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r\ T1IE UEKALD-ADVANI.'E. MILHAXK, S. D. W. W. DowMK, Editor and r.y OFFICIAL PAPER OF CITY AND COUMTY. J'i.'ID.W DEC. .J'-, i-.-) BARRIER DETWEIZN THEM. A lto^tflta ''%hhor* Afilfa TVlio Haft KfltahlMiet] a No Mun'ii Laf#l. A litllo r.rite.h expeditii n neently d.nmod far up tin* B.'iiuo branch of tlx1 N'i^t-r river in n nrfi:sll steam la--n:h. and tiiwllv entered a tributary of tir~' IVum* and explored a r«. don 'vhr'h no whito man ts "V«.-r vi.-dti!.l h- 'A re. The must^ about their joern-'y wi:i- Ihe •:aw experience tin",- hail wis the rative.i. They had been assin.'-r !•a ood t.v!h1' through a region tli: iriiiab 'ti-l 1 y Moslem Hacks1., frni.'s of the rather isoven.: method* of conv'T.-i.jn "inployd by the Arab invade of the Soialan. The country was very fir ii", and the jn opk v.vr" nuiijcroTis bnt •ill of sad 5 en, though the country still wore ?tS U 41 Mil Jl'ld )il va.»t *j»l:nr-TitIv pnlat" -i mirely '•oa-vd. For a stretch of ..v.euty miles not a hul was to bp -r n was ni.^u he'rian lifeanywheru oi i*rvi (1. Tlw ejtp.diu'oii woi:d. rod at !:!.• remarkable state »f affairs, for ui.utry was ceri:iitdy invitin rind th"y (•onhl not imar^lio It rod itanta. All Jit r. .-(S I!-'- S" •••rt-I.-i bend iii in- nwr iii y saw I-i^ crowd: cf natives running bm*a lis** of 1'iehiil i« the ban'*. TiifV brandi-he.] tii.-ir spe-urs i t'*o wane men on I !.. tie boat, and •. I I hri:i topi Ihk:.r «fc» v wanted »•-.» M'4 ns in th«*ir f.y. i'here v.ilh 4111 inu-rpret.T o v-'aKo!, "vim Mii-ft ii. 1 i.'i conVinci?! ativen that lac i.sitor-i were 1 -uis, and lb-, :i ,.0 j, at" friendly. 1 Til'-'Il l!i-J rt'.'lr '1 of pGJiill:. i-n VV tl.e" trib. i i •itroii I n*3i ri' .1 i. ]. ••vi nil 1 -tilemr.. :n'.d 1. .,o or ly t**rrriH, nud. 1 1. 1.1 A is a: re :m 1 hn i".t 4 1 A V'tMft msiJ '...!w is well i.p. a i-. t' riiy lu«l an uufues^sust Hois -r u aa-l often iI'^k ix*r.liur tUi.'/i. i». lj.evveut taxi- 1 ^i «*iT ury, aiid i: i*. in 1 ia 1 v*\ .1: ii (.1'i ctii-i:."', a.s carj ju-'cih. Zi* lamby wa. 1 :1 •-iicd u .• aii.i took li." i •i'.iVili la..1injurs. low a/'it iii-:, t. i. l'o.oe bo laydovvsi on a Ivnti,.." Mial f-oviTr-'.'iy a lioiir he afoM*, tvtiili.Ht t*j tie of 1 stairs, touii iV,' hi. r.!.v -i:, xiid 1, il t.i roati jit vdth (UiuK .he drew ft" Jus i in?v ai.^o. He i!jo*i e',Kiijlt-.-'i r.j» ii t*i lu.s Tiikiiig u ^U'h from hi- hriwjrht oi»e-a' hi: ii- the lnni. lLi!.1 a.ii.a:' f.a j-.everi.l u:« i^ii: V from proper lut/ie tioii:-. uLv'iu t*i a mulch havo hc» a di..-- n. *,. .'.'(."a' Ilaveji PaihuLiiim. lltMIMI'H (41 I s,w a ijuoc-c carp.v ui the n'ld' i1' e^t i'.i,.-tshir:":.i,J of Iy '.vi.- ,i!i LaOriu. :e ute^-l, a frw days 1^:0, mmer even in Uiat jriui rocoauu'l.\ Oa tho 'nib dniiny buard lay tiv body if a ]:reUy bi-ov/n t,p uu( I a-ad nrv.r by a hand'.uMneJy cji-i^tracivi hard won b.,-, fV'j^ant'v lined. t' a£LI2' 1ttianj-ed .'.'iiieJi wiw t4» bede^jji*'-* I/ i« the t--.Id. imH tv.i' 1 v.-hen lie dio.l had bis eared for with a.-.i luajii ..11i.lra1.w 113 interred '5 »ri« iricmi. i 1 l»htiitjiiv,11ti were a human L\ Dty^iio aj» :-int«pe.l from Iiej-o to tim lasly'.. t^rim-r U. S.M !TilKii, laime ia Maine, whe"o tip- aoimal vay vritbfall ord. SantaClausSoap. YOU ASK ME wljy 'TIS, OiVhA t/L^US-. he ^EASOfl'&i pi-A'd l-Hope, /\s S/\iKt good So it's JtiE fi\VOF\ITE JSOfiR ^?/x, Bv NK.R\IRBANK&Ca I5ort'» of ant! I'.y*. .i o TriiiTic has 111 a irave:-T v/ln^o r„ I !r 1 loaf a Tt'1-1 iu tlv ifiird i',' .V.ovv,- ?.. the i,4l li^' I al•.• "•.•vm. l.JOi) mil ••aft n «u:l l.u'Hi frinn Z:»:i iba It wji :!n-.:c" CJ,r'on S o U C.M 1 L.u Tit* e,i: re.vii ths- U.Ui.a-,1 of it, 11i. a (it'JitKTati'lv t, match oa 1 hf.' -i w::t 'I he did lmt inrtued'.al iy, V. !T lie kejit ia I'iiMuly :.'..• inaich diu l: 'ut. The holdor \v u» uiy M'iijtUi of Hie asivl on .'ra' .. il'g. SmMoidy lit- k Mn'jurr i n NO .1.1 \VI.) I. JIK A( 5 ILL., I S. A. Civit iukI C'rl juiisiI .*» S»'}iiTiw# 1 11* utv| Tor .MiHsing' vJids iiHtS Nf\l I 1 Iv ii. fi'rusi i & y 4 Uuiiur.-. -IX»stou ti-e- :ns.v \mi ro Vn 1-4] liianUi. -,. 'i :•. y. n, :\n:•••arer. mi i\ 'nera-l»r in .0 :d.•(: 1 },' his wif. •',! ui^JJiin- lOo vcar.s r.JV i i J'Kalde si ale of fi-.-s.i-. »"«:i.'«i. Mr. T«-:tiu'v is jicaring i -. four .i-ore Yre.ris.". .i'-' i: ri-iaa.r*-.iblvajtivo Traa^acted. City ami Country Property Iv-r use f.j c]..L-IItiv^biil UuilvUa. Bouglit and Sold. Office at Cuirt Housr, Nice's he r\Vof\ijE s^iKT, **4. *1-'i v.-Ikj trifil' i^hind-i t» ideiHi-.-al wi'5 Kih-Ti. i.- ','!nu.s t:ii-iibT i 11. Thcv wit»' i ')V onrrd ins c!.i :t!i 1 :v(* 1 i-.• ricls.' 1 ia v.'k. }\»!ri'.n .r"r*••.- 1(X) fi h. Tb lx*:ifhcrj aro t.hf i "in?if':s3 ro'md earth. v i v» 1 '. e trtv-i i'u» con- I 1 f« fUiUi' ami the rt.tuiy tmt»-! tif hta |':vslt through h» rl-ir .- a. tuoc'.w-: io as tlvy caa 11\ Tui'i!.-. ,i. 'JTi'i. Tli In oph.' IiV»« t"j 1 jrreal -i,--. Nohurrieajixsewr N«riko ti.i ii-i.-. -y «*»rl::nt -, ••!, rn c:r. •. j» .i* v'j I I I' iov* )«':». T. \*. l\/tt dori- :-ji-.inI.s t}'\ir?y w much ia hi t'^rd-a i-i b«» \hn-i at W lioa h'j not situ 1. iri'^ Iaixir [irobleins lie ia tu 1} i:)' the i ro-,vr.h of i 1 L-s ii:i\vcr.. The oaly que, i:.!i that aa onal ii tt-roit I'uv.-Uovly is the of to food. H(j is 1x1.'iib.-jie-n-iou ., and deul.-ih.'ss ci,-a'd ^ive the fas-tin ini-ii v.'lio arj eoij inM' to Li-o front i».r,v vals:i(.l k! puii,1'wwdcvly iu*ver tat.-j more two i.i,:,iu moals a day. and think- to:t can i.» ivitij I--.-.,.•--("or. •Chicauo i1:,!. wt'dui U t? Don't yu,. tiimkstie ia too youiig to i:::i Mr.. No, iadc- :. S.lw ha« niled lh«- ^viiolo faoaiily for ve.urb. —G-Ood News. I 4TH o!" Will.-, l,«r i I"i U**H* 15 lis, v 1 i iuiiI i'o'urv \villiC'iM *rts of ti t' V* orlii. I iii* i l'.'U tlu.v ut tr\\ with »iiui it« ls lrs,J rnrrf jMHni^ut* r!i»'ou :h'»ul Mn« I iaite I S I* lr» i'tn«l. Sv otl,i}i, rr.iiK'i* .kustraiiui) o!oni« h. N 111iiitdIthe f'Cjtal riM it (I S3LMI Au ai^ i. 12£u^iue* Iriciij" 4'otti ideate in I. (iii mai) fr reiicb 111 j# rt* J«' r»* n^rh ia lost free. o v i v JclIN \V. lii'.i.r., ATTOPNEY AND COSJSSELLOR-AT-UW AND Nur.VHY l'!'):!,!'.:. l'r:v-tifes in .iii Courts M-tte ai.«l J'ciJ-ra' MtlJ'A.Viv, S. 1). 'To md. Ti-.c was viu' }»a of a rieh lady, whu. Yiivm laMaio d.iy IvtaHijo \v ill p-o-tii-f in all tiie (outs ,.j ill, f.:.'iit hf.ii tj th do(cbody Lauvn- ha.-v&il, and Daioda and Mituji-Mita. 1)AK 1'oNi: CITY. o ciurtsi. it Sc«'1 CHICAGO. at i n i u w I .aw t'- s A SLTY I'.OWt.-, Attonif'y at Liiw, n MAR. .1KT*! 1 1 K Does a 3.:? i i l.-ifut'* M.'IUITS. 'diu'f tiois^ lit :i Ii A Ii .. s i\ Souse Mover. sr.ii Soft ii K.\ Uaa "Ml Es'ate. Fsra alwaysonItacd, Worf N'-.i'.i{ M- j•. 1'ii }•",. 1 |M' I -e, 1 i v sit« it kin:: hvAi o! all ki! d:, iii :e on H: urt 2ice. -pi -d attention how-. 1.. ir.•: »no I'h'w, Hmiej1:.?]•! iamim* K pinrir.'. y -Mi ,- wi.rkmt-:.. Fouith Avena»», wost ot M. E. church. j-ci-iAi'i- AT I, A V Vll'flllu I Oflifio a I Id!A NK i !.:I:I l- v,a IJaahets t( UN l.UCHilAUT and lusur- £uC3 Business l'U'l.l Hi? 'I iIbaiik Mcuit Market. iill kind?! Fresh anil Sells Exchange JLojifi -M i i IsSUHAHCE AND CE-LLECTSOKS, .Mt-rU and \. At• 1 oicd 1: ». A Co UN a i !To Salt Thf.„}j, -H-. maKe—a m- Meals AT COST! Everything in the line of iWill be sold at Cost, and. assortmsnt of Broken Suitsi be sold REGARDLESS OP is Ho Wm to liny His G's" i'OMK AM1 SEE FOR ¥()URM ps BANK 01- s UHJKNT on Collections a Specialty. & fa 5 v MU en^ral Banking G- Busines. Eastern Remittances Promptly Wood Ci.t' Foreii ii Ooiintrios. Mac] Fire Insurance. Lancli icr 'd oroi, i N w u.\ C.ASOI.INK STOVKS. Ki:\CK WIi:K. liAKi \v.\nKits. ciirKN. cki'\m, 1 •?.• (il'NS CCTLKin', AX!) I !. MrCOHMK K IIA IiV F.sTKli s, UIN'DKIIS A XI) .V'-'-* lil"(JiIKS HOAI) AIM'S. I I N 1) I (I TWIN". I' I'l. Ins and Ci'J/M\ A'lilKs, WA« oN. r.'»Ai cai: r-. wood and dn i".'- XjTJ ^AsII, DOORS, BJJXDS AXI) MOl'LDIXi.'S. IH lLDlXf i'Al'KIi. niUCK, I.IM K, CKMI'-N I'' I']X K 1 -TS, fcr. ,:«H J£LJ G. L. WOOD. HAS .it ,r SKCt liKD S S O O O Loan 011 Parties |":,,|'y 1 e id t.-iiiMd, altrr.ya ia stunk. Try hit aansa^es. BTCath paid (or hides. Tv- Grant County Fatp More Favorable Terms than I' fore Offered. sir'ng to Borr w Mone": it to their interest to call at First Como 3Jaix*s»t: o$H OEOKUi: C'^AKK.^