THE IIE!iAM)-.\i\ MILJIANK, S. i. W. W. 1)owxik, I'M it.', i .... OFFICIAL PAPER GF CITY A... I*ill DAY CSUH1 Alottzo Wttrdall, \vh( 1 i.t against, public official* mileage, recently prcBenieti a book to a conductor on Un load find Ni^ned the nani« Keyes" to die slip. Tin- i in.' wards discovered ii -it find mnd« Alonzo uuiivei i. nn« I i. i r.ii '-. William III, kirn,' of Botno time .'1^1) became luf-ii tftteil, ly softening of tH'' 1 Iho 2'Jnd innt., and Qih'cm probably bo continue 1 j, her dauirllte: ol aye, read, death ci'vcra J-uxemhu »••:••, w mnm atliifli' il. leuiinc tiiiijori II, tilt* eiilpi re of iel Till- I'm lilit it i won ol liic I'v'i-iii'ii.'c uil, ot the Ktatv i« u mullet est the people at lar'I i I'"- 1 aiTKH).! l.' hi I I ,' for u .ilcniiig in.- t.- .. -i *.. ••firry, and it. will r-j111r«.• t, .. tinaiicieriii^ to make bnta ... i The I'ierre Capital has p: r. cinct stntcni'i »fl(t a' .• legislators, lli.'l .'l.-~ I'- vt,. I»r:i(-tit-iily iu luii, a» tol.ow i The total equalized vh.u.I! •..•! ..t I, :i foal, personal and tailioa i i the state i* SUJh.: i u amount a 2 mill lax I. b-u. Btato piirfiosi s. Tiiis? wni prMtu (i3l).l."» revenue. Last winter our In lure, Haiti to havo been docjilv k,,-. The jirmcipal question i i n ind means coiuiuitien' to i'iii.«uler, tl cii "i "IT will he: Fifit, what items will vot' !)e paid socoud, what, can ln i-rt ou without detriment to i. finally when tho.«' p,,.j been considered what, tunb ouzlit to bo appropriate n i rnrily left out to make tij uoce. So that i-ach "iii" 111• iv f,, |,, .«ell what may be in cuitut^ «to\vi. expenstw. We give a list of the variou.* items et last winiei's appiopt .ntimi iili with thy amounts opposite Veterinary eiireoon IiisuruiH i' (if pulitic Dililiiui'"! Mh'c iniIitin Piililic cxttuiiuer..... Km I ma 'iHiiiiii-nKnii-rM ti'iiiiiiPiioucr irimiuti{i!ii!i n •FTOLLLLL-L-M AVIIIU! Hflnrni HIIKIDI AKriouitiii'tti hl'llilnl nl lllllK.'S ss lnnil of tli'ul mutes JSpeiirllili niiiuuil ucjtool .' uuifuii normal ischttol..!. I'ottiily uistiiuti' Slittf limiting Wrmilliou uuivt-riily..,. V"inU iitiar Insuiu- liospitjil Wuliir.v UII'I mile Hit", of iiiein'iirV ,,| i|,'t. Kxpt'iif-ri uf I'stM'.tii i\(. oilier]"*, for man leiiiiiiic, ilfik lnrr, niulioiiriy, nUit'. Hiiplilirs unci IIIOKUhiiuIh. ^uiiaura of iixcLUttvc tiiid jiidu uil officers vided for by separate levy of bun t• t1 of a mill. About the only Hem n foment these tlnnt^ we will pro kii'iuM '•alls 1' line fu.i 1 otliorwifci" providod for, i.'jh ,t 8upptsiii(f that the wimo am. bo requirotl noxt yeu-, t.iir r.-vvii i .:!• short ot our noi.'dd !,ii ,. ..,i•, i. ,.s with the bpirit of e«oiiomy, .:f for the running exponn-s ii i oxcliisivo of t!\o lioniJ Intfi-^t. i- j.. This iiinount we citnaiii ^o in dfht lor, i comuiitK-i*. '6(.auso I.Ikj t'onstitiitiou prohibits t'o i votos t?a*«t incurring ot any further statu ih bt. and i iiut'.siion ot a dtdn so t-ivatod will bo ill n 1 ,, •. 11 11 a hoy nntla I are I Wood Ib'fVIlt I ^(J4^ 1 he Odd 1 fc.siwws tfnmd public in- !lt tit Kit I .. ,i«i Acw lea'tt evenin .. with a ball in the imihi liromisfs t'i bo f, 8U*) 1 U-m Ortonviih. Herald ICJMKI iiinst! Mr. Irvinir lJ.ith. Th!'- liu.h*|uinh*n:. ii-trnt' ii i tiiiiiiu It'Kirtluinrn, uiiij sulary »l tlt-rks tiu«l t-in |ilo_vn 1'av iiiid unit ii^o ,f .\i.(mne dIIhit.i ih i tnu' un i iiiiiMiiHsion, I'tc, SlljjIl'IIH. volin Il(]|t'f.x. 10 a! I'ierre H^wu hi- 1 tj«ul reside! '1' eutje in mw earnestne-t II11-ll« ili-ol i|.- i above list for wliich the constitution pro vides the we,icitic. anionm to be j, ,| ,i- 1 .. Toial i iMiri i Interest on bonded S47,1h7 ia pro- i accordintr to last wintci'-j appropi iat ion. !.. amounted to ', iin-ludiii': mile j., ago twice. The per tliiMU for thr.-c iys s-stiu t't October, IM8l, was arid mileage $9,671, or a!total of Sl'J.'iiKi, which i:i:iy 'be deducted from the above i?81,,.'t)7. |.. this to $36,(KX) and we have i a We will then have loft i a y i i I ', S 1,» I. 1 l'iie Mein:.ii .M r. iJ ii oi. i p::i» iitid 1, ibl. beobliced to do without, and on ot h.'r tbe amounta may lie ji.-,-tj below last year's c\|iendit".res. On state institutiGn. it i, uniicidl Lo see where w e can effect mucli in ti,« way of economy and still keep everv thin"' going. We i.nvo not n s i:. too many, and \ct the:!.!,, c.i.^etl i- tm di. Ih It u rMl v''' 0 tha nalurje of tlio execntivo and jmij-iai officers, atvotintiug to :i(,UtlO, and pensenof the legislature, for per tli-iii ,f per day for each member, and milage, ](i i cents per mile. This for two scst.i.'n« •. mom: di iH Uun- 1 i. I in lea p.ta rnva ram afidv i i v in# the prob-ible expenses of tliis wj:, i efw^ion at T'JfMi'j in round mimli«r«. Add s the total cost oi pay in.' the «al«rit-H of tin* lecishi'ive, exeutivo and judir 'i ,-r of the state for the year. able for maintenance of state iiistiii *i expenses of till executive and pi i offices—other tl-a-n the salaries ot tii.• cere—printing, militia, eouiaiissin!'.-: iinmij-ration, etc. s £. J\ S' 11'Tiii. yonni: V: el'ih can't tliim i tier w Ih' il mwt iiidispt'ni-ib'c, j,. hospittil tor insatie arid uni. use gli(VKK) of the h. 'or evert th mm/ It would lie ut-'uiif slly Jm ttafe o!hc*rs nnh'S" w« ni'ttni.iMi vvli'i u tl, A y iii.-y rauiiact tito/i' ! i'f ., I i" Ih' be I, •Mil:. for an )e :r fi. It) Will. •. :nid i: v J. nis xv i. 1 f' 1 a- i 11 i.:i- ut tins ari. ijur tij'- Ain-rK"?:i pfopl-« are far from bci: convince 1 ".ii.i yet. The VantlcrbiJt-, anl unr.v "tliiTot the wealthy F:.*iit nventi'j f:»»ui ih have imported l" titting^, ..n-1 will havi ro ii Ij-it ir,-.c:'is .. 1,. \Vii:t i Auoiini id,, of .• hull ', "•mualli in 1 ,.r. '••t shinih he 'sum illMU^ll 11. i i.- :a t'i -i i I 1 i Til! oi hi i' ,1 pilt-.o. i E I in Cut r, 1 „:l laaive 1 W it". u..t i 1 1 ot y t"iim o. at it' wj. CVO' I i it w ill cor no hi i lie poi)t!iar ,:i .•, :•.« il fur j'] to '.) adu^cii. i'iower bowls in the s mie ties ^t si^ inches dianieter, coat i'-l each. Ten dolLirs will buv a i hands for 1 an ^JSL0S?.SW Aj t) M.u.'-i .MS.I i y. t' Stra ngllng. '''lii'-. Kt'iili/ms i hut iu it had r' nicdifs would m»jn.iit i (iu-rr-i iil.1 V, us!y v,.a 1'i'ctora!- was frii •iA a' .i,i Httli il i-'i Hit 1 1 nlhlmri N, aii.i .J'.s. Kr.-ui i mi- taoRtciH fl, tin* i'ImM'S rr.tthiii) •asier, and in a »iiort siim- it w is s}, r.ietly ami broatlmij? ttatwrallj. fL« t'lsiid i ,i!m ... i do I 9 PEiiPAiu.n rsY EH. .f. C. ... x.B & CO., Lowell, Kaaa. 1 tt!! ?*.• .r-N 1 rt«_jinn», tlie 1 cvit» ti fic ninut-r* kt-cjn i t:tii{ r-iij of f'.ahfiir'v 1 iff, rlY- s. „r. fi"V. :l!t tier dr. is "til t: V At-' tiouart will my a :-t- ih landsome water pitcher. Dainty dishes 1 'J'tit: **,.» 'I thui-e the cui.trfn nis liothir.t witi. n..! !)p v u! ,v or boitboua cost very little, and th'-re is I M'.\tl%'ii'%'V 'i' 'h':nX iuUy^ n endless variety of sinall i iecc-s I"..-r t-ii- '-i' !vvi-.-ii jL a. BGR Mi ,t llfslta'" .i',e Av 1 •, -t„rui .saved i I... i ni.aia. I'.xas. -tw. Jtritii cms un i s a:sd tl1 ,u Ou...., S !-h Tv°ail,-,0n PcLi i" ir, m» iii'i now I. 'living un.' I T' r'H.oji pr o-. We r, the !u?f word XT"Mi ,1M. L' ,I ii-'. I.' I Me .. 1 1 1 to call on THE :"!o lias a lull line cr- JLAIIEETS AND HOBES cf all both cheap and of the be u a i A -j e v e y i n in the Harness" and Saddlery Line. ir r': \T 1' SYEBY BSPAHTMENT. LCI Wii: QS goo oougnt ASH, .0 Ills JJKA.vrT^ lir": 1 10 'ill payy. JJJPf'n or v..nnstmas i i'cauciit-i Holiday G-ooy and Fancy Article description. Loii o lail to cail anci. looli tliBm over rw •'•ltd *WBI4H«»^T«BV JH iwiifiani'iiy yw Patent and Straight Flour AN BRAND AND SHORTS A iwh 1 w U, uju &Qi S tiiiy, U3K. New Goods T-» j. i JLiii i-* oytrlt at •w ct i i:r hanc! first w© guaran­ anci tee prices to be RIGHT at ELLIOTS. G. L. WOOD, ,ooo, ^rran^ County Farms, and at More Favorable Terms than fore Offered. ~:es to Borrow Money will Fin^ it to theii interst to call at once. Cou^e Served ^KOlUiK ("LA isK, )Iaiiiiiror. -W lltltE is I'lil'll f!HM! From Now Until Christmas, MOB & LEE, the Photographers, Life Sij'f I ln IS v Be­ Ever jn c:raVOn with us -V sfyir. ,il i Mil/. r:i /»ii !. dozen one nr Sl2 .'u- work because wc ,. i." i'rii-e. for it is not. W 1 '•'M» I can ct anyw heu for Jfe]5. at ii.siial pri'f $3^ '•'i tlic Wt'ck. fit abv