Newspaper Page Text
ft 1 i r Tty 0 7 h Tflll in Q LILcClb JiuLk) W - -0 - POTfilY A A (TWPti) TQ JL UlUgl (DMlii D VOL. I.-NUMBBR 53. GEAND RAPIDS, MICH., SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22, 1884. PRICE 2 CEKT3 A TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. THE EXPLOSION OF A CANNON. One Young Man Killed and Several Others Terribl MutiHated- The Result of Foolishness. HxiJMt'i Valley, N. Y.t Nov. '.'1. A pe irly h.ui accident occurred here hit ni'ht by wliich .-vcrd youn; men were aeriou'sly iniiirr-it ;ind one died. .The accident was nil -:he oiitiuine cf an attempt to celebnde. an ieent rrmee which hu bven th Mibject of a r .it dt iil of Some day u;,o a dU- turha:;c uioe U twrni two families living clo-e toother. The hushaud.s and wive of h;th f.unili. separated on Friday but after a i'.iarrt-l but made up and matter went on m before. A few younj; men got together and choe Saturday even in.; to wive the parties a salute, tired a fiiiinou four time and the affair wan adjourned till l.ttt Then they met a;;ni and threo olle were tired. They were rr-lo tdtn' for the fourth fhot when thu j-owdtr in ttn cannon became ignited. A terrirk' explosion followed, and when the f-innkt? cleared away a idckenini nijiht wiwt rtvrnlr-d. KlUworth Kirk, who had leen oLindin. tho wadding, lay with hi eve blown ut and the blood oozing from hi- face. He wiw alive bnt insensible. Short ly afterward he died. The others Pilfered the Iom of eyes and finder. The htifferer were conveyed to their home- and medical aid summoned. The list of the injurt-d U an follows: Fred Kirk, brother of Kll'worth, bailly burned alout the hnnd.: Geor.; lies. lo-d both eye; Henry Kvlin, badly burned about the head and body and le burned to a crip; Sum ner Uo-ebrook.-. lost en eye and a tinker: Al. Winters and Elijah Uontron, burned about th face and neck. It was the saddest acci dent which ever occurred in this vicinity. IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS. A Report That There is a Witness Who Knows the Crouch Murderer. Special DUpntch to Tue Teleouam. Jacvsom, Nov. 21. Juror Terry, in the Crouch trial, is jdill indipoied, and the cte was adjourned aiin from to-day until Monday. A rumor prevails to-day of imp-ortant. disclosures regarding the Crouch murder. The rumor is that a man in the northern part of the State ww at the Crouch house on that terrible nigld a year ago, and -aw three men inter the house. He escaped and knows the perpetrators?. Detective Har ris, of the Pinkerton force, took the case in hand to-day, and will sift it to the bottom. Foul Air and Fatal Fever. Lfiykswolth, Kan., Nov. 21. An un known but tatal fever is raging in one of the wards in the Kansas State Penitentiary. Sixty convicts were attacked in one day and ten have died. The disease begins like typhoid-malarial fever.which lasts twenty four hours and then cools off. The legs and arms of the patient then break out in sores and the victim die in a few hours. Dr. Neely anil th convict physician are doing all they mm Warden Jones has had other parts of the prion nuarantined. There arc b70 con victs confined there. It is thought the dis-ea-e is caused by foul air. The Fawcett Banking. I .os don, Ont., Nov. 21. At a largely at tended meeting of creditor of the defunct Fawcett Hanking Company, held at Watford yesterday afternoon, Mr. Fawcett presented a long lit of losses he sustained through various parties, aggregating $l4.r,297. He had a statement showing his total assets Oct. b".. 1M, as $2'.7.22S.(XS: liabilities, $210. 27'..!2 (of which I'V-TlMy is due deposi tors ); surplus of assets, $30,11. HI. Of the assets only :j,i.m) is cash on hand, the re mainder being mortgages, accounts, real estate, timber limit, and office furniture. Claims Against Garfield's Estate. ItosTov, Nov. 21. A Washington special to tho vortl says: "Mr. Hose, a clerk in the Treasury Department, acted for a year aa private s eretary for General Garfield. His services wer never paid for. After a long rorr -p'omlfure h has placed his claim for :l;'.,oin in General Ilutler'a hands for collec tion. Mrs. Garfield offered him but lie insists upon having the whole amount j aid. It is hoped some settlement may be made without bringing the matter into court." .... - - The Conference. Nov. 21. Th West African Con foreucv tit-day concluded taking evidence froa: technical adviser ns to the character of th Congo Ilasiu. A resolution wa then adopted favoring the free navigation of the t,'oag Fst twry. Germany supports the pretensions of Eng land m regard to th Nigvr, but stipulates for an inreasrd protection of German tradi-rs in that re'n-n. It is understood that the American dtleg ites also side with Eng land. trom the Pacific Coast. Nov. 21. Emigration to Ore gan i- inr".sir Gver eight hnndreil have arrived sino th.e first of November at Iort 1 an 1. Thy :tr n spkI class of eople and riant' to make Oregon their permanent home. Th viathor is mild arul ross; are till blooraing. roti suits are rl. liming the delegateship fro?i Washington Territory and the Demo crats are crjmg fraud. An ofVicial count w;ll ! r'inirrd to tt!e the matter. - The Swjum Case. Ww?;ixiri, Nov. 21. The entire diyM roTHMrnKl iu tlu S.ta:m nmrt-marti il by arg!Mont on drrturr r. All Tding 'pi1 ti.ins sfr di'jx! by the tim of b j-'irMnir. I'hA Jndg Advoeii' gir n --v.- th-it h wojM prent udditiovi rU r,i to- irorro-v sgiinsj (n. S-viTn. - - . - A S'iCCeijfut Sli'' Hivr'Tnirt, Miss., Nov. ;Ji.Th hf-or tr"?b? if f. H-tI .fr Co' f-irory th rti nnn IjIKj 1 t t-nr h f- ing -g-iin t; fHrsf r Anrl V-- ) ;'..;)?. ', V 'vr rVren ht rfnrr.! to --'rk. '1 hi I rg t trifrf h f'v K V''i f'f 'Of, s ri '.o. Geo- ? Fr!. I" v, r- . I r f . J. I f oa. hn THE PLENARY COUNCIL. The Discussions Yesterday-The Cred itors' Petition Received. lULTiiioBit, Md., Nov. 21. Tle daily k iioni of the Plenary Council were retained at the Seminary thia morning. A special session of theologians and blshor was held thid ufteruoou at the (Cathedral to finish up the work of the week preparatory to the reading on Sunday of the decreed formulated during the week. A circular letter has been received by memlers of the Council from the association of the creditors of the late Archbishop lnrcell, of Cincinnati, appeal ing to the Council for its, offices in liquida tion of the claims. A prominent theologian aid this evening he did not think the Coun cil would bike any action in the matter, a the subject, beiug local, did not come within the scope of the discussions of the Inxly. It is thoroughly understood, indeed it lias been intimated by several prominent members of the Council, that the Council experienced considerable difficulty in ar ranging sections of the canou laws so that they might harmonize with civil laws gov erning certain States. In considering this important subject the Council proceeded with the utmost care, and it was only after mot profound deliberation that it was de cided that the Catholic Church in the United State be ruled by the canon law. The regu lar evening services were held at the cathed ral this evening. Right Hev. Wei. H. Gross, D. I)., Bishop of Savannah, preached on "Missions for the Coiored People." HATTON TcTmEDI LL. A Letter in Which the Postmaster General Explains. Washington, Nov. 2). Postmaster-General Hatton to-day addressed a letter to Joseph Madill, editor of the Chicago Tribune, replying to a statement originating with Clarkson, of the Republican National Com mittee, recently published in the Tribune, in which Clarkson after giving many reasons why Blaine was defeated, said: ''The order of Postmaster-General Hatton requiring the New York postoffice, with its thousands of clerks and carriers be kept open, pre vented enough Republicans from voting to havo overcome what is now claimed as a Cleveland plurality." In his letter Hatton says no kucIi order as that referred to by Clarkson was issued by him: that he was in Burlington, Iowa, at the time; that in reply to a telegram on the subject he informed Elkins that there was no law making election-day a holiday, but that the postmaster of New York, if he desired, could certainly manage to allow the employes in his office to vote without seriously interfering with the delivery of the mails, and that General Ha zen, who was acting postmaster at the time, telegraphed Postmaster- Pearson that the employes should have full opportunity to ex ercise tho right of suffrage. The Court of Queen's Bench. London, Nov. 21. The suit of Adams against Coleridge was commenced to-day in the Court of Queen's Bench. The plaintiff claims $jO,000 damages for accusations af fecting his moral character made by the de fendant in a letter to his sister, Miss Mildred Mary Coleridge, to whom the plaintiff was until recently engaged to be married. Several domestic scandals will, it is said, be un earthed during the progress of the trial. A number of prominent men and women of high rank have been subpenaed as witnesses to prove the charges made by Mr. Coleridge, and it is expected that his father, Lord-Chief Justice Coleridge, and his sister will also go on the witness stand. At a late hour this afternoon the case was adjourned, no decision having been reached. . A Careless Thief. Newark, N.J., Nov.21. General Williams, of Morristown, N. J., had a coat stolen while he took dinner in the Park Hotel to day. Tho coat contained a negotiable bond for $1,000. Detectives were placed on the case, and the coat found in a pawn-broker's shop with the bond in tho iocket, it having been overlooked by the thief. Drowned in a Swill-Barrel. Special Dixtch to Tint Tr LEO RAM. Alleoan, Nov. 21. An eighteen-months-old child of Henry Pierce, of Monterey, in this county, fell into a swill-barrel this after noon and was drowned. Appeals Dismissed. WAsniNOTON, Nov. 21. In view of the recent decision of the Supreme Court to the effect that appeal could not be taken from the Commissioner of Patents to the Secre tary of the Interior, Secretary Teller has dis missed all such appeals now pending. TKLKO R A I II I C It H EVITI ES. A snowstorm raged all day Thursday at Quebec, with the thermometer at zero. The Mayor of Philadelphia recommends the City Council to permit the famous lib erty Bell to be exhibited at the New Orleans show. Arthur Clark, a sailor, was found dying Thursday iu a New York boarding-house of yellow fever. No other iersons in the build ing were.ill. Clergymen of various sects held a meeting Thursday, at New Haven, Conn., and agreed to hold a congress of American churches in that city next May. David Eastman, a farmer at Harlem, III., loses hi farm and home, worth $1.fK)0f hav ing wagered it against thut amount that Blaine would be elected. Emma Dickens carved hr husband with ft larg knife at JoliK, Thursday, inflicting fatal wound. Dickons was living apart from th wormn, and hi refusal to trrreae her monrtary allowance led to the cutting. Carrig harden? manufacturer repre senting iMi'V') capital formed a N'Mjonnl association Thursday, at Mend n. Conn., and decided upon pooling condutnti-Ti for I th restrict m of good pnr? -d upon th mrkf-L Twenty-even cs.', of rnll-mt occiffnd Thursday in thviUftg of Hiofo, Can., nd bon i Titire'y otnd!d. At cv-rtain raiW'sr t-stion inferirling trvf br ran not proonr ticket nnle h?f elan bill of hnlfh, Yeterdi n'r (fin Th? strr? ilijo reported Wlnd-r . prpTsiling in Vii-ijim. bn tif in Kn'tr nd S et YKnK, wbre hoi furni brp bn --pt and thirty 'f mora Pet r"ff fl(rrin a ?rVd e!?ctjf f. Th p- If rC, it 'N"lf", f 'r inf f n ?-!!r nn, jin.-J ih rrJ-s?f nr-W 1 it jVedfnl tf''s, tkf'", ?f""?v ltng fjfl, t'-'i-t.'n fitH? tia? fMn tvJ$-tffnt if . It j -: J fs IWI -.7Cw fftfjf ; i3 ':) f.selrt ni fh ffnt ?f i-?. N f-"' KtT b-t rf. r f m ? f i i r " -s i ef r-,ti of st?? n'v f. : V t 'J, V . rf?, af.-f rrt f t.. : ' 1 (.t f . , C., ' " t t-f"-"-. r.; lf. 1 ? ? f " --.:-:t I. A JERSEY SENSATION. TWO DEMOCRATS AT VARIANCE. Rich Developments of a Suit Brought by One Against tho Other An Afflicted Reporter. Nkwakk,N.J.,Nov. 21. Matthew C. Eaton, who claimed tub A nephew of ex-Senator Eaton, of Connecticut, cau.-ed a henation here to-day by bringing iit against Wm. Shurts for a part of the exienes of a trip to Chicago to attend the National Democratic Convention. Both are prominent society men and members of the Je ffersonian Club, a iolitical organization composed of leading Democrats of the city, At the trial Shurts claimed that Eaton hired the Associated Press reporter to go with him and puff him in the press. Eaton also induced Shurts to pass as his private secretary' in order to im press ex-Senator Eaton of his importance. When the party reached Chicago ex-Senator Eaton gave his alleged nephew letters to prominent men, to deliver in the case that Cleveland could not be nominated. They were to "boom" the ex-Senator. Mr. Shurts declared the ex-Senator always addresed M. C. Eaton as Mr. Eaton. He also eays M. C. Eaton tried to pass as an inlluential politician, and that it cost him several thousand dollars to do it After the Chicago convention Eaton proposed a trip to the Yellowstone Park in Dakota. As a matter of convenience Eaton suggested to tho Associated Press reporter that passes might be secured. The reporter got passes, and the party went to Yellowstone Park. On the return Eaton told the reporter to stay in Chicago, and he would send him money to return. This he forgot to do. By a strange circumstance the reporter happened ' to be in Newark to day, and Eaton had him arrested for obtaining money under false pretenses. The reiorter expostulated but he was held in bail. The trial will be resumed on Wednes day next. Eaton is looked upon as an ecce n tric individual, is about, thirty years of age and is posseessed of considerable meaus. Ills main object iu life seems to be to pose as an influential politician. He calls the president-elect "Grove," and Hendricks 'Tom." Mr. Shurts is a highly respected citizen and senior member of tho firm of VanAlstyne fc Shurts. The newspaper man seem to be the most unfortunate one of the lot. His name is Orange Stevens. He is well known in New York journalistic circles. MURDEROUS CONSPIRACY. An Attempt to Kill an Important Wit ness Against Illegal Voters. Chicaoo, Nov. 21. The existence of a con spiracy to kill Orange D. Douglass, a de tective and deputy United States Marshal, who is the principal witness against William J. Clinger, John II. Stearns and Frank A. Owen, charged with tho illegal registration of voters, is claimed by United States Attor ney Tuthill. Douglass was waylaid while crossing a vacant lot on Center avenue after dark last night by two masked men and cru elly beaten. The assault was so snddeu and the night so dark Douglass caught but a very imperfect glimpse of the men. After knocking him down, they beat him terribly over the head and left him dead. Douglass remained in the position he was felled until 7 o'clock this morning, when he was discov ered by passers by. Tuthill is satisfied that the assault is connected with the case against the above-named parties, and says this is the second attempt to murder Douglass, he having been twice tired at within a week near the same point. Douglass will recover. A RECEPTION TO GREELY. The New York Geographical Society Entertain the Explorer. New Yokk, Nov. 21. A reception given to Lieut Greely by the New York Geographi cal Society, at Chickering Hall, to-night, was largely attended. Among the prominent gentlemen present were Gen. Hazcn, chief signal officer; Judge Charles P. Daly, presi dent of the New York Geographical Society; Chief Engineer Melville and Prof. Theodore Dwight, and a large number of naval officers and others who have at different times taken an active part in Arctic exploring expedi tions, including several of the Greely party. Lieut. Greely spoke at length recounting his experiences in the Arctic region. He paid a high tribute to tho bravery and fidel ity of his comrades. A Business Melody. There was a man in our town, and he was wondrous wise, for when ho marked his prices down he then did advertise. And when ho saw his trade increase, with all his might and main he marked still lower every price, and advertised again. And when he adverti.-ed again, his, rivals stamped and tore, to see folks rush with might and main to patronize his store. And while they sat in solitude and saw him custom win, that man behind the counter stood and raked the s)ieekel in. And when he raked the sheckel in, and saw Ids fortune rising, he took a goodly lot of tin and kept on advertising. Each day a generous sum he'd sink and demonstrate full plain tho more one pays for printer's ink the greater is his gain. A. A Fearful Scourge. Ottawa, Ont., Nov. 21. In Tweed village tho black small-pox i increasing. The farmers in tho neighUnhood have pur chased a full supply of provision, built fences around the house and clcnnl their door tgainM the neighbor for fear that thv course- will be carried into their families. pAtb nt an neglected and b ft to dif without njtarice. I fh vilhg of llaco binr i rntirr ly up ndd. The tillAko 1 cut o.T from th outside world. - The French Farmery. rRt. Not. 21. At a mating of Frrrsfh farmer h?M b-dy, a fr-on!ion. d"ptel ree"rnnr.ding to the jrovr-tnm"-nt ft of T frnnr- pr quintal on rr?m or a lidirg rqlp frnc r a mtjpmm. ... ., . Awilinp, (0 Henry's An or. Vif. N'nt, -Hntj M. f'nb-f Iv bn ititjt'-! to Jef-'r" bf:'Ta th V r-a it 'o'il 5 j--if t y t: t'i i?t r I liHl fr th infit-Mio. - FctrL (tn. 2L 1b rr-bd Mf r --? rifc;l .ft4?!', ai ar ?f rfft1 vn !Sa ?? .1 . r;-:: ;;:: 1 ,f C ? t.-.H-trti C. . CLEVELAND NOTIFIED. He Returns His Thanks and Receives Congratulations. Albam, N. Y., Nov. 21. Cleveland wati busily engaged to-ilay in executive buiIle and receiving vi?itois. Sooo after the Board of Canva-crs adjourned, the Democratic members, consisting of Comptroller Chapiu, Attorney General O'Brien, State Treasurer Maxwell, and State Engineer and Surveyor Sa'tvt, cvilled at the chamler and formally notified the Governor of the result of the l te election in his elevation to the presi dency. Cleveland thanked the gentlemen for tho courtesy, and after a few pleasant rt marl s they retired. Soon after a special committee of the Cleveland and Hendricks Insurance Club of New York, called upon the Governor and presented him with a set of beautifully en iro.sed resolutions, expressing tSeir unquali iied gratification at the election of Cleveland and Hendricks, conveying congratulations to the president-elect for the noble record he had made for honesty, integrity, faithful nets and reform in the respective offices he has held. HANGED TILL DEAD. A Child-Slayer Suffers the Extreme Penalty. St. Locis, Mo., Nov. 21. Oliver H. Bate man w as hanged at Savannah, Mo., to-day, for the murder of Austie and Adella Mc Laughlin, aged respectively nine and seven years, on Sunday, Aug. 21 last. The girls visited Bateman's at noon, ate dinner there and then started forborne. This was the last seen of them alive. Monday morning the mutilated bodies of both girls were, found in a cornfield. The coroner's jury after several days session, returned a verdict, "Died by the hands of parties unknown." Newton Batema and his brother, Oliver, were suspected of the crime. Oliver Bateman was arrested Sept. 5 and it was found that the ball taken from the head of Austie McLaughlin fitted Oliver's pistol. He afterward made a full confession. At the trial, Oct. 2, he refused ceunsel to de fend him, pleaded guilty, and on Oct. 1 was sentenced to be hanged Nov. 21, Asking a Grant. Pabis, Nov. 21. The government has ap plied to the Chambers for a second grant of $120,000 to cover expenses arising from the cholera. . Cholera Cases. Pabis, Nov. 21. Fourteen new cases of cholera were reported from Oran to-day. ECHOES FRG3I AHHOAD. Queen Victoria returned to Windsor Cas tle from Balmoral Thursday in excellent health. The German Reichstag was opened Thurs day with the usual formalities, Tho Emper or, in the course of his speech, spoke of the continued accord, between Germany and France. In the Coii:o Conference, now in session at Berlin, John A. Kasson, -the American Minister to Germany, announced that Henry M. Stanley, tho African explorer, had been appointed technical delegate to the confer ence for America. A new German translation of the works of Charles Dickins is being issued by II. Gene sius of Hallo at 2 marks W) pfennig, or about C2 cents a, volume. Six volumes have ap peared, containing " David Coppprfield, "Oliver Twist," "Bleak House," and "Harte Zeiten." A correspondent of ihe Pall Mall Gazette calls attention to tho alarming mortality among bishops' wives. It appears that at present there are six bishops who are widow ers, five who have been married twice, and one, the Bishop of Liverpool, who has been married three times. Dr. Franz Liszt sends a letter to a German paper, stating that he is overburdened with appeals for his autograph and requests to examine musical compositions and to give his opinion upon them, and that he now in forms unsolicited correspondents that their letters will receive no answer. In the northea?tern island of Terra del Fuego the native people, who inter-marry frequently with the more southern Yahgans (as they are called by the English mission aries), are the tallest race on the globe, ac cording to the report of the French mission to Cape Horn presented to the academy of Science, Paris, by Dr. Hahn. In stock and speech these tall people appear closely re lated to the Patagouians of tho Continent. A Minnesota Hen. ISUPaul Day. He came into tho office and said he liked the paper and wanted to help it. He was a gi anger living about seventeen miles out on the Manitoba roatL "Ii's one of my hens I want to tell you about," ho said. 'ItN her intelligence. She. knows more than a horse. That hen is really religious and I can prove it, and I will te!l you how. She's a plain, ordinary, everyday domlnlck hen, and very regular In her hab its; but a few week ago she stopped jlay ing. My wife wa a good deal troubled about it, thought maybe the domintek wasn't wrlltor somethingof that sort; but it turned out it wasn't anything of the kind. We'd ben talking a good deal about a Baptist preacher who wa (ping to make us a vidf, and I suppose the h?n heard u. Well", the prencher came, anJ that a't'-rn on my wife heard a great cackling in the barn, and went out What d'yoti suppos hf foun 1? Why, that hen ha Ij 1st laid a d en esrgl Sbe'd been holding hack, you s?, so that the egg would all l fresh. She only drv tbi, though, tor that one preacher. Fh' a Biptit h-spif, an I it's only whn the Bp't preac'ier emes that hf.s no ton;ht "ul. L' th curlonet thing I pvt er." Anl then the granj-'r wnt away. H lik a truthful man, bit wM.t b rlate-l hardly fm pot tM fi-vh Hut ;y an 1 Ten rti agree that tho n. n r b n a -v f'rrnlnick her cm lay la a c d v i ovn. Golden Fruit on & Pear Tr. lltMe J. takt A ct' """ Am u a a'rh valnN) at f-i bi np - wf en h nn ft) f rnn't r.'!r whd walkirj alen b t. He bt f ba-1 t ttl't t l (i 5-1 t i f t! rr?"vrr in,?, ad V h' tiot vi.d M rlofh d-iHra: tlf-iHr b t l rlii--i? w i?it-d nt H.a? p- kr-xl: bt ppf t a .l t.'e,t i tfc ar b re ttr' tlr t ti-m si itP tilrJi r 11 In fp ?3 It tnsr, i ab-.js fl it b ao ctn b V-5 tVl.'. tv c;n t . t. : ir 7 o i.t ? s S ri - .1 j C;, y q , --I tt. t? ; FROM FOREIGN LANDS. THE ENGLISH DEBT FROM MEXICO Nightly Kiots Over the Debates in the Chamber The West African Conference Other Affairs. Mexico, Nov. 21. The tiibcus.ivju of the bill converting the English debt hiid cllow ing a large commission to the managers of the funding operation, baa caused f uch in dignation among the people that riots have been of nightly occurrence.. The drbhtes in the chamber have lren very exciting. The Federal troops are in constant readiness to suppress disgorders, and this adds to the xopular an ger. The attitude of Diaz, who i ioou to be sworn in as President, is eagerly diseased. A crowd surrounded hi house la&t night and made sp-eeches urging him to disapprove the bilb It was afterward learned that he was not at home. The house yesterday after noon postponed the bill until after Diaz' installation, which action was bailed with tremedous applause by the crowd in the gallery. Mear wliile a riot was 111 progress outside the chamber. The troops charged ujon the ih-o-ple with swords, striking only with the fiat sides. A son of President Gonzalez com manded the cavalry. The contest lastod only ten minutes, when Gonzales' life fmed in danger. The guards rnaised and charged the crowd, dispersing the rioters. It is ex pected the people will quiet down now. They seem to have confidence in Diaz. WOMEN'S WHIMS. How the Wives of !partment OOclals Stand in tho Way of Female Employe. Washington Special.) 'It would never do tor women to control politics. It would be ou'.rageous," ex claimed an infuriated lady, In conversa tion with a correspondent to-day. Why, have you been crossed iu your spirationsr" "No, 1 have not been crossed," replied the lady, 'but heaven preserve some others," and she upturned her pretty eyes in reverence. "But that I am forbid to tell the secrets of my prison house, I could a tale unfold whose slightest word, etc. It is enough for me to say that the hea U of soni'i of the Government institutions are tontrolled so completely by their wives that the latter are indeed the Super intendents. I have in my mind tho wife of a man who is at the head of an institu tion, who is so powerful with the influence over her husband that he can do nothing scarcely without consulting her. She is almost, daily beside him at his desk. She goes through the place, looks around the employen, makes in quiries and knows about as much as the husband of what Is goinj on. She keeps the people there on nettles. There is no lady about the instituiion that feels secure in her position after the wifejmakes her tour of inspection. They all fear that some jealous fancy will lead to dismissal. What poor woman is there who may not t wrongfully suspec ed? If the husband dares make a promotion of a lady, or grant a la Jy employe a kindness, the rea son for fcueh promotion or kindness must be explained to the wife, else her jealousy grows verdant and a storm brews. Dj you know what 1 would do, had 1 the power?" The correspondent gave it up. "Well, sir," continued the lady, "1 would pass a law forbidding the wives of tho heads of all department bureaus and other Institutions of the Government vUiting their husbands during the hours of public or private business. That U, all such of ficers whD have ladies under their super vision. And why would I do it? Because 1 would make it impossible for the whims or jealousies of a wife to step in between an employe and justice, and I would make it possible for the head of such institution to promote cr favor meritorious lady em ployes without requiring that head to make a diagram for the wife each time." Running Up Stream. iGs.cna (IIL) Gaictte. The novel sigtu of the Mississippi flow ing up stream was witnossed at North Pepin recently, when the Chippewa poured such volumes of water into the lewer end of tho lake tiiat it could not es cape down stream. A number of illutra tiva Incidents are noted by the Pepin ,Sf if. A mall carrier and his companion found it beyond their power to row a skiff down the Mississippi to a point opposite the mouth of the Chippewa. So great wai the violence with which th roaring torrent poured out of the latter river agaimt the Minnesota bluffs above Keis landing that the water reooilel, bubbling, d ly ing and divi iing, and even ataying the current of the great MUsUsippl, which runs at a velocity of three mdes j-rbourf and turning it back up stream at the tame rate- Logs drift-wood and all manner of debris floated up the Mbsis'ip;! River into Lake Ppin and to th snores at ihe village of lVplu, and en atnve the ted, muddy waters of th CUppwa coubl be en even to lak City. The sUamer Pobert Ddd was unable to tow a raft ot of th mouth of the lakes. Th ateamf r Pepin encounrel a tout resistance on Friday to pet by the m?uth of the Chip p, in psMing t an 1 from Ite l's. An other steamer, with a raft in t?w, was wlre hours pushing from Frec -H to l'tj9 head of Laka Pepin, ths usual tim bing six birs. Ttis U eailr xplainL Tb bead r.f lb lai'e is not ajj bib-r than the Chippewa is at the ferry ero. ing at lh "Flower PcL" At Pepin tbt wMr lvd is lower. fYecoU it only rn fet b;rbf by the railroad par-Tf-y than tb had cf tb lak a d stanc of thirty mUe. J rise at that plar frrm th Cairr'' a'n. it is es irsa'd, was fcTjrorf.rv This 3r:M tb mnit! correal, ab- vp Rl ettd tjt d -fb11f d I tb?" orify of the If . prd o! by xiiTrial catjsi,, Tbe tit U atonry at tt tp cf tb tiZ'K, 14. wblc ij i farh'-d J ttdsv hTnln;. i fatrcll tte 'ozj aH-vf t?hq t U V-L I'c-l ft rr-U?crt 'O A ft f be Boers. Lumk., Nov. 1:1. A dipi.n "U frum Capr- town thnt CvJmmUr.iciiu r j!utoit, tvi: ith triKp bi.d sturWd triiui beuiiug thht Pri llu gland to fru?t in llritih ruihurjty over the 1 by the li.Kir, iii.medif.Uiy territory dputtjd iioii-tt-d the 4Traa pvtiU fingovtr !Miiitiva'a territory, ttnd L 5 promised to bt 1 thr IkUd cd Gv'htii to t utttiin ij tliiim to the portion of territory which it bar uiuiritsi. The ad - lfged (Jor-bt Ii f lt-e-bvttlc Th V tU frCelitly de ft Uted MoillMuV f jliowert Klid mvupled hi. country, are sending ibeirwicr ai.d timalies to the J ransuud. pit-jiuruUir) tv making it ig)toat debute ag.iant any iliitili firc tiutt my te M-nt e.g.-un?t them. TRADt. ANDFINANCE. Grand Rapids, TiUXufcAM Ol III x, Nov. l. Ga2s-ivra, Uk: Out. 'rjv; reiwl Sic WLiibt: CUusou. Ii.; rtnl Uiug U-xrj, i iort ieTr", 72. !.-. iAj Hp. ITiC. I IjOUli AM r .U-1 W l , i hm4jf;4 D rt-Uiil; phttat. v j. t 111 r-4ii: u.iJ iiiUia iHT PJ u v.!.itviJ, SI ui pirt wt iiraxi. j.-r ton, 13 JJ w iuijs-i-; Niiic j-r cwt. Mtvii c.J fitvt, jr Ion, Oi t.titinif ; it ipcr I'aovifciONs-1 f, p r 7 OK Vtla l(j iU, l.a:iiht 14 K J 1 ji.'; ' 1 Jc cujokeii bfl, it.-; ituni l'kc. itud: Tt-rt lue kettle. Itrrrta ASH ChviAt-llmur: Tut xd jrs HUi 'Uri rrmui: try, tuf lie. ( ; l ull creb.Ui lllc; httli erti:, ptc. Poi'LTLi -hpriiitf (-Lit ken: AlUe, tlje w 2-. l'iwis: Ahe, fe.!c; tlrTX liltie, "J urkrj. AL'ltl cilU-; drxi, I0jiu lticki, ilrtd 12 . c. L.KiS-l"reh.'i. b.t. 4J2e; laktl bu. "Xic t(KTAlL.! i'tKfel: Z Vltift taU.utt, lv bhi, J iKiX ;.'u Ouio:ii: IVr hu. -iluw, 4e; feilver fekm, '.i.'-kpc, li.t, kt ba, J&o. C4bUtu, jer Luudnxi, s? iu. Kjuiu-.h, jrr huiuired, lti 1 UJ. '1 urxaofc. jt bu. IUjtj, It.r doz, J"rc l'fkii.t-.rrj-, s ui jr bu. Kkim l-'uni-b Apj I.jh r hu, -i.Jc. tir&i KeiJey Uhin.1. JO-tl- i lio.t-T Wldle clover, lilic; dkik, Ua'c; tlnJa. ed. he MLT HvTcns, Ijwml, $1 rx', $1 10. KtJtIS llcioU.j, tl U1 ;t;cliver, ml tip, Zltil UX llllUiir-ii. j-rlb, 7c; i-rt cunl. Kl V4",fuli caml, bViiis; orj- Lidt h.d Li, b4i2r; vtlt fekmts.irrefu or cun'd, Px;Um'i:iHLiu, j-er piw. :iK'Soc. hmjrp PtLT Shtirl; Summtr kii;,ptt pirxv, 1(J'J", ftJl Iitfc, if iet"; Wu.n-r x5u, si uvu jr.. Wool Market SO !c lo r Uuu. durarnf the iml ek, kud priet. o uiM-ttJti t. ot to v hjrtt a ijuoLition. iiATSlOjl2;Ubd ill ir t,a shcWe: i y.v ir e"t. Sthaw IVr lid, SHiL Woxi-lUrd, -L-liiig fc.1 ilWjKTcordlui Ucck, ndit wMtl. Si7 j. CoAi-Move u.d iiut, p:r tuii; eg aitd SJHlf, J7.UU pi-r tea. K kk e.n t V Kier vLit m t trJi'.lou. M ; itd lAi-iA.' No. 1. LStt3ic. THE STOCKS. New York. Nsw Vcuk. Not. 21. In Wull fctitt xuoiif) cbtKil ,t l, jier r-nt; Hi.chanr! cbii trt: jti1 rut, i.Kii.'i',, acliul rat 4ll4f'4."14 for CJ duy'; 4.iv?f'4ili for di-njaiiX (Ut rnn.rnu cbl imvulai; cum cry 6 . 12 bid; 4' coujio&a, 122 bid; 114' bid. I'ai if.c tJlr''ii Yxtud vlu- b. foH: Uuiou Pu-ifcc rim morui bind-. 1114 loll I5,; 1kj4 grnt bond-, ZlK'i: ikir fend. M bid; i:itrnl. y to IK. b;iii in to Lf tj-lj- hn t.ii k liiaitl -h1 and there r hh bat b;t!i' ii.tent ino d in thediJi:iT. In tbeily tri. I'.i.g tl-r ws eon-t-iJend.l prt.ure to il lkn.Vhorv kuJ Nw York Ciitnd. H e hitti-r vk prn--l fr wje on Tviort fnm Cliio:,.T i tt e ff t tl.Kt th?r-rJ luit b-Mi.vl a bir-i,un l-r of thirlj dnj tkk4 for a further rb;ciiojj in e t lnnsnd rntt, und tbr.t tlto if J)orr, ;n Iein;i;r f bud icf.l a cirerditr rtouTioi:; ihM. It wotdd 1 4 partici.t? in th j.reirwi mtiriK for tl n toratinn f :t nii'il ll.ce tfJrrj-lii; ti ket Lu xpind. Iike hUsrt ua K.I.J iLvm ou the H4ru rutnor of t;nfoii,bIt dtit'lopir.t'nu xt) to t madepubiic It v.:. r!;i.! in t!.i ronnrvliori thht th Mnteuit for t!f j urt r einlii. Spj-teirdx-r would xri e.x.fiivortibb, f !,owii4i a lar-e fhlYu.a Ji iu -An.ix.. Ti ilinc of t!i- frtxki v-fik.Tjfl 1! e hol 1 1t . MiJ iri th rft ludf hour prif drj t 1 -r vt.t. The rriKirtf iiJJ ntH m r Tlf-'i, urad the frvlliiij Kf-.n cvimi. In t) r ivxi hor.rhndabidt to cooii, the rlivju' bid Tip yvir ef l)t bsOTti, cailiyt the frhort to tiytei, ictd iri- fuilj nxxn rl by Xjfton. VhliH n.fwl b furtlHT hdviHr oa mifdl trricti n x-!p to 1 2i o'c k, whon fc!x.r.t tb Mi;bt qu!tioti l tb d-y wt toocliAil, but from tJ i lout to Uip bM the n-i.tki was wpftk oa frt- r,xditti'f. nJ tn'tdt- i j ilw U;r. Quotation fit i) 1. h- wn-f irr-ru!hily iHOfil lt c srr. J .rl -ith y-t t"-d.'y iit of th li-t !"iriit frHdior.fclJy b:rhor. iih?(fth'reiowM -jnii'r dliu"K Tb ; wtrfibdl. Th GRAIN MARKETS. Chicago. II Krt-d xirvlj for Tins M-.a.Vi.o JtxD (R1M l5 L. H. I-iaXi A Co .mrr.iVtoD IZer tl'ir'r, lVsv-s' Ojera lln blocku Tii'' follou i' f Ubl? xUhlt ib. briC'uMloDS lf Art. Mor.t'i. Vitii $ lijsr-i't lwt. Vjl"j J HQ Mf. . -Cora, 4Njt . .. : .Wr.. ,.; 'Ms? (V' ... i-H . 1 I t I- if" V 1 r' . aii r. ii'iTT. ion Jaxi 6 75 ft 7.. f. 7 . i $ t ' J Yl'-Hi-A 7:-. . ( .t:' Ci.i. isvve. J.:L; i New York. rriMi I at !, l T t, :'j fA-.lmer I.-- xtm, $4 ZSf 4 'it, i c VV ??t AT" i ?r"-n ! j--i.!! frhft:;-. tilt t ;e-r, rAi r t-'-i-t '!;, uvi eb.- idy. h a 1 h !;"-. I b 4 1 n r ri. ;j t T' i v. tS !r! $ ; rjn-t t.f r;- u-t ir-r f .'H b i f '('; t ft 1, - j".'T4'r. V.. 1 rb "''': t". ts J i r I , 1 Nn r"l :Mr. J -t; -"7. 7. tr.s t x.-.i't it-t.2 ), r 3 k;.t r,i. ' b--. 1; V"-,k... krzi I'i Yrvn. sd of r r. 'tJ u ( . vt-l ' ! tt : r, fcTt-J Su. t r :l. - J uvrr. :ur, 67 ! J-! X -. r; t !, , f ; ';"y , i4? ''rt; ' ' b J r Sr.. trLi' ! -t-. cr j I ' r.-:i fh ' lt,f. C ' ; 7, l:rt-l't.'.;. v. -rvs. tu a. c