Newspaper Page Text
Morning Telegram. G1L1ND ilAPLUi, ZOV. 'J7. ltd. THE MORNING TELEGRAM, tiilJi'fd Ktrj Day L'xcr.j.t Su.iu.iay, kt tux. - TgLKOllAM PUBLISHING CO. II. McDOWLLL, W. II. ilAHt OiCU, f Ldituf''' O:: VO WhlllS' Ol'KllA HOUSE BLOCK. yTii!y, i-cf je ir, i-Um i repaid. .. lXuly, i r iju.tru r D uly, i tr vvtvk CO i r 10 S; c:iut a (.' i-iv-s ciit frt-e. Aildrt-Ti all foirmiUiiii-rttiijUji to The TfcXfc- Ui.iM (iriUli UU,id ilirfi TliE liultalu O'lniut n oil :;ad that the jroj'A;;tim m-mI 1 Coiiklit to tho S iu.U LuA iit nu t with t.-iK'uiiraj-nu:ui from a.-.iii!i itf'.v..a'fT in tho State of Now York. S far th? NV.v York pa a th art? fc'!j.-!il;U'. Si-N'.vroii Yir nimouiuvH thattho hore tofuri:) uutr;u,'tmj syhtt-m of Deputy Mar Lata at tho polls will not ho altolidheii, for tho rt'ajun that tho Deputy Marshals will hcroaftor lo l)m'raLs. Sonulxxly hloillil pull thU Vfnt down. Ir L rvo-rted that Confederate KmuLs hav advanced in valuo fcinco election. Whether thi.i fact is tho rrrnilt of Demo cratic feiicce, or of tho advanco in the pricM of wa.-it paper caused hy the chol era in I'urope, is a ipie.5tin. A statue to George llrowii, late editor of tho Toronto CtUl, has leen erected. Mr. JJrown was one of the few editors, it appears, who did not inalio so many eiio- mivH during his life-time as to consign him to pOvst-mortem oblivion. . The New York Sun thinks it is welll enough fir the Democrats to bear tv;o things in mind; What w:n extravagance wider Republican rule wi!l not b.coiuo judicious liberality merely U cause the. expenditure supervised ty thn Democrats; The change in the administration of tlie Government will require the invention of no new ftdjeetives to decrite corruption, job bery, or oilicial dishonesty of any sort. The London Lancet condemns tho ex cessive use of the bicyclo as very injur ious to th health. It claims that the position of tho rider upon the bicycle is such as to throw an undue weight of tho Uxly uion the pelvis and its organs by which they are seriously affected and ul timately permanently injured. The Lancet is of the opinion that in tho caso of rowin boys tho system is liable to lo seriously affected and that all excess in this cla.'s of exercise should be carefully avoided. An item is going the rounds of the ex changes which chronicles tho iniortant incident of Lady f Liskoth meeting with Lady Waterloo at Brighton recently. Iioth are wives of English baronets, both are Califomians, and loth the progeny of millionaires. It is a singular fact, which The Teliouam deems it proper to make n note of, that whiio the effeto and culti vated E;ist copies tho manners and adopts in a great measure the ideas of European higher orders," and tries to bo aesthetic ''and nil that sort of tlung, you know," the blooming damsels of the rowdy West, particularly those of the Pacific slope with golden ducats, are sought by these noble scions of European civilization, to tho ex clusion of the girls from the Harvard An nex, Vasar, etc. Thus w ith titles of no bility does the rowdy West revenge itself npori the Eastern mugwumps. The Detroit wf of yesterday gave publication to a fact which has been known to Tnn Tr.Li:ni:M for some little tiuv. namely that Senator Conger will in all probability resign his o'lice and 1k seated upon the Supreme loneh in the District of Columbia at an early date. In its surraisinor. as tit Mr. Conger's succes sor, the Vast publishes as a list of jossi ble candidates, the names of Col. Frank . Stockbridge, Hon. Cyrus O. Luce, Con gressmen Lacey, Horr, Cutcheon ami Hn it ung. Congressman-elect Harrows and Hon. Jay Hubbelh The 'ovf is more generous in the rmmIorof its candidates than judicious in their selection. Not only on th issue of locality, but on ac count of idiility, popularity and general liualitlcation for tho duties of tho high oll'ce, there are gentlemen in this city who d erve the honor of tho Senatorship equally wilh any candidate named. The llepubhcans of (irand Ripids nhould not nit idly and ?e thj honors which beui:g o this cit and the interests of tlii Stat at Washington l.t by their si Iei;i or indifference. MONO R TO WHOM HONOR IS DUE. The telegraph veterdny reported an intervite.v with Dan Vr!;ees in which tee Wabash -dalesman is m.ide to say li,t ther no trouble between Cleve land nnd t!;'U su?ra times ttvprevious gMd!etnau the Vic-lVesuhmt-eleet, and furUier t! .t ex-Senator TcDonaM is to h! : v a place in tN new Cabinet. With t;:e tr -tat c;. tit the public l.s little ? do ai.d in it He : but. slight intcr- t, iiu'e wry fi-v pU'V ra re whetlier a fvinof the HM.l.-'cks str.ip' receives at N ' e- iwit bnt in tl-e latter part of if, if tr-r, n d ep interest i!l 1 taken. W't.! i': :rre a-e di:U'd!c-S sor-':e part j-;'.?!.1 f ?' !it.-n-" - T 4 x.,y ueild l- g! ad r arid li.lnvn eeU at t!:e t- i ;r:.itu.i f v! nee . h-:.;-v-4 ps'rH'-N ef t!:e t;re-d r.;a n a; t f. -,-e -p-n?y n !,: h t a -erdr . - ; e '.'. ! ' ) i f.- j v.- The rr-.d-'.t- bira wi3o, pnre and conccrrritive ca for ! Mi Cabiziet and by a careful course in his inaugural to do a great work for the country. If, whila the email fry and camp-followers &re quarreling ovr the loave-i and tLjliec?, Cleveland is reviving of Lii own inotiou to call such men us Thurinan and McDonald into hid Cabinet the pejp!3 may well feel encouraged. Tliougii clearly a partisan, at a time when a clan of Democrat were howling about fraiiii and stealing votes, aiid threatening war and bhx! and force, McDonald wad using every endeavor to allay the fever ish excitement, expressing ctmftdence in the leaders of Ixjih sales and counselling a it.-iicaable hubmiaaioii to the result. His course in public life has ever been tliat of a clear-headed, honest and patriotic statesman; and a President could hardly go far wrong who voluntarily called alxnit him for his advisers men of the McDon-ald-Thumiun character. They are as bujrior to men of the Hendricks fctrio as well can le. Let us hope for the gen end welfare that Yoorhees is correct. CUR RENT COMMENT. Ixtetou iW (Dem.): We've got 'em. Now it remains for us to show that we do served to get 'em. Buffalo Courier (Dem.): The picture on the tirst page of the current number of Harjier'a Weekly is designed to make every Southerner who sees it go out and shoot a negro. Birmingham (Ala.) Aye: Wo hope President-elect Cleveland gill give a sub stantial recognition of tho Independents who supported him. They might be made just as good Democrats as any of us. Buffalo K a-prcs (Hep.): If Mr. Blaine I i vet and keeps his health four years, wo believe that the Republicans will nomi nate him again, and that a unitcnl North will then elect him, in spite of all that the Solid South can do. Albany Journal: Bather than proving that the election of a great Republican is imKssible, tho defeat of Mr. Blaine creates those conditions which must lead to his success or to tho success of a man like him if such there bo in the Repub lican party in the not distant future. Cincinnati Commercial (Rop.): The aw ful announcement is made that Governor Cleveland has directed his private secre tary to destroy all letters containing an application for office, without showing them to him. This, to au oluce-seeker, is like inserting an icicle under Ins night dress when ho is dreaming. Philadelphia licdorJ: Tho cheery gobble of the Thanksgiving turkey will soon succeed to the shrill clarion of tho campaign rooster, and the gloomy caw of tho campaign crow. Let it! It is a much more agreeable sound, and tho Bird of Two Meats that Benjamin r ranklin wise ly preferred, as a national emblem to our eagle, is an infinitely pleasanter subject for discussion. noti:i fkcipli:. Benjamin II. Bri?tow is now talked of as the Mugwump Representative in the (Jabi net. Moody will Visit Toronto Dec. 2, 3 and 4. It n honed that some of the American fo journers in Canada will attend his meetings. Jud.-on V. Lyon?, colored, has been ad mitted to the bar at Angusta, Ga. He i the third colored man thns admitted in that city ince tho war. Dr. Atticus G. Haygood is writing a bio graphical volume about the two noted Pierces of Georgia Dr. Jjovick Fierco and m. son, Bishop Tierce. Old Eliza, a Toronto pauper, died last week, and it was found that she had s3,200in money in her box. She had been supported by char ity for thirty-two years.- The rejort tliat he had attested tho find of apioscd Turners at Exeter, England, is contradicted by Mr. uuskiu. So many peo ple write to him for his opinion that he finds it necessary to state that it is no part of his dutv as an Oxford professor, and not corn patible with his enjoyment of life, "to do picture dealers Work for nothing, still less for a consideration. A SIX-YEAR-OLD HERO. How lie Saved a riajmut from Drowning. IN. Y. Truth. Harlem has a little hero of which tt should be, and no doubt is, justly proud. He 1 just six years of age, and bing rather small for his years, still wears short dresses and luxuriant ringlets. Despite his extremo youth, his diminutive size and curls, however, he has already rescued a life, and those who witnessed his heroism are still wondering where ho got th strength to do iU The juvenile life-saver ii Willie O'Brien. Beated on the piazza of Captain Morn aghan'a boat house, at the foot of East One Hundred and Twenty-first street, yes terday afternoon, wero several gentlemen. They were discussing various topics and watching a party of children playing on the iloat below them. Willie O'Brien and a lad a year or two older, and somewhat larger, narnd Fritz Mischol, were among the youngsters who were having good sport launching blocks of wood that were supposed to represent miniature ships. Tbe mm on the piazzi watched the little ones with a laay sort of interest whilo thy talked, until a shrill cry raujr, out on tlta air, which caused thera to jump up from thir seats and look intently at the chil dren from whom the scream proceeded Th"y j-nt barelv saw the lex ol young Fritz Misehel, who had ten reaching out on th water to secure a block of wood and had lost his Labinc, disappAr beneath the sarffte? of the w.ter. The other chib dren cried out with terror at the fate of thir companion, and all the men made an immediate rush to save the bny'i life. As the float is reached by rather a ttp and not rry steady gnnzplanirf which Is af?otd by th action of the watr, it was nt rehid so quickly, and while the gentlemen were yet on their way, the hrid of Frit apreard above the water at tm ownr was frrcd up to the surfac. T tfiir intense surpri-, Willie O'Brien, who wa th railst chiM prsnt trrabbd th drowning by the hair, ni i, In the m-.Mt mttr-of-fact raannef i:ii;iiinsib!e, drase Frtra ?.o tlie tat. "v Slow he nmm.vidi l the s?rn;th t pull o. a ty ltrr htmif and rr.rv.? h'aTir by h nri durkins wjt , ',t al-I wa a--r-thln? whicV my?M. K-l Vu r..-n, but U lsr-He lif'l- c?p i it j-vit fh i.-ifVi", without alt frm a?iy urtfT, n T-r Fn'te iir4 th nlfht t t?ir to ht ur. Ite W4 t.-j va-a, h fr!itn.l to d any thlnj, r akn t ;o lr.r ,ci of !. water t yi',. l 4r;; ! v l!ivd , rlf t -m drd t- IH- trbf.-v WTH f f rn-i p jh by Ihm. sri f h tr r mr r ir!, Tlht hm w',if-J Wf Vftr-rvf1 r-.s ? 5y 4f 0e of tfc IndJcuU Qt Cz 7cs Vrtiz lUaul Jlvre Like CoEaaa taaa Naxiaiiv of Fact. Pmsturyfc Leader.) Qiit? rtrcer.tly a "tlemaa living in Pittilurgh rtsceivod u letter from hU oa, who resid in tLe State of Missouri, noti fying him of the death of a la4y connec tion cf tho family, named Mr. ilou whose demise occurred near the town of Mexico, Ma ler death recall one cf thorn lncl !nu of tha war which read more like a romance than the narration of a sober fact," remarked the recipient of the le'.U-r tj a Ledj?r reporter. "Some time about the period of the war a youug MUsourian, who had been married but a few month-, feeling that the demands of his country were stronger than thosa of Lome, Lid farewell to his lovely wife aud enlisted in the army of the north. But a short time after hi enlistment a letter an nounced the arrival of a youn stranger in the family circle, and the soldier applied for permission to go home on a furlough to see his otT-tpririg. The perinlasion was granted a month or two later, and, filled with joyful anticipation of the glad meet ing that would hail his return, ha started Voin Virginia for his home. Missouri at this time was overrun with a set of men, who pursued a regular guerrilla war fare, ami were called bushwhackers From the bushes that hedged the roadsides they sent their murderous bullet to the hearts of unsuspecting travelers who passed their place of concealment, and many are the tales of how they rode up at night, firing through the windows of humble dwellings, killed the innocent men who were sitting ut the fireside surround ed by their little ones. Our soldier had arrived within three miles of his home one dark night, when he was seized by one of these bands of guerillas as he was riding along a lonely road, and by them strung up to a tree. His body was cut down the next day by his friends and interred in the village churchyard. As the years rolled by time softened the sorrow of his widow, so that when her hand was sought by a wealthy neighbor, whose name was Wijson, she consented to the marriage. Time &ped along on rapid wing. The war had been ended, and only tho reunions of veterans and the stories of battle-scarred men kept tho scenes of theconflict vividly in the mind. Ever since the close of the rebellion It has been the custom of a body of men styling themselves 'Members of the Lost Cause,' to meet at stated periods in various sections of the country. Wil son was a member of this organization, and in the course of events his house was selected as the placo of their reunion. On tho evening when they met there, Wilson and several of tvie men were chatting to gether in one room, recalling the esca pades they had been engaged In person alty during the war, while his wife was in an adjoining room, engaged in some household work. During the conversation Wilson remarked to one of the men: 'I have always felt sorry that we did not let that young man follow go homo and see h s wife and child, as he begged so hard to bo allowed to do before wo hung him up.' At that moment Mrs. Wilson appeared in the room with her face blanched to the whiteness of snow, and in hurried words asked: 'Wilson, were you one of the men who helped to hang that man?' He replied that he wh 'Then, raid she, 'we must separate. I can never forgive you. That man was my husband.' So they parted. O.i his d athbed Wilson bequeathed to her and the daughter she ha I borne him a large estate. Her son by her first husband was a del'c.itj Jad, and inherited from his father a handsome competency. Before ho attained his majority he died from con sumption. Just before his death he held a conversation with his mother, during which he paid he didn't believe the crime of the father should be mado a burden on the shoulders of his, step-sister, and asked his mother if svie had any o' jction to his lenving the property to the daughter Tf Wilson. She replied that she didn't caro what disposition ho made of ir, and he be queathed it to his step-sister. His mother only survived him a lew wee's, as hei affection seemed to have been wrapped up in him, and the letter announces her death. So runs tho world away.' ' Arresting the llritlsh NobUitj. Cheyenne Special.! A letter received by Governor Hal 3 from Mammoth Hot Springs, In the Yellow atone Park, contains additional informa tion concerning tho enforcement of the law there. The first arresta which were made wero heartily approved of by the hotel people and all residents of the Park. On tho following day three visitors of the Park were arrested. They were members of the British nobility. They had been through the Park, and when they came back they were loaded down with speci mon, which they had chopped off from various curiosity ledges, and proposed, to carry away with Cjem. The storm of indignation which followed tho arrests was a caution. Hollert, one of the hotel proprietors, was particularly ou' raged. Judge Budlong, an a'torney at t::e Park, was employed by the officers, and he wont ahead with the prosecution. Tho visitors and the hotel people appealed to th? newly appointed Superintendent, the Hon. IL E. Carpenter. That gentleman locked over the law, and then stated that the r fillers fully authorized and were correct in their action, and ho congratu lated tho official upon the fulfilment of tVir duty. The result of the examination wa that the titled gentleman were con victed and wre compiled to pay their fines. Hie sentiment is rapidly gaining ground that the law amount to jsome- thinj?,'and it is bdng pretty clearly dem otntrafed that th officer intend to strict ly enforce it. Tbe HfOlrofwl King an the Mneer. 8 in Francisco A rjronauk Th story U told of a New York mM-n-cer l-oy who brought a dispatch info Ihe private ofiW of a certain great financier in I railroad king, atvd wh, wfcU 1 wi. fd for an ar;jmr, Wrwd on th grat man's d-k and whistled a llvpjy tun, tn whteh he krpl tirrw witn hU tet T,u yTat mn wa nh.v-Ved throu,cHont hief fir? y!m, an I h tnt upon th aula rim imp -sn h ,rrity wild hav rsnnrv-! a ;l1o cri:'n; bnt it onlr fft up th nnif rtn I nrrhin waj to cans him t Hak on ry rjth tmr' n vxvrn, h ! h tiU cit;nnd ha tn a-vl iV. TV-r 0 fral mn af 1 vmly: "B r, thin rv tr;r'rl So'STp To mI" tH nW?rrv,l. jrnng r0 , ropJt-H; wll, yen jpt Iff it Irt't; 1 wnldrt't paf t atf dlr t A ll ) r It ha the Bound Fire Pot. Tcur Tine, and Anii-.'linker (irate. Tlii in the Ut htw on the Klobe. (Jive us u adl aud be cunviuwd. Van der Veen & Witman 106 MONROE STREET. GRAND RAPIDS Medical and Surgical INFIRMARY. Establi3lacl lctroli 1 88 c. LOCATED AT NO. 26 MONROE ST. A larger per cent of cures in NASAL, (TATAHISII, ASTHMA, HH0XCII1TIS and C0NSUM1TI0N by our new method of treatment tluin can be shown elsewhere. A large numlxT luivo Uh?u cnrel in Grand Rapid and throughout the state. WoGUAHANTKKtodoinevery case just what wo promise or refund your money. All Chronic and Nervous diseases of both male and female and all trouble of the Kye and Kar successfully treated. N. R Artificial Eyes and Ear drums inserted. flW:n Un.,fA, 10tol2a.m..8toRand7to8p.m. UIIIUG IIUUIOi Sunday and Ixgal Holidays, 4 to 5 p. m. ' Address DR. W. J. CARTER, No. 26 Monroe Street. Grand Ranids. Mich. NO MORE "BLUE MONDAY S.3 O. K. STEAM WASHER IS THE GREATEST, And BEST Invention of the Age. 1. Because it will wash more clothes in a given time tlian any other washer known, and do it more perfectly. 2. Hequins no HUUHING to wear out the clotliff, as Steam does all the work. 3. Will not injure the tinost fabrics, tear tho clothes or puli oil the button.-. 4. dm le used on any cook ttove, range, gaso line, oil or pis stove. 5. Will hold from 15 to 20 white shirts at one time ami all can le washed in 'JO minutes. t. An investigation and trial will convince the most skeptical. A week's trial given before purchasing. 0. K. Steam Washer Agency, 37 Canal St., Good Agents Wanted. Grand llnpids, Mich. IF YOU HAVE RHEUMATISM or any Chronic lllood I)Uea.el and cannot get help, do not Im discouraged until you have con sulUxl Dr. W. 11. Hons, who warrants a cure or no jay. Office corner Mt. Vernon and West Fulton street. Grand Knpids, Mich. JOHN C. FITZGERALD ATTORNEY AST XjAW, Office over City Nat. Bonk, Grand Kapidt, - - Mich. CYRUS E. PERKINS, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS, 77 Lyon Stroot, GRAND RAPIDS, - - MICH. E. A. Maiirr. II. J. 1i.kui. MATTER & PELKER, Attorneys o.t Law, Grand R An it - - Michigan. M. ( RcRcn. Ws. A. Sxrrc. BURCH 8l SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT 3-AW, Grnnd Itapld. - Mfflilcn. T. J. O'BRIEN, ATTORNEY. GRAND RAPIDS, - MICH. Mus. n. jor.. ??.-vr, sir.. liRxf 1! rrr. fA? t.-.r..t.1' Ssi? t-i $: to v f-ir Now Chinese Laundry, Grand Central Barber Shop. 23 MONROE STREET RED BOOT Have made it their niiu to mate their busiuoss the xaoit sought for in thu city. Tht wo kivii suecotxlenl The Continual llu-h at our tUrt'S do. tvak for it. AW GckaI lUHubl and Durublo ns r For Les3 tlaan you get inferior ctrtiale3 olsovvhore and present you witn BEAUTIFUL FRAMED PAINTINGS i For which we have our own Factory. Out assortment of Boots and Shoes for this season is so large in every department that we can suit everybody in . . price, quality and style. THE RED BOOT SHOE CO., 46 Canal St. , A few prices on specialties which we must close out this week, Read them before passing on. It will pay you: Ladies Curacoa Kid IButton Shoes - 1.25 Sc 1.50 " " " i i i Fine Curacoa Kid ButtonShoeG (:JUt.) a. SO Bobblo Oocvt ' ' (Hllftjl.T.) l.SO ' Grain Button Shoes 'H'l) - - l.OO . all Calf - - (H1M - - 1.S5 Embroidered Opera clips, Mji- . 75 Fine Kid Opera slips, ( ) - - l.OO We cannot give more prices for want of space and therefore invite a call from all. Warm lined goods we carry in all styles, and have the most complete line of Rubber Goods in the city which we offer at prices 20 per cent less than any other house. GreatChicago Boot andShoe Store, 28 CANAL STREET, T)trj rr m.vlo to fit any M7 hfl. fmm n rhiM bn -wort n Jr. in hr in ninn vKo m! 11, Mid enn f worn with U l'M'riptifri of mMT fr Jtj). r atI iin. A wl tt witSt.t hriorj-, thfy will t fMinl f prwt to rvf-Dt nil f1ij.'inc f t!i rt or ht tl- fctxl at?ord much ciimf(rt to tho trrmMc! ilii tTnlT ! i fr with h torn or worn f nx Jn.iiiii. For Sal at "Wholesale and Ietail oy G. R. LAYHEWj SG Moxhoe Stiieet. M - V SHOE CO rsl ' (FinH:jl) 1.50& 1.75 Til 13 CHAMPION IMPROVED BEKOLD I THE CELEBRATED ALADDIN THE Of THE BliSt BUSKERS F. E. Blakeley's 34 SOUTH DIVISION 5T. I rra in I r H"