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I I •U i lil v smpowerad to DMjEe I BULLS DEATH. (•rnpltic Story ot I ho Captur and I ull *f the "litit of the »l®v NRANINIM HOCK, N. I)., Doe. I —It was uu Sunday night, Dec. 14, tint the order to arrest Sitting Bull was wiveu, AHI] at 11 A5 a mounted oxpeditior inder Cap'. E. (5. Fee-hot, consisting of troop F, 8ii. cavalry, Lieut. H. 11. Klocmu com rnanding, and troop G, Ijieut. 13. 11 Oowder commanding, left tliis fort to t-upport a detail o(40 Indian police in the undertaking. The police under Bull Head, lieuten ant of police, and Shave Head, first ser geant, wont into camp near Sitting: Bull's villas, at ni^ht, and in the morning niat!o the arrest. billing Bull expressed his willingness 1» go, but wanted to tnake gome prepara tions. While Bull Head und Shave Head were in the shack where the old chief was tting ready two hucks, enveloped in blankets, entered the shack, and, throwing off their blankets, o.iened tire un the police. Silting Bull's wife had gone out and sot up a howl, which seems to have been tli" fur the assnult. In the ttirht which ft1 lowed Red Torn* hnwk killed Hitting Bull. Tenor more of Sitting Bull's followers were killed. Seven police were killed, and Bull Head und Shave Head were desperately wound ed :i"d will undoubtedly die. v*s* The prtijec were now surrounded, but at this juncture Capt. Focliet with hi* Ijtatlinc gun Had a "Hotchkiss" readied the scene and attacked the Indians, who, after a hot .skirmifeiumr, took to flight and disappeared into the timber. The camp, with the dead and wounded, was taken at once. Otvasiunnl eho's wore exchanged between the troops ami ambushed hosti'es during tlie day. The officers and men under the gallant Fecit et, who is a man of experience and bravery, act»d with courage and good judgment. The ho-t.: es have uone up the Grand river, and will undoubtedly nia'»E their way to the camps ai Hon, I'IUI Ilidge. The casual tie* were as follows: Police Killed—Linle Eagle, Afraid of Holdiers, Hawk Man, Broken Arm, Bull Ileud, wounded, Shave Head, mortally wounded, Alex Middle, wounded in the leg. llostiles Killed—Sitting Bui', (-row Foot, Snting Bud's eon, Brave Thuiidei and his Caicri-'he-Bear, Black B'-ai. I/.ttte AflRiuaiioiue, Spotted Horn Bull, and others unknown. Col. W. F. Drum, accompanied l,\ ipt. I). S. (..'raisjie with two eoinpaniea of intantry, let't here for virand Kiver esterday lo reinforce (.'apt. Fochet. One Bull is at»out tlie only leader of Siltmg Hull's band. Nothing haa heen heard ot him, but it he it) alive and among ta 11«eithe chances are that he will pul IIE Mattered braves together and IU.IKU a s:nnd. Shave Head and Bull Mend weremiv to Foit Yates. The former. died BOO. after, but Bud Head may recover. Hhave 1 lead iuiH made a sanguinary record art a policeolllcer, and haa none and unaided quelied more than one disi urbane.* h\ promptly dispatching one or more ot the leaders. Bull Head was ofuijuiet, uu ooiru-Mve disposition, wlule bhave Head was full of tire,fuu andjosie. In his la-1 night in camp alter amusing his compan ions with his ready wit and abilities a* a tsiorv teller till a hue hour, he turned in wiili the remark that he f.'lt that he would not live to nee the end of the expo dhioti. Yet he was anxious for ttie mor row io come with its attending danger a etciteiuent. Bull Head was re-peel od bj the Indians and lik"d by the whiles. Shave I lend win respected by ihe whitts and WAS held IU deadly terror by the Indians. Au eye v\i!n"88 tella the story of the baitie as follows: Despite the parly hour, all was astir in the village, where on every lurid was evidence that a hurried exodus was con templated. Tho foniesof tlie police were i.-hed now (or ull they were woith, and Detoro Sitting Bull's dazed adherents hud hall a chance to realize the Situation, a dozen of the police had pulled their pawing animals up short on all sides of thechi ['s ah.itle. No tune was made in ceremony. Tlio proud old medicine man was hustled out, hoisted on a waiting pony anil in a thriro faced toward civil ization. Ila rayed and spluttered in a fur y ut rage for a moment, then straight oniiig up nhouted hoarsely, not for help, hut a command to hi3 followers. De spite the threatening of the police, Winchesters alternately directed at his head ami those of hi* kinsmen, the old faedicine. man retained his presence of mind, and with a powertul voice con tinued to direct his own rescue, [Suddenly there was a pud ol\smoke le Wde a tepee and a sharp crack of a Win chester. Tho pol iceman ot Sitting Bull's fright .grcuipcd the chief* bridH, ieel4 in A cherry Pectoral freely in the saddle, toppling over, was trampled under the hoof of tho ponies, now all in tho mad helter skilter of retreat Ironi the village Tho shot wus instantly answered a volley from the police at thrir blank o'ed tribesn'on, many of whom were al ready rnouii'.ed and in frenzied pursuit The police volley told with deadly elle and the firing was in a moment gen eral on both sidi»s. Sitting Bull could be heard in the contusion, still attempting, (hough captive, to direct the fi^ht. liaising his gaunt form, he wad beckoning his eons and warriors on, when, without warning, his body straightened rigidly, then droped limp on the prairie. The police halted round the corpse, not knowing for the moment but it was a trick of the wily old chief. The sud den movement and the Inil of Sitting Bull disconcerted the pursuers, who re mained at a distance, sullenly firing at intervals toward the police. The I it»»r held their ground, knowing the cavalry under Capt. Fechet. would soon be on hand. To the sunrise of all however, tho hostdes, who had been consulting among themselves, began a movement to close in ftom all sides. The rattle ot Win chesters was now redoubled froru both parties, tho police u^ing their ponies for protection. It wns at this critical juncture that ("apt. Fechet's men dafhed up, und the machine guns, which had teen put in position, opened upon the red skins. The la'ter were too dismnyed nt this unexpos ted onslaught to stand even for a iu«» ment, and all liolted for the river. The v r-Hewed only n short ditancei deeming it better policy not toduve to desperation the now letterless mob. Chrifitmis in all its attractive variety and loveliness has a happy greeting for •dl who call at lilhot'n. UIFI'I RRVH.I.O, Dec. IS, 1 Mr, fllftser ot log Stone, wns h»'r# Thursday. Mossrs. Boll and Douglass of Milbank, went to Water town via. lievido Monday. E. Jones of Bellingham, and a friend of his made a short stay here last week. Hyde, the drugnist. has received un elegant how case in wliicli to disjda}'his numerous brands of cigars. Mr. Olin C-rindel, an extensive agri culturist -f Lac qui-l'urle co.icty, visited tliis town one day lasi week. W. Slot lie moved lus barn 1-^t Thursday fro:n where it formerly stood out b'.to the i initv of id- t-heep builditiir* Mr. Boyd I'helps Jay, a young aivrtr of considerable fam», who ma^es iji. oome at II. dough's is receivings vi-.t from his motlier. Stoi b» iuli..rii'-ed us the o'her d*v thai lie intemlod KS an exj» riment, to irrt gatoftfe -v acres of his frtrm neit ye-r wiih his flowing well. A otitig folks' party was enjo»ed at die resilience of Frank Bork, i»tiiriay ni rht, in celebratiou of his daughter* o1 ( Loe and Miss Crlssie Halversnn am1 J.. es McBride of Albee, started from hei Tuesday morning for their re spective HI 'IK-S to spend the holidays, bee and .! to Dod'jeviile, Wis,, and .Inmei'. somewhere south ern Mi' u !bo. .. Mr. Eug'c i it-on has moved his slio and hariies shop, from his former piaee of business into 'he front portion ol the house in which he resides and is now prepared to furnish tlie peojiiw of the s ate with harness- and shoes. The II'vdlo brats band nv ned at the drug store, Saturday night, the purpose of electing oilicerg an.! making ot aor art augments for the winter cam paiirn. The makers of melody will meet, lor practice during the winter every Wed nesday afternoon. Bin mro^crm', Big SloiiB.City \V»vo. Dec. 11th, iMHl. Tuylor RnsHell *vi 1 f-t irt on atrip to the eitBt this week. Ha vvdll KO »h far as Ctiiiairo tireit and oventuvly to "(Jle Virginny." Presiding Eider H. II. Dreeser, preached the quarterly sermon at the M. E. Church last Sundiiy evening. Quart erly meeting "t 'his charge was beld Monday at one p. in. The Huron dock at the camp grounds received eonai«lerable dai.wijje from ttoat inz ice this fall. It ought to (e iken care of or it will bo entirely destroyed before epring. Kritz P:\ueijer is kept very busy con cocting pop, gingvr-ale and other pala table drinks at tlie whop up the laka, while .l.iik Huliler trivele for trnde. Their business is progreiniuir nicely. Robert Moviusgavea delightful young people's party at Ida father's residence last Friday evening In honor ot his friend, Howard Moltn of Morristown, Kice Co., Minn. A lurge number of young folk* were invited and a epleudid lime kept up until the early moruiog. WII.-tlOT. Rnbert.i County Kecord, December 1J, 1*® Att'j Bed was up from Milbank on Monday lttst. Sheriff Gorman re'urnwifrom his cousin visit this morning. Dr. DanielB, of Milbank, was in town vesterday on professional busineefl. Liev. Vo.s* ft for Micsourl last Von day, where he expats to make his future home. John Lock wood, the popular liv«ry man at Milbank, was in town Inst even ing. Kev. I. i". McLean returned from his eastern trip this morning. Bessys South Dakota is good enough for him. The spelling school at th» rieiu school house Wednesday niffht was »n enjoyabi" atTiir, Miss Anna Hicks was the champion speller, John Atkinson expects to leave for West Superior in a re* days where h* will eugage in real estate business. Nearly all colds are slight, at first, but their tendency is to lower the system un til the sufferer becomes a ready victim to any prevalent disease. 1 he u*t» of Ayer's (.'berry I'ecioral, in the be^innim of a en d, would guard against this danger. Nvlice of T*acher!i'lli»lit®W- The teachers of Grant county *r« here by noli tied that a Normal Institut* will be h'd'i in the High school huild'ng of ttie City of Milluiik. lOmmeDring Mon day, Dec. 2ftth, at 10 o'clock a. m. All per-ons engaged in t^aclnl'g now or who expect to teach during the ear commencing Jan. 1, ISJ1, are required to attend. i Your absence will he accepted am a: eign that you have lost all iotere-t is tn« cause of education, and wi 1 t.e tr t- i accordingly. 'I herelore. to the end th»t the i- ai m-! tere.-ts ol the schools may be t^ru-d, and that your i-ertilicat'-s tuay rein un valit, fail not to present yoursefves for c: roli meut at the aforesaid time snd pise.-*. (r. W. ^RKVkV. t'o. Sup't, Mract •. S Milbank. S. I), Dec. 8, lH.-o. MAIN conclusively I was a coimtaiit sufferer arid RASO, ouly 1 FOR DYSPEPSfA, 1 Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is an effrvi.uf remedy, a# numerous If.itimtv, JUDTO. "l-dr two art from LITER dysprimia fomiiUinl. 1 tunc doctorod a Inn* aatl the inedioifi'js pres rlbcii. In nearly cv»-ry ACI?r»»iiird UN- An disenne. apotliecary advised ni'j to use Ajit's 54i (iaparilla. I dal so, and was cured a EOHT of $5. Stnco that time it lias hern ray 1 family niediciue, and sickness has lupine a stxangcr to our household. I li»'liH*e it to le tho nit'tiicliie on enrth." T. F. Mi.'Nulty, llackiuau, ai bummer St.. lowell, Mass. FOR DEBILITY, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is a certain rnro. when the eomplalut oript nates iu impoverished hlood. "I was "a ST»'at nfferer from a low condition of the blood and general deMlliy, beeomiiifi finally, »o reduced tliat I wm uutlt for woi k. Noth ing that I did for ttie cnmi'Uint ma miieh as Ayer's Sarsaparilla, a few Imttlea of which restored nie to health and strength. I take every |'ionunity to i'L-coimm.-iid thU medicine iri similar cases." C. Evict, Main it, Chllliwitiie, Ulilo, 14 E. FOR ERUPTI0N9 And all disorders orlginAtlng In Impurity of tt»e Mood. »urh as carbuncles, pimply U'Wlies. salt-rhHum, soald-tiu«idf scrofulous sorea, tail the like, Utke only sores, nod the like, PRKPAVICD BT DR. J. 0. ATER & CO., Lowell, w%|.gj Trice «1 «ii bottle.,$5. Worth #5 a bottla. WT* r, inflate—a DUKOMV specialty of live subjects? HaKine Pl/.fn taswf »1 rawinv 1 I s t. 5 5 S 5 3 ii £.1 3a.iL \9 Is a fill Lias of "THF MERCIFUL MAN IS MKUCIFl'L TO And as the winter is at hand it will to call on ANTELM'N, THE HARNESSMAIt He has a full line of BLANKETS AND of all Varieties, both cheap and of the quality. Also everything in theHarne and Saddlery Line. Headquarters for Beautiful Holiday Gg at J. ELI Handsome Silverware and Fancy of every description. Don'tf ail to call and look them over The Very Latest in every Department Departments all Full! Choice Holiday G-oods Fresh, New Selec tions. Fine Novelties! IW" ^'l-AUANTKED to be up to ISTAJNDARJD *ny ulove'1 The Cedar Rapids Wood Pump, Brass Valve with which the pump can never leak its priming. The»e pumps8"1-""" teed (rive the bf»t Satisfaction. A full line MOB & LEE, I lio Crayon pay. ROB] Artij •-j o 0 Ul i—« o t-1 Pi c+ S FARLEY, Have always in stork a full line of TlG ltl Coin, and the p€®insulir!~I take only 1 XT i 'LOOK A Heating OTOI ZZ^OZ:- !?"Cr2vC3r3 They are prepared to do all kinds of job work such a* repairiiur sto*^ »r anything in the hardware line. They carry a full LINE OF UENE11^ W AKL. With mich liDes as mentioned above, and are going toge" Prices that are Bound to Establish lr» Dl? From Now Until Christmas, M1OIH and per dozen. lor sale at Chicago prices. lJfl the Photograph ill give one 18x22 Life Size Bust in Crayon, with°new Cabinet Photographs, any style, all for $12. Now dont think this is nrsy cheap work because you a bargain :t an exceedingly low Price, for it's ^llrpi^n^c ^vor bt'cual to what you clin get ^n. Vl nt!J is sold by a^entw for ,i without the Crayon at usual pi"u Our gallery in open every day in the week. .4 fJiti I u y 111,1 style frames to fit abotf PU1