crowds. Secretary Proctor carried tho dis patches to tho White House when ho 1 at tended tho Cabinet meeting at noon and lhey formed usubjoc of discussion at the meeting. Afterward Ma or 1, 1! h»field, eomiuanding the army, was in consulta i tion with the Secretary for an hour re specting the condition of Indian alTair*. RES. SI, 1.0..Ht,d in Klln, lioma, u Tr))|lble Kansas Citv, .M 0 Nov. ,, tonsivo bank failure involving no less lhan sforl concerns in tbe Southwest. 7 all practically under has ono ln 1 Details of the fil ii uro n ble. ho far as known the facta W hon Oidabotna was ,uade U^rv the Newton National j' near old unanimously adopted the quite emis Newton, Kan. establish^] thB 1 cial National lliu,k at UufhJ branches at Normal, El UenoJ water. Tho same bank An braneh at Whitewater, uutler About two a fund* monlh was mado °n th 0 no bank, but tho Newton bank tho rescue with a special train a»d mot all ilims 1 inco that time the credit of ti group of banks has been mot impaired. Tho Kansas fit, eamo alarmed at their condi withdrew their support. Friday the Newton hank w possession of by the Federal thorities. Friday tho (iuthr suspended and its doors are cl tho Whitewater concern Is iB of the examiner. Nothin" heard from tho CI I 10 Nora Stillwater banks. '1 he Newton National capital of gloo,000 ami 000. John U'-ese is president, I'lain vice-p-osidont, c. ]{, cashier and 0. A. Mcci sistant cashier. The Com men tional Hank of tJichrio was 1 bank in tho Territory to nat lis capital is said to ho SiJOO.OOC liagsdale was president, (', H, vice-president and W. l!luJ| 8P* Its correspondent American National Ha:,., I York correspondent w Hani States National Hank, Of tho Whitewater A 11 Y president, Horace Met dent and F. S. McCiain casLu [capital is S.'0,000. The asse .i that troops oilier divisions than bis own coin mand be got in readiness to reinforce bun has been anticipated. Orders have been sent to commanding ofllcers of troops as far south as Texas and Arizona and as far west as taliforma to prepare their linen for immediate movement if an emergency arises. In anv event it is the intention of tho department to 1 heavily reinforce the troops in the Da i kotas during the winter, and they will be moved in from other I divisions from time to time, ko as not to overtax transportation and supply facilities. In this way it is expected that the department will be ab.e to mass an overwhelming furce of troops at the agencies where the exeite- Newton. (Jutbrio and VVhitewati I are believed to be eijiial to tb ities, and tho bankers here say pect a settli ment will be n a.j I for dollar. Nothing is i condition of tho K1 1 f: •t:" "vv sa EM |., 1 Mi-soi«ri. is i' mni j. It was 1 i.- morning that -,,en ha.i !.... :nd sculped by Indians in Catup ourity. but th s is not credited The shenlT of Campbell Countv large body of the Missouri. '1 excited and aro 1 hat the: oast sit 1 o a e i P'lllltlg to I Mayor Moody ammunition. hi.Ni iit,\, NVA, NOV. A in appear- IJe-. .. Stillwater concerns. FINISHED ITS WORK 1 lie National K. »1. H. A. Amp Spring Held, III,, ScniMii'iKi.K, 111., Nov. -Ji-1 tiona! convention of the F. M. 11 journed Friday afternoon after lays' session. The rest):is of It, an j-gaii ie summea up in Jew w be summed up in 1 ly suppress an Indian uprising in the spring-time. Ahki:IK:-x, S 11., n from Eureka s Emmons and Campbeii fWii-iiitig in to that placf* few words. tbe ""»»™iv»u ons published was ad'opted. '1 "osotitatives to Sti:- !.• gtslatur 1 bain pored nistri left to -iv ind u-..nations. T:.e "i tho order e\. an i tho revision ... s are l? "f a Sioux 1 O 011 I most impoi •e:n«n eligible to i from 'il to I s of me 111 tiers. -i years or ulde: o order. •i 'ill P. Si 1 ... •rt,..r Mo' o»to 2:1. I haver has complied wit:, graphic requests from citiz-n, Y.l F. J. CI 1 vti- hii. i: Haynes. of K'-nti. I Kansas, and .Jane- .1 were made a eomiu 11'' ot.iier farmer organi^at confederated union. will consult with the at 1 cal.1, Fla., IJecem! :i Tl In N ii tonal Allianeo at 1 month. M. I). Coffeen, of Homer, li chosen National commissioner in of a bureau of informal on and circulation of tbe lii-ei order. Tho next meetr of tional assembly will be 1. i at •polls, Ind., 011 tho in.hi '1 u* November, mil. WILL KEEP ITS NAMt Wound i T'^e "V'/l'md. a son of old lied i *oud,. I,:g Load :u „l itt 0 I{ .north or peranco instruction the lirif s n eit:/,.ns of SpP,nJJ I' ceived dis K'ood Indians the peaceable General l:.-,,0ke has patches to separate the «rom the bad and bring ones into the agency. Governor Miller "is in \i 1 1 place Uapids, la. Ji,oVNal)a lily mori t«r. just completed at a S iTooolthoh, ofo^b 11 the Wabash. dtS belon Ping to T. t. I- -Noil-l'nrtlsnii IV. C. Mint III.bird's rrolcst Pn is»i ii(iii. Pa., Nov. 'Ji•—Tb ''.•iiisan Woman's aneo Union closed North Avonuo M. night. i s i a n 1-1 A telegram was received duri morning from Frances Niiiard n ing the secretary not to use tho "Non-Partisan W. C. T. L. was taken. New York wan selected a.v tin 1 and November as the month f'• next con veil tion. 'Ihe "Y" branch received ahea''1 dorsetnent in tho resolutions. tnde was expressed to Congress recognition of the evil elfects 1 original-package svstom. Tboi'" tions also dealt with the organic'• juvenile societies,the importance*'' the sehoo n cessity of vigorous work alo line of organization, tho dct-ia that the opinions of individuals K not be abridged and the indorsoffl1 temperance publications. i ."-St. th' Tbe following delegate tional congress to be held at "ext. June wero then chosen. 1 ^hich the convention took a I dinner: Mrs. C. Cornelia Alfor. Urooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Josep Weeks, of Pittsburgh Mrs. Fairm New York City Mrs. Miller, of !l"d 1,1 Mrs. Mary J. Aldrich, j( 11 BARINGS WILL NOT RETIRE sh totally destroyed by y"\'' nU Tlie Firm Organized lulo a l.lin""' |»ny witli I inreiMed London, Nov. 22.—It is officially ar' nounced that arrangements for c-ot ing the business of Haring Hros. have been concluded. A limited puny has been formed and will 1°r' t«lred immediately, with a tho Mer ing, four miles west of ,i CP0 morning and fatally injured sU',s°rl^r Capital exceeding JE 1.000.003. Thomas .Haring, M. P., becom^9 wan of the company and deyot®^ whole of his fortune to the firm 6 men thi s fr' Other directors aro Viscount *r"^ri Haring, M. P., Mr. John Barintf Kirktnan and Mr. Hodgoso%