Newspaper Page Text
jy 0 THE FlGia LB.1 ,0!% !SS. Lties AND OCVOT ED EH- .^ QrtAftltTEPE-C, KEXKXX seotf* -U*»r 0nw WHS of Vatita A Mm*. 4—Tb® 1 Woa #d W iiii B»MA* Tnry. imft"** 1 aswxI*I»»«M nApri/r k i'KO ( IX W), a roost decisive victory in Gen. Scott'a «un pkiifii ag.'Uaat the MfXLJA" capital, WIM the ocoswion of Borne «'f lib# grati•'font dooiU i4 inarU U ralor is corded in history. The fixbt w« jiictr nrmj ue a« wall um bloody, and for e A moncniw, fiJT p,- ,hi re was glory euough for* life '•ie an elevation of 1'i" fret castle, with winy*. bu-sttoria, "»lrs and batteno* of h«u*y „ver 600 feet In length. SUP V.I-. seemingly impregnahl® for ,.tle of two •!v strongly built ami from a to ,ht. In the c.wtJ« nrf mount i ion under Huperio.«.rtilleiri*«* !i service. ,k4 accessible ba«e of the hill, r-! he atom- w.-di is twenty feet -4'Umtl it stand* h. nry irov« whose large TROIIRV* f'.irui PI ,r fnr defending troops. The zii-.sed with powder mine* rMwly «,• when the assailing column* -f on the surf are right over ilway of the hill a strons ro •j linjr along an entire front uf Jed wit 11 tmkliers. The (ant uitepee is he key to he C, ty ij with ZKM) jldiers in Snuhn of defense then? could BO togarriaon a citadel no tin :„"siiies, the hill wm historic, for v,»ied tlie Aztec prince* he en'vwi once fatnou* tb* of splendor here lh« wt« of Ui« the Montezuma*. Whittorvr Mexican pride aud courage „ialy *how itself oa t4i«ie last stand of the hour, wnenj e invader muat he derided -chiiii for an outwork a group building known lii Mo or the lvinx'»' Mill. This wi cwrr:ed by utorrn the Stli •r, after a frightful ioa*. «ui«i ing a key to Cljjipulwj^c. HH re the atnMuit, it wa» rtaolf y the Mi xicau K"ti^ J" ha id to be jtrotni^ly aUand inmi stird v. as (,-iven out in "be e ihl ie n'uould lie f»Uirir»"l, par.ii*of i'j t-jirh jni4 :uf honor in advituco, tha •d in excwn af uumhorn, jind .a some coiiiimuicH Lid to ha Sale, n 5 With the appalling d«t i» lodel Key freak in i::i!jd tne rs. both regular* aud v,»!nu --ager far the of dan^«r. ,'s were t.tken from tw«» divin re not to 1*? in the ansa:i It. iu\«| followed IIT the aivmiou* of ^uit.nan aud tii'.U'on J. Fulow. ng party pre.e*!mn «led by ("apt. Sila* Cawey. "f, with Capt. Gubriel 11 Hin.tod. l'illovv w»« pri--su«d: by Capt McKenaie, S»«iii»«| second «noruiii jxiri y waa 'om Quitioaa'a divi»»ofs, sujU Maj Twi^r *, of the Mariana, liller, of 'uoSeaoad i i iu C't r,!i:und fornie'l frar artfwk odel lii?y, iiad tbe K»«^ur and It route IK?-m k. and mn4 through a gr iv» cypr«m*:% "ndwiiy mloubv, «n up a steop. siivity, th" whole i 1 Tiiegunaof the awtte tbua- !!l s Vf, KTC U| i promptly pa«t t.b«s rigiit flaak and foliowad by ',-ixji 1 eiimpuny Rtid Ity tie wfewie N icth Then the uttaelt wm jciMd ll( fimik, ami the KeiWain*, f«uriag ,r ^'e retreat and Mpoc«im U««y 'hat no mercy wouW If *)ic-*• n to ,rs "ftcr the horn hU' i uiwM the Americana at d^l "^'indoned the work aod tall L^.ek to *'"e of the cast le. aieu of I'illow loBt not a mfiasat, !. Wr t!ie fu^it i\-«* go cloa® tha?. tiui the latter could not fira vith- UlJ o frhtida. The Mcxic.wia 'f* '"irajffcHl (-.hron^b tbo and i n k" n«:aiiaiifc3 ran^ivi tii'.'»MM4«w A dl, fujt] as s.)oii aa up with laildwsB a raokloaa *'!e for !c tep. W «iy la^aro Vl «hofc down in the (Utah '-onming the walL lfiwovor, no lack of darfnjc for _.evwy oue thiit fr!l. Me rnie."a took up tbclr v.*ork with ftCALISO THK WA.LI.S, brH»ery and energy eq iml to thut displayed by Ibo akjrui.h«rs, aa»l rapidity aud dar ing it »aa that was carrying t-verything. Two of McKtiUJiiu's Lieufcajiautu v»:ra killed and auotii«r wevwaly wouoikid while loounting the holders. Auot'tcr oQicor, wita twu wounds, stntj^lo'J up to un/url tbe Americiui l»an:cr on tha wall. The Mvi'U tn ivcre cliwly followed by tho in fantry (X)lu!i!n«. and tbene, with tu:»t-iil.« wuriige, ciioiijcd the ladthm, pl.-intmg tkeir UOONH iu tha face of t.he enemy and of tite cit..v, ci{M4i lua lofty aitd h/storic hill. Kauiil wonier that tiie Mexican* thrt»w tiuwn their ar na, although no quarter w' HI id l*j given. The swoop of invaiUtrs ww lika a whirlwind, twnt DO |wwer, uo oli«u«cle, could M.op it. Tho litrlit went on iu tl.e iuch:.*ure. tiie ittfurutt«d Aui»?ru-uw dwUiiig death on dl hide-t, until, Uwsir wriith partly appealed, th»J yielded in U-t'.-r uature antl the oufcretitka of tlic.r OiIiOtM-« la She mean time G^TI. (juKmm'aeolutnn waa advancing agaui^t tiie Miutheaat cornor ni ibe iuc,.wuns, we bund rod yartls dintani ariiund the ani lo from L'il krw'a men on the western wall. (n thia iitjd the Aniericuiifl encountered nunienua taiinewtr* and deep cuta fire [tared to im ptvie titrm. and daft-ud«l by infantry p«wted U'hiacl bhelter and by fortified !xw tcrtea aa well. Tbe Htorining parties ui«ier t.'-apl. Cujivy ami Maj. Twiuj-T'i prci.s.-.l on with gallantry equal to thai displayed on 1'iiun*'.s ,-i»ut. ':ry waa^vcnily wound ed aud Muj TwiK'js kiib'.l at the heskd of their r.wis. liut never haitjug, thosioririera Wktit forwai-d, out tho troudiea and lia'.U'rim. •!]. J.iinea Sliieids, with New York an-d K-oulh aroiina vo4ui teera, and QL .Ini.'i \V ieary, wilh the Sccutid I'enmylvaiua, dtthiied up uiiiJw a heavy ,-' re i-f raurwn Uili» and ...llieM, ni.ule ft l.wd^Liient iiniicr he wall* o:i tho ilank of thj stiria I fjaity SJUIS an ejjtraiioe %v.i« R.'.AV!" th/on» a breaeii, and a graud ri.lly took' i-.'parfi'ury to an as-taitlt ou li.e e.'xitle fru: i tlu- sou I !l. when the .Vu\i''a:.i aiioe hetcan j'.'.mping the wm'U to cm tti« fury »ji mca, a:ni Qmlinun knew ih*t the tiloudicst. work v. at ovor. Part of Lis fori- tiion-^i in« retreating Mexii'.uia aloii I I .I%- I'nau.I to '.MI IMV. aud tb» r»t joined i'illow on the lull. The tun 14x1 C'liuiuits oi 1': 11 iU.d'iU now formed th« i-it-lie il«elf. wiiiti'e of cmr^* ao ronf'lHion. SOBIP uati UAL GUITRDA RNI bt«dy of d'.vi. tn loa w\n. i!» e» li«tAl iu tiie caalle foL^i:i "ii «IUI gr.-it "A refi.i.i'a hr\\. »live •an marksmen XI:Kt?tj«c'» 'irty carrioi HcaUog Uniuera. »u4 -led by ci ht con»}a'i:i« at under Cols. T. 1* nurw.i E. .lohnston. Utxler UK ci Ltttlc tlic skirtuusltern r. i far Id the LE KL. Tilt' RICXMTAIMOTIA- i': A- 'h, dotlj.Tinjt from re* to ti-e«, w was hit at tivj ossi- and i fell to (ion. (.itnrya C».1 wt«Jr this point ou tJw '•"-lined though not as e*tr»f.ely Ui *hota ff»rtunately over flocks and br«4i«tv?t»'U*, Rbel whose«t• kfi*t up an ide, wcrt* ch ir^Njii n^id c*n-i*wL, the Mexicittia wefe %Sri»«« 1 -eir redoubt. sS 'iirmislwre lifvd rfown the ^Idierx niipdiaUnJ t, tire I Ihm uiil over them the ?ct*ia eoluiaua only to con fr»i*. the be«vy /'ere came a criMs. AnnihiUu'iB ti:-d ritj5{ men a «m!d tae msuca atij death or wounds were that well packed re !oilt. 1 iuch an hour i« l«?st*r tiiim s in men or init.-ii' j, atii tl critl "t. at Clmpuitfiper (trowuc^.i ita a i*. Ch,i»e, of the FlfW-oiit.b itifiwi ''0 in pan y waa in arfvauoe S,.im' lt KWTl ATTARS IN TTtR CAT KB enetvy. The cm-.n i are de criU-il by an ejewr viw A* "pretty little ft itows fi-iun 14) to l« yours of nge," and the Mine wri'-er atkis Uiat they »trugtfl».l "like tlenor:, tiie enra^til .» iKiyonot. w:m a*d »»y, priwu-er ..el figliung alike, and tho bhaal flowed in »ireams out at tbe pHaaittrcwaya. The of Pillow and Quitman cov wed tine *o*atht ru u:id western nuiea of the bill the I'Micra *i l.» wm eono-cte.1 with tin» city, *.nd the BoninTu was approached by a tiirmon utiticr (jen. Vturth in con with I'-illow's advance front wtwt to eai.t. Wortli wiih to guard Ptikiw's fli,.uk, and is atlvamo cipiorod an otiu-hie a«d opeurtl an attack on t!n main Mesitvin line lieyotid Ch/tpu!te.-ee (V.tlle Juiit si t-h# uhm tho work fell bt t\ir) Pi.lo-.r auti 4uiunaii Geu. Scott nvouutt i to tlu* df«w of the rn.-i !e anl took a sweeping rievv of tbo city that now lay before his vK-tu-Ktvis lauV'^liotia. and o:u thero di reetud u:a forci* upon tiie sovertd gates dixroed by he fall of ChapuPtepec to o|»cli tUiv Auw»ricttos, UUIIIWY UANUS SUV-0 NWID© FATNOM i o I w wot. a graail bat tit* the killed ami wokwititU in tho American army r©jhca*l —but it w e^cep^itni.ily tliuv ing, awl hrevcta and honor* were showered on itKiu wkof*c work thwrr meritA*! them. Grout, atwrdlug to bU biogrnphy X^-ive/i a. oi'cvt ot cai.uuu. i»ugu -'"'''f' made no mr-ntioo of him in his report. Lw fainted from n wand whiie on duty a*!f! Ik iit+*narit colouul. Mc Olb«n waa in the tmpwer corju. The C, aiVtlcraW dowph i- Jobii«K'.n led tho S i-1rtwte&wmi I'ilkiw'b front. James Long- 8 t'rtr.t, also a Cor.ifucraVo leader, waa se TP^Iy wt.uw'.wl while advancing, colons In hood '•Fton~'Vall" Jstol. san v«s a Uou- In MAgroder',-( hattrry in W,rr,%'H column. Tho Union general K. V. Sum B«-, wbo died iu 1803, hxl a batuvliou of dra^^ona, tunl (rt-n. Jo-. -.h Hooker ("Fightr tag J«*"J won bin third lirnv, ', ia tho Mexi can war by «ervicesi ou Pillow's staff. G. T. 1^4»nr"einl, afterward a Confe-icrate of higk ruak, was wound.fl thuro, and Ha ri Van Doru, another Gonfederatu g-iu-nil, K^rved tri staff duty. Tho Union ^em rai C. F. Smith, who was at Donclhon Grant, commanded one of Worth's bafr talious. Silas (,Wy, afterward a Union min eral, hita been •.!!• tui::»ed, and al»o .U,\tn W. Geary, nnother l.":iiujj .' "neral. Hi'.iry WM wounded, but kept tho field. There wet* also in the li^ht I. I. Steven*, who fell a Union gctioral at biaitilly, a., in 1862, ami Jew L. ri»no, who fell at the head of tho Ninth corps at South Mountain, Md. L. A. Armi otead, tlie C-onfederate brigadier killed in Pickett's charge at. Get ysi iur and G. crg« E. Pickoft hituHolf, u',,0 v. a jp tajn's broeei- J. B, Ma mtder, Pillow, Gua tavus VT. Smith, Benjamin Husor and Ed ward .JohrKon, all men of note in tho Cou /erlereto army. In i'act, to b.we with Scott at ClripulU: xv WM a ...-tpoit fv vor in both the I'niou and C--:-tvderate enpltuU whoa the civil w„r in-Kj o'i:, and the men who won honors iLeve iu 1M7 •hotrod soldier mettle on other iielda when pat to tha test of daric-.'. GitoRjii L. KILMSB. hhoH Mifjii-t of f.'lilllij.', hejtili at ohci: Ihe Uhi) tf Aerli.or Vigor. lb piepaiaUou ftretigtlieiis the se Up, promote* the growth of i!,:w hair, restores tin: uaiutal color to pray and faded hair, and uiuieis il suit, pliant, and i^lo.i.ty. "Wo have no hesitation in pronouncing Aye's Ilair Vigor uuei|ualcl fur dressing the hair, and we do tins after ]OHK cxperi enee in ita u?»e. This preparation iri ierv«{ the hair, cures dandruff and ail diseases of the sealp, make* rough and brittle hair .soft and pliant, and prevents baldness. hile it is iiotadje, those who have u'-'d the Vijjor say it will stimulate the roots autl eolor giauiU of fat^ray, litht, aud red hair, chanjjlut tiie coiur to A Rich Crown 1 ., (Ia. "Aye!"* ll .ir ii CT.-'lent for the hair. It ':tit:m!a .-n the jrreMh, enres bald ness. restores the natural colter, ch-anses the fcealp. tire\ent4 d:- :::'.niff. aii'i U sf.K«l dre«s li!'.y. We know that Avt i II iif V'ror tiifft rs from most h-dr au-1 similar prtrara ti '*is, ft being perf." ttv bam:les." —From IT :l A'.u.' ia by .' P. Varker. K 1* vjt u :£?.r y mor w E3. J. C. ATKTi i CO., l.ow»U, Sold by li -,v-uists and l'». vtv: MIfi U 'tl.e ttf I .iiiistrator of lh SolHt .ii linn 1 tti« Te Klid 'I !ch ie tbv \hin t-* th*' i MI rSouk at I s n.our. i' I'toV A !'o „,a 't AolJlnustr.'ilor of Mot' v» ti .Mtorll"\ 11A 1-. E A I OF lir.AST, STATS OF in Ctrl ,i,rl. in the mslier, «f. ibe den. Dectraneti. s?tate of TLoniis N.t Now. to-«t:. en th Pth dtv of Dt cemher IM-l', D. \V Dit!cs ae.miniftriilt roi Mid ect'itc, havim t!i t1 in faoi cmirt n port of (tic fide of eer .I-trill' laliu* behtnt'lji^ 1» Ullttl .CflU'O Uov, The sonthwe-t ({tiartt of «eet out eleven in itiwuahip nie-hundred and tweittv and raitge tiny in ctnintv Hiid ainte. for the *uiu of 1 nine handle and tlfty .doilar-s. all of wtii' li win i more ffillv KKpi'HT by I be return of anitt f^le Ito-.t I to, tile in 'said tunt. to which reference i* hereby made for futUier pnitieeiais tn rc.'-ir thei*to, i i« oH]#rcd thai on iht d3r«i ilav ot December I'tt'. I «t tli, liour el' 10 o'eSock tt. Ill of hill day lit ii"' cotiri room ttf Rind eonrt iu tbe city of ,-t tU,ttnl in asort (',in«f ^e aiol the mmt- jp hereby fixed jta tpe torn- tiik,1 place forheinilia 1*11 hi reinirt, Mid 1 that ten day8 notice thereof be given lyv a piibli cation ill a tiewajinper puMifheil :n fairl-euiiatj- Dated, thrsiith day of DtCiMliher IMHi i iW'AI "j 'he tV'O*. Atb-ai: I'IO'IMAS .L. Ii a, -'LII'J-e 1 .IdttK I.OI'KIUIIT, Cm rk Order for tlrnrilic anil Police ot Aj» plicaliflti far leilcrk of At 1 in in iM rill ion. •-.! rr Of Sol'il: 1 ?A KoTA, Ol'KTV or (, ..'.NT. IV t.l N I V (h)t'HT. In tl.e roi iter tlm I.Mate of John' i r». ilccenwtl. .. Ut. r-'iitittii and filinu the petition of U.en biiMiber i'rayn-c for l.ctieiB of .•.dtirniistiioit a of the coete tif -lohii l-liii.tber.', »ieci it.«*e'l. It i« I 'eretl. i hai Vtoiir'ay iV -."-iiti tiny "f Dee-in. et. A. i- o. at i o'rlofi p. .nfthat di.v. ,, jpsvofn nc'-thir lerm. to wit (if the Nove u!. tern A 1) tMio of this «.'t art. at ihr r.,1 rt 'tl r-i', II! lhe I'otiM II, te n Cily 1,1 ., 1 .i in '.Til I'll,niy oftO-jt. Pak-.t-'f rt i |,o Hie,: fei tiecriiiil ftttd |eii ••on: and lil'tl lille not!, l.'eM t/f he y It'll iifiorui! I to law i'att i'., i "l|ti|M« ATTrs'i JOHN I. K*l. i i I 4 l.t'o.,.'. I.t-t KIIAl'T. ct'l tt' Hull.. Ai' v for I cti: ior.t r. MorJgjj-,. Sale. (l"iri"t l'uWuatnui Nov. N.une ut MurU'iii-ttr. Dfiii lvtn-p n, .Minn-of MorU'hvei K(|iilUii'. lnw^im .. tu other of the MO,: inori.ti." v.herehy the whole 11 -111 tins becuilus riu« anu )uivftWf. anil lite amount claimed to l.e cine at Ui A ate is ilia «nm of Kift(-ge(i.|i a,.ri iii.|,u jn, ,HI«, tn-«uU-K the emu ofTv.i i,iv Iiil!.ira a torueitf fees pruvi nro for in fiMid ruorl^'tiL't' Notice IK hereby stvin. ,! .• -j -r -1 Vtr I tae uf the po»* ttf -.»u{i iaort" :»i e rttuHhesJaiiie Oi am 1 siiilpfl the Klii,,!il.t ii lieys fee* am, i ,,.i" HU-hip lit Jlfty tun-, 'o laort^ai. r-| V,L I- .' O KJI:ITA»LK INVSHTMB.M 1J. •'. W ii I 111) 4A-, NT, Moftcusjee »'«for ISurt^ajjep. o-ic of ^orti.Hi'ire. .\:iroii Kofelu u tl ttihra A \lorelii..i-, lnf v, if,. VIMI of i-rt^i' nee, Eijnit itde lrivc»i!,iei fnri t«m, 1-nte t' tiiertgaye. i I,i e x'.-th PK7: rei.,.|u ,1 til) ",thc-?. •,t v ,'.oo re k in. litiifi'ee of i t!eritf (let s|) Otbel M.tei" ell!' IU lt.ofttfH.le !:!lu Hi other eotidasi US ,( 1 .rtci^e, whef'-lil the whole ccbt- hai" btai-i.e ,-i unit pavable«iid 'In atii'-iiiit (I !o i tniB d*ie ic the "I'm n Usse ha* Nt l)oilnr» $i::.' .'i) .. y,-.. ?, I a O o i i o n mortcMfe. Notice here' •. i ,.,! tile of the po\\» t'onSnnotl in ("tut "ill case mid th- st,-' -tiah ••.•••••e matte unit v.(*•"? the tiri't i ,, ,- %mi| ).• foftrio"ed k •rt'H y the «)it-r:ft if »n:J or hie ifeput v oil Hie Brc -f Jammtt I 1 o'fiot k a in. nt ie i or of Hi utfte the 1'tvwu el Mii- -..n4 (irai 1 t'f the hsi!i and jiMiii '••-enhesl u. '»!_•('i'e. ]., i« Hir-e lo'i it T.iWiHttot»» Mile 1 :u"iity (p..t i ,rt l,.'ti-two .V.' if iMMMitit iu.- fsitj imtrtgiiKe. Mir:", '"ii'T S s!*-'. i or even Mark. It v !'t not soil thn pillow cate nor a poekel-iiantiker»l, ef, and ts al ways atrreeahle, All the dirt*, gummy hair preparation* Khituld he displaced atone^l-y 1 Ayt r's ilatr Vljror, and tliociantN who jto urouti'l with beads lookini{ like 'the fretful porcupine' should hurry to the nearest drug I s'ore and pttrehase a txittlo of thy Vigor."— 7','if Sunny S-nlh. Atlan!: Kir*-' M- ..I: ,\ of Mur A 1 I. IF I rt (.iH'lt Je of fie t.l aale l.i'A t.l I ,' O i't *t ib. i" i" i In tint. •t tt in it i ,i. I. !iilt»i,k, btmui -, :fi tiii-ri.- I i reb J.I Mottgage Sale, i First Publication, n ,• i pnnv. ))»!•»vi.«f Kehr»«rv J.* ili% n*. n.rfinl Mun r.ih lf-.i, ut 11 -V o cl» n a. in." iu ottir.e of HciiiHt, of Peci!?. «ir«ut CiMinty, Piiki*.. lii^i ijntury, a, book of r'lort^asfcs'oii jme luS. in'Tanlt l.HVinj been nuuie -n th* payment «f "-"tnl the luytaiitiieiit tioteit antS in the iui, t»t a oltler iiuii/h ft'i'tire(! Iiy sun! uiorlu r)t MilEUKAH, Default Uai« i.ei ot (ion* of fi niort.ilL'e eol.l ,. ..! u -w.-t f«!« ifiu-ii hi lieoiK" U Katltti.d 1 -t K hiiAhciRd aiidwtfV, to T!H* Moriu'ii i omimr.y of Weiinigtoii.Huinm-r Ce ty. Kiuisjis, Mt»ns:it ,, 1 v iortC'.):e wit! r-ep ut pub'te on .'-...utitity 'e o't .otl, i:olo.c lit tin ,,«y v.'id .'.ei.t, a i ....... Mlirfcft the •'i: i't.! .t.-om.'.ry t? .u, a: :.oc titMir i Ho et.k lit «#in t.l,: ino'i tori ej'* fteotjtii.y nt.-UTS ul-iow i ti by law fi.,!"0. Jt. no er 1:' 1 1 TBK I OI -,\I.» :. AMI I I .• I OSI'AW l.lllllll'l. I., N DOIM.I: »I.d T' I' i .. 1 I. 1.1 Notit'i*. n-«t I'i.', at! ,|| i "te. ,'J MOVN,.ft.!' ill V i L.M I «-r« b\ no .i.N n ibe ''r, i to! it A. -D if-' lotjowln dcstcr-.i..' or parcel-of .• i.j ta*?.'d ttt the i',.t. i 11l t,It V. l.Ml rt. e»lt t! i 'fie 't n i\ iifClltl.l, 'Imt lit -lllll I'Hl.t'in. :s N. I'M ri til !hi- NKii Nt' picet 4 In n-. /Ml, lliflt ti e rijttl Hi It .It nipt oil V li i 1 MI'ir- innl oiei! III! M,ol land be IIMIM v.ithio mty t",n» lioiu t:.e cuii.pleto N rvue ol tl. Uot It'C. i *rr. IVMI'II i !.!. i.oltettit. A/t ..t P.K ii HMT. e. dntfl llet eial.icr ist, 1 and recort'cd lleremlter ^th. Jh8«, in the rekit of tie, t?s of .rant ourov, tin n r,-,t. »,r and hot'i now jMnie of South I'akoin. at o'eloel iti. oi hook *h of uiort.*»i:'.'H, tin pa^cn 3,-: ,, i Mid ':W auti If iI'll tni»r! 'H'/e us tii.iv s." I-' by fsii'l Siiowalter Mortgace Company to Hon, tty H-rltSfi, Jjji-.t'i.tne,,!, Quti't"" Mao v 1 Ml'tI re.'ord. lf,re)l :t ,)l, IM 1 it ti o'ci', rn III the «aid re^ictrr of of «ael G: i iM'iatv. «:, bonk Vi of ,vtort£ »s'e«, en pit moNcflffiliL'Tlie South Ka«t tjiotrler. pro- v.ihft the "11 H! Hu rt -(,i e ut:l lie torerUi-ell t,v it "Klent pli.Siic anctiou by the clieritt'of oai'l (ini leuiity or I,i^ n• j,i ty ,,t, the^hd ilay of tanaa v tx l, ai 11 o clock a. tu at the fnUiiiksor of ihe I courv lion-,. ,ii the tiiWn of MiPuiiik. r,oi lirnio oiuity, of tbe laiitis atai pifii.i deseri'tcd SJI i (".oil mort-ttt'e. t.i-wu Lot.- mo and three •!(, ami the south \*. ut eaarter of the north.,- i tjiiHiter of .n tuiit mo red ftl,: IWeuly (S'J'i, ot s l.-,.j. I S»-et!on Six. (i ), in ,-ii o ,ii.*it: I iJ'tit let'ti. I'ppl i!). Nnrlli of Kanue Kort-n'« (.Kfrt, We-t, in uract countv, then Tvfdturv Uakota. now Mate of .Ninth T.'akota, by w 1 I th'faiit the power of Mli'tiw Ui't'ome operttl and lio attlioi at law »r HI etputy lia.* !i« r, in tilled ro ree,iver the d»sht aet'itred ttiere y. or •. port thereof, and there T# clitilned to he due Wd inortuai.''' iit tli'ti. date the urn of Nmt feVeii tinlnirs ant! Niie-tv c'lit«t. i$'i (•]. Die /•avir.t'iit of whi, ii i- itie i,»lire nt .-ooo !f.i. Nonce ir heirhy civeii that *ai(1 mortL"»:e" I he foreclose,t by a sale of snel pin lows at pn miction ht the j-herifl'ef-fjid ctrni ti o." e» Jaenafy M«t 1, ai !liTet o't Iml 1 I front dotir of (lie court btui^e Hi the .V bsiiik, in ioiiti eoiitity, to pay saut («t.. I attorie-y's tee of Twenty-five t. liUr«et o ni H,.t,\%"U lo w t»#ted, l)"f'!ilt,ef t«t'h, I !. Iloiutio Lot kK. .V'-fiy •torft*ltjre IJion A I lolinS mill i' l.:v'."N, Attoruev ••. i Mort^acee. Milh, ... v .r«i»H'oufity, Dckt.ttt 'iVirit.,i n ook 23 i.nT!.M k -i o pup- i -ti hti,i r. 1:I f.itiIt IIMIU 1 i-eei. Iioi'ie 1 fi ivmeLt i *t Vi'Tsit of the ii »tn itneiit nett Mortgage G.lJe hirst PiihUcat.oii. I't e. 1» HKHKA k i lhe Intel S Hef'iuU hat* been nn., 'tl ion* of ,'t niort caj:e eontto •. ...,i t'l Vei. I.y David 1 i"t',t'hti. nmrty.-it'oi, to A. Kloulit. iorti iit"'e. ti .. it'tobi-r Iwt. an,I it't'nii't ti lit :t i-r l, If the r« e|*t!y of ,.ee,l'. ef l«nti.l „in 11 Iheli lorv of l}:tkoift, now Mine of South In.i.otn in leioy ." Ite n*T*gilli! -, r. f. ,. ot 'Set to '.. •.. w rsithip I trt'entj one. Ki(iii,'e Fortl in'ie. (}. in irant cMinii, then 'ierrnorv ot Dakota, i,, ilii'.eof i,inti Ilakotk. ty v.lii ll to tnuit i power of -h hi'» t" om,. opt it ve 'it! i. i "i at t.'iw or in eifiilj hto* '-r the Iiebt aeetrrell ihere! i .dot Mi- iv i:n c, ttt .. at Una date the xiitii .p. on to !he aht i:f' on i iiai. l-t'l. »l dot of ihe Mi' 1 tt and \dt 't,.f norm.t 1 ot» to tftei.' tlatf"! Mi o 1 ,reji i'ttti. in I iilit i •1 II I 'T e: i rtnte ot I. it i, 11' in, -in if 1 14. lilt .' .. it I Ml iiCiiotriC law or isi eouity n«,4 s.yiit io:-!»Ui!cU. reeovet the ilebl J-cCHfei filerel'y uf lilT pttft fvit', ii Hi! there IN ehiiliml lo tje title :rtBi»g .'»tt Ini^viaU' Ute unin of three hnwlred .. taw^' iitrtiiptiyhitiu yii' w). i* u iSMitt Notlt't r»i hiircby i 1 itirt'ejio. »e-w ». .eltoli t,J i. t.l V, .III!.!,. v t' litlt'i' oof. "t e. I :. I 'l«k, jit K... O...J .. oi vu y V itc'of ttii siou I :.shut«e«wa»lK a'io»e«i.,by i i latvd JiCeeiriher Wit. 1' I a S» nil 'rMel V .,r A of inst i i e-* npr i hit a\ ,i, Audrey •. is i: ii-i 11,.- a ,'t i c. 1 lakes 't v,t s I or more'. a ts u The CH at North tu. is Jt rn Uy. I.i Du- u Mie, Tf.V-:? i 1 LU Settier- o to ion®, the GC'U), Nc 13 -own t, Hut,nt -!\(tin-i tail. b' .cos i,* i oh I ti i»xo tbeo ,".'t« use! iWhiqucn* tor thii year ihtnt'i, l.'ix mile by Ute I fiisnai rt, to ('curry h-.-il", n' I'lsiii'l p. re'oiM .• iltiiy ttt-K.'.:iit- i to t: Welch ai i»y »a:il i". j-. tt It lo ksl" tt K h,« bo i« tiou it mwttil i oiticr ol l.o et r'H ate ot" oor- i STATE or ,-o! in PAMIH, ooiit) ot i.-rimt 1 i- „t 'ibe yviiLIn notiec culnc P.ito u.y-'mtil« it tbe i S i o n o a e e i o e A n I e e i n t-i'tily ti .it ::er tlue i.iol iti.i^ciil »ean It nml ioijt.iiy '. ..t:i liiu.Ce to titiilti.e it Ut tv, iii'iitt ti I n X"T lili^ll 1 :.t,^!, ii. I. I t.l.')'. Mlite III .-t.tol I finkoto. int 1 ht\e j' i. n iun rmetl that I t! ij "i4 ib lelitit lit !.,'« ti» itl tt ti iii In .'l-itl I III! v l.i.t! i i i uL Suae, witb H.l. uatt'lon i belk\e to I e tllu?. I fortl t-r et r'.ily .b ibe »''ov« ,1».H*r:i o :r, i i ... iaiid Is tint 'ft uphd and tl iit 1 Hill t.i.nlii, o. an i'i..i'io s.« o: mibe suti.e. DilU'l lit ail JJ. l-'.i i li J. ij i ICT Mi'-riiV(irBr.t biii,i-y. .- .l un,..Mo.ii i,' •'I tJ ii i3 -i for Hook*, p4. tv V, ute ituw 1 it HI v .'•oitli Di.«'. Mil s ali-1 I'.lit lUn. Nt* h'tv' i n v i GOAL, htros, ibiiiLc, LOW tki] ct tov.'I njvrft lor ilAlti i i he. n Jty i' Mono. •HSHIK6 Hi.,, li.f biir^i- 1 !,"al -t 11 Mon*am. piO'lnef'- the tinest too .- nit ft !»'i- Krt-e raiiire-t iei Moti i.iilt n Mii.-r yutb i-\U\\Ll!.U.uivviii to.d :-iu'i't tirass Itios. IfttALTli! S'lCet tis- ii o, -. i e tt 11. y.'. A!, i i by 1 lie tleal Not-tht i l.e 'U I:., ei' 1 r- -t s tis, Y U of ', v' i O i:U8-j it biliary fo ','r. so .: I it 10 Mt,I,t.-. .,,:• i t! o .-. o i a i -a y a- IslVLR o t-i |l l:j tb" o.i'i' nib I the t:,.. Will and 'I lie \niit y ot i .'. ilk I'l Son •. Nnrttieit. J.''-. I 'i 1 o, S 15y Jobll A.,'-Wl.lA .oiv in f] i. v 4 i. tswi. n i .. Mian, Ll