Newspaper Page Text
NO. 13. i NO 18 tU 11.V.I'' IAI M.I-:. Hard I p. U'» «*iOMj IUsl»' «V. v| BAST. .pt "'••io s nnd iy --tiuday.. tf hST. I. Ill. l, s-50»rii' ,. 9 i 5 a ,. 9 a ni .In-1.) a tu 11 I" a ni i 12: i 1 1 ,l,',iirt»ys, Wednesday aeefc. joI lsTi-aK TAliUK AT ,1,0 JtAK KAflr, 9 IJI AM. Friday llA. *. w WEST, 454 P. M. rsilav Kii'l OUICKUS. *ist,.loii?i Jlnrtnus. »t„ ,li till ih'dliiilO. •i,, tV in. .'ciuuiigs, L'hm, A Man (id I'- iJoui'k. lict. j. Lock tint Pri»vev s i i: .APPKNLNtlS. .'••ale lit I us »r warld rd sji'-n ittiuk in .ipj-'.ct -'11- a lira, of county fir--t i'uesd iy I JCK presiding. l.ast SII'UIM .s'ni m, A !lt'-l lliil nf Marvin, wn- i aiii'-ij he i'il ji'»terd i*. )f Ab' :i legistoivii on i educed *}', a diUK-e nt lvayuiond's •ok*, i'ljri.stmjw night. i tful wea.her" has lieeii ?xelauiai.ioii duiin^ tiie nf tiie I'ig Stone I,eke few days in the citv this U' Kto ic township 11 to (ireen Ray I\ court ii.- reef, of liig Stone, has DolV for oven bodv fit. Elliot's. We have received a communication A. L. Shields ol Twin Brooks, rejoices 01© Moe, who ,s traveling for the pho- tograph supply house ol Albert Wonder- leek, of MinoeitpoliH, bus been spending jM u and left for the southern p-irt of the .I(Maui w i 41c }, thifi ii, returned to her home Inst Sat- urdaj. She vvua accompanied by father Mr. Lewis Mickelv-u, who goes to lind anew local ion tor a borne As will be Be,cu i\ reference to the i 10 ,11 iaci Imtieis. •V. S. Civs i jl k mar. ib^lstuedt trv Pswo V. itell. ,l--b Kaercber, lii-li Ward— W S aHi«tei~, •«ard Illtlil-- :i'o. At the lieuriiig in tio cotitet ra-e ui W at' court deciib-d that IOIMJ- of f.,(- in continue e .• in»o! i i returi: of bis Btomach Hilts i* enjtying a visit Miss May Crotutt fif 3 on her way to attend the 'and Forks. cliaructer of the editor of fully attested by the fact he recijiient this week of a 1 of Norghum from his in Minnevita, ,!r i Jr., and John Tlfinen llie young farmers of 15ig "Pi lo't last week to spend the Wisconsin lumber e discontinuing (.f the day -t of here (jinto a number •'ats who formerly went on no v make Milbank their e. glaasine, the very latest in 8 for Christinas at Elliots. frou) l) over new boy that arrived yesterday. *ud fined last week tor selling sew Tho friends and neighbors of leoj in iJ5 a Stevenson, of Big Ston© township, drop- (The substance of the communication wan I r»«* f*niily last Friday night until the house was pretty well filled up, WITH- an1 iroui tlii Wlth ft C.MI daily. 1P W :t i!c noon i, duster l.ddie Seii'ifer no i witli a \cry \". i. e ridin n s 11i(n Illilltc ccidec.t. p- 1 loin li" coi:rt i i -.i e., upon ot: i oi -e home the .!• i. e and fell, and he ieft limb 1 .• Icj in i i t'oinj tlown c.-hie oj bin tidei. bic^kit 'I'i'S leloi\ the Ui.ce. .. u i the young .- eon id be ex un injury, ec!(ti after -UKtillMlU'' »uc. The wile of.1. 1). bowiev i^h. The (.mil 11 ii i-i citv lii-t died on the moved troiu li ibcrtst'o. i I n v i i v i n in ihe lirst ward. Dwt?©»sr.: ba.i. Iteeh siifFerinir Tor some time and upon her urgent request p.rtivbHis to: her .itemise aJ post morteui exuHiinaiton -ft «s made by the attending physician. Dr. Daniels, as* w.ste-l by Dociors Wanji-attd Rtw. The pi .si ii" li tem re\ea ed extensive cavities MI the riuht lung, but tlie imtnediiilr cause of death wnri a uialrguant disejise of tlie stomach, tietlned fts: a eiirnHjing i ub-er ol the ftoiuacbt The diMjeased was about fi- years oil aae, and tlie burial took place jestectJay. i Ratiw iy Postal Clerk Hess isamonaj those who can visit his Milban* friends oi (-.« in a while since the new arrange ment in train ninning. He»s is an old newspaper man who fias gro^n sleek, f-tt and good looking since his red lor a nuniherof *ase (ind Icimevi to distihiue tuuil iniittor instead of type. He says thai iTncle Sam his lirst love. to and E. Cook, two Wil rove down to the metrojjo and interviewed their ring llieir nf.turaiizattoti ure them at the special "it court which will be •"it instant. Fine silk mufflers at Elliot's. Burnett, the man who was ar- K machine needles without a license. that Mr. Hurnett was very unfairly dealt atl(! tf !e Hit!© music they passed »|a small piece of persoual spit© work on few hours in the good old way. the tiart of the mayor, because he believ- ln he lmd am jii canvass be-! wrj n i iiil a Special lit..'' purpo-e o| tapeilin.' i!,» term in ibis to detcriuining the i i Miaiitor to i-oi Sir. lie .. I i .• (or til© HI-! in.-! *..i. A Krlaiid.-uin, Rnildii. inii)ioii- U'jt' le waj4 llt4f st" of eKwt'.on t!, i,i •. ... drei at the ever of K.liotV. ,tjj^_s I e Indies of tlie E. ctuirch of Biu' M-i!,. City have been making exten.iiie ur pn-jiiiral ion- of bite for a fair to he b"id in S (,'iiarles ball to-night Supjier wili served and olfored for yaie. The M«-tb"'.i vm'.I It-rv the tmr I '1 tliiels was MILBANK, S. 1)., FRIDAY, I)K( 111. Consolidated April 11.1M*0 proceeding WM P»M more thnn one of hi: lett rom 'k® 8 who ha« hir Boine two nmiitliK pa§t been j^ visiting ber sister, Mrs. .fas. Lockhart. ot a lew days with his family in this city i alter satisfactorily repairing the machine prb»bly oyer their capacity to aiow the school law fay#: The roi.nty super* or w,inD1 11(1 cen fore returning'to Uiuueap'dis jthe done the work requesting him to (nient from active soldier -life. After a jcate cranted hy him or his predeeenor liring her Home needles, and that o'itu i valiant charge upon the £0d things with |for any came which would hav# autl.or Mrs II. Ibomlej, of Superiof, n linv 0 }i er )W n ftu railroad tun© tub!' .-n-ioni! otlier changes '(.'itv. tue daily train to and fioru Wilmot has! been (banned to tri we kly, ruiiuin^ Church Fiiine* Mondays, \V'e«lm^days uud Fridays. Thej On !tnday next Kev. H. W VS i time of the early morning pasMyiger 1'reach in the Uon .'te.. i :oi ul going went hjif! i!so been cbangeti to, mornimr and evening. 2:55 a. tu. 'l'!c. r. tram e ir.t. leaves at The fair of the ladies Gui'd last in every way ^uci's-fui. lie„ v-noiig)aR society :i net little euni. Tiown '1 liesday, li e aa there were i .!•• h- .vould bavo A-tie. i'd meeting of Ladie." I, nevoleu' -ui'i' ty. wili ii" I.'Id with M: N. ti.ii .. u i"iid.,. :•xi .M i -. I. I' 1 •:\uroKi). Nv. Tho ('on'jrejaUoirii Miuday lum: is preparing an ebiliorat" program fi' ("hrixtina.s eve, in which tin.' be oitifulcui lftU"M"IT Ct.i.-tii. or a Vis/. *-r«-:u Hatlta flill Will !.e 1 ':, .1 i e 1. b-erv»' the n!-:•! versnrv of the detiicat'im of their ciiuie i on the 'Mb of Jjiimarv. 1MU. b\ appn. printe service^. All former pastors the church will be invited to be i. am' also l'res'diug Klder Dre-stt -it '... ditri't The Kpworth league of arranged a coiux* of popuiar lectUTes during the coiiiinu v.intcr, and the tirpt of tlie series will be delivered Friday, !.1 ntiuarv, !th, by Rev. W. 11. .Jouboi ol Sioux Falls. Subject, I he alien Me 1 ho Mammoth ave, one of tie* ou tii'o of the n.odem world. Th© SundayFchooi of the M. E. church tree, tableaux, Slc. «tc. For tha purpose of nosing funds to .defray the expenses a friend has ottered Vo give a stereopti cmi xhihition for tlieir beiiefit. on Mon day evening, Dec, 2-Jnd. at the clnirch. The views are eniirelv new, and consis IT 'of a variety of subjects, including soeuos torsoon tlie i ,, .. in Europe and the Holy land and hmnor vi«ws. Admission, adults 1'icts., u is a more faithlul and regular pavmaster. i i e u u u s w i e n e a y a o n i z e i than the delinquent subscriber, hut hj still IOVCK the jileasant odor of the print shop, and it the civil service law should pome day be so tar violated as to deprive him of Ivis olli"ial scalp ho will return to I children, lOcte It is hoped parents of (tellef orp«. had no warn in e of the coming of the would perpetuate the principles to whi.-h r)g a a e s s e n e a v i n e e n o u i i s a s s o i a i o n s a n s e e a n w o during the day, and made no complaint of ailing in any manner, and nad re tired for the night. Her daughter, Mr». John Sa third noticed that she was breath ing heavily, and before assistance could be rendered she had ceased to breath Deceased was the mother ot O. Rreck enridge and Mn. John Baflbrd, with the latter of whom she had made her home sinco coming to this county. She was a woman of exemtdaiy christian character, beloved by all who knew her, and was about 08 years of age. The Itinera! took place Wednesday morning, the services being held at Twin Brooks, and the re mains interred in the Milbank cemetery Don't miss tho o^ort'.nity the line display ol CUrii'uiaa good» at Elliot's, to meet pay for the charter. By order of committee, Humphrey Peal W. A. M. Trnchrra' Imllinc, The «amp fire of the Q. A. R. Post of Since the notices for the lynchers in-ti thiacity, which was held at the court tine have I *en sent out a few leathers mom last Saturday, was well attended by hate expressed strong desire be ex the old veterans an«1 citizens generally. }c«*ed from atteudance. ow, teachers, I and a moit enjoyat'le time had by ail would like to say a friendly word on thi# Alter concluding the routine work of the Jsubjeet. Whi'e I do not want to appear post, whicb Included inspection hy Adju- officious n«r cranky in tLe matter, ill I tant-(i©n. Huntington, of Webster, and hare decided to be firm Teaeheisoiigljt election of officers, the tab*©? were«pre*d not to be ah*ent, audi do not «e how and the veterans riven a chance to show the su jierint^ndent can conscientious! v neiirhttors did for the repairing of bis ma 'chine. The writer cava that thenexiday that although their tlahunir days were excuse any from attending Sec. 8$ i his pay for it he received away wholesome victuals hail not tieen intendent i« authorized ant! required to had greatly impaired by their long retite-| revoke and anm.i, fit any time, a certiJi- -'j pjving wtth her request he furnished her i which the tables were provided, short ized or rei|n,red him to refune to grant, tf worth of nefdlpj., and addresses were made by a number of the i if known at the time it was granted,-unci that it was for this accommodation, upon VHteruns and others. (Commander Tnos. for incompetenc*, i»morality, ititeiupfr- the wife of the may- Kitnli presiding. Re*. Ooitahman ot Twin anre. -rime against the territorial law. tir »d|'il. !i© sava lie lirooks. spok© feelingly of tl e desire for cruelty, general neglect of the school cf instance sfliiiation among tlio survivorsof the war tuoijit-iH. sinters arii fotigiii the rein»iiion by iie firesi.ji- ird ii-t the home-of ::,e north. He ovd th«t the debt w :h Hie ntt'.oi) nnmln o iks, recited "A Dutehmtin to w hat the firiwites were :r and declares irap set for him to have of tho rebellion, and also of the sensation after due notice and the revocation of it (ir-jiMrc to the I which took possession of bun when nmk* certificate shall termitmte the etnploy trago I inu a charce during his experience ae a merit of such teacher MI the school where oidser. I be or she may be emidoyed at the time Kev. (rifford toid of the heroes who re of micu revocaii Section H.V Ail », instiled at home, and in an eloquent man jne'-jsiiida glowing tribute to the wivee, 1 i-weethearts who wear Bhounb straps. Col. Smediey preferred tb.e !ar. wn lead been provided that day n i.e l».d ot fare wbicli the -o:tr."is liud to indulge no end ot pretty things in at "Camp Mush and appealed to the o i soldiers to see ihat the traits ol viclo- .i' r\- on the battle field weie not wrestled i' in :m by thote who bad been dis .••al in days gone fey. Mayor Volktrar ccKttpliinented the old -obiiors on their achievements in the '.-t, imd stated that the issues of the .r were Ion since Ueal, ami launched ii.:o a tirade iiguinst Jay (iould and the •v eked railroad torporationa who were piuicierini: the people. The rna)or'e re in. irks w ere not relished by a number of tlie old soldiers who are averse to w riu» itig in partisan politics in tbese gather iuirs. Major IMgga took the man teoi," a skeich of Xapo'eon the threat „,I II U. in* I task for tins, and suggested thai it W«« The Fccond ui the course will be ty r*o\. Win. K. (Jiflord ol this city, Subject., ••1 w ,u hardly fair for the vice-president oration to fry to 1 tluurisbing railroad coi ••ije.'ir" the slock in that manner, ami as -.xTiMiry of the same coiporution lie objected. l*'ollowing are the ta of iie post: proposes to celo'"' (.. i\i 'o|lowing are tlietis.n elected ofli''( w i e i u s u a e s i v i i e s i i n i n a i Coiniuander A. A. Story. Senior Vice—Joseph Thomas. Junior Vice H. T. Abbott. Quartermaster* Wm. l)a lv. Olticvr of lay—Thomas Fitch. Oiiieer of Guard -Benjamin Bartlett. hi| Sain I-. II Sbielii». Surgeon—V. Warring Delearate t» State encampm©nt-"H. J. Beuediet alternate, Geo. W. Crookefv Rodger's trip pie plated Mnites ajad forks, ij?,'!.i)d per dozen, #1 .*0 per set, at the Milbank Jewelry store. All ladies in:©rested forming a re-j Mrs Win, E. tiiford,graduate in ntu lief corps will please meet in the north Bic of the Northwestern University, class room of the M. K-church, on Satur Evanston, Ills., is taking a few pupils in music. Thoae interested may call on her. day afternoon, Dee. 20th, at 2 o'clocK p. Eligibility to membership. Anywo- Death came suddenly and peacefully man of good moral character and correct to Mrs. K. Fi. Rreckcnridge. of Twin deportment who has not given aid and Brooks, Inst Sunday evening, The lady i comfort to the enemies of the I niori. who I-'or Item or Kale The Shatto farm adjoining Milbank. or has attained the age of lb years is ©ligi- i )«miNew Anatomical "lie to membership. Please come pre-J Chicago News "He was shot in tha pared to help raise the necessary amount Huburbs." See the nice line of toilet and mani cure sets at the Jewelry stole. Notice from I.e»»« A Cannon. We desire to give notice to all persons indebted to us that A-e want them to call promptly anil settle. All bills not paid by January 1, 181)1, will be placed in the hands of a lawyer for collection. We mean business. the expenses of organization and Hawkeye: "She whipped him upon LETTS & V AS VON. Ktilbanfc, 3. \ak., Dec. 10,1890. I his return." Jefferson Souvenir: "He kissed her passionately upon h#r appearance. r^iuaal to attend a lem-hers' institute neii wiiosiived the union could never i schools renp tar^s and th,sti win-re tliu puid, and denoui-ced tlnve -vho clioicet flowers and fruitx 1- iI 1 ro,v. niipoRf ihn uittaine which the ir»-!"'lhe otiject of the in^titu.'.* ho'i v is dodnj "'it f'-r.ii «if pensions school, atxl academic in^ti m. lion is not ti.e defen Id- o! the i.irou i ii e. iiiKade A A. iory A -ii Oig the tune that an chases all schoob institute i-i held. Now, with this law lie fore me, if i a I low you to remain absent th#a iun a iranagreHsor of ttie law, you are deprived ot tiiucii ined-d infornitttiori and tho important. The ie icnei in Twin eiparted to luivo a* quired die u.ati ry' I it is the m-ihod thut i.r lequties i.i in a brief, the object is (1) n i. :i !i thejeyby gjviiik (i»)a distiiieL nica ol t'-j ii dtl't Ol oducidlon, ljl 1 klj o\i |ed4© ol edici!:on unu .-ciem e of te-icn ni£, (c) )iiBtiuciitn in uiethCi I v.e'ih ure greater umfomuty, (a. in e i -1-ii, 11} b) ptofessionat i .11. .i and i'ij to i orrect prev tiinu» c.r• o." An to tho usf'uliit ss of itiese i U.'.i .• Ill Oi l- t-Un'oi-Vrit'Oli tb'-re no question. In the lirst place tiiei,. mu many persons en^iged in school w r. who tiuve received no special piepuraUon tor it, and whose means ai o Imaied to peinnt tie ui to attend training cn.»oi. l'tiesa leaeliers receive o» lue nistitu'.es si.gge-tioiirf oti the iuo-t ap pro\fd metiiods of m.-ui u!ion and are i nu- enabled to incorpor-ite (li«iui :u the *oi h. in the second place, by tbhj uie.'ii! u uui hn luity iu scliooi rootn work it- sc iCuieil throughout tlie coun'y. Atui I Ubt .y, i ut ino-t iiiiportnnt perhaps,the»i me©titi{ s attract attention to the Mibook i and in reby (stimulate that iutoreet in lo-Hicadoii whi.'fi is so much to he i sired, and which would not hn accoj.i jiiish- :-o web in any other way. {'ii '. ii J. Vert, the conductor, will de 11 v«r a lecture on 1 lie subject "That Boy." i The Hie and piat.e inie not yet omen de- U'rin-inad, but due notice wi.I be given. It- v W E. (btford will also occupy one owning with an address to the teachers, I he last nam ii tentieiuan leqiaies no svord I or.iis© *n order to secure an audi en» e iu Milbank, but I would say for tha heneM "I ttii»se wlu have never heard i him Hint, he luia lew, it any superiors AB an orii'oi'. 1 he u'eneral public are cordially invi i ted to at-tenu nny-and all sessions. llespe tfullv, i (i. W. 1'KKVEY, I Co. Superintendent. I JVotice. 1 Atlanta Constitution: "He kisssd her back." Electric Light: "Mr. Jones walked in upon her invitation. 1 Albia Democrat: "We thought she •at down upon her being asked." Lynn Union: "She fainted upon his departure. Public Leader "lie was injured in the fracas." He torn and stood npon her coming in- O n accwur.t of the little o k s that i ke i purl iu the exercises at the Congrega tional church en Christmas eve, the o gram me will liegin 7 o't lo- k, sharp. Kew Year** Iterrpiioit. An advertised in las week's paper, th* ladies ot the Congregational society will,, receive their friends in tl.e brick build--' iuu fori leriy used aa ortice. A ihoice and substantial uiiiu«r will be served at one o'clock p. m. lor 2o t-s etiiidreu hall pru'e. For all lovers ol the succulent hivaiw, a hot o^uter supper will be ready at six 24t» acres ready for se«der. Inquire at lock Ice cioam, fin© candies aaJ su:ar made pop corn b-dls wtil he on sal© terms, during afternoon aud evening. Vitu are cordiady invited. Ttae Huron \ationai Bank Ctunri, 1.1i:BO5, S. I)., Dec. 10.—A profound sensation occurred here tins morning by a notice on the dour of the Huron Natiuual Hank announcing its suspen* siun. Until laslwcok tii:s hank baa be -u considered as one of tins most, sunstiin tial ia Use state. Toe suspension was forced by the withdrawal of |lepo-nts during tue last tlflduv s amounting to over »0, IKK), i'resiiient lia/eti is oomp tely prostrated and Vice President Fowier i oi a terrib.e state of .ervous eacitonient. .loth declare thai provision lia-i eon .nade to f»av every mdiar and »11 dralij oid outstanding ci ©«'ks. io tjlaino attaches to the Dank oli-t-rs there ia not a word of truth n a report thi.t. the oank became shaitt'ted by 1, ral coti' eat. 1»M» i