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a a or ia* el.. 0 i vat ili' i i :tV di es at U' e til ur« ,ed I* it tt let •nti sia su plo U te liO! in set UD1 ng» 11 tea 1 Bt» i tb ve emi tb •xtr ie 1 n v i mm—rnmmi HEIIALD-ADVANCE. W. W. DOWN1K, Eililoi- mid 1'utihsber I A N K e TIIK Two TI I K s. Di The Ism of the Week. XJ'»' TELEGRAPH AMj CONGKETSSIONAL. A RESor.tTiov i.Iit-ir an inv- :m is to whether Hw- r.ylii i.u v«it•• was di'Mt-.l or klrri-1 io any Statu wns ,li.-.cii-.i«i in the UntteU Stales Stnatc on tU« ifitu ami the t-lec .iim» Mil furilier rnn-alci ril ...In 1h House a concurrent resolution was offered pro riding for n h'.i.ilii.v n-O'-a from 11 •ceruin .".i •a) Jiiiaiuiy r. Tim Coiign.uMonul appuruon nent l»iil was Tiik time was tuiien up in tho Senate on the ITtti in (llscuxsin the ,'1,-,'ticiis lull ...In Oic House th'' n!i!:oi'!io!itnvnl iiill. lixivia thu mi-'tn nersliii i(the Hiniv! at .'jfHl, was discussed and Inn 11 y ly i viti.- of 1^7 lo fS2. IN tJn- senate mi tlif l-uu uiiis wcw passed tor public btiiUHt,-, s at Danville, 111., lltrmmtng* Ion, i!! iuhI S«hUi lieml. I ml. K.-n-.-.t-.r Cui iiit rmhu-i-'l u tiil! U |r»viiU' 1 li" pa\ ment it ill! who w-irliiMl in tin:'y ih-iiai t lien! of the Govcrnm-i,t (hiring the: late ifut also te place brill oil tin- pension mli. T'lii ili'i'tnii.H bill wn* f-irth'-r di-cissM iotise the Setnkte bill ami'iniinf the intit* -iiaii* nini' Ti net by proviiiinir that depo-i .iun- may be taken by mii.irici puti'.i,- u e, jus-scd. iiinl a Iiill i jil icc Ain-ncati inbii.'i'.' •rji-Mircil in tlie fiiM-i^rj trad.- e. an ''jiiaiit.v ivitn that of other nations vtas cov-iiier-al. A lin.r. was introduced in ttn« Senate un the la:li ti. i!li w the ot the inlrp'st tfar n« ili bt fiIi'tf.-tl if nili i- nfits. Mr. Skiiitoul idvueated iiis bill to iirsivUK the tSuviirnrnf-nt with means Miftieient to supply the Ni.iional i» ant :t sounil efiTuliuinij meditiro. A ffmiiu Uoti w is iitt nMiu'cil t-t.! in^' I'urtli tin- ikv-im Oilily of roi'lprui-ity wiih Un lit iirituiti ami l». xic'\ T.-io (."('tifius bill v,ii.s fi!i bi'r i -, Iw the Hotifii' a bill was tntrrtctiMvil •&P?*Uhis that no «.xtijbii.iiu or exp«»i lon for Itth'l} iipj)t\'iiri»?ioti is nuwli' by Crm^r"** shall "'li'-n-ii ji.liiy. A resolution was oiT'.-ri'il *^pi si-|r)!.' .-'Cifiow .it the j'.i'is iMiiion of .Jews IJfeTiius-ii.i ami il,rating th" Atnrriciin Miaistfr At St. 1\.loi'ubwv to pi-i-si-nt the mailer to the Czar. DOMESTIC. Tnv n I Y sm.'i'l it'u.M,*s ill Ni'\v .)rii'ans wn\Mtcstroved iv lire. lr iva. ivpurti-tl tltal a -. nu nt. fi.»r un day U miwlc next M:iy i,v the coal i", ps of Eufopc atul Aiib'i'H'ii. Fui'it Jlim^arians won* kiU. .! in the mints Ilt'lir HllZi'lton, i' i by iil of conl. Sfl.7.UKOK, WKKTCiR iV Il uMi '••I'V. mjintif i'-turiT.s :i.t (.'ulk'}. r.-im. I.. 1., faili'd for ^I.'0.000. TIIK M. H. FI of Oklahoma, re turned the Kingfisher eapital hill with out approval. He also warned the LeyislatiM-e that he would eou.-iiler nothimr further of that, nature. This leaves Cmlirie-tlu* capital. AT Carey, ().. two nil-well drillers, Hetii'v Wilson ami Charles Henderson, were fatally burned. eastern portion of the United States was visited ly one of the sever est slorais kiMwn for year. At 1'iUs bur^rh. I'a., ne arly two feet of si.ovv fell. Mm-h damage was wrought along' the Atlantic, coast. A Franklin. Itid.. the family of J. S. Stnr ,nis was poKoned by ice-erenm that liad stood in a tin vessel for ubmit ten hours. One, a boy of 7 years, could not feeov.vr. VOVNO daughters of Mrs. Xick Meh hert. at Aurora, 111., were drowned while skating. Two O K the foremost physicians in Michigan. Dr. K. Shurley and Dr. II. Gililis. announced that, they had discov ered a consumption cure whose ettioacy was beyond question. A Ki cave-in of a surface coal mine occurred at Parsons. I'a.. anil eleven houses partially fell down the mine. TI I K Spokane Falls (Wash 1 National Bank closed its doors. Tlie cashier said that the assets exceeded the liabilities. •Jl'iXtK R. W. .Mi'lItUDK. of Kll:hart. Was appointed to the position on the Supreme Kench of Indiana made vacant by the death of Justice Mitchell. At Wichita, Kan., after the jury in the case of Nellie Mayers, charged with rubbery and assault, had been out liffy two hours ,Iud re lialderson declared that he would have a verdict. At ft. m. he introdm'ed a minister into the jury-room, who pivaelicd for an Imur. prayed and withdrew. A verdict of guilty was reached immediately after. Iturton block in Chieap was burned for the third time within two years. The loss was Stoo.000. FlKK destroyed Christ Episcopal Church at New York and a painting valued at S0,000. The total loss was $100,000. AT Shakopee. Minn., John Spearman, aged 07 years, his wife, and their ^ra nd son, a^ed 1J years, were murdered by some person unknown. 11K A VY snow crushed in the roof of the Roanoke (Va.) machine works, causing $100,000 damages. (Ine man was killed and eijfht severely injured. TUB old and well-known banking house of S, A. lvean & Co., in Chicago, closed its doors. Miss M,\m:i. ISMOXD was fatally shot at St. Louis by her s'ster-in-law, who mistook her for a burglar. MKS. JKSSIK 11K bkk, :j.'! years old. was arrested at Drandenbur^, Ky., for fatal ly poisoning her four children. She was believed to be crazy. be empowered to make Avor's ('harry Poct° freely in I.e.* v Cow't i was arrested at hi wofd. Iml.. for murdering his pranil paH'tits. Mr. and Mrs. Asa \Noiuoi'k, who resided at llouey reek. tud. '1 he object was robbery, i".:t 1 Secured S'i. 10. Two yocnw women killed by a train at Soinerville. W. J. fW .wi.Mi. special correspondent of the Chicago Inter Oeean. who was on u tri] around the world, fell down stairs in an apojilectic tit at San Fran cisco and was killed. Owi n linos., agents at Providence, H. I..«f tlie Atlantic mill-*, failed for about ?1.0( ii.ll'.KI. Me hei.s »V o e e s a n o o n i (ia.. faib'd for S150,000. Thk had S»t.: oo.(ioO: assets. 1 ..In the A ii!Ai\ on the Malli AN TWKI.VK s hnvo the mt'ilalion of Cciicra] Sheridan in the wiiUt, .vhile the nile }ia? tlie me dalinn of Secretary Stitntuii on the left hand side of the 1'aee. N K a stot-knian and specu lator at Shelhyville, 111., failed for 8100.000. (iiiviJt.viiTi SrKcr.K, woman of vT years, v, ho band.s li-inT. from n^itln li as ari-i hpil been divort ton. 1 Fl-:KIK!"' u A narehi ai,.i I mitti-d snieide. that it was imp bis ambit ion. II. I'IU.LA.X. ).ssett only 1 total collectii:is of internal rev- enuc for tic ilrst live months of the current fiscal year were .fO'j.'.Kll. (70. an increase of ^•K7"!.".s"i .i over the corre bpou'linpr period of tiie last fiscal year. CitAi:i.i s Sroi»i i: found t\io dia:nond.i i near a newlv-dmr wdl in .lennintrs and it was mi id that in vicinitv of the well iiumv 'iunty. Ind.. the immeiliatt I smalli r-si -. i ccimen the sU |abounded. i Tin-: liab. 1 of the I i .' imrhor I of S. A, Kean «Xr. Co.. in 1 .. losed its doors. -. ix n at 4'.i7.0b 1 l'h.Mi.'i SUAiiKKY and Menry I A I road was der.i'iKd b\ a i I !i'rrionbur^. \'a.. smd-I badly injured. The ... i company was i express tra.u n the Colorado. Midland road ran into the rear of a freight at Cardiff. Col., killing one man and fatally w i ne- f-ur otln-r Mils. .MrC, and her oi- i were burned th at Newarl. .1 NKA i i.v th. •. 1 1 -'11.• -1., i of HoanvilJe, ral.. v\ :-.vei le. a i incendiary fir CiM CI.KS I -If was hang-etl ai i eon. (ia. hor~-'s wer IT 1 new sili-or corlof the scrips of lS'.io liavi* nm«lo th"ir appear and*. Tlii» ci'i*tH'u at burned to death near Mc(rieei*» .Miils. I'a. as re orf"i! u the tOth that iiyht- injr had taken j-lai-e near the had Lands iii South Dakota 1« twecii tn ops and •:une of Sitiir.e- llull's friends. At Fori the ind'a a i-re a ati'it" !m an-i appearances h. t! .o ti-.- »r u'i' was about over. iIht Ki.MHi.r, (colored i was placed in jail at Marianna. Ark., for buruiiu' ri n',u'ro cabin mvnpicd bv Mrs. T. .b-n niiiLTs and family. 1 he wo':.-.-: ... infant in bur.led to deal .. AIIM.S HF.HIt A !J1T. a me i s fourhi's 'f S*. he .111 she -t -d Ml Kos- i v. York .\i .il, eotn mie s iyiii_ im to rcaeh II. A i Mis-ouln. Mojtt.. four i-i.'ians^ Lal.i Lee. l'ierrc I'aid. Anth i.e I'a-. cole, were harL ed for tli" murder of J. M. (Jiiinn in the spriujr of w .'. A i larksliury. V\ Va.. a colored srirl mixed a box of poison in the coffee 'which Charles A. Hond. wife and tive children drank. Ail wouid prol.ably die, TtiK Ccut.riil Mutual irt' Insurance Company at Fort Wayne, Did., dei-ided j-.\ !u-n to discontinue business owing1 to recent. heavy losses. AIM, Kourii. treasurer of 1'icrce County. Neb., was arrested at Norfolk on the charge of embc/./.lin^ s: ».0(»0. HOKSKS iti Kansas and Missouri were dvinir of a stranife epidemii*. A I'f.ct i,(\i iiinl supernatural mystery surrounds the home of Mrs. Jane Mc (iowen at Sprimriield, O. All sorts of househohl isrtieli's lilazc up suddcnlv, altiiou«rh boimr at a distance from any tire. Citi/ens in the vicinitv were lunch excited over the matter. THK business failures in the United States durinsj- the seven days ended on the l»th numbered. 404 against 374 the preceding week and :4:i the correspond ing week last year. 9 THK American Marble Company at Atlanta, (la., was placed in the hands of a receiver. A a.sets. 0,000 liabili ties. SMMIOO. ADAM Moxrux (colored) was hanped at Mount Pleasant, S. C., for t'ue mur der of Simon Jackson 1 coloredl on Mav :il last. He confessed his crime and sang a hymn on the fallows. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL MA.!OI KXI- r:A i. AI.kiikh 11. TERRV, of the United States army, died at New Haven, Conn.. ared (i i years. '1 UK vote of Texas at the November election was oflieially declared EX-CONSUL LIEucraJ Wooin n.x.r. Mi-s.. c. uoncai. ntn iii t'-uipt wa wreck th N'e-.v i»ranc-h Jterpay vards. d imUH'slia:' I for hrak- •. i. the echo of 1 the entire !r 011 IK on LEHOP.T. tho oldest man in the (ialcna and Wisconsin lead regions, died on the 17th at ISenton, 111., aged 10: years. 1 Ilr.xiiv D. Mrlli-.vnv, a member of the Forty-second Congress, died at his home in Hartford, Kv. 1 HI: Idaho I.eLT.slalure elected three United States Senators: (lovernor Shoup and W, J. Mc.'onnell, for the short terms ending- respectively March 4. ls',11, and March 4. and Fred T. Dubois for the foil term beginning March 4 next. make— A M&«H/,IUO specially l» v e subjects? OVC 00 years old. wasburicd^t Pubuniie, la. It was said that she was the last reprc n* the ..-,.ri'-e FOREIGN. Okk eontainin.i.' nickel wa- near I-rankcustcin. (icrniai TI I K political «*ainpaitfn in Ireland re Kul'cd in a free ti^ht at liuliniaUill on the i'lth between the I'aru-'ll and Mo '"arthv faction '"eetin-s of tlie re pective parii( in progress and iel.-nt spei chi made. 1 he 1 at nellitcs tinaliy eliar.'ed the Mc artli.v ites and many persons were injured. Michael Davilt. am..n,i others, received a severe wound on t! d. and lime, wn- thrown in Mr. Fa eyes, bliu.l jrso- him. but it. was tiv -di*. tliaihis Kiffht was permanently injured. A\.ii"!1! plot 1o as-.: svin 1e the u- discovered in Kii'-^ia. Meinbi-rs nf 1 left A' ntie. w. F.i'itn i bottom i rium. ant ,i V.I s 'opp were han^rt'd in the Ohio penitentiary at Columbus. The former killed lo« mother and the latter .• a haloon-keeper. I A rit\ix on the Whc-'• a. Lake Krie road went through-. ,stleuear ISolivsir. ().. and f-mr ins were killed and ei^h» injured. rip aer (libra 1 i. ul mine killed. v d.-s.^jpei Out Mont r. :-om the .. swin of SdO.U- i n killed i i 'i 1 *S( of a •'.i .ujuratl itei at Maiya!: fire, and tlie hntklin^" in thei cr'e (Jlle Km*., liests ii_ht- the !u' ti*,it. n 1 l"rm Sant Don M. sln-r- ilftend alh of Htte heart fai'.ure. cere killed by an r-iiiill at Taiiiisiy. LATER KEWSu Hreckrd ur I' 1 ur •, and ma ,. -ti.rday afterm 1, pay a of the Liuis\ ins A '1, v 1 .VO atld ,«.»« Wow.. .! i) iiay. train, af :.e e:a .j 1 .• i'S of th« r..,vl i» i proceeded 1 a .If miJi s fo i this place .'iiver, in crnipff the a at a, ii,tstatic of forty :•.!e!y tuiU a rail away. He r-*vers( 1 the engine.called Lui, it ivas too In1.a a t,d re is whistle had do ,.n-tv, iin was a wreck. All of those aboard were injured more less, The miscreant who wrefked 1 he train was caught near UH.S scene and placed in-jail. IOO llrowned. 1, \o» Avm, Dec.'ji. ,\ liisavtro'iH .iceident has occurred at Cordova, where th" canal has burst 1U emliaukmeats and desiroyed l.e.iuln ds (,f houses. o TIIK FRIGHTFUL VV RECKS, -ttt Halifax. lroppcd dead upon the street at St. Louis. He was ."it years old. i Mils. WASHIXOTOV ANUKKNOV. A Trnln In riun^na Off Brhlgo Botwcva I'iltten ami Twenty t'tople Killrd, Bin! Miui.v Injured A Trestle I Give* W iy 1» Ohio t'nrr.vluK with It I'iisscuger Train l'oiu- I.ive* I.ont. Sr. Josi-.I'H PK I.KV1H, Que., DtiC. 10.— A terrible railway wrecii occurred here Thursday on the opposite side of the river from which the town is built. Tho Halifax express No. -i poin^ to Montreal by the Intercolonial railway was due at 11:4' o'clock in the forenoon, but was reported twenty minutes late. On approaching the town and when a few yardsfroiu the bridge which cr-i.sses the principal fdreet near the parish church the entire train u ith the exception of the engine and ba^^a.ife car was precipitated over the bridge into the street Ixdow, carrying with it ad of its occupants. So far as can be ascertained the number of killed will exceed twenty. The names arc not all obtainable, but the dead bodies w hich h»ve so far been extricated number tif tcen. The oars whi '1 v. cut o\ cr the hridye uriietl eomplc e ..\ivon top of each .tiler and were .-mashed to splinters, avin^r falh-ii a distance of thirty-five feet. The real eaue of the accident, i as not been definitely ascertained, but is iviient!iy thought that it was tused ly the breakim'of an axle on the ba.L'ijae'c car and a 1 endeavor to make up lost time. Crowds of people graliu ri-d round the •••cue and at once set to work to clear 1 the wreck. The piteous himenta 1 ns of the wounded and dyinir and th 1 let th nvieid! I'hu'.h", b'e at tempts to extricate 1hem- ,se. -.. from atnoutf the debris u a t)u. extreme. Those i nyers who had mi caped gallantly set f" •1 their suiterinjjf fel- 1 (,! ,. 1 tail'of doctors soon ar- i ed. and as one by one 1 he injured and lurled were brotiyht from llie wreck v w ere attended to and their wound- !'he Int. sv c. as th-* 1 J* railw a 1 MASsn.t.oX, O.. Dee. a!.'. disaster (K-currcd at V.'iu-idiiur it Lake Krie r. i.. d. Thurs afterni.'on, only lw the fmr a rccu]an's of the -ar of the 1 o a i n u s i 1 ary. 'i he train, cd of '.,,i,h and a I... .-ar, I- iipproa.' liol't About a 1 -north of t-^Mi tiie truck of 1 1 last car leit the tl*ae.. a The following persons nknown woman, cru-hi o^'nitioti: ii-- n hundred lives are repon.-.l u, i 0 S Cen. l! ca, tho minister of the interior, has jrone to the scene to super [in end measures of relief. throe-vear-old child ,f a car re pairer named Kd Leimett.while playing 111 the tool house at, llnwardi n. Ia.. on the ai*»t. set fire to a Jot ,,f j, ,.'. S y waste. 'J he house was .rm d, a7ul the boy was literally haki il. TIIK paint, and repair shops of iho Illinois Central road at Chicago were burned on the "Jlst,, Ainonfrthe propor !,y destroyed were twenty-eijrht pus.sen !?er coaches. The loss is Ar Union town, Pa., on the i tlie 10th to be: Democratic, \!"o .'Hl-P lie publiean. 7:."!. Prohibitionist, 1.S4. JOHX (5HKI-:NI,KAF WHITTIKK. the POET, celebrated his s: birtlulay at his home. Oak Knoll, in Puuvers, on the Kth. f'nOWNANKX. sixty-one years old. choked his aped wife to death in the hi room of his home at 71U |.)rexe| avenue, Chienjro. and cm hi.sovv throat some time during Saturday the ^!st. A MAN named John Vouncr was found lead iv his bed at tiie Clarence House, p.utte, Mont., on tlie vhst. after several la vs a: lack of delirium tremens. An investigation of his hapyaire proved lhat he was a Presbyterian ch.-rfvyman from Mcdrc^ror. Texas. WIlKCK ON THK s t., Fred L.'imson and John I'aiiie, while pluviiv poker, became enjra-ed in a ([iiarref Lamson struck Paine, wh.-i-oupon the latter the n a ,i| V er and shot Lamson three u killing him i stantly HI XIJV THE Hi* UavaL-,s in i.~T e it swiui^ 'it •••••.{ a1, I 1 e.a-f,'! falling to ... 1 .•!» W!-! v.-ard. The 1 a ... ear willi (!,- uainder s'. ippcd lik 'isd. aim nc thns sudden -m scut the t':--forward -.. crashing-:: heats. 11^' this :e train i i air brake 1 peo]de in gainst the Ada. Ha'!, of Sberrods- villc. badly man::ied: liejirv Kill and sis'cr Carrie, crisp. Shelby. 111., luiriH'd to a The injured: W. 0. Graaaai. of Nor v-alk, cru-.had and back 1 n. will die: Charles Conrad, of Ma.-siilon. (,. internally injured, probably fatally Conductor Frad Lundis. 'seriously!' Leonard Whitman, of Marietta. lej» l-roken Mrs. Louisa Piper, of Stark ounty, 0., internally Ira Cowan, of Not walk, bailiy bruised William (Jor lin-er, of Ada, O.: William Ilall, of Sherrod-viile, back injured. The scene in th-* ravine, thf car a complete wreck, its trucks in the. air and the flames bursting from the, de l.ris, is described by those Who sa'iv it as somethiiiic friphtful. liobi-rt Cowan, a hrak,Milan and one of the two m.-n v. ho escaped uninjured, best realized the situation. After erawlm- from his dangerous position he at once gathered up loose snow and beiran to pilv. jt i about the stove. In this he was soon a-s,Rted by W. R. Tinple. a traveling man from /ancsville. and between them i they hiuutnered the flatties. A „. day evertiuKr. n'-ITrl' l'1 O A n luitlllsoviit ltd, Va.. Dec. 1I __ A wreck occurred on the Valley branch ol the llalhmore &. Ohio road about tw o „Illes 1U)rth ()f t]iis i)hi Wi.|ln|iN_ Thc .S()Ull,-bound train, due here at 5:.I0 p. drawn by three ran into a snow drift and was detailed. I wo enc-inea were thrown from the track and demolished, while the third was thrown across the traelj. oix persons, all railroad employes, wer, U S'-aldcd, and Donovan, engineer, ed and hip broken. Two firemen, names not learned, were also seahlc,l. it. is thought, that none of the injuries will Prove fatal ']'lu, i Ax electric car at Omaha, Neb., on the 21st, jumped the track and wan over turned. Several persons were badly burned by coals from tho stovo trUt.1{ Pai'J ,v.,s W1'l t()rn badly and the loss to thc rail.- -ad A U Iturled IN I,,,.,, w e a 1'ittsi,,,,.^ I ITTSIU HIIII, I I)EC_ 1 suow-htonn is over tt been resumed ami apprelH-mlci as W un Proifnii i thaw or heavy n Avould cause a i s a as thcie are from ei to three fee of S I U w n 1 and throughout The monetary'ig will reach away up i n o Actual figures oan not n The I'ennsylvaiiia lUilr, KUlt'el-ed more sevcivlv fn Thursday than o U Ve,i trains have been late, s', many hours. It has r^-quir, to five locomotives to pull trains over the metmta A ltoonn. To iret baf.-iy the Chict.'To limited WMI tive entities were liiu-lie, pull that famous train brated Hor-c-shoe of snow edficsduv 11 iyht upon the west-bound trHclj of six to ten feet. Soo the oyster express pl o w drifts and stuck fast, 'p, sent on from Altoona out were heiple-s, A rej snow Khovel rs was thor from th,- AItoona shops ani til I hnrsday afteruoi.ti V. car-loads of oysters and th were rescued. On th, LOCK HAVKX, Pa., LEO. snow-storm which ni^cd hours eea-ed Thursday ircrni inp nearly two feet of snow pround. (Iivat damaov has bt to fruit and other trees by the inir of limbs under the wviirh snow. The roofs of several liU' fell in. It is the heaviest seen here for many years. IAI.TIMORK, Md., Dee. 19.—f" days and liiphts the wind has hurrii'ane on the Chesapeake buy day niplit a howlinp northaster a tremendous sea that foundered boats, swept the deck's of stciutu1 washed away everything meviilik the shores. Karly Thursday ni1 the wind clumped to the net* and blew violently from that ^l1' \Veduesdav nipht navipationeii ti was almost suspended. With a slight sliakmp up. The names of the I injured men as far as learned are: W iW. Kronk, conductor, hadlv scalded" •lenkitis and Vounp, en^itie'ers, badly n (,.,m- probaldy reach S^ TK!"M AN KIJ.i.o. IsASHVIM.k, Teun., 1 Joe. 10.—In freight wreck on the Louisville & Nash |Ville road near Memphis Junction bite a ,'rn'"m fatallv aSi Babies Pictures taken Instanta- -rip".". STjf li reman named 1 5111,1 ^'leman fatally injured. The disaster was caused by misrepresentation of orders. rejoice tc iU monri took bad •hrajri1.1 after pi"a t, {or v%h: ne th ive li ietlic 1 Ohio road two caught, in a bloekadc of su all liic'lit and half of Th Sand Patch tunnel, on of tlie A A special train from .!hhauies. Tin. ex pre- was meanv bound 1 a, I ••. :oc»i I. e! been !(.-• s •, .1 really a-111. a ,-i. -ideilt ib e, Mil ,X o 11 ... The Is1',1 pittsbm 1 1 1 a,s llw «*n- -•1 1' ad. across a 1 c, feet, from th 1 TI (i- ll'. IL I HEA t.g thru' tOldTi UAH. to thff a toy's tUc nit Clio ie and tin express at t'lilevvilic. ]'ot these four train-Were prat as all the tele/raph wires There was eoi nin'.rer anea Wlu-clinp ,liv otV from tlie hour- by thc da vs he ra'lri aide to 1 freights. ms vuic to ti. ne is it irt r«r. r,g ir. •ihle suf passev this ro .ilmost 1 snow. rrh wb he cat 1 andr 1"«S t' ve b'a», vr. fi"" ,uyhf us--a, •^rhrny forty-. i all v no a The' , pli..u.- e« There 1 b- the fact that a 'a. •iff could b" known -a ve •a: dashm:r jici-.ixs tli- 1 ie car bound'mr n ie tics. When .- o i 1 ,-- a. li)es 1 a cillde line sil' ep bet w, en the cru-l\, so badi \V. iarlat tllC1 :•••. w s Ufe.aa- nsilla' rib!y fr.i tmad I he stable of lajised. eiii:ii!in_ u i:i:!-osiii 11. Va. heaviest -iioiv-M',rin si prevailed b* Tm .1.1y day. Tie a. thc wind I a j-r P.iiihlinps iu coiu-sc of blown down, w Itiie roof- and si smashed in by the weicht of The MIUW is very wet and about twenty-two inches tic level, atld drifted in .some pla ci :ht to ten feet deep. In til' a ins west of here the Sii'.w is s drifted ta depth of twenty tutli ling ti U !s pein it at i it lov. ., rts re •. io tal bet 1 w-- at' 5' '.awe. 1 9. LI anil eai HAP o ae Tr and very Vet l! elect sno TH PourT.AMI, Me., Dec. 19 has covered the trees ice, doiitLf considerable wires are down all ove larpe force of men is »if work them up. A team of six horses a to a street-railroad snow-plf afoul of an electrio-lipht wire a horses were killed. DOVMI iu tlir vessels had a hard time of it d'in niplit. Xo loss of life has yet ported. IVI wil i.uua^t the eit ll'l)tal ^.l regular bay liners say they never rienecd such a blow or such aujfj At Sandy Point a bip-thrco-ina»ti wrecked and nothing has been of its crew. Three oyster ore sloops belonging to Crislichl wen and it is believed all hands per- Near Fort Carroll a two-masted sc er from New York went down bi:- crew was saved. One of the W* shore steamboats Tuesday nipht n"-1^ foundered in the middle of the 1 Its ujjper decks were swept, carried away and cabins flooded. passengers became panie-strickeiJi kneeling in the pools of wati'r ,1 soaked cabins, prayed for the safe-.^ thc wssel. In this city rows of ne-1'. were unroofed, and chimneys bio**11 The