h$t$2:X ©I [iJfortliern, 75 cents. pegsalp of plush cloaks at Elliot's. jinias pre9ects at Elliot's are finer e#per than ever before. should not l5hou!d ave You Seen the Immense Stock of Cisn 2 W fc at tlie PIE HAPPENINGS. miss the wonderful day at Elliot's. log man wants to do choree for while attending school. Jit this office. Jaufi has surely 1 opened head- b»t Elliot's. He has stock. enough fly tLo whole country. *1 cloees today for a two week's vftcmioa. yhodv is going wild over the hand (display of choice Christmas pres tEilipi's. Thomas Thirsk of Grant Center, jTaesiUy morning for a visit to pis in Canada. b.0 X. Eastman ot Minneapolis, is tgIrieods and relatives in the city Mwk. Lowthian,of Melrose, i* attend to *Ete iao«ting ot the Grange, »ii being held ut Nortbfietd, Minn., Nt jtewsUiock ot Christmas goods 'flty is at Elliot's. Everything *Mwny toy to an elegant expeusive W? Defipld has boon laid up '•'jjsiaedlimb, having met with M®&ut at the Montevideo round the photographer for particu r® r('esr,l to the guessing mutch. half dozen pictures taken f«n be in It. *o thfl crowding condition of j^eriisinjf columns just at thopros I «ine we are torcod to leave out the 'Qient of a "Prisoner ot War." i be published this week. i J(nes, (laughter ot Rans Stone island, was visiting KfJ'!' in lb-ink yesterday, while ,^syi° MadiKdii, where she will ,h« normal school. ^'^•Suiither left this week to 10 ^hrtstmas holidays with friends n^ota, and the captain is moping S it he TVas in a condition to give 8 n s w o e u e s i o n U 'Wl,"li hvirifr. Riley Sniriiff returned this week 10 Eau i u n n Claire, Wis, where !y "ie serious illneesof his Sliin saY® that-you couldn't v e n W i s o n s i n a e a v "to in South Dakota. E i e n u n o o w A e n e v c.'"ne pStivf! pflti home to spend the I,0''l'!avs with Jones, and other friends r'b!"Jk yesterday. }& ®. launders returned from ijd rK first of the week, where he tor p°me Ki .er time at t!ie ledsid« ot wh" w:ig recently stricken ifctrJ *V. Mr. Saunders left his [TC^'ubly improved, but still in Rervc°nditit»n ft* to permanent MILBANK, CfcPS, an HOB. (jliitliii Everything new, of the latest styles and beat manufacture. It will pay you well to look these goods over when purchas ing your winter Clothing. Attorney J. W. Bell lifts just added eight volumes of Lawson's Rights, Rem edies and Practico to his hiw library, standard text-books in lagal liter ature. Most of our prominent citizens have been sutiering this week more or less from the '"grippe," while a more than usually large number ot children are also reported ailing. Attorney J. H. Owen expects to start next week tor the Hot Springs, Arli., where he is in hopes of receiving bene fici.il treatment for his liuibs. lie will bo accompanied by Mrs. Owen, and dur ing her absence the children of ihe fam ily will be left in tlio care ot Mrs Owen's mother, who arrived the first ot the week from North Dakota for this purpose. An important real estate transaction was completed last evening by whish the Hotel Proud property of this city passes into the hands of Charles l}*Mcher, while tho former owner ot tlie property, Mr. Geo. J. Robinson in the deal secures tlie St. Charles hotel property in 13ig Stone City. We understand that the transfer of ownership will not in any manner affect tlie management of the hotel at this which will continue to be in the hands ot the present proprietor. Mr. ltobinson, however, expects the course of a week or two to move to Big Stone and assume control ol the St. Charles. States Attorney Bennett is away up in this week, the cause of his exultation being the arrival of a magnificent addi tion to his law library, or what might be termed an almost complete law library in itself and consisting of 00 volumes ot American re|orts, 100 volumes of Ameri can Decisions, 3 volumes ot Rapalje's Digest, 21 volumes American State Reports, and 6 volumes Digest Am. Re ports and American Decisions. Mr. l.en nett now claims to have one of the best libraries in this portion ot the country, a claim which as a layman we should »n airine lie could substantiate judging from tho 'handsome display made by these latest additions to the shelves ot his office. The increasing value of farm lands in Grant cauntv has had a tendency to cre ate a demand for this kind of Property, anil during the past week a number ot transfers have been made, tho moso of which havo been from non-residents to actual farmers who will improve and set tle upon their newly acquired properties. Following are some of the sa.es: John S. Loekhart as agent sold to Win. Paul the SWfa Sec. 20, T. 120, iv. 49, for i n^o ]i Gibson sold a quarter section in Madison townshtp. and the 1 a™"*8 Bank sold a half section in Adams town- Waldo sold a quarter section in Alton" townyhip 10 Paul Pinkert for *'L(R E«B'I»M his parents at t. .y*'enjoying a visit to his I'l/ 1 T° flU»'rtir John "lander, a section in Grant On.or ior 'joTii Ko«m3 a quarter section in Grant Center t,o Will. Mertens. E M-vers has sold his big Urm of 040 acres in'Troy and has secured a section 1"DrT HantVn 11 "soId' his quarier section on the Whetstone, and the Charles Bu b?w olace in Melrose township was smd to Mr Wentlarul, a resident farmer, while Register of Deeds Martens has also become the possessor of another farm in the same township. i. o. o. I Jefferson LOCIKC NO, 114 Instituted at ICcvitlo. District Deputy Grand Master J. W. Bell was escorted to lievillo last, Wednes day afternoon by a delegation from Sylvan Lodge I. O. O. P. for the purpose of in stuting a lodgo at that place. The bovs upon their arrival at Revilio found that whatever those who were active in start ing the now organization might have forgotten they had not neglected to noti fy tlie I. O. O. F. world, or at least that part of it in Grant and surrounding counties that there was going to be a birth, for upon the arrival of tho Mil bank contingent they tound Odd Fellows from Nassau, Odd Fellows from Madison and Odd Fellows from Gary with all their war paint on and ready to assist at the event. The work of instituting was accomplished with great eclat, and the machine for manufacturing Odd Fellows out of common, ordinary mor tals was sot In motion an't worked at high pressure until nearly daylight, with the result that nearly a (score of those who were "void of wisdom" wore advanced to the imperial color, and these new workers, with the six charter members and others who joined bv deposit of card givo tho new lodge a fcood start as re gards numbers, on its forward march. The name ot the new lodge is Jefferson No. 114, and the officers eleete wore Amos Potter, N. (r. Mrs. John T. Jones, tho lady who is as sisting the family ot Mr. J. W. Bell in their sickness, is a sister of Mrs. Bell, and has but recently su fie red bereave ment in the death of her husband at Dodgeville, Wis., her home. Mr. .tones WHS county judge ot Iowa countv, and tho confidence and respect in which he was held may he surmised Irom tho fact that he had 'held the office for fourteen years, his election generally taking place without opposition. The Dodgeville Sun in the obituary notice paid him the following tribute: '•With his death the.family lose a true and loving husband and a kind andaflect ionato laiher, the community a most highly respected and popular member while the entire county suffers tlie loss of one who has administered justice on its bench for tourteen years so satisfacto ry as to win lor him universal respect, esteem and coutidence, it having been said that there was not a man in the county who had so many personal friends as udgo Jones." Science ef Bread Makiuff. At the recent annual meeting of the American Chemical Society, held in Washington,!), C., the question of the value of carbonate of ammonia as leaven ing arzent in bread, or as used in baking powders, came up for discussion, in which Prof. Barker, ot tho Universary of Pennsylvania, and President of the so ciety *Dr. Richardson, late of the United States Deportment ot Agriculture in Washington: Dr. Win. McMurties. late Prof, of Chemistry in University of Iilionis Dr. E. II. Bartlev, late Chemist of Brooklyn, N. Y., Board of lloalth, and Prof, of Chemistry of the Long Island College, and others, took part. The consenus ot opinion was over whelming in favor of the employment ot ammonia. It was stated as a fact that ammonia rendered the gluten of the ilour more soluahle than the origi nal gluten, and that bread in which this action was produced by carbonate ot am monia and its complete expulsion from the bread in tho progress ot baking, it is one of the most useful, most healthful and valuable leavening agents known. These conclusions, are borne out by the very elaborate and exhaustive«exper iments made by Prof. J. W. Mallet, of the University "of Virginia, which show conclusively that bread made with a baking powder in which one percent, of carbonate ot ammonia is used, in connec tion with cream of tartar and soda, is not only of uniformly better color and tex ture, but a product, more wholesome, be cause the ammonia serves to neutralize any organic or lactic acids present in the flour. S. D., FRIDAY, DEO. 18, 1891. John H. Cavanaugh V. G.: A. H. Dafoe, secretary, and Kobt. H. Clark, treasurer, the appointive chairs not yet being filled. About 1!}0 visiting Odd Fellows were in atten dance. The credit for the preliminary work looking to the organization of the new lodge is chiefly due to Bros. Amos Pot ter and J. 11. Cavanaugh, each of whom devoted considerable time and energy to the accomplishment of their purpose. The new lodgo starts off under bright auspices, and if the proper attention is shown to tho principles of the order, there is no good reason why Jefferson No. 114 may not prove an active working lodge in tho household of Odd Fellow ship. Notice. All persons who have bills against me nre requested to present them at, my home and have them properly leceipled during the next week. Also all who are indebted to me will pleapo call and make settlement and save expenses. GEO. J. ROIUNSON. The best is the cheapest. There is not n stove made that is better than the Klmhurst, or Jewel. A few left, after the rush at Forley's. Old gentleman Webster who liven about four miles north-east of this place has boon sick for some time and appar ently gets worse. Disease not exactly known. L. Ottendahl made a business trip to Madison. Minn., last week, and says tho town is booming. Mrs. J. A. McBride has returned to her home in Minnesota, where she in tends to visit lor a couple of montliB. A good many people are on the sick list just now. Bad colds and sore throats generally. A small party met at what is known as the Hoxey farm, and enjoyed the even ing by dancing, all of which occured on Friday last. Jack Meyers drives stage instead of Fiank Shears who was promoted. Charlie Clifford, son ot station agent Clifford, is visiting his father. Charlie 1ms a istation at Little Falls, Minn., and expects to return in a few days. Proprietor of Iloxseys store to small boy entering store, "Hello! kid, where where did you get that rabbitt?" Oh, I kotched im this mornin.'' "How'd you catch him? asked the landlord from the other side of the store. "Twine string," said the boy. "What are you out such a cold morning as this for." smd the proprietor. "Well yer see there war two uien, six boys, threo dogs, two guns and a horse and buggy after this jack yesterday and I thought I'd kotch im this mornin an see if he got hurt." "1 recognize the rabbitt," said the pro prietor. "So do I," muttered the land lord. And the small boy lelt his rabit and took fifteen cents worth of gum and went home, while landlord and propre tor went out in the back room to hunt up some strings. Horse distemper seems to be rasing in these parts now days. Christmas is near at hand and the wo man are busy making preparation for a Christmas tree to be held ut the Riley School-house Wednesday evening Dec. 24. Miss Lou McDonald returned from Miibauk last Tuesday. Win. Myers started his threshing ma chine last Friday. Bill has had quite a time getting his grain threshed. Deputy sheriff Williams was a Mazep pa caller last woek. By all appearances there wi 11 be another wedding soon, in the town of Mazepia. Iltlitlsr Excursion. For the Christinas and NewYears holi days, tickets will be sold to all stations within 200 miles of Miibauk at fare and a filth for the round trip. Sold Dec. 24, 2.1,31 and Jan. 1, good to return until Jan. 4th. Go and se-r- tke auto-harp, the greatest musical noteily ot tho age, at Rose's drug store. I liad a very severe cougb and cold One bottle of Bleser'a Iioarhound Syrup cured me. Rogers genuine triple plate knives and forks §150 per b*t— 83.00 per uoz. Everything elee in proportion at the Mil bank Jewelry store. Wood Bros, have just received a sup ply -.f'storm sash which they are selling off cheap. Call and see the largest music box in the country at Rose's. A parlor stove for sale at the Bank of Milbank, in good condition, hard coal baso burner. A line stock of brush and comb sets, manicure se:s, &c., ut Milbmk Jewelry SUre. Get our prices before you buy. Select holiday gifts early, while the assortment is full, at the Miibauk Jew elry store. Now is the season for corn shelters. You will find them ntWood Bros. Call and see the tine (took of robes and blankets at Antelnian's. Every thing in our line at bottom prices." Milbank Jewelry s'ore. zmBBmawrsraBamcieaeema ILW-gTI^. IlilZEPPA. Dec. 10,1891. P. W. Poor of Codington county,Sun clayed with his uncle Len. Alban Stoddard and wile were sur prised Thursday evening by having a crowd ot about thirty people coming in and spending the evening. Before go ing away they presented them with two very nice chairs. LOUIS KliEKT. Supt. Sargent & Diggs Home Farm If you are good at guessing a splendid opportunity tor you lo exhibit your aaient and secure a life-size $15 crayon and frame or a beautiful Photo Album U otfered by tho Photographer. Consolidated April 11,1801 auwtM ISI YIN.O liii'i's.i !*. JIEVILLO, Dec. 16,1891. A very pleasant dance was enjoyed at St John's hall Friday night. Mr. Philip Port has repaired his broken windmill, and is now grinding feed again. Miss Vina Halverson has been quite ill for the past week, but we are informed that she is rapidly recovering. Rev. Geo. Doty is taking a fortnight's trip through southern South Dakota and visiting his former home. He is expect ed to be present to occupy the pulpit here next Sunday. William Joliey of theS. D. A. C., who it is hinted, is a relative of Congressman Joliey, was in town Saturday shak ing hands with friends and uininir with us. William, like his illustrious kins man, starts out in life by teaching school, being this winter employed in the Lone Tree Lake district. "And now when conies a calm mild day, as still such days will come," all the juvenile hunters of this isolate! burg shoulder iheir small arms and hie away to the hills to hunt the wily ji.ck rabbit,, which harmless tnimal is found there in great numbers. The other day one ol these youthful hunters killed five rabbits in a single afternoon. While we write, sounds of revelry come from the Odd Fellows' hall, where a new lodge is being organized. Many strangers are here Irom other towns to witness or participate iu this organization. The particulars of the event will be given nest week. ffllfi STO!*E CITY. Dec. 10,1891. Whillie Edelman came home this afternoon completely surprising his par ents, he spent the last lew years ut Crow Agency, Montana. A new well is being dug and has nearly been finished at the parsonage of Rev. Zimmerman. II. E. Strissel is death on jack rabbits,, he shot and killed six in about 30 min utes Tuesday evening. Mr. Betcher took a trip to Wlieatm and Graceville last week. Dr Karn was called a number of tim£s to see baby Martens which was seriously ill, but is now fast recovering. Many of the early residents of Big Stone City will remember John S. Beau,, who after a residence of about a year in Big Stone, moved to Minneapolis, and to all such the announcement of his death last Saturday, which appeared in the Minneapolis papers will bring a leeling, of sadness and a tender sympathy for thes. family of the deceased. The Minneapo- lis Tribune announced tho sad event, as follows: Lieut. J. S. J. Bean, of the East Side police station, died this morn ing at 3 o'clock from blood poisoning, caused by a fall about a week ago. He had just come out ot a severe attack of pneumonia and the injuries had a more serious effect than ordinarly. At the begin ning of the war he enlisted In Company lof of the Oth Minnesota voluteers and served until April, 186G. lie was thrice wound ed in battle. He was appointed to the police force in April, 1884, serving as patrolman until May. 1887, when he was promoted to seargent. In September of the same year, he was again promoted to lieutenant. Ho leaves a wife and threo children. His sous, A. Lincoln, and David I. Bean are ir. the pc-lice and fir© departments respectively. Tho funeral of Lieut. Bean will be held from his home, 222 4th st NE, Mon day afternoon at 2 o'clock. The iviasonic,. Knight ot Pythias, Modern Woodmen and G. A. R. lodges, of which he was u member, will attend. Ortonville Herald Star. Dec. 17. The Christmas trees have just arrived at the post oflice, and are very nice look ing. The infant son of Mr. and Mre. Wou Geier, living three miles norlheist, of Ortonville, died Saturdav afternoon very suddenly, and was buried in the Orton ville cemetery Sunday afternoon. A goodly number ot our folks were there to attend the funeral aud heartly syuvpa thize with the bereaved parents. Tho three year old boy of M. P. Mar tens' was bitten by a dog, Sunday after noon, in the lip and band. He WHS taken to Dr. Karn and is now doing *v.oll. The eight months old ohild of Matt Fink, living three miles southeast of town died last Suuday and was bureied Tuesday. Fritz Pllueger has been sick the past week, but is now ubie t» be about agair. Mrs. K. B. Shall was takensiok with la-giippe last Monday. The board ot education badHepecinl meeting bitt Monday evning. at hi i I iini" it was decided to change tlie vara tion it will now be froia »-ec. 14'vl, to Jan. 4. '92. Mrs. Gillett bus been very low the pn-t week, and for two days between lib- and death. The German church looks mndi better' since i's its n« w dreMs is finished. The scho louse ait-nd* a new stove, in tne upper department it is said to uie.'one, 1