Newspaper Page Text
Jl8 plftB to rs VOL. I. NUMBER 61. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 3, 1884. PRICE 2 CENTS ' Tf O T1) P HJIl (fllilllx THE UTAH COMMISSION. CAREFUL AND VALUABLE WORK. The ConviatiorTof Clawson Will Prob ably Have a Restraining Influence Upon Young Mormons. I Wajhh.vjto-s, Dec. 1'. The report of the j Utah Cora mi.s ion, ex-Sccretary of War I l!axn-eyt chairman, wiu mad public to-day. I The ooimiiisiioa cays ilu'it their datie hate I ln;en faithfully aad aucct-fw fully performed ? with result showing, that at the rtceut elec tjrj. fur delegate to Conre and other iuiion of county ofiiciaU had under j (supervision, all poly;itnitH were excluded : frtun otin and holding oilicu in Utah. The dclrgnte-fclect to Conrt-s., John T. Caine, id a Mormon, but doe not now and never haa lived in ilyimy, therefore eligible under j the law. The rt'iort how that for a year or j more after the efforts to en force the law were initiated, polygamy teaching from pulpit wer rarely heard. There were observable ; indication that the practice of po j lyiruny ini'ht measurably decline, but during the present year I there appear to have been a polygamy re ! vival. The institution u boldly and defiantly f defended by spiritual teachers and plural inarriarea are reported on the increase. , Three-fourth qf the Mormcn adults male and female, luive never entered into poiyg- amy rel ation, yet every orthodox Mormon and evt-ry member in good standing in the church believe- in polygamy. As an iiluA j tratiou of the OncneV of faith among Mor ' mon.4 respecting polygamy attention U called to the important polygamy case recently tried in Salt Lake City, where every Mor ; mon on the jury panel, in answer ' to tho question "Do you believe it right for man to have more than oue living and un- divorced wife at the same time?" answered unhesitatingly MYe- sir." The trial of this ! ca-e canned a profound sensation through the territory. The defendant, Rudger : Vl iwjn, son of the bUhop, and his two uives belonged to the better class of Mor : num society, although his polygamic raar 1 riage had been notorious in the community ! for months, no direct evidence was disclosed j until given by his second wife after short 5 imprisonment for contempt of courtt for re fusing to testify. All the other witnesses : were examined, and there were many, in cluding the immediate relatives of the par I ties, the president and other high officers of : the church. Every one, except the second wife, disclaimed all knowledge of the inar ; riage. Clawson was convicted. Before the ' sentence was passed he declared judgment , should not be passed against him because the laws of his country were in conflict with ; the laws of God. "The constitution," he said, "expressly states that Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion and anti-polygamy laws were designed to operate against ; such marriages and were therefore ! unconstitutional." This view expressed by Clawson, the report say, is in ; conformity with the uniform sentiment of nil Mormon people, but, while this is the creed, many Mormons are reluctant to en ter into polygamic relations. So the trial and conviction of Clawson will probp.bly hive a restraining influence upon young f Mormon. The commission nrgesavigor ' oes enforcement of the present laws of Gov ernment that have to deal with people who are wonderfully superstitious fanatics, de voted to religion and the sudden overthrow of polygamy as a result of the enforcement of the present anti-polygamy laws is not to be expressed. They recommend additional legislation in the nature of amendments to eii-ting laws which they think will greatly strengthen the hands of loth the commis sion and the courts. They expres the opinion that it is not unlikely that the fed eral government will finally find it necessary to take into its own hand- all power in Utah. -- BUZZARD-HUNTING. Abandoned by the Pennsylvania Posse Abe's Brother Seen. LiNCAsirn. Dec. 2. The posse in pursuit of th Uuzzard gang of thieves on the Welsh mountains abandoned their search late last night. No trace has been discovered of Abe lluzzard since Saturday's fight, and it is be lieved he has either left the vicinity or is in hiding with friends. For the first time in several weeks no robberies were reported this morning from the eastern section of the county. Heaping. Fa., Dec. 2. A correspondent has had an interview with Mart Buzzard, Abe's brother, on the Welsh mountains. Mart ays Abe i- in hiding, and that his wife and children ntTlrm that he is trying to be honest, that Philadelphia and New York thieves are doing the stealing, and that Abe U getting desperate, and will kill some one - before he is taken. Was the Doctor Drunk? HiTid Iipatch to Tut Tclkoram. Ai.lfoan, Dec. The trial of ths People vs. Dr. Georgo Palmer, of Salem, who is rliarged with luhninBtering medicine of a foi-Hmon nature while under the Influence of liquor, was brgnn to-day. The testimony for the people is all iu. Two witness swore that neither the doctor nor the woman's husband were under the influence of liquor at th time the pci-on was administered. The poi'on was saKnitra'e of bismuth. A Heavy Verdict. VUNi?sTow?f, Ohio, Dec. 2. This morn ing the jury in the case of Engineer John Fitsimmons again-t the Pennsylvania rail road for injuries received by him, returned verdict in favor of Fitsimmons for 27,- r. Shortly after the accident which made Vitj-nmmon a cripple for life, the company oTered hiru ll-UVO to settle, which he rr fnd. arid brought suit asking for $:,f.lO d.ung-. The hase wa tried here lAst sura sTT'pr, Fit'irumons securing a verdict for fJ'stVO. I'he company immediately asked for a r.'V trial, which resultel as above. 0. An Absent Defaulter. Pi:ltx, Dec. 1. Tho. B. Con ant, ccre i:iry of the A. A. fc W. S. Car Company, manaf H-turers of rniltray supplies, is mis- ii'g, and i allegrd to b a dfanlter to th amount of of Tenant diappearril 'teril d.iyj ?vg- and it is thought 1ms gone C y Chicag. Boston Boxers, r-sr'. IVc, l. F.ihn thonand pfv. ' ! i wifrr -sed tJ; I?-UK-Kilrain fiv-rc-ur.d ' "r ' , p I'ght hwntght. U w: a sfI tight and a di i-7. I 'f. ;t)bt:ji- i i. HOW HOLCOMB CHOKED When Asked About the Thirty-Eiht Calibre Revolver. Ji.ctsON, Mich., Dec. 2. In the Holcomb trial to-day Detective Ilarru was put on the stand and produced the statement made and signed by Holcomb at the famous in terview in hid (Harris) room. It was read to the jury. Sherift Winney confirmed Harris's testi mony as to HoIcoLub becoming choked and drinking from the wash-pitcher when he was asked about the IW-calibre revolver he had up north. Knew Holcomb well and never, aaw him choke before. James White, the father of the dead Henry White, one of the victims of the Crouch tragedy, and his son had lived at Crouch's for two years before his marriage to Eunice Crouch. He was iX) years old, and Eunice was 23 at the time of the mur der, and had been married two years. Wit ness saw Holcomb take a bundle which he (witness) thought Mas mortgages, and a leather pocket-book from the Crouch house the day following the tragedy. Holcomb had said there was a coolness between him self and Henry. Ella Shannon was sworn. She said she came to Holcornb's to work one week after the tragedy to pick up all the clothes she could find and wash them; found a pair of pants, a fine shirt, an undershirt nnd a pair of drawers behind the chest in the room where Judd and Foy slept. All were stained with blood. The pants were a pair she had seen Judd wear. .There was blood on both knees of the pants, and it seemed to be spat tered on tho fine shirt. She she also found a pair of fine boots covered with mud. Judd and Foy came and did the clothing up in an old coat, and took it away. At the clone of the morning hour Miss Shannon was still on the stand. Particular Burglars. Special Dispatch to The Telegram. Alleoan, Dec. 2. The general store of Frank B. Watson, of Monterey, this county, waa burglarized last night and goods were taken valued at $G0(). The burglars gained an entrance to the building by chopping through the back door. They had a team and wagon waiting outside which they load ed with the most expensive goods, leaving the cheaper grades untouched. No clue to tho identity of the parties or the direction in which they went has been obtained, but as there is no night train from Monterey it is thought they are not many miles away and that they will be caught. ' Montreal's Coming Carnival. Montreal, Que,, Dec. 2. -It has been de cided to hold a winter carnival during the week beginning January 2C. A committee is busy in preparing attractions. The ice palace will be larger, loftier and more ela borate. The curlers will provide matches and the Victoria skating club is to give two of their renowned fancy dress-entertainments. The ball will bo the season's society event of Montreal. French citizens are tak ing a great interest in the carnival. Among the novelties promised by them is a railway across the St. Lawrence river to St. Helene Island, where an Indian village is sprung up with braves, squaws and papooses. The Irish-Americans. New York, Dec. 2. At a meeting of tho Committee on Organization of Irish-American Independents at the Astor House this afternoon, it was decided to continue the Assembly district organization under the name of the Irish-American Protective Union. An address was issued vindicating the course of the Irish-American independ ent voters at the late election, denouncing the English free-trade theories which have triumphed in this election and urging voters to trust with office, in the future, no man who is identified, or in sympathy with the Cobden Club. A Millionaire in Prison. Montreal, Dec. 2. Alexander Buntin, vice president of tho insolvent Exchange Bank, was sentenced to-day at the criminal assizes to ten days' imprisonment for having ob tained unduo preference over other creditors by withdrawing $10,000 after the bank's sus pension. Buntin is a millionaire merchant of this city, proprietor of the largest paper mills in Canada, vice president of the Canada shipping line of ocean steamers and director of numerous other public companies. Similar prosecutions are spoken of against the other directors. Against Annexation. St. John, N. B., Dec. 2. The Board of Trade at its adjourned meeting this after noon refused to adopt the resolution disavow ing annexation sentiment on the part of the Board. A resolution was adopted declar ing that confederation has been an injury to tho Maritime Provinces, calling on govern ment, boards of trade of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island to demand better terms of the Dominion govern ment. - - - Diaz's Cabinet. Cm op Mexico via Galveston, Dec. 2. President Diaz has Appointed the following Cabinet: Minister of Foreign Relations, Scnor Ignace Mnriscal, now Minister to England; Minister of War, General Pedro Hinojosa; Minister of Janice, Senor Joaquin Baranda; Minister of the Treasury, Senor Manuel Dublan: Minister of the Interior, Snor Manuel Komero Bnblo; Minister of Public Works, not yet appointed. Mr. Blaine at Boston. Boston, Dec. 2. Blaine and party, includ ing James G. Blaine, Jr., Miss Dodge, Miss Sherman and Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin, left for New York at 1 o'clock this afternoon via Providence. K. I. Blaine is in excellent health and spirits. While here he talked freely to friends on the late campaign. - France. Part, Dec. 2. The Chamber of Deputies, to-day, by a vote of 27 to 2,7 adopted M. Flomet amendment providing for the election of Senators by universal uffrage under th &rt$tin U lit? ) tem. This is a defeat for the gove rnment. Election Bets Didn't Sv Him. Nrw York, 1c, 2.H. A. Whitcomh, wholesale deaW in hats at Provide nrp, U. I., madf an aimrrtnt to diy. Hp s Hiatal tn b worth ftlout vrntr-fjve thoti nnd dJL-ir, A Bank aiit!d." N'r Virisx, fW, 2. -lh Farmers N tiial Pink i U.-Ssh::!!, 11!., h 'iptidrd, IT t -r.!i r" in 171, l t:: ;;::T c:. WASHINGTON MATTERS. BOTH THE HOUSES IN SESSION. But Thirteen Senators Present The Late Senator Anthony's Successor -Indian Affairs, WAsnrNGTON, Dec. 2. In the Senate to-day there were but tliirtten Senators present at the opening prayer, but the absentees gradu ally filed in. The oath was administered to W. P. Shef field as Senator from Rhode Island in place of Senator Anthony, deceased. Mr. Vest introduced a resolution directing the Committee on Indian Affairs to inquire what leases of land in the Indian Territories for grazing or other purpose liad been ex ecuted by Indian tribes, and to whom. He said he had information that over 1)00,000 acres had been leased, and that these leases had been obtained by corruption, fraud and violence. He would be prepared to give the chairman of the committee names and dates. Mr. Dawes, as chairman of the Commit tee on Indian Affairs, said tho facts refer red to by Mr. Vest had been brought to the attention of the committee, which had en deavored to secure an examination by a joint committee of both houses, but had been un able to accomplish that result. The com mittee had leen unable themselves to visit the Indian Territory during the vacation, owing to the Senate imiosing upon them the duty of visiting California. The House Mr. Wilson (la.) presented the credentials of H. G. Sweet, elected to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of John A. Kas son, and he was sworn in. Mr. Follett (O.) offered a long preamble and alleging unlawful interference in the recent election in Ohio by U. S. deputy mar shals, and resolutions directing the Commit tee on Expenditures in the department of justice, of which Mr. Springer, of Illinois, is chairman, to make a thorough and exhaus tive investigation of the subject. Mr. Keifer (O.) made tho point of order that a resolution to investigate the conduct of U. S. officers was not a privileged ques tion and that the resolutions were not in or der at that time. WHAT MR. HOUSEMAN SAYS. No Appropriation for the Grand River to be Expected. Washington, Dec. 2. The House River and Harbor Committee held a meeting this morning, when it was decided to report the River and Harbor bill to the House by Jan uary 15. Mr. Houseman says he has not received the report of the engineers on the improvement of Grand river, but does not think he will ask anything for that stream this year. The usual appropriations, he says, will be made, however, for improvements at Muskegon, Grand Haven, Whitehall and other import ant points in the State. The commissioners have recommended river and harbor appropriations of 34,000, 000, but the River and Harbor Committee will endeavor to limit the amount of their demands to $S,000,000. This tney have prac tically agreed to, and they do not wish any delegations to appear before them. An adverse report was this morning ordered by the House Committee on Commerce on the memorial from the National Association of Fire Engineers, asking for the appoint ment of a commission to investigate the enormous loss of life and property by fire. The Educational Bill. Washington, Dec. 2. Representative Wil lis, of Kentucky, in conversation with a United Press reporter, to-day, said that he felt quite sure that the educational bill which passed the Senate last session would be taken up at an early day in tho House. With this object in view, a meeting of friends of the measure will be held within a day or so. Aspires to the Cabinet. Washington, Dec. 2. Gov. Crittenden, of Missouri, is here. He is putting in vigorous work to get the support of his Congressional friends for the Interior portfolio in Cleve land's Cabinet. The Governor is probably doomed to disappointment, as members of the delegation from his own State are against his aspirations. - A CANADIAN SENSATION. Serious Charges Brought Against the Secretary of State. Ottawa, Dec. 2. A bomb-shell has been thrown into tho Conservative camp in the shape of a memorial to Sir John McDonald, signed by twenty-six Conservative members of the Houso of Commons from Quebec, in sisting upon an immediate removal of Sec retary of State Chaplean from the Dominion cabinet. Chaplean was formerly Premier of Quebec. He is charged with bringing the province hopelessly into debt by his man agement. It is understood that the charges against Chaplean are such as to demand a parliamentary investigation. Rough on Brcczee. In his sermon at the Church of Our Father Sunday night Rev. Dr. R. I. Rcxford, of De troit, alluded to the local newspaper war and said: "A man gives a contract that for two years he will not engage in publishing a newspaper in Detroit, but in less than three months he comes before the people violating an obligation that is sacred and asks for pub lic patronage. Through some legal quib bling he may be able to accomplish his pur pose, but it will le at the expense of a rule devoid of honor, integrity and manhood. Such an enterprise has its inception in fraud, and should le denounced, much les patron ized, by everyone who respects integrity and moral obligation." Germany. Bfrux, Dec. 2. The Rr cb-tng Committee on Bndcet rejected Prince Bi.marek rro-t-oal to maintain a Ge rman consul at Caps? Town. oTr.t i'i:orr.i John Klly ha recovered from his bron chial attack. Or&rs Angntn Sata i announced to ail for America lW '.v. It i said that General Login will wrif a Nk whn his Senatorial canr i c ndd. Th AM TUn will hori?,r rcaf in con rr rt in Pari In aid f the Au-trodfnncarian fund. Th Prirscr of r'm faVorif Jr- n big hH F.qnrnint tlwIKonnil, carrn to him by tho Kiopfr of Rnsiia. RitTt J, Thudrf!hM vrrrHl bU ir. ftrrikrt ttfth th nifU-g1ot1 irv, nnd tsi'd r:- V;i horn frmrrrttl HER M Ad E STY'S NAVY. The Ministry Determined to Maintain Its Supremacy, Loni-on, Dec. 2. Sir Thomas Brassey, K. C. B., one of the junior Lorda of admiralty, made & statement in the Hou&e of Commons to-night of the government's intentions in regard to fctrengtheuing the navy. The proposals include the exjenditure of $15, 423,000 for additional iron-clads, cruiser and torpedo boats $4,12.1500 for the defences of coaling stations, H,UUU,0lu for additions to the ordinance equipment. The statement was well received. Lord Northbrook, in the House of Lords, made a similar statement of the govern ment's iolicy. He was very emphatic in declaring, that the Ministry were resolved to maintain England's naval supremacy. ; . , The Horticulturists. Ann Arijor, Mich., Dec 2. At last night's session of the State Horticultural Society, there was a good attendance of well-known and enthusiastic fruit growers. The event of the evening was the address on Savage Horticulture by Prof. J. Beal Steere, of this city. To-day's session was opened by prayer, by Rev. Mr. Lightfoot. Some interesting dis cussions were brought out by the questions found in the query box. It seemed to be the opinion of some of the lest fruit growers that it was better in planting an orchard to buy trees from recognized houses than to plant one's own growing of young trees. The grafting business was also aired a lit tle and an interesting discussion wa3 opened on the question of what caused the "curl" on peach tree leaves. The old question of chess in wheat was argued over. Dead at Dedham. Dedham, Mass.. Dec. L Frederick D. Klemm, aged CO, died last night. He was expelled from Heibelberg for fighting a duel, and, at the time of the students' rebellion, was put in jail, from which he and several others were released by Carl Schurz, who came to the prison in tho guise of an organ grinder. He had acquired a comfortable fortune by hotel-keeping. ; The Nile Troops. Cairo, Dec. 2. Tho troops advancing up the Nil are ready to proceed at once from Handak to Debbeh. New Articles of Association. The Articles of Association of tho Belknap Wagon and Sleigh Company were filed yes terday with the County Clerk. The capital of the company is limited to $35,000, divided into 1,400 shares of $25 each. The purpose of the corporation is for manufacturing, re pairing and sale of all kinds of wagons, carts, trucks, sleighs, logging appliances and im plements, and other articles, and of doing all such acts and business as shall be inci dental thereto. ' The term of its existence is fixed at thirty years. The names of the stockholders, all residents of Grand Rapids, with the number of shares held by each is as follows: Chas. E. Belknap, 1,200 shares; Herbertl. Belknap, 20; W. D. Stevens, 180. The business of this company shall bo con ducted and its office located in tho city of Grand Rapids, and its affairs shall be con ducted by a board of three directors. The capital stock was paid in full at the time of it3 organization in cash and property at cash value. The Hotel Registers. N At the Morton. Theo. Carr, Detroit; Geo. E. Breck, Paw Paw; E. J. Ensign, Detroit; J. J. McMahon, New York; G. H. Reeder, Big Rapids, Mich.; D. M. Jenkins, Boston; R. E. Bunker, Muskegon: M. H. Livingston, New York; Capt. Geo. Clogue, Milwaukee; S. H. Lasey. Montague; W. L. Hunter, Kalamazoo; L. J. Had well, Lawrence, Mass.; O. E. Tiffany. Buffalo. At the Eagle. R. C. McBride, New York; T.J. Kaufman, Louisville, Ky.j O. H. Pohe, Milwaukee; E. K. Bennett, Chicago; E. D. Randall, New Buffalo: T. D. Barker, Kala mazoo: G. C. Bruce, Chicago, W. S. Beards ley, Hersey; John Spoon, Spoonville; R. Turk, Elgin, Ills. At SwEET'fl.Edward Walker, Ixraisville; D. E. Hand, Y. J. McGuire, Cleveland; D. M. Baker, Adrian: W. M. Conner, Roches ter; J. N. Welch, Macon, Ga.; E. R. David son, Detroit; W. C. Carpenter, Boston; D. O. Watson, Coopersville; R. W. Payne, Chicago! N. Slayton, Greenville; O. F. How Ian, Jonesvillo, Wis. At TnE Rathbtjrn House. J. B. Howey, Cleveland, O.; Z. II. Benton, New York; H. Underwood, Jackson; C. E. Hodges Lowell: D. D. Chandler, Chicago; A. B. Way, Alle gan; R. C. Baiter, Jackson; J. L. Bradish, Detroit; H. M. Lewis, Ionia; J. M. Ballon, Otsego; R. B. Lindley, Bailey: R. Goodrich, Traverse City; Jas. Mackison, Cadillac. Monthly Mortuary Report. There were seventeen deaths in the city during the month of November. Three were children under one year, two between one year and five years, one between five and and twenty years, four between twenty and fifty years, seven from fifty to eighty years. The diseases were as follows: Throe of heart disease, two each of cancer and menin gitis and one each of dysentery, pyaemia, scrofula, consumption, apoplexy, convul sions, enteritis, and diseases of liver. There was one suicide and the cane of one death is unknown. - Who Scatter Smiles. The pedestrian?, who wear grey nniforms and who carry leather poaches filled with every kind of information relating to happi ness or misery, have distributed and collect ed mAil matter in thi city as follows, during the month of November: lVvfctcrM letters d"livrel 1.12 Mail lottrdflivrl ZiVll Mail r-tAl card tMivir! letters dlivpn-d , Inval 111 eftrd dHrprrt! 1.M js-srxRrsr, fc. Mivtw1 t"tJJ9 I-ttr i-rtTtrn'sl to 4hc fS lttrr crlprffsl 170. Fmtal cards o.iWtM Nwpar-"rs. Ho.. rollrtM 17,43ft Prof. Egers' on Lcssing." Professor Eggrr lecture are evidently blooming more popular and le tter ppm ciUd a the course continue, judging from tb increMing urtdirncv-st, and the r!r at tention given by tho -rt-T.t, Lat rrm irg th ttrmlancf w rrmrp nun rvn than ftt ny prrvi.7f leduTv, though it idotsbtfnl if th nbpct, ''lirttng," prove! m taintn to mny a inrl? oUx-r Grniin ftn t!r. l 1 Vof?4tt hzn 1 Unts.?d th; tt-x, Vnt t;5xt J-:".::r i'l t? en "v . . t:jvr: f.-3 trie:, BRAND-LEMAN CASE. MR. LEMAN DECLARED ELECTED. Gov. Hamilton Gives His Decision in Eight Thousand Words He De clares There Was a Forgery. Chicago, Dec. U.A dispatch from Spring field says that Gov. Hamilton, in a decision of 8,O0U words, awards the certificate to Lenian (Rep). This makes the legislature a tie. Cuicago, Dec. 2. -It is reported this morn ing that United States District Attorney Tut hill has prepared a report in the Leman- Brand case to be presented to J ndge Blodgrtt, declaring that over JU0 ballots were taken from the box and an equal number of.f raud ulent ones bubstituted; but that the lederal court has no jurisdiction in the matter, lis the fraud was in connection with a State office, and urging that the State authorities take up the cat-e and bring the guilty parties to justice. Springfield, 111., Dec. 2. Governor Ham ilton, in las decision on the Brand-Leman case to-day, in issuing a certificate of elec tion to Iceman a State Senator from the Sixth District, gives a long opinion in writing in wliich he gives the full history of the case as 6howu by the evidence. The evidence, he says, is sufficient to convince even a jury in a capital crime that a bare-faced forgery was committed in the returns to tho County Clerk of the vote from the Second Precinct of the Eighteenth Ward of Chicago. The Gover nor fully discusses the law and evidence, and claims the right as Governor to construe the law relating to his own duties without inter ference from any branch of the Govern ment. He closes by declaring that the re turns showing Brand elected wa a forgery, and that Leman was elected. Re ordered the Secretary of State to put him on the roil of State Senators. AMUSEMENTS. "Lights o' London" Close Siberia' To-Night Aime Next. Considering the number of opportunities to see the piece here the audic nee, a fairly good sized one, was indeed a reliable test of the drawing power of the play. The applause was liberal, and indicated that the play gave good satisfaction. The scenery worked smoothly. To one who is a regular attend ant at the theater the constant repetition of the same selections by the orchestra is ex crrciating. The selection played between the fifth and sixth acts last night was the same as played the night before, and it drags worse than a dirge. Solemn, snail-like music is out of place in a theater. Though there ras a program of the music on the bill it was en tirely ignored. Try to have most of your music, Miles, in regard to time, on the "Io lantho" and "Beggar Students" order and the orchestra will continue to add to the good reputation it has achieved, and become a standard popular feature at the theater. ' SIBERIA." "Siberia," oneof the most exciting dramas of the present age, will open a season of four nights at Powers's Opera House to-night. The subjoined referring to the leading peo ple in tho cast, is clipped from an exchange: The manner in which the play was put upon the stage last night reflects the highest credit upon both the company and the man agement. The cast was a strong one. .Yicooi Kargoff was very ably represented by Mr. Atkins Lawrence, an actor of no ordinary ability, and the support throughout was ex cellent. Michael Troisky was admirably pre sented by Mr. C. M. Daly, an excellent comedian, who was a great favorite in Toronto twenty years ago. mlle. aim EE. Mile. Aimee, who has gained a world wide reputation as an opera bouffe artist, will make her first appearance in this city next week, playing at Redmond's Grand Monday and Tuesday evenings. . The Wash ington Republic commented on her appear ance in that city as follows: Mlle. Aimee appeared at the National Theater last week, and her presence was ap preciated by the public If it were not for the triteness of the thing, I would say, all who did not go to see her missed a great treat. The play "Mara'zelle" is one of the best she could jossibly appear in, as it is constructed expressly for her, and well con structed at that. Her supporting company is uniformly good, and there are no hitches or breaks in the play, other than thoee filled with fun nnd merriment. Aimee herself is quaint in her dialect, but pleasingly so, le sides, no one would expect "a little French milliner" to speak English without an accent. As Hcur de Li, Aimee is simply charming. Her singing at once captures the honse. In the second net the wide range the stage is made to embrace, including the right nnd left hand lower proscenium boxes and the orchestra cliairs, is not only a surprise, but as source of merriment a well for the audi ence. It only required the performance of Monday evening to make Aimee a favorite with the Washington public Of her sup port nothing unkind should be said, as one and all joined in making a thoroughly en joyable jerformance. A Flood of Literature. F. M. Carroll received nlont half a ton of literature yesterday, all descriptive of the great expedition which will open Rt New Orleans this month. It conit of mni of the city, descriptions of the different, route leading thereto, premium Ji' mi3 illustra tions of the different exposition buildings. Mr. CarroU received a letter from the Director-General complimenting him for the woik he had done in l?alf of the exposition here in Michigan. He claim that he could do a grrat deal more, but the Cotnmiaioner won't allow hi claim and h' i money out of pocket foT hi pain. He ha a lot of pam phlets on hand, but cannot distribute them as he cin no Jongrr afford to py jo-1age oit of hi own pocket. Valley City Lodge, R. A. M. At the annual meeting of V!iry City Lodge, No. rs R. A. M.. I f 11 r.t Masonic TI fill lat evening, th follrrwmg officer wre elected: Worshipful Master, Oevjfg W. Ia P.our; Senior Warden, Jurse Rawson: Junior Warden. K. L. Rcrwpririg: Trriei:rc r, 1V1. D. Bfnedict: fsrnArr, J, X. IKri: JV.nvrr Dfccrm. F- A. Vatter; Junior Doscrm, Wm. II. 11. Smith. Jr, Tb Worshipful M?tT rrTint-d the foj;,rir.g o'.Wr and coritrd Tjlrr, Ira V'. Frr.r:: Strrards, J. A. fTriri, JftmeHr;nFTi; F insure Coin-rr.-;;!c, K. II. loot. H. H. Win- r. Ut l- C:n c : - r.--:.7;:::::. A NEW YORK FIRE. A Threatening Conflagration in the Great Metropolis. New Yolk, Dec At C o'clock thii t cu ing a fire w hiclf for om time cauvl the greatest excitement and idanii, broke out in the Demarest Studio building, 4 and C West One hundr?d and forty-rt fetrtxt. The building is fife e-tories high. Tht ground fioor is occupied by the Goodwin Gas 6toTe meter coinjmny &ni the Lewis VelreUsea Company. The upjr fioor were occupied by the Ladies Art Association tnd a number of oHieee. Hie fiaiues spread with alarming rapidity, cutting off rcapt from the t-tnirs of person in th? uppr part, and at one time it was feared a numter of persons uould lose their live. The tire de partment was promptly on hand and several ladies were rescued. A number of otiwr es cajed by the roof to an adjoining building. The lo5 on the stock and building is 10,UJ, but i covered by insurance in local companies. Hog Cholera. Wiikxuko, W. Va., Dec 2. The hog cholera is making eerious inroads in twine herds of this county. Over five hundrt! hogs have died and thousands are affected. The loss is tti mated at 10.0U0, and will be very much more cnlejs Uie disea is chiscked. The health board is trying to enforce quaran tine. .... That Desperate Doctor. Si'tiNoriELD, O., Dec 2. Dr. Maxwell, who ioiKOued his three children and tried to kill himself, sprang upon the turnkey and nearly choked liim to death before help arrived. Later in the day he made a violent attack on the sheriff, tie is now heavily ironed. The jail physicians say he is sham ming insanity. TRADb AND FINANCE. Grand Rapids. Telegram Orncx. Dec. 1. CiRAlx-Orn. Lflc. O&ta, Sfi'JSc; rt-udl Sic Wheat: tlauon. It; rud loruj berry, 74; frLort berry. 2. Rye, Ifi li, fiOLjc. i'LOCRAXDFEXn rafctry, SI X) whole.!; $5 00 retail; patent. V ) whohwde. 14 reuil; mid dliu, per ton, $18 UJ w holvae, &l Uu i-r cwt Hran, per ton. $18 (X wholssJe; hlc iercwt. Meal and feud, it ton. 'J2 (JU vrnolt≤ $1 3Jper cwt. Provisions Beef, per side, $5 (l?6 00. Veal $- uwy IM. scarce. Lamb $5 oifi uu; jmuttun. t 5 50. Drewhed how, $i 0U. Pork: Per bU mess, $16 0L; ban.. UWillc; fchonhhr, WtlJc eraokdd bu L I6r bacon. 12Hc Yemu&oa 6allc Xerlb. Lard: Tiertx. 10c kettle. H utter and Ckxesi Hatter: Tub and jam Xi lilc ; cnumtvy, tut, 2jc Chun : Full cruam lPic; half cniant, 7ic Poultry t?prin? chicken: Aiire, fcfrlOe Bj. Fowls: Alive, i&.vr; dm VUluc l uikjn. Alive, fcfcJIOe; dxeed, Ktlllc, liacka, dnd litftllc. lkKis Freh, lot. J2e; bwket lot, 22c YeoetABLES l'otatos:.Xc: fwwt iutatowf, Ier bbl, $1 Mil 00. Oaioa: Per bo. jeLlow, 4K; tiilver skins, Vfxc lV-t, r bo, tic CabhaKe, ier hundnsl. $3 Lttil Ui. Niuat-h, per hundred. 7 1 IU. Turniim. per bo. 2Jc. e-4lry, IK'r dos.J.W'i25c Crantierr', $5 U) i t bu. Fresh Fruits A pple,pr bu, wiac rii Kelley Jfel&nd, IlKjcIU ic. Honet YLit ciover. 12lic; dark, lGlc straia ed. 8c. , Halt Prracue, tarrcl, $1 2i; Ha inaw, $1 13. JSeeds Timtby,$l Uxl 7S;cloTfcr,$4 Ua4 rl Up, 7:1 00. Hmes Grwn. terlb. 7c; part cured, Mri.P';full cured, fcHt'ii: dry Lidi and kij. Mi 12c; calf kinf.(fTfcn or cured, lOcjdeHcon kkint, per piwoe, 20MljOc Biieep Pelts Shearlint or 8ammr skins, pot piece, lOfeULkr; fall xlU, 4.feyic; Wucter IUU, tiOi7ic Wool Fine xnu-Ll, 206 22c; coarte wahttd lta 1 So ; un wh bed S . Hat-$1o12; baled $14 tr ton wLo2al: 0Ci fliV jMr cwt. Straw Per load. $2fi4. Wood Hard, celling at $12T, pr cord for block, split woo.L $2.50. Coal btove and nut, $7.2i per ta; cg and gjHte, $7.0 j?r ton. Kerosene Water wLitft, per jfallon, 114; lecsi test, 10X. THE STOCKS. Nw York. New Tore. Doc 2. In Wall street monej clcsj vpj at lli jmr cent; Kxchanir closl firm and hif:Lr; postM rat were adraarWl to 4"1 H 4 Jil S : actual rate 4.fe0i4'0.fctfor60dAr and 4.84( for de mand. Oorenmitfnt clfH-wi tnn; currency 6'a, 126 bid;4' cocpona, 122S bid; 4!4 coniiont 11J"W bid. Pacific railroad txnds closed as followt: TJxdon Pacific fcrt bondis, 112' to 11J; land grant bond. IOG'4 to 10CV. inkin fund IJ7 toXl"H; Central. 110H tollL Tle s tok market continn to tie niRnipnlatd to a rnt extent and to-day the c-liqn In rariotm hndinr s pcnlatiTi fn40itly showod tlieir hand in the ncmerot and inr-xplicabl EurtaA tion ot thf ir stickn. Tlire is eTidpctly bat littlo l'(rit.irnat ratlin at yet, lolh rlrmnt ar paritly awaitinfir tin fcftjtsptirint cf tb Nw Yoik Central, Ve;t brf war and th rh.i)rtl trouble in th Wwt. At the einiiiK tLis morn irur there was an interral rf wivik&fsna. Ttn whole lit, with bet fw FxwT.f hiss, dsrlirdni frartionally. This was mor tlan ncoTn!1 by midday, undfT the lotHifrLip of th Iiak 8hfr and tl-? (tonld stnc ks, w Lich dt-KjojiJ eonidr able iwiirity and Ftrvrirth. without appamit ane crth'T thun mHtiiinilatioTi. At tiw irr3 wre np U l i-t c-nU, mi tl adracce bnmht tnt renrmd of.priug, nnd dnrinjc tho remainder of th day th s-!lirar coutictiwi widi ttit littl ir.t'Trni'tion. rTiin a rsactjon Ut ahut tife lowwt fjrart.. at wLkh Ui raarkst elcied. The drlirjf ranr3 from tn 2 t coct. Tilid with hot f-w pxci .lions nimvlt t Uh CTilir' lfL TLrs wss a d"vrt)i tf nw or rrmiors cf r.Ey kind, bi ine a tud-ncy to ffTwt valo. and a far as msld t J"hrr)-3 tfie PnrtadfTris tnr i), nrt TJirt wfr th rstnlt of fcctitimjs tran nrtUm.. T s rtalti vrrr 3tll and f Dturl-s. Tlif sJ arc-ot'?l to M.).ir.2 shar. G R aTnIS A R K ETC. ' New Yck. Nrw Tt.e. Ik. Z. Fl-orB-DoIl nd wifVnrt Uicr.r; l;j.n-vii rira, l Kt 2-"; ety n;iU rra, $4 2C.'4 rF; rtmu( )r."i. iti)o. i ",'Ail, if),ytr'. ftti fimr frill: cnrn.'on o f.!,f.if -Ttra YVHET--Ci.'tj''ms in Jr do rr-nd and irt-n':?, c)r)T:e f.nv M tVnt S t r Jrnr. Jr. Jl rrtr-vlj and wjOf'rt th-K::". Hrt Hit ?f urr "- f iv ir 1 2wt.i; stiiiii. ": Nn. 2 ri I'tt'iji'T M Y ''i - Vn:5 i.Tto ar.f fTirj .'Jt, their"? fT'TT-s and il'e i-.izhT. Pjt !-' rn.?rj cr; i al V7 rntr-; irixud 4:?( ir. s.Tj-i rr 7rr; -.J M 4s.iM: N-. 2 rnijrr? ."Jasnary, 4Vf" tl. Febroary. i'-S&. 4 e; do. Marr lT-sf 'ii cnit and -?. Ulzj firm t t li to Vr i wW, hi oi'-t Yttrt trrr tad t-ichT. ri;"t al f Sn. 2 w.f, rtats 23tir. tr.J No 2 rrljr-a-d df El H 2 rrdEsd 1-tt )jt Zl 3 d rif ry P.YT- l s sm. V H C "J V4-r. ' E i.rr N 'in; ' tkL rrvt .'.pit v. r:2':3 m. L,ruyirm.x b:-Vr: t' t 27 rzl; C7IF f!r"r-lnll; hIr to c-i rcj. CtZz: J. 1' l. I. -rir-.r- 1 f In' Cl J,C