Newspaper Page Text
lU ,UMf: taislk. K A ». I»i» :1 1 B»H« Hi [JM KA«T. 2.S5 n h:oi a :n :M dni!y, k- iroin t:. p, m. VI Of BKAfC" 9:15 ft HI 9:52 a in lie 15 a in 11:1 ni ll:'Jh a ui I&i!> i ui ."Mondays, \Ve.luevi.»y», weeK. •. i.on* 11-^: 11.1.0 1A! !!U HAST. I A'I tud Friday IHu 1 i' OtMCr.JIN. It M»rt int., I d'iii llctlni.i. »is!., Win. .itji)iiiiiji.-,Cir.i -C. Mnrtnia. l'li ,K W •»ct i.'-r, ]. 1:1.,a--1. »l« SU'chffe, 11 cv.r of Win. Ix" 11 hi* irifironi. v, 11" i-. luiu. aauaajflu—- Tho little daughter Mr find Mtk I J. ('. Kmipp was baptize i i'i- s-,«. i tire flpisoopal church. la lu:iij» itt 10 vcept ex. i' •«i wk.«T. CI :,-. 1 tirher a form '•-ant county man. mw. of Superior, Wi i with in-- r*!:tiivr F, 1 is Koepin .* it» wit ii tn »i i I v. Mr«. i i I' Hour k irU'V. edict. L. Lockh.'irt W i'rt-vv 11 i)w«- i. flRDU'lf' -VV. S. I *1- •. -,it ii(»r W Aiit'-l ii.- ii,.. liAPPKNLXGS. tfmis iii M. i'-ttiil, Mr y riiii ui Apji-eUiti, wliere ..'en a •riUin of lU'.iifi id il re, (iie (im.reyati 'n dcLuri K' »t,.i .v nin^. iniifsniti, i- £sjotidiiii tin li'.ic.y uith h^-r i:h inU •1! I -i ,M• s. J. 1 .(e.-iLh tvi' i^.s (iirived 011 Christ inns 'T'own to iibiiist the youn^ iiiijii:^ lor the Teuiple of U1 well acquainted with tlie tuinuient. t'liool ui Hi. Clontl, Minn., e n i n e o a y s a i w o 7 itJ 0,,U 7' -. eiinifi in »n to-duy'» train 11 tmns'ut some business Mrs Klgar Simmons wont to Orton- vilk. \. t^rday. spent! ChriHtmaa the meanwhile h»i'. Miss Idii B.K'km vi. "i„, [.- her^'* faitiifd hel ieis, if* spending eurne 1 \himudii with her father friends in Stra ndberg. dames Dickson, of Carberry. Mm ae|uninianc« ot the editor. st a 5'rin MubanU t• -it.'. if" i: y to St. I'liijl. I y. Ti iuiH 't*ft lii- Itl'i SI. Li ill i:. «Mlj( und re :U M1 Mr-rry I. rubor '«•!).tiy itromb .mitp I .:. atM»' to Mott iV 'tnrdny. Mr. Merry I I nt*- 411 Ofl'Ct i S5V V'ulkntir. I. IittelstacJi iff1"'' fl'-iir v i:: .vi 1 i'" »ni -1, ,M K vrrlii'r, 111 I Wni.-i W 1 .1. J.-5 W*rd A ErUtii"-' I'-ii ii'up:inthhtc villi rit- ii .i-i. n„ V, V 1 "I- KMTATION junm, i: li*.~tniaii, itfi, W ii)idi:'ir •••'lionl :i{ Un.wi's \"niiy huh in- fru'iid- in tii i- wit tic via i i 3 i s i n i w t- i i i i i i a s Mr SM'IM'JO 1 'tcCuiium v.Mrf in tiiPi iiy sOty, o w i r- J. I »1!-• aU, lU0 -«Muth He'ideate and of the M. E. Church will iiual New'a Tea, Jan- ie Church. Uyiitere will be tlie suppor. Pi me for supper 1 be a full flresB rf hearfal, of °f ^auie.ut the Opera house (Saturday) evening, and all if part are requested lo b# t'!', ddl lllL' tti" r'oihri .i-. in 'It prcfifllt II !iv .jii)|r lortl." r. j-- pi 1 room in •lirviiit:U*d i»oi •tted i-i int^r do^, stipiosi'd •liU'HfiU panics, is in tl:»* v- 5.1". nudci'itl.Htl theKiur of liij: St_t inc Oily. U-MI. nH,.- idll:o. of Uu: i to ii'vo Uieiii fverv iiossible tid vai.tiigt? v 1 Wi'di ir:-!, t.eiieher in tlie utii'.ent ..f th© city eidiools. Tlio "Teniplo of Fnmo" will ljoprf-i-nt- i •"'Hiristmns holidays uL her ed »-t the (ij^in houpe on mondny ovimi- t-'iijiolis, i, i^c., 27. 'i'lds will lie one of thf n?dli.y ft of "Mitertaiimientfi d,f ajMJ.U. Scouteo.bothuf Tl.o i-.ddf s «t hme i^ues t'Ui, on, visit to the family one hi ate clearly why sh e sluiuld, in h»r 1 opinion, Iihyh The pages then intro.luee tine by one eonie o! t)i« noted wonu-n of the nation, v. lso represent hy recitation, narrative 01 a son^ her chum to the crown- if L'arrick, who iti utte nding We have bad the pleasure of looking over "The Argosy," apaper gotten up by the students: of the lii,l. sclmol «nd 8W 1 „. tl M.'iriv tlio now? papers the Ma i v urging the new ietrwiatur- down expense* l«y getting tin w- •well in hand and rnnUimr a sps .,i.:, l.j t}i* tiMi-'i! length. Tin adopted with adv,\nt.tro t!» ilie Kt'it", I only liy the inr.a u-^ ..e !future ones u- i tie brace of .1 ehickeiiH In 1 mist of Wiliiai iewid, d,!e Idled an otherww vacant pla^e tho CliristuiM 'iiriMT 1 n»• 11- nf the odi: i i w e v e i i i o w u v i A 1 choice -'w !i I!'- «'«-]••!. (wrvwi K J1 i ill. UfM iui.»l and hud P'"'t IiUilt i over Htl aiiH'ii v' i !f w'ni'fi WI' fcillhiil't b«- ,V 't'W of S I t- \r hl.f lilt rt'imn-U-i- thai it is the winter iiv »h** in*fnng of the i- U'l'ti A V •"1 I I--" f..r •xt 1 Ij FtiHHil Tli i .in- P- t! v 1 if l5:o- 11. '.--ri|ij:«. AfU-iii^n- i:i.• Ill's ii"-.! In- iui 1 !i. Vr 1' w*!os of Minni-nt'oii', nnd «ill t|»r, .„, foid 1) -it ii. in I'lijinV, l-.i.- 'or .. i-i'd owi. niM- lit* of M:« i Slid ii :i visit t' ltd« plai'f. i :.:i«retitin i:i tlio Wninni-" K01 't i ur .' i,it'i't in di'* nnrt ii 1'ln.: 111. i i in- 1 1-2. rlHireli. Siitur'iity, U ill iiave Lwii .% years iiist-Hd I «."«•* for tli* clmrt.»r nr.. yi purr* for ti.!• .orjituiiziition. Hy on1i»r ..if, fct'v*'20l KchdJurs oiirollt'd. •f wIkmm note in tli^ Iiiu-i '•••'i »'l lar^o*- ever 'u'f«.r^ 11 1 ,ll, 8"f 1 oti vif 11 to 110.' fill 1 or i- dsMHi'sTiH'nt. A ejii-ci:il rourso is i^ivt-n 1 "nu (jttier tnniKtM in Mil- idrlV. I lo tlioM' w lio lire only idne tii'.ti*i)U tlif i kcIhvi! during llit* winter nint! 111 urdf jitiiii'ii 1 1? slinrp. Plei» oiimfl !,'• -nf-• :f v. 11 CoMMlTi'lvf'.. i. .•!. -i' nt the I'll! term of tlio city iitji*y use '.' I'»• CIK»1 lif ii'i till' JVtrlT-i' dil List ,a,iun and entertainment ol the BcholarB la-t i rid:i\ at the close t.f the tall term. The con tentHotthf paper are well pott on up, showing i d\ur.'eof fidvancetiieiit in liter ary matters highly eomplimentry to the editoral, which un* composed as foliows: Editor in chief, W.ft Merry j*'er-, oral news, Homer HurKiin l'c i^ne«K Herman row!: hiitiior, Olive Mciindej Iiterture, 1'ertlia Hradford poetry, Ilattie lliUsj nij s ceii!Uiy, \'erna CrowJ. 011 tilt' !lmuos 1 .y ttie kulnro of 'lu tricbtd'H i e.: i pump 1ioii:h'. v. 1 1 proeeeded to pi i-'tl-lUO lli-} v liitle liindt• 1.1 Hl1 th e world to conic into her presence ana eae.i 1 I I U N K S I I A Y E i o Consolidated April 11, NW ..llg 111 :i -u »t aisd a '•!. :..i V !.. 1. lli UiH k i if-'tii «», .11 '.ii 1 ly ti it 1 w ar* !icc i c. riidi'i 1 "f". Ill into 1 '-rini and v«. i--r til 1 't'kje 15 I- 5 t' (l !i *S llilllf.. i e i e v n i i n a i n i e i a o e ntidK' 1 1 idea could '!*'. Iinim.iu joj lo the little ones undid) others who inr. e not itiowii tot)', i :i v. i huUl®S .-ii Great "-»p!ir !tii n .d Kie ny U-er.»: 1' IT SC'IiooIb 'I:'" i *i**1 i i t.-d w. 'h k!' I. .•.'.mine, i.-r-n a i« T.. He pi H-tf. i ulldt'd i'.Tld di.-rovfred llt l)Hrn of .(J. Mi iiuio -wnb u:i tire, little tlolrtj w: 1 c'i".nt»tl iii ^ot'inu* fDirineer at tho -t soon an noiitied tho hovn 1 I(ib i to \i-e. Ano'hrr .."ro n!!liWe-.i to I'.aH -irt i was re.- led n 1 lio i 1: liu-p l.d wl:t- :'ii::" en i tir-T. thus i w u i o n to ehasu.* j. the line ktoek was biinied a'th.'Uvh everal hoau of lior-es were in tho ham lien 1 lie tire was discovered. Thff however. f« ".'era! Xww Ftinidl:nn.l 11 ihe hum and they w»»reereiv.t.l d. t'iiii.-ie of the tiro is unknown, but Mipp.i-:.-l t-» li iveheen -^''t hy some 'if the small boys w o w e e u y i i u i o n n i n e e a e time. o i e i o n s i I I A i u i u o n Wo ,}sire to qive notiee t" nil t^rnona iiulehted to us that, .vn wat.t tnem 10 c.-dl promptly and settle. All lulls not i hy .laniii'ry"t, 1S01, will phe.-ed in tlie hamls of a lawyer tor oil.." ti.' \W-. mean business. Letts ,-it a in. ami lo a. in. & Cannon. Milhanlt, S. P^'-) Dw- ffinBBMmMMttmaraBiaMi luei v.ifjco of 1 1 e.\,M'fuir,i ly ery interest- e iiiiixutant .' .y BellH. I'll-ll Wl'.e riuiid* •.. toe :.'i their -. After ir.'i.iiii 1 siaje and .... ii appr.pii tie !i. in the Ariie a'.-.i a hs**id ot i i .. dlioUlderg •••xi.iiii. r-" i• i ii.t of (shining i.e .,t ri III eirjiii.s ot a mar. Ii a.ep W h- e t:cii»their i: «'rio- e til© atiu e • a wo! J' ill iliali'eii D! h»d n vr-ry i'uie tre fi'uiie i'ivr,i.if'. and -i W iitie'lfU 111 rietiO:- a::d hap Hoa the ii oio were .y bv nunier- he'.r'.ti. id. all e onii^ht, web i cv^uiii^. 'nthdio sdi'-ol --auol on thf a: a was elabo- l«fn tlie I'uriner Want l|j(lict »l" l.iiuiT i'! to per.-umt" the western um-i i for nvief from ii^rii'iiitniiil de II in lower prices for what If bins 'OUtld i i child- :or hi^l .t p:, 1 v.• ... i'-iiiagog.i• *,- tr\ in .• i'i' ii-,. con*-ii!ner. It:- ,t his expendtt. liree tC'tis yards of clo{ i if n lie fjuppli three Iwlos o: -t. grievously oppiVM^e Jr«.'vl ,'rnwl. I.Rrf of i i the I'Ufllt er s' tnt'H to Iii- ii'tt• 1 wan I»»I .1!* hides and wo y:|T'!- I i .'n-aittir.^. Hi-- my illt'-l'.! or bit!.' tl:f of ton it.- h". s.ividjjs, i 1.' -iliord, u.e. If ii- uve i y.ird by advnntiiife tti hav ti a' ui... iV'ood. Wmtli SiT'-e mt-ef|.l of 'A .* westein tarnier. w nippos. I i.ort^iii."-. Kerr, i iiHit'otediHW. i- '"en r. than the pr .:- -'-r -t i.'mi iter«i»t» in a I i ir i i ri:• i: ,t 2tW will probably ho all in- '\i!i ».-e to devote to Hupplying wants, .-,nd lie will hrsv*- I')" hnnliels' left o t» That is, lii» 11. i a 'ins- 1 .1 in relation of -J to Thus far his-. :n- i.-'. fts in keeping np pri os are itler.t i- ii iiii the .cloth iiiidiri. !tnt jrmtdu-re ai o'. In element t- i:- du- •m.mtV coinfrn in inert .- i.-. n n 1 I.-...- liirt loo bushels of suj*p i. .. i s element is the Jiiortraire. N niitiifj how hijL'h the price of when! •r -»th. !i» fnc value of the iiiortgi :i. i Mse uiuoiirit of interest eharjro reill :il tf he ret'five. lor hie loo i 1 ijrnin whieli lie .has K.-iveii, I s I i O i l.te 11 .o $2'' bet .el it.'.-re,-* i hart," l!.e Iih i *Ni. At HI buheis which saved wiii JUft, pil IV the m(ere«t, Hi. he neih a ddiar a t," apply o:i •iiid K.'tir m- ri.. •.ii.X liiruii.N iS a- a in t1 t:.« bt- e-l youiltf o hev liad nopa 'Jin IM.M, ii i 1,1' i n s,» t?to cost, of living of th.' 'n-r. i i^e th« ofiiiiiioy items of el hi- }e.,r ly ii. i..jt. Tin* tarilf rem:dn uncha. L'. i !. .'a I'.wered, c,r iifdi .y :um ieuioiel\. iu-a ,'i i: .o i of inid.'d^tiL i .:iss, by liev. innnuf tl.ese. Ilieyaro'f b«-t- f'a'iioi Stop.),'iii. ii si vi. a never held hwre tei i| u.i. it y and cheaper than an e. unit ry on tlie a!..!K» To .sum up ihe ene a lefor*», and wiiioh iva-. worl alttnided. .\ia.-..s was uIaO ceU'hrated Christmas day oi the oli'f'.tat'.v nvlimd peo ple of the village havo raided a .-.tuali t'.-rid and built Lorenzo baweratiee a maa'd shanf* in 1'be wiuai^, wiiere his thin 1 tunkiiin it lii'cep/.s.j or U'- feet "f ( around eiei I• i' lei itefoio i.i'/ :le c»ilil bo iil:ii !it'd to bed ticitii: ,' I.-.- t.en rt. I Head and meats t.:id an ii tiling from i v,[Miiv.«li»i'i.l the table as thev wid nor mbs und which i he is thanKiui lor. lieiison mu*:s. r! y ew ry i' tnem. Ittu ami cs.iia .i i isp-r»v"t lteiiiri are nntoiicheu. V', :..!.- .• i.m-r .Myl liy the wealthy and styibh ha .'» i en imTeased, vet. the eon u«:in ^ouita w»i'!ii the t'*r« o-i. l-va-ve either been lowered or ien. n 1 h. i. 1'ncen of ready tuatie ei-.r.inu: are i. h, atVuclod by the bill. L'-nthe.- rato Wsk either uutouciitnl or lowered. Th cheiiu. nl ti.diediiie in g^n-'raly lowered. So iiieia's. I-1 iriiii are is not .Lumber in lowered. i'heii tliefo-.-ar.- a hundrod undone ot.lior iI'miis hi tl:y o: l^ilis from ouse r..fouiit un'nuchfd iiy ii. tarilf. to ilieir KxsinipieK ure hlaeKMiiita ts 'ii•'. oiiilooitf or re airing biiiitbn^ij, foncio.:. !iia.s-,i,ry newspapeis, uii-nl 1 Nes, and iint ess tho common every duy.expenses orai r. •I'lleii thure ate classes ot orice eouiil notbo ntTected by any tarftf'. Atiru uiiural i«achiuery, wagoas,: sihI carrajres will serve as ti.vimpie^. 'J'no a.'nl ii iimitiale.l fui tlie ('ni.o.-l States ieads tlie woihJ ia iln- f.-wworOs, In e(-fi)urt hs of th' t'iriiiers eNpeti'-fH ar- eit her mi toia-he. i .r w e -|-d ill liio tleW taiiil hill. Tiki red lie ion more than oven-eine the inereas "i tMM'ii.-l if ihe other fourth. Takt for ms'aiife tinw are, about v. hieh a i u trade howl has been laised. Tl e exlre t. n oi fifteen renti-i wltitdi the farmer w id have to pay oil his yearly pun has eM n limiare wi.'l ho many ti'iiea inaiiu up to that lo* can i eeomfortable and hjm in tie- ad\ant:i^es wldeh wiiieoi need not suiter wit a the i-old a- he has from ti.-e s^a-, On the other hand. He Wn doin«. He wid remain there dur di.^t U'lnl^nrv ,.f .he bid to ir.en-HM. ing he v. inter, poo toiiijj l.e u ^'et the puce of every h«' ii«k to j-ed. t(es onoUirli to ent, vv /. o .i u'o do not think pher to jfade-r !:"om the*"' i "iiditioii will tie very hard, a- p'. e a number have ii«»w 'be. western fariuer than- in the tliown a (ii-po.-uion to aid him with oold boneiimol thet.-uit.. j-jot reijiiire the brum of n pliin s wue 1 '240 aerea ready for soeder. Inquire at I vertistd I)i uircist a bottle of Dr. KiuirV Wood Bros., for tenus. New Disc..\*ry for consumption. It i guaranteed brintj relief in every ease. Mrs. Wni. E. liitford. graduate in tnu- when use I tor any affection of Tho it. sio of the Northwestern 1'i.iverfuty.' Iiunsfs, or Chm, such »j Consuuintion i-lvariaton, lils., is taking a few pupils in her, 10 1 u is guaranteed to bring yo'i satisfactory rfsullB, or in case ot 'For fBent Kale. failure a return of purchase pin e. On The Sliatto farm adjoining Milbank. I this safe plan you enn 1-uy fiom oui ads inflammation etc. Jf fs pleasant and i agreeable to taste, perfectb' sate, an i trial niiifiic. i ntere»?t"U may trad on froo. at Casper H-t® lbg StoQ^ jCdy.