Newspaper Page Text
Morning Telegram. GRAND RAPIDS, NOV. 27, Ml.MJK MICHIGAN MAITLU. iAa jit Thrt- O.tii. ilQkc-.'ori Loa.sci are to Lc numltrtd. The White milU hao hut down. The Iichiu5 C-ta.ii will cloe iieit Satur day. Joha Ilaihd, i it of Caro, hai bought the L'uiuiiviliu .vm. Th Mtlhudht will eru:t a usv church iu Hcur, 0-cvot;t ounty. Th prwiK-r4 in the Detroit Hou-e o Cor rection will eat turkey to-tli. Tim Kittle Crt-Ck Workiiiumrix Sx-iety h.u bftu ore' uiizt d ith l- member. Naijic-i Hiixa'tiiat- tit m-n. l'hil Uootr l.a.i tt t n artt il a: Ionia for Uiu' drunk. -Th Ib;ir-J of Sute Auditor held their reiiUr monthly tneetu:,; iu Lan.tin.' riter day. Tn-iuurer Soale, of the University, fell dovn Ptair- a few das a'tj, and vax badly hurt. The tu' (ietty, uu the bt;wh at I'tlltuter, ha-i -iht, and will probably irove a total rerk. A Tut-iliy fori noon Lu-t the 'old red mill" burned at Adrian. Ia insurance, :,(). Hon. J. C. Harrow hn- formed a law lartnert-hjo vdth II. F. Sovtru-s at Kala mazoo. A hon-m iM-iouinj to W. W. Heed, of Lud inou, barned Monday ui'ht. lot 'J,lXJO; insurance, $l,fiJO. Probably in anticipation of the cholera v L-itiri: in next year, there are 3D rei-tered ;hysician- in Wayne county. Since la-t April there have been over thir tet n mih h of water pipe laid at Fort Huron and reveu new tiro hydrants set up. Another tire broke out in the Calnia. t and Hrcla mine Saturday on tho niith level, but it wiw extinguished without much trouble. rvven Kan and hungry Democrat- are prowling around the Neaunee jontotlice, ami the number will probably increase. The ten-year-old on of Chas. Webster, of Ithaca, was run over by a loaded wagon ou Tuesday and received sevtre- internal in jur i -s. Three three-card rnonto crooks were ar reted at Uitf Kapids Tuesday. They were Jimmy McGuire, Dan McGiuess and Tom .McNorton. Tack, Woods & Co.'s mill at Au Sable will probably shut down next Saturday. Tho mill has cut ulout ,7),0IWIU feet of lumber this season. Thomas llurnell, a farmer living near ironson, died Monday from injuries he re lieved in a drunken runaway accident two weeks previous. A Kalamaoo church choir is giving con certs, making a tour of the State. Other churches would be blessed if their choirs would do likewise. A Canadian named Henry, in the employ of the Green Oak Evaporating Company at South Ljons, dropped dead of heart disease Tuesday morning. The Michigan electoral college will meet nt the State capitol in liaising on Wednes day, December at L' p. in., aud cast their votes for President. M. J. Heedj , of Detroit,went to Louisville, Ky., secured his lady-love, Mis Mary F. Kothermal, and eloped with her to Adrian, where they were married Tuesday. Tho Allegan CarrUe think? Gov. Hegole is a bigger man than Leonidas. Ieonidas tried to hold a pass and couldn't. IJegole tried, and held several for two years. In the trial of Mrs. VanderhofT, at Berrien Springs, for the murder of her husband, tho jury returned a verdict on Tuesday of "guilty of murder in tho first degree." The Jackson Sir Knights will visit their Battle Creek fraters Friday night, and do vali.uit Knight-Templar work in the Com "mandery room and at the banquet hall. Mrs. M. W. Knapp, of Montague, Mich., issues a card in which she informs her friends and the public that in answer to the prayer of faith the Lord ha rtS'ored her to health W..d motion aro warned not to attempt to enter Tentwater Harbor during day or night without the assistance 01 a lug, as there is a dangerous obstruction at the en trance. r,K- -I'll) Ixmrn U rcMiuired from citizens - '-:,V.vV - nf I irr fjir tii isiaiiisiimeub oi van ui t ib factory to employ twenty men. Kelly and Kiddie of the Caro macnine snop raaue tho oifor. The tings on the State capitol iloated at half mast yesterday, out of respect to the memory of Hon. Robert 1. Eldredge, ex Secrt'tary of State, who diedat Mt. Clemens Monday night. nV, T. B. Schermerhorn wants to bo post ...oint Umlson. Good thinz for his out- of-town correspondents. All they will have to write on the envelop? is Pimply I'ostmas- ter. Hudson, Mich. Kaiama(x people hnvo exhausted nearly every new scheme for jopular amusement. As a last resort they have organized a free Cass in Hebrew. 1 ho old propneis may pro i aro to shed their tears. Judge Gridley, of Jackson, suspended sentence in the case of Henry Blake, of De troit nml h was ordered to aiiear at tho term of court for Sentence. Bail was fixed at $.ViUt whicli was raised. Editor Bates of the Grand Traverse frf.? t.r-;nniablv counts on a lon life. u. r.wnlvtd to wait until the Crouch trial is completed, and promises to give his reader tho result. tfiiiiac L.rtzen. Tho exmrion to New Orleans arranged by Mr. Moran, insirucior in sienograpny m tho University, is reserved for professors students and former members of tho insti tution, rare for the round trip J,. I,eo Miller, free-lover, temperance lec turer and Greenback stump orator, wns ar r.uiu.i it th streot of Detroit Tnesilay night for being helplessly intoxicated. The strt'iig lion heia trie weaker ia?o capuve. Ist Saturd.iy thu Common Council of Bron-on had the names or fourteen h atntual drunkard ported up in the sal)ons and drug ntore- itj t ne village, and will prosecute any one that sell tnem mioxieaung n.mors. Tho Mmkm husbands of tlie future will not have to cur-i long over tho absence of sir imltons. I hev have a pewini school in that city, ami the attendance is getting int the hanurvd-s. this alone ought to give MusegHi a ioorn. Vmc 11 f i.wltii. tfie Threo Oaks M. K. p;sttr, had a n-rnev c-ap from deAth Sunday. The snow anl car 'inokfl tilindexl him so that he did not notice an approach n train until h wa struck and thrown over tifty feet. No bone were broken and ho will recover. x How h this for Northern Michigan! Trip- ! ts wpth ru Titly lxm in Osceola county, ti;-ee i air t)f twm iti Alam-te in one wort:, a pair in H irri-vilh and Owoso, t;o, ?n,l 1 t Jolin Am. of Ea-d Tawa.-. was pnen'eil with two boy labie tifteen httlo in iven homes m uv towns, o (a!c Corii-r. Col. F. B. S:tvkbri!g. of Kalamazoo, i lruf. nl nt the Mackinac Countv Arrieuli fun! S.viftv and M-vorS. U. (rrummond. of Detnvt, is oooof tJM two v:ee-preJ1denis. Th gf'inil-5 of th S u"ety art to ! Halted at M kitiac 1-1 md. and iut oae need b aston ib.fvl if a hore ra or two sha.ll b stH'n there oe day. A council of Ctyv. grgational past-ir was iu. M at Sc. Jo' ns. l.'.dty. to investiirat cburv'i u;i!I"i!:t' I hey rooomu'end that tlV. hev, J. E. Kleh a;-d co- his atoraf of th Congrej,-atioual Church at tint plaoe, tat the council rtcknowUHs that then wt?n - o'rfnin .igratatiug cans and pay a dm phineut to the reverend c nticman's worth. criat rirrs hats. i"b DiUottv lyt f the 11 tliJkt cf llkmca Tnvel;erd An satn &m a iuaz prints into publio Doico h 1 grEH. fckvkS JCXd d'riru'ti v arttd&wf Lodgar. It U a HtiU diticult to till w hy thb is, mt It i ntrvtheicraji a fct. hrciHnt Arthur usually wtars a Ull allk LiC It look like a reidout' hat. Whoever nid U, it is th only cna of its kind la Wajhiuun. In th first pla.iM, it i a very tll tat, with jiut thi iLado w f a curve near the crown. Tbe brim Li troal and nearly straight, and tngs owr bij eyea. It ii u but among tat and ono would ak the name of its Owner among a thousand. Attorney-General Browser's whiti uilk haU are almost , historical. Ilt ha- them ma le in Fhila delrhia, ariid it ii said he coiisumei bv oral each aon. It is a matter of om4 curiosity why Le should want a new hat of this specks. Certainly it must be a great puzxlc far him to pick out his latent purchase from among the large stock which ho must have on hand. His hats are made to be brushed either or both ways, and they usually are. They are built very high, with a bulging crown aud a rolling brim, something like the style of the head gear worn in the pictures of the allegorical Uncle SanuH Mr. Blaine some timed wears a stylish silk hat, but his favorite is a black slouch, which he draws down over his ayes until it nearly touches his nos. General But ler and Senators Kdruuri is and Hoar also run to sloucben, all appurently made or pretty nearly the same model. General Loicaa wears a cavalry slouch hat about half the tim and a respectable silk hat the remainder. fcWiator Ingalls hat is tall and angular, like himself. It is a keen and incisivedooking hat, and sits on his Lead iu a prim sort of fashion, as much as to say to all th brother hats: ' Just have yourself made over into this ityle." Secretary Chanllor usually wears a Porby. He perch is it low down on his forehead, where it looks thoroughly business-like, like its owner. Secretary Frwlinghuysen wears a. tall, thin silk hat. Secretary Folger, on the contrary, wears a rather low-crowned hat, which materi ally addfl to his ju licial appearance. Secretary Lincoln's silk hat is usually stylish and dressy, while Secretary Tel ler's makes him look like an Episcopal Bishop. Fostmastor - General Greshara has developed a genuine fondness for his old bUtck slouch hat, which he throws down anywhere. Commissioner Loring wears the most dignified looking silk hat in Washington. No one would ever think of such a thing as rubbing that hat the wrong way, and as for crushing it, the Idea would be prepos terous. General Rosecrans affects the mil itary slouch hat, while General Sheridan wears a light Derby of a fashionable make. Before he was elected Speaker, Mr. Carlisle always wore a slouch hat; now he wears a tall silk ono with a narrow brim, which looks as though it were three sizes too small. Senator Mahono wears a light brown slouch hat on the left side of his hea 1, which gives him a dashing appear ance. Judge Lawrence, the eccentric first Comptroller of the Treasury department, wears a flat-crowned hat with a wide brim. This is savagely pushed down on his head, just as though he had given an adverse desion of ten thousand words. It almost covers his ears, but don't; that is, one can soe the ar3. These are a very few of the im mense number of distinguished-looking hats which may be seen in Washington. Tho sul ject of hats suggests an incident which happened at tho White House du ring Grant's first terra. General Butler came in to sea the Presidont oue day, and deposited his new silk hat in a large and comfortable nrm-chair. As he stood talk ing, in walked Horace Greeley. Greeley shambled across the room and Rat down fair and squaro upon Butler's hat. Ol course there was a crash, and, as the great editor jumped up, Goneral Butler took the remains of what was his handsome head gear in his hands and said: "Greeley, I knew that hat waldnt fit you." A CHARACTER OF LONDON. The Daronest Coutta an She Appears la Her Box at the Lyceum. London Cor. N. Y. Mail and Express. I visited tho Lyceum Theater (Irving's) the other night and saw some notable people there. Miss Terry's sister, Mrs. Lewis, occupied ono box the night I write of, which the actress' two little children shared with her. The elder of these is a girl of about fourteen, who does not look in the least like a Terry. She Is a brunette, with a serious, pensive face, while the boy lithe verv Image of his mother. The Bar oness Uurdott Coutts owns and occupied the next box, which is a very largo one. Her young husband, always with her, is i fine, manlydooking young fellow, appar ently not over thirty-two or thirty-three, while she, the richest woman n all En gland, scarcely net far this side of sixty. She is a little meek-faced creature, utter ly without style or distinction in either appearance or manner; and as to her dre4I I have been trying to think of some one in America whom she resembles, but I can't. At all events she i small. slight and very round shouldered, quite the carriage of an enfeebled old lady. Her hair Is of a muddy brown, and is now parted in the middle, and either plastered smoothly down over the temple or on stat occasions slightly inflated on either side, giving her th appearance of being about to Kfe her blinders. She ha? small, light bin eyes, a straight mouth, with thin lips and a small nose not at all an unpleasant face, and the farthest in the world from a severe one. It is easy enough to-see how she would grew to very dpndent on th person who happened W be much with her if sympathetic to hr. 8h"9 wore a pal blue silk gown the even ing that I saw her, and over it was fes tooned a black Chantilly orerdre, or something of that sort; at all events it was all awry, and the gathers intended for the middle of the back were around cn th side in a bunch, while the festoon arranged for the sid was d angling ia front. Thl failure to understand ench other, so evi dent ttweu gown and overdrew, did not contribute Ia the dtsnity and elo-vnee c th dUlinjuishM wrr. Neither did her decoration hav tbt efTi-cf In fact J do wish Kni:lih mron would either echw' th-ir wrt4hid little topknots entirely. whicn you nvy ay tpat they are not like ly to do for' mr akinz, or I wih tey would Cud ?wme wy of fateTUr.g thera ?om wav stTvy will tny pif Nothing c-n t mor amtitu than a row of dlrni fied old dowsers ch with her urntdy b5d;ear nodding and warirsf with every slights mtMrv,ajl any cn? who has evr sti a cg of weary nhi cookatooa will io INSURANCE AGENCY OF M. W. BATES 8i COMPANY, No. 10 Canal St., Rooms 5. 6. 7 and &." RESIDENT AGENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES: Organized. IWr Idvtrpool and London and Glol lrS Queen W2 1 Lancashire lNXlmperial 1717 Norwich Union IK8 Home- 1 Underwriter's Agency lKii (Jermama li Niagara 111 .Ktna li10-Hartford l."d riutnii IKjO Connecticut 171 National 1 Tin Insurance Company of North America IK.'." Pennsylvania 1KPJ Si Tingtkld, F. M 1S4'J Citizen's 1K7 Cooper lHLT New York life 1N7 Michigan Mutual life. 1872 Accident Insurance Company of North Total Capital Represented, MILLER & MIDDLETON, FRESCO AND house w m PAINTERS. HS 56 Ottawa Street, D.'A. BLODGETT. D. F. DIGGINS. D. A. BLODGETT & CO., Bankers, Cadillac, Michigan. Collections promptly attended to at current rates. Interest paid on time deposits. j. s. McGregor, New Steam Dye Works, 20 Fountain St., Grand Rapid. T.mlMui Drnudoa f'lrtnVa Hdnuk nr Rlimlira Ch-amxi or Dyetl ir. a Superior manner. Gentle men a jnuie-up uarments i.ieanei or ujea ana Handsomely PreBcd by Steam: ISoual to new. Ih'paiiiiK Done. woods Kecei veil and Ueturned by Express. ?i AnsrCBZAtTHiJOTircirTBwrooaszLijf HUlLOBafe, quick euro, any alb Kkd, Toilet Mirror, 10 centa; by roUL Aaare... "rt-" Cures Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Tickling regulates the bowels. -HUUilUI IXlill iVt UI VI num.- - vvv - Vfj3i- mnnlT. person or letter, Beet, efficient, rem i TSKBT try it, the price is only 25 cents. GEO. G. STBKBTBB, Sole Proprietor, 89 MONROE ST, GRAND STEKETEE'S Sure Cure, price 50 cents. For sale AiSt'tA. Jan. 1, ls4. l,7lJtfl l,4vtt5 1,1,071 7,4.-vS,015 3,CJJ,7M l,b74,U5 , 112,044 4,641,240 4,4;,U4'J l,Ki7,7:TJ l,774,.rAJ5 y,07i,2d fAJ7,2W w,.rd2,urj lSJl 78 ...England, , . . llngland, . . . England, .. .England, . . . England, ...New York, . . New York, . . .N w York, . .New York, ..Hartford, ...Hartford, ,. .Hartford, ,. .Hartford, ...Hartford, ,., Philadelphia, ..Philadelphia, , ..Springfield, , . . PitUburg, . . . Dayton, . . . New York, ...Detroit, . . .Montreal, capital, , v... America.. $121,119,534 .'!" f n UL.UUU n i PAPER m MP HANGERS. Grand Rapids, Mich. FARMING AND STUMP LANDS For Sale to actual settlers at low prices and on favorable terms. r Located in the counties of Osceola, Clare, Missaukee, Wexford and Roscommon, Mich igan. nJot particulars address D. A. BLODGETT, 45 Monroe Street, GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. JAMES H. CAMPBELL, CZj attorney at law Room 5 immen riioo 3 Monroe Street. TI V22 IONIA ST. so. of Morton House 1 Physician, SnrjrfOBicfOtchfir Nervous Debility.Opiumllabit & Stutterinc cured Patients treated at home. Artificial Eyes.etc Call or write. N.J. AIKIN. M.U.. Uraod Kapidi, Micb. PiOISlIJTIIIVIE Chest and Lung diseases, Coughs, Colds, of the Throat. Very It is tho largest bottle for the price known, ALSO WHOOPING ncn xr&zx vvo r.;- c:i cr cj.- cf Pzn fizz Dens cr T7 rt &d Tfta' tlak Oil tar ttaml ttad buriia, Hj-uj, ikc, lUid tiid ikuii bUr. It t e;xvuJly bdylJ to cLiilrtra, M it l -d rw.vnxnikiLa it to ixesta. I Lavh tiAeJ Yan' WhAc OU fur Xe&nJiri. ti.J it I provwd to b faUfbcWry, bJ it Imm me enuivJj: fcio our btxt axr nw.ixr Mb corvd by it, JoLlem Kirft, bjr liiteriibl u tor rvrt Tkroat, rurublx.txi ritb b aftrrw lkuirti taxi HobrM-ne; bio m&n l j U.e Lbme Monti Kwlntfua vw oord by it of a ttry bt?vt?re L&me liHck. 1 van uvwr wy too xxrucb ia prbiwf of j oar Mufic Oil. (JrcOid llai en, April , . . luura truly, JAtXJli DtSl'lILDi-lL KiiJ would not nko u be witbout it. w it U b cud family mdicinf, fix: Hum. llruit. boiv TLrObt, Cold, etc. bnce 1 truly rtxmmnd it to .i,..ii:. ifk'V V V A V I id' VI; 1 1 'vi ltottera, W. IvU. 11, is&. Mucketfon, Miclu Mr. ti- O. VASDtKLiMiJX;: V Lktv a! sour M&fic Oil witii irrmt kbUfbction. On of our children wtu Ukea eick witii (to-Jltl) dijh tluTin. Of cuure we eimdoyd a doctor, but the cldld grewworbe every dy. Oue morniii. tLe doctor calltxi with four more of his irofeioii; and consulted. If tlte child would be alhe in thw evening they were to otea tiie child tLroat bid cut the phlegm out. Thia 1 did not approve of. but aa tiiere was no Lope or tiie cbim a recove n', i cxjnfetnteL Finally our neiKlibor, Mr. Y. Yander- w erp. called with a bottle or your siagic uu, aua ufcked if we would ut it it wtuld cot oa noth. nir. V mA the rhiLl tliree or fire droi ia- ternally every hour, and poulticed the ole of it ft with onioni .and baiijea it uiroat weu wun Madc Oil, and when the doctor came in the even ing he want! to know what we had given the child, an it breathed ao much easier. 1 told him nsml VMn'a Miurie (hh lie aaid keeD rivfit on nfeing it aa tlat waa better than he could do. 1 have thanked Mrs. V anderwerp a Uiouhana umea for her kindness, and 1 sincerely tliank oa for your valuable medicine. Youre truly, M1W. A. D. PAIN. Blotkeon. I would aay, I Lave known the ef fects of Van's Mario Oil, in domestic prtwtice, alwujs with irood elfects, never with bad eflect. Have pmribed it in my practice; find it a very good and aaf e medicine. W. II. DELAP. M. D. Van's Magic Oil or King of Pain ia manufac tured by N. O. Vamlerlinue, Muskegon, Micli and is bold by all dealers. arand NATIONAL BANK. OF GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN. Organized March, 1880. Oapita.1, - - 0500,000 f Surpluo, O 100,000. EDWIN F. UHL, FREEMAN GODFREY. Preeident. Vice-Preaident. WM. WIDDICX)MB, Caahier. Intereet at I per cent, per annnm on all time deposits. DIMCTORi : Ixlwin F. Uhl, Freeman Godfrey Geo. H. Long, Enos lutnam, Wm. G. Herpolahelmsr, M. J. Clark, I). H. Waters, Jos. Houaeman, (ieo. C. Kimball, Charles 8. Hareltlne, M. Engleman, Thomas D. Htimaon, Wm. Widdicomb, NEW CROP ABSOLUTELY PURENEW PROCESS BUCKWHEAT IFILiOTTIR, Just Received and for sale in any quantity by 33. S. HARRIS, 525 and 527 South Division St. Grand Rapids ( J q pleasant to, take. It RAPXDS.' COUGH CURE at same place. ?. att- nr-i) TEIE Mr Grand Hapids n JnClrc G01SQ xoi:rH. IVtoaky A ilmiiuac t x b i" i iu Oiotiuhuti A V.x t.t.m ll. Vfcne A iiriuiJ ii; ia 1 i. i- pu; tirund lU.;ii A t'h iilii. Ac . GDIS G SOUTH. Cir.v-iiuia.ti tlx Mikuvc A 4 iL.ciu.UKti 1 x 4 pm Ma fcinac Alt. ,tie 1.x 1. tuu l4.liiVr A tirhiid Jlfcj'ids Ac . . 7.4vi'Ui Ail iruiUA daiJy extvit rtuuduj . riJ as- 4-4 i-at 11 il i fcLtXJLNU Ckli A.X iA N U t Jki li'KTS. j Noutu iTiUti buiviug at tnt fc m. bu hin'!!! l ira fvr lvtfk'.v tnii Mh. Uinur City. Train buivihg at lizli a. ia. lua? l u lor Traverse Cm, j Svnu ItuIu tviu at 4:'.r k ni. bit Vik1 rcrt Si--i lii.' ar fur Ciuciiiuu.. i ThruUnii ti kel can te ftiluirl at CuitiU Tivkft Oriuv, eurnt-r Mtrfe an.1 tUtKwt, h'jts-t and at 1'iuuXi l i'U C. 1 1.AK h i KU. Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee GOISO WLST. Arrive. ...U.4v i:u . . . l.o j.iu tMornifc: llxj rt TTiiluCfTti Mail iMixi J)fc.a: Nit'Lt llii-n uia iuw toa G01SU ISA ST. rSuaiUht IjEprtt tsz frijuivi Mail 1L:10 n:a liO) uii. vLimiUiltlU'twa A Untitle r-Ji'rtt Vijjou 1'. lvc Miii, vita nuali aa Iliitily, bunda t i'-jtl. DtU.Ij . 'iiMftttrt th.kiii. 1 1 ir tlili.t tu in. ilxi.n U;l.kt cle i--uiihii'tioni m lt fr li.birj;, OiJ ut lit-trxjit for New Voik, i.rri 114; thcrv u lvKU a. m tlif followiLji UHTllijifi. Grhiid liapiJs. liiui is th tiJy line mnixiua A'laLtic l.itr lvixif here Kt li:4i i. 1 xti hiit -j (tr to lMruit, nihkiii tiirtvt cj;iit tiuiiS it-r uIJ jmiLt I'aaL, arriiuiij bt .Nt-w iuikTu. in. ti.e mhmiIjJ Iiriur ( i-.r ou mail tn.ias Ik,ui vt tTid v-L Tl.e tritin lfiiiii? t i. in will niake iirte coniiw.-tioa vitJi MiJw auk ttun.-itdiuy, t i.tx ; J hrturu tuLff hnrt id v., it. 11. A 3L. niiic in Morton Uouw hhn k, nt th drin.t. i. lUTJ J .11, City 1W. A:-r.t. G1X). a lXi:Vi; Tndl.c ih.Kub-.r. CLiiuu. Lako Shoro & Michigan Southern. (KliaillZOO DIVISION. ) Arnvfj. Ijiiie. Kxjms 7.i)im 7 l uc aiaii Yu, iiui ia All trains daily ficjt huaaBy. The traia lfaviiiif ht 4 . iu. ctaux't bt Iipa with Atluatic Lxirt a Main 1jus. uliicli Kttt l'aJat I'rnvnii Kua Ck'h f mm CLicuu to New Vuik und JiuMuu vrithoot cLbi4rt. 1 hv truia Ui ma nt . a. ni. w.i.Xitct hi U Viinsta (gixiua one Lour for oiia.T) w jtii hiri NVw Ytrk Kiins a Muia Ii utv. ltiroaca ticket iatl rtL' la M-i'ia.' C -itcL ran be becunvi at Ltdoa '1 uket OUitv., t l Mtur bin!, aid LikjU All truias will run by nu nu xid;ua Unit:, wtacL U xaiuutMt fclowvr XLhu !tnit timn. J. W. McKLNNLk', Uta l AgU Michigan Central. (GIUND lUriLti DIVIklON.) I)'Irfirt. Arrive. 2:15 j m Detroit Ex . . . ,y Gin) bra . pin . it tJ l ui . 5) am Pfceifce Lx... IakiA l'nh . . . Miiil Wj.j 1-ri ii!.t N. i.Lxirtfc At'untic 1.x .. tl'ailr cur htta hot. l'acihc m NVw ik Kipn-s-s duiJi. 1mJc r?iiaid:iiy fxc j)t SuaLijK. New York Fh-t Uw ru.: laiy. nrriviaci IK'truii t a. ta., and New loik at Jl li'eiink tL next evenia. A tnua leaven Det nut id 4 !. n except a days, with Drawing Ibiom had 1'i.iJvr iis fwr UrHiid lipids, nav Lia: l-n at 10 y. in uin-ci uai pnunpi coiuiec iit.a :naie wiui uni Western, (iniad TrcaL aad i aijad. hou'.Jiin tra.ias, in aaaie d( pot ut I-Mroit, ti,u nvoidn.g traasfers. The Detroit Uzpns 3sivir:rir at (i J a. m. Liu Drawici: Koomiaid ri.r'r t ar fr 1 ruit, rtach- iac that city at 1 1 : 1 r a. n... New 101k Uufcj a. xu aad lloMoa 2M p. m. Xfxt dji. lLrou.')j ticket for ail xt'it.tK aad !: pmr cai b.-rtlis may 1 pruecml at Uaia l'iek-t Olhc otraer Moaroo taid Ustawa htriet, arid at Lnioa DeiK)t. J. T. rM . Ji L I.l A lien 1 A.t., Yi JoanMfct. (Jeo. V. Mtnson. Ticket A-nu I'ity. J. S. Hawkins, Ticket A-eat. DeooU Chicago & West Michigan. Iive. ArrlTe, Mail T v.Va am NiLtl.xpit 6 1' lira Mail t 4 tm Day r; Xai N'hrht ilxpnft. biiT tm Day l:xpn-R..trj.45 tai Uaily. tiJny except huaday. Union Dejot n lonir ttr-t. Throuch cach to CLicairo on t J!i a. n. train. Through parlor-car to CLica.o on 1213 p. xn train, ihrouh l oll man lfpinv-car aad to Chicago on t Ji' p. in. train. NLWAYGO Dl VLSI OS. Arrir. l.'Jl urn tx.) pm Eipn i-X-i am Exprv 4 I.) pra Mixod am Train"! Jfvt fnirn aal arrirMd Vt Si pot. The nortliern termiaui of thi Division ii lialdwia, on F. AM. 1. I'.r. l'a-Mngers from ti North for Chic??o xA points (t of (iraiid iLnpid. chimjrf can at Wft limad lispid, fxcepton tie i. m. train whpn tl.ey chansr nt Avrau Ju action. J. 11. FaLMLI's (iea'l 1 n Urht an t Vut. Art, I Hli- VI Mnr.rx btrwfct- Gto. W. ?1u.non, Ticket At, City. Michigan Iz Ohio Railroad. PanMTirrr Tim TnM. OolcYft. lOatrsJ Tirr.e,) Uo!rx it Mxd. Fa. Fhas. Fat-. 'ai. lxl A. M. A. M. T. M. fiTT10B. A. K. V. V. T. H. loj3 Sjij Lt. .TJ.lo...Ar 11:1 r..)i f :S" Vllt 6:41 " .JWattiMh. ' V .'i 7::'7 ;1 f- C) " ...llorrrr .. M 7- IV. MM .2:42 2lfi fr-fV M .."MarvhHlJ . " U 1:1 Vfl 2iV 40 Ar..H.Cn-k. Lt 4J Yl 42 b ".2 f.zn r.t. . Montith. " r.M. u :n r.jn 7i 4.1t) .... - ...All'vun.. " .... 11. Id fc.15 6.10 .... M .(t'dllapi Uv. M .... V li TTUIS CWMXTTPirR. Tolslo with all xt.i'radii liverh; "(T:rr;f with Ij. 8. A M. h. llomt ith S. -V M. K. Inina: Diriion IiTj i Air Lin M. (I. MarLiil wit-h M. C. Ii. H. lUt)A CrKk with CM-aro A Clranl Tmak and C. 11. 1 MHit-it.. . It. A L AIJesTHn with C W. M and 1.. H. A Vl. K. LUIUFK AUAJV. (i -l'J Fa. At SUBSCRIBE FOR The Morning Telegram, A N D GET THE NEWS IN CONDENSED fORM. Only Ten Cents Per Week. Tfk Tn.wnp.iic ! ;-r i:L tl Uai4 TrM Di-r.tch, Rad r' t;t of inv lrrlAar, lrth f'r-irn tiv-1 d rt?iic. In aVli ti"n to L'nitl rrtrvK- Tnx Trxt"Rj rir it r7-lrt th l"n-f t .! J: tra t4i HTTJ:trrrrtt.tA for o?k f,r-,i V-KL)?g tm rpri.3A, ard t a thotufj tVTu f y;Jo iL th r-rir. AdrrrtW-n vi'-j Lai In Tns-' r.Kt i.rUt T5Hv.m for Tne,iv.g tV-!r r.'!". t-zlj lisai! nrnpjat f.f 'lTfrf rA tJ.Va. ti.ta iritiajt dprti-r th a 1 i Tf'r--i M US I C A L. ; OWEN L TURTLE, Crf tfric ' -it'-i-iv. ;-;r:: t. !Urr . i-tk Cr.f rtirTk. lv-ffn 4, V'x.; i'.U x. 4 I!fcrta