Newspaper Page Text
IJornine: Telegram.. o o r " 1 ' QPJLSD IUFIl3, KOV. 27, lr&L Aj 'ibiribr nt rcicinj Tiiic T UllM rt'ja'arlj and prv.npUy uill confer a pf al card. Oif U-!ri h;ae cumber U - TOWN TALK. Nj Ti.Lk.G i.x tu-ir;orru v. Uu iluwu tu Iiia:wii'i'i und l'attiKo-a UJ4 nf U-fIiO;Ii. TLsi. It. I. frt-U'Lt uill.v will duw tu djy at lu uVi k. lb l uhliit hh; iry tiuw da.i eartaim to J-rOtrl't tho Ui.-i ff'ilU liU't. J rThf boy h:tJ a in rry tiiae eoa.-tinj on t'ofint.'.ui and lwa atrcft.i lit eveiiixi,;. l'ruf. W JA'tusUm v iii ctJiitlact th7 Sunday li.;ht concerts at iIcJainiU' oereaftt-r. Tho Grand Optra Club uli ive a hop at tht loiuantret t anuory to-Uiurruw uihl. Tho nuti-tu to-day i4 nut how heavy u tl. baby, but Luw tlu. the turkey Aft. r giving thanks today do not rivear to-morrow 'hca you full to lind yoar morii- flouto-Auit Uo.-e rt-ort from Un to twelve irii.e; of uow at liorthcru points oa the a. i:. & I. The Michijm (V utral r ay car was in town jtterday dtributuij whccktld amonj the employe hereabout.. John i'e.L-lte, No. .VJ I'easUn htrtet.typho miliaria, wiw tho only cae reported to the L'ourd of Health tterday. V. J. Morgan, General Superintendent of the Detroit, lirand Haven &. Milwaukee Kail way, w:t in tin) city jeHterday. Siberia" u underlined at l'owers, to fol low Li'ht of London." It is one of the atroneit .-nectuiilan of the a:e. A national rt duction of expeu-it- U beinj contemplated by the Grand Rapid tfc Indiana and Michigan Central railroads. Win. McDonald was arrested by Petectivo Connelly at 3 o'clock this morning, forsteal itii a oo-o from a Division street market. All thrt freight trains on tlje G. IX. k It. will be aide-tracked to-day in order to tfiye tho employe a chance to celebrate the holiday. Tho funds raided yesterday were not all expended, th balarco will be expended buy ing pi-oviins for the purpose for which it Wu subscribed. I'as-Rer tra'dlc oa the different railroads entering tae city i- very dull. Tho Michigan Central bronht in only two pas-n-ners yes terday morning. Sweet's Hotrl is bein lennvfdcd, repainted and repaired. A handsome new cherry a nther-door is be in; placed cn the inside of the door instead of U it outside, as usual. At tho Chariot street IJaptist chal, this evening, there will be an entertainment con fi'tin of ?ou;n, cornet and pi:mo ?olo and recitation, the proceeds to ti the benefit of the chapel. A. I). Kathboao's team ran away yesterday ftftcrTnxn, starting from the planter bed.-. When they reached Summit nnd Island "treets, they were to4rped by Thomas Lynch. The cutter win althtly damaged. Turkey were numerous la-t niht, and the lucky onrs went home loaded with turkeys and oysters. One of tho patrolmen won twcnty-Heven cans of oysters and three turkeys, lie wn oil duty at the time. Now that sleiliinj; has arrived some pro vision r htiald bo made by the Common Coun cd compelling all who drive upon tho streets to have b IU upon their hores. Tho eastern citiee nil have ordinances embracing the ro ojiirement nueted. Tho ma 'iuerade lup given last evening at the Metropolitan Hall by the i A. 11. Club, its ixrt of the ?ea?ou, vai a measurable sue cess, (rood music, busty costumes and up wartls of ixty couples, madg the pcene in the hall a brilliant r.nd enjoyable one. The ladu-s' reliof corps, an annex of the Cm. A. K., No, 5, held a meeting in the l'ierce bnildin last niht, nnd perfected arrane ments for completing tho organization. They will send on for a charter, and meet two weeks hi. nee nnd complete the corps. James Strong, son-in-law of Benj. F. Sliter, who arrived here a week a'o from Texas, died yentertlay morning at 4 o'clock. His father in Kentucky has been telegraphed for. Mr. Strong leaves considerable means, in cluding a life in-u ranco- policy of $10,0U). Tho Tlirlia Dnrnatic C'nb will produce a farcial comedy called ' Shakespearo Water Cure." A stae and auditorium ha.s been fitted up in the attic of C. Ih Judd's elegant resilience, on Fountain street. The Thalia Club will have the iw of it, nnd present their plays to invited frknd.s and acquaintances. A little Ik)7 named John Smith was arrest rd ht evening by Detective Connelly for ptenling n can of oyster fmm a Monroe street gr ry stor. Ho pleaded and cried after arriving at headquarters, ami claimed that a largtr boy threatened to whip him if he did not teal tlr oters. Stjpt. Ferry re leased him t appear Friday. Two young men, participants in the Peek-n-Ioo b ill. got npon their muscle la-t niglit, nud creatiil considerable exriternent in the rear of the Grand I'nion Cafe. During the melee a club wa thrown through the kitchen window, when the cook threw one of the un tamed twain info th back alley. A tug of w:ir followed in which erernl blows were in-t-.Tcbangvd, but before the ;olice nrriTed they separated and tied. - The School Exhibit at New Orleans. Tlu pupils of th several ehool tlepart ments in this city have been asked to con tribute their fhare to the collection at tho Nv Orlea::? Fxpoifion, and Sept. Mitchell ha beri engini for the pat two week in getting thf "Specimens together, and classi fying th tii, alo't ixty prcimen of pn pils Trork i'i gography, arithmetic, spelling, writing and catnpo-Mtion. from th' gndi"" to the High School. The display of drawing and dfsiuing wdl bo r?peciilly attractive, Sor.M t.f J v-t specimens of tl signing n c!-crvi;g nr) no'v on exhibition in ratten's) art emprinrn window, cn Monroe ifr i t. tvc th r with thoo do-slgn. executed "n tw'!. Th d-igri arc finely c-xe.ted, nnd would do rrrdlt tr i.y.:l r: ro adrmeisj urtisiA They Elect OfTicers. 1h Ct".:;.! Iuvor I.Hlge, No. :H, F. and A. f., h'!d it nr.n'.I meeting for tl-.e "flection of ojerr 1 i.-t etf uieg. The following i the tv 'lit of th f Urtrm: Wor-liipful M.iter, J i:i!;-i(Vq,c; Senior WarJeu. TVWitt C. lu !oVnr; J ir Warden, Jophus Angn; Ti-ea.!Tr,r. Fbenr'r Ar.r' n; Secretary G-orgA '.. C.lia. Ther. vs n lug? nU tet-x? uieof tUt nvnn''vn q.( th- ord--r and t' elect ii-n pa ;fd o;T f lv.nntly. The cthr irstel at the re-ilar c. 'ebnr i"tc VV.H Hdf eTfrtinCi a? which i lite... th. -l'.Vion i'l t pUc'. Thil Morning's Fire. hl' p.d!.-d it hst tri caued f y th bnrn tU "f ' l; 1 t'nr. r-d b !'.!!:;. .t 117 M'l-j-' ! r- . Vt Si-t-, -r v - by fuji -vi thi $i e-n t' f:?. THANKSGIVING. Tht Origin, the History and the In spiration of the Day. Of ail the annually recurring rcligipos festival celebrated in thia cuuntry, there is none iore fully in accord witii the tnti mtnti of the people as a nation, none which can be aid to he as thoroughly American as this dy, net aside by the President of the United States for National Thanksgiving. InstitubU by the Pilgrim Fathers in IGil, less than a year after the Ma dower" had landed themou th rocic-bouiid coast of New Knglaiid, the harvtt having been abund ant at Plymouth," a.s a national feat day it has no impress of church, no ear-marks of pagan superstition. First introduced in New Eugland, and fostered by the decend aat.s of the Pilgrims, iu a souvenir of the early trials of their father;, it was gradually adopted by the several State, until IrCJ, when it wai made a national anniversary. Ah that epoch marked the destruction of tho only institution which prevented this nation from becoming one indeed, it i3 now the more fitting to celebrate as a day which helprs to weld those bonds of inter-state brotherhood more closely, as well as to cement the ties of personal friendship and family affection. If the exiles on the barren coasts of New England could in their comparative wretch edness find cause for thankfulness, it need require no especial effort on the part of the people of this day and generation to be as fully impressed with the bounties that are showered upon them. With peace and more than plenty at our doors, we, a3 a people, would be ungrateful if we did not in some becoming manner recognize the blessings we enjoy. With peace, plenty, and that charity which recognizes ail mankind as brethren, tins day, of all the year, can be made one that will make all akin, lighten the burdens of life and help to lift every one to a higher level of enjoyment and usefulness. In social and family circles, Thanksgiving Day is pre-eminently one that carries with it benisons that will remain green in the store house of memory from early youth to de crepit age. About the groaning board to day will assemble parents and children, brothers and sisters, in happy family re unions, under conditions which can never recur again to tho participants as time rolls on. Toward this day memory will turn in after years, and every kindly word spoken, every graceful act performed, every expres sion of love or friendship, after separation has broken the circle, will hallow this Thanksgiving day as others have been in years gone by. To enjoy this day properly then, is to make the lire of our hearts glow warmer, as those on our hearths burn brighter, to make the melodies of our homes sound sweeter, tho voice of friendship and love moro tender, and to gather about us endearments which will curtain us in a canopy of pleasant recollections when dis tance, time or misfortunes shall have sepa rated us from them. HOW HE TOOK IT. A Plaintiff Who Wanted to Serve a Summons Himself. A firm of Grand Rapids lawyers was re cently directed by a client to commence suit for the recovery of a debt. The plaintiff was disposed to cause the defendant all the annoyance iossible, and asked the lawyers to fir it so he could serve the summons him self, adding "I want to see how heTl take it." The necessary papers produced and given to the client who started off with an air of great satisfaction and delight in anticipa tion of the humilation to which ho was to subject tho unlucky defendant, lie soon re turned in a highly excited and "bunged-up' condition, coat in tatters, both eyes black, no.e set over on one side, hat crushed, nnd having tho general appearance of one who had seen grief. He had gone to the defend ant, served tho summons in an insulting manner, and so as to attract tho attention of by-standers, and then stood watching the other triumphantly while he read the copy. His curiosity as to "how he would tako it was gratified.' He took it by first giving the server a stinger under the left ear, and then proceeded to "mop the ground with him." By the time the unfortunate plaintiff was released ho had not a bit of curiosity left. When safely out of reach his fright was suc ceeded by a rage that was terrible to witness, fie ordered an immediate nnd relentless pnxecution and civil suit for damages, though no amount of damages could at that moment have compensated him. He ex pressed no wih to serve the second writ. AMUSEMENTS.; Patti Rosa ThisAfternoon and Even ing M Lights o' London." Patti Bo?a, supported by a strong com pany, will appear at Redmond' this ater noon at H o'clock, in "Mizpah." The play will be repeated ncain in the evening, and al-so to-morrow afternoon and evening. "Mipah" is nvery lively drama written to sn:t the ?penaltiesof that clever soubrette, Patti Rosa, who ftp pear in the leading role. Mi-' Koja i an actress of the Lotta order and is a good singer and a captivating dancer. "Mi pah' i bright and ppnrkling with s vein of lively fun rnnning through it and with plenty of entertaining sceriC. The Lights of London." "The lights of Iyondon," probably the nnt speot.imlar playof the modern stag, wii tn printed At Poorer' Opra Hon?e net Monday and Tnesd.iy evening. Tho company, if uch were po!ible, i "trongrr than tluat which appeared here, at the last rMj-'ment. nnd crowded hone will donhtle gr " t them. A car lod of scenery jpMM-dly drignd !y the lwt arti't of th day, carried nnd nd in pntncingth m."gnifleent c.tsc r fTeet that characteri the drTT-a. The imnaer.'o omp.iny H cfm pod of ffo- nrivl fir 1 r vth't wr ep eiaMv tj rred for thir reretire rart. A ! i!ir;g ";r f Hartford pok of th com piny f "'lorr whn it Bpp"rd thrre: Whet yo't enn hmr thing It i rsmrh l-vr afnklnj V,,trt n drli'tjoTi, ,fTT; t vVi ' i trong mUlrimi, H; f.r .H"T)d ;?!iafon, and n 'fTeefir N -f r" th cfw rtrf rapTT ntl jji'd.-d Tr r.-r;Hi..? of ivinri rr -!fi, lif pi?t!"r" ? T'e 'I ih erqrs rr .rrc r.. of p-a fnc f r?-r-"; of fh trofhf,. f he n.-'f ."i fj n: r bff'T0 H-, - - - rrttr' rrr (TT Cbr cf I H. Aftt-Uf. TO-DAY'O C3i:VIC-C Special Services to Bs Held at the Various Churches. Service will be held ia many of tho churches to-day, other than thoe named be low. There will be a Union service at the Baptist Church, Itev. li. A. Merriain will preach the sermon. At the South Congrega tional Church, Kev. E. H. Brooks will preach. Itev. II. Uiterwyk preacher at th Eait M. E. Church, and Bev. M. L. Bother will ollieiate in the same capacity at Plain -field Avenue M. E. Church. Kev. J. Miller preaches at the West Side Baptist. A col lection for the Union Benevolent Home will be taken at each of these services. St. Mark's Church, S. Burford, rector; F. A. lAllorett, assistant. Thanksgiving day: Matins and ante-Communion and Sermon at 10:IW a. m.; Evensong at 4 p. in. Thanksgiving day service, with sermon, will be held at St. Paul's Church, beginning at 10 a. m. The musical part of the services is as follows: Proeefcidonal hymn "Braise, O pruise our fl and Kiiiir" Wilkett Anthtm "1'raissj Ye th Lord" Oa&r-ley luth belectloxi of I Vilunc lft lwd into .Hellamy . . . . Aoie 3d 4 -4th " " J Hami-fiiejs Te Deam. in F Tours Jubilate Uxiom Lhant llymn'Traibeto God, immortal praise," K other Kyrie, in F Tours (Hon Tin! I'axtoa Hymn "(Jod Bless Our Native Land, ..America Doxoloirv. after sermon. Tndio God." Old C Anthem "lse the Lord, O Jerusa lem, rowle Presentation of Alms "Holy Offerings," etc ltetlhead Iteeeionftl hymn "O come, O come. Emanuel uounou WATSON vs. WATSON. The Jury Charged, But No Verdict Yet Rendered. The Watson versus Watson seduction case has again reached the hands of tho jury in in Circuit Court. The counsel in the case, as Judge Montgomery remarked in his charge to the jury, "took a wild range." The " courtesy of the cloth" was somewhat strained.andthe patience of the Court severe ly tried, when the learned counsel indulged in personal allusions reflecting upon the prac ticp of their opponents. It was contended by the defence that the plaintiff in her infor mation, charging bastardy on the defendant, before Justice Potter, had naturally varied her statements as to dates and places, from that which she gave a few days ago in the witness stand, and that that fact strongly re flected on her credibilty as a witness for herself. Further, her counsel was several times interrupted by the opiosing counsel, by objections based upon his giving to the jury matter for their con sideration which was not referred to in his opening speech and which the defense had had no oppurtunity of rebutting. Judge Montgomery, gave tho jury a careful and well adjusted charge, after which they retired and at a late hour last night nothing decis ive was heard from them. From the general complexion of all matters concerned in the case, it would seem more than probable that a disagreement of the jury will follow, or that a verdict in favor of the defendant will be the result. THE COURTS. United States Court. HON. 8. Lw WITHET, DISTRICT JUDGE. Wednesday, . Nov. 20. The National Ex change Bank of Boston v. Frank H. White, E. P. Ferry et al. Verdict for $17,122.10 against E. P. Ferry. Henry W. Nolan v. Carlos E. Dexter. Re plevin. Jury out. Police Court. HON. JOHN T. HOLMES, JUDGE. Wednesday, Nov. 26. Frank Brown, drunk, was sent to jail for ten days. George R. Reeves, assault and battery; paid J.w. Henry Brach and Wm. Millonbnrg, same; the former paid $i ., and the latter case was adjourned to iov. 28, at 9 a. m. Superior Court. HON. ISAAC II. PARBI8H, JUDGE. Wednesday, Nov. 2G. Amelia Edison v. Albert R. Edison. In Chancery. Motion for furthery alimony, heretofore submitted, denied. Eliza J. Edwards v. Hezekiah C. Edwards. In chancery. Decree of divorce granted complainant. Eliza Norton v. The City of Grand Rapids. Trespass on the rose. Fifteen days further time granted defendant to settle bill of ex ceptions, etc. Justice's Courts. JUSTICE SAUNDERS. Wednesday, Nov.2C. Livias P. Granes v. Thos. J. Lucas. Assumpsit. Judgment for plaintiff ?..0G and costs. justice bbouweb. Wednesday. Nov. 26. John Henniman. Assault and battery. Adjourned to Dec. II, at 10 a. m. Peter Lange v. Frank Szozinski. As sutnrsit. Adjourned to ov. 2S. John Malinowski v. Mary A. Granger. Trespass on Land. On trial by jury. John B. Gough. Our. people will have an opportunity on Friday evening to hear the noted orator John B. Gough in his popular lecture "Elo quence and Orators." Mr. Gough need no recommendation or introduction, as his rep utation is world-wide, and ho will doubtless draw a crowded house. The lecture will be delivered in the Baptist Church and will be under the auspices of the Baptist society. Bay your Cutters of A. R. Antisdel. For a good, cheap Cutter, buy of A. R. Antisdel. The flnt assortment of Cutters in the city at A. R. Ant.idel. Be snri and see the finest and chenpet Cntters in the city, at A. R. Antisdel Re- pitory. Popular Dancing Classes. XVi rttt-rdar Arf-n'rii? 1arHi "!.hjo n f J mes Rajrs rr.rft every Tnefay And Fri- u,y etf mvii ai inc uii. iTpu win i rerriTeu any tim annng me eon. A S.itnrd! mom in ? i now tini? nran. and esriy application should lw md Py tf urinn,j to Ienrn. 1 h nm hop of th nf lo sitfn thU r?on by Mr. lViyne vill ocrrsr on Tndfty ermine, IV. ?. AH forirr prjpiU nd frir.d are ror dially int-ifML oin-niation win I ttHl. Lt fjle. Urt mrMv of rt'etit fitter, broiht frui Ail ytU of the Pot by A. H. Anf ikI. fr, Sorhta W. Knight will tite i han ffprrsfvin lit H .i nr!,ri, Snftifv lln.h An sdm"iTi ff ? TiU thnrcr rrMf d r?d rU Cnttr. fo? fh--p, H A. U. Anti.!;L DR. CLADZ, OCULIST AND AURIST OfSe, 125 Xfouroe itrtret, Over Hfcteii Cilery Sur. Hocr Prorn 9 to 12 a. ui., 1 to 3 and 1 to 8 p. in. AMUSEMENTS. Redmond's Grand Opera House Wj. H. rowtii.i. - - M.jtti. Three Mights and two Matinees OiK.-uirit with THANKSGIVING MATINEE THURSDAY At'J LK.NOoN, Nt)V. 27. AT S O'CLOCK. Tlv Litlh' h:aik of iunLme,' PATTI ROSA. I'fle only ritbl LiilTVl a-) UIi-Jrtl by hf r own coiiiny f nrv -x--ll-nt, inrluihitr the yian I pupuUr comliiaxp, C. M. L-tv-i ttnd L li. William, iu L-r pLfuoint-uol tuft & uiid K-ily imixJi -drama, in fuurfaitt, TOrULAU rClCES-J.-, W and 7S vtuU. 1U idt lit Fritdrifh Millie Stn. com nifuoinij Tu.tlay mttrniut;. Mutintn Thuixiiiy aftf rnutjn. lJtMrb w illl oieii at - tt't liK-k, ir formaiuti ctinimenctt at 3 o'clock. Sitanltiy matinee, dvKirH ojvn at one, icjfonnantH? com mences at twt tclock. 1 B, GOUG Will deliver his celebrated lecture on ''Eloquence and Orators" -AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH, Corner Fountain and Boetwick Ht., FRIDAY EVENING, NOV- 28- Ticket. 50c for Adults, 2Tc fur Children under 12 leure of Age. Tickets for f ale at usual places. Lecture at 8 o'clock. POWERS'S OPERA HOUSE Wm. II. Powers, - - Ianager. TWOllGHTSNLY, Monday, Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2. SHOOK & COLLINS' Union Sinare Theatre Co, of New York Citv. In Geo. R. Sims' nowerfnl Spectacular Melo drama, the Union Square Theatre's (ireatst Sac- cess, I he LIGHTS O'LONDONI Presented with all the mapaiiticent Bcenery, prop erties and mechanical effects usod at that theatre. painted by the world-renownm liichard Marston; mechanical effects by G. B. Winnie. Popular prices of admission. Reserved, 73c Si $1. On sale at Hall's News Room, commencing Fri day morning, Nov iH. One hundred supernumeraries want ed. Apply to stage manager on Mon. Dec. 1, at 10 o'clock. Chicago & West Michigan Railway. IS THE Oxil-y Line Running Through Coaches betweth GRAND RAPlDSr CHICAGO and TOLEDO. J. II. PALMER, Gen'l Pa. A pent. J. B. MULLIKEN, General Manager. Wo havo addod to our business a very complete Steam Laundry, with all tho Latest Improved Machinery, hard and soft water, and have so cured first-class help and are pro pared to do tho bost of work. Goods called for and delivered promptly. Gardiner & Baxter, 35 Monroe-Si and 95 0ttawa-St. -TO MAKE ROOM For Our Immense Line of HOLIDAY GOODS, We will Offer IUirgains in Miscellaneous For the Next T1IIKTY Day: nirw. Dickens' Complete Work, cloth. 15 Vol $ 5 Thaekery u Complete orkf, clotJi, 11 vol. 9 75 Kir Walter Scott's " 12 " 75 ' 24 IS rt) Ilulwer Lrttnn'i " " 13 M 9 75 " 4 lonther.R Vol. 5 75 Geo. Elliot " cloth. 8 " 6 :-0 Hl lin VA IVti. rlotli 75 i leather 1 W GEO. A. HALL & CO., Cor. Arrfule and Tearl Kt. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS roit- W O O JD AT G-OOSSEN, 1 4D JxToiloo St. FOR, PRICES or COAL, WOOD, LIME, CEMENT, A. B. KNOWLSON. No. 3Cail St., tascrrtr,!. MRS. E, A. GASSETTE, ArHtlc Dress am! C)ok Making. Al4 Ar. f-r Pr ( REMOVAL. EWSTEAML AUNDRY la ti..; ilzy cf prcjrecs tiers is & 6 luand for Wtter cier.r.s of illumination Uum t;YtJX before. TLo dazzling briliiiiicy of tL tlt?ctri liLt inaLt? our common keroriie lanijn &s dim ts tallow dij in th c?omjarion. This dtinaiid hi;9 bcn fully iiit by the introduction of th bun Lainiid. TLey ar iit-ots.rily mad of metal because the draft or chimney ti Und down through the ctnter of the lump. The ich are five inches -widti nud iive alight of forty-five candid iowtrf tqual to thrt-e ipxi burner. The lamps wtre brought out at the close of iat M-aon, but the price so hijh each but few were bold. Ow in to the enormous demand which ha prunj up, they tre now produce d tt a price within the reach of all, and told for $3 in brase and 3.50 in nickel, complt te v itii ttn-inch porcelain bhade. To ierbunai trou bled with weak eyes or thof-e who dee-ire to preserve their eyesiyht by meanu of a yood light, the Sun Lamp will prove a blfaint'. The New St) lea of Ilanyini,' Iumi are made of a old color tolid bronze metal, and trimmed with cut villus prions and dec orated thadt-s. The dome-shaped t-hade-s ltKk the best, but we imagine the anle of reflection from the cone t-hape is tat for throwing lirht down. These lamps are also much cheaper than lat year. They ar e now sold at from 5 to $7 each. Fine table lamps are furnished with duplex or 1m. o wick burners, trivin double the liht of the single wick burners. There are many style of these lamps on exhibition, including flid bronze and the popular hammered brass. For information received thanks are due Messrs. 1L Leonard fc Bona, importers, 1C Monroe street, Head Carefully our advertisement. Speino k Com pant. "Hew to the line, let tho chips fall where they wilL" SrciNa & Com pant. If wo did not advertise, how would tho thousands that throng our 6toro daily know where to go to trade? Spring & Compact. Wiiat surprises our customers as much as any one article in our store is the Cot ton Flannel we are selling at tho rate of Sixteen Yards for One Dollar. Sphinq & Com pant. If you wish to see the Cheapest Brown Cotton ever known for the money, inquire for such as wo furnish our Customers at the remarkably low price of Five Cents per yard. Spring & Compant. In fact Flannels of all descriptions are being sold by us this season at mar velously low prices. For instance, Good .White Flannel for only nine certs per yard; Plaid Flannels for one shilling, six teen, twenty and .twenty-five cents per yard; Red Flannels at seventeen, twenty and twenty-five cents, are tho best value for the money ever known, and tho great reduction in the price of doublo fold La dies Dress Flannels, all colors, as well as Waterproofs at fifty cents per yard; also Cloakings, Cloths, Cassimeres, Arc, is truly wonderful. SrRiNa & Compant. Cloaks. No department in our establishment is more active this season than our Cloak department. Owing to recent forced sales among manufacturers, we havo been en abled to make purchases in this lino at tho greatest sacrifico ever known, and have just opened upward of a thousand Cloaks purchased for cash which must create quite a sensation in this city. Only think of it, Russian Circulars for: $5, last season were $10. SO, last season were $15. $8, last se.'ison were $20. And wo are now selling a heavy Sicilian Silk Russian Circular, Fur Collar, and quilted lining for the remarkably low price of $12 that w'o last year sold up ward of a hundred for $25 each. Plush Saeques aro in greater demand than ever before, and our stock of course is magnificent; prices ranging all the way from $15 upward. Children's Wrain aro a great feature with us this season. Wo have them in any quality and stylo desired. Misses and Young Ladies Garments are much hand somer this season than ever lefore. SrRiNQ fc Com r ant. Ginghams at five nnd seven cents. Dress Ginghams in bright, handsome plaids for only nine cents. .Spring k Compant. Table Linens. Damask Napkins. II tick Towel ings. Turkey Red Damasks. Underwear, for ladies, getitlf men &nd children a complete oswrtmenL Srmxo A- Compact. Hair Goods Embroidery 3 Inch Parting Wave, Natural Curl, The New Lar?try Huffies." Natural Fr.r, - Nice Cut Hair Switch. 24 fncrs, - 51.50 $2.00 12 M A V,n of Huxn rTTt tt I ;n-t rx''iTl 8FIX t Al.Tl'-l'Arr Vo k Aet T.irf-R'Tti rt;ri-.. vriXT ot: ifj rm n:v i?; UTi4T tkt:z.i. 2-Soinorin.l Wcrh. in IXcvlr. CK1A, AND SFfM F JfllSR. TVftt.tifal lW:Ti for Vt'-inmUm ift lT.ur. rn hfcr ffat iiir ff;;t;l O. O. Cere;;. Radiant Home BASE BURNER 1884. A a fur tart r of Ki-li-ruiUj? Siovtw ex. tv'ii U-iurti iLe put-lic Lr vu-r -r i'ii.t n ;kvr& There Ci.u but f.-tf luthj is xu thU cui. try hy fcfr Uut ft:uilia Mill, ti.f iat;h U I'Utotiuij fat by the Kauiakt licME S-ivxou rt; ut.ii .a ul of tiut-li utH' fro vi tii, fuTcwl tut.tiiiJ UiUi, drx&3iii rtj i.i!j it bi'jaj. lut fctfeaij, vitjru f ro th, ballt u; ti.v uiJj tne huAit, xii.: tlOit of jr-Luiut iiioiit. It l-f-ii thfir id oj tiij coUftiii.t ttuJy to "0 iaii.jTe tui l-itnit tn l;.iair Huxr. hToux, flt ti.ry t-huull dv,-rNil r.r.k li-lit in n;ur Lot. With biiii otaai.iU'J ia , t-.vh jtViT'a tiiori coe iudii-i.ud boi:tthLas: UrtLu tht fuid Jii th woikil.4 (jUliUcw, iu- crti iht- h'-utu it-.i4' ity, or it u Ji r iii(rt Ktiruc. inoruuiutitlli'.Ci, th? j l.uw t-i&itl l.u Jiu or tXJU?t lO tC'( v-U.lh ti.'lt- t hjt t. A.tti- diif ti.t tucctf!' Ka fcttt-ndi tluir t-flon. thfy lxii.t to tht titr LiifrtvitiL? iHjuhitity of th Haiiant muvu. Ihiir ii.tih.eic tuwit htus irotl tinur Ut Hr-ui uiA bJr.rtifr. lu the ib.ttiTu thty hh ii.adcfc.oun? chia.pv vhichtht'j thiLk very dti-iri.hln liiutt-ritolij iiuiruvid. The fhiii- ooiiM tf iti f!Uiiv3y Lew uiil linrgvr flt it whu huvld lurp lj to th' LoMhu; j j'.it i'.y, viUnut iiKrtiMd Hiiu!iit tiou of f u 1. Ti t- J-- h jiit i.- u;tJ'dtH-;ior( tukiiia luvt-r bh-iaii. 'Iho urn in hliry:t.tlir new, malt of frj'im trii-v, ui k 1 .ln.ttxl Ktid (miU tifal iu d.U'ii, t:i-it) n l titi to tht- it'iirsd uU tnuiivf i i'i'rvn'.-'. Ihcy rui.filiutljr ilairu, ij hmtofort. tlht t! e Jl.AMOT IloXE .lXiTtS, ixi quulitj ijA m:h! hl "- tf t iiViC". tlinU:h lit'lRif u;o!Uitir. Kiii tfr it-rful Inju ns i t.t ot. Lsc Jiu fUiMTiors, bdt thoj 'i.Iui v.ui i U.U 1. i'or fcvil by RICKARD BROS, 17 and 19 South Division St. NOTICES. NOTICK-WTUATIONS OliTAlM'.I) IN 4U iut of Uif rity. J'riitf fnHiiiit, loul ami othtr fcui'jlii v ith 1j-J n Khrt riotion J.l DAY, luuliir not-oii.i., 11 Monro Ht.. V) l)ttiin, tSt- ardTng " BOA!:ilN(J HVTHKDAVOliWl l.K. GOOD tco!iinvol:tioixfc for t iiti-uun uud uife, 19 t l'fcrk Vbwe. WANTED. anti:d-I'A!j: hicond.hand mjhuh w ruTiiit-n fr ii-rht wuiroji. ( i t'li Ia-oakM. v aanti:d-i;milovmi:nt uv an i:du- yY . vntil n rin. No rai-u;:.j:. Adin-M- L 51., WANTl.D-I.ADll AND ;i:NT1J:M1.N Ti) ra lo clor t !i toriii-hs with hrH' l'i.t'at tiU r C-oltr. Anjn: vun Jfuru iu t hoar. Yfi to fdl tliLs vt k. No hIum' umJ iu Uii art. ThtTt' ctci b v,iulv iru:v. sll Vt y r vok. Call on 1. H. Ni. 1J Monro ttrtft, Tixnu !1 Lj Kair&, (iraJni hajid, Mioh. tf w ANTKD-I HAVi:A NUMJUUt OFX)M ix'ut trirlf wuitiui: i -bio iu rrivttp It j- l. Call htuI Hfr.rc (m-1 htlp. J. LL Day, II Mouroeor i'l Ottawa Km U WANTr.D-ArrLKWNl AND lAYV. ISA. ntf.-Mfc by ti. ihsrt Mutual, of this jty, Ar'ntj tn i'i t V.' J.-irr'-t ro;r,mi-iou' in tho Ihimuohs. 'Jli c ruja:jj Jifi writt-u otivr !on-i.l-lion within n 3 c:,r, t.rui i iiii.Lh.c n -oi;ditf rd t-UCCtb!i, OliiC ; 12 Mid 12 JloUx-IhU bl'K k. tf FOR RENT. TO JtKNT HTDlli: WITH DW1J.L1N(J ctid itiiu in a n!")rriM JKiiiity: rut rHou hbU: l'os.vjoa i-u t, oni', L. K l'rotin. F01; i:i:nt-a yi:kv DKsiKAinx House on Yh;ri:toTi f-tr t. i-t .'r. t-r ttii):ith. I. K. Tiovin, K'm::i G, blK.k, t ioil - ri;tV Hot. FOR SALE. FOH KALE-TJIi: (JUAND HIVIIII VALUCV Uot 1 ht Iioit'Il ht.nrion. r ho'i of .ixt,,n (16) rtHunfs, with U'.rn; w ill m 11 :t a tairckin rf-cx chnujro for jro rty in U ci;y. ' l or ;.rticuJ4ir Rcldrx!, John Monui, IkitJiUiJ rtrrt. Foil sali: on i:chanu i:-ourii: of h roo:r:, itrnl mjj iiil with h!l mol"m fonrrn. iencs. 'itftovn Mt with frxiit kii'l oni m nt;d tn, wll lvitl in o:jof ,t mt ira bJ 1 Wirt m of tin Muktv"m; wilj l.hlfor Iirt iu-h urni !wthir,' on lonu or vUl x r!.ti:tr' for i n - rl in inind ).'ihi. . A f.rM f 1:h c n-" foriia tn' nt. A li-ir D.vid Mclitjchlin, i!nkfj;n. r iu juiroR th I'EI.E OIUM OliiO', W hort? H th.U ttl ti(i ltO1M Cfvll N-t-n. i1f MISCELLANEOUS. Tin: si n i li'.i: inschan rcoMrANV of I '!. n. l-:itl:r"L. h;. inill bii of tirltis and f-rory Morkholdf r i inht i inhlljr libli f rr ail 1 to th- fiiil iitfM'Mit of i iritfit for. lanf. l' iklnt' A, Mh"o AfxtK i lijoTi fctHH-l, Court VA k. Tiii:mi:i: jnm:i:an( f. a;i:m'y of ffiu kin-, V Mi4ci!j tf-iUQ tf. .-. rr!? lit!r ?m tloJl t iy Vi,i. Mr,r i.ll. ?'! h ;iM. ) in ixrw FM'1 M 7. Ly n -tr t. cft bin, k. 1 ud rc;irv. fT)t the folo iiif old . lid -ubUinti?il conrtui I-" Tlit Fun, f lioiitln, 'lb l "it y of ljo!nl..n, 11, Nw Unrrfhin-. f fAnm hr-el'T, N. II., Th" W-ht r, t N- lork Knd th Kmh.r.7tu ft ( iri"iri;iti A hurf of th" jtroMii-f of the irj", jtjb- lic ! rijc1 fully fo!irit-d. iNsuui: Tfii;n Foi K. wi: iHtjTiTkfnt I th" fol'inir rn ;;M": Wm A"1' tion. nl. il.Tfi. m: i'rox. th." of K. !., ('inton,' N. "i,. S 7ntii I'.rr ArrJ3. Hor.m IV j i a lb-ti". VFHY Dll!lAf.IJ: 1IOFSF A.M IOT TO t'TCUr-f'r f or bTrr r-.jrftf; l'.i nr" r.i srul jt't ,irr;!T J-' J.-!. AJ'. f' itrr of Ix-i-rtyl lhJ)'l tone! .rfffi' j't t'i-Tix. f. v. joubrt. PVIU UAVT AND H A T J or (IIIIIN AND jtoi tiofi or "';" t--H of 'J'1". k-t'i of ro)r nrft tf vifU th-'":1! i . V. Tfcjdor, h CfciU FtrX, ro"tn 4. AMERICAN STEAM LAUNDRY! I havr ics' k t r. j;;;;t'oT( :jrr;t ra c;;r the t', HTu:,:- of COLLAKS AND j CUrT; trni i;? h r"r":t rri'-aTire d'trn j A. OTTE, Proprietor,