Newspaper Page Text
I V ••5. .. i i ltKVJJLLO IJIIM'I.J S ItRviLto, Dec. 25th, 1890. Revillo wheat buyers purchased two thousand flv«- :rjd*w! bushels of wheat last Friday. Eli and Grill bt John name over from Clear Lake taut week to visit their broth er Fred. One ot our enterprising cigar dealers received the extraordinary number of six thousand cigars, the other day. Wo announced a few weeks ago that the Norwegian church hiul reached com pffttion, but wo fdrgot the steeple which finishing tooth carpenters are now put inu'on. .Mis. Tmr.'i Storlie, it little our merchant, nccorni smed by her aun!, Miss Emm it, departed Monday »r Spring Valley, Minnesota, to Visit her grand mother.' .aughterof1 Deputy it? Williams i'hii.c down from Millmnk in t1 o forepart of the weel* on some official business. We heard an argument in Jones's store tl tlier evening which convinced us ?h it our town is in no danger from the Indians. It-wasn't what th6 disputants mid thatconvinced us, however, hut the force with which it, was said. We are sure thai any* bund ot hostile*, however $»utih bont- on ti.o extermination of the imie-facH, would fly in dismay if they Heatii.aucb ^confyt ion of toniruea as we The Qr.I 1 of tui3 town waut i night. tn.T.'/f* "h"osj7 gathered a and :iw&mblage, for !epury/e «»t giving 'and receiving. The genero/y of the people was dis played in s/),,numerous costly presents With win,/theevergreA' was ln dvu. ncins, last roo! were S-hoo/Iosi for a short vaerifl^fni "Inst Frid.ty Jmt in celebration of thenast day a JJi tlf/fii'teriaimnent was given. Fol low m,/i* the program somewhat con tJeiiB' "Bra*/ iltle Hans Lester 3.ones. JVighbor's Light Ray Dillman Irfew Must Not Ring To-night' The Working Days ....May Beebe. Tht^Twinklrng Star Turra Siorhe. Tjfee Ii y ("onvi l's Story... .Will Diilm^n The liule teacher managed adu ir dl\, And the entertainment was a grand suc cess, wiih the exemption, perhaps, of tke lam recitation. W. E. Nobles haa rested the houae of J. W. Stymiest. James Porter, our busy merchant, made a business trip to Waterlown the first of tho week. Tho Twin Brooks Astonisher ia aston ishing everybody. Will have to send you a copy, which will astonish you as mrichas anybody. weif quitu recovered from the effects of the accident in which he Irid two ribs broken. We are sorry to chronicle the departure ot our genial drtiggtst, W. A, Coflin. Ilo has secured a good opening for a drugstore atCamdeu Place, Minneapolis, tin,, however, and will-move"his stock _woek. We hope the change will be piV'.^rotis for him. Tho^hlub room has opened in gool shape and^reafier those who wish to) spend their Mr en in gs down town,1 need ba found H^iag around busier i places. Plenty h'is Wen! donated and a fee of iwontjtife con Is aaksd from all wlu wish to join. News-1 papers, books, and various other roadinjr inatter will be furnished, tfjd pbwes' Last Friday evening, white attending the dance at Corona, somebody untied Seymore Knight's team and started them off. The horses went home where they were found next morning, ami one of em w ,w ver •£»e°ri5l* trickson. i ,,very fnrUier jn t!i«» land from Maine to Brave Norwegian Hoy Pol A Ka'oe. '^CXuB^ prices for farm machinery are My rretty Little («irl Henr.\ tbly. no%. TWIl* ItROOKfl. Deo. 17,1890. Qur blacksmith,. H. Larson, start? for Zfittie Falls, Minn.,|t*-morrow. V J. W* Stymiesti has boufjht out 'dousrh's well drilling outfit, and is now at,-work on a well near Big Stone. It was a boy at Pishaws last*' week, and John smiles nil over. Blood has mov^il iut Tw'm Brooke, and is living in the Larson house. provided for games of vr.riom "kinds, in !ty. different rooms. All who hav* papers or •books they wish to contnbuto please leave at this office. Club ,\Vavc ofllce. j,retty C\Y. CijOSk ma ST«E CITV. rooms and ovev As Ayjr's Sarsaparilla outstrips a!l other tdood-purifiers in populur favor, so Aver's Almanac is the most universally t*uliar n iLiier. I n,ro,cfr»ftT tears. The Wilmot Importer, Dec. M, 1W. Jlrs. WlNSI.OWS SoOTHJNG 8yiu l', Ot The Presbyterian Sunday Schools .(ljjdreu teething, ia the prescription of now being he'ld at the depot every »«n- one of lhe bPs day at 12 m. A cians in the United States, and has been Miss Delia McOollum cam* up from USie y badly stiffened, and the bugiry top was broken off. This waa a low, mean outrage and the perpretrators should be severiy dealt with. American Competitlln. The Boston Cdobe argues that proU tive tariff has had no influence iu re ducing the coat of Aieel America because the tvwt of steel rails lias also been reduced in England. This ia spec ious. but not sound. It is a favorite Free Trade assertion that has been many times exploded. Projection hasoparated in two ways to reduce the price of steel rails. It has aseist--d the tremendous development of our country,(that within the pa»t 30 years lias given us a larger railway mi lace than all Europe, and it has encouraged the expansion of our name steel making industry until the United Stares has become the foremost iron and stetl producing nation of the the indiuntions are that they wi,l lie higher before next season. It i» the evident object of the I combine to increase the price. In fact, I have lhe information from an authori tat've source, because I had an opportu nity to ta i: so too stock in the combir.a t»'-n nnd know what inducements wrre offered. A combination to bear the price of the farmers' wheat would not be more unpopular. An investigation wi'l show II:at thif same combination is now s**i ling, or trying to sell, machin#*} in Rus sia and Austraha and other wheat gro^ ing countries at u lower figure tit .:4 they ilp in lhis country, 'flm won do, and I m-eo not offer any argument to pi ova ihe weight of the truth of the a^.rtion." Is ticbo«l Laud* Tcuaiilrv Srtlr able or Male. Ahfrdfon News. If the constitution be amended so aa to permit the leasing of school lantis for general agricultural purposts and conse quently prohibit the sale of the lands -'•ere will be at least GOO tenant farmers of these lunds in Htown county and probniily in the state. These will have a common interest, largely apart from the ordinary tax-p^yer whose land is taxed They will hold the balance of power in every conuty. By actii together in ail matters pertaining to the leaiied school lands, they will be able to elect county commissioner* and mem bert. of ihe legislature and lhus dictate ftuv policy thev may tigree upon. These TJso AVoBtern Wm-u. JO.' W. Fountain has gane to St. Louia fir treatment for abcess (f the luugs. \V. IS. Moviua, cams down from Iiidgerwoo-.l yesterdy. Ilo repoits him-1 tenant farmers once e?tublished, would be the determining factoru in every elec tion. Not lieing liable to- a land tax. lor Sch'o or any other purpose, they would be indifferent to the general interests of the county and elate. Is it good judgment to create in our midst such a tenantry, alien to a great extent, to lhe common interest? Can Brown county afford to have 500 voters reat'y to swing to any party willing to grant theui pecial privileges, in case the b.uds w ere under the control of the Oounty, or to"any legislature, if the lands arc under the control of the state and legislature? It there were no other con sideration-—and there are many—this one feature ot the leasing system should condem i: in the minds o( all thoughtful men. Those who have lived in the vicin- of onlliile'1 estatos.^ or those estates nB'ng to minor heirs, or adjacent to lands held on long leases, can suggest many reason* why it is undesirable to have a lur«e area of land held on any other tenure than that of a freehold iit fee simple. The special quality of Ayer'a Hair igor is that it restores the natural publication of the kind t!i« -growth, color, and texture of th* hair urll. It is printed in ten langunges It vitalizes the roots and follicles •ujd annual issue exceeds four'eon removes dandruff, and heals itchimr millions ut copies. Ask your druggist hnmors iu the scalp. In this respect it f(r mrftl freelv tr I surpasses all »imiltar preparations. .t female nurses and phyai- for over tittv years with never a Twin Brook# last evening for ft Tisit wilh ing success by m.htons or mot bus to. their children. DurinirthepnKessol teeth ing its value is encalcnlable. It relieves i friends. We are glad to announce that Henry Whitlbrd yvill piobably receive the appointment a* one of the the pen sion examining board ot Browns Valley, Or J. the child fri'in pain, cures dysentery an dairhtea, griping in the bowels, and wind-colic. 15y giving heath to the chilu it rest*, the mother. 25c. a bottle 'inclier*» E*«»nl«itt»on. A t«whers'examination w:d be Held in thooiSe.e "t the county superintendent, commencing at uiue «'i luosdaj, Jan.. 5,1801. a. w Pi evky Co. Supt. \.»ticc of TeMcliei'*' limit ml®. leacherH ol (irnnt cotinty are here- I by notified thai N rmai iii8:itnte will i be l.ehi i.i the High school building of the City of Mil!»ank. commencing Mon i n. i)ec. 2'th, at 10 O'clock a. m. Al1 persons engaged in teachitig now or who expei i 'o i«v(ch dnring the year commencing') !, 1" ire required to attend. Your absence will be accepted as -ic'i that you hnvelost al! iuter«*t the I cause of education, and will he treated i accord'ncly. Tliereloro to the end that the best in terets ot the schools uiay be served, and that your certificates may remain valid, i fail not to present yourselves for enroll ment at the aforesaid time :wul place. world. American compeiinn has been of late years a formidable lactor in fixing the world's prices of steel and iron, Eliminate this competition, and if prices do not go soaring up it would be because An Ohio lauy was 8o frightened by a the English manufacturer for the iirt snake that her glossy black hair turned time in their lives refused to take advan- whiie as snow. It was soon returned t,o tage of their opportunity. —Boston Jour- (?. \Y. I'KKVKV. Cu Sup't, Cirant. Co., S. I). Dec. 8, l8vt(). 3Iiibnnk,S. 1), i nal. ®r. "Since the recent election the great mower and reaper syndicate has been formed with the immense capital of $85, OQ»),GOO. This is something that affects it-s original color by Hall's Hair lienew AYER'S Pills Excel all others as a family medicine. They are suited to every constant ion, old and young, and, being Si4g tr-ri u.Nl, are agree able to take, i'urely vegctable, they leave no ill effects, buL strengthen and regniato the stoiuaca, liver, ami now vis, and restore every organ to its normal function. For tuso either at home or abroad, on land or sea, these l'ills Are the Best. "Ayer's Tills bav "-h-h useu in my fanity for ov-T thirty yea», Ve Ca. tiu an cellent medicine in Ie a, eruptive di.M'a»ak and alt bilious troubles, and Heidorn call as physician. They are almost the juli used in our ntighborhood."— Kedinon (J. Comly, K»w Lauding 1'. O., W, Jjeliciaua \larisli, La. VI have been In this country eight years, cad. during all this time, neither I, nor any member of my family hare used any other kind of medicine than Aycr's Pills, butth^so we always keep at. hand, and I should not know how to get along without them.," A. W. Soderberg. Lowell, Mass. "1 have used Ayer's Cathartic Pilli aa a Family Medicine for,3f. yPMi v and they it. ah ays given tlia utmost satisfaction." James A. Thornton, Hlnoniington, Iud. "Two boxes of Ayer's Pills cured me of severe headache, from which I was long a sufferer." Kmma Keyes, Hubbardstown, MaiS, Ayer's Fills, pRBi-iRFin tr Dr. 3, C. A7E3 & CO., Lowell, Xus, Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. !WP a Ml Lino of pnnno (j. .lo! XIIF MERCIFUL MAN IS MKKCI1 UL TO And as the winter is at hand it •wfli to call on AHTELM5N, THE HIK-Ij He lias a full line of BLANKETS Fine Novelties! jThe Very Latest in every 'Department AND of all Varieties,^oth cheap and o: quality. A1*0 Headquarters for Beautiful Holiday JS FARLE n iiEE Have always in stock n fuli line of the oki stj.inJ.ird and ll»^ tW GUAKANTEED to be rp to 8TANDAKD with ar.y stove The Cedar Rapids Wood rump, Brass with which the pump can never leak its primi/ig. These punips teed to give the best satisfaction.' A full line of IIKOItT They are prepared to do all kinds of job work such as repair ing s?oi? nranyihing in the hardware line. They carry a full LINE OI' WAKE. With su«h lines as mentioned above, and are going tosel' Prices that are Bound to Establish now h:j e is y® hi HOB: eyerything Ho foi\^hrist in theHai V.n® Saddlery Line. Sit N. J. ELSSER'S! Handsome Silverware and Fancy of every description. Don'tf ail to call and look them of CHRISTMAS Departments all Full !. Choice Holiday Goods Fresh. New Selec tions. hj *1 •j. o CO o n 50 pit inGold Coin, and the Peninsular": Cook k Heatms Sto| From Now Until Christmas, MOE & LEE, the Phoi^l'rap Will give one 18x22 Life Size Bust i^^raj'on. wit^s Cabinet Photographs an} style, alitor $if. Now dont think this is any j4ieap wik becausc 1 you a bargain a an exceedingly low Rrice, for iti'1 guarantee this wor k to Ih ciuvV v, hr,t you can gel Tli^Crayon alone is sold f° Cabinet Pliotos without the Craj^bli nt usual prK and $4.00 per dozen. Our K-'dlery ia open every day in the we«k. We also have tlie latest style frames to fit &W*¥ for nale at Chicago price*. 4 rt O Valvil ^-WJ^L'JPS